Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 34S0305 du fabricant Lexmark
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Lexmark E260, E2 60d, and E260 dn Series Use r's Gu ide February 201 1 www.lex Machine ty pe(s): 4513 Mod el (s ): 200, 2 20, 230.
Cont ents Safe ty inf orm ation. ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... ..... ........... ...... ..... ........... ..... .....7 Learn ing about th e pri nter....... ........ ....... ................ ........ ....... ................ ...... 9 Than k you fo r ch oosing t his p rin ter!.
Loadi ng pa pe r and s peci alty medi a............................................................40 Se tting the pap er size and type ....... ... ... .... ... ...... .... .... ... ...... .... ... ... .... ....... ... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ..
Can celing a p rint job .... ....... .... .... ... ........ ... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ... .... 64 Cancel ing a print job from t he print er contr ol panel ........ .
Admin istra tive supp ort ......... .................. .......... ......... .................. .......... ....93 Findi ng ad van ced ne tworkin g and ad minis tr ator inf orm ation. .. .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .... .. ... .. ..... .. .. .
Large jo bs do not collate ..... ...... ....... ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... ....... ............. ....... ....... ...... .... .... ...... ...... ........... 112 Solvin g op tion p roblem s.. .... ....... .... .... .... ....... .... ..
Safety inform ation CA UTION—POTENTIAL I NJURY: See the enclosed Safety Sheet before maki ng any cable o r electrical co nnection. Connec t the power cord to a prop erly gro unded elec trical o utlet that is near the pro duct and eas ily acces sible.
CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : Do not us e the f ax feat ure dur ing a light ning s torm. Do not set up t his prod uct o r make an y ele ctrica l or cab lin g conn ectio ns, su ch as th e fax f eature, power cord, o r telephon e, duri ng a lig htning st or m.
Learning about the printer Than k y ou for c ho os ing t h is p rin ter ! We've worked hard to make sure it will meet your needs. To star t using your new printer r ight away, u se the setu p materials tha t came wit h the printer , and then ski m the Use r’s Guid e to learn how to perform basic task s.
What are you looking for? Fi nd it her e The latest supp lemental informatio n, updates, and t echnical support: • Doc u m e nt at i o n • Dr iv e r do wnlo ad s • Live chat suppor t • E-mail suppor t • T el e ph o ne s u ppo r t Lexmark S upport Web site— http : // s uppo r t.
1 2 3 4 5 1 Re ar 300 mm (12 in .) 2 Righ t side 200 mm (8 in.) 3 Front 300 mm (12 in.) 4 Lef t s id e 12.7 m m ( 0.5 i n. ) 5 Top 300 mm ( 12 i n.) Pr inte r conf ig ur ati o ns Basi c model The fol .
1 Front door re lease bu tton 2 Pap er s t op 3 Standard exit bin 4 Pri n te r con trol pan el 5 System board door 6 Standard 2 50-sheet tr ay (Tray 1 ) 7 Ma n ua l f e ed er d oo r 8 Front door The f.
1 Rea r d o or 2 Ethernet port Note : The E thernet port i s a featur e on network models only. 3 US B p or t 4 Pa rall el po rt 5 Pri n te r po we r c ord soc k et 6 Pow er s w itc h 7 Securi ty slot.
1 Front door re lease bu tton 2 Pap er s t op 3 Standard exit bin 4 Pri n te r con trol pan el 5 System board door 6 Standard 2 50-sheet tr ay (Tray 1 ) 7 Optional 2 50- or 550 -she et draw er ( Tray .
Item 1 Err or ligh t 2 Jam l ight 3 Load paper light 4 Tone r l igh t 5 Rea dy li g ht 6 Continue button 7 Stop button Learning a bout the pr inter 15.
Add i t iona l p r in ter se tup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are accessing the system board or installin g opt ional hardware or memor y devi ces so metime afte r setti ng up the printer, t hen turn the print er off, and unpl ug the po wer cord from th e wall out let before continuing.
1 Ethernet connector No te : The Ethernet port i s a feature on networ k models only. 2 USB port 3 Par allel conne ctor 4 Memo ry card co nnecto r 5 Op t ion a l ca rd co n ne ct or 6 Op t ion a l ca .
An o ptional memo ry card c an be purc hased separ ately and att ached t o th e system boar d. To install t he m emory card: 1 Tur n the p r in ter o ff. 2 Acce ss th e syst em b oard. 3 Unpac k t he memo ry c ard . Note: Av oid touching the c onnection point s along the edg e of t he card.
It may require some force to fully seat the ca rd. 7 Ensure that ea ch latc h fits over the no tch on each end of the card . 8 Close th e system board door. 9 Turn th e printer back on. 10 Open the printers folder: a Click , o r cl ick Star t and t hen click Run .
