Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 19Z0100 du fabricant Lexmark
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X860d e, X862de, X86 4de Use r's Gu ide March 2012 www.lex mark.c om Machine t ype(s): 7500 Mod el (s ): 432, 6 32, 832.
Cont ents Safe ty inform ation. ..... ........... .......... ........... ..... ............ .......... ........... ..... ......7 Learn ing abo ut the p rinter ............... ............... ................ ....... ................ ......9 Than k you fo r ch oosing t his p rint er!.
Load ing B 5 or E xecutive pap er sizes ..... .... ... .... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... ....... .... .... ... .... ....... ... ..... ... ....58 Loa din g the 20 00 ‑ shee t high ca paci ty fee der.. .. ... ...... ... .. ...
E-m ailing co lor doc ume nts.... .... ... .... ....... ... .... ... ....... ... ... .... ... ....... .... ... .... ...... .... ... .... ... ....... .... . ..... .... .....1 04 Can celing an e-m ail..... .. ... .... .. ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ..
Main taining the pri nter. ........... .......... ...... .......... ........... ........... ..... .......... .200 Clean ing the exter ior of the p rinte r... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ... .. ... ...... .
Edit ion notic e. .... ..... .... .. ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... .. ....... .. ... .... .. ...... ... ... ... ... ..... .... ... ... ... ... ...... .2 88 Powe r consu mpti on... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... .
Safety informat io n Connec t the pow er cord to a pro perly gro unded electri cal out let t hat is near the pro duct and easily ac cessible . Do not pl ace or use this product nea r water or wet lo cation s . This p roduct uses a g round f ault c ircuit interr upter ( GFCI).
CAUTION— POTENTIA L INJURY: Do not c ut, twist, bin d, c rush, or pl ace h eavy obje cts on t he power c ord. Do n ot subjec t t he power c or d to abr asion or st ress. Do no t pinch t he pow er cord bet ween objec ts su ch a s furniture and walls.
Learning about the printer Tha nk you for choos ing th is p rint er! We've worked hard to m ake sure it wi l l meet your needs. To st art usi ng your new pri nter rig ht aw ay, use the se tup m a teria ls that ca m e with the pr inter, an d then skim th e Us er’ s Guid e to learn h o w to perf orm basic tas ks.
Wh at are you look ing for? Fi nd i t he re Help using the printer software Windows or Mac Help—Open a printer s oftware program or appli cation, and then click He lp . Clic k ? to vi ew context ‑ s ensit ive inform atio n. No t es: • The H elp ins talls aut omat ically with t he prin ter sof twa re .
– Cl ea n, dry , a nd f ree of d ust • Allow the fo llowing recomm ende d amount of spa ce ar ound th e printe r fo r pro per ven tilat ion: 1 2 3 4 5 1 460 m m (18.1 in. ) 2 640 m m (25.2 in. ) 3 460 m m (18.1 in. ) 4 200 mm (7 .9 i n.) 5 1724 m m (67.
Pr inte r confi g ura tion s Basi c model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Sc a nner 2 Prin ter contro l panel 3 Standard exit bin 4 Multipurpose feeder 5 Tray 1 (standard t ray) 6 Tra y 2 7 Tra y 3 8 Tra y 4 Learni.
Configure d model 2 1 1 Finis her 2 High c apacity feeder Basi c func tion s of th e scan ner The sc anner provid es copy, f ax, and s can-to- networ k capabi lity for large w ork groups. You c an: • Make qu ick copi es, or cha nge th e settin gs on the pr inter c ontr ol pane l to perform spec ific copy job s.
Unde rstand in g the ADF and s canne r gla ss Automatic D ocument Feeder (ADF) Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. A B C Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Unde rstand in g the prin ter co ntrol panel 12 ABC 3 DEF 5 JKL 6 MNO 4 GHI 8 TUV 9 WXYZ 7 PQRS 0 ABC # * 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Item De scr ipt ion 1 Display View scanni ng, copying, faxing, an d printing opt ions as well as status and error me ssag es .
Item De scr ipt ion 5 Home Pr ess to return to the home screen. 6 Start • Press to i nitiate the current job indi cated on the display. • From the hom e screen, press to start a c opy job with the defaul t s ettings. • If pressed whi le a job is s canning, the butt on has no effect.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ready T ouch any button to begin. HELD JOBS Disp lay item Desc ri pt ion 1 Copy Opens the C opy menus Note : From the home screen, you can also access the Copy menus by pressing a num ber on the keypad. 2 E- mail Opens t he E-m ail me nus 3 Men u s Opens the menus.
Disp lay item Fu nc tion Release Hel d Faxes If this button is shown, then there are held faxes wi th a scheduled hold time previously set. To access t he list of hel d faxes, t ouch this bu tton.
Sample touch s creen Butt on Func ti on Home Returns to the hom e screen Scr oll do wn Opens a drop ‑ down l ist L eft sc ro ll de cr ease Scro lls to anot her va lue in de creasin g order R ight sc.
Butt on Func ti on Submit Saves a val ue as the new user default s etting Bac k Navigates back to the previ ous screen Othe r touch-s creen b uttons Butt on Func ti on Do w n a r row Moves down to the next screen Up arrow Moves up to the next screen Unselected radio button This is an uns elected ra di o button.
Butt on Func ti on Cancel J obs Opens the Ca n cel Jobs screen. The Cance l Jobs screen s h ows thre e headings: Print, Fax, and Network. The following i tems are available under the Print, Fax, and N.
Fe atu res Featur e Des crip ti on M enu trai l line: Men u s > Settings > Copy Settings > Number of Copies A Menu tr ail l ine is located at the top of each menu screen. This feature ac ts as a trail , showing the path taken to arrive at the cur rent menu.
Minimizing your printe r's envi ronment al i mpac t Lexmark is c ommi tted to en vironm ental sus ta inabili ty and is conti nually impr oving its pr inters to reduc e the ir i mpact on the environ m ent. We desig n with th e envi ronment in mind, engin eer our packaging to reduce materials, and provide collect ion and rec ycling programs.
Available se ttings range f rom 1–240 mi nut es. Fac to ry def ault set ting Printer ma chin e type 1 mi nute X860 5 mi nute s X862 60 minut es X864 Using the Embedded Web Se rver 1 Type the pri nter IP addre ss i n the addres s f ield of your Web brows er.
Choose To On Reduce printer noise. • Prin t jobs will pr ocess at one ‑ half the normal pr ocessin g speed. • Prin ter engine motor s do not start until a job is r eady t o print . There w ill be a sho rt delay bef ore the firs t page is printed.
3 Follow the instructions o n t h e computer screen. Note: Printe r supplies and har dware not listed in a Lexma rk collec tion p rogram may be re cycled thr ough yo ur lo cal recycling center. Contact your local recycling center to deter mi ne the items they accept.
Additional printer setup Ins talling inte rnal optio ns CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are ac cessing the sys tem boar d or installi ng opt ional hardware or m emor y de vices sometim e afte r setting up the printe r, th en turn the p rinter o ff, and un plug the pow er cor d from t he wall outlet before contin uing.
Acce ssing th e syste m board to ins tall in ternal opt ions Note: This ta sk requ ire s a flathe ad scre wd rive r. CAUTION—SHOC K HAZARD : If you are ac cessing the sys tem boar d or installi ng o.
3 Use the illus tration b elow to locate the appro priate connector. Warning—Pot ential D amage: System board electronic components are easily damaged by static electricity. Touc h somet hing m etal on t he pr inter bef ore to uching any sys tem boar d electr onic c omponent s or c onnect ors.
3 Open the memory car d connector latches. 4 Align the n otch on t h e memo ry card with the ridge on the c onnect o r. 5 Push the memo ry card straig ht into the c onnector until it c licks into plac e.
Installing a flash memory or firmw are card The syste m boa rd ha s two connect io ns for an opt iona l fla sh mem ory or fi rmw are c ard . Only o ne of ea ch may be inst al led, but the connec tors are i nte rchange able.
Note s: • The entir e length of the co nnector on the car d must touch and be f lush against t he sys tem boar d. • Be carefu l not t o damag e the co nnectors.
5 Push the internal print server or port interface card firmly in to the card connector on the sys tem board. 6 Insert a screw into the hole on the right sid e of the conn ector slot. Gently tighten the screw to secur e the card t o the system board tray.
3 Attach t he ribbon ca ble to the har d disk . 4 Attach the mountin g plate to th e h ard disk with th e screws. 5 Press the ri b bon cabl e con necto r into the hard disk connector o n the sys tem b oard.
6 Flip the hard disk over, and then pr es s the thr ee posts on the mounting plate into the ho l es on the system bo ard. The har d disk snaps int o place. 7 Reinsta ll the system board . Reinst alli ng the sy stem bo ard Warning—P otential Dama ge: System board electrical components are easily dam aged by static electricity.
2 Replace the cover screws, and then turn them clockwise. 3 Tighte n the screws firmly . Ins talli ng h ardwa re opt ions Order of installa tio n CAUTION—TIP PING H AZARD: Floor-moun ted configur ations requ ire addit ional furn iture for s tabilit y.
In stal ling opti on al t ray s The print er support s the f ollo wing o ptional input so urce s: • 2 T ray M odu le (t wo 500 ‑ sheet trays) • 2, 000 ‑ sheet du al input trays • 2, 000 ‑ .
4 Duplex uni t No te: O ptional tra ys lock together when stacke d. Remove stacked t rays one at a time from the top dow n. 3 Align the p rinter with th e tray, an d the n lower the prin ter into place. 4 Turn the pr inter b ack o n. 5 Set the print er s oftware t o re cognize t he op tional i nput sou rce.
USB port Ethernet port Verify ing pri nter set up • Print a menu setti ngs page to verify th at all printer optio ns are installed correctly. A l ist of instal led optio ns appear s toward the bottom of the page . If an option yo u instal led is no t listed, t hen it is no t installed c orrectly.
Printing a network set up pa ge If th e prin ter is a ttached to a n etwork, then print a net w or k setup pa ge to ver ify the net work connec tion. This pa ge also pro vides im portant informatio n that aids network pri nti ng configur ation. 1 Make su re t he pri nter is o n and Rea dy appea rs.
