Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NXA-WAP1000 du fabricant AMX
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Operation/Reference Guide Network/Communication NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Initial Rele ase: 2/18/2011.
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1 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Table of Contents NXA-WAPZD1000 Smart Wireless Access Point ................ ....................... .......... 1 Overview .............................. ......................... ................... .........
2 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Acc ess Point Status ....... .................... .................... ......................... ................... .................... ....... 21 Device .......................... ............. ................ ........
NXA-WAPZD1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 1 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point NXA-WAPZD1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Overview The NXA-W AP1000 (US operation: FG2255-51 ; Operation outside the US: FG2255-53 ), powered by Ruckus™, is a high-performance 802.
NXA-WAPZD1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 2 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Product Specifications NXA-WAP1000 (FG2255-51/53 ) Specifications Dimensions (HWD): 1 3/8” x 7" x 7" (36 mm x 178 mm x 178 mm) Weight: 0.88 lbs (397 g) Power: • External power supply (not included) • Input: 1 10-240V AC • Output: 12V DC, 1.
NXA-WAPZD1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 3 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Power The AP does not hav e a po wer switch. It utilizes Power Ov er Ethernet (PoE), which draws po wer from its Ethernet connection.
NXA-WAPZD1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 4 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Reset Button The Hard Reset b utton (FIG. 2) is used to restart the NXA-W AP1000 or to restore the factory def a ult configuration. If you hold do wn the button for less than 10 seconds, the AP will perfo rm a hardw are reset.
NXA-WAPZD1000 Installation 5 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point NXA-WAPZD1000 Installation Before You Begin Before starting with the installation, mak e sure that you hav e the required items for the installation ready .
NXA-WAPZD1000 Installation 6 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Care should be taken to consider ver tical placement as well as horizontal placement to maximize co verage (FIG.
NXA-WAPZD1000 Installation 7 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point FIG. 3 Recommended wall m ounting in a corridor (top view).
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1 000 8 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1000 The procedure for completing the NXA-W AP1000’ s essentia l configuration depends on whether you want it to be managed by an NXA-W APZD1000 ZoneDirector or to operate as a standalone AP .
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1000 9 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 2. Connect the AP to the S ame Subnet as the NXA-WAPZD1 000 1. If the NXA-W AP1000 is not receiving po wer via a PoE c onnection, connect one end of an Ethernet cable to a LAN (RJ-45) port on the rear panel of the AP .
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1 000 10 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Configuring for Standalone Operation This section describes the steps you need to complete to set up the NXA-W AP1000 in standalone mode.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1000 11 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 5. Click Use the fo llowing IP addr ess , and then conf igure the IP address settings (FIG. 4). Y ou can leave the Alternate DNS server box blank. 6. Click OK to sa ve your changes and close the TCP/IP Pr operties dialog box.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1 000 12 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 4. Click Ye s or OK (depending on the bro wser) to continue . The AP’ s login page appears (FIG. 5). 5. In User Name , type “ admin ”. 6. In P assword , type “ 1988 “.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1000 13 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Configure Comm on Wireless Settin gs 1. On the left menu of the Bro wser - Based Configurati on P a ges, click Configuration > W ireless . The Common page appears. 2. V erify that the common wireless settings ar e conf igured as listed in the table belo w .
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1 000 14 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 6. Restore the Administrative Computer’s Network Settings T o restore your administrativ e com puter’ s original netw ork settings: 1.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1000 15 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Verify NXA-WAP1000 Operation Before deploying the AP to your en vironment, verifying that the NXA-W AP1000 is operating correctly is highly recommended.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1 000 16 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Deploy the Access Point In this step, you will place the AP in a suitable location on the network and connect it to a power source and to your network en vironment.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1000 17 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Troubleshooting Installation If the startup sequence does not work, v erify that th e network name (SSID) and security settings (if you enabled them) on the AP match the settings on your wireless device.
Preconfiguring the NXA-WAP1 000 18 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 19 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Browser-Based Configuration Pages Logging into the Configuration Pages All setup and management of the NXA-W AP1000 is done through its Bro wser-Based Conf iguration Pages.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 20 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point The NXA-W AP1000 Browser -Based Configurat ion P age interface appears (FIG. 7). FIG. 7 NXA-WAP1000 Browser-Based Configuratio n Page interface Interface Specifications Menu: Under each category (St atus, Configura tion, etc.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 21 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Status The Status section of the Menu displays the current status and av ailabili ty of the NXA-W AP1000.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 22 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Internet The Internet page (FIG. 9) displays informatio n on the AP’ s ne twork settings; i.e., the se ttings that allo w the AP to communicate with your local ne twork and the Internet.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 23 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Radio 2.4G The Radio 2.4G page displays info rmation on connections to wireless L ANs using the 2.4G radio in the NXA-W AP1000. FIG. 10 Status - Radio 2.4G - Common page Radio 2.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 24 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point FIG. 11 Status - Radio 2.4G - WLAN page Radio 2.4G - WLAN Enable/Disable Auto-update: Click this button to allow or disable the ab ility for the NXA-WAP1000 to automatically update its settings and firmware.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 25 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Radio 5G The Radio 2.4G page displays info rmation on connections to wireless LANs using the 5G radio in the NXA-W AP1000 FIG.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 26 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Viewing Associat ed Wireless Clients A usage-monitoring capability has been built into the AP to help you monitor wireless clients that are associated with you r wireless network.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 27 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Configuration The Configuration section contains pages for in itial conf iguration of the NXA-W AP1000. For more information on initial conf igur ation, please refer to the Pr econf iguring the NXA-W AP1000 section on page 8.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 28 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point In Username , type a ne w user name that you will use to log in to the Browser-Based Conf iguration Pages. The def a ult user name is adm in . In Pa s s w o r d , type a ne w password to re place the default passw ord 1988 .
