Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 6B7198 du fabricant Kodak
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K OD A K PR OFESSIONAL HR 500 Plus and Univer sal Film Scanner s User’ s Guide P ar t No . 6B7198 P192_0016HC.
© Eastm an K odak Compan y , 2002 All rights reserv ed. C onten ts of this pub li cation m a y n ot be r eproduce d in an y f orm with out permission f rom East man K odak Co mpan y .
Unpac king Instructions f or the K OD AK PR OFESSIONA L HR 500 Plus and Univer sal Film Scanners CA UTION: The HR Film Sc anner weighs a lmost 120 lb s (54,5 k g).
iv Ma y 2 002.
May 20 02 v Regulator y Inf orm ation This equi pment h as been te sted a nd found to comp ly with th e limits for a Class A device, pursuant to par t 15 of the FCC ru les. These limi ts are des igned to provide reasona ble protection a gains t har mful interference when t he equi pment i s operated i n a com mercial environment.
Regulator y Info rmati on vi May 2002 Cautionary Symbols Hot Surface Symbol CA UTION: Risk of burn. Wait at least 5 minutes for the surface t o cool. Fus e La bel CA UTION: The scann er uses double pole/ne utral fu sing.
Regu latory In format ion May 20 02 vii Mechanical Hazard Symbol F rench: Symbol e de Dang er Méca nique German: Mech anische s Gef a hrensymb ol CA UTION: Moving parts. A void conta c t. F rench: A TTE NTION: Pièces en mouve ment. Ne pas tou cher .
Regulator y Info rmati on viii May 2002 Limitatio ns W arran ty se r vice i s limite d to areas within Kodak’ s esta blished ma rketing cen ters in the contiguo us Uni ted Sta tes, the is land o f Oahu in Hawaii, and some area s of Alaska .
May 20 02 ix Contents Regulator y Inform ation .............. ............. ...... ............. ....... ............ ............. ....... ............. ...... . ...... ............ v Cautionar y Symb ols ................. ............. ....... .....
Contents x May 2002 Appendix A: Using the Servi ce and As sembly Module ( SAM)... ............. ............. ............. ............. ........ A-1 Installing the Ser vice a nd Asse mbly Mod ule (SA M) Softwa re ................... ............. ..
May 20 02 xi About This Guide This User’ s G uide for the K O D AK PROFESSIONAL HR 500 Pl us Film S canner and the K OD AK P ROFESSION AL HR Uni versal Scanner inclu des proc edures for operating, maintaini ng, and troubleshooti ng the scan ner . It also inc ludes an append ix for the option al Lon g Roll Acce ssor y .
About Th is Gu ide xii May 2002.
May 20 02 1-1 1 Intr oduction and Over view This ch apter inclu d es: • product desc ript ion • f e atures a nd bene fits • equi pment o vervie w • recomm ended con figurati on for host comput.
Introducti on and Overvi ew 1-2 May 2002 Features and Benefits F e atures an d benef its of the HR 50 0 Plus a nd Universal Film Sc anner s incl ude: • high spe ed and high i mage qu ality di gital .
Introdu ct ion and Over view May 2 002 1-3 Bef ore Y ou Be gin It is impor tant that you know when to cali brate and when to f ocus the scann er . The table below is a gu ideline f or calib rating and focusing. Focusing can o ccur as infreque ntly as when a d ifferent film form at is sc anned or as frequ ently as ev e r y scan.
Introducti on and Overvi ew 1-4 May 2002 Equipment Over view Fr on t View Rear Vie w P192_0016HC K-nu mber is visi bl e when th is door is open P192_0019HC Serial Number XXX latch r elease screw power.
Introdu ct ion and Over view May 2 002 1-5 Recommen ded Co n figur ation of the Host Comp ute r The scann er is only c er t ified to communi cate w ith Wi ndows NT and Window s 2000 p latforms w ith the f ollowing configu ration. IMPORT ANT: T o ensure pr oper ope ration of the scanner, use the Ultra-Wi de SCSI b oard pr ovided with th e scanne r .
