Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NXA-ENET24 du fabricant AMX
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Software Management Guide Network/Communication NXA-ENET24 Managed Ethernet Switches Last Revised: 3/19/2010.
AMX Limited Warranty and Disclaimer This Limited W arranty and Disclaimer extends only to products purchased directly from AMX or an AMX Authorized Partn er which include AMX Dealers, Distributors, VIP’s or other AMX authorized entity .
Table of Contents i NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide Table of Contents Introduction .................. ...................................................................... ................ 1 Key Features ......................................
ii NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents Field Attributes ........ .............................................................................................. ...... 2 6 Displaying Sw itch Hardware/S oftware Versi ons - Web .....
Table of Contents iii NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide Remote Logs Configu ration - We b ....... ................ ............. ................ ............. ............... 41 Remote Logs Configu ration - CLI ............ ............. ......
iv NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents Configuring SNMPv3 Users .... .................... ........................ .................... ................. 50 Command Attributes ...... ................ ............. ............. ..
Table of Contents v NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide Configuring Port Security .......... ........................ .................... .................... ............. 64 Command Usage ........................ ................ ............. .
vi NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents Command Usage ............. ............. ................ ............. ................ ............. ............. .......... 77 Configuring a M AC ACL - W eb ..... ............. .........
Table of Contents vii NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide Statically Configuring a Trunk ......... ........................ .................... .................... ........ 89 Command Usage ........................ ................ .............
viii NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents Showing Port Statistics - W eb ................... ............. ................ ............. ............. ........... 102 Showing Port Statistics - CL I ............ ............. .....
Table of Contents ix NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide VLAN Configuration ................. ..................................................... ................. 123 Overview - IEEE 802.1Q VLANs ........... ................... ................
x NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents Mapping CoS Values to Egress Que ues . ............. ................ ............. ................ ........... 138 Mapping CoS Va lues to Egress Queues - Web ............. ............. ....
Table of Contents xi NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide Specifying Interface s Attached to a Multicast Ro uter ....... ................ ................ .......... 15 2 Specifying Interface s Attached to a Multicast Ro uter - Web ............. ..
xii NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents line .............. ........... ............ ............... ............ ........... ............ ............... ............ ........ ... ............ . 165 login ............ ...........
Table of Contents xiii NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide show ssh ... ............... ............ ............ ........... ............ ............... ............ ........... ............ ... ......... ... 180 Event Logging Commands .........
xiv NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents tacacs-server host .............. ............ ............ .............. ............ ............ ............ .............. ...... ... .... 202 tacacs-server port .............. .......
Table of Contents xv NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide snmp-server contact ............ ............ .............. ............ ............ ............... ........... ............ ....... .. ... 225 snmp-server location ........... ..........
xvi NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents spanning-tree edge-port .... ............ ............ .............. ............ ............ ............... ........... ........... .. 252 spanning-tree portfa st ....... ............ ..
Table of Contents xvii NXA-ENET24 - Software Managemen t Guide map ip dscp (Globa l Configuration) . .............. ............ ............ ............... ........... ............... ......... 268 map ip dscp (Interfac e Configuration) ........ ...
xviii NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Table of Contents.
Introduction 1 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Introduction The NXA-ENET24 F ast Ethernet switch is speci fical ly designed to protect th e video streams coming from AMX’ s MAX units to the Audio V i deo Modules (A VM).
Introduction 2 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Description of Software Features The switch provides a wide r ange of adv anced perfor mance enhancing features. Fl o w control eliminates the loss of packets due to b ottlenecks caused by port sa turation.
Introduction 3 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide addresses can be used to pro vide network secu r ity by restricting access for a kno wn host to a specifi c port.
Introduction 4 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide RIP – This protocol u ses a distance-vector approa ch to routing. Routes are determin ed on the basis of minimizing the distance vector , or hop count, wh ich serves as a ro ugh estimate of transmission cost.
Introduction 5 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Software Specific ations (Cont.) Software F eatures (Cont.) Port T runking: • S tatic trunks (Cisco EtherChannel compliant) • Dynamic trunks (Link Aggregation Contro l Protocol) S panning Tree Protocol: • S panning Tree Protocol (STP , IEEE 802.
Introduction 6 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Software Specific ations (Cont.) Stan d ar d s : • IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, • IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet • IEEE 802.3x full-duplex flow control (ISO/IEC 8802-3) • IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet, • IEEE 802.
Introduction 7 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Software Specific ations (Cont.) Management Informati on Bases: • Bridge MIB (RFC 1493) • Entity MIB (RFC 2737) • Ethernet MIB (RFC 2665) �.
Introduction 8 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Defaults The switch’ s system defaults are pro vided in the conf ig uration f ile “Factory_Default _Config.cfg.” To reset the switch defaults, this file should be set as the start up configuration file (See Downloading System Software from a Server section on page 34.
Introduction 9 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Defaul ts (Cont.) Port Configuration Admin S tatus Enabled Auto-negotiation Enabled Flow Control Disabled Port Capability 100BASE-TX/FX –.
Introduction 10 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Additional Documentation For detailed installation, refer to the NXA-ENET24 Har dware In stallation Guide a vailable on-line at www System Defaul ts (Cont.) IP Settings Management VLAN 1 IP Address 0.
Initial Configuration 11 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Initial Configuration Connecting to the Switch Configuration Option s This 24-Port Fast Ether net PoE Switc h switch includes a b uilt-in network management agent. The agent of fers a va riety of management options, including SNMP , RMON and a W e b-base d interface.
Initial Configuration 12 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Required Connections The switch provides an RS-232 serial port that enable s a connection to a PC or terminal for monitoring and configuring the switch. A null-modem consol e cable is prov ided with the switch.
Initial Configuration 13 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Basic Configuration Console Connection The CLI program provides tw o different command le vels — normal access le vel ( Normal Exec ) and privile ged access level ( Privileg ed Exec ).
Initial Configuration 14 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Manual Configuration Y ou can manually assign an IP address to the switch. Y ou may also need to specify a default gate way that resides between this de vice and management stations that e xis t on another network se gment.
Initial Configuration 15 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide 5. W ait a few m inutes, and then check the IP con figuration settings by typing the “ show ip interface ” command. Press <Enter>. 6. Then sav e your conf igur ation changes by typing “ copy running-config startup-config ”.
Initial Configuration 16 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Trap Receivers Y ou can also specify SN MP stations t hat are to re cei ve tr aps from the switch.
Initial Configuration 17 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Power over Ethernet The 24-Port F ast Ethernet PoE Switch’ s 24 10/100 Mbps ports support the IEEE 802.3af Po wer-over -Ethernet (PoE) standard that enables DC po wer to be supplied to attached de vices ov er the unused pairs of wires in the connecting Ethernet cable.
Initial Configuration 18 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide.
Web Interface 19 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Web Interface Overview This switch provides an em bedded HTTP W eb agent. Using a W eb browser you can conf igure the switch and vie w statistics to monitor netw ork acti vity . The W e b agent can be accessed by any computer on the network using a standard W eb brow ser (Internet Explorer 5.
Web Interface 20 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Home Page When your W eb browser connects with the switch’ s W eb agent, the home page is displayed as show n in FIG. 1. The home page displays the Ma in Menu on the left side of the sc reen and System Information on the right side.
