Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit VK-2 du fabricant Kowa
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High Performance Digital Imaging System VK-2 User’s Guide Ver2.15 (VK23 E for Wi ndo wsXP) 031223 Ver215.
2 CONTENTS Preliminar y Docume ntation 1.Intro duction 2.Staring a nd Exiting VK-2 3.Basic oper ation 4.Operation of Command Toolbar Function < Operati on of Button > 4-1.Com mand Toolb ar 4-2.I nput Data 4-2-1.I D Type 4-2-2.N ame Type 4-3.Search ID 4-3-1.
3 4-32.Print o ut at White Mas k 4-33.Show the date list 4-34.Ste reo assist 4-35.Link to Perimeter 5.Image P rocessin g < Image Processing Toolb ar > 5-1.Sha rpen Im age 5-2.Gam ma Process 5-3.Enha nce Im age 5-4.Co ntrast 5-5.Brightn ess 5-6.Anal ysis of RGB color 5-7.
4 8.Archiving Dat a 8-1.Archiv ing to a removable med ia 8-2.Chec k the settin g(CD-R,RW ) 8-3.Form at Blank CD-R 8-4.Star t Archive 8-5.Ejec t CD-R 8-6.Delete Archive d Image from Hard Di sk (cf. Delete Im age and Database at a time) 8-7.Read Image data from Arc hived Media 8-8.
1 Preliminary Documentation The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Kowa Com pany, Ltd assum es no res ponsibi lity for a ny errors in thi s docume nt or the softwa re desc ribed i n this document.
2 2.Starting and Exiting VK-2 1. Turn on your PC to aut omatically launch VK -2. The Sta rt-Up dialog window appears. Then the VK-2 application windo ws are displayed. 2. To close the application, click the Exit button. 3. Double-click the icon “VK-2” on the deskto p to start the application .
3 3.Basi c Operat ion. FUNDUS CAMERA SLIT LAMP 1.From the video input select too lbar, 1. From the video input select toolbar, Click on button #. Click on button #. 2.From the comm and toolbar, 2. From the command toolbar, Click the Input Dat a button.
4 4.Operation of Com mand Toolbar Function 4-1.Command Toolbar Shown here is t he Command Toolbar. Details on the operation of each functio n is shown on the following pages. Input Data : Open th e dialog window to input Patient ID, Name, Sex, Birth-date and Doc tor.
5 4-2. Input Data 4-2-1. <ID TYPE > 1. Click the INPUT DATA button to enter patient information. The pa tient inform ation di alog wi ndow f or ID appears. 2.Input the Patient ID number by clicking the figures on the display or by typing on the keyboard.
6 4-3.Search ID 4-3-1. <ID TYPE> 1. Click the SEARCH ID button to search images from the database. 2. Enter the Patient ID and click Ok. A li st of sessions associated with the Patient ID is d isplayed. 4-3-2. <NAME TYPE> 1. Click the SEARCH ID button to search images from t he database.
7 4-4.Previous Image and Next Image 1. Click the PREV button t o display the image previous to the current image. 2. Click the NEXT button to display the image following the current image. Current image Total numbe r of images for the patient Patient name Captured date and time Patient Id Enlarged view of the window b ar.
8 4-5.Multiple Image Select the MULTI button to change the display from on e image to up to16 images from a patient’s file. To change the display from one image to sixteen images: 1. Clic k the MULTI but ton. 2. Click PREV or NEXT button to view other images in the file.
9 4-5-1. 36 multiple image Checked the mark in “multiple-display 36 image”, the number of the multiple image change from 16 to 36. In Menu [Setting]>>[Option Setting] Check the C licking [NEGA] b utton in Im age Process Bar, Multiple image is changed to B/W im age.
10 4-6.Frame Siz e The frame size button allows you to increase or reduce your view of the image. To change the frame size, click on the frame size button.
