Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5200 du fabricant Ampro Corporation
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Limited Warran ty Warnings and Importan t Notes Unpacking / Packing Shipping Conta iner Contents Pro j ector Ove rview Front & Re ar Panel La y out Re mote Ins tal lat ion & O p er at i o n Ke.
A 5200 User’s Man ual Limited Warranty AmPr o C orp or ati on w arran ts this pr od uc t to b e fr ee fr om d ef ects in mat er i al and w ork m ans hi p un d er nor m al op er ati on, s ub j ect t o the li m it ations provi d ed bel ow.
1 5200 User’s Man ual Warnings and Important Notes Fi rst Bef ore operati ng thi s equi pm ent, please read t hi s m anual care f ull y and co m pl etely. Thi s m anual wi ll provide y ou wi t h the necess ary i nf orm ation of t he m any functi ons and f eat ures, and the neces sary i nstruc t i ons for operat i on of this equi pm ent .
Wa rnings an d Im porta nt Not es 2 5200 User’s Man ual Pow er Source In terruptio ns T he 5000 S er i es o f pr ojec t or operati on is bas ed on a com put er system , not unlik e y our desktop com put er . Sinc e c om put er sys tem s are ver y sensit iv e to vari ati ons in v oltage suppli ed by t he AC pow er source.
Wa rnings an d Im porta nt Not es 3 5200 User’s Man ual Gen eral Notes Do not at tem pt to servi c e the proj ector y our self by r em ov ing the cov er s. Doi ng so may expose you to danger ous v oltages or ot her haz ar ds. Ref er s erv i cing t o qualif i ed servi ce personnel.
4 5200 User’s Man ual Un-Packing and Pack ing Intro duc tion This section of the manual describes the directions f or inspecting t he AmPro 5000 Series standard shipping cont ainer, content s and describes steps t o follow when unpacking t he project or s hipping c ont ainer.
Un-p acking and Packin g 5 5200 User’s Man ual Un-P acking S t ep 1. Rem ov e the two (2) banding str aps f rom around t he shi ppi ng cont ainer. St ep 2. Rem ov e the top secti on carton (i t em 1) by sliding it up and ov er t he int erior secti ons.
Un-p acking and Packin g 6 5200 User’s Man ual Shi ppi ng Cont ainer Cont ents Ite m De s cription Qty . 1 Shi ppi ng Carton 1 2 Pl y wood Cov er 1 3 Foam Cov er 1 4 Acces sory Boxes 2 5 Lens 1* 6 F.
7 5200 User’s Man ual Projector O verv iew Gen eral The AmPro 5200 DLP™ projector is the latest in large screen display technology. T he AmPro 5200 is called “ALICE™ - A dvanced L ight I magin.
Proj ecto r Overvi ew 8 5200 User’s Man ual Fron t Pa nel Lay out All exter nal connecti ons and the PC Car d Cage are l oc ated at the f r ont of the pr ojec t or. The m ai n AC power recept acl e, the main A C toggl e/breaker switc her and all the diff erent vi deo inputs are readil y av ai l a bl e .
9 5200 User’s Man ual Remote Control Inst allation a nd Operati on Connect i ng the Receiver Receiv er The ex t ernal seri al r ec eiv er l et s you cont rol your mouse from up to 45 f eet away. To connect t he Mind Path external receiv er to your comput er foll ow these steps: Turn o ff yo ur p ro j ector .
Remote Con t rol In st all at io n an d Operat io n 10 5200 User’s Man ual - Pow er On, 2 nd Functi on; T oggl e bet ween Sourc es - Standby; t oggle the pr ojec t ed image on/ off (Video Mut e) - D.
11 5200 User’s Man ual Ke y board Installation and O peration In st all in g t h e Batteri es T ur n t he keyboar d ov er onto it s f ace. By pr essing t he t wo latc h tabs sim ultaneousl y , pry open the batter y door wit h your fi ngers.
Keybo ard I nstall ation and Op eration 12 5200 User’s Man ual Po si tion in g th e Receiver T he r ec eiv er is m ulti -posi ti onal. It can stand up or l ay f l at on either si de. If you are placing it on a tabl e or desktop. It is best to stand t he receiv er up to minimize any disrupt i on of the signal by t he table or desktop.