Web Interface 21 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Panel Display The web agent displays an image of the switch’ s ports (FIG. 2). The Mode can be set to display dif ferent information for the ports, including Active (i.e., up or down), Duple x (i.
Web Interface 22 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Switch Main Menu (Cont.) Menu Description Security • User Accounts Configures user names and passwords • Authentication Settings Configures .
Web Interface 23 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Switch Main Menu (Cont.) Menu Description PoE • Power S tatus Displays the status of global power parameters • Power Config Configures the p.
Web Interface 24 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Switch Main Menu (Cont.) Menu Description Priority • Default Port Priority Sets the default priority for each port • Default T runk Priority Sets the default priority for each trunk • T raffic Classes Maps IEEE 802.
Basic Configuration 25 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Basic Configuration Displaying System Information Y ou can easily identify the system by pro viding a descripti ve name, location a nd contact information. Displaying System Info rmation - Web Click System , System Information .
Basic Configuration 26 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying System Informatio n - CLI Specify the hostname, location a nd contact inform ation.
Basic Configuration 27 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Swit ch Hardware/Sof tware Versions - Web Click System, Switch Information . Displaying Swit ch Hardware/Sof tware Versions - CLI Use the Co nso le #s how vers io n command to display version information.
Basic Configuration 28 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Bridge Extens ion Capabilities - W eb Click System, Bridge Exte nsion . Displaying Bridge Extens ion Capabilities - C LI Enter the Console#show bridge-ext command (FIG. 8). Setting the IP Address The IP address for this switch is obtained via DHCP by default.
Basic Configuration 29 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Command Attributes Manual Configu ration - Web Click System , IP . Sp ecify the manage ment interface, IP address and default ga te way , then click App l y .
Basic Configuration 30 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Using DHCP/BOOTP - Web If your network pro vides DHCP/BOO T P services, you can configure the switch to be dy namically configured by these services. Click System , IP . Specify the Management VLAN, set the IP Address Mode to DHCP or BOO TP , and click A pply to sav e your changes.
Basic Configuration 31 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Managing Firmware Y ou can upload/download fir mware to or from a TFTP serv er . By sa ving runtime code to a f ile on a TFTP server , that f ile can la ter be do wnloaded to t he switch to r estore operation.
Basic Configuration 32 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide T o delete a f ile, se lect System , Fil e , Delete . Select the file name from the gi ven list by checking the tick box and then click Ap p l y . Note that the file currently designated as the startup code cannot be deleted.
Basic Configuration 33 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings Y ou can upload/download configuration setting f iles to/fro m a TFTP server or copy files to and from switch units in a stack. The config uration f iles can be later do wnloaded to restore the switc h’ s settings.
Basic Configuration 34 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Downloading Config uration Settin gs from a Server - Web Y ou can download the con figuration f ile under a ne w file name and then set it as the startup file, or you can specify the current startup conf iguration file as the destin ation f i le to directly replace it .
Basic Configuration 35 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide This example shows ho w to do wnload a PoE controller file from a TFTP server . This exampl e shows h ow to cop y a PoE controller f ile from another unit in the stack.
Basic Configuration 36 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Console Port Setti ngs - Web Click System , Line , Console . Specify the console p ort connection parameters as requi red, then click Ap pl y . Console Port Setti ngs - CLI Enter Line Configur ation mode for the console, then specify the co nnection parameters as requi red.
Basic Configuration 37 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Telnet Settings Y ou can access the onboard conf iguration program o ver the network using T elnet (i .e., a virtual terminal). Management access via T elnet can be enabled/disabled and other v a rious parameters set, including the TCP port number , timeouts, and a password.
Basic Configuration 38 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Telnet Settings - CLI Enter Line Configuration mode for a virtual terminal, then sp ecify the c onnection parameters as required. T o display the current virtual terminal settings, use the show line command from the Normal Exec level.
Configuring Event Logging 39 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Event Logging Overview The switch allo ws you to control the logg ing of error me ssages, including the type of ev ents that are recorded in switch memory , logging to a remote System Log (syslog) serv er, and displays a list of recent e vent messages.
Configuring Event Logging 40 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Log Configuratio n - Web Click System , Lo g , System Logs . Specify System Log Status, then change the le vel of messages to be logged to RAM and flash memo ry , then click Apply .
Configuring Event Logging 41 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Remote Logs Configuratio n - Web Click System , Log , Remote Lo gs . T o add an IP address to the Host IP Li st, type the ne w IP address in the Host IP Address box, and then click Add .
Configuring Event Logging 42 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Log Messages - CLI This example shows the e vent mess age stored in RAM.
Configuring Event Logging 43 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Sending SMPT Al erts - Web Click System , Log , SMTP . Enable SMTP , specify a source email a ddress, and select th e minimum severity le vel. T o add an IP address to the SMTP Server List, t ype the new IP address in the SMTP Server text box and then click Add .
Configuring Event Logging 44 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Resetting the System Resetting the System - Web Select System , Reset to reboot the switch. When prompted, co nfirm that you want reset the switch. Resetting the System - CLI Use the rel o ad command to reboot the system.
Configuring Event Logging 45 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting the System Clock - CLI This exam ple conf igures the switch to ope rate as an SNTP unicas t client and then displays the cur.
Configuring Event Logging 46 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide.
SNMP Protocol 47 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Protocol Overview Simple Network M ana gement Pr otocol (SNMP) is a communication prot ocol design ed specifically for managing devices on a netw ork. Equi pment commonly managed with SNMP includes switches, r outers and host computers.
SNMP Protocol 48 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Enabling SNMP Enables SNMPv3 service for all management clients (i.e., ve rsions 1, 2c, 3). Command Attributes Enabling SNMP - Web Select SNMP , Agent Status . Enabling SNMP - CLI The follo w ing example ena b les SNMP on the switch.
SNMP Protocol 49 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting Community Access String s - CLI The following e xample adds the string “spiderman” with read/write ac cess. Specifying Trap Managers and Trap Types T raps indicating status changes are is sued by the switch to specif ied trap managers.
SNMP Protocol 50 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring SNMPv3 Management Access T o configure SNMPv3 manage ment access to the swit ch, follo w these steps: 1. If you want to change the defa ult engine ID, it must be changed first before c onfiguring other parameters.
SNMP Protocol 51 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring SNMP v3 Users - Web Click SNMP , SNMPv3 , Users . Click New to configure a user name. In the Ne w User page, de fine a name and assign it to a group, then click Add to sav e the conf iguration and return to the User Name list.
SNMP Protocol 52 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring SNMPv3 Groups An SNMPv3 group sets the access policy for its assigned users, restricting them to specific read and write views. Y ou can use the pre-def ined default groups or crea te ne w groups to map a set of SNMP users to SNMP views.
SNMP Protocol 53 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting SNMPv3 Views SNMPv3 vie ws are used to restrict user ac cess to sp ecif ied portions of the MI B tree. The predefined view “defaultvi ew ” includes access to the enti re MIB tree. Command Attributes Setting SNMPv3 Views - We b Click SNMP , SNMPv3 , Vi e w s .
SNMP Protocol 54 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting SNMPv3 View s - CLI Use the snmp-server view command to conf igure a new view . This example view includes the MIB-2 interfaces table, and the wildcard mask selects all inde x entries. Console(config)#snmp-server view ifEntry.