11 4-8.Edit D ata The Edit Data button allows you to view and change patient i nformation. Click Edit Data to displ ay Patie nt Inform ation di alog win dow. When you only change Diagnosis or Doctor, the below message appears. Note: “Original ID” entered in t he P atient Dialo g before capturing cannot be changed permanently.
12 4-9.Advanc ed Search List 4-9-1. Advanced Search ID List The ID list allows you to perform a search for patient records by using patient ID and name, or by date. The Database List dialog window displays a list of all patient records sorted by ID number.
13 1. 2. 4-9-1. A dvanced Searc h Name List [Name TYPE] Rese t to complete pat ient ID list Search from Patie nt Id and Name (Only beginning characters) Display list of sessi ons taken on the current day • Ent er Patient Id or name to display A list of images.
14 4-9-4. D iagnoses in Database L ist In menu, [Setting ]>>[Option Setting] If checked mark in “Show all diagnoses in Database List”, all diagnoses you edited would be shown in the database list, though the opening list speed becomes slow. Not checked, the common diagnosis edited in all images is shown.
15 4-10.Captu re Image The Capture button can be used instead of the foot-switch to freeze and resu me the live video. Capture bu tton is “out” when a live patient video is displayed in the capture window. The button is “pushed” in when the capture window i s displaying an image from memory or a frozen live image.
16 Operation of Menu Functions The following functions are located from a pull-down list in the menu bar. 4-13.Select Print Out The Select Print Out co mmand allows you to print a selected set of images from the multiple image display .
17 4-15.De lete Image of the same ID To delete a series of image of the same ID at a time, click the Open List button from the Command toolbar. Select the record to delete on the left click. (With pushing “Ctrl” key on the left click, you can select several records) After select records, push “Delete” key.
18 4-17.Cop y Image to Othe r Media 1.Copy to the floppy disk . View the image to copy, and Choose [File]>[Copy Image to Floppy]. Th e image data is copied to a floppy disk in a Jpeg file format of: Id number+Serial number.jpg 2.Copy Sele cted Im ages to Fol der 1.
19 4-20.Open fr om Archived Media VK-2 supports to read the image data from the Archived Media that other VK-2 system captured . Insert the Archived Media into the appropriate drive before you begin your search . 1. Choos e [Fil e] > [Ope n from Ar chived M edia], Or Click [Open Arc hived Media] on Advanced Search List.
20 4-24.Show Square (2 images) When displaying two images side by side, the Show Square function lets you crop the righ t and left side from each image to provide a better view for compariso n. 1. Display two i mages of interest in the w indow (see Multip le Image section ).
21 4-27. Cho ose Input Data T ype • Choose [Setting]>[Option Setting ] from menu. Check mark on [List Æ Nam e Mode], Name Type. List Name orders list. Take off mark on [Lis t Æ Name Mo de], ID Type . Patien t ID orders list. 4-28. Set display mode afte r searching • Choose [Setting]>[Option Setting ] from menu.
22 4-30.Send Image by E-Mail You can send selected image by E-Mail[Outlook Express] quickly and easily. To use t his f unction, need to s et up Outlook E xpres s befo rehand (R efer to the Wi ndows M anual). 1. Use the Multi button to view multiple images (see Multiple Image section).
23 4-31.Dr ag image Drag one image on the multiple 16 image m ode and move mouse while holding down left button, and drop to other application, folder , Floppy disk, or other removable media. You can copy one image to other media easily. Drag a nd copy to Floppy disk .
24 4-33.Show the date list You can ex port the pat ient list of the spec ified date as tex t file. Choose [Database]>[Show print list each day]. Select the date you want to get, and click OK, the date list including patient information would be shown as text file.
25 4-35.Lin k to Perime ter As one of the options of our Imaging system, you install the Perimeter application “FT8” AP-5000C, and you can startup and call the Perimeter application from VK2 application. In Menu [File]>>[Startup AP5000C] is active after instal ling application “FT8” AP-5000C.
26 5.Image Proces sing VK-2 offers a variety of too ls for helping y ou analyze and ed it your images. You access these too ls though the Image Pro cessing toolbar or th rough the menu in the capture wi ndow. Image Processing Toolbar Most of the tools you need are located on the Image Processing toolbar for easy access.