Updat ing ava ilable opt ions in the pri nter dri ver Once the pri nter sof tware and any opt ion s a re installe d, it may be necessar y to manually add th e options in the pri nter driver to make them available for print jobs. For Wi ndow s us er s 1 Do one of t he fo llowing : In Win dows Vist a a Click .
4 From t he p op ‑ u p menu, choose Installable Options . 5 Add any installed h ardw are options , and the n click Apply Changes . Se tt ing up wi rele ss pr in ti ng Info rmation y ou will need t o.
2 1 Make sure t he print er an d compu ter are f ully on and ready. Do not con n ect the U S B ca b le until instructed to do s o on the s creen. 2 Insert the Softw are and D ocu mentat ion CD . 3 Click Inst all . 4 Click Ag ree . 5 Click Sugge ste d .
7 Temporarily connect a USB cable between the computer on the wireless network and the pr i nter. No te: Af ter the printer i s conf igured, the softwa re will instruct you to d isconnect the tem porary USB cable so you c an pri nt wire lessl y. 8 Follow the on ‑ screen in struct ions to complete t he softwar e instal lation.
2 1 Enter the printe r information 1 Acce ss the AirPort options. In Ma c OS X ve rs i o n 1 0. 5 o r l at er a From the Appl e menu, c ho ose Sys tem Prefe renc es . b Click Netw ork . c Click AirPor t . In Mac O S X version 10.4 and earlier a From the Finde r de sktop , choose Go > Application s .
Confi gur e the p rin ter f or wire les s acc ess 1 Type t he name o f your net work ( SSID ) in the ap propriat e fie ld. 2 Sel ect I nf rastr uctu re as you r Network Mode if you are using a w ireless router. 3 Select the typ e of securi ty you use to protec t yo ur wi reless netw ork.
5 Type i n the IP addres s of your prin ter in the A ddres s field. 6 Cli ck Add . In Ma c OS X vers ion 10.4 a nd ear lier 1 From t he Fin der des kto p, choose Go > Applic ations . 2 Doubl e ‑ click the Utilities fol der. 3 Locate an d doubl e ‑ click Print er Setup U tility or Pr in t Cen te r .
If t he CD does no t launc h after a mi nut e, then do the follo wing: a Click , or click Start and then clic k Run . b I n the Start Sea rch or Run box, type D: set up.e xe , where D is the l etter of your CD or DVD dri ve. 2 Click Inst all Printer an d Softwar e .
In Mac OS X ve r sion 10.5 or later 1 From t he A pple m enu, choose Syste m Prefer ences . 2 Cl ick Pri nt & Fa x . 3 Cl ick + . 4 Cl ick IP . 5 Type in t he IP addr ess o f your pri nte r in the A ddress f ield. 6 Cl ick Ad d . In Mac OS X version 10.
Cha ngin g po rt se ttin gs afte r in stal ling a new netw ork Inter nal So luti ons Por t When a new networ k Lexmark I nternal S olution s Port (ISP ) is installed in t he printer, t he print er config urations on compu ters t hat acces s the pri nter mus t be update d becaus e th e printer wil l be assi gned a new IP a ddress .
For Ma cint osh use rs 1 Prin t a networ k setup p age and ma ke a not e of the new I P address . 2 Locat e the printer IP addr ess in the TCP/IP section of the netw ork set up page. Y ou will need the IP addres s if you are co nfigur ing acces s for c omp uters o n a differen t subnet than th e printer.
Se tt ing up s eria l p rin t in g In se rial printing , da ta is transf erred on e bit at a time. A lthoug h serial pr inting is usuall y slow er than paral lel pri nting, it is the pr ef erred option when th ere is a great deal of distance b etween the pr in ter and computer or when an interface with a better t ransfer rate is no t availab le.
In Wi nd ow s V ist a 1 Cli ck . 2 Cli ck Control P anel . 3 Cli ck System and Main t enan ce . 4 Cli ck System . 5 Cli ck Device Manage r . In Wi nd ow s X P 1 Cli ck Start . 2 Cli ck Control P anel . 3 Cli ck Perfo rmance and Maint enan ce . 4 Cli ck System .
Loading paper an d specialty media This sec tion ex plains how to load th e 500- an d 20 00-sheet trays, and the mul tipurpo se f eeder. It al so includes inform ation a bout paper or ientati on, setting t he Paper Siz e and Paper Type, an d linki ng and unl inking trays .
8 Touc h Submit to save your selection. Sub mit ti ng Se lecti on app ears, followed by the Paper m enu. 9 Touc h to return to the home scree n . Load ing th e stan dard or optiona l 500 ‑ sheet trays The pr inter has tw o standard 500 ‑ sheet tr ays ( Tray 1 and Tray 2 ), and i t may have one or m ore o ptional 5 00 ‑ sheet tr ays.
3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then f an them . Do not fo ld or crease the paper. Straighten the edges o n a level surfa ce. 4 Load the paper stack w ith t he rec omme nded print s ide f aceup. L oad the paper in ei ther the long ‑ edg e or shor t ‑ edge orient ation as shown.
6 Insert the tr ay. 7 If the paper type you loaded differs from the type th at was previous ly loaded in the tray, then change the Paper Type setti ng for the tr ay. Loading A5 or Statement paper sizes The pri nter trays c annot distinguis h between A 5 ‑ (14 8 x 21 0 mm) a nd Sta teme nt ‑ s ize (1 39 .
Loading B5 or Executive paper sizes The pr int er t rays cannot di stinguish between B5 ‑ and Execut ive ‑ size paper when both sizes are loaded in the trays. From t he Size Sensin g menu, spec ify which siz e you w ant the p rinter to det ect. Load either B5 ‑ or Executiv e ‑ size paper in the pa per trays , but not bo th.
2 If you ar e load ing paper with a d ifferent width or leng th, then adj ust the width and leng th guides. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then f an them . Do not fo ld or crease the paper. Straighten the edges o n a level surfa ce.
4 L oa d p a pe r i n th e tr ay w ith the p rin t s i de do w n. M A X • Pla ce pre-pun ched paper w ith the holes t owar d the left si de of the t ray. • When loading letterhead, place the header toward the f r ont of the tray. 5 Insert the tr ay.
2 Squeeze the lengt h guide tab inwa r d as sh o wn, an d slide the guide to the correct position f or the paper s i ze being loaded. 3 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then f an them . Do not fo ld or crease the paper. Straighten the edges o n a level surfa ce.
Loadin g the multipu rpose feeder The mult ipurpos e fee der can hold seve ral sizes and t ypes of p rint med ia, such a s t ranspare ncies, postc ards , note c ard s, and en velopes. It can be used for sing le-pag e or manual p rinting or as a n additio nal tray.
4 Flex the sheets or envelop es back and forth to loosen them, then fan them. Do not fold o r crease the p a per. Straighten the edges on a level surface. 5 Load the paper or specialty media into the feeder. No te: Make sure t he paper is belo w the m aximu m fill line.
Lo adin g let ter ‑ or A4 ‑ siz e paper in th e short-ed ge orienta tion By default , the pri nter is s et to recog nize letter- or A4 -siz e paper loaded in the long-e dge or ientation. I f you want to load letter- or A4-size paper in the short-edge orientation, make sure you enable Short-edge Printi n g.
To unli nk a tray, cha nge the followi ng tray setti n gs so that they do not m atch the se ttings of any ot her tray: • Paper Type (fo r example: Plain Paper , Letterhead, Cus tom Type <x>) Paper Type na mes descri be the paper charac teristic s.
8 Click Submit . Sub mit ti ng Se lecti on app ears. 9 Click Cus tom Ty pes . Cus tom Ty pe s app ears, followed by your cu stom nam e. 10 Sel ect a Paper Type s etting from the pic klist next to yo ur custom name. 11 Click Subm it . Sub mit ti ng Se lecti on app ears.
Paper and specialt y media guidelines Paper guidelin es Paper characterist i c s The fol lowing paper character istics af fect pri nt qualit y and relia bility. C onsid er these char acterist ics when evaluat ing new pape r st ock. Weight The print er can aut omatic ally fe ed paper weight s fro m 60 to 22 0 g/m 2 ( 16 to 5 8 lb bond) grain l ong.
Fib er cont en t Most h igh ‑ quality x erograp hic pape r is ma de from 1 00% che mically treat ed p ulped wood . Thi s content prov ides the paper w ith a high degree of stabili ty resul ti ng in fewer paper f eeding problem s and better pri nt qualit y.
Stor ing pa pe r Use these paper storag e guid elines to h elp avoid jam s and une ven pr int quality: • For be st r esults, s tore pa per w here the t emper ature i s 21 °C (70°F ) and the relat ive humi dity is 4 0%.
Paper si ze Dime ns ions S tanda rd 500 ‑ shee t tr ays (Tray 1 and Tray 2 ) Mult i purpos e fe eder L etter 215.9 x 279.4 mm (8. 5 x 11 in.) Ta b loi d 279. 4 x 4 31.8 m m ( 11 x 17 i n. ) Leg a l 215.9 x 355. 6 mm (8.5 x 14 in.) Execu tive 3 184.2 x 2 66.
Optional input trays Paper si ze Dimen sions Opt iona l 2,000 ‑ sheet d ual in put tray s Opt iona l 2,000 ‑ sheet high capa city feeder Dupl ex uni t A4 210 x 29 7 m m (8.2 7 x 11.7 in.) A5 1 14 8 x 21 0 m m (5 .8 3 x 8. 27 i n.) XX A6 2 10 5 x 14 8 m m (4 .
Paper si ze Dimen sions Opt iona l 2,000 ‑ sheet d ual in put tray s Opt iona l 2,000 ‑ sheet high capa city feeder Dupl ex uni t Univ ersa l Note : Turn si ze sen sing off to support universal sizes that are c los e to standar d media size s . 182 x 43 1 m m (7 .
Paper ty pe Standard 500 ‑ sheet tr ays (T r ay 1 an d T ray 2) Mu ltip urp os e tra y Opti on a l 500 ‑ sh eet tr ays Opti on al 2,000 ‑ sheet dua l i np ut tra ys Optio na l 2,000 ‑ sheet hi.