Introducti on and Overvi ew 1-6 May 2002 Film Sizes Common ly av ai lable col or negati ve , colo r rev e rsal (po sitive), and black-an d-white films are suppo r ted by the scanner .
May 20 02 2-1 2 Connecting and Operating the Scanner This chapter gi ves i n struc tions for: • prepar ing th e host compu ter • connect ing the HR Fi lm Scann er to t he hos t computer • star t.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-2 May 2002 Connecting the Scanner CA UTION: Make sure the setting on the A C input module on the bac k of the scanner ag rees w ith th e power source . The AC input mod ule is factory -set to 115 V AC (60 Hz ) as labe led.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scann er May 2 002 2-3 Changing the A C I nput V ol tage Setting and the Fuses If needed, c hange the AC input voltage set ting (voltage sel ector switch) and both fuses from 115 V AC to 220 V AC operation: 1. Make sure th e power cord is r emov e d from the scan ner .
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-4 May 2002 5. Remove the two 115 V AC (6.3 a mp) fuse s and repla ce them wi th the 220 V AC (3.15 am p) fuses.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scann er May 2 002 2-5 Att ach i ng t he Ca bl es CA UTION: In the next step, av oid for cing the cab le pins when plugging the cable into the sc anner . Y ou need a straight -blade screwdri ver to complete the atta chment of the c able to the s canner .
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-6 May 2002 Star ting Up the Scanner System NO TE: If the scanner ’ s power has bee n on and the s canner ha s been ca librated, continue with Ope rating the S canne r beginn ing on page 2-8.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scann er May 2 002 2-7 P owering up the Scanner and the Host Computer 1. T urn on the scanner ’ s power s witc h. NO TE : The green LED ligh t on the scann er indi cates onl y that AC pow er is supplie d to the scan ner , no t that th e system is rea dy .
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-8 May 2002 Operating the Scanner Setting the Magnifica tion and Calibrating the Scanner Use your host comp uter ’ s s cann er software t o do thi s proc edure. NO TE : The ter mi nology used in your scan ner soft ware may diff er from that used in this doc ument .
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scann er May 2 002 2-9 2. Ma k e sur e the red handle is i n the cor rect pos ition — either n egative or positive — for scanning a negat ive or a mounte d slide ( positi v e). IMPORT ANT: If you changed the se tting of the bal ance fil ter , you must calibrate the sc anner b efore continuing.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-10 May 2 002 Placing a Negative or Moun ted Slide in the F ilm Holder Select t he appr opr iate fi lm holder for the negat ive or mounted s lide you wil l be scanni ng.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scann er May 2 002 2-11 Prepar ing an Uncar ded Negativ e W ear clean , cotton gloves when han dling the negative. Illumi nate the negative with a light box or hol d the negati ve up to the l ight to vi ew and alig n the ne gative.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-12 May 2 002 Placing the Film Holder in the Scanner 1. Hold th e film holder g uide so t he top h andle faces the ba ck of the sca nner . Center the film holder be tween the two rails of the fil m hold er guide.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scann er May 2 002 2-13 Focusing With the n egative or mounted slide i nstal led in the sc anner , u se the software install ed on your hos t compute r to focus the s canner . IMPORT ANT: The nee d for f ocusing is par tially de pendent on the “ depth o f field.
Connecti ng and Operati ng the Scanner 2-14 May 2 002.
May 20 02 3-1 3 V alidating the Scanner This cha pter i ncludes instr u ction s for using the Ser vi ce and As sembly Modu le (SAM) and Adobe P hotoshop s oftware to v alidate that the scanner fu nctio ns proper ly . NO TE S: F or mor e informa tion ab out us ing the Ser vice and Ass embly module software on th e host co mputer , see A ppend ix A .
V ali dating the Sc anner 3-2 May 2002 Star ting the SAM Software 1. Open SAM. The Ope rations window appe ars with the Mag/Focus ta b displayed..