An opti onal draw er a ttaches un der the print er. A dr awer co nsists of two par ts: a tray and a s upport unit. The printer supports one optio n al drawer; yo u can install a 250- or 550-sheet drawer.
6 Align the outer edges of the print er with the outer edges of the drawer , and then slowly lower the printer into place. 7 Turn th e printer back on. 8 Open the printers folder: a Click , o r cl ick Star t and t hen click Run . b In the St art Sea rch or R u n box, type con tr ol pr in ters .
Printing t he prin ter sett ings conf igur ation sheet The p rinte r se tting s conf iguration s heet sh ows the c urr ent c onfigurat io n setting s. It also pr ovide s in st ructions on how to navig ate throug h the config uratio n menus to sele ct and sav e new settin gs.
1 Ethernet port Note : The E thernet port i s a featur e on network models only. 2 US B p or t 3 Pa rall el po rt 4 Pri n te r po we r c ord soc k et Se tt ing up th e p ri nte r so ftw a re Instal ling p rinte r software A printer driver is sof tware th at lets the c omputer co mmuni cate with the prin ter.
For Ma ci ntos h use rs 1 Close all op en soft ware appli catio ns. 2 Insert t he Sof twar e and Docu mentat ion CD . 3 From the Finder deskt op, double- click the prin ter CD icon t hat autom atical ly appears. 4 Double-click the In s t al l P r in t e r a n d S of t wa r e ic on.
In Mac OS X version 10.4 and earlier 1 From the Finde r deskt op, choose Go > Applicatio ns . 2 Double- click Ut il ities , and then dou ble-click Prin t Ce n ter or Pri nter Setup Utility . 3 Select the p rinter, an d then from the Pr inters me nu, choose Show In fo .
Minimizing your printer's enviro nmental impact Lexmark is comm itted to environment al susta inabil ity and is con tinually i mpro ving its pr inters to reduce t heir impac t on the environment. We design with the enviro nment in mind, engineer our packaging to reduce materials, and provide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Use bo th side s o f t he pap er If your prin ter model suppo rt s duplex pri nting, you can cont ro l whe ther print appear s on one or two sid es of the pape r by sel ecting 2 -s i de d p r in ti n g fr om the Pri nt dialog or t he L exmark Tool bar.
Recycling Lexmark pro ducts To retu rn Lexmar k produ cts to Lexm ark for recy cling: 1 Visit our Web site at www.lex mark.c om/recyc le . 2 Find t he produc t type yo u want to recycl e, and then s elect yo ur count ry fr om the li st. 3 Follow the instructions on the computer screen.
Interpreting th e printer control panel lights Und ersta nd in g the prin ter co ntro l pa ne l ligh t se que nce s Unders tanding the pri mary light se quences Printe r control panel Lig h ts an d bu tt ons 1 Erro r 2 Jam 3 Load paper 4 Tone r 5 Ready 6 Continue 7 Stop The print er co ntrol pa nel featur es six lights and tw o butt ons.
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do Rep l a ce P C Ki t - Blinking - Blinking - On Replace the photoconductor kit. Rea d y - On (green ) Send a pr int job .
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do Hex Trace R eady - Slo wly Blink in g Use Hex Trace to troubleshoot printing probl ems. Turn the printer off, and then on to return to the Ready state . Bus y - Blinking Wait or pr ess . Flushing Buffer - Blinking - Blinking Wait until the printer returns to th e Ready state .
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do Wait ing - On - On Wait for the light sequence to clear. Canceling job - On - On - On - On - On - On Wait for the light sequence to clear. In valid Eng ine Co de o r Inva lid Ne two rk Cod e - On - On Press twice to get the secondary me ssag e.
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do Not ready - On Press and releas e either or to return to the Read y stat e. Cartr idge error - On - On Replace the toner cartridge with one su itable for you r reg ion. Note : This L ED pattern also indicates other pr oblems wi th the cartr idge.
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do No paper in Tray 1 or T ray 2 - On - On Load pa per in Tray 1 or T ray 2, and then press or . No paper in the m anual feeder - On Load pa per in the manual feeder.
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do Cart ridg e i s low - On - On • Press and rel ease to cl e a r the light sequence and continue processing the print job. • With the printer t urned off, rem ove the t oner ca rtr idge an d shake it to extend its life.
Li gh t s equ e n ce What to do Paper jam - On - On Press twice quickly to see the secondary paper jam code. Unders tanding the s econd ary error light sequenc es Wh en the and li ghts are on simultaneously, press twice quickly to see the secondar y error code.
Li gh t s equ e n ces Wha t yo u ca n do Complex page, some data m ay not have printed - On - On - On Press either or to clear the light sequence. In suff icie nt m emory t o c olla te jo b - On - On - On Press to p rint the remaining pages of the job.