Prin ting This c hapter cov ers printing, prin ter repo rt s, and j ob canc elatio n. S electio n and handli ng of paper and spec ialty med ia can af fect how r eliably do cument s print . For mor e info rmatio n, see “Av oiding jams” o n page 23 5 and “St oring paper” on p age 69.
b Customize the settings as needed in the Print d ia log: 1 With a do cument open, choose Fi le > Print . 2 Select a Paper S ource optio n, and then ch oose the t ray loaded with t he ap prop riate pa per.
Sh o rt ‑ edge or ie ntat ion Long ‑ e dge orien tatio n Without finisher With out fini sh er Hi gh cap acit y fe ede r Without finish er With finisher Simplex (one-sided) prin ting A B C Simplex .
Multipurpose tray S imp lex ( one -si ded ) print i ng Duplex (t wo-si ded) prin ting Tips on us ing transparenc ies Print samples on the tran s parencies being considered for use before b u ying large quantities. • Feed transparencies from the standa r d tray or the multipur p ose feeder.
– Have be nt cor ners – Have ro ugh, cockle, or laid finishes • Adjust the widt h guides to fit t he width of the envelopes. Note: A combi nation o f high humidi ty (over 6 0%) and the high pri nti ng tempe rature may w rin kle or seal envelo pes.
Print ing c onfid ential a nd ot her held jo bs Holding j obs in the pri nter When sen ding a job to the pr inter, you c an specify that you wa n t th e printer to hold th e job in mem ory until you start the j ob from the print er control p anel. A ll print jobs that can be i nit iated by the user at the pr inter ar e ca lled held j obs .
7 Touc h your user name. No te: A maximum of 500 re sult s can be dis played f or he ld jobs. I f your nam e does n ot appe ar, to uch the down a rrow un til your name ap pears, or t ouch Search He ld Jobs if there are a large number of held jobs in the printer.
Notes: • Hi ‑ Spe ed flash d rives m ust suppo rt t he USB 2.0 spec ification , spec ifical ly support ing the H igh Spee d mode. • USB devic es m ust supp ort the FA T ( File Alloca tion Ta bles ) sys tem . Devic es fo rma tted w ith NT FS ( Ne w Technology File System ) or an y other f ile syste m are not suppor ted.
Pr inti ng info rm atio n pa ges Printing a font sam ple list To prin t samples of the fonts current ly avai lable f or your pr inter: 1 Make su re t he pri nter is o n and Rea dy appea rs. 2 On th e home s creen, t ouch Menu s . 3 Tou ch Repor ts . 4 Touc h the up o r down ar row until Pr in t Fo nts appe ars, and t hen touch Print Fon ts .
3 Touc h Delete Sele cted Jobs . Cancel ing a print job f rom the comput er For Wi ndow s us er s In Window s Vista : 1 Click . 2 Click Con trol P a nel . 3 Click Hardwar e and Sound . 4 Click Pri nter s . 5 Double ‑ cl i ck th e printer icon. 6 Select the j ob to cancel.
4 From th e p rinter win d ow , s elec t the job to can cel. 5 From th e i co n bar a t th e top of the win dow, click the Dele te ic on. Suppo rted fi nishi ng featu res 1 2 3 4 1 Standard bin 2 Finis her Bin 1 3 Finis her Bin 2 4 Finis her Bin 3 Standard bi n • The pape r c apacit y is 30 0 sheet s.
Finisher Bin 2 fi nishing features Si ze Tw o ‑ ho le pu nc h * Three ‑ or Four ‑ ho le pu nc h Of fset S ingle st aple Dual staple A3 A4 Note : Supported only if feeding or ien ta tion is lo ng edge. Note : Supported on ly if fee d in g orien tatio n is lo ng edge.
Bin 3 finishing features Si ze Bi fo ld Boo klet fold Sadd le staple A3 A4 (only SEF) A 5 XXX E x e c u t i v e XXX Folio JIS B4 J I S B 5 XXX Leg a l L etter ( onl y SEF) Statement X X X Ta b loi d U n i v e r s a l XXX Env elo pes ( any size ) X X X SE F —T he paper is loaded in the short edge orientati on.
Cop ying ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. A B C Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Copyi ng using the sc anner gla ss 1 Place an original doc ument f acedown on the scann er g lass in t he upper left cor ner. 2 On th e home s creen, t ouch Cop y , or use the keypad to enter the nu mb er of copies . The copy screen appears . 3 Change the copy settin gs a s needed .
Copyi ng to letterhea d 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load p ostcards, phot os, sma ll ite ms, transpar enci es, pho to paper , or thi n media (such as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
3 On th e home s creen, t ouch Cop y . 4 Touc h Cop y f rom , and then identi f y the si ze of the origin al document. 5 Touc h Cop y to , and then touch Man ua l Feeder or the t ray tha t conta ins the pap er type you want. No te: If you choos e Manual F eeder, then yo u will ne ed to al so select the paper size and type.
Copyi ng on both sides of the pa per (dup lexing) 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load p ostcards, phot os, sma ll ite ms, transpar enci es, pho to paper , or thi n media (such as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
• P h ot ogr a p h —U sed when t he orig inal docum ent is a h igh-qua lity photo graph o r inkjet prin t • Pri nted Im age —Used whe n copying hal ftone ph otog raphs, g raphic s such a s document s printed on a las er print er, or pages from a m agazine o r news paper that are com posed prim arily of im ages 5 Touc h Cop y I t .
• Bet ween Pages 7 Touc h Done . 8 Touc h Cop y I t . Copyi ng mu ltip le pages onto a s ingle s heet In order to sav e paper , you can copy eith er two or f our co nsecut ive pages o f a mu ltiple ‑ page d ocument on to a sing le sheet of paper .
1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load p ostcards, phot os, sma ll ite ms, transpar enci es, pho to paper , or thi n media (such as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF. Place these item s on the s canner glass.
Pl acing an o ve rlay mess age o n ea ch p age An overlay message can be p laced on each page. The message c hoices are Urgent, Co n fidential, Copy, or Draft. To place a message on t he copi es: 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass.
Unde rstand ing th e co py screens and op tions Copy from This option opens a screen where you can en ter th e s ize of the do cum ents you are going to copy. • Touc h a pape r size but ton to selec t it as th e “Copy f rom” set ting. T he copy sc reen appears with yo ur new set ting displayed.
• Phot ograph —Tells the sc anner to pay extr a attentio n to grap hics and pictures. T his s etting incr eases the time it takes to sca n, but emph asize s a reproduc tion of th e full dynamic r ange of ton es in the original d oc ument.
Separato r Sheets This op tion plac es a blank pi ece of paper between co pies, pages, and pr int jobs. T he sepa rator shee ts can be draw n from a tray that co ntains a type or c olor of paper that is different from the paper your copies are print ed on.
Qu es ti on Ti p When should I use Printed Ima g e mode ? Use Printed I mage mode when copying hal ftone photographs, g raphics s uch as doc uments printed on a laser printer, or pages f rom a m agazine or newspaper When s hou ld I us e Photograph mode? Use Photograph mode when the original document is a hig h-qu ality photo graph or inkjet print.
E-mailing ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. A B C Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Conf iguring th e e ‑ mail s ettings 1 Type the pri nter IP addre ss into the addr ess f ield of your Web br ows er. No te: If you do not know the IP addr ess o f the pri nter, then pr int a net work set up page and locat e the IP addre ss in t he TCP/IP sect ion.
E-ma ilin g a docu ment Sending a n e-ma il usin g the touch screen 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load p ostcards, phot os, sma ll ite ms, transpar enci es, pho to paper , or thi n media (such as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
Cu st o miz in g e - m ail set ti n gs Adding e-mai l subj ect an d message inf ormation 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load p ostcards, phot os, sma ll ite ms, transpar enci es, pho to paper , or thi n media (such as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
• JPEG —Creates and attach es a separate file for each page of your original documen t, viewable by mos t Web brow sers and gr aphics pr ogram s • XP S —Creates a s ingle XML Paper Specifi cation (XPS) file with mul tiple pages, view able using an Internet Explo rer-hos ted viewer and the .
Orient ation This op tion t ells th e prin ter whether t he orig inal doc ument is in po rtrait o r landsc ape orient ation and then chang es the Si des and Bi nding sett ings to m atch the o riginal doc ument o rientation. Bindin g This op tion t ells the pr inter w hethe r the o riginal document is bound on t he lo ng-edge or shor t-edge si de.
• Phot ograph —Tells the sc anner to pay extr a attentio n to grap hics and pictures. T his s etting incr eases the time it takes to sca n, but emph asize s a reproduc tion of th e full dynamic rang e of ton es in the o riginal d ocument . This increa ses t he amount of inf orm ation s aved.
Faxi ng Note: Fax capabil itie s may not be avail able on a ll printer mod els. ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. A B C Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Us ing t he E mbe dd ed W e b Se rver f or f ax set up 1 Type the pri nter IP addre ss into the addr ess f ield of your Web br ows er. No te: If you do not know the IP addr ess of the print er, th en pr int a netw ork setup pag e and locate th e addres s in th e T CP /I P s ec ti on .
Connect ing to a n analog tel ephon e line If your t elecom municat ions equip ment uses a US ‑ style (RJ11) telep h one line, then follow these steps to co n nect th e equip ment: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to the printer LIN E port .
Co nn ec t i ng t o a PB X or I SD N sy st e m If you us e a PB X o r IS D N con verter or termina l adapter , then follow these steps to con n ect th e equipment: 1 Connect o ne end of the tel ephone cable th at came with th e printer to the printer LIN E port .
f Touc h Distinct ive Ring Sett ings . g Touc h the ar row f or the pa ttern sett ing you w ant to c hange. h Touc h Submit . Connect ing to a n adapte r for your coun try or re gion The followin g co.
Settin g the outg oing fa x name a nd num ber To have t he desi gnated fax name and fax nu mber printed on outg oing f axes: 1 Type the pri nter IP addre ss into the addr ess f ield of your Web br ows er.