User Authentication 55 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide User Authentication Overview Y ou can restrict management access to this swi tch and pro vide secu re network access using the follo wing options: User Accounts – Manually configure ac cess rights on the switch for specif ied users.
User Authentication 56 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring User Accounts - CLI Assign a user name to access-lev el 15 (i.e., adminis trator), then specify t he password. Configuring Local/Remote Logon Authentication Use the Authenti cation Settings menu to restrict mana gement access based on sp ecif ied user names and passwords.
User Authentication 57 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Command Attributes Command Attributes • Authent ication: Select the aut hentication, or authentication sequence required: • Local – User authentication is performed only locally by the switch.
User Authentication 58 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Authentication Settings - Web Click Security , Authentic ation Settings . T o configure local or remote auth entication prefe rences, specify th e authentication seque nce (i.
User Authentication 59 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring HTTPS Y ou can configure the switch to enable the Secure Hyperte xt Tran sfer Protocol ( HTTPS) o ver t he Secure Socket Layer (SSL), prov iding secure access (i.e., an encrypted connect ion) to the switch’ s web interface.
User Authentication 60 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring HTTPS - Web Click Security , HTTPS Settings . Enable HTTPS and specify the port number , then click Ap p l y . Configuring HTTPS - CL I CLI – This example enables the HTTP secure server and modifies the port number .
User Authentication 61 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Note that you need to install an SSH client on the management station to access the switch for management via the SSH protocol. Command Usage The SSH server on this switch supports both pa ssword and pu blic ke y authentication.
User Authentication 62 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide e. The switch compares the decrypte d bytes to the original bytes it sent. If the two sets match, thi s means that the client's priv ate key corresponds to an authorized public ke y , and the client is authenticat ed.
User Authentication 63 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configurin g the Secure Shell - CLI This example generates a host-ke y pair using both the RSA and DSA algorithms, stores the ke ys to flash memory , and then displays the host’ s public keys.
User Authentication 64 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configurin g the SSH Server - Web Click Security , SSH , Settings . Enable SSH and adjust the authentic ation parameters as required, then click Apply . Note that you must first gene rate the host key pair on the SSH Ho st-K ey Settings page before you can enable the SSH server .
User Authentication 65 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Command Usage A secure port has the following restrictions: Cannot use port monitoring. Cannot be a multi-VLAN port. It cannot be used as a member of a static or dynamic trunk. It should not be connected to a network interconnection de vice.
User Authentication 66 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring 802.1x Port Authentication Network switches can pro vide open and easy access to network resources by simply attaching a client PC.
User Authentication 67 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying and Configuring the 802.1x Global Setting The 802.1x protocol must be enabled globally for the switch system before po rt settings are activ e. Command Attributes Displaying and Conf iguring the 802 .
User Authentication 68 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Port Settings for 802.1x - Web Click Security , 802.1x , Po r t Configuration .
User Authentication 69 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Port Setti ngs for 802.1 x - CLI This example sets the 802.1x pa rameters on port 2. For a de scription of the additional fields displayed in this example, see show dot1x section on page 259.
User Authentication 70 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying 802.1x Statistics This switch can d isplay statistics fo r dot1x protocol e xchanges for any port. Displaying 802. 1x Statistics - Web Select Security , 802.1x , Statistics . Select the required port and then click Query .
User Authentication 71 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying 802.1x Statistics - CLI This example displays the 802.1x statistics for port 4.
User Authentication 72 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Filtering Addresses for SN MP Client Access - Web Click SNMP , SNMP IP F iltering . T o add a client, enter the new addres s, the subnet mask for a node or an address range, and then click “ Add IP Filtering Entry .
Configuring ACLs 73 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring ACLs Overview Access Contr ol Lists (A CL) provide packet filtering for IP fra mes (based on address, protocol, Layer 4 protocol port number or TCP control c ode) or any frames ( based on MA C addr ess or Ethernet type).
Configuring ACLs 74 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting the ACL N ame and Type - Web Click Security , AC L , AC L Configur ation . Enter an A CL name in the Name fi eld, select the list typ e (IP Standard, IP Extended, or MA C), and click Add to open the configuration page for the ne w list.
Configuring ACLs 75 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring a Stan dard IP ACL - Web Specify the ac tion (i.e., Pe r m i t or Deny ). Select the address type ( Any , Host , or IP ). If you select “ Host , ” enter a specifi c address.
Configuring ACLs 76 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring an Extended IP ACL - Web Specify the ac tion (i.e., Pe r m i t or Deny ). Specify the source and/or destination add resses. Select the address type ( Any , Host , or IP ). If you select “Host, ” ente r a specific address.
Configuring ACLs 77 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring a MAC ACL Command Attributes Command Usage Egress MA C ACLs only w ork for destination-mac-kno wn pack ets, not for multicast, br oadcast, or destination- mac-unknown p ackets. Configuring a MAC A CL - Web Specify the ac tion (i.
Configuring ACLs 78 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring a MAC ACL - CLI This rule permits packets from any source MA C address to the destination address 00-e0-29-94-34-de where the Ethernet t ype is 0800 . Configuring ACL Masks Y ou can specify optional masks that control the order in which A C L rules are ch ecked.
Configuring ACLs 79 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring ACL Masks - Web Click Security , AC L , ACL Mask Configur ation . Click Edit for one of the basic mask types to open the configuration page. Configuring ACL Masks - CLI This example creates an IP ingress mask, and then a dds tw o rules.
Configuring ACLs 80 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring an IP ACL Mask - Web Configure the mask to match the required rules in the IP ingress or e gress A CLs. Set the mask to check for any source or destination addr ess, a specific host addre ss, or an address range.
Configuring ACLs 81 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring a MAC ACL Mask - Web Configure the mask to match the required rules in the MA C ingress or egress A CLs. Set the mask to check for any source or destination address, a host address, or an address range.
Configuring ACLs 82 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide The switch does not support the explicit “deny any” rule for the egress IP A CL or the egress MA C A CLs. If these rules are included in the A CL, a nd you attempt to bind the A CL to an interface for egress checking, the bind operation will fail.
Filtering IPs for Management Acc ess 83 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Filtering IPs for Management Access Overview Y ou can specify the client IP addresses that are al lowed management access to the switch through the web interfa ce, SNMP , or T elnet.
Filtering IPs for Management Ac cess 84 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Filtering IP Addresses fo r Management Access - CLI This example restricts management ac cess for T elnet and SNMP clients. Console(config)#management telnet-client 192.168.
Port Configuration 85 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Port Configuration Overview Y ou can use the P ort Information or T runk Information pages to display the current connection status, including link state, speed/duple x mode, flow control, and auto-ne gotiation.
Port Configuration 86 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Connectio n Status - CLI This exa mple sho ws the connec tion status for Port 13. Field Attributes (CLI - Cont. ) • Capabilities: S pecif ies the capabilities to be advertised for a port during auto-nego tiation.
Port Configuration 87 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Interface Connections Y ou can use the P ort Configur ation or T runk Configuration page to enable/disab le an interfa ce, set auto- negotiation and the interf ace capabilities to adv e rtise, or manually fi x the sp eed, duplex mo de, and flow control.
