Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 480i CT du fabricant Aastra
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MODEL / RELEASE 1.4 41-000124-00-08 USER GUIDE.
Aastra Telecom will not accept liability for any damages and/or long distance charges, which result from un authorized and/or unlawful use. While every effor t has been m ade to ensure acc uracy, Aa stra Telecom will not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions cont ained withi n this documenta tion.
480i C T IP Phon e Us er Gui de iii SOFTW ARE LICENSE A GREEMENT Aastra Telecom Inc., hereinafter known as "Seller", gr ants to Cu stomer a personal, worldw ide, non-tran sferable, non-subli.
Table of Contents v Table of Content s About this Guide ........ ............ ...... 1 Docume ntation ........... ............ ..... . 1 Intr odu ction ........... ........... ........... . 2 Phone Fea ture s ........ ...... ...... ..... . 2 General Req uire ments .
Table of Contents Table of Contents vi Making Calls fr o m 480i CT Cord - less Han dset .......... ..... ............ .... 50 Pre-dial lin g a Num ber ........... .... 50 Using a Hea dset ....... ...... ...... .... 50 Receiving Cal ls ............... .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 1 About this Guide About th is Guide This guide explains how to use the basi c feat ures of your new 48 0i CT phone . Not all featur es listed are available by defau lt. Conta ct your syst em or networ k administrator to fin d out wh ich features and services a re available to you on your s ystem.
2 / IP P hone User Guide Introduction Intro duction This guide compliments the Aastra Model 480i CT Installation Guide that is included with the p hone. Please refer to th e installation guide for informatio n on hardware requirements, feat ures and physical set up of your new 4 80i CT.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 3 Customizing Your 480i CT Base Station Customizing You r 480i CT Base Station Setting Your Optio ns Pressing th e % ke y g i ve s yo u a list of co nfigu ration op tions. You can also ch ange these o ptions in your pho ne through the Aastra Web UI.
4 / IP P hone User Guide Customizi ng Your 480i CT Base Stat ion 5. You will now see your phone’s IP Address. Access ing the Aa stra W eb UI 1. Open y ou r web brow ser an d enter the pho ne’s IP a ddress or host name into the ad dress field. 2. At the pr ompt, ente r your user- name and p assword and click .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 5 Using your 480i CT Base Station Using your 480i CT Base Station Hard keys Ther e ar e Hard ke ys on your phone, such a s H o l d @ , Redial # , Xfer , Icom and Co nf that are conf igur ed f or t he c all hand ling fe atur es .
6 / IP P hone User Guide Using your 4 80i CT Base Station Idle State The Idle State menu appea rs when your pho ne is n ot in us e. Your system administrator can set these softkeys using the configur ation files or the administrative options in the Aastra Web U I.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 7 Using your 480i CT Base Station Softk eys a s Line /Cal l App e aran ces You can customize the softkeys on your 48 0i CT phone to func tion as line/call appearance softkeys. These line/call appearanc e softkeys function in a similar manner to the 4 lin e/call appearance ha rd keys and lights on your phone.
8 / IP P hone User Guide Using your 4 80i CT Base Station De pend ing o n ho w th e phon e ha s been configu red, the maximum number of total line/call appearances that can be set up is 8 or 9 (4 line/call appearance a s har d keys and 4 or 5 as softkeys).
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 9 Using your 480i CT Base Station On the 480i C T, the b usy and id le ind ica tor s show on the IP p hone screen display next to the softke y programmed for BL F functionality. When the monitored user is idl e, an icon wi th the han dset on-hoo k shows next to the BLF softkey.
10 / IP P hone User Guide Using your 4 80i CT Base Station XML services. The phone performs an HTTP GET on the UR I created by you r system ad mini strator. You can set the following param eter s for object re ques ts: • xml application URI • xml application title The xml application URI is the application you are loading into the IP phon e.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 11 Using your 480i CT Base Station State-Bas ed S oftkeys You can configure a specific state to display when a softk ey is being used. Available s tat es you can configur e for ea ch softkey incl ude: • id le - The phone is n ot being used.