V ali dating the Sc anner May 20 02 3-3 2. P e rform a ba ckup of the scan ner fi les: a. Cli ck the Backup & Restor e tab. b. C l i ck Backup ..
V ali dating the Sc anner 3-4 May 2002 Setting the Magnification 1. Cl ick the Mag/F ocus tab . 2. Sel ect a Chosen Magnification of 1.00. 3. Cl ick Do Magnif ication . The lens m ov e s into po sition. A mess age app ears sta ting th at ther e is no s tored c alibration .
V ali dating the Sc anner May 20 02 3-5 Calibrating t he Scanner 1. Click the Cal ibrate/Image Proces sing tab. 2. For the pur p oses of validating th e scanne r , make su re the values o n the Calibrate/I mage Pro cessin g tab matc h the values sh own on th e sample.
V ali dating the Sc anner 3-6 May 2002 Making a T est Scan Before you scan an ima ge, you must identi fy the ar ea to b e scanne d and th e file that will contai n the sc anned i mage. 1. Click the Capt ure ta b . 2. En ter the fi le infor matio n: a.
V ali dating the Sc anner May 20 02 3-7 3. Use th e table below only a s a s tar ti ng point for deter mi ning Scan Area va l u e s. NO TE: Keep the Line Offset (y) : at t he def aul t v alue of 0 and k eep Pi xel Summing at the de f a ult value of N one.
V ali dating the Sc anner 3-8 May 2002 A utof ocusing 1. Ins tall a negative or mo unted sli de in the sc anner . ( See S elect ing the Negative or P osi tive Balancin g Filter o n page 2-8.
V ali dating the Sc anner May 20 02 3-9 Scanning the Image 1. Click the Capt ure ta b . 2. Cl ick Scan . Chec king the Sca n 1. On th e Captur e tab, click Open Im ag e . Adobe Photosho p opens. 2. In P hotoshop, enter the requ ired values. a. En ter th e Dimensi ons: • Widt h = Actual #Pixels wh en Pixel Summi ng is None .
V ali dating the Sc anner 3-10 May 2002 b . Enter the Cha nnel infor matio n: • Set the Count to 3 . • Make sure Inter leaved is s elect ed. • Set Depth to 16 Bits . • Set Byte Order to IBM PC . 3. Cl ick OK . After a few seconds, the raw image ap pears.
May 20 02 4-1 4 Maintaining the Equipment This cha pter conta ins proc edures to be done by the perso n who is re sponsible f or maintenanc e of th e HR Film Scan ners.
Main tainin g the Equi pment 4-2 May 2002 Cleaning the Li ght Bar If ar tif ac ts appear on your sc anned images, cle an the l ight bar . IMPORT ANT: Wear white cotto n glov es for this pro cedure to prev e nt oils a nd dir t from bei ng absor bed in to the m icrofib er clea ning clo th.
Mainta ining the Eq uipmen t May 20 02 4-3 2. Loo sen th e thumb screws on the lamp cov er and pull the cover straight out. When you rem ov e the cov er , the safety switch is releas ed, r emoving power to the l amp soc ket. CA UTION: Wait at least five mi nutes for the lamp to cool.
Main tainin g the Equi pment 4-4 May 2002 Replacing the (Roun d) Balance Filters IMPORT ANT: The bala nce fi lters are ma de of glass an d are expensive to replac e. They are not in clude d in th e produc t warranty o r ser vice cont ract. Use care wh en hand ling t he bala nce filt ers.
Mainta ining the Eq uipmen t May 20 02 4-5 6. Rep lace the b alanc e filter s: a. Rem ov e the 3 screws. b . Remov e the filter reta iner . c. Remov e the old filters an d plac e the n ew filters in the fil ter holde r . The fil ters are c oated on both sides.
