Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 20R du fabricant Kodak
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KODAK PROFESSIONAL LED II Pr inter 20R O p e r a t o r ’ s G u i d e P a r t N o . 6 B 6 1 9 2.
© Eastma n Kodak C omp any , 2000 All rights r eserv ed. Content s of t his public ation ma y not b e reprod uced in any form witho ut permi ssion from Eastman Kodak Com pa ny .
Regulato ry Inform ation Ra dio Fr eq uenc y Int er fere nc e The Unite d St ates (47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B, FCC Cl ass A, EMC) This equi pment has b een tested and f ound to c omply with the li mit s for a Class A digital device, purs uant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Safety Re gulations IMPORT ANT : This equipment incorporates high-voltage components. Adequate safeguard s and interlocks have b een designed into this equ ipment to reduc e the risk of injury during normal op eration.
W arra nty Informati on The f ollowing war ran ty in format ion pe rt ains to e quip ment t hat i s i nsta ll ed in t he U nite d S tates onl y . For equ ipm ent i ns t a ll ed in cou ntri es other th.
Septembe r 2000 vi i T able Of Contents A bout T his Guid e ......................................................................................... .................... .. .... ... ..... .. ..... .. . xiii Usin g Th is Guid e.... ..... .. ..... .. .
viii Sept ember 20 00 Usin g the Pri n te r Fea tu r e s ..... ... .... ........ .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ....... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ....... ... .... ... ..... ....... 3- 23 Ac cessin g the M enu .... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ....
Septembe r 2000 ix 4 Main tain ing t he Equ ipme nt . ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ....... ... .... ... .... ....... ... .. ..... .. ..... 4-1 Main ta i ni ng the Pr int er .... ... .. .. ... .
x Septemb er 2000 Appendi x C: Additional Calibration Informat ion ................ ..................... .. ............... ..................... .. ... .. .... C-1 Ins tal ling t he Ca libra tion Sof tware.... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ...
Septembe r 2000 xi Appendi x E: U sing the PHOT OSHOP Expo rt Module ............................................................................ E -1 Installing th e Ex port Module ........ ............ ......... ............ ....... ............ ...
Septembe r 2000 xiii About This Guide This is a User ’ s Gu ide for t he KODAK PROFESS IONAL L ED II Pri nter 20R. It provides step-by-step instructions for the operations you perform while u sing the Printer . It al so inclu des proced ures and information for operating, maintaining, troubleshooting , and calibrating the printer .
About T his Guide xi v Septem ber 2 000 About O ther Publica tions The following publication is included with the printer: Quick Reference Guide f or the KODAK PROFESSIONAL LED II Printer 20R and the .
About T his Guide Septembe r 2000 xv Getting Help from Kod ak Y our K odak s ales representative is the best source for inform ation about setting up and operating your printer and for ob taining accessories and supplies. Please contact your Kodak sales representative if you have any ques tions.
Septembe r 2000 1-1 1 Introduction This chapt er includes the foll owing information a bout t he KODA K PROF ESSIONAL LE D II P rint er 20R: Pr oduct De scrip tion ....... ... .... ... .... ........ .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ....
Introduction 1-2 Sept ember 2 000 Equi pment O verview host comp uter an d SC SI cable Fron t V iew densitometer (no t included) front do or paper supp ly prin t e r door contro l p anel oper ator p a.
Septembe r 2000 2-1 2 U sing the Sys tem This chapter explains how to use the KODAK PRO F ESSIONA L LED II P ri nter 20R. It takes you f rom startup to shutdown. T o pics include: Sta rtin g up t he Pri nter .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .
Using the System 2-2 Sept ember 2 000 Calibratin g the Printer Y ou need t o cali brate the printer when you start the system up each day . Y o u also need t o calibrate t he printer wh en: • you cha nge p aper • print quality is quest ionable • the tem perature at the site cha nges m ore t han 5 ° F (2.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-3 The LE D Calibration s creen appea rs. 3. Cli ck Go to sta rt th e cali brati o n cycle . Dow nl oad in g LU T s and S end in g T es t Pri nt h ighlights. If the configuration file specifies to Ask i f processo r is in con trol , th e Process In Control dialog box appears.
Using the System 2-4 Sept ember 2 000 The Send LUT to Prin t er screen ap pears. NOTE: The hi ghlighted LUT in the dialog b ox above is the mos t recent calibration LUT . 5. Click either Load Selected LUT or Load C ustom LU T (o r Cancel to ca nc el the calibration proces s ).
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-5 The syst e m automatically downloads the LUT file to the printer to create a test print. When the test p rint has been sent to the printer , the S can ning Processed Print with De nsitometer status icon on the KODAK LED Printer Calibration screen is highlighted.