12 / IP P hone User Guide Making Calls from 480i CT Base Station Making Calls fro m 480i CT Base Station Dialin g a Numb er First, take the p hone off- hook by lifting the han dset, pressing the d / f button or pr essing a l ine / call appearance button.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 13 Making Calls from 48 0i CT Base Station To Make and R ecei ve C alls Usi ng a Head se t: 1. Ensure th at you have selec ted a headset au dio mode by accessing the O ptions menu. 2. P lug the he adset into the jack. 3. P ress the d / f key t o obtain a dial tone or to a nswer an incoming call.
14 / IP P hone User Guide Making Calls from 480i CT Base Station Mute Press the a b utton to mute handset , headse t or h andsfree. The speaker light will f lash slowly and the te xt “ Mute ” will appear on the screen . You will stil l be able to hear the c aller, but they will not hear you.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 15 Receiving Ca lls at the 480i CT Base Station Receiving Calls at the 480i CT Base Station When a ca ll is rin gin g at y ou r extension, you wi ll see the Inbound C all Sc reen. The line/call appearance light wi ll flash quic kl y fo r t he inco mi ng call .
16 / IP P hone User Guide Handling Cal ls from the 480i CT Base Sta tion Handling Calls from the 480i CT Base Station When you are con nected to a call, you can u se the so ftkeys or hard keys on the phone to tra nsfer, conference o r place a call on h old.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 17 Handling Calls from the 480i CT Base Station To transfer a call to another extension : 1. Connect t o the call you wish to transfer (if no t already con nect ed ). 2. P ress } . 3. P ress a line/call appearan ce button fo llowed by th e extension num ber of th e pe rson you wi sh to transfer the call to.
18 / IP P hone User Guide Handling Cal ls from the 480i CT Base Sta tion 7. T o dro p the ne w party from t he conferenc e, press = one more time. 8. I f you wish to exit the conference leaving the other two p arties conn ected, disc onnect by placing the han dset back on -hook or by pressing N .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 19 Handling Calls from the 480i CT Base Station Ending Ca lls To end a call, y ou firs t need to connec t to the c all if not alrea dy connec ted. P ress N or th e lin e/call appe arance but ton of the act ive cal l. If conn ected throug h the hands et, you can also pl ace th e handset back on hook to end the call .
20 / IP P hone User Guide Handling Cal ls from the 480i CT Base Sta tion 1. Click on Basic Settings->C all Forward . For Glo bal Call Forw ard Se ttings : 2.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 21 Handling Calls from the 480i CT Base Station Park C alls/Pick Up Parked Ca lls The IP phon e (including the 480 i CT h ands et) ha s a p ark an d pickup c all feature th at allows yo u to park a c all and pickup a call when requ ired.
22 / IP P hone User Guide Handling Cal ls from the 480i CT Base Sta tion Configurin g Par k /Picku p using Static Con figuration Use the follow ing procedu re to configure the Park/Pickup call feature using the static configur ation method.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 23 Handling Calls from the 480i CT Base Station You can configur e a Park and Pickup prog ramma ble configur ation using t he Aastr a Web UI. Progra mmab le Config uratio n Usi ng the Aastra Web UI On the 480i C T, y ou co nfigure a Park an d/or Pick up key at Operation->Softkeys and XML .
24 / IP P hone User Guide Handling Cal ls from the 480i CT Base Sta tion 10. Click to save yo ur changes. 11. Click on Operation->Reset . 12. In the " Restar t Phone " f ield click to rest art the IP phone. For 48 0i CT Hands et 1. Click on Operation->Han dset Ke ys .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 25 Handling Calls from the 480i CT Base Station Pickup a Parke d Call 1. Pick up t he ha ndset on th e phone. 2. Enter the e xtension numbe r where the ca ll was par ked. 3. Press the " Pickup " softkey. If the call pick up is successf ul, you are c onnected with the parked call.
26 / IP P hone User Guide Additional Features Additional Features Star Codes All of the main call handling and extension man ageme nt feature s for your syste m can be se t up as speed dia ls on s oftkey s on your phone. Cont act your system admini stra to r for mor e inf or ma ti on .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 27 Additional Features Calle rs Lis t The IP phon es have a "Callers List" featur e that st ore the name, phone number, and incremental calls, for each call re ceived by the phone. You can view, scr oll, a nd del ete line items in the Callers List from the IP phone UI.