Port Configuration 88 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring I nterface Connecti ons - Web Click Po r t , Po r t Configuration or T runk Configur ation . Modify the required inte rface settings, and click Ap p ly . Configuring I nterface Connecti ons - CLI Select the interf ace, and then enter the require d settings.
Port Configuration 89 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide All the ports in a trunk ha ve to be treated as a whole when mo ved from/to, added or deleted from a VLAN.
Port Configuration 90 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Statically Configur ing a Trunk - CLI This example creates trunk 2 with ports 1 and 2. Just c onnect these ports to two st atic trunk ports on another switch to form a trunk.
Port Configuration 91 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Enabling LACP on Selected Ports - We b Click Po r t , LA CP , Configuration . Selec t any of the switch ports from th e scroll-do wn port li st and click Add. After you hav e completed adding ports to the member list, click Ap p l y .
Port Configuration 92 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Dynamically Creating a Port Channel Ports assigned to a common port channel must meet the following crit eria: Ports must hav e the same LACP System Priority . Ports must hav e the same LACP port Admin Ke y .
Port Configuration 93 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Dynamically Creating a Po rt Channel - Web Click Po r t , LA CP , Aggr e gation Po r t . Set the System Priority , Admin Key , and Port Priority for the Port Actor . Y ou can optionally configure these settings for the Port Partner .
Port Configuration 94 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying LACP Port Counters Y ou can display statistics for LA CP protocol messages. The following table describes the Counter Information fie l ds : Counter Information Fields Displaying LACP Port Counters - Web Click Po r t , LA CP , Po r t Counters Information .
Port Configuration 95 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying LACP Settings and Status for the Local Side Y ou can display configuration settings and the opera tional state for the lo cal side of an link aggre gation. Displaying LACP Settings a nd Status for the Loca l Side - Web Click Po r t , LA CP , Po r t Internal Information .
Port Configuration 96 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying LA CP Settings an d Status for the L ocal Side - C LI The follow ing example displays the LA CP configuration settings and operational state for the local side of port channel 1.
Port Configuration 97 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying LACP Settings and Sta tus for the Remote Side - CLI The following e xample displays the LA CP configuration settings and operational state fo r the remote side of port channel 1.
Port Configuration 98 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting Broadcast Stor m Threshol ds - Web Click Po r t , Br oadcast Contr ol . Set the threshold any port, click App l y . Setting Broadcast Storm Thresholds - CLI Specify an y interf ace, and then enter the threshold.
Port Configuration 99 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Command Attributes Configuring Port Mirrorin g - Web Click Port, Mirror Port Conf iguration. Specify the source port/unit, the tr af fic type to be mirrored, and the monitor port/un it, then click Add .
Port Configuration 100 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Rate Limits - Web Click Rate Limit , Input / Output Po r t / T runk C onfigur ation . Set the Input Rate Limit Status or Output Rate Limit Status , then set the rate limi t for the indi vidual interfaces, and click Apply .
Port Configuration 101 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Port Statistics (Cont.) Interface Sta tistics (Cont.) •T r a n s m i t O c t e t s : The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including fr aming characters.
Port Configuration 102 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Showing Port Sta tistics - Web Click Po r t , Po r t Statistics . Select the required interf ace, and click Query . Y ou can also use the Refresh button at the bottom of the page to update the screen.
Port Configuration 103 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Showing Port Sta tistics - CLI This example sho ws statistics for port 13. FIG. 107 CLI - Displaying Port Statistics.
Port Configuration 104 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide.
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Settin gs 105 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Settings Overview This switch can provide DC po wer to a wide range of connected devices, eliminating the need for an additional power source and cutting down on the amount of cables a ttached to each de vice.
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Settings 106 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Switch Power S tatus - CLI This exampl e displays the current po wer status for the switch.
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Settin gs 107 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Port Power Status - Web Click PoE, follo wed by Po wer Port Status. Displaying Port Power Status - CLI This example displays the PoE stat us and the priori ty of port 1.
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Settings 108 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Port PoE Power - Web Click PoE, Power Port Conf igura ti on. Enable PoE power on selected por ts, set t he priority an d the po wer budget, and then click A pply .
Address Table Settings 109 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Address Table Settings Overview Switches store the addresses for all known de vices. This information is used to rout e traff ic directly between the inbound and outbound ports. All the addresses learne d by monitoring traf fic are stored in the dynamic address table.
Address Table Settings 110 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying the Ad dress Table The Dynamic Address T able contains the MA C addresses learned by monitori ng the source address for traff ic entering the switch.
Address Table Settings 111 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Changing the Aging Ti me - Web Click Address T able, A ddress Aging. Specify the new aging time, click Apply . Changing the Aging Time - CLI This example sets the aging time to 300 seconds.
Address Table Settings 112 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 113 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration Overview The Spanning T ree Algorithm (ST A) can be used to detect and disable ne twork loops, and to provide backup links between switches, bridge s or routers.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 114 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Glob al Settings Field Attributes • Sp anning T ree State: Shows if the switch is enabled to participate in an ST A-compliant n etwork.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 115 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Glo bal Settings - Web Click Spanning T ree, ST A Information. This command displays globa l ST A settings, followed by setting s for each port. Configuring Glo bal Settings Global settings apply to the entire switch.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 116 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide STP Mode – If the switch receiv es an 802.1D BPDU (i.e., STP BPDU) after a port’s migration delay timer expire s, the switch assumes it is connected to an 802.1D bridge and starts using only 802.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 117 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Global Settings - Web Click Spanning T ree, ST A Configuratio n. M odify the required attributes, and click App l y . Configuring Global Settings - CLI This example enables Spanning T ree Protocol , and then sets the indicated at trib utes.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 118 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Interfa ce Settings The STP Port Information and STP T runk Information page s display the current status of ports and trunks in the Spanning T ree.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 119 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Command Attributes (Cont.) • Port Role (Cont.) The role is set to disab led (i.e., disabled port) if a port has no role within the spanning tree. •T r u n k M e m b e r : Indicates if a port is a member of a trunk.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 120 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Inte rface Settings - We b Click Spanning T ree, ST A Port Informa tion or ST A Trunk Information. Displaying Interfa ce Settings - CLI This example sho ws general ST A confi guration and attrib utes for port 5.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 121 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Interf ace Settings - Web Click Spanning T ree, ST A Port Configuration or ST A Trunk Conf iguration. Modify the required attribu tes, then click App l y . Command Attributes (Cont.
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 122 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Interf ace Settings - CLI This example sets ST A attributes for port 5.
VLAN Configuration 123 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide VLAN Configuration Overview - IEEE 802.1Q VLANs In large networks, routers are used to isolate broadcas t traf fic for each subnet into separate doma ins.
VLAN Configuration 124 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide VLAN Classification – When the switch receiv es a frame, it classifies the frame in one of two ways. If the frame is untagged, the switch assigns the frame to an associ ated VLAN (based on the default VLAN ID of th e recei ving port).
VLAN Configuration 125 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Forwarding Tagged/Untagged Frames If you want to create a small port-based VLAN for de vice s attached directly to a single switch, you can assign ports to the same untagged VLAN.