27 5-3.Enhanc e Image Use the Enhance button to better visua lize subtle gray level changes in the i mage. 1. Click Enhanc. The Enhance window appears. 2. Do one of the following : • Slide the bar to set the window levels. Click Ok. • Click on a desired point in the image to automatically adjust the tonal range based on that point.
28 5-4.Contras t When working with an image that is dark or has poor contrast click the Contst button to automatica lly adjust the contrast. 5-5.Br ightness To change the brightness of an image: 1. Click on the Bright button. The Bright dialog box appears.
29 5-10.Me asure Length To measure the relative length between two points: 1. Click the Length button. The Length dialog box appears. 2. Click on one endpoint of a segment of interest, and move mouse while holding down left button. The length of the segment is displayed in the dialog window in the Length box.
30 5-11-1.A rea metho d To measure the cup-to-disk rati o: 1. Click the Cup tool. The Cup Area dialog box appears 2. Move the mouse around the cup area, clicking 12 points to define the edge. The area of the cup is displayed. Maximum points are 12 points.
31 5-12.Me asure Angle To measure an angle in a region of interest: 1. Click on the Angle button. The Angle dialog window appears. 2. Define an angle by clicking on three points in the image. The angle value appears in the dialog box. 3. Click the End button w hen finished.
32 5-16.Re ference(Te mplate) I mage You can compare a patient image with a reference image you’ve saved. VK-2 allows you to store up to 64(multip ly 8 by 8 items) r eference i mages. To display the reference image for compa rison: 1. Display patient image.
33 Image Processing Menu Functions 5-17.Merge and Subtract You can merge two images together, and then subtract one image from another using the merge function. VK-2 will align and merge two images based on reference points you’ve chosen. 1. Display two image and choose from the menu Image Proc > Merge.
34 5-18.Noi se Reduction The Median or Average filter allows you to reduce the noise in the image. You can apply a Median filter by choosing from the menu [Image Proc] > [Noise Reduction] > [Median] You can also apply an Average filter by choosing from the menu [Image Proc] > [Noise Redu ction] > [Average] 5-19.
35 Image Processing Mouse F unctions 5-20. Enh ance part of the image Double c lick in an ar ea of intere st on the imag e. A section of the image is enhanced. 5-21.An alisys of gray level You can view the change in gray level along a horizontal line across the image.
36 5-23.Auto E nhance (Multiple Display) After showing multiple images on display, Push <F12> key. The image would be adjusted to proper contrast. The message “Auto-Enhance ON [slow to view]” appears on the taskbar. When this auto-enhance function is on, the processing speed would become slow.
37 Special Function s 5-25.Ste reo Viewer The stereo viewer button would appear only when the patient data has the stereo image. (How to get the stereo image, refer to “4-34.Stereo assist”) Click stereo button, and the stereo viewer “3D Para” would appear.
38 5) Cli ck [3D Model ], you c an se e the vir tual 3D m odel . While holding right-click button of the mouse, move the mouse, and you can revolute the model of the image as you like. While holding left-click b utton of the mouse, move the mouse, you can move the p osition of the image.
39 5-26.Red F ree Filter Processin g When you use Kowa fund us camera with Digital C a mera(KD211C, KD630 , D2H), ‘Red Free Filter” is inserted, t he image w ould be ch anged from green col or image to B/W image automatically with software re d free reorga nizatio n algorism .
40 6.View Datab ase The List of Patient ID window allows you to access patient data cards a nd images. Note!!!:Only English c haracter is ava ilable t o read a nd write in thi s part. 6-1.List of P atient ID Open Database Window: From the menu choose [Database ]> [Switch to Detail Databas e].
41 6-2.Patient Data Card The Patient Data Card window provides patient information and commen ts, and a list of all the images associated with that patient ID. You can review and co mpare images to m onito r changes. To open a p atient data card: From the List of Patient ID window, click on a patient ID to vie w that patient’s data card.