Main tainin g the Equi pment 4-6 May 2002 CA UTION: Wait at least five mi nutes for the lamp to cool. 3. P o sition th e red balance- filte r selectio n handl e of th e balan ce-fil ter ass embly in the center . 4. Hold th e red handle and pu ll the assembly st raight o ut from the scanner.
A-1 Appendix A: Using the Service and Assembl y Module (SAM) The Ser vice and As sembly Modu le (SAM ) so ftware perfor ms many of the sa me functions a s other host s oftware. Its pr imar y pur pose f o r us ers is to valida te that your scanner is wor king correc tly and t o allow you to pe rform simple scan functions.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Module (SAM) A-2 May 2002 Installing the Serv ic e and Assem bl y Module (SAM) Software 1. Load th e SAM CD . 2. Ru n setup. exe from the SA M CD . 3. Re spond to t he promp t s in the i nstalla tion pr ogr am. Y ou must p rovide the p rogram loca tion an d the na me of th e program menu item.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Modul e (SAM) May 20 02 A-3 Using Operatio ns If the Ope rations wi ndow does not ap pear , selec t View->Operations .
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Module (SAM) A-4 May 2002 IMPORT ANT: The Diag nostics, S ensors, Moto rs & S olenoi ds, and T ransfer tabs are not needed for user function s. Use these t abs on ly at the reque st of your Kodak suppo r t r epresen tative.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Modul e (SAM) May 20 02 A-5 P erforming the Functions o n the Mag/Focus T ab IMPORT ANT: Magnific ation Calib ration shoul d be done only with the guidan ce of a K odak sup por t repres entative.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Module (SAM) A-6 May 2002 P erforming a n A utofocus 1. On th e Mag/Focus tab , enter the Focus Range . The rec ommend ed value is 300. The Rang e is the i nitial range of trav el used for the CCD and lens, in motor s teps.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Modul e (SAM) May 20 02 A-7 P erforming the Functi ons on the Calib rate/Image Pr ocessing T ab F rom the Operations window , click the Ca librate/Ima ge Proc essing tab w hen you need to calibrate the sc anner . Setting Image Processing P arameters 1.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Module (SAM) A-8 May 2002 Calibrating the Scanner IMPORT ANT: The C AL (70MM -CAL f o r HR 500 P lus Fi lm Scann er an d 4 x 5 for HR Universal Fi lm Sc anner) film holder mus t be in posit ion in the scanner before you continue.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Modul e (SAM) May 20 02 A-9 Setting the S can Ar ea T o s et the S can Ar ea, enter values f or : • # Pixels (valid values range f rom 1 throug h 6002) ; for f astes.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Module (SAM) A-10 May 200 2 Using the Miscellaneous T ab Clicking the Mi scella neous tab on th e Ope rations wi ndow lets you: • tur n the lam p on an d off • res.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Modul e (SAM) May 20 02 A-11 Bac ki ng Up and Restoring Fil es F rom the Operations window , cli ck the Backup & Rest ore tab wh en you need t o perform e ither a b ackup or rest ore of the scan ner file s. • Click Bac kup to back up scan ner file s.
Using the Ser vice and Ass embly Module (SAM) A-12 May 200 2.
May 20 02 B-1 Appendix B: Or dering Accessories and Supplies Access orie s Item Descrip tion Order Number Manual: K od ak Professional HR 500 Plu s Film & HR Uni v e rsal Film Scanne rs User ’ s.
Orderin g Accessories and Supplies B-2 May 2002 A vaila ble Accessories Supplies Item Descrip tion Order Number Static E limi nation Kit A vailable from: Holter Ass ociates, Inc.
May 20 02 C-1 Appendix C: Scanner Specifications Site Specifi cations A C P ower Requirements 1,750 watts pe ak A C Frequency 50 or 60 Hz AC P h a s e Singl e Oper ating En vir onment Room temp eratur.
Scanner Specif icati ons C-2 May 2002.