VLAN Configuration 126 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Basic VLAN I nformation - CLI Enter the follo wing command. Displaying Curren t VLANs The VLAN Current T able shows the current port members of each VLAN and whether or not the port supports VLAN tagging.
VLAN Configuration 127 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Current VLANs - CLI Current VLAN information can be disp layed with the following command.
VLAN Configuration 128 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Creating VLANs - CLI This example creates a ne w VLAN. Adding Static Members to VLA Ns (VLAN Index ) Use the VLAN Static T able to conf igure port members for the selected VLAN index. Assign ports as tagged if they are connected to 802.
VLAN Configuration 129 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Adding Static Members to VLANs - Web Click VLAN, 802.1Q VLAN, Static T a ble. Select a VLAN ID from t he scroll-down list. Modify the VLAN name and status if required. Sele ct the membership type by marki ng the appropriate radio b utton in the list of ports or trunks.
VLAN Configuration 130 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Adding Static Members to VLAN s - CLI This example adds Port 3 to VLAN 1 as a tagged port, and remo ves Port 3 from VLAN 2.
VLAN Configuration 131 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring VLAN Behavior for Interfa ces - Web Click VLAN, 802.1Q VLAN, Port Configur atio n or T runk Configu ration.
VLAN Configuration 132 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Private VLANs Priv ate VLANs provide port-based secu rity and isolation between ports within the assigned VLAN. This switch supports two types of pri vat e VLAN ports: promiscuous, and communi ty ports.
VLAN Configuration 133 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Current Pri vate VLANs - CLI This example sho ws the switch configured with prim ary VLAN 5 and secondary VLAN 6. Port 3 has been configured as a pro miscuous port and mapped to VLAN 5, while ports 4 and 5 ha ve be en configured as a host ports and are associated with VLAN 6.
VLAN Configuration 134 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Associating Community VLANs - Web Click Private VL AN, Private VLAN Association. Select the req uired primary VLAN from the scrol l-down box, highlight one or more community VLANs in the N on-Association list box, an d click Add to associate these entries with the select ed primary VLAN.
VLAN Configuration 135 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying Pr ivate VLAN I nterface In formation - C LI This example sho ws the switch configured with prim ary VLAN 5 and secondary VLAN 6.
VLAN Configuration 136 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Priv ate VLAN Interfaces - CLI This example sho ws the switch configured wi th primary VLAN 5 and secondary VLAN 6. Port 3 has been configured as a promiscuous port an d mapped to VLAN 5, while ports 4 and 5 h av e been configu red as a host ports and associated with VLAN 6.
Class of Service Configuration 137 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Class of Service Configuration Overview Class of Service (CoS) allows you to specify which data pack ets hav e greater precedence when traff ic is buf fered in the switch due to conge stion.
Class of Service Configuration 138 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Setting the Default Priori ty for Interfaces - CLI This example assigns a d efaul t priority of 5 to port 3.
Class of Service Configuration 139 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping CoS Values to Egress Queues - Web Click Priority , T raff ic Classes. Mark an interface and cl ick Select to display the cu rrent mapping of CoS values to output queues.
Class of Service Configuration 140 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Selecting the Queue Mo de - Web Click Priority , Queue Mode. Select Strict or WRR, then click App l y . Selecting the Queue Mo de - CLI The following sets the que ue mode to strict priority servic e mode.
Class of Service Configuration 141 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping Layer 3/4 Priorities to CoS Values This switch supports sev eral comm on methods of prioritizing layer 3/ 4 traf f ic to meet application requirements.
Class of Service Configuration 142 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping IP Precedenc e - Web Click Priority , IP Precedence Priority . Select a port or trunk from the Interface f ield. Select an entry from the IP Precedence Pri ority T able, enter a value in the Class of Service V alue field, and then click Apply .
Class of Service Configuration 143 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping DSCP Priority The DSCP is six bits wide , allowing coding for up to 64 dif ferent fo rwarding beha viors.
Class of Service Configuration 144 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping DSCP Priority - CLI The following e xample globa lly enables DSCP Priority servi ce on the switch, maps DSCP value 1 to CoS va lue 0 on port 5, and then displa ys all the DSCP Priority settings.
Class of Service Configuration 145 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping IP Port Priority - CLI The follow ing example globally enables IP Port Priority serv ice on the switch, maps HTTP traf fic on port 5 to CoS value 0, and then displays all the IP Port Priority settings for tha t port.
Class of Service Configuration 146 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Copy Settings - Web Click Priority , Copy Settings . Select the source pr iority settings to be copied, enter the source port or trunk number and choose the des tination interf ace/s to copy to, th en select Copy Settings .
Class of Service Configuration 147 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mapping CoS Values to ACLs - Web Click Priority , A CL CoS Pri ority . Select a port, select a n A CL rule, specify a CoS priority , then click Add .
Class of Service Configuration 148 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Changing Priorities Based on ACL Rules - Web Click Priority , A CL Mark er . Select a port and an A CL rule. T o specify a T oS priority , mark the Precedence/D SCP check box, select Pr ecedence or DSCP from the scroll-do wn box, and enter a priority .
Multicast Filtering 149 Enter the Document Name Here Multicast Filtering Overview Multicasting is used to support real -time applications such as video conferencing or streaming audio. A multicast server does not ha ve to establish a separate connection with ea ch client.
Multicast Filtering 150 Enter the Document Name Here Configuring IGMP Snooping and Query Parameters Y ou can co nfigure the switch to forward multicast traf fic intelligently . Based on the IGMP query and report messages, the switc h forwards tr af fic o nly to the ports that request mul ticast traf fic.
Multicast Filtering 151 Enter the Document Name Here Configuring IGMP Snoo ping and Query Parameters - Web Click IGMP , IGMP Configuration. Adjust the IGMP settings as requi red, and then click App l y .
Multicast Filtering 152 Enter the Document Name Here Displaying Interfaces Attached to a Multicast Route r - Web Click IGMP , Multicast Router Po rt Information. Select the required VL AN ID from the scroll-do wn list to display the ass ociated multic ast routers.
Multicast Filtering 153 Enter the Document Name Here Specifying Inte rfaces Attached to a Multicast R outer - CLI This example conf igures port 11 as a multicast router port within VLAN 1. Displaying Port Members of Mul ticast Services Y ou can display the port members associated with a specified VLAN and mu lticast IP address.
Multicast Filtering 154 Enter the Document Name Here Assigning Ports to Mult icast Services - Web Click IGMP , IGMP Member Port T able. Specify the inte rface attached t o a multicas t service (via an.
Configuring Domain Name Service 155 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Domain Name Service Overview The Domain Naming System (DNS) ser vice on this switch allo ws host names to be mapped to IP addresses using static table entries or by redi rection to other name servers on th e network.
Configuring Domain Name Ser vice 156 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Gene ral DNS Server Parame ters - Web Select DNS, General Configuration. Se t the def ault domain name or list of domain names, specify one or more name servers to use for a ddress resolution, enable do main lookup status, and click Ap p l y .
Configuring Domain Name Service 157 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring Stat ic DNS Host to Address Entries - Web Select DNS, Static Host T able.