Li gh t s equ e n ces Wha t yo u ca n do Host in ter fa ce di sabl ed - On - Blink ing - Bl inking - On Press to c lear the code. The printer d iscards any p rint jobs previously sent. Pap er s i ze i s sm a ll - On - On - On - On • Ensure that the paper you l oaded is la rge enou gh.
Li gh t s equ e n ces Wha t yo u ca n do Replace missing or def ective cartridge - On - Blink ing - On Replace the toner cartridge. For more inform ation, see “Replacing the toner cartridge” on page 86.
Loading paper and specialty media This sec tion exp lains how to load the 2 50- and 550-s heet tr ays, and the manua l feeder . It als o includes inf ormati on about settin g the Paper Siz e and Paper T ype. Setti ng the p aper size and ty pe Ensure that th e settings for the trays reflect th e size an d type of pap er loaded in the trays.
Proper pap er loa ding prevents jams and facilitates tr ouble- free prin ting. 1 Pull the tray completely o ut. Do no t remo ve trays whi le a job pri nt s or w hen the Busy li gh t sequenc e ap pears on the print er control panel. D oing so ma y ca us e a j am.
If you ar e load ing a longer size of pa per like A4 or legal, s queez e the length guide tabs and slide the length gu i de backwar ds to the p osition f or the leng th of paper yo u are loadin g.
5 Load th e paper sta ck towar d the back of the tray as sho wn with th e recomme nded print sid e facedown . Note: Notice the maximum fill line. Do not try to overload th e tray. Do not loa d A6-size paper to the m aximum f ill line; the tray ho lds on ly 150 sheets o f A6-size paper .
6 Squeeze the width gu ide tabs on the righ t guide, and slide the wi dth guides to lightly touch the sid e of the stack. 7 Insert the tr ay. 8 If a dif ferent type of paper w as loade d than the ty pe previou sly load ed in the tray, ch ange the Paper Type setting .
Loa ding the o pti onal 250 - or 55 0-s heet t ray Only one op tional drawer, w hich includes ei ther a 250- or 550 -sheet tray, may be a ttache d to the printer at a ti me. Rega rdl ess of t he numb er of sheet s in the o pti onal tr ay, it is referr ed to as Tray 2.
Using the manual feeder The manual feeder is located inside the manual feeder do or of the printer and can feed only one s heet of paper at a time. Y ou can us e the manua l feede r to quic kly pr int on pap er types or siz es that are not curr ently load ed in the tra y.
3 Feed paper into the man ual feeder only to the point where its leading edge can contact the pa per guides. 4 Adju st the paper g uides to the pape r widt h. Warning—P otential Damage: Do n ot force the paper into the feeder . Forcing the paper cau ses j ams.
Link ing a nd unlin king tra ys Linkin g tra ys Tray link ing is us eful for l arg e pri nt jobs or m ultiple c opi es. When one linked tray is empty, paper feeds from the next linked tr ay. When the Size and Typ e settings are th e sam e for any trays, the tr ays are autom aticall y link ed.
6 Verify tha t the cor rect Paper Typ e is associat ed with the cust om name. Note: Plain Paper is t he f actory def ault Pape r Type as soc iated w ith all Cust om Type <x> name s and us er- defined cus to m na m es.
Paper and specialty media guide Pa per gu ide l ine s Paper capaciti e s The capacities of th e trays and the manual feeder are based on 75 g/m 2 (20 l b) pa per. Lo ad up to Note s Tra y 1 250 sh eets of pap er 150 sh eets of A6- size pap er 50 paper labels 50 trans parencie s Vinyl, pharmacy, or dual-sided labels are not supported.
Curl Curl is the tendency fo r pa per to curl at its ed ges . Exces sive c url can c aus e paper fe eding pr oblems . Cu rl ca n occ ur aft er the paper pas ses t hrou gh the prin ter, where it is expos ed to high tempe rat ures.
Sel ecting paper Using appr opriat e paper prev ents j ams and hel ps ens ure tro uble- free printing . To help avo id j ams a nd poor pr int qual ity: • Alw ays use new, undam aged paper . • Before loa ding paper, know th e recommended pr int side of the paper .
Sup p orte d pap er s i zes , type s, an d w e ight s The follo win g tables prov ide inform at ion on stand ard and op tional paper source s and the ty pes of paper they supp ort. Note: For an unlist ed paper s ize, se lect the c lose st larger list ed si ze.
Paper s ize Dimen sions St a nd ar d 250-sh eet tray O pti on al 2 5 0- or 550- sheet t ray Manual feed er Dupl e x pa th DL E nve lop e 110 x 220 mm (4 .3 x 8. 7 in . ) X X X 7 3/ 4 Enve lop e (Monarch) 98 x 19 1 m m (3 .9 x 7. 5 in . ) X X X 9 Enve lop e 98 x 22 5 m m (3 .