Using the System 2-6 Sept ember 2 000 3. Slide the lever on the densitometer to position 30. Align t h e edge of the test print with t he lever on the densitometer . Gently feed the test print through the densitomete r to sc an the pat ches la beled “ both ” .
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-7 2. If c a l ib r a t i on i s ou t o f to le ra n c e , it ma y be n e ce ssa r y to r un fo u r or mo re itera t ions of th e calibra t ion cycl e to achieve a success fu l calibr ati on.
Using the System 2-8 Sept ember 2 000 b. Select one of the f our op ti ons to t ry to complete t he ca libration succ essful ly . • If th e Out of T ole r anc e d ialog box appea rs again, repeat this step until you get a successful calibration; go to step 1.
Using the System Septembe r 2000 2-9 Hard Shutd own Use this method f or shutting down t he printer f or an ext ended perio d of t ime (several d ays or longer). 1. Do a soft shut dow n. See “ Soft Shutdown ” on page 2-8. CAUTION: T u rn o ff the circuit breaker only after doing the soft shut down.
Septembe r 2000 3-1 3 Operating Pr ocedures This section provides the information you need to operate the KODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II P rint er 20 R. T opics incl ude: Ope rator Control Panel ( OCP) . .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .
Operating P rocedures 3-2 Sept ember 2 000 Opera tor Control Panel (OCP) The ope rator control panel (OCP) for the p rinter allows you to vie w and control: • current status of the printer • curre.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-3 OCP K ey/ Li ght D escr ipt ions Key/ Ligh t Key /LED Ind ic ator Li gh t Desc rip tion/ Func tion S tart Key The Start key t urns on the power f o r the printer when t he printer has been shu t down through the OCP .
Operating P rocedures 3-4 Sept ember 2 000 Men u The m enu allows you to access ot her printer feat ures. NOTE: T o access the menu, the print queue must not have any pages waiting to be printed. 1. Press On /O ff Line to take t he printer offline. 2.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-5 St a tu s Me ssa ge s S tat us mes sages display on the LCD display of the OCP to indicate the status or current state of the printer . S tatus M essage/P rinter State Definition sta tus: ON LINE – Rea dy The printer is idl e and r ead y to acce pt jobs.
Operating P rocedures 3-6 Sept ember 2 000 Loadin g Pape r Into the Sup ply Ca ssette W ARNING: Move the supply cassette from the printer t o a table to l oad or unlo a d pap er .
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-7 Load in g th e Pa pe r 1. Unlock t he supply casset te locks. 2. Open the supply ca ssette. 3. If necessary , remove paper scraps f rom the core support assembly . 4. Remove the old core and support assembly from the supply cassette.
Operating P rocedures 3-8 Sept ember 2 000 TIP: Practice the following steps in the light with a n empt y cardbo ard core before you load a new roll of paper in t he dark. CAUTION: Loading pap er into the p ap er cassette must be completed in a darkroom with th e light s off.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-9 12. Fee d the lead edge of the paper through the slotted opening in the paper cass ette. 13. Close th e supply casset te and latch the supply cassette locks. NOTE: Be sure that t h e core support assembly rotates freely in the supply cassette a nd that the paper f eeds f reely .
Operating P rocedures 3-10 Sept ember 2 000 At t a chi n g a Digi t a l Pape r Save r T o save p a per that is l ost during the paper loading process when using the “ 1-S tep No rmal ” paper loadin g option, you m ay instal l a digital pri nter paper saver (leader) to the lead edge of the roll of paper .
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-11 7. Fold the edges of the splice tape over the digital p rinter paper saver and the paper . 8. Cut a second piece of splice t ape that is slightly smaller than the wid th of the paper . 9. Install t he second piece of splice t ap e over the paper and t h e digital printer p aper sa ve r .
Operating P rocedures 3-12 Sept ember 2 000 Ins t al lin g th e Lo aded Pap er Suppl y Into the Pri n ter 1. Open t he paper s upply doo r . 2. Empty the punch chad tray .
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-13 10. When the message “ Feed paper into printer ... ” appears, pull the l ea d edge of the paper (or digital pri nter paper saver) out of the paper cassette and place the lead edge of the p ape r into the punch slots.
Operating P rocedures 3-14 Sept ember 2 000 Inst al ling the T ak eup Ca ssette Pre p arin g the T a ke up C ass ett e 1. Unlatch the t akeup cassette locks and open the takeup cass ette. 2. Rem ove the core sup port assem bly . 3. Mo ve the screw adjuster to the correct position for the paper size that you are loading.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-15 7. Install t he core support assem bly into the takeup cassette. See the instructions on the label on the top of the takeup cassette . NOTE: Make sure that the core support assemb ly is inst alled correctly i n the cutouts of the takeup casse tte.