Configuring Domain Name Ser vice 158 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying the DN S Cache - Web Select DNS, Cac he. Displaying the DN S Cache - CLI This exa mple displays all the resource reco rds learned from the de signated name servers.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 159 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide CLI (Command Line Interface) Overview This chapter describes ho w to use the Command Line Interf ace (CLI).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 160 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Console(config)#interface vlan 1 Console(config-if)#ip address 255.255.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 161 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Getting Help on Commands Y ou can display a brief description of the help system by entering the help command. Y ou can also display command syntax by using the “?” charac ter to list keywor ds or parameters.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 162 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Partial Keyword Look up If you terminate a pa rtial ke yword with a qu estion mark, alternati ves that match the init ial letters are pro vided. (Remember not to leave a space between the command and question mark.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 163 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuration Comm ands Configuratio n commands are pri vileged le vel commands used to modify switch settings. These commands modify the running configuration only and are not sa ve d when the switch is rebooted.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 164 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Command Groups The system commands ca n be broken do wn into the functional groups shown belo w . Keystroke Commands (Cont.) K eystroke Function Ctrl-E Shifts cursor to end of command line.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 165 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Line Commands Y ou can access the onboard conf iguration program by attaching a VT100 compatible de vice to the switch’ s serial port. These comma nds are used to set communicati on parameters for the serial port or T elnet (i.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 166 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Line Commands (Cont.) Command Function passwor d Use this command to specify the password for a line.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 167 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Line Commands (Cont.) Command Function passwor d -thresh This command sets the password intrusion threshold which limits the number of failed logon attempts. Use the no form to remove the threshold value.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 168 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Line Commands (Cont.) Command Function parity This command defines the generation of a parity bit.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 169 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide General Commands Line Commands (Cont.) Command Function show line This command displays the terminal line’ s paramete rs. Syntax : show line [console | vty] • console - Console terminal line.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 170 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide General Commands (Cont.) Command Function configure This command activates Global Configuration mode.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 171 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Management Commands These commands a re used to control sy stem logs, passwords, user names, bro wser c onfiguratio n options, and display or configure a v ariety of other system information.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 172 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Device Designation Commands User Access Commands The basic commands requi red for management a ccess are listed in this section.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 173 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP Filter Commands Device Designation Commands (Cont.) Command Function username (Cont.) : username access-level password guest 0 guest Command Mode : Global Configuration Command Usage : The en crypted password is required for compatibility with legacy password settings (i.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 174 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP Filter Commands (Cont.) Command Function management (Cont.) Command Usage • If anyone tries to access a management interfac.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 175 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Web Server Commands Web Server Commands Command Function ip http por t This command specifies the TCP port number used by the web browser interface. Use the no form to use the default port.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 176 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Telnet Serv er Commands Secure Shell Comm ands The Berkley-stan dard includes remote access tools originally designed for Unix systems. Some of these tools hav e also been implemented for Microsoft W indows and other en vironments.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 177 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide The SSH server on this switch supports bot h passw ord and public ke y authentication.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 178 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Secure Shell Commands Command Function ip ssh server This command enables the Secure Shell (SSH) server on this switch.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 179 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Secure Shell Commands (Cont.) Command Function copy tftp public-key C opies the user ’s public key from a TFTP server to the sw itch delete public-key This command deletes the specified user ’s public key .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 180 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Secure Shell Commands (Cont.) Command Function show ip ssh This command displays the connection settings used when authenticating client access to the SSH server . Command M ode : Privileged Exec Example : Console#show ip ssh SSH Enabled - version 1.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 181 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Event Logging Commands Secure Shell Commands (Cont.) Command Function show public-key This command sho ws the public key for the specified user or for the host. Synt ax : show public-key [user [username]| host] • username – Name of an SSH user .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 182 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Event Loggin g Commands (C ont.) Command Function logging history This command limits sys - log messages saved to switch memory based on severity . The no form returns the logging of syslog messages to the default level.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 183 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Event Logging Comm ands (Cont.) Command Function logging facility This command sets the facility type for remote logging of syslog messages. Use the no form to return the type to the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 184 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Event Loggin g Commands (C ont.) Command Function show l oggi ng This command displays the configuration settings for logging messages to local switch memory , to an SMTP event handler , or to a remote syslog server .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 185 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SMTP Alert Com mands Configures SMTP e vent handling, and forwarding of alert messages to the specified SMTP servers and email recipients. Event Logging Comm ands (Cont.) Command Function show log This command displays the system and event mes- sages stored in memory .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 186 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SMTP Alert Commands (Cont.) Command Function logging sendmail level This command sets the severity threshold used to trigger alert messages. Synt ax : logging sendmail level level • level - One of the system mess age levels.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 187 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Time Commands The system clock can be dynamically set by polling a set of spec ified time servers (NTP or SNTP). Maintaining an a ccurate time on the switch en ables the sy stem log to re cord meaningful dates and times fo r ev ent entries.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 188 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Time Comman ds (Cont.) Command Function sntp poll This command sets the interval between sending time requests when the switch is set to SNTP client mode. Use the no form to restore to the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 189 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Status Commands Time Comman ds (Cont.) Command Function show calendar This command displays the syste m clock.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 190 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Status Commands (Cont.) Command Function show startup-config (Cont.) vlan database vlan 1 name DefaultVlan media ethernet s tate active ! interface ethernet 1/1 switchport allowed vlan add 1 untagged switchport native vlan 1 .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 191 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Status Commands (Cont.) Command Function show r unning-c onfig (Cont.) vlan database vlan 1 name DefaultVlan media ethernet st ate active ! ! interface ethernet 1/1 switchport allowed vlan add 1 untagged switchport native vlan 1 .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 192 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide System Status Commands (Cont.) Command Function show users Shows all active console and T elnet sessions, including user name, idle time, and IP address of T elnet client.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 193 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Flash/File Commands These commands are used to manage the syst em code or configu ration files. Flash/File Commands Command Function copy This command moves (upload/ download) a code image or configuration file between the switch’s flash memory and a TFTP server .