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 29 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Radio 2.4G The Radio 2.4G page allo ws you to conf i gure the wireless settin gs for 2.4G WLANs. FIG. 16 Configuration - Radio 2.4G - Common page Configuration - Radio 2.4G - Common Page Radio Network: Allows you to change the name of the 2.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 30 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Configuration - Ra dio 2.4G - Common Pag e (Cont.) Protection Mode: (Inactive by defaul t.) If you activate protection, you control how 802.1 1 devices know when they should communicate with a nother device.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 31 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point FIG. 17 Configuration -Radio 2.4G - Wireless 1 page Configuration - Radio 2.4G - Wireless Page Wireless Network: Enter a name for the WLAN. This name is only displayed in the Br owser-Based Configuration Pages.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 32 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Radio 5G The Radio 5G page allows you to conf i gure the wireless settings for 5G WLANs. FIG. 18 Configuration - Radio 5G - Common Configuration - Ra dio 5G - Common Pag e Radio Network: Allows you to change the name of the 5GHz radio (default:“Radio 5G”).
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 33 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Configuration - Radio 5G - Common Page (Cont.) Update Settings: Click this button to save and apply your changes. FIG. 19 Configuration - Radio 5G - Wireless page Configuration - Radio 5G - Wireless Page Wireless Network: Enter a name for the WLAN.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 34 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point VLAN The VLAN page (FIG. 20) is used to confi gure the virtual LAN (VLAN) parameters of the AP .
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 35 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Setting Threshold Options The follo wing options allo w you to fine-tune the “Pro tection Mode” beha vior . Af ter acti va ting a Protection Mode, you can open each W ire less tab and customize the threshold settings, which determine what is put in effect and when.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 36 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Configuring WLAN Settings This section describes ho w to conf igure WLAN-spe cific settings, such a s wireless a v ailability , SSID, encryption, and authentication. T o configure WLAN settin gs: 1.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 37 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Using WEP T o configure WLAN-specif ic WEP encryption settings: 1. Go to Conf iguratio n > 2.4G or Configuration > 5G . The Conf iguration :: xx :: Common page appears.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 38 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 4. Rev iew the encryption settings, a nd then make changes as required. 5. Click Update Settin gs to sa ve and apply the changes. A conf ir mation message appears at the top of the page.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 39 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Using WPA Use of WP A (W i-Fi Protected Access) or WP A2 provides enhanced security over WEP , and all ows client authentic.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 40 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Customizing 802. 1X Settings If you choose “WP A” as the encryption method, you hav e the option to set up the AP to act as an 802.1X proxy , utilizing e xternal authen ticat ion sources such as a RADIUS serv er .
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 41 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Rate Limiting Rate Limiting a llo ws you to cap the d ata transfer rates pe r client for a spec ific WLAN. T o enable per station rate limits: 1. Go to Conf iguratio n > 2.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 42 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Controlling Access to the Wireless Network Access Controls giv e you control ove r which stations are allowed to join (associate with) your WLAN networks. The re are “tab” entries for each av ailable WLAN.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 43 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 4. Select the radio b utton for the desired access control. The Access Contr ols T able appears (FIG. 27). 5. Click Add new entry to add a MAC address to the table. 6. T ype the MA C address in the spac es provided.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 44 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Disabling WLAN Access Restrictions If you select Disable WLAN access restrictions, then MA C-address- based restrictions on wh ich stations ca n join the WLAN are disabled; thus, any station can join.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 45 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Maintenance The Maintenance section co ntrols not only the a bility to upgrade f irmware and the abi lity for remote reset ting or rebooting of an NXA-W AP1000, b ut also to send log information to a particular site for analysis.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 46 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Upgrading Manually via the Web T o access a particular download W eb site: 1. In the Upgrade Method options, click We b . This opens the We b options (FIG. 29). 2. Click the W eb Options URL field, and then type the URL of the do wnload W eb site.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 47 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Upgrading Manually via FTP or TFTP 1. In the Upgrade Method options, click FTP or TFTP .
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 48 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point 3. V erify that the Auto Upgr ade: Enabled option is checked (acti ve). 4. T oggle the Interval to Check for Softwar e Upgrade drop-do wn list to select your preferred interval.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 49 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Reboot / Reset Y ou can use the Browser -Based Configuration Pages to prompt the NXA-W AP1000 to reboot, which simply restarts the AP without ch anging any of the current settings.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 50 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Support Info The Support Info log consists of th e configuration and run- time status of the AP and can be useful for troubleshooting.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 51 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Administration The Administration section contains to ols for assisti ng with diagnosis of NXA-W AP1000 issues. Management In addition to managing the AP via a W eb browser thr ough HTTPS, se veral other management access options are av ailable on the AP .
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 52 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point T o enable other manage ment access options: 1. Go to Administration > Management . The Management page appears (FIG. 34). 2. Rev iew the access options, and then make changes as needed.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 53 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Diagnostics T wo network connection diagnostic tools – PING and tr aceroute – hav e been built into the NXA-W AP1000 to help you check network connections from the Br o wser-Based Conf iguration Pages (FIG.
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 54 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point Log If you hav e a syslog server on the network, you can conf igure the NXA-W AP1000 to send the device logs to the server .
Browser-Based Configuration Pages 55 NXA-WAP1000 Smart Wireless Access Point.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté AMX NXA-WAP1000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du AMX NXA-WAP1000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation AMX NXA-WAP1000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le AMX NXA-WAP1000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le AMX NXA-WAP1000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du AMX NXA-WAP1000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le AMX NXA-WAP1000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei AMX NXA-WAP1000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.