Paper ty pe 2 50-sh ee t sta n dard tra y 250- or 550- sheet opti on al t ray Manual feed er Dupl e x p ath Tra ns p ar e nc i es X X Enve lop es (s mo ot h) 2 X X X 1 S ingle-sided paper labels designed for l aser printers ar e s upp orted for occasional use.
Printing This ch apter co vers pri nting , printer repo rts, and jo b cancell ati on. Select ion and han dling of paper and specialt y media can af fect how reliabl y docume nts pr int. Fo r more infor mation, see “ Avoiding jams” o n page 94 and “ Storing paper ” on p age 52.
Pr inti ng o n bo th s ide s of th e p aper Some mode ls of the printer have aut omat ic duplex / 2 -side d printi ng and ot her mod els hav e manual duplex / 2-sided print ing. Printing o n both sides of the paper If you wan t to print two-sided p ages for every print job, or for most pr int jobs , then sele ct Duple x in the Finishi ng menu.
6 Select th e appropriate Inpu t options for yo ur pr int j ob. 7 Click OK . 8 Click OK on the Pr int win dow. The printe r print s every other page of the doc ument fi rst. O nce the first side of you r job pr ints, the light comes on, a nd the l button light blinks .
Pr inti ng s pe cia lt y d ocu men t s Tips on using letterhea d Page ori e ntation is i mpor tant when pr inting on let terhead. U se the fo llowing table t o de termine which d irecti on to load the.
S our ce o r pro cess P rint s ide an d pa pe r o ri ent atio n Manual feeder (dupl ex printing) Preprinted letter head design is placed f ace down. The top edge of the sheet with the logo should enter the manual feeder last.
– Have metal clasps, st ring ties, or folding bar s – Have an int erl oc king d esi gn – Have postag e stamps attached – Have any exposed adhesive when th e flap is in the sealed or closed position – Have be n t cor n ers – Have rough, c ockle, or l aid f inishes • Adju st the width g uid es to fi t the width of the e nv elopes.
• Be aware t ha t preprin ting, perfo ration , and creas ing may s ignifi cantly affect the print qual ity and cause jams or other paper handling proble ms. • Check wi th the manuf acturer o r vendor to ensur e the card sto ck can withs tand tem peratures up to 210°C (410°F ) wit hout r eleasing h azardous emiss ions .
On the m enu set ting s p age: • Unde r the Pape r M enu, check what p apers are li sted unde r Cus tom T ypes. • Unde r Devi ce Infor mation, ver ify the am ount of mem ory in stalled is correc t . • Unde r Cart ridg e Info rmatio n, check the amou nt of toner.
Canc eling a pri nt job Cancel ing a print job fro m the print er contro l panel 1 Press to cancel the current print job. 2 Wai t f or th e light to appea r bef ore r esendin g the print job. Cancel ing a print job f rom th e compu ter For Wi ndow s us er s 1 Open the printers folder: a Click , or cl ick Start and t hen click Run .
4 From the pri nter win dow, select th e job to cancel . 5 From th e icon bar at the top of the wind ow, click th e Delete icon. Set tin g Ja m Rec ov ery To ensu re that a page w ill reprint af ter a paper jam, set Jam Reco very to Auto or On.
Understanding pr inter menus You may p rint a m enus list by print ing t he menu setting s and ne twork s etu p pa ges. A ccess the men us f rom a net worked print er by us ing the Emb edded Web Serv er.
Paper Fin ishi ng Quality Se tu p • Paper Source • Pap er S iz e • Paper Type • Custom T yp es • Substitute Si ze • Paper Texture • Paper Weight • Duplex Binding • Copi es • Bl an .
Pa per menu Defaul t Sou rce menu Men u it e m Desc r iptio n De fa ult So urc e Tra y <x > Manual Pa p er Manual Env Sets a defaul t paper source for all pr int jobs No t es: • Tray 1 (standar d tray) i s the fac tory default sett ing. • Only a n insta lle d paper so urc e will ap pea r as a men u sett in g.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Se t Si ze me n u fo r M an ual P a pe r A4 A5 Exec ut ive Folio JIS B 5 Leg al Letter O fic io ( Mexico ) Statem ent Un iv e r s al Lets you s pecify the size of the paper bei ng loaded in the manu al feeder Note : Letter is the US factory default s etting.
Men u it e m Desc ripti on Se t Ty p e me nu fo r Tr ay 2 Plain Paper Car d S tock Re cycled Lab el s Bon d Letterhead Preprinted Colo red Pap er Lig h t P ap e r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton Custo m T yp e < x> Lets you specify the type of paper loaded in Tray 2 Note s: • Custom Type <x> is the factory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Tra ns p ar e nc y T ex t ur e Smooth Normal Rou g h Speci fies the relative texture of the t ransparencies loaded in a specific tray Note : Normal i s the factor y default setting .