4 Ent er the f ax num ber or a shortcu t using the touc h scree n or ke ypad. To add rec ipients, tou ch Next Nu mber , and t hen en ter the recipient 's t elepho ne num ber or sho rtcu t number , or sea rch the addre ss book. No te: To place a dia l pause wit hin a fax n umber, press II .
6 Assig n a shor tcut numbe r. If you ent er a numbe r that is a lready i n use, th en you are prompted to select another number. 7 Click Add . Creat ing a f ax dest inatio n shortcut using t he tou ch s creen 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass.
Using short cuts an d the addr ess book Usin g fa x sh ort cuts Fax shortcuts a re ju st like t he speed dial nu mbers on a teleph one or fax machine. Y ou can as sign s hortc ut num bers when c reating pe rmanent fax dest inatio ns.
Cu st omi z in g f a x se t ti ngs Cha nging th e fax re soluti on Adjust i ng the reso l ution s e tting changes th e q uality o f the fax. Sett i ngs r an ge fr o m Stan dard (fastest speed) to Ultr a Fi ne (slowest spe ed, best qua lity). 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass.
7 Touc h Delayed S end . No te: If Fax Mode is set t o Fax Server, the D elayed Send but ton will no t appear. Faxes w aiting f or tra nsmission are lis ted in the Fax Queu e. 8 Touch t he arrows to ad just the tim e the fax will be t ransmi tted. The time is increased or decreased in in crements of 30 minutes .
Cancel ing a fa x aft er the origi nal d ocument s hav e been scann ed to memo ry 1 On th e home s creen, t ouch Canc el Jobs . The Cancel Jobs screen appears. 2 Touch t he job or jobs you want to c ancel. Only three jobs appear on the s creen; touch the down ar row until t he job you w ant app ears, a nd then t ouch the job yo u want to cancel.
Resol ution This op tions in crease s how clos ely t he scanner ex amines t he document you wan t to fax. If you are f axing a pho to, a drawin g with f ine l ines, or a docum ent w ith very sm all text , increa se the Reso lution s etting.
Qu es ti on Tip When should I use Photo mode ? Use Photo mode when faxing photos pri nted on a l aser printer or taken from a magazi ne or newspaper . Hold ing an d for warding fax es Holding f axes This op tion let s you hold rec eived faxes from pr inting unt il they a re released.
3 Click Fax Set ti ngs . 4 Click Analog F ax Setup . 5 From t he F ax Forw arding m enu und er Fax Receive s etting s, se lect one of the followi ng: • Pri nt • Pri nt and For ward • Fo rwa rd 6.
Scanning to an FTP address ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. A B C Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
Scanning to a n FTP addres s using a shortcut num ber 1 Load a n original document faceup, s hort edge first into the ADF or facedown on the s canner glass. No te: Do not load p ostcards, phot os, sma ll ite ms, transpar enci es, pho to paper , or thi n media (such as magaz ine clip pings) into the ADF.
6 Ent er a sh ortc ut numb er. 7 Click Add . Creating a n FTP s hortcut using the touch s creen 1 On th e home s creen, t ouch FTP . 2 Type the add ress of the FTP site. 3 Touc h Save as Shor tcut . 4 Enter a n a me for th e shortc u t. 5 Touc h Ente r .
Resol ution This option adjusts the output quality of your file. Increas ing the image resolution increases the file size and the time needed to sca n your orig inal doc um ent. Image res olution can be dec reased to reduc e the f ile siz e. Sen d As This op tio n sets t he ou tput (PDF, T IFF , JPEG or XPS ) for the scann ed imag e.
Impr ovin g FTP qu alit y Qu es ti on Ti p When should I use Text mode ? • Use Text mode when text preservati on is the m ain goal of sending a docum ent to an FT P site, and preserving imag es copied from the original d ocument is not a c oncern.
Scanning to a computer or flash drive ADF Scanne r glass Use the ADF f or multiple ‑ page document s. A B C Us e the scan ner g las s for si ng le pa ges , sma ll ite ms (s uch as post car ds or photos), transparenc ies, photo pap er, or thin me dia (such as magazine cli ppings).
10 If you are load ing a document int o the ADF, then adjust the paper guid es . 11 Press # , and t hen ente r the s hortcut num ber using the keypad, o r touc h Held J obs on the home screen, and then to u ch Pro files .
• TIFF —Creates multiple f iles o r a single file. If Multi- page TIF F is turned of f in the Set tings menu of the Embed ded Web Server, then TIFF saves one page in each file.
Resol ution This option adjusts the output quality of your file. Increas ing the image resolution increases the file size and the time needed to sca n your orig inal doc um ent. Image res olution can be dec reased to reduc e the f ile siz e. Ad van ced Im agi ng • Back ground Remova l —Adjust s the w hite portio n of the output .
Understanding pr inter menus Me nu s li st To access the me nus, touch on the h o me screen . Paper Menu Reports Network/Ports Defaul t Source Paper Siz e/Typ e Con fig ure M P Substitute Size Paper T.
Pa per menu Defaul t Sou rce menu Men u it e m Desc ript io n De faul t S ourc e Tr ay <x> MP Feeder Manual Paper Manual Env Sets a default paper source for all pri nt jobs No te s: • Tray 1 (standar d tray) i s the fac tory default s etting. • Only an installed paper s ourc e will appear as a menu setting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tio n Tra y < x > T yp e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Labe ls Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He av y P ap er Rough/C otton Paper Cus to m Ty pe <x > Specifies the type of paper loaded i n each tray Note s: • Plain Paper i s the factory default s etting for Tray 1.
Men u it e m Desc rip tio n MP Fe e der Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Labe ls Bond Enve lope Rough Envelope Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He av y P ap .
Men u it e m Desc rip tio n Manu a l Pa per Ty p e Plain Pa per Car d St ock Tr ansp aren cy Recycled Labe ls Bond Letterhead Preprinted Colored Paper Lig h t Pap er He av y P ap er Rough/C otton Paper Cus to m Ty pe <x > Specifies the type of p aper being manuall y loaded Note : Plain Paper i s the factory def ault setti ng.
Su bs tit ute Siz e m enu Men u it e m Desc ript io n S ubsti tute Size Al l Lis te d Off Statement/A5 Letter/A4 11 x 17/ A3 Substitutes a specified paper s ize if the requested paper s ize is not availabl e No te s: • All Li sted is the fac tory default s etting.
Men u it e m Des cri pt ion Roug h E nvelo pe T ext ur e Smooth Normal Rough Specifies the relative texture of the rough envelopes l oaded in a specific tray Note : Rough is the fac tory default s etting.
Paper Loading m enu Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Card St ock Loadin g Duplex Off Determines whether 2 ‑ sided pri nting o ccurs f o r all jobs that specify Card Sto ck as the paper type Note : Off is the factory defa ult setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Cu stom <x> Loading Duplex Off Determines whether 2 ‑ sided pri nting o ccurs f o r all jobs that specify Custom <x> as the p aper type Note s : • Off is t he factor y default setting. • Custom <x> L oading i s available o nly if the custom type is suppor ted.
Custo m Scan Siz es menu Men u it e m Descr i ptio n Custom Sca n Size <x> Sc an S ize N ame Wi dth 3– 14.17 inch es (76–36 0 m m) He ig ht 3– 14.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Portra it Width 3– 17 inche s 76– 432 mm Sets the portrait width No te s: • If the width exceeds the maximum, the printer us es the maximum width all owed. • 11.69 inches is the US factory default s etting. Inches can be incr eased in 0 .
Men u I te m Desc rip tio n Co nfi gure Bins Mailb ox Link Link Opt ional Typ e Assi gn me nt Specifies c onfiguration op tions for output bi ns Note s: • Mailbox is t he factory default setting. • Bins assigned the same name are automatically linked unless Link Optional is s el ected.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n N etwork Setu p Pag e Prints a repor t containi ng information about the networ k printer settings, su ch as the T CP/IP address inf ormation Note : This menu item appears only for networ k printer s or printer s connected to print s ervers.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Asse t Re port Prints a r eport contai ning asse t information i ncluding the printer s erial number and model name. The report contains text and UPC barcodes that can be scanned into an asse t databas e.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Net wo r k B uff er Aut o 3K to <maximum size allowed> Sets the s ize of the network input buffer No t es: • Auto i s the factor y default s etting.
Standard U SB menu Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion PCL Sm ar tS wi tc h On Off Sets the printer to automati cally switch to PCL emula tion when a print job r eceived through a USB po rt requires it, regardless of the default printer lang uage Note s: • On is the factory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Job Bu ffe ring Off On Aut o Temporar ily stores jobs on the printer har d disk bef ore printing Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setting. • The On setting buffers jobs on the printer har d disk. • The Auto s etti ng buffe rs pr int jobs only if the printer is busy processing data from ano ther input por t.
Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion View Card Speed Lets you view the speed of a cur rently active networ k ca rd Net wo r k A dd r ess UAA LAA Lets you view the network addresses Job Timeo ut 0 ‑ 225 sec o.
Men u it e m De sc ript io n Enab le BO OT P On Off Spec ifi es the B OOT P addr e ss ass ignm en t setti ng Note : On is the f a ctory def a ult setting. Enab le Au to IP Yes No Specifies the Zero Configuration Networki ng setting Note : Yes is the f actor y default setting.
Wireles s menu Use the following menu items to view or configure the wireless internal print server settings. Note: This menu is availab le only for mode ls conne cted to a wireless networ k.
Net Ware menu This men u is avai lable from the Network/Ports menu: Network/P orts > Standa rd Network or Net wo r k < x> > St d Network Se tup or Ne t <x> Setup > NetWare Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion Acti va te Yes No Activates NetWare support Note : No i s the factory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc r iptio n Primar y S MTP Ga teway Pri mary SMTP Gatewa y Por t Se co nd ary SM T P Ga t ew ay Se co nd ary SM T P Ga t ew ay Po r t Spe cifies SMTP se rver po rt inform atio n Note : 25 is the def ault SMTP gateway port.
Secur ity menu Miscell aneo us menu Men u it e m Desc rip tion Panel Log ins Login fai lures Fai lu re t im e fr ame Lockout ti me Panel L ogin Time out Remo te Logi n Time out Limits the number an d .