Operating P rocedures 3-16 Sept ember 2 000 3. Install t he takeup cassette onto the casse tte support arms. IMPORT ANT : Check that t he beari ngs on the cassette a r e seated in the supp ort arms.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-17 Ci nchi ng th e Me di a to t he Cardbo ard Core Do the foll owing to cinch (attach) t he medi a (paper or digital pri nter paper saver) to the cardboard cor.
Operating P rocedures 3-18 Sept ember 2 000 (d) Turn the flange on the core support assembly until you h ave wrap ped enough paper around the cardbo ard core to cinch it to the core. (e) Chec k that the right edge of the paper is still aligned with the flange and close to it.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-19 Unloadin g the Paper fro m the Printer The menu provides two options for unloading paper before the end of the roll i s detected : • Unload Supply and T akeu p — Autom ati cal ly makes a cut betwe e n the exposed paper and the u nexposed paper .
Operating P rocedures 3-20 Sept ember 2 000 Rem oving the T akeu p Cassette W ARNING: Move the takeup cassette from the printer t o a table to l oad or unlo a d pap er . 1. Open the takeup door . 2. Remove the takeup cassette from the printer b y lifting it off of t he support arms by the cassette handles.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-21 Re movi ng Expo sed Pa per fr om the T ake up Ca sse tte 1. Remove t he takeup cass ette from the printer . See “ Unloading the Paper from th e P ri nt er ” on page 3-19. CAUTION: The following step s mus t be completed in a dark room.
Operating P rocedures 3-22 Sept ember 2 000 6. Remov e: • scre w lock or fla nge • exposed paper from the c ore suppo rt asse mbly NOTE: After removing the screw lock, tap the screw lock e nd of the core to loosen t he paper roll an d m ake it ea sier to remove f rom the core supp ort assem bly .
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-23 Using the Printer F eatures The f oll owing features are a vailable from the menu o n the OCP . Ac cess i ng t he Me nu 1.
Operating P rocedures 3-24 Sept ember 2 000 Shut dow n and R est art Shutdow n 1. Select “ Shutdown ” from the main menu on the OCP . 2. Select “ Shutdown NO W? ” This causes the printer to shut do wn operations and enter the standby mode. Re star t 1.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-25 Pape r Lo ad ing Opt ion s NOTE: For options in which the f irst exposure is not indi vidually punched, th e fir st exposure will use 33 inches of paper . T o minimi ze paper waste, the s iz e of the images f or the first expo s u r e should total 33 inc hes whenever possible.
Operating P rocedures 3-26 Sept ember 2 000 Cha n gi n g t he Pa p er Loa din g Opt ion When us ing the Paper L oading F eature, y ou sh ould select t he paper loa d option before you load paper i nto the printer . However , you can change the paper load option at any time.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-27 Sett ing the Le ngth o f the Paper T rail e r This value determines the amount of unexpo sed paper t o be adde d to the trail edge of the p aper wound i nto the takeup c assette when y ou send an “ Unload T akeup and Rethread ” c ommand.
Operating P rocedures 3-28 Sept ember 2 000 Gutte r Pu nch — cont rolle d by a command sent from the host compute r . See “ Changing th e Gutter Width ” on page 3-35. This punch is on t he same s ide as the cut punch and is 0.25 to 1.0 in. inside of the image (dependin g on the value of the gutter widt h).
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-29 Using the Automa tic Roll ID The prin ter has the ability to automatically print a roll id entification (roll I D) at t he beginning of ea ch roll.
Operating P rocedures 3-30 Sept ember 2 000 Set ting t he Pa ge St arts V alue 1. Select “ Set up ” from the main menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Pri nter ” . 3. Select “ Page S tart s ” . 4. Select the Page S tart you want to modify . 5. Use the Up and Down Arro ws t o select a new Page S t art value.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-31 3. Adjust the p age s tart s value t o the calcula t ed pixel value. I f the white border is on the: • back ed ge — reduce the page st a rt value by the.
Operating P rocedures 3-32 Sept ember 2 000 Res etti ng the C opyri ght Dete ctio n LUT s This procedure res et s the Copyright Det ection LUT s stored in nvram to the factory setup (default) values.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-33 Sele cting A Mo dem Res etti ng the Mo dem P ort 1. Select “ Set up ” from the main menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Ports ” . 3. Select “ M odem (Di ag) ” . 4. Select “ Reset P ort ” . 5. Select “ Res et Modem P ort Now ” .
Operating P rocedures 3-34 Sept ember 2 000 Sett ing the Cur rent Day 1. Select “ Set up ” from the main menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Ti m e ” . 3. Select “ Day ” . 4. Use the Up and Down Arro ws to select a new day . 5. Press Sel ect to selec t/set the ne w value.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-35 Ch ang ing t he Uni t s o f Mea sur em ent fo r Pape r Si zes 1. Select “ Set up ” from the main menu on the O CP . 2. Select “ Printer ” . 3. Select “ More ” . 4. Select “ Units ” . 5. Select “ Units ” again.