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Roug h /C ott on T ext ur e Rou g h Speci fies the relative texture of the p aper loaded i n a specific tray Note : Rough is th e fac tory default setting.
Paper Loading m enu Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Se le c t Ty p e Re cycled L oading Bon d L o ad i n g Le tterh ead load ing Preprinted Loading Colo red Loa ding Lig h t L oa di n g Heavy Loading Custom L oad in g Spec ifi es the paper type Note : Aft er you s elect the type of paper, th e Set L oading me nu appears.
Un iversal Setup menu These menu items are used to specify the height, wi dth, and feed direction of the Universal Paper Size. The Universal Paper S ize i s a user -define d pape r size.
Set ting s menu Ge neral Settings men u Men u it e m Desc ript ion Disp la y Lang uag e Eng lis h Fran cais Deu t s c h It alian o Espanol Dan sk Norsk Nederlands Svenska Portuguese Suomi Rus s i an P.
Men u it e m Desc ript ion Timeouts Pow er S a ver Disabled 1– 240 Sets th e amount of time i n mi nutes the pri nter waits after a job i s printed befor e it goes into a reduced power state Note : Disabled d oes not appear un less Energy Conserve is Off.
Men u it e m Desc ript ion Factor y D efau lts Do N ot Re s to r e Res tore No w Returns the printer settings to the factory default settings Note s: • Do Not Restore is the factory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc ript ion Res our c e S av e Off On Specifies how the pri nter handles tempor ary downloads, s uch as fonts and macros st ored in RAM, when the printer rec eives a job that re qui res more me mor y than is avai lable Note s: • Off is the factory default s etting.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n Collate O ff (1 ,1,1, 2,2 ,2) On (1,2, 1, 2,1 ,2) Stacks the p ages of a print job in sequence when printing multipl e copies Note s: • Off is the factory d efault se tting. • The On setting sta cks the p rint job sequentiall y.
Men u it e m De scri ptio n N-u p Bo rd er None Solid Prints a border around each page ima ge when using N-up (pages-sides) Note : None is the factory def ault setting.
Men u it e m De scr ip tion Contras t 0–5 Adjusts the degr ee of diff erence between levels o f gray in printed ou tput Note s: • 0 is the factory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m De scr ip tion Sym b o l Se t <x > Specifies the font ID and font name that compose each s ymbol se t Note s: • 10U PC-8 is the US factory default setting. • 12U PC-850 is the international f actory default setting . PCL E mu latio n Sett ing s Poi nt Siz e 1.
Men u it e m De scr ip tion PCL E mu latio n Sett ing s Auto LF after CR Off On Specifies whether the printer automatically performs a line feed (LF) after a ca rr i ag e re tu rn ( CR ) c on tr o l com ma n d Note : Off is the f a ctory default setting.
Maintaining the prin ter Perio dically, cert ain tasks are requir ed to ma intain op timum p rint qu ality. Clea ning the exte ri or of the p rint er 1 Make s ure that the pri nter is t urne d off an d unplu gged fro m the w all outl et.
Orderi ng supplies To ord er supplies in the U.S., cont act Lexm ark at 1 -800-539- 6275 for inform ation ab out Lex mark authori zed supplies dealer s i n your a rea. In other c ountri es or r egions, vi sit the Lexm ark Web S ite at www.lexmark .com or contact the place where you purchased the printer.
Orderin g a photo conduc tor ki t Depend ing on you r prin ter model, t he print er iss ues a mess age or a lig ht sequ ence to le t you kno w the pho toconduc tor kit is near its end of l ife. At this time , order a photoc onductor kit. Y ou can al so s ee th e status of the pho toco nductor kit by pr inting a net work set up page.
To re pla ce the ton er c artri dge: 1 Ope n the front door by pr essing t he butt on on the left side o f the print er an d lowering the d oor. 2 Pres s the but ton on the base of the pho toco nduct or kit, a nd then pu ll t he toner cartridg e ou t using t he han dle.
5 Install th e new t oner car tridge by al ignin g the roller s on the tone r cartr idge with th e arrows on the tracks of the phot oconduc tor ki t. Push t he toner cart ridge in until it click s into pla ce.
Rep la ce ph otoco nductor - Blink ing - Blink ing - On When any of the light seque nces o ccur, o rder a new photocon ducto r kit. W hile the pr inte r may c ontinue to f unct ion properly after t he p hotoconduc tor kit has r eac hed its o ffici al end-of- life , print quality si gnific antly d ecrease s.
Place t he unit on a fl at, clea n surface. 3 Pres s the but ton on the base of the photo conducto r kit, an d then pul l t he toner cartr idge up and ou t using t he handle . 4 Unpac k the ne w pho toconduc tor kit . Warning—P otent ial Damage : Be caref ul not to to uch the photoc onductor dru m.