D-1 Appendix D: Using the Long Roll Accessor y The Kodak Professional HR 500 Fil m Sca nner Lon g Roll Access or y l ets you scan rolls of 35 mm -, 46 mm- , 70 m m-, and 12 0/220- size edited film. IMPORT ANT: The Long Roll A ccess or y mus t not be insta lled when you scan a 4 x 5-in.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-2 May 2002 Installing the Software f o r the Long Roll Accessor y 1. With the PC p owered off, power on the scan ner . 2. W ait for the ser ies of 3 beeps to s ound a t the scan ner (or for the l amp to illu minate ).
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-3 Upgrading the Scanner ’ s F irmwa re Check the Web site (se e page D -2) for the mos t up-to- date in stru ction s. 1. Open SAM a nd click the T ransfer tab on the O perations window . 2. Make sure th e File T ype is F ir mware ( W).
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-4 May 2002 7. Wh en the t ransf e r is c omplet e, select the Backup & Res tore t ab and cl ick Backup . 8. Wh en the ba ckup is complet e, ex i t SAM .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-5 Installing or Re moving the Long Roll Acces sor y IMPORT ANT: Beca use of manufacturing t olerances, ap er tur e pla tes an d Long Roll Ac cessor i es canno t be in terch anged.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-6 May 2002 Preparing the Scanner for the Long Roll Accessor y Y ou must rem ov e the fil m hol der guide from the scann er be f o re you instal l the Long Roll Acce ssor y . CA UTION: As indicated in Step 1 below , ma ke sure the sca nner is powe r ed OFF .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-7 CA UTION: Use canned or pressurized air to remove an y dust or debris fr om the connector . 4. Inspe ct and remove an y dus t and de bris from the conne ctor . 5. Remove the two mounti ng screws on eac h side o f the c onnect or .
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-8 May 2002 Attaching the Long Roll Accessory to the Scanner CA UTION: Ma ke sure t he scann er is p owered OFF . 1. Grasp the la rge rectan gular opening t o lift and remove the Long R oll Acces sor y from t he shippi ng box.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-9 CA UTION: A void hitting the light ba r and the safety s witch on the scanner . 4. Cen ter the al ignmen t blocks on the Lon g Roll Access or y b etween the two do wel pi ns on the sc anner . 5. Gradua lly lower the Long Roll Ac cess or y to rest in plac e on the scan ner .
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-10 May 2002 CA UTION: When inst alling the mounting screws in the next step, us e care to avoid • dr opping the screws inside the scanner • cross threadin g the s crews 6. Instal l, but do not fully tighte n, the r ear moun ting s crew .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-11 Latching and Unlatching the Gate A ctuator Be sur e you know how to latc h and u nlatch th e gate a ctuato r before installi ng the aper ture plate. Th e gate a ctuato r must be in the unlatc hed po sition for film load ing and in the la tched p osition f o r scann ing.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-12 May 2002 Installi ng the Aper ture Plate IMPORT ANT: T o power on the scan ner witho ut error, an aper ture plate mus t be insta lled, lat ch ed, and locked. 1. Choos e the ap er tur e pla te corres pondin g to the film form at you will be scanni ng.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-13 Remo ving the Long Roll Accessory fr om the Scanner It may be necess ar y to remove the Long Rol l Access or y fr om the scanner.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-14 May 2002 Punc h Sensor s The punc h (data hol e) sens ors are s et up at the f a ctor y f or negati v e -typ e film and require n o adj ustmen t dur in g the ins talla tion p rocedur e.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-15 Adjusting the Core Locator Height on the Spindle The spind les on the Lon g Roll Acces sor y hav e core loca tors to acc ommoda te diff e rent f ilm sizes. Push and hold t he button to r elease a nd pos ition the c ore loc ator at the cor rect detent.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-16 May 2002 Loading and Threading Film IMPORT AN T: Careful hand ling o f film is extremely impor tant. B efore loadin g film , clean the film wi th Super Film Cl eaner or an equivalent cl eaner tha t has ioni zed air and par ticle transfer rollers (PT R).