Operating P rocedures 3-36 Sept ember 2 000 Sett ing the Copyri gh t Dete ct ion Feat ure The Copyrig ht Detection f eature is designed to protec t the cop yrighted i mages of professional photograph ers. This f e ature is applied to copyrighted images to prevent images from bein g duplicated.
Operat ing Proc edures Septembe r 2000 3-37 Handling and Storing the Paper Follow the instructions included with the paper f or storing and handling the p a per properly .
Operating P rocedures 3-38 Sept ember 2 000 In the printer , the paper is punched before the print job is printed. Since the punch is u pstream of the printing, the first j ob of the next prin t cycle may be punche d when positioning t h e paper for the current print cycle (to reduce waste).
Septembe r 2000 4-1 4 Maintaining the Equipment This chapt er includes information you will n eed to m aintain the K ODAK PROF ESSIONAL LED II P rint er 20 R. Th e to pics a re as fol lows: Main ta i ni ng the Pr int er ... ..... ....... .. ..... ....
Maintainin g the E quipment 4-2 Sept ember 2 000 Rem ovi ng th e Punc h Ch ad Remove a nd d ispose of the pu nch chad from the punc h ch ad tray i n the paper supply area every time you add a new roll of paper to t h e printer .
Maintainin g the E quipment Septembe r 2000 4-3 Peri odic M ainte na nce Re pla ci ng the A ir Fi lt er The air filter un der the shoe should be replaced app roximately every 3 months. 1. Open the front door of the printer . 2. Pull back the spring f ingers .
Septembe r 2000 5-1 5 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting This chapter describes the error mess ages for the KODAK PROF ESSIONA L LED II Printer 20R an d offers informat ion for t r oubleshooting. The informat ion in this chapter include s : Printer Error Mess ages .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-2 Sept ember 2 000 Prin ter Pape r Path The paper p ath through the printer is illustrated below . Use this information when troubleshooting the printer . W ARNING: D o not touch the carriage. Use the trans lator knob to move the carriag e.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-3 Prin ter Er ror Mess ages If the error message cont inues to occur after imp lem enting the possible solutions from t he table b elow , c all your service person.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-4 Sept ember 2 000 18 unexpe ct e d OCP rep ly T he 300 board sent an unexp ect ed mes sage t o the 200 board. Ca ll fo r se rv ic e . 20 pe c ser vice mode T he serv ice switch f or the 200 board is on, enabl ing o n-board LE Ds that can caus e fogg ing .
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-5 66 pape r jam in shoe Jam detec t sensor det ect ed jamm ed p aper at the sh oe ent r an c e. • Remove jammed p aper and un load the tak eup ca ss ette .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-6 Sept ember 2 000 80 pape r at shoe entr not det e ct ed Duri ng paper l oadi ng, the l ead edge of the p aper was not detect ed at th e s hoe entran ce senso r withi n the exp ected am ount of time. Load the p aper in le ss ti m e.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-7 96 shoe exi t nip made not det e ct ed T he shoe exit n ip mad e swi tch was not det ected af ter movin g t he sho e exi t nip to the nip made posi tio n. Check f or a pap er ja m in t he shoe exi t nip are a.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-8 Sept ember 2 000 M isc ell an eou s P rint er Er ror Mess ag es Miscellaneous error messages indicate that a problem with t he printer has occurred that may or may n ot requi r e you to call y our servic e person.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-9 Cle ar ing P ape r J am s 1. Open t he paper s upply doo r . 2. Cut the p aper with a scissors o r knife. 3. Open the takeup door . 4. If the paper has not already been cut at the takeup cassette area, cut the p a per with a scissors in f ront of the t akeup cassette.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-10 Sept ember 2 000 6. Pull the paper out of the printer from the paper supply area. NOTE: Follow the instructions fo r clea ring paper jams on the paper suppl y d oor label. CAUTION: Do not use sharp object s when clearing p aper jams.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-11 T roubl esh ooti ng Obs er vabl e Erro rs Observ ation P o s s ib le C a u s e Possibl e Solution A print has a li ne on i t. The circuit brea ker was tur ned of f when p aper was i n the sh oe. • Do not tur n off the circu it brea ker when paper is in the sh oe.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-12 Sept ember 2 000 The boar ders on the pr ints are not the right siz e. The host softwar e ’ s i mage posit ionin g is not c orrect . Refer to the i nstru ctions for image posi tio ning in the manu al for th e host softwar e.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-13 Ad diti on al T roubl es ho oting T ip s fo r th e Prin te r • Be careful to correct ly load, seat, and thread the paper into the p aper cass ettes. • Be careful t o correctly close all doors prior to pri nting .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-14 Sept ember 2 000 Calibratio n T roub leshooting This section describes the proble ms that you may occasionall y have when using the KODAK Device Calibration Software or the Calibration S oftware for the KODAK PROFESSIONAL LE D II Printer .