CLI (Command Line Interface) 194 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Flash/File Commands (Cont.) Command Function copy (Cont.) Example : The following example shows how to copy the r unning configuration to a startup file: Console#copy running-config file destination file name: startup Write to FLASH Programming.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 195 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Flash/File Commands (Cont.) Command Function dir This command displays a list of files in flash memory . Syntax : dir [unit:] {{boot-rom: | config: | opcode:} [:filename]} The type of file or image to display includes: • boot-rom - Boot ROM (or diagnostic) image file.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 196 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Power over Ethernet (PoE) Commands The commands in this group control the po wer that ca n be deli vered to attached PoE devices through the switch ports.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 197 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide PoE Commands (Cont.) Command Function power inline Use this command to turn power on for a specific port or force a port into test mode. Use the no form to turn off power for a port.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 198 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide PoE Commands (Cont.) Command Function show power inline status Use this command to display the current power status for all ports or for specific ports. Syntax : show power inline status [interface] interface ethernet • unit - This is device 1.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 199 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Authentication Commands Y ou can configure this switch to auth enticate users logging into the system for manage ment access using local or RADIUS authentication methods. Y ou can also enable port-based authentication for network client access using IEEE 802.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 200 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide RADIUS Client Remote Authentication Dia l-in User Se rvice (RADIUS) is a logon authentica tion protocol that uses software running on a central serv er to control access to RADI US-a ware de vices on the ne twork.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 201 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide RADIUS Client Comma nds (Cont.) Command Function radius-server retransmit This command sets the number of retries.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 202 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide TACACS+ Client T erminal Access Controller Access Control System (T A CA CS+) is a l ogon authentication protocol that uses software running on a central server to control access to T A CA CS-aware devices on the network.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 203 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Port Security Commands These commands can be used to disable the learning function or manually specify secure addresses f or a port. Y ou may want to leav e port security of f for an initia l training period (i.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 204 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Port Security Commands (Cont.) Command Function mac-address-table static This command maps a static address to a destination port in a VLAN.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 205 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide 802.1x Port Authentication The switch supports IEEE 802.1x (dot1x ) port-based access control that prev ents unauthorized access to the network by requiring users to f irst s ubmit credentials for authentica tion.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 206 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide 802.1x Port Authentication Commands (Cont.) Command Function dot1x por t-control This command sets the dot1x mode on a port interface.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 207 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide 802.1x Port Authentication Commands (Cont.) Command Function dot1x timeout quie t-period This command sets the time that a switch port waits after the Max Request Count has been exceeded before attempting to acquire a new client.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 208 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide 802.1x Port Authentication Commands (Cont.) Command Function show dot1x (Cont.) tx-period – Time a port waits during authentication session before re- transmitting EAP packet (page 4-86).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 209 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Access Control List Commands Access Control List s (ACL) pro vide packet f iltering for IP fra mes (based on address, protocol, Layer 4 protocol port number or TCP control c ode) or an y frames (based on MA C addr ess or Ethernet type).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 210 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Egress MA C A CLs only work for destination-mac- kno wn packet s, not for m ulticast, broadc ast, or destination-ma c- unkno wn packets. The order in which acti v e A CLs are checke d is as follows: 1.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 211 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont. ) Command Function permit, deny (St andard ACL) This command adds a rule to a S tandard IP ACL. The ru le sets a filter condition for packets emanating from the specified source.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 212 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont.) Command Function permit, deny (Extended ACL - Cont .) Command Usage : All new rules are appended to t he end of the list. Address bitmasks are similar to a subnet mask, containing four integers from 0 to 255, each separated by a peri od.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 213 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont. ) Command Function show ip access-list This command dis plays the rule s for configured IP ACLs. Syntax : show ip access-list {standard | extended } [acl_name] • standard – S pecifies a standard IP ACL.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 214 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont.) Command Function mask (IP ACL - Cont.) Command Usage : Packets crossing a port are checked again st all the rules in the ACL until a match is f ound.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 215 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont. ) Command Function mask (IP ACL - Cont.) Example : This shows how to create an extended ACL with an e gress mask to drop packets leaving network 171.69.198.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 216 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont.) Command Function show access-list ip mask- precedence This command shows the ingress or egress rule masks for IP ACLs. Syntax : show access-list ip mask-precedence [in | out] • in – Ingress mask precedence for ingress ACLs.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 217 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP ACL Comma nds (Cont. ) Command Function show map access-list ip This command sho ws the CoS value mapped to an IP ACL for the current interface. The CoS value determines the output queue for packets matching an ACL rule.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 218 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide MAC ACL Commands MAC ACL Comman ds Command Function access-list mac This command adds a MAC access list and enters MAC ACL configuration mode. Use the no form to remove the specified ACL.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 219 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide MAC ACL Commands (Cont.) Command Function show mac access-list This command dis plays the rule s for configured MAC ACLs. Synt ax : show mac access-list [acl_name] • acl_name – Name of the ACL.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 220 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide MAC ACL Commands (C ont.) Command Function mask (MAC ACL) This command defines a mask for MAC ACLs. This mask defines the fields to check in the packet header . Use the no form to remove a mask.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 221 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide MAC ACL Commands (Cont.) Command Function mask (Cont.) Example - This example creates an Egress MAC ACL: Console(config)#access-list mac M5 Console(config-mac-acl)#deny tagged-802.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 222 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide MAC ACL Commands (C ont.) Command Function mac access-group This command binds a port to a MAC ACL. Use the no form to remove the port. Synt ax : mac access-group acl_name in • acl_name – Name of the ACL.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 223 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide ACL Information MAC ACL Commands (Cont.) Command Function match access-list mac This command changes the IEEE 802.1p priority of a Layer 2 frame matching the defined ACL rule. This feature is commonly referred to as ACL packet marking.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 224 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands Controls access to this switch from management stat ions using the Simple Netw ork Management Protocol (SNMP), as well as the error t ypes sent to trap managers.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 225 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands (Cont.) Command Function snmp-server community This command defines the community access string for the Simple Network Management Protocol. Use the no form to remove the specified community string.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 226 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands (Cont.) Command Function snmp-server host This command spe cifies the recipient of a Simple Network Management Protocol notification operation. Use the no form to remove the specified host.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 227 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands (Cont.) Command Function snmp-server engine-id Use this command to configure an identification string for the SNMP v3 engine. Use the no form to restore the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 228 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands (Cont.) Command Function show snmp view Use this command to show information on the SNMP groups. Command Mode : Privileged Exec Example : Console#show snmp view View Name: mib-2 Subtree OID: 1.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 229 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands (Cont.) Command Function show snmp group Four default groups are pro- vided – SNMPv1 read-only access and read/ write access, and SNMPv2c read-only access and read/ write access.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 230 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide SNMP Commands (Cont.) Command Function snmp-server user Use this command to add a user to an SNMP group, restricting the user to a specific SNMP Read and a Wri te Vi ew. Use the no form to remove a user from an SNMP group.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 231 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Interface Commands These commands are used to display or set communicat ion parameters for an Ethernet port, aggre gated link, or VLAN. Interface Commands Command Function interface This command configures an interface type and enter interface configuration mode.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 232 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Interface Commands (Cont.) Command Function negotiation This command enables autonegotiation for a given interface.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 233 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Interface Commands (Cont.) Command Function flowcontrol This command enables flow control.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 234 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Interface Commands (Cont.) Command Function clear counters This command cl ears statistics on an interface. Syntax : clear counters interface •i n t e r f a c e ethernet unit/port unit - S tack unit.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 235 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Interface Commands (Cont.) Command Function show interfaces counters This command displays interface statistics. Syntax : show interfaces counters [interface] • interface ethernet unit/port unit - S tack unit.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 236 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Interface Commands (Cont.) Command Function show interfaces swi tch po r t This command displays the administrative and operational status of the specified interfaces. Syntax : show interfaces switchport [interface] •i n t e r f a c e ethernet unit/port unit - S tack unit.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 237 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Mirror Port Commands This section describes how to mirror traf fic fro m a source port to a tar get port. Mirror Port Commands Command Function port monitor This command configures a mirror session.