6 Install the unit i nto the printer b y align ing the arrows on the guid es of the unit with th e arr ows in the printer . Push the unit fully in. 7 Afte r replacing the ph ot oconduc tor ki t, re set t he p hotoc onduct or co unte r: Ope n the fr ont doo r and th en pres s and hold unt il all the ligh ts cycle.
Shipping the p rinter When shippi ng the print er, u se the ori gi nal packaging or ca ll the pla ce o f purc hase f or a re location kit . Maintain ing t he printe r 92.
Administrative support Find ing adva nced networ kin g and a dmin i st rator info rmatio n For more advanced syste m support tasks, see the Net workin g G uide on the Softwa re and D ocume ntati on CD an d the Emb edded W eb Ser ver A dmini strato r's Guide on the Lexmar k Web s ite at http://s upport.
Clea ring jams Avoi ding jams The fol low ing hints c an help you avo id jams: Paper tray recommenda tions • Make sure th e paper lies flat in the tray. • Do not r emove a tray wh ile the pri nter is printin g. • Do not load a t ray while the pr inter is p rinting.
Acc ess poin t Des cr ipt ion 1 Push button to open the front door . I nside this door is the unit housi ng the toner c artridge and photoconductor kit.
Try one of the following: • Remove Tray 1. • Ope n the fr ont doo r, and t hen rem ove t he photo conduc tor kit an d toner car tridge uni t. 201. yy Pap er ja m - On - O n - O n Open the fro nt door , and then remo ve th e photoc onductor kit and to ner cart ridg e unit.
231. yy Pap er ja m - On - Bli nking - O n Open the front doo r, and then open the rear door. 233. yy Pap er ja m - On - Bli nking - Bl i nkin g - O n Try one of the following: • Rem ove Tray 1, an d then depr ess the le ver. • Open the front do or, and then op en the rear door.
235. yy Pap er ja m - On - Bli nking - Bl i nkin g - O n Remove the jam from the stand ard exit b in. 24x. yy Pap er ja m - On - O n - O n - O n Try one of the following: • Remove Tray 1. • Ope n the fr ont doo r, and t hen rem ove t he photo conduc tor kit an d toner car tridge uni t.
251. yy Pap er ja m - On - O n - O n - O n Remove the jam from the ma n ual feeder. Clear ing j ams behi nd the photo c o nduct or kit and ton er ca rtr idge 1 Push the re leas e button, and th en lower t he f ront d oor.
2 Lift and p ull the u nit containin g the photoc onductor kit an d t he toner cart ridge out of the pr inte r. Se t the unit a side on a fl at, clean sur face. Warning—P otent ial Damage: Do not tou ch the photoco nductor on the under side of the photocond uctor kit.
5 Close the fro nt door. 6 Press to contin ue prin ting. Clearing jams from the standard exit bin A duplex pr int jo b was se nt to t he pr inter usi ng a pape r siz e not sup port ed for duplex printing . A sh eet i s ja mmed i n the standard exit bin.
2 Re mo ve th e j amm ed pap er . 3 If nec essar y, depress the lever t o free t he pap er and remo ve th e jam. 4 Insert the tr ay. 5 Press to contin ue prin ting.
Cleari ng jams from Tray 2 To see w hethe r paper is j amm ed in or be hind Tr ay 2: 1 Remove Tray 2. 2 Re mo ve th e j amm ed pap er . Clea r ing j ams 103.
3 Insert the tr ay. 4 Press to contin ue prin ting. Clearing jams in the manual feeder Paper j ammed in the manual f eede r can usu ally be grasped and pulle d strai ght out. If the jam cannot be removed this way, ch eck for j ammed pape r be hind th e photoc onductor kit and tone r cartr idg e unit.
Cl eari ng jam s b e hind t he r e ar d oor If th e paper i s exiting the pri nter, pull the p aper ou t. If the pa per is not exitin g the printe r: 1 Push the re leas e button, and th en lower t he f ront d oor. 2 Pull open the rear door. The paper may be j amme d with one end c aught in the standar d exit bin.
3 Re mo ve th e j amm ed pap er . 4 Close b oth the front and rear doors. 5 Press to contin ue prin ting. Clea r ing j ams 106.
Troubleshoo ting Unde rstand ing pri nter mes sages Close door Close the f ront door of t he printe r. Load < input s rc> with < custom type name > Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Load the spe cified pa per to c lear the mess age and continu e prin ting.
Lo ad man ual f eede r w ith <cus tom typ e na me> Try one o r more of t he fo llowi ng: • Load the manual feeder with th e correct paper type and size. • Press to contin ue prin ting. The pri nter manu ally ove rrides th e reques t, and the n pape r print s from an autom atically se lecte d tray.