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-17 Threading the Film 1. P o sition th e film with the data ho les d own and the e mulsion toward the image r . Y ou can thread th e film from eith er side of the L ong Rol l Acce ssor y . 2. Instal l the f ilm on the sp indle.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-18 May 2002 4. Af ter the fil m is thr eaded , pull the gate ac tuator forward to lat ch it agai nst th e aper ture plate. Move the locking ar m to the l eft (locked positio n). Setting the Punch Reader Heig ht 1. Open SAM.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-19 3. Sel ect Vie w>Film Controls . 4. Cl ick Load Film . A dialog box appears. 5. Cl ick OK . 6. In prepa ration for the reader height a djustm ent, click Fas t F w rd > > to advance the film a pproximately 1 0 feet, then click <<Rewi nd to rev erse the film t he same dist a nce.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-20 May 2002 Installing the Adjustment T ool 1. Locat e the le ft and r ight adjustin g screws on either s ide of the aper ture plate. 2. Instal l the h eight a djustmen t too l in the r ight or le ft adju sting screw .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-21 Visually Chec king the Punch Reader Height 1. Look a t the sma ll blue light l ocated in the notch at the top o f the punc h rea der , which is below the pr essu re roller s and adjacent to the e dge of th e aper ture.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-22 May 2002 Adjusting the Punch Reader Height Adjust b oth the left and r ight rea der heig hts suc h that th e punc h reader fully disting uishe s between a data h ole and film.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-23 Appendix D-1: Calibrating the Sensor Offsets IMPORT ANT: Do this pr ocedur e only if you will be u sing SAM to ope rate the scanner. Do this p rocedure twice, once f or the left sens or and o nce for the r igh t sensor .
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-24 May 2002 Setting the Lens Magnificatio n 1. If the O peratio ns window is not vis ible in SAM, s elect View>Operati ons Cont rols . 2. Sel ect 1.00 as the Chosen Magnification . 3. Cl ick Do Magnif ication . 4.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-25 Setting the Scan P arameters 1. Sel ect T est>Lo ng Roll Capture f rom the S AM menu. 2. Se t the Scan and P ositio ning I nfo . a. Se t the #L ines ( dy) to 1. b . Set the Line Offset (y) to 0. c. Set Pixel Summing to No ne.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-26 May 2002 Locating the First Punched Frame 1. On th e Film C ontrol s dialo g box, click Load First Fr m . A d ialog box appears. 2. Se lect the F ilm Proces sing Di rection: • If you are ca librating t he left sens or offset, sele ct Forward (Left to Right) .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-27 5. On th e Film C ontrol s dialo g box, click Se ek Frame . A dialog box appears. 6. T ype the Pun ch Number from the C urrent P unch on th e stat us bar . 7. Cl ick Go . The T arget Pun ch sh ould eq ual the Cur rent Punch.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-28 May 2002 Check ing the Alignment and A djusting the Sensor Offsets 1. Using a flashlig ht, look from the rear of th e aper ture to check the alig nment of the mar ked frame with the aper ture plate.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-29 2. In SA M, select V iew>Confi gurations . CA UTION: Fast Fwr d / Re wind Speed should never be greater than 10 . If needed, change the speed to be 10 Inches per sec. or les s. As a guideline, the speed should be 10 inches per second if you u se 1-in ch film cores (the recomme nded siz e).