28 / IP P hone User Guide Additional Features Downl oad ing t he Ca llers Lis t Use the follow ing procedu re to download the Callers List using the Aastra Web UI. 1. Click on Operation-> Directory . 2. In the C allers List field, click on . A File Download message dis- plays.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 29 Additional Features Direct ory List The IP p hones have a " Direc tory List " featu re that allows you to store freq uently u sed nu mbers on the phon e.
30 / IP P hone User Guide Additional Features 4. To delete all entries in the Direc- tory l ist, press the DeleteLis t softkey at the "Directory L ist" header. To delete a line item from th e Directory List, select the line item you want to delete an d press the Delete softkey.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 31 Additional Features Using Voic email 1. Press x on the phone to display the Servic es menu. 2. Selec t " Voicemail ".
32 / IP P hone User Guide Additional Features Ring Tones and T one Set s You can confi gure ring to nes an d ring ton e sets on the IP phones. Ring Tone s There are several distinct ring tones a user can select from to set on the IP p hones. Yo u ca n enable/ disable these ring tone s on a glob al basis or on a per-line basis.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 33 Additional Features Con figurin g R ing Tone s and Tone S ets Use the followi ng procedu res to configur e ring to nes and to ne sets on the IP phon e . (global configu ration only ) 1. Press the Menu key  on the phone to ente r the O ptions List.
34 / IP P hone User Guide Additional Features For pe r-line config uratio n: 4. In t he " Ri ng Ton e " sectio n, select a line for which you want to set ring tone. 5. Select a value from the " Line N " field . Not e: See the Ri ng Tone Se tting s Table on pag e 32 f or valid values.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 35 Language Language Using the 4 80i CT, you can set the screens to display in a spec ific language. When you s et the langua ge on th e 480i CT Base Station an d on the hands ets, all o f the display screens (menus, services, options, etc.
36 / IP P hone User Guide Customizi ng Your 480i CT Cordless Handset Custom izing Your 48 0i CT Cordless Handset When in an idle state, p ressing the Menu k ey  of the handset will present the follow ing list of options. Once in the menu list the user can scro ll up Ï a nd down  using the scrolling keys to see each option.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 37 Customizing Your 480i CT Cordless Handset Language The promp t on 480i CT ha ndset can be personali zed to English, French , or S panish langu age. A checkmark b eside the lang uage indicate the currently selected language p rom pt.
38 / IP P hone User Guide Customizi ng Your 480i CT Cordless Handset Vibr ate The Vibrate option allows the handset to sign al an i ncoming c all by vibrating as we ll as ringing.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 39 Customizing Your 480i CT Cordless Handset Findi ng the P hones’s IP Address using the Handset You can find the I P addre ss of the IP phon e’s Base Unit usi ng th e handset . Use the fo llowing procedure to fin d the IP address.
40 / IP P hone User Guide Customizi ng Your 480i CT Cordless Handset Featur e Key Pro gramm ing Gui delin es The following a re guidelines to use w h en progra mming the featu re keys on the handset: .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 41 Customizing Your 480i CT Cordless Handset Prog rammin g Fea ture Key s You can program up to 12 feature keys on the 48 0i C T IP ph one us ing th e Aas tr a Web UI. Use t he followin g proc edure to program the feature keys o n your 48 0i CT Base Station an d all paired handset s.
42 / IP P hone User Guide Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Using the 480i CT Co rdless Handset Idle Mod e During idle mod e (i.e. no i ncoming c all, no act ive call , or no c all on hold), the handset name, date & time, s tatus mes sages, a nd status ic ons are present on the display.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 43 Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Status Mess ages Handset Keys Softk eys ( { or } ) Your 480 i CT c ordles s handset has 2 softkey s direc tly unde r the LC D display. The softkey menus will change depending on the phone’s state, displayin g rel evant soft keys on ly.
44 / IP P hone User Guide Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Redial Key ( ß ) The Redial key displays a list of the last 10 calls made from the handset. Use the Ï and  to scroll through the list. Featur e Key Lis t ( Ï ) The 480i CT cordless handset sup ports a programmab le feature key list for easy access to common features.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 45 Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Handset Batt ery Indi cator & Stat us The display provides "at a glance" information on the h andset batte ry. Not e: The hands et is desi gned to r echarg e t he ba tte ries au to mati cally, when req uire d an d plac ed on th e charg er st and.