42 6-3. Lists of All Patient s Click on the All button in the List of Patient ID window to open the All Lists of Patients window. Fi nd or Replace the information 6-4.FILT ER Click on the Filter button in the List of Patient ID window to open the search dialog.
43 7.Opening and Saving I mages from ot her Devices 7-1. Opening and Saving other Image File Formats VK-2 allows you to import any JPEG, BMP, or TIFF image into a patient file. 1.Click the ‘VK_Scan’ application on the de sk top to start. Scan dialog box appears.
44 7-2.Scanning an Image into VK -2 VK-2 support 3 rd party scanners w ith Twain drivers. 1.Install Image Scanner software. 2.Click Scan application on the desktop to start. 3.Click Setting and select Tw ain source. 4.Click [SCAN] Select the res olution an d set the mode “Full Co lor” image.
45 7-3.Drop oing and saving Image in to VK-2 VK-2 allows you to im port any JPE G, BMP, or TIFF im age into a patient fi le with usi ng Drop f unction at the sam e time. Select som e images im ported from other applic ation o r folder, and move mouse while holding down left butt on, and dr op on the Scan appli cation.
46 8.Arhciving Data 8-1.Archi ving to a r emovable med ia You can make a back up of your patient records on the hard disk to a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RAM. 8-2.Check the settings (CD-R, RW) Open the Settings dialog window and check the Archive Drive number. Make sure the Archive Drive letter shown is the same as the CD-R to be used for archive.
47 8-3. For mat Blank C D-R <roxio Drag -to-Disc> 1. Inser t blank CD -R media int o CD-R drive. Click on the menu ic on Drop down list appear Select format disk Type the disk no on the volume l.
48 <DirectCD> 1. Insert blank CD-R media into CD-R drive. 2. Select Direct CD icon . The DirectCD so ftware will appear. Follow the instru ctions to for mat a CD.
49 8-4. Start Archive From the menu choose [Archive] > [Start Archive] and click OK. Depend ing on the amount of data to be archived, CD-R may have remaining space that can be used on a future archive. The timing to start Archive depends on the media.
50 8-5. Eject CD-R <roxio Drag-to-Disc> NO *** 1. Click on the Eject icon When the CD-R disk becom es full, check the checkbox that say “ Protect disk so that it cannot be written to again ” Important: Perform this step only if the CD is full 2.
51 <Direct CD> Eject CD_R or click the DirectCD icon in taskbar and follow the instructions. Using a soft tip marker, write the disk num ber ont o the CD-R. Next Next When the CD-R disk becomes full, check “Close to read…” checkbox. This changes the CD to that it can be read on most standard CD-ROM drive s.
52 8-6.Delete Archived Image from Hard disk As you save patient information, the space on your hard drive b ecomes full. After the information is archived to a CD-R , you can delete the archived information to make disk space availab le for new patient data.
53 (Cf. Delete I mage and Data base at a time) “8-6.Delete Archived Image from Hard disk” is the delete way after archiving to the backup media. But the system does not archived drive, and user does not have to stock old data. When data disk is full, you can delete old d ata from the first to the middle point, and mainta in the empty area.
54 8-7.Read imag e data from Ar chived Media When you perform a search for patient information that is not on the hard disk - or is located on both the hard disk and on archived media - a dialog window app ears requesti ng where to access the information.
55 Check the Arch ive Disk No in the Da tabase List 8-8.Copy A rchive Media You can make a duplicate copy of archived media. This process is only available when the data has not been deleted from hard disk. If the data is not in the hard d isk, copy the data directly in Windows File Copy method.
56 9. System Setting Video input se tting, disk sett ing and figures of hardware c onnection. Refer to another “INSTRUCTION MANUAL (Connecti on Manua l) ” Kowa Co mpany,Ltd .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kowa VK-2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kowa VK-2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kowa VK-2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kowa VK-2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kowa VK-2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kowa VK-2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kowa VK-2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kowa VK-2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.