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-15 6 T he foll owing f ile already ex ist s: _f ilename_ . The system is t rying to save to a file t hat a lready ex ist s. • Delete t he exi stin g file. • Change t he filename. 7 T here is not enou gh space t o cr eat e : _fil ename_ .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-16 Sept ember 2 000 1 1 1 T here is in suff icient memor y for the request ed oper atio n on de v i c e : _devicenam e_. The appli cat ion does not have enough memor y to compl ete the operati on. Close the ot her a pplic ations and unnecessa ry windows.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-17 202 T he foll owing p aramet er i s inval id : _p arameter name: _par amet erval ue_. An int ernal error occur re d wit h the softwar e. • Restar t t he appl icat ion. • If prob lem cont inues , call for servi ce.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-18 Sept ember 2 000 704 CalT oleranc eFile :: initi a liz e mu s t b e cal le d firs t. An inter nal er ror occurre d wi th t he softwar e. • Restar t t he appl icat ion. • If prob lem cont inues , call for servi ce.
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-19 923 An erro r occurr ed dur ing the load ing of a p rint er . Pl ease check to make sur e the fi l e chose n was of the co rrect type an d/or format . An error occ urr ed durin g the loadi ng of a pri nt er .
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-20 Sept ember 2 000 1202 Er ror: _ error _ fr om densi tom eter . Unexpected err or was returned from t he dens itomet er . Cal ibrate the den sitomet er . If the pro ble m continue s, che ck th e manual for t he dens itomet er .
Diagnost ics an d Troublesho oting Septembe r 2000 5-21 Non -Num eric Er ror Mess ag es Erro r Me ssage Poss ible Cause/Su bsys tem Possible Solution An underrun error occu rred duri ng communi ca tions t o the followi ng devic e. • The ca bl e be tween t he pri nter and the host computer i s worn.
Diagnostics and Troubl eshoot ing 5-22 Sept ember 2 000 Gettin g Additional Help Y our Kod ak Sales Representative is the best source for i nform ation about the KODAK PRO FESSIO N AL LED II Pri n te r 2 0R. In add it ion, technical support i s also available in the Un it ed S t ates.
Septembe r 2000 A-1 Appendix A: Ordering Supplies This appendix include s ordering information for Kodak accessori es, supplies, paper , leaders and splice tape, and publications. Acc essor ies Purchase these items through Ko dak . * Order through you Kodak Sales Repres entative Supplies Purchase these items through your dealer or distributor .
Ordering S upplies A-2 Sept ember 2 000 S t andard (U.S.) Pa per Purchase these items through yo ur Kodak representative. * NOTE : 1 2 in. x 57 4 ft. paper is not suppo rted.
Ordering S upplies Septembe r 2000 A-3 Leade rs and Splice T ape Purchase these items through the app ropriate vend or . * Call 1-800-572-3600 in the United St ates to or der items through Li berty Photo Products. Publica tions Purchase these i tems through Kodak Parts Services at 1-800-431-7278.
Septembe r 2000 B-1 Appendix B: Specifications This appendix include s specifications and site requirements information for the printer . Printer Spec ifications Di me ns ions and W e i gh t T o move the prin ter through a 91 cm (36 in.
Specifications B-2 Sept ember 2 000 Site Requ ireme nt s Oper ator a nd Ser vi ce Acc ess When f ully ass embled the equipm ent requires a m inimum o f 91 cm (36 in.) on each side t o allow sufficient acc e ss for normal operator maintenanc e and for service.
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-3 Elect rical Th e KODAK PROFESSI O N AL L ED I I Pri nte r 20R is m anufactu red to operat e within one of the following sets of power cons trai nts or can be configured to do s o by a Kodak representative: * Phase selection must be completed at the factory or by a tr a ined Kodak representative.
Specifications B-4 Sept ember 2 000 Power O utlet s A separate, dedicated power line with a 208 V , 15 am p dedicated recep tacle i s required for t he printer .
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-5 Li ne V o ltage The printer operates satisfactorily over a rang e of voltages around the n ominal voltage. The lo cal utility company is req uired to del iver power usual ly within ±10% of the rated value to the main distribution p anel in the building.
Specifications B-6 Sept ember 2 000 Po we r Re ce pt acl es ( U.S . and Ca na da ) Plug 6-15P Receptacle 6-15R NEMA Reference: PRINTER branch circuit panel Computer system IG OB IN OC OA #1 (Isolated .