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Job Exp iration Off 1 ho ur 4 ho ur s 24 hours 1 week Limits the amount of time a confidential job stays i n the printer before i t is deleted Note s: • Off is the default s etting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion S chedul ed Me tho d Single pass Mult iple pas s Disk Wiping erases only print job data tha t is not currently in use by the fi le system from the printer hard disk. All permanent data on the printer hard di s k is preserved, such as downloaded fonts , macros, and hel d jobs.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Automatica lly O bserve DST On Off Note : On is the factory default s etting and us es the applicable Daylight Savi n g Tim e associated with the T ime Zone setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Eco- M ode Off Ener gy Energy/Pap er Paper Minimizes the use o f ener gy, paper, or specialty m edia Note s : • Off is t he factor y default setting. Off resets the printer to its factory default settings. • The Energy s etting minimizes the power used by the printer.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Alar ms Al ar m Con tr o l C art ri d ge Al a rm Stapl e Alarm Hole Punch Alarm Sets an alar m to s ound when the p rinter requ ires operator intervention Available selections for each alarm type ar e: Off Si ngl e Continuous Note s : • Single is the fac tory default setting for A l arm Control.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Timeouts Wai t Ti meou t Disabled 15 –655 35 sec Sets the amou nt of time in s econds the printer waits for addi tional data before canc eling a print job Note s : • 40 seconds i s the fac tory default s etting. • Wa it Tim eou t is ava ilable o nly whe n the printer is us ing PostScript emulation.
Copy S etti ngs menu Men u it e m Desc rip tion Conte nt Tex t/Ph ot o Photogr aph Printe d Ima ge Tex t Specifies the type of content contained in the copy job Note s: • Text/P hoto is the f actory default setting. Text/Photo is used when the original documents are a m ixtur e of text and graphi cs or pictures.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Origin al Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi n ess C ard Cu stom Sca n Size <x> A4 A5 Ofic io (M exico) A6 JI S B5 Bo.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Hea de r/ Foo te r Top le ft Top le ft Off Date/ Time Page num ber Bates num ber Cus to m t ext Print o n Al l pag es Fi rs t pa ge o nly All bu t firs t page Enter c ustom text Specifies header/footer i nfor mation f o r the top le ft of the page Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setti ng fo r Top left .
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Hea de r/ Foo te r Bottom left Bottom left Off Date/ Time Page num ber Bates num ber Cus to m t ext Print o n Al l pag es Fi rs t pa ge o nly All bu t firs t page Enter c us.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Over lay Off Con fi den tia l Cop y Draft Urgent Cus to m Sp ecifie s over lay text t hat is p rinted o n each pa ge of the cop y job Note : Of f is the f a ctory default setting.
General Fax Settings Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Fax Co ver P age Fax C ove r Page Off by default On by default Never Use Al ways Us e Include To field On Off Include Fr om field On Off Fr om Include .
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Cancel F axe s Al low Don't Al low Specifies whether the printer may cancel fa x jobs Note : If Canc el Faxes is not ena ble d , it will no t app ear as an opt ion. Caller ID FSK DTMF Sp ec i fie s typ e o f ca ller I D b ein g used Note : FSK is the f actory defaul t setting.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Si de s (D u ple x) Off Long ed ge Sho r t edg e Specifies how the text and gr aphics are or iented on the page Note s: • Off is the factory d efault setting. • Long edge ass umes binding along the long edg e of the page (left edge for portrait o rientation and top edge for lan dscape orientation ).
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Dial Mo de Ton e Puls e Specifies the d ialing sound, either as a tone or a pulse. Max Speed 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specifies the maxim um speed in bau d at which faxes.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Sh a do w D et ail 0–4 Adjusts the am ount of shadow detai l visibl e on a fax Note : 0 is the factory default setting. Scan edge t o edge On Off Spe cifies if the orig ina l docu ment is sca nned e d g e-to ‑ edg e prior to faxing Note : Off is the f actory default setti ng.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Max Speed 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specifies the maximum speed i n baud at which faxes are recei ved Fax Fo rwar ding For w ard Print Prin t and Forward Enables for wardi.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Auto Pr i nt L ogs On Off Enabl es automatic pr inting of fax l ogs Note : Logs print after every 20 0 jobs. Lo g P a p er S o urc e Tr ay <x> Manual Feeder Selects t.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Doub le R in g On Off Answers calls wi th a double ‑ ring patter n Note : On is the factor y default s etting. Tri ple R ing On Off A nswe rs c al ls w it h a tr ip le ‑ ring patter n Note : On is the factor y default s etting.
Men u it e m Des cr ipt ion Orien tat ion Portra it Landscap e Specifies the o rientation of the scanned image Origin al Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Universal 4 x 6 in .
Men u it e m Desc rip tion E ‑ ma i l Server Setup Send m e a copy Never ap pears On by default Off by default Al ways On Sends a copy of the e-mail back to the creator of the e-mail E ‑ ma i l Se.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Color Gray Colo r Specifies whether a job pr ints in gr ayscale or col or Note : G ray is the factory d efault setti ng. Res o lu tio n 75 150 200 300 400 600 Specifies how many dots per inch ar e scanned Note : 15 0 dpi is the factor y default s etting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion JPE G Quality Best for cont ent 5–9 0 Set s the q u al ity of a JPE G phot o ima ge in rela ti on to file s ize an d the qualit y of the ima ge Note s: • “Best for content” i s the factory default setting. • 5 reduces the file size, but the quality of the image is lessened.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Al l ow Save as Short cut On Off Lets you sa ve e-mail addr esses as s hortcuts Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g. • When s et to Off, the Save as Shortcut button does not appear on the E-mail De s tin a t ion sc ree n.
FT P Se tt ings me nu Men u it e m Desc rip tion Format PDF (.pdf) Sec u re PD F TI FF ( .ti f) JPEG (.jpg) XPS ( .xps) Spe cifies the form at o f th e FT P file Note : PD F (.pdf) is the factory def ault setting. PDF Ver sio n 1. 2– 1.6 Sets the version level of the PDF file for FTP Note : 1.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Origin al Si ze Letter Legal Exe cuti ve Fol io Statement Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi n ess C ard Cu stom Sca n Size <x> A4 A5 Ofic io (M exico) A6 JI S B5 Bo.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion T ransmis sion Log Print lo g Do not print log Print o nly for erro r Spec ifi es w heth er th e tran smi ssi on log prin ts Note : “ Pr int log” is the factor y default se tting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Contras t 0–5 Best for cont ent Specifies the contrast of the output Note : “ Bes t for content” is the f actory default setti ng. Mi rror I mage On Off Creates a mirror image of the original document Note : Of f is the f a ctory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Res o lu tio n 75 150 200 300 400 600 Specifies how many dots per inch ar e scanned Note : 15 0 dpi is the factor y default s etting. Dar knes s 1–9 Lightens or darkens the outp ut Note : 5 i s the factory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Phot o JPEG Qual it y 5–9 0 Set s the q u al ity of a JPE G phot o ima ge in rela ti on to file s ize an d the qualit y of the ima ge Note s: • 50 is the factor y default se tting. • 5 reduces the file size, but the quality of the image is lessened.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Color Dropo ut Col or Dropout None Red Gre en Blue Default Red Thre shold 0– 255 Default Green Thres hold 0– 255 Default Blue Thr eshol d 0– 255 Specifies which col or to drop du ring scanning , and how muc h to increase or decrease the dropout Note s: • None i s the fac tory default setti ng for C olor Dropou t.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Si de s (D u ple x) On Off Enables duplex pr inting (two-sided printing) St a ple On Off E nab l es s t apl in g Note : Of f is the f a ctory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Separa tor Source Tr ay <x> Manual Feeder Envelope Feeder Specifies a paper s ource Blan k P age s Do No t Print Print Spe cifies whet her blank pa ges are ins erted in a pr int j ob Note : Do Not Print is the factor y default setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Prin t Area Normal Who le Pa ge Sets the logical and physical pr intable area Note s : • This m enu does not appear i f Edge to Edge is enabled in the printer Setup menu.
Men u it e m Desc ri ptio n Res our c e S av e On Off Specifies how the p rinter handles t emporary downloads, such as fonts and macros stored in RAM, when the printer receives a job that requires more memory than i s available Note s : • Off is t he factor y default setting.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Collate Of f ( 1, 1, 1,2 ,2 ,2) On (1,2 ,1, 2, 1,2 ) Stacks the pages of a pri nt job in sequence when printing multipl e copies Note s: • Off is the fact ory defa ult setti ng. No pages will be coll ated. • The On setting stacks the print job s equentially.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion N ‑ up B ord er None Sol id Prints a b order around each page i mage when us ing N ‑ up (pages ‑ si des) Note : None is the factor y default s etting. St a ple Jo b Off On Specifies whether pr int jobs are st apl ed Note s: • This menu it em is avai lab le only when the Sta pl eSmart Finis her is insta lled .
Men u it e m De scri ptio n Enha nc e F in e Lin es On Off Ena b les a pr in t mod e pre f era b le f o r f i les su c h as a r chi te c tu ra l dr aw i ng s, map s , ele ct ri ca l circuit di agrams, and flow charts Note s: • Off is the factory de fault settin g.
Men u it e m Desc rip tion Dele te Do wn load s on D is k Delete Now Do Not Delete Removes downloads from the printer hard disk, including all held Jobs, buffered jobs, and parked jobs. Job ac counting i nformation is not aff ec ted. Note : Delete Now is the def ault setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion Anno ta ti on s Do No t Print Print Prints annota tions i n a PDF Note : Do Not Print is the f a ctory defa u lt setting. PostSc ript me nu Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion Prin t PS Error On Off Prints a page c ontaining the P ostScript error Note : Off is the f actory default setti ng.
Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion Sym b o l Se t 10U PC ‑ 8 12U PC ‑ 85 0 Spe cifi es t he sy mbol set for eac h f ont na me Note s: • 10U PC ‑ 8 is the US factory default setting.
Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion Tray Ren umber Assign M P Feeder Off None 0– 199 As sign T ray <x > Off None 0– 199 Assign Manual Paper Off None 0– 199 As sign M an En v Off None 0– 199 Conf.
HT ML men u Men u it e m Des cri pt ion Font Name Al ber tu s MT Anti que Olive Appl e Chancery Aria l MT Ava nt Ga rde Bodoni Bookman Chic a go Clarendon Cooper Black Copperplate Cor one t Cou ri er .
Men u it e m Desc ri pt ion Ba ckg rou nds Do No t Print Print Specifies whether to print backgrounds on HTML do cuments Note : Print i s the f actory default setting. Image menu Men u it e m Desc rip tion Auto Fi t On Off Selects the optimal pap er size, scaling, and or ientation Note s: • On is the fac tory default setting.
To ac cess t he Booklet Adj ustment s me nu: 1 Turn the pr inter of f. 2 Hol d dow n and 6 MNO while turnin g the printer on. 3 Release the buttons when the screen with the progr es s bar appears. The pri nt er perf orms a p ower -on se quen ce, a nd then t he Conf ig ur at ion M enu app ears.
Men u it e m De scr ip tion Pri n t a ll g u ide s Pri n ts a ll t he g ui de s Copy g uide Provides information about ma ki ng copies and changi ng s etti ngs E ‑ mail guide Provides i nformation a.
Maintaining the printer Perio dically, c ertain t ask s are re quired t o mai ntain op timum pr int qual ity. Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make su re that the pri nter is t urned of f a nd unplug ged fro m the wa ll outlet.
Cleaning the scanner glass Clean t he scanne r g lass if you enco unter pr int quali ty probl ems, s uch as strea ks on c opied or sc anned i mages. 1 Sl ightly dampe n a sof t, lint -free c loth o r pape r towel wit h wate r. 2 Open the scanner cover.
7 Touc h the up o r down ar row until Sc an ner Ma nual R eg ist ra ti on app ears . 8 Touc h Scanner M anu al Registra tion . 9 Touch th e left and r ight arro ws to chang e the settin gs. 10 Touc h Submit . Stor ing su pplie s Choose a c ool, cle an stora ge area f or the pri nter suppl ie s.
1 Type the pri nter IP addre ss into the addr ess f ield of your Web br ows er. No te: If you do not know the IP addr ess of t he pri nter, pr int a ne twork s etup page and l ocate the I P addre ss in the TCP/I P s ectio n . 2 Click Device Status . The Dev ice St atus page ap pears, displa ying a sum mary of supply leve ls.
Ordering staple cartridges Wh en St apl es Low or St ap les Em pty ap pears, order the specif ied staple c artr idge. For mor e inform ation, s ee the illustra tions in side the st apler do or.
3 Gra sp the hand le and p ull ou t the car tridge. 4 Unpac k a new cartridg e. Warning—Pot ential D amage: When re placin g a to ner cart ri dge, do no t le ave the new car tridge e xpos ed to dire ct lig ht for an e xtended period of time. E xtended lig ht expo sure c an caus e prin t quality pro blems .
6 Insert t he new cartridge int o the printer. Push the t oner cartridge i n as far as it will go . The cartridge cli cks int o place when correctly installed . 7 Close the f ron t door . Repla cing the pho tocond uctor You c an determi ne appr oxima tely how full the pho toconduc tor is by pr inting t he prin ter setti ngs conf iguration shee t.
Wh en 84 R ep lace p ho toc on duct or or 84 P hoto co ndu ct or lo w ap pears, order a new photocon ducto r imme diately. W hile the pri nter may continu e t o functio n prope rly afte r the pho toconduc tor has re ached it s offi cial end ‑ of ‑ life, print qualit y signific antly decreases .
3 Low er Sid e Door A. 4 Pull th e photo conducto r out of the pr i nter. Place the pho toconduc tor o n a flat , clean sur face. 5 Unpac k the ne w photoc ondu ctor.
6 Alig n and inse rt the end of the p hotoc onduct or. 7 Remo ve the tape fr om the top o f the pho toco nduct or. Maintaini ng the printer 209.
8 Push the phot ocond uctor as far as it will g o. The pho toconducto r clicks i nto place w hen correctly in stalled. 9 Clo se Si de Do or A. Maintaini ng the printer 210.
10 Close the f ron t door . Note: After you inse rt the photo conduc tor an d close al l th e door s, the pr inter pe rfor ms a motor cycle and clea rs the Replac e Photoc ond uctor warnin gs.
Follow these guidelin es to avoi d personal i njury or p rinter damage: • Use at least fo ur pe ople or a pro perly rated mec han ical handli ng syst em to li ft the prin ter. • Turn t he printer off using the p ower switch, a nd then unp lug the pow er cor d from t he wa ll outlet.
3 Place the tr ay into the prin ter. 4 Remove the cable cover. Maintaini ng the printer 213.
5 Disco nnect the opti onal draw er conn ector . 6 At tach the cable cover. 7 Lift the p r inter off the trays. Maintaini ng the printer 214.
Moving t he prin ter to another lo cati on The print er and opt ions can b e saf ely move d to a nother l ocati on by follo win g these p recautions: • Any c art used to move the pr inter mu st hav e a su rface ab le to suppo rt t he full fo otprin t of the print er.
Administrative s upport Fin di ng a dv anc e d ne t wor ki ng a nd adm i ni stra t or i nfo rm at ion This c hapte r cover s bas ic a dmini strat ive sup port t as ks.
Checking the device status Using the Em bedded W eb Server , you ca n view pape r tray se tting s, the leve l of toner in the print cartridg e, the percent age of life re maining in the ma inte nance kit , and capa city mea surem ents of cert ain print er pa rts.
3 Touc h Settings . 4 Touc h Genera l Sett ings . 5 Touc h the do wn arrow until Sc reen B ri ght ne ss appe ars. 6 Touc h the ar rows to in cre ase or de crease t he brig htness. Bri ghtness set tings c an b e adjust ed f rom 20–1 00 (10 0 is the f actory def ault se tting ).
Troubleshooting So lving basi c pro ble ms Solving basic prin ter prob lems If there are basic printer problems, or the printer is unresponsive, make sure: • The pow er cor d is pl ugged into the printer and a prope rly grounded el ectrical outlet .
Unde rstand ing pr inter messages An error has occured with the Flash Driv e. Please remove and re-insert t he drive. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Remo ve and r einsert the f lash drive. • If t he error m essag e rem ains, the f lash memor y may be def ective and requ ire r eplac ing.
Change <i nput src > t o <C u stom String> load <orientation> You c an change the c urre nt paper so urce for the rem ainder of t he pr int job. The for matted p age wil l pri nt on the paper loaded in the selected tray. This may cause clipping of text or im ages.
Cha n ge <i nput src > t o <t ype> <size> l oad <ori entation > You c an change the c urre nt paper so urce for the rem ainder of t he pr int job. The for matted p age wil l pri nt on the paper loaded in the selected tray. This may cause clipping of text or im ages.
Disk corrupted The print er at tempte d a hard dis k rec overy o n a corr upted har d disk , and the ha rd dis k cannot be repair ed. Th e hard disk must be r eformatte d. Touc h Refor mat disk to ref orm at th e hard d isk and cle ar the mess age . Note: Reformatting the disk deletes all the files currently stored on the d i sk.
Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear the message. • Compl ete the A nalog Fax Setup. If the mes sage appears ag ai n, contact yo ur sys tem suppo rt per son. Insert Tr a y <x> Inse r t the speci fied tray in to the printer .
• Canc el the current job. Load < inpu t src> wi th <s ize> Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the specified paper in the tray. • Touc h Cont inue to cle ar the mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting. If th e printer f inds a tr ay t hat has the correc t paper type and s ize, it fee ds from th at tr a y.
Load Ma nual Feed er with <s ize> Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Load the specified paper in the multipurpose feeder. • Touc h Cont inue to cle ar the mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting. If t he pri nter fi nds a tray that has th e correc t paper ty pe and size , then it feeds from that tra y.
If removing the paper does n o t clear the mess a ge, then touch Con tin ue . Remo ve paper fro m standard outpu t bin Remo ve the stack o f paper from the s tandard exit bin. Replac e all origi nals if res tarting job. One o r more me ssag es which interru pted a scan j ob are now cl eared.
Replac e jammed orig inal s if restartin g job. One o r more me ssag es which interru pted a scan j ob are now cl eared. Replac e the ori gi nal docum ents in t he scann er to re s ta r t the scan job. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Can cel Job if a scan job is proc essi ng when t he message appe ars.
31.yy Repla ce defective or mis sing cart ridge The toner cartridge is eith er missing or n ot fun ctioning properly. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Remo ve th e toner c artr idge , and then reinst all it. • Remo ve th e toner c artr idge, and then install a new on e.
37 Insuffic ient memory for Flash Mem ory Defrag ment operation Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to stop t he defrag ment operatio n and continue pri nt ing. • Delete fonts, m acros, an d ot her data in pr inter m emor y. • Insta ll addi tional p rinter m emory .
51 D efe ctive flash d etec ted Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to cle ar the mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting. • Canc el the current print j ob. 52 No t enough f ree space i n flash mem ory for res ources Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to cle ar the mes sage and c ontinu e prin ting.
• Upgrade (fl ash) the networ k firmw are in the printer or print ser ver . 55 Uns uppo rted optio n in slot <x> <x> is a slot on th e printe r sy stem bo ard. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: 1 Turn the pri nte r power off. 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall o utle t.
56 USB port < x> disabl ed <x> is the number of th e U SB port. Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: • Touc h Cont inue to clear the message. The pri nt er dis cards an y data rec eived t hrough t he US B port. • Make sure the USB Buffer menu item is not set t o Disabled.
4 Connec t the pow er c ord to a pr operly ground ed outlet . 5 Turn the pr inter b ack o n. 58 Too ma ny tra ys at tach ed 1 Turn the pr inter of f. 2 Unplug the pow er cor d from t he wall o utle t. 3 Remove th e addition al trays. 4 Connec t the pow er c ord to a pr operly ground ed outlet .