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 238 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Rate Limit Commands This function allows the network manage r to cont rol the maximum rate for tr af fic tra nsmitted or recei ved on an interface . Rate limiting is conf igured on interf aces at the edge of a network to l imit traf fic into or out of the network.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 239 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands Ports can be statically grouped into an aggregate link (i.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 240 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands (C ont.) Command Function Dynamic Configurat ion Comma nds lacp This command enables 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for the current interface.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 241 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands (Cont.) Command Function lacp system-priority This command configures a port's LACP system priority . Use the no form to restore the default setting.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 242 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands (C ont.) Command Function lacp admin-key (Port Channel) This command configures a port channel's LACP administration key string. Use the no form to restore the default setting.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 243 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands (Cont.) Command Function T runk Status Display Command show interfaces status port -channel Shows trunk information show lacp This command displays LACP information.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 244 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands (C ont.) Command Function show lacp (Cont.) Example : Console#show lacp 1 internal Channel group : 1 -.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 245 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Link Aggregation Commands (Cont.) Command Function show lacp (Cont.) Example: Console#show lacp 1 neighbors Channel group 1 neig.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 246 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Address Table Commands These commands are used to conf igure the address tabl e for filtering specified a ddresses, displaying current entries, clearing the table, or setting the aging ti me.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 247 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Address Table Commands (Cont.) Command Function show mac-address-tab le This command sho ws classes of entri es in the bridge-forwarding database.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 248 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands This section includes comma nds that configure the Spanning T ree Al gorithm (ST A) globally for the switch, and commands that c onfigure ST A for the selected interface.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 249 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands (Cont.) Command Function spanning-tree forwar d-time This command configures the spanning tree bridge forward time globally for this switch. Use the no form to restore the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 250 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands (Cont.) Command Function spanning-tree priority This command configures the spanning tree priority globally for this switch. Use the no form to restore the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 251 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands (Cont.) Command Function spanning-tree cost This command configures the spanning tree path cost for the specified interface. Use the no form to restore the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 252 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands (Cont.) Command Function spanning-tree edge-por t This command spe cifies an interface as an edge port.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 253 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands (Cont.) Command Function spanning-tree link-type This command configures the link type for Rapid Sp anning T ree.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 254 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Spanning Tree Commands (Cont.) Command Function show spanning-tree This command sho ws the configuration for the spanning tree. Synt ax : show spanning-tree [interface] • interface ethernet unit/port unit - S tack unit.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 255 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide VLAN Commands A VLAN is a group of ports that can be located anywhe re in the network, but communicate as though they belong to the same physical segment.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 256 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring VLAN Interfaces Configuring VLAN Interfaces Command Function interface vlan This command enters interface configuration mode for VLANs, which is used to configure VLAN parameters for a physical interface.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 257 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring VLAN Interfaces (Cont.) Command Function switchport ingress-filtering This command enables ingress filter- ing for an interface. Use the no form to restore the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 258 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configuring VLAN Interfaces (Cont.) Command Function switchport allowed vlan This command configures VLAN groups on the selected interface. Use the no form to restore the default.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 259 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Displaying VLAN Information Configuring Private VLANs Priv ate VLANs provide port-based secu rity and isolation between ports within the assigned VLAN. This switch supports two types of priv ate VLAN ports: promiscuous, and community ports.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 260 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Edit Private VLAN Groups Edit Private VLAN Groups Command Function private-vlan Use this command to create a primary , isolated or community private VLAN. Use the no form to remove the specifie d private VLAN.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 261 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Configure Private VLAN Interfaces Configure Private VLAN Interfaces Command Function switchport mode private-vlan Use this command to set the private VLAN mode for an interface. Use the no form to restore the default setting.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 262 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Display Private VLAN Information GVRP and Bridge Extension Commands GARP VLAN Registratio n Protocol defi nes a way for swit ches to e xchange VLAN information in orde r to automatically re gister VLAN members on interf aces across the network.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 263 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide GVRP and Br idge Extension Commands (Co nt.) Command Function switchport gvrp This command enables GVRP for a port.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 264 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands The commands described in this se ction allow you to specify which data packets ha ve greater precedence when traff ic is buffered in the switch due to congestion.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 265 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands (Layer 2 - Cont.) Command Function switchport priority default This command sets a priority for incoming untagged frames. Use the no form to restore the default value.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 266 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands (Layer 2 - Cont.) Command Function queue cos-map This command assigns class of servic e (CoS) values to the priority queues (i.e., hardware output queues 0 - 3).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 267 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands (Layer 3 and 4) Maps TCP ports, IP precedence tags, or IP DSCP tags to class of service v alues Priority Commands (Layer 2 - Cont.) Command Function show interfaces swi tch po r t See page 236.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 268 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands ((Lay er 3 and 4)- Cont.) Command Function map ip precedence (Interface Configuration) This command sets IP precedence priority (i.e., IP T ype of Service pr iority).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 269 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands ((Layer 3 and 4)- Cont.) Command Function map ip dscp (Interface Configuration) This command sets IP DSCP priority (i.e., Differentiated Services Code Point priority).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 270 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Priority Commands ((Lay er 3 and 4)- Cont.) Command Function show map ip precedence This command sho ws the IP precedence priority map. Syntax : show map ip precedence [interface] • interface ethernet unit/port unit - S tack unit.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 271 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Multicast Filtering Commands This switch uses IGMP (Internet Gr oup Management Protocol) to query fo r an y attached hosts that want to recei ve a specif ic multi cast service.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 272 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IGMP Query Commands (L ayer 2) IGMP Snooping Commands (Cont.) Command Function show ip igmp snooping This command sho ws the IGMP snooping configur ation.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 273 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IGMP Query Commands (Layer 2 - Cont.) Command Function ip igmp sn ooping qu ery-count This command configures the query count.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 274 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Static Mu lticast R outing Commands IGMP Query Commands (Layer 2 - Cont.) Command Function ip igmp snooping router -por t- expi re -t im e This command configures the query timeout.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 275 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP Interface Commands There are no IP addresses assigned to this switch by de fault. Y ou must manually configure a ne w address to manage the switch o ver your network. Y ou may also need to a establish a default ga te way between this de vice and the management stations.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 276 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP Interface Co mmands (Cont .) Command Function ip default-gateway This command estab- lishes a static route between this switch and devices that exist on another network segment.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 277 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide IP Interface Co mmands (C ont.) Command Function ping This command sen ds ICMP echo request packets to another node on the network. Synt ax : ping host [size size] [count count] • host - IP address or IP alias of the host.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 278 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide DNS Commands These commands are use d to confi gure Domain Naming System (DNS) se rvices.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 279 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide DNS Commands (C ont.) Command Function ip domain-list This command defines a list of domain names that can be appended to incomplete host names (i.e., host names passed from a client that are not formatted with dotted notation).
CLI (Command Line Interface) 280 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide DNS Commands (C ont.) Command Function ip domain-lookup This command enables DNS host name-to- address translation.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 281 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide DNS Commands (C ont.) Command Function show dns cache This command displays entries in the DNS cache. Command Mode : Privileged Exec Examp le : Console#show dns cache NO FLAG TYPE IP TTL DOMAIN 0 4 CNAME 10.
CLI (Command Line Interface) 282 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide.
Troubleshooting 283 NXA-ENET24 - Software Management Guide Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Chart Symptom Action Cannot connect using T elnet, Web browser , or SNMP soft- ware • Be sure you have configured the agent with a va lid IP address, subnet mask and default gateway .
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté AMX NXA-ENET24 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du AMX NXA-ENET24 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation AMX NXA-ENET24, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le AMX NXA-ENET24 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le AMX NXA-ENET24, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du AMX NXA-ENET24.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le AMX NXA-ENET24. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei AMX NXA-ENET24 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.