Specifications Septembe r 2000 B-7 Pri nter Pow er R ecep tacles (Eu rop e) L N 16A 16A L N 2 (1.5 mm ) OR CEE (7) 250,16A 250,16A CEE (7) Pin NEUTRAL BUS GROUND BUS (Isolated from power panel) (Isola.
Specifications B-8 Sept ember 2 000 T eleph one l ine A telephone line (with a RJ1 1C modular phone jack) must be install e d within 3 m (10 ft. ) of the printer to sup port the remote diagnostics.
Septembe r 2000 C-1 Appendix C: A dditional Calibration Information The t opics covered in this section incl ude: • Inst alling the Calibration Software • An overvie w of the KODAK Device Cal ibra.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-2 Sept ember 2 000 Installa tion Pr oced ur e 1. Place the supplied CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. 2. When the Browser appears, select LED P rin t er . MACINTO SH V er sion Under “ Do wnloa d F ile, ” select LED Cal App Vn (n is the current version numb er).
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-3 6. S elect the installation type: For Windows NT syst ems, select one of the fol lowing: • Ty p i c a l includes Device Calibration Applicatio.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-4 Sept ember 2 000 Kod ak De vice Calib ration Softwa re The Kodak Device Calibration Software is used t o launch the Ca li bration Soft ware for the 2 0P and 20R Printers and to l aunch c ali bration software for other devices such as other printers and scanners.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-5 The table b elow def ines the functions an d their corresponding i cons on the mai n window of the K ODAK De v ice CalibrationSoftwa r e.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-6 Sept ember 2 000 St a r tin g th e Kod ak Dev ice Calibra tion Softwa re Load the Calibration Software according to the table below . (If needed, see “ Inst al ling the Calibration Software ” beginning on page C-1.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-7 The Create a Ne w Device di alog box appears. 2. Enter the c orrect d evice settings. Use a u nique id entifying word for the device name. NOTES: The default SCSI ID for t he printe r is 5. Th e printer ’ s OCP m enu displays th e current SCS I ID for the prin t er .
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-8 Sept ember 2 000 Edi ting th e Log Se tti ngs T o change the log settings for the KODAK Device Calibration: 1. Deselect all devices on the K O DA K Device Calibration screen and click the Edit i con. The E dit Configurat ion dialog b ox app ears: 2.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-9 Updati ng a De vice T o upd ate or change the device nam e or the SCSI ID for any device: 1. Select t he dev ice by c licking once on the d evice ico n on the KODA K Device Calibration screen. 2.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-10 Sept ember 2 000 Deleting a Device T o delete a device fro m the KO DAK Device Ca libratio n Software screen: 1. Select t he dev ice by c licking on the d evice icon. 2. Click the Cut icon. The f oll owing dialog box appears : 3.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-11 Advance d Features of the LED II Calibra tion Software Th e Cali brati on Sof tware fo r the KODA K PROF ESSIONA L LED II P ri nter 20P/20R provides aut omated neut ral density printer c alibration and is d esigned to be used without assistance from technical experts.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-12 Sept ember 2 000 V alue G r aph.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-13 Diffe rence Graph.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-14 Sept ember 2 000 Histo ry G rap h T o view calibrati on graph s: 1. From the KO DAK Device Calibration screen, double -click the device for which you w ant to vie w grap hs.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-15 The LE D Calibration A pplication screen app ears. 2. Click the Gr aphs i co n . One of the graphs appears; normal ly it is the V alue graph. 3. S elect the Graph T ype t hat you want to view . When th e graph appears, selec t the type of dat a and planes that you want to see d isplayed.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-16 Sept ember 2 000 Send ing LU T s The Send LUT to Prin t er feature all ows you t o overwrite the current L UT in the printer . Y ou c an create a val id printing LUT us ing an AS CII text editor . This option sends the selected LUT to the printer , overwriting any existing LUT .
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-17 The S end LUT to Prin ter dialog b ox app ears. 3. S elect one of the LUT s fr om the dialog b ox and click Loa d Se l ect ed LU T or cli ck Load Custom LUT and f ollow the prompts to load a custom LUT .
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-18 Sept ember 2 000 The LE D Calibration A pplication screen app ears. 2. Click the Send T est T arget ico n . The Send T arget to Printer dialog b ox appears. (Both the Windows NT and Macintosh versions are shown here.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-19 NOTE: Windows NT users can click Browse to select an other file name. The Open dialog box appears. Select the file name you want, then click Open . MACINTOSH V ersion 3. Enter the desired settings and click OK to s ave the se tting s (or Cancel to keep the previous settings).
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-20 Sept ember 2 000 Edi ting th e Calib rati on Co nfigur atio n The E dit Configurat ion feature allows you to chang e the printer ’ s calibration configuration attributes. Howeve r , i t is recommen ded that you use the default settings for th e se attributes for mos t operations .