58 T oo ma n y tr ays at t ache d 1 Tur n t he p rin ter off . 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall outl et. Note: Op tional trays loc k togeth er when stacked. Remo ve stacked trays one at a time f rom the t op down. 3 Remove the additi onal tray(s) .
So lving printi ng proble ms Jobs do not print These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: M AKE SU RE THE PR INTER IS RE AD Y TO PRINT Make su re the light is on before sendin g a job to pri nt. C HECK TO SEE IF THE ST AN DA RD EXIT BIN IS FU LL Remove t he stack of paper from the stan dard ex it bin.
Multipl e-lan guage PDFs do no t prin t The doc uments co ntain una vailable fon ts. 1 Ope n the document you wa nt to pri nt in Adobe A crobat. 2 Click t he printer ic on. The Prin t dialog ap pears. 3 Sel ec t Pr int as i mage . 4 Click OK . Job ta kes lo nger than e xpect ed to print The job is t oo complex.
Incorrect chara cters print Hex Tr ace m ode - Slo wly b linki ng Make sur e the prin ter is no t in Hex T race mo de. If the “ Hex Trace mo de” l ight se quence appea rs, yo u must ex it Hex Trace mode b efore you c an print your job. To exi t Hex Trac e mode , turn the p rinter o ff and back on.
M AKE SU RE THE PR INTER HAS EN OUG H MEMORY Add print er memo ry. So lving optio n prob lems Opti on doe s not operate corre ctly or qu its a fter it i s i nstalled These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: R ESET TH E PRINTER Turn the prin ter off, w ait for abo ut 10 sec onds, a nd then tur n the printer on.
Memory card Make su re the memory ca rd is secu rely co nnected to th e pri nter system b oard. Solv ing paper feed prob lems Paper frequent ly jam s These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE PAPER Use re commended paper o r special ty m edia.
Pag e that j ammed does not rep rint a fte r the jam i s cle ared Jam Recovery is set to Off. Do o ne of the followi ng to set Ja m Recovery to Aut o or On: • If t he prin ter is on a netwo rk, access t he Embedd ed We b Se rver: 1 Type the pr inter IP addre ss into the addr ess f ield o f your Web bro wser .
After a few minutes, t he pr int qual ity tes t page s pri nt. The pages inc lude: • An infor mation p age conta ining inf orm ation ab out the device , the c artrid ge, marg in settings , and minim.
C HECK THE P APE R S IZE SETTI NG Make su re the Pa per Size settin g matches the pap er loaded in the tray. Gray b ackground From the Quality m enu, s ele ct a re duced Tone r Da rkness se tting bef ore sending the jo b to p rint.
Incorrect margins C HECK THE PAPER GUIDE S Move the g uides in the tray to the correct positions for t h e paper size loaded. C HECK THE P APE R S IZE SETTI NG Make su re the Pa per Size settin g matches the pap er loaded in the tray.
C HECK THE DARK N ESS , BRIGH TNE SS , AND CONTRAST SETTI NGS The Toner Darkn ess sett ing is too dark, the Br ight ness s etting is too da rk, or t he Cont rast s etting is too h igh. • From Print Pro perties, change these settin gs. Note: This so lution a pplies to Wind ows users only.
C HECK THE PAPER Avoi d texture d pa per wit h ro ugh fi nishes . C HECK THE P APE R T YPE SETTI NG Make su re the Pa per Type set ting matche s the paper load ed in the tray. T HE TO NER MAY BE LOW When To ne r is l ow appears on the virt ual display, or when the prin t becomes fad ed, order a new tone r cartridg e.
C HECK THE P APE R T YPE SETTI NG Make su re the Pa per Type set ting matche s the paper load ed in the tray. C HECK THE P APE R T EXTURE SE TTI NG Make sure th e Paper Texture setting matches the paper loaded in the tray. Ton er sp ecks These are possible solutions.
These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: T HE TO NER IS SME AR ED Select another tray or feeder to feed the paper for th e job: • From t he pr inter c ontro l panel Paper M enu, s elect the Default Sourc e. • For Win dow s user s, sele ct t he paper sour ce fro m P rint Properti es .
T HE PAPE R PATH MAY NO T BE CLEA R Check th e pa per path aroun d the toner ca rtridge . CAUTION—HOT S URFACE: The insi de of the p rinte r mig ht be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of injury f ro m a hot component, allow the surface to cool before touching.
Co nt ac ti ng Cu st o mer Suppo r t When you call C ustomer Supp ort, desc ri be the pro blem yo u are ex perienc ing, the m essag e on the displ ay, and the trou bleshoot ing ste ps you hav e alre ady taken to f ind a sol ution. You need t o know yo ur print er mo del type and s erial n umber .