84 Photo conduc tor low 1 Pres s the up o r down ar row button until Co nt in ue appe ars, an d then pr ess . 2 Orde r a replac ement phot oconduc tor imme diately. When print qu ality is r educed, inst all the new ph otoc onduct or. 84 Re place photo conducto r The print er will not print any more pag es u ntil t he photocond uctor is re placed.
• Do not load a t ray while the pr inter is printing. Load it prio r to print ing, or wait for a prom pt to load it. • Do not loa d too mu ch paper.
K H G F J Jam numbers What to do 200– 20 2 Op en D oo r A , a nd t he n r em ov e t he ja m. 203 Open Door s A and E, and then remove any jams. 230 Lower the duplex unit (Door D), and then r emove the jam. Open Doors A and E , and then remove any jams.
200– 201 paper j ams 1 Ope n Door A by pushi ng the re lease latch up and lower ing t he door. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nter mi gh t be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of inj ury from a hot comp o nent, a llow the su rface to cool bef ore touchin g.
202 pa per j am 1 Ope n Door A by pushi ng the re lease latch up and lower ing t he door. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nter mi gh t be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of inj ury from a hot comp o nent, a llow the su rface to cool bef ore touchin g.
203, 23 0–231 pap er ja ms 203 p ape r jam 1 Ope n Door A by pushi ng the re lease latch up and lower ing t he door. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nter mi gh t be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of inj ury from a hot comp o nent, a llow the su rface to cool bef ore touchin g.
3 Pull the jam up. 4 Close D oor E. 5 Close D oor A. 230 p ape r jam 1 Open Doo r D. Troubl eshoo ting 24 1.
2 Remove the jam. D D 3 Close Door D. 4 Ope n Door A by pushi ng the re lease latch up and lower ing t he door. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nter mi gh t be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of inj ury from a hot comp o nent, a llow the su rface to cool bef ore touchin g.
5 Ope n Door E by pushi ng the release l atch and lowerin g the door . 6 Pull the jam up. 7 Close D oor E. 8 Close D oor A. Troubl eshoo ting 24 3.
231 p ape r jam 1 Open Doo r D. 2 Remove the jam. D D 3 Close Door D. Troubl eshoo ting 24 4.
4 Ope n Door A by pushi ng the re lease latch up and lower ing t he door. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nter mi gh t be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of inj ury from a hot comp o nent, a llow the su rface to cool bef ore touchin g. 5 Pull the jam u p and tow ard you.
24x pa per jam Jam in Tray 1 1 Remove Tray 1 from the prin ter. 2 Remove the jam. 3 Insert T ray 1. If all jams are cl eared, then the printer resumes printing.
Cl earin g A rea A 1 Ope n Door A by pushi ng the re lease latch up and lower ing t he door. CAUTIO N—HOT SURFAC E: The i nside o f the pri nter mi gh t be hot . To reduc e the ri sk of inj ury from a hot comp o nent, a llow the su rface to cool bef ore touchin g.
Cl earin g A rea B 1 Ope n Door B. B C 2 Pull the jam u p and tow ard you. B C 3 Close D oor B . 4 Touc h Cont inue . Troubl eshoo ting 24 8.
Cl earin g A rea C 1 Ope n Doo r C. B B C C 2 Pull the jam u p and tow ard you. B B C C 3 Close D oor C. 4 Touc h Cont inue . Troubl eshoo ting 24 9.
250 pa per j am 1 Remo ve th e paper from t he mul tipurpo se feed er. 2 Fl ex the shee ts of paper back and fort h to loosen t hem, an d then fan them. Do not fold or crease the paper. S traig hten the edges on a level surface. 3 Load the paper into the multipurpose feeder.
2 Pull the jam u p and tow ard you. No te: If the jam does no t move im mediately, stop pullin g. Push do wn and pull the green lever to m ake it easier to remove t he jam. M ake s ure al l paper fragm ents are r emov ed. 3 Close D oor A. 4 Op en Doo r F.
282 p ape r jam 1 Op en Doo r F. 2 Remove the jam. 3 Close D oor F. Troubl eshoo ting 25 2.
283, 28 9 stap le j ams 283 p ape r jam 1 Lif t Doo r H. 2 Remove the jam. 3 Close D oor H. 289 s tap le err or 1 Ope n Doo r G. Troubl eshoo ting 25 3.
2 Hold the lever on the s tapl e cartridge holder, and mo ve the h older to the right. 3 Firmly p ull the color ed tab to r emove the staple cart ridge. 4 Use the metal tab to lift the staple guard, and then pull out the sheet of staples. Discard the entire sheet.
6 Press dow n on the staple guar d until i t snaps s ecurely into pl ace. 7 Push the cartridge holder firmly into the stapler until the holder clicks into place. 8 Close D oor G. Pri min g S ta ple r appear s. Prim ing ensur es the st apler is functionin g prop erly.
28x pa per jam 284 p ape r jam 1 Op en Doo r F. 2 Remove the jam. 3 Close D oor F. Troubl eshoo ting 25 6.
4 Ope n Doo r G. 5 Remove the jam. 6 Close D oor G. 7 Lif t Doo r H. 8 Remove the jam. 9 Close D oor H. Troubl eshoo ting 25 7.
285– 286 p ape r jams 1 Lif t Doo r H. 2 Remove the jam. 3 Close D oor H. 287– 288 p ape r jams 1 Op en Doo r F. Troubl eshoo ting 25 8.
2 Remove the jam. 3 Close D oor F. 4 Ope n Doo r G. 5 Remove the jam. 6 Close D oor G. 290– 294 paper j ams 1 Remove all or iginal do cument s from the ADF.
4 Raise the sheet guard. 5 Turn the paper advance wheel to t h e left to remove any jamme d pages. 6 Close the ADF cover . Troubl eshoo ting 26 0.
7 Ope n the scanne r co ver, and r emove an y jam med pages . 8 Close the scanner cover. 9 Touc h Cont inue . 293 pa per j am The print er was sent a sc an job, b ut fou nd no original doc ument i n the ADF . Try one or mor e of th e followin g: • Touc h Cont inue if no scan job is active when the message appears.
So lving prin ting p rob lems Mu lt ip le ‑ lang uage PDFs do no t pri nt The doc uments con tain unava ilable f onts. 1 Ope n the doc ument yo u want to print i n Adobe Acrobat . 2 Click t he printer ic on. The P rint di alog appear s. 3 Sel ect P rint as image .
M AKE SU RE YOU ARE USIN G A RECOMMEN DED US B, SERIA L , OR E THE RN ET CABLE For mor e informatio n, visit t he Lexmar k Web si te at www.lexm . M AKE SU RE PR INTER CA B LE S ARE SEC URE LY CONNECTED Check the c able conne ctions to t he pri nter and print s erver t o make sur e th ey are sec ure .
Job print s from the wro ng tray or o n the wrong paper C HECK THE PAPER TYP E SET TING Make sure t he p aper type setting m atches the paper l oaded i n the tray: 1 From t he pr inter c ontro l panel, check the P aper Type se tting f rom the Paper m enu.
M AKE SU RE THE PR I NTER HA S ENOUGH MEMORY Add print er memory or an opt ional har d dis k. Unexpe cted pa ge break s occur I NCR EAS E TH E P RINT T IMEO UT VAL UE 1 Make sur e the print er is on and Read y appears. 2 On the ho me scre en, to uch .
Poor cop y qualit y These are some examples of po or copy quality: • Blank pag es • Che cke rbo ard pat ter n • Disto rted gra phics or pictures • Miss ing ch aracters • Fa ded print • Dark pr int • Skewed lines • Smudg es • Str eaks • Unexpected characters • Whit e lines in print These are possible solutions.
P ATTE RNS ( MO IR É ) APPE AR IN THE OUT PUT • On the Copy s creen, se lect th e Text/Photo o r Prin ted Image ic on. • Rotate th e original do cument on the s canner glass. • On the Cop y screen, adjust th e scale setting. T EXT IS LI GH T OR DI SAPPEARING • On the Copy s creen, t ouch the Tex t icon .
• The pri nt er is n ot plugg ed into an y surge pr otector s, u ninterr upted po wer suppli es, or extension cords. • Other elec trical equipm ent plug ged into the outlet is w orkin g. Once you have checked ea ch of these p ossibilit ies, turn t he printer of f and t hen back on .
C HECK THE DOC UMEN T PLACEME NT Make sure t he d ocument or phot o is load ed face down o n the sc anner glass in the upper l eft corner . Partial docume nt or p hoto scans These are possible solutions.
Cannot s end o r receive a fax These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE DIS PLAY FOR ERROR MESSAG ES Clear any error messages. C HECK THE POWER Make sure t he print er i s plugged in , the power is o n, and Re ady appears.
T EMPORARIL Y DISCO NN ECT OT HER EQUIPMEN T To ensure t he p rinter i s working c orrec tly, conne ct it d irectly to the te lephone l ine. Dis connect any answe ring machines, compute rs with m odems , or telepho ne lin e split ters. C HECK FO R JAM S Clear any jams, and then make sure that Re ad y appea rs.
T HE TO NER MA Y BE LOW 88 C art ri dg e low appear s w hen the t oner is low. Can rece ive but not se nd faxe s These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: T HE PRINTER IS NO T IN F AX MODE On the hom e scre en, touch Fax to put the pri nter in F ax mo de.
4 Cl ick Analog F ax S e tup . 5 In the Max Speed box, click on one of the following: 2400 4800 9600 1440 0 3360 0 6 Cl ick Submit . So lving optio n prob lems Opti on doe s not ope rate correctly or quits aft er it is installed These are possible solutions.
Paper tray problems Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: M AKE SU RE THE PAPER IS LOA DED CORRECTLY 1 Open th e paper tray. 2 Check f or paper jams or m isf eeds. 3 Make sur e the paper guides ar e aligned ag ai nst the e dges of the paper. 4 Make sure the paper tray closes properly.
Memory card Make su re the memory car d is secur ely connected to the printer s ystem b o ard . Flash memory card Make sur e the flash mem ory card is sec urely connecte d to the printe r system bo ard. Hard disk wi th a dap ter Make sur e the hard disk i s sec urely conn ected t o the p rinter s ystem boa rd.