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-21 The E dit Configurat ion screen ap pears wi th the Proc edure tab displayed. 3. T o navigate among t he tabs, click the t ab you want and f ollow the instructions for upda ting the information for t hat tab.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-22 Sept ember 2 000 IMPORT ANT : Whenever you click OK , the software assum es ALL changes to the Edit Configuration are complete and the Edit Configuration screen closes.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-23 T o edit the configuration inform ation on the Procedure tab : 1. Use the drop-down list s to chang e the Procedure information as needed .
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-24 Sept ember 2 000 Editing Informa tion on t he Density S ource T ab The Density Source tab specifies how the c alibration application is to receive density data. Th e values displayed in the example are the default setting s.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-25 Editing Informa tion on t he Aim T ab The A im tab specif ies: • whether the aims u sed for cal ibration are to be Density A ims or Lightness.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-26 Sept ember 2 000 Editing Informa tion on t he History T ab The History tab specifies information ab out maintaining calibration his tory data. The values displayed in the example are the defaul t settings. T o edit the configuration information on the History t ab: 1.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-27 Editing Informa tion on t he Paper T ab The Paper tab all ow s you to specify the paper being calibrated. The value displayed i n the example is the default set ting. T o edit the configura tion informati on on the Paper tab: 1.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-28 Sept ember 2 000 Editi ng D P2 Infor m at ion (W I N D O WS NT S yst em s) When you click the DP2 tab of the Edit Configuration screen, th e following tabbed screen ap pears. Th e values displayed in the example are the de fault s ettings.
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-29 Editing KP IS Informa tion (Macintos h Systems) If you are using the calibration out put files with the KPI S system , it is nec essary to activate KPIS a nd assig n a filena me and location to the output f ile.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-30 Sept ember 2 000 The di splay shows the Edi t Configuration screen w ith the default set tings for KPIS Lo cation an d KPIS Filenam e. 2. T o change the direct ory for the KPIS f ile: a. Cli ck KPIS Location .
Add itional Calibration Information Septembe r 2000 C-31 The di splay shows the u pdated Edi t Configuration screen with update d File Loc ation of CalDisk:CompositeMa chine:T ables:Ko dakLED. Completin g the Ed it Configurat ion When f inished, c lick OK to save t he attributes.
Additional Cal ibration Informat ion C-32 Sept ember 2 000 Creat ing a Dens ity F ile fo r Use wit h Calib ration During calibration, you have the option of obtaini n g dens ity data f rom a file or by scanning a proces sed test target through a n X-RITE DT P 36 densitomet er .
Inst al ling the D ensitom eter This section describes how to instal l the X-RITE DTP 36 Densitometer , including changing s ome of the a ttributes on the Edit Conf iguration screen to acc ommodat e the de nsitometer . IMPORT ANT : The suppo rted dens itometers us e a R S-232 in terface for communi cation to the host.
Septembe r 2000 D-1 Appendix D: U sing the I mage Print Se r v er Sof t w ar e This section describes how to use the KODAK PROFE SSIONA L Image P rint Serv er Soft w a re for WIN DOWS NT Wo rkst ati on 4.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-2 Sept ember 2 000 Installing t he Sof tw are 1. Insert the IP S So ftware CD into the C D-ROM drive. 2. Doubl e-c lick on t he Set up.exe icon. 3. Follow the on-line inst ru ctions to complete the inst a llation.
Using t he Image Print Server Software Septembe r 2000 D-3 Susp en ding a nd Re s uming When the IP S application begins exec ution, it searches the current directory for it s preferences file, KIPSpref.dat. If this file i s not found, the application begins execution in the “ suspended ” state as if the Sus pend button was pressed.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-4 Sept ember 2 000 Enque ue Exa mp le 1. Select File->Enqu eue from the menu bar for the main application screen.
Using t he Image Print Server Software Septembe r 2000 D-5 The E nqueue d ialog box appea rs. 2. T ype a file name into the Image F ile text box o r click th e Brows e button. 3. Click OK to close the Enqueue dialog box and to insert the specified file into the print queue.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-6 Sept ember 2 000 Dialog Box es and Print Options This section describes the dialog boxes and print options for t h e KOD AK Image Pr int Se rver So ftwar e.
Using t he Image Print Server Software Septembe r 2000 D-7 Opt ion D esc ript ions The main window allows you to c hoos e the following options: Menu Acc ess Button Ic on De sc ripti on/Fu ncti on F ile Enqu eue Displays the Enqueue dia log box a nd allows you to insert a new i mage into the print queue.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-8 Sept ember 2 000 Enque ue D ial og Box Optio n Descriptions The selections/opt ions that you can make from the Enqueue dialog box include the following: Image File T ext Box — you m ay type in a nam e or browse t he directory struc ture.