Keybo ard I nstall ation and Op eration 13 5200 User’s Man ual Keybo ard Op eration T he I R re m ote Cont rol key str ok es can be sim ulat ed using t he IR Key boar d.
14 5200 User’s Man ual Local Control an d Indicators Contr ols Located at the r ear of the proj ector is the loc al c ont rol panel. The cont rols allow the user to perf orm the foll owing f unc ti ons. PW R (PO W ER): All ows the user t o power the pr oj ect or on and off.
15 5200 User’s Man ual Source Connectio ns Essent i al Cabl e Connect ions B ef ore applying A C power t o the 5000 Series pr ojec t or, both I R receiver s MUST BE CONNECT ED . T he I R receiv er connect i ons for t he k ey boar d and r em ot e control are locat ed on the PC card cage.
16 5200 User’s Man ual Basic Operat ion and Menu Nav igation Pow er Up The AmPro 5200 Series follows an init ial “power-up” sequence fr om the t ime the main AC is toggled “on” t o the time an im age is dis play ed. W ith the two receiv ers i nstall ed, pl ug the main power cord i nt o a recept acl e.
Basic O p eration and Menu Navigat i on 17 5200 User’s Man ual Menu Nav igat ion a nd Co nventi ons Com mand B utto ns – Comma nd but t ons c aus e an ac ti on t o occ ur, suc h as s el ect in g a part ic ul ar f uncti on or pr es enti ng a supp l em entar y d i al og b ox Li st B ox – A llow s y ou to s ele ct a n it em fr om a l ist.
18 5200 User’s Man ual A uto Search & Temp Channel Auto S earch W hen a new source i s int r oduc ed t o the proj ec t or, the pr ojec t or w i ll initi all y search through t he “ u ser ” channel listi ng for a m atch.
19 5200 User’s Man ual Menu Sy stem As previ ousl y m enti oned, A LI CE operates on lay er s of c ommand but t on menus. The initi al co mm and butt ons (bel ow) all ows you t o ac c ess all of the user ty pe pr oj ector c ontrol s.
Menu Syst em 20 5200 User’s Man ual Pict u re Command - The us er i s pro v i ded wit h a new s et of comm and contr ol s. The num ber s of c ont rols are depended on the par t icul ar m ode, i.
Menu Syst em 21 5200 User’s Man ual Advanced “ co ntinued” Odd/E ve n Cert ai n signal s may require you to set the O DD/EVEN para m eters. Once selected, you are presented wi t h an opti on box f or select i on.
Menu Syst em 22 5200 User’s Man ual Sou rce Command - Is used to select the desir ed i nput or display m ode. W ith all av ailabl e opti ons install ed, the user m ay s el ect bet ween tw o (2) RG B modes, two (2) Vi deo modes and the i nternal gr aphic s mode.
Menu Syst em 23 5200 User’s Man ual Setup W izard The SETUP WIZA RD wil l gui de the first tim e user through a step-by- step setup of the v ari ous im age par am et ers or even if you are an ex peri enc e user, t he Setup Wiz ar d provi des a quick m ethod of setti ng up a new s ource.
Menu Syst em 24 5200 User’s Man ual User’s Set u p T he User Setup comm and all ows random ac c ess the setup cont r ol s o f t he proj ector . The mor e ex peri enced operat or t ypically uses thi s func t i on. H Pos Center s the ac t iv e v i deo area w i t hi n maximum displ ay ar ea.
Menu Syst em 25 5200 User’s Man ual User’s Set u p “continued ” Sca ling Provi des the user with t he abili ty t o blank all four sides, Size or “zoo m” the i m age in t he hori z ont al, v ertic al or bot h directi ons, cent er the im age hori zontall y, vert ic all y or snap the im age to horizont al/v er ti cal centers.
Menu Syst em 26 5200 User’s Man ual User’s Set u p “continued ” Advanced “ co ntinued” View Data The View Data pr ov i des a comprehensiv e listi ng window of all of t he user channel s. Thi s listing i ncludes all t he statistic s that make- up a partic ul ar channel .
Menu Syst em 27 5200 User’s Man ual Menu- C han nels Us e the Channel s comm and t o access the channel m anagem ent syste m with the f ollowing f uncti ons. Select Hi ghli ght the desir ed c hannel , then pr ess Selec t to choose the channel for di spl ay .