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-30 May 2002 6. If the m ar ked frame is no t aligned with the r ight edge of the a per tu re pl ate, sele ct View>Config urations .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-31 Append ix D-2: Determi ning an d Setting th e T rigger Po i n t s IMPORT ANT: Do this pr oced ure only if you will be scann ing fil m that has a signifi cantly h igher or lower D-min from n egative film, s uch as blac k -and-wh ite film or color positi ve film.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-32 May 2002 Determining the Left T rigger P oint 1. On t he Film C ontrols windo w of SA M, clic k P osition > to advance the film and deter mi ne the “ av er age ” lo w numb er (ind icating the pre sence of film) o n the left LED .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-33 Setting the T rigger P oints at the Scanner 1. On th e left sid e of the scanner : a. Mov e SET/ADJ/ RU N to ADJ . b . Press MO DE to in crem ent the number (or pr ess TEACH t o de crement the number) to the value you deter min ed to be the le ft tri gger point.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-34 May 2002 Append ix D-3: Mainten ance P erform these mai ntenanc e proce dures a t leas t once a day . 1. In SA M, select View> Film Cont rols. 2. Cl ick T ension Off and re mov e film from the gate. It is not n ecessa r y to c omple tely unth read t he film .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-35 Cleaning the Punch Rea ders 1. Locat e the two pun ch r eaders, below the pres sure r ollers and adjac ent to t he left and r i ght edg es of the ap er ture. 2. Use c anned a ir to cl ean the left an d ri ght pun ch reade rs.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-36 May 2002 Cleaning the Roll ers 1. In SA M, select View> Film Cont rols. 2. On th e Film C ontrols window , c lick Clean Rollers .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-37 A dialog box appears. 3. Ma k e sur e no film is in the gat e. Click Ye s . The ro llers r otate. CA UTION: In the step below , do not use rubbing alcohol.
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-38 May 2002 Append ix D-4: In itia l Setup o f Sensors IMPORT ANT: Do this proced ure onl y if you installed a new sensor or if the senso r setup was acciden tally c hanged. Resetting the Sensor s to the Factory V alues 1.
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-39 Pr ogram ming the Sensors for the Long Roll Accessory P ower on the scann er . The display on the l eft senso r will be inver ted. Pr ogrammin g the Left Sensor 1. Open the pla stic cover on th e left dis play .
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-40 May 2002 6. Change the Detecti on Func tio n Setting to F HS ( high spe ed): a. Pr ess and hold MODE unti l F St appears. b . Press TE A CH onc e. F Ld appears. c. Press TEA CH agai n. F HS a ppear s. d. Mov e SET/ADJ/ RU N to RU N .
Using th e Long Roll Acc essor y May 2 002 D-41 Appendix D-5: T able of Scan Area V alues Use the table be low only a s a star ting point for deter mi ning scan ar ea values. Long-Roll Film Holders Magnification # P ixels Pixel Off set # Lines File Siz e (MB ) 35 mm do uble- perforat ed .
Using th e Long R oll A ccess or y D-42 May 2002 Appendix D-6: F ilm Splicing and Ed iting Guidelines F o llow these guidelin es to e nsure th e sca nner co rrectl y reads the dat a holes. IMPORT ANT: When splici ng rolls o f film, always splice fir st, th en edit .
May 20 02 I-1 Index Numerics 4 x 5 fi lm holder for HR U nivers al Film Sc anner 1-6 , A-8 70MM-CAL film holder fo r HR 500 Plus F ilm Scanner 1-6 , A-8 A AC inpu t module 2-2 AC voltag e and current .
Index I-2 May 2002 K K-number, on scanner v ii , 1-4 Kodak Pro fessional Dig ital Print Pr oduction Softwa re (DP2) 1-3 , D-1 , D-22 Kodak Pro fessional HR 500 TWAIN Data So urce 1-3 L lamp replaci ng.
Index May 20 02 I-3 scanne r specificatio ns C-1 AC voltag e and current draw C-1 clear anc es, for op er ati on and ser vice of sc ann er C-1 dimens io ns and wei ght C-1 locat ion C-1 powe r cons um.
Index I-4 May 2002.
EAST MAN K OD AK COMP ANY Rochester , New Y ork 14653 U. S . A . K od ak and Kodak Professional ar e trademar ks of Eas tman K odak Compa ny. © Eastma n K o dak Compa ny , 2002 Pri nted in U.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kodak 6B7198 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kodak 6B7198 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kodak 6B7198, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kodak 6B7198 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kodak 6B7198, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kodak 6B7198.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kodak 6B7198. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kodak 6B7198 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.