Using t he Image Print Server Software Septembe r 2000 D-9 So urc e Di re c to ry Pr efer en ces D ial o g Box Optio n Descriptions The select ions/options that you c an m ake from the S erver Default dialog bo x are: OK — closes t he dia log box a nd sav es the specified values.
Using the Image Print Serv e r Software D-10 Sept ember 2 000 Initia lize De fault Par ameter s Dial og Bo x Description This dialog box appears if y ou pres s the Resum e button (or act ivated through the menu bar) before the Source Directory Preferences have been initialized.
Septembe r 2000 E-1 Appendix E: Using the PHOT OSHOP Export Module This appendix desc ribes how to use the Export Module for PHOTOSHO P on MACIN TOSH Syste ms with t he KOD AK PROF ESSIONA L LED II Printe r 20 P . The Export Mo dule allo ws you t o export p rints from P HOTOSHOP to a 20P Printer .
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-2 Sept ember 2 000 Installing t he Sof tw are 1. Open the Ad obe Ph otosho p f older on your c omputer . The Adobe Photoshop windo w appears. It should look similar t o the one shown below . 2. Insert the Host Software CD (i ncluded with your printer) into the CD dri ve.
Using t he PH OTOSHOP Export M odule Septembe r 2000 E-3 6. Click and drag the KO DAK LE D Prin te r p lu g -i n icon and M e dia Files ov er the Adobe Photo shop Plug-in s folder and release the m ouse button. A copy progress dialog box appears as the folders and files are copied.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-4 Sept ember 2 000 T o select anot her printer: 1. Cl ick Select . The S elect a K ODAK LED Pr inter dialog box appea rs.
Using t he PH OTOSHOP Export M odule Septembe r 2000 E-5 The KODA K L ED Printer main dialog box appears. 4. Make the remaining print option choices to meet the needs of your print job from t he KODAK LED Printer dialog box. See “ Dialog Boxes and Print Options ” on page E-6 for m o re information.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-6 Sept ember 2 000 Dialog Box es and Print Options This sec tion des c ribes the dialog b ox that allows you to specify print op tions.
Using t he PH OTOSHOP Export M odule Septembe r 2000 E-7 Oth er op ti on s The other selec ti ons you can make fr om the KODAK LE D Printer main dialog box include the following op tions: Copies — allows you to specify the num ber of copies. Up to 9 9 copies can be printed at a time.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-8 Sept ember 2 000 Pag e Layo ut Att ri bute s Optio n Descriptions The Pa ge Layout Attributes group box all ows you to ma nipulate the position of the image on the page. Center — cent ers the image within the specified border .
Using t he PH OTOSHOP Export M odule Septembe r 2000 E-9 Opt ion D esc ript ions The following are descriptions of the options in t he Select a KODAK LE D Printer dialog b ox: Up date — refres hes the screen and replaces any information th at has changed.
Using the PHOTOSHO P Export Module E-10 Sept ember 2 000 Opt ion D esc ript ions The following are descriptions of the options in t h e Printer S tatus dialo g box: Print er Info rmation — describe s the state o f the select ed proofe r .
Using t he PH OTOSHOP Export M odule Septembe r 2000 E-11 There are no printers found att ach ed to the host computer . Check th e connecti ons and power to each printer . Check that the connections to each printer , i nclud ing the SCSI cables and power cables, are properly connected.
Septembe r 2000 Index- 1 A access, operator and service B- 2 activate DP2, attribute in configuration file C-28 activate KPIS, attribute in configuration file C-29 adding a calibration device C-6 to C.
Ind e x Index -2 September 2 000 error messages Export Module E-1 0 miscellaneo us 5-8 printer 5-3 error, l ight 3-3 European region he lpline numbe r 5-22 Export Module dialog b oxes and print opt io.
Index Septembe r 2000 Index- 3 O OCP. see operator control panel (OCP) offline, prin ter mod e 3-4 on/off key 3-3 online, printer mode 3-4 operating procedures 3-1 operator con trol pane l (OCP) key/l.
Ind e x Index -4 September 2 000 supply cassette inst allin g 3-12 loading paper 3-6 removing 3- 6 T ta ke up casse tt e inst allin g 3-14 removing 3- 20 removing expos ed paper 3-2 1 target pad reads.
EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rocheste r , New Y ork 14653 U.S.A. KODAK CANADA INC. T oro n to, O n tar io M 6M 1 V3 Canada Kodak, Port ra, Supr a, Gold, Ekt acolor , Prime and Kodak Prof essional are trade marks of Eastman Kodak Com p any ©Eas tman Koda k Com pany , 2000 Print ed in U.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kodak 20R c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kodak 20R - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kodak 20R, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kodak 20R va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kodak 20R, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kodak 20R.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kodak 20R. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kodak 20R ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.