Menu Syst em 28 5200 User’s Man ual Menu Co mmand “contin u ed” Menu- Ut ility Se v eral projec t or set-up and confi gurati on comm ands are f ound under t he Utility command . Orie nt All ows the us er t o select the desired proj ecti on applic ati on f or the following m odes.
Menu Syst em 29 5200 User’s Man ual Chan 1: Sel C hanne l Chan n: I ndic at es the select ed channel . W her e “n” is the channel number. NOTE : Chan 0 indic at es a temporar y channel* has been cr eat ed. Sel Channel : Press button t o activ ate a channel li st box .
Menu Syst em 30 5200 User’s Man ual Menu O vervi ew.
31 5200 User’s Man ual Installation, Lens A djustments & Len s Data Tables Th row Dist an ce T he pr oj ector has a wide v ariety of l enses a v ail abl e, i ncl uding multi ple fix ed and zoom s. Ref er to Lens Data Tables. The t hr ow di stanc e i s calcul ated by usi ng t he lens m agnifi cati on factor tim es the desi r ed im age wi dt h.
Insta llat ion , Le ns A djus tme nts a nd Le ns Da ta Table s 32 5200 User’s Man ual Op ti cal Adjustmen t s Lens S hift A djuster The lens shif t i s adjusted by turni ng the lens s hi f t knob locat ed at the front of t he proj ector . Adj ust t he lens shift until the image i s cent er ed wit hin your screen area.
Insta llat ion , Le ns A djus tme nts a nd Le ns Da ta Table s 33 5200 User’s Man ual Fixe d Le ns D ata Ta ble Data presen ted in the follo wi ng tabl es are for referen ce use only! 1.0:1 L ens Specifi cation/Th row Distan ce ( Ref eren ce Only) Th row Dist an ce: 4.
Insta llat ion , Le ns A djus tme nts a nd Le ns Da ta Table s 34 5200 User’s Man ual Fixe d Le ns D ata Ta ble “co ntinue d” Data presen ted in the follo wi ng tabl es are for referen ce use only! 3.9:1 L ens Specifi cation/Th row Distan ce ( Ref eren ce Only) Th row Dist an ce: 19.
Insta llat ion , Le ns A djus tme nts a nd Le ns Da ta Table s 35 5200 User’s Man ual Zoom Lens Da ta Table Data presen ted in the follo wi ng tabl es are for referen ce use only! 1.2- 2.3:1 L ens Sp ec ificati on/T hro w Distan c e (Re fer ence O nly) T hrow D ist an ce: 5.
Insta llat ion , Le ns A djus tme nts a nd Le ns Da ta Table s 36 5200 User’s Man ual Zoom Lens Da ta Table “c ontin ued” Data presen ted in the follo wi ng tabl es are for referen ce use only! 2.5- 4.0:1 L ens Sp ec ificati on/T hro w Distan c e (Re fer ence O nly) T hrow D ist an ce: 1 6.
37 5200 User’s Man ual Projector Dimensio ns.
38 5200 User’s Man ual Ceiling Mount Information Ceil in g Mount ( 69728) P art s Li st Item Descripti on Qty Ite m Descrip tion Qty 1 T op Sli de Brac ket w /1- 1/2” Pi pe Coupler 1 * 5 5 / 1 6 - 1 8 x 5 / 8 ” H e x B o l t s 6 2 Ceili ng Mount Housing 1 6 5/ 16 I .
Ceil in g Mount In fo rmat i on 39 5200 User’s Man ual Ceil in g Mount ( 69728) Di mensions Top Slid e Bracket Ce iling Mou nt H ousing HB-Hang ing Bracket.
40 5200 User’s Man ual RS-232C Inter face D ata An ext er nal P C or t hir d par t y controller m ay be used to cont r ol y our A LICE 5200. This s ect i on will describe how to c onnec t and contr ol the 5200 DLP projec t or using exter nal seri al communic ati on with charact ers and num eri c c ommands.
RS-232C I n terface Dat a 41 5200 User’s Man ual Character / Numeri c Comman ds Comm ands to the proj ector ar e two general t ypes. Charac t er comm ands and Nu m eric comm ands. Charac t er commands in fact consi st of two types. S om e of them put the proj ec t or int o a partic ular adj ustment mode.
RS-232C I n terface Dat a 42 5200 User’s Man ual COD E DESCRI P TI ON NOTE 101# Bit S equ enc e: Us e 10 1# n, wh er e n = 0 - 61 1 110# B o rd er R ed : Us e 1 10#n, wher e n = 0 - 25 5 111# B o rd.
43 5200 User’s Man ual Connector Pin A ssignments Keybo ard Port Pin Assign ments Keybo ard Port Pin Numbers Pin Si gnal 1 Keyboard Dat a KBDAT A 2 No Connecti on N/C 3 Si gnal G round GND 4 Fused Suppl y V olt age F Vcc 5 Keyboard Cl ock KBCLK 6 No Connecti on N/C Keybo ard Port Your proj ect or comes standard wi t h a wirel ess keyboard.
Connect o r Pin Assignmen ts 44 5200 User’s Manual LP T 2 P in A ssignm ents LP T 2 P in N umber s PIN SIGN A L 1 Strobe STB# 2 Pri nter Data Bit 0 PD0 3 Pri nter Data Bit 1 PD1 4 Pri nter Data Bit .
Connect o r Pin Assignmen ts 45 5200 User’s Manual In t ern al Video Card “OUT” Pin Ass ignme nts In t ern al Video Card “OUT” Pin Nu mbers Pin Signal 1 Red Vi deo RED 2 Gr een Vi deo GREEN .
46 5200 User’s Man ual Specification s and Options 5200 Spec ification s Br ight ness 2000 (ANSI Lum ens) DMD Chip Resolut io n 1024 x 768 Con trast 250:1 A NS I Hori z on t al Scan Rate 15-64 kHz V.
Spec ificat ions an d Op tions 47 5200 User’s Man ual Option s Lens es Fix ed: 1.0: 1, 2. 3:1, 3.9: 1, 5. 5: 1 Zoom: 1.2-2.3: 1, 2.34-5. 5:1, 1. 5- 2.
48 5200 User’s Man ual Lamp Modul e Replace ment Procedure A replacem ent lamp module m ay be purchas ed ( P / N 69736) from your selling dealer an authorized AmPro Service Cent er or AmPro Corporation. Repl acement Proced ures T he lamp module is ac c es s ed on the rear of t he project or .
49 5200 User’s Man ual Lam p Mo dule Disp osal T he lam p ins ide t he lamp module is under gr eat pres s ur e. DO NOT incinerate. ! WARNI NG! Eye protect ion should be worn when wor k ing wit h the lamp to av oid injury f r om m etal part icles.
50 5200 User’s Man ual A LICE Help Guide 1 If y our ALI CE projector oper ati ng system is not worki ng as expected, and you are not sure of what t o do, start wi t h this guide. This gui de dir ects you t hr ough som e initial c hec k s and basic t roubl eshooti ng.
ALI CE H e l p Gu id e 1 51 5200 User’s Man ual Flow Chart 1 B oot- U p Problem Did the system boot proper ly Press D ELET E to enter t he main B IOS screen Ar e t he settings correct? Correc t the .
ALI CE H e l p Gu id e 1 52 5200 User’s Man ual Flow Chart 2 Did the system bo ot corr ec tl y YES Does Windows 95 Start properly Re-boot the system and enter the Windows 95 Saf e Mode of operation (press F8 at the St arting Windows 95 mes sage.
ALI CE H e l p Gu id e 1 53 5200 User’s Man ual Flow Chart 3 D oe s th e IR Remote/Mous e work pro perly D oe s th e IR Keyb oard a nd Mous e work prop erly Are the ba tt er ies good. Re pl a ce t he batteri es NO D oe s th e IR Remote/Mous e work pro perly Are the ba tt er ies good.
ALI CE H e l p Gu id e 1 54 5200 User’s Man ual BIOS Conf igura tion Press < Del et e> to enter the main BIOS screen and c hec k t he following par am et ers IDD HDD AUTO DETE CTION S el ect t he setti ng that incl udes LBA mode P r ess <Ent er> three m or e tim es and answer NO to each prompt.
ALI CE H e l p Gu id e 1 55 5200 User’s Man ual Safe Mo de