USB/para llel int erface card Check the USB/par allel interface c ard connec tions: • Make su re the USB /paral le l inte rfac e ca rd is secu rely c onnec ted t o the pri nter s ystem boar d. • Make su re you a re usi ng the correct ca ble and tha t it is securely c onn ected.
4 To uch General Settings . 5 Touch the dow n arrow until Prin t Reco ve ry appears . 6 To uch Pr in t R ecov er y . 7 To uch th e rig ht ar row next to Ja m Re co ve ry unt il On or Auto app ears.
T HE TO NER MA Y BE LOW When 8 8 Ca rt ridge Lo w ap pears, order a new toner c artri dge. If the pr oblem co ntinues, t he pr inter may need t o be se rviced.
Gray ba ckground ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE C HECK THE T ONER D ARKN E SS S ETTI N G Select a lighte r Toner D arknes s sett ing: • From t he printer c ontrol panel, change the setting from the Quality menu . • For Wind ows user s, ch ange t he sett ing fr om Pri nt Propert ies .
Paper curl These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE PAPER TYP E SET TING Make sure t he p aper type setting m atches the paper l oaded i n the tray: 1 From t he pr inter cont ro l panel Paper m enu, che ck the Paper Typ e settin g.
T HE TO NER MA Y BE LOW When 8 8 Ca rt ridge Lo w ap pears or w hen the pr int be comes faded, replace the t oner ca rtridg e. T HE FUSER MAY BE WORN OR DEFE CTIV E Replace the fu s er.
Print is too light These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: C HECK THE DARK NE SS , BRI GH TNE SS , AND CONTRAST SE TTING S The Toner Darkn ess setting is to o light, t he Bri ghtness set ting is t oo lig ht, or the C ontr ast set ting is too low .
Repea ting def ects These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: Replace the transfer roller if the defects occur every: 58.7 mm (2.31 in.) Replace the pho toconduc tor if the def ects occur every: 44 mm (1.73 in .) Replace the fuser if the d efects occur every: • 78.
C HECK THE PAPER TYP E • Try a dif ferent type of pa per. • Use only the recommended transparencies. • Ensure that th e Paper Typ e sett in g matches what is loaded in the tray or feeder. • Ensure that the P aper Texture setti ng is cor rect for the type of pa per or spe cialty m edia load ed in t he tray or feeder.
T HERE IS TONE R IN THE PAPER PATH Contact Cust omer Support . Streaked v ertical lin es ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE These are possible solutions. Try one or more of the following: T HE TO NER IS SME AR ED Select another tr ay or feeder to feed paper for th e j ob: • From t he pr inter c ontro l panel Paper M enu, s elect the Default So urce.
T HE CHARGE RO LLS MAY BE DEFECT IVE Replace the charge rolls. T HERE IS TONE R IN THE PAPER PATH Contact Cust omer Support . Toner rubs of f These are possible solutions.
T HE TO NER CARTRIDGE MA Y BE DEF EC TIV E Replac e the to ner car tridg e. T HERE IS TONE R IN THE PAPER PATH Contact Cust omer Support . Transpa rency prin t qualit y is poor Try one o r more of th e foll owi ng: C HECK THE TRANSPA RENCIES Use only trans p arencies recommended by the printer manufactu r er.
Notices Product i nformation Prod uct na me: Lexm ar k X86x Seri es Machi ne type: 7500 Mode l(s): 432, 6 32, 8 32 Edition noti ce Marc h 2 012 Th e f ol lo w ing p ar ag ra p h d o es n ot ap pl y t o any co un t ry w h ere such provi sions ar e inconsis tent with local law: LEXMARK INTERNATIO NAL, INC.
UNITED STA TES GOVERNMENT RIGHTS This so ftwa re and any accompanyi ng document ation pro vided un der this ag reement ar e co mmercial co mputer softwar e and d ocument ation develope d e xclusively at pri vate e xpense. Tr adem ar ks Lexmark , Lexm ark with diam ond desig n, MarkNe t, and MarkV ision are trademarks of Lexmark Intern ational, Inc.
Palatino Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Stempel Garamond Linotype-Hell AG an d/or its subsidiar ies Taffy A gfa Corpor ation Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation pl c Uni vers Linoty pe- Hell AG a n d/ or its su bsid iaries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Noise emission levels The fol low ing measur ement s were made in acc ordance with I SO 7 779 and re port ed i n confo rmance w ith ISO 92 96. Note: Some m odes may not appl y to your prod uct. 1-meter a verage s ound pressu re, dBA Pri n tin g 5 3 d BA Rea d y 32 dB A Values are subject to change.
ENERGY ST AR Any Lexm ark produc t bear ing the ENERGY ST AR emb lem on the p roduct or on a start-up screen is cer tified to comply with Envi ronm ental P rotect ion Ag ency (EPA ) ENE RGY STA R requir ements a s configur ed w hen shi pped by Le xma rk.
Mode Desc ript io n Powe r co nsum ptio n (Wat ts) Printing The product is generating hard ‑ copy output from electronic i nputs . 730 W (X86 0), 800 W (X8 62), 830 W (X864) Copying The produc t is generating hard ‑ copy output from hard ‑ copy orig inal docume nts.
Tower III, 1095 Budape st H UNGARY , A declarat ion of c onformity t o the requir ement s of the Dir ectives is available upo n request from the Authorized Representative. This produ ct satisfies th e Class A limits of E N 55 02 2 and s a fety r equirements of EN 60 9 50.
Notice to u sers of the US te lephone netw ork: FC C requirem ents This equipment complies wit h Part 68 of the FCC rules and the re q uirement s adopted by the Administrative Council for Termin al Attac hments (ACTA).
machin e or s uch busin ess, other ent ity, or i ndividua l. (The t elephon e numb er pr ovided m ay not be a 9 00 number or any oth er number f or which charg es exceed local or long-d istance t ransmiss ion char ges.) See you r user doc umen tation in o rder to prog ram t his info rmation int o your f ax machi ne.
This equ i pment s hall not be set u p to m ake automatic c alls to the Telec om's 111 Emergen cy Service. This equi pment may not provi de fo r the eff ective h and- over o f a call to a nother de vi ce conn ected to the same line.
Compli ance is indi cated b y the CE marking . The manuf actur er of thi s prod uct is: Lex mark In ternational , Inc. , 740 West New Circle Road, Le xington, KY, 40 550 USA . The authori zed represen tative is: Lexmark I nternationa l Te chno logy H ungária Kft.
In du st ry C a na da (C a na da) Cet a pparei l est conf orme à la norm e R SS-21 0 d'Ind ustry C anada . S on fonc tionnement est sou mis a ux deux condit ions sui vantes : (1) c et appare il .
Notice to u sers i n th e European Un ion This p roduct is i n c onformi ty with the pr otecti on r equirem ent s of E C Co uncil d irec tives 2 00 4/108/E C, 200 6/95/E C and 2005 /32 /EC on the appr.
Lexmark In ternation al, Inc., Lexington, KY This lim ited warranty applies to th e United Stat es and Ca nada. For cus tomers outside t he U.S., r efer to the count ry- specif ic warranty in format ion tha t came with you r produc t.
Extent of lim ited warranty Lexmark does not warra nt uninterrupt ed or error-f ree operatio n of any p rodu ct or the durabil it y or longevit y of pri nts produc ed by an y product.
9 ADDITION AL SOF T WARE . This Licens e Agreemen t applies to updates o r su pplements to th e origin al So ftware Pro gram prov ided by Lexmark u nless L exma rk prov ides ot her terms along with t he upda te or s upplemen t. 10 TERM . This License Agreement is effective unless terminated or rejected.
2 This p roduct is base d on M icrosoft Print S chem a technolog y. You m ay find the ter ms and c ondition s upo n which Micros oft is licensing su ch int ellectua l property at http: //go.
Index Nume ri cs 1,1 50 ‑‑ sheet tray loading 60 1565 Emu lat ion er ror , load emul ation op tion 23 5 2,0 00 ‑ sheet dua l input tra ys instal ling 37 loading 60 2,0 00 ‑ sh eet high capacity feeder instal ling 37 2000 ‑ sheet high cap a city feeder loading 58 298.
cleaning exterior o f the pr in ter 200 scanner glass 201 cleaning kit ordering 204 clea ring jam s 289 st apl e erro r 25 3 Close cover <x> 222 Close door < x > 222 Close surface H 222 co.
usi ng shor tcut nu mbers 102 usi ng the addres s book 10 2 us i n g th e to u ch s c re en 1 02 F fa ctor y defau l ts, res to ring pri nter c ontro l panel menus 2 18 fax co nnection conn ecting the.
L label s, paper tips 78 letterh ead copy ing to 89 loading , 2000 ‑ sheet hig h capa city feeder 58 loading , mul tipurpose t ray 75 loading , trays 75 tips 75 lette rhead, printing o n for M acint.
port s 27 opti o ns, touch ‑ screen cop y 96, 9 7 e ‑ mai l 10 4, 1 05, 1 06 fa x 11 8, 11 9 FTP 124 , 12 5 scan t o com put er 1 28, 1 29, 130 orde ring cleaning ki t 204 mai ntenanc e kit 20 3 p.
37 I ns uff ic ien t mem ory fo r Fl ash Memor y Defr ag ment operat ion 2 30 37 Insuf ficient m emory to collate jo b 22 9 37 Insuf fi cient m emor y, some Held Jobs were delet ed 23 0 37 Insuf fi ci.
publ ications where to find 9 Q Quality menu 190 Quiet Mo de 2 4 R recy cled p aper usi ng 23 recy cling Le xmar k pro duct s 25 toner car tridg es 2 6 WEEE statement 291 r edu ci ng a c opy 91 regi s.
transparenc ies loading 62 mak ing 88 tips 77 tray linking 65 tray unlinking 65 tray s linking 64, 65 unlinking 64, 65 trou blesho oting checki ng an unre sponsive pri nter 2 19 checki ng an unre spon.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 19Z0100 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 19Z0100 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 19Z0100, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 19Z0100 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 19Z0100, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 19Z0100.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 19Z0100. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 19Z0100 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.