Notices Prod uc t inform ation Pro duct name: Lex ma rk E260 , E260 d, E260 dn Machi ne type: 4513 Mode l(s): 200, 2 20, 2 30 Edition no tice February 2 01 1 The fo llowing para graph doe s not apply to any coun t ry whe re su ch provi sions are i nconsi stent with l oca l law: LEXMARK INTERNATI ONAL, INC.
UNITED STATES GOVE RNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any accompan ying document ation prov ided und er this agreement are commer cial c omputer softwar e and document ation develope d ex clusively at priv ate expense . Tr adem arks Lexmark , Lexm ark wit h diamond de sign , and MarkVisio n are trademar ks of Lexmar k Internatio nal, Inc.
Modul ar com ponent notice Wi reless- equipp ed mo dels cont ain th e fol lowing mod ular co mpon ent(s): Le xmark re gula tor y type /m odel L EX- M04- 00 1; FC C ID :IY LLEX M0 400 1; IC :2 376A -M .
ENERGY ST AR Any Lexm ark produc t beari ng the EN ERGY STAR emblem on the produc t or on a s tart-up scree n is cer tified to comply with Environm enta l Protec tion Agenc y (EPA ) ENE RGY S TAR requir ements a s c onfigu red when sh ipped by Lexm ark.
Power consumptio n Pro du ct po we r cons um pti on The fo llow ing table docum ents t he po wer con sumptio n charac teris tics of the prod uct. Note: Some m odes m ay not ap ply to you r produc t. Mode Desc ri ptio n Po wer co nsu mpt io n (W att s) Pri n tin g The product is generating har d-copy outpu t from electronic i nputs.
Industry Canada c ompl iance sta tement This C lass B digital ap parat us mee ts all requir ements o f the Canadi an Inte rferenc e-Causi ng Equipment Stan dard ICES-00 3.
The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that t h e an tenna is lo cated or pointed su ch that it does not e mit RF fields in excess of Health Canada limits f or the gener al pop ulation; cons ult Saf ety Cod e 6, obt ainable fro m Health Canada' s Web site www.
Member States r elating to electromagnetic compa tibility, saf ety of electric al equi pment desi gned for us e within cer tain voltage limit s and o n radio e qui pment and tele communi catio ns term inal equ ipment . Compli ance is indi cated by t he CE marking .
Nederlands Hierbij verklaart Lexmark International, Inc. dat het toestel dit product in overeenstemming is met de essentiël e eisen en de ander e relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1 999/5/EG.
To obtain w arra nty servic e you may be requir ed to present proof of origin al purchase . You may be requir ed to del iver your pr oduct to t he Remark eter or Lex mark, or ship it prep ai d and suitabl y pac kaged to a Lexm ark desig nated l ocation.
Lexmark 's liabi lity fo r actual da mages f rom any c aus e whatsoever will b e limi ted to t he amount you paid for the product that c aused the damag es. This lim itat ion of liab ility wi ll not ap ply to claims b y you for bo dily injur y or damag e to r eal property or t angible personal proper ty for which Lexmark is legall y liable.
This A greement i s to be rea d i n c onjunct ion with certain st atutor y pr ovisi ons, as t hat m ay be in fo rce from time to tim e, that i mply warr anties or conditions or im pose obligation s on Lexm ark that c annot be exclude d or mo difi ed.
time of download. Use of the Freeware by you sh a ll be governed entirely by the terms and conditions of such license. 6 TRANSFER . You may transfer the Software Program to another end-user.
18 CAPACITY AND AUTHOR ITY TO C ONTRACT . Y ou represent that you are of the legal a ge of majority in the place you sign this Licens e Agreement and , if appl icable, you ar e duly author ized by your employer or pri ncipal t o enter into this con tra ct.
Index Nume rics 202 p ape r jams, cle ar ing behi nd the rear doo r 105 235 p ape r jams, cle ar ing from standard exit bin 101 250-sheet dr awer insta lling 19 251 p ape r jams, cle ar ing from manual feeder 104 2-sided prin tin g 57 31 D ef ectiv e ca rtri dge 1 08 32.
link ing trays 4 8 Load <in put src> w ith <c ustom string> 1 07 Load <in put src> with <c ustom type name> 10 7 Load <inp ut src> with <size> 107 Load <input sr.
incorrec t margins 118 job pr ints from w rong tray 111 job pr ints on wrong paper 11 1 job take s long er than expected 111 jobs do not pr int 11 0 Large jobs do not collat e 112 multi ple-languag e .
clipped images 1 16 ghost images 1 17 gray b ackground 117 poor tra nspar ency quality 1 21 print is too d ark 118 print is too light 1 19 skewed print 120 solid bla ck s treaks 1 23 solid w hite stre.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 34S0305 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 34S0305 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 34S0305, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 34S0305 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 34S0305, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 34S0305.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 34S0305. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 34S0305 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.