46 / IP P hone User Guide Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset General Record Editin g To accommo date adding and editing , use the availabl e characters a s labelled on the keypad.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 47 Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Add ing Rec ord to Dire ctory The dire ctory ca n stor e up to 50 na mes and number s, whi ch are d isplayed in alphabetical or der. If no nam e is entered, the entrie s are sorted by number, at the begi nning of the di rectory .
48 / IP P hone User Guide Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Callers List – 48 0i CT Cord less Handset The Callers list stores the last 5 0 calls received. Items are stor ed in chronologica l order with new items being first in the list. Each call r eceived is stored, no co llapsin g of re cor ds, and c an be de leted o r save d to a directory.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 49 Using the 480i CT Cordle ss Handset Dele ting It em fro m Calle rs Lis t From th e Options softkey of the Callers List, scr oll to the Delete item and press the Se lect softkey. The user is prompte d to con firm the d elete ac tion by pressin g the Del ete softkey.
50 / IP P hone User Guide Making Calls from 48 0i CT Cordless Ha ndset Making Calls from 48 0i CT Cord less Handset Pre-diall ing a Number Press the v k ey to obtain dial tone and use the Keypad to d ial the number. Yo u can also make a call by pre-dialling a number.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 51 Making Calls from 480i CT C ordless Handset Either way, the triangle indicator will clear and the call will be back in private mode. The figures of this section demonst rate the UI. In the figure above, the left scr een depi cts a call that is public.
52 / IP P hone User Guide Pairing and Unpairing Cordless Handset to Base Pairing and Unpairing Cordless Handset to Base Pairing Hands et All hand sets must b e paired to a Base Sta t ion . Th is is perf o rme d from both t he base an d the co rdles s h ands et.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 53 Pairing and Unpairing Cordless Handset to Base Upon suc cess or failur e of pairi ng, one of the following will be displaye d on t he hand set and base, respe ct ivel y: Suc.
54 / IP P hone User Guide Pairing and Unpairing Cordless Handset to Base Upon suc cess or failur e of unpairi ng, on e of the followi ng screen will be displayed on the base : Fail ed Remo val Success ful Rem oval 5. I f required, on the 480i CT cordless handset press  .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 55 Troubleshooting Solutions Troublesho oting Soluti ons This s ection de scribes solutions to some most comm only oc curring problems.
56 / IP P hone User Guide Troubleshooting Solutions Why does m y ph one disp lay "Bad E ncrypted Conf ig"? The IP p hone displays "Bad Encryp ted Conf ig" becaus e encrypted configur ation files are enabled but the decryption proce ss has failed.
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 57 Troubleshooting Solutions 5. Click to save your changes. For info rmation o n how t o ac cess the Aastra W eb UI , go to the se c- tion "Acc essing the Aastr a Web UI" on page 4 . Administ rators should refe r to the Aast ra SIP 48 0i/ 480i CT /911 2i/ 9133 i IP Ph one Adminis trat ion Guide .
/ IP Phon e Use r Guide 59 Limited Warranty Limited Warranty Aastra Tel ecom warra nts this produ ct a gain st de fec ts and malf unc tio ns duri ng a one (1 ) yea r perio d from t he date of origi n a l pur chase.
60 / IP P hone User Guide Limited Warranty In N orth Ameri ca , conta ct our se rvice in form ation numb er: 1 -800- 574 -1611 . Outs i de N orth Ame ri ca , contact your sales repres entati ve.
Index Index / IP P hone Use r Guide Ind ex- 1 Numerics 480i customizing 3 finding IP address for 3 line settings 5 star codes f or 26 A Aastra Web UI accessi ng 4 basic settings description 4 operatio.
Index-2 / IP Ph one User Guide Index Index R Receive r Volume 42 Reception Range 42 restarting the phone 56 ring tone sets 32 ring tones 32 Ringer Volume 42 S Servi ces Callers List 27 Directory List .
If you’ve r ead this own er’s manu al and consu lted the Trou blesho oting section and still h ave pr oblems, please vis it our w ebsite at ww w.aastra.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Aastra 480i CT c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Aastra 480i CT - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Aastra 480i CT, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Aastra 480i CT va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Aastra 480i CT, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Aastra 480i CT.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Aastra 480i CT. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Aastra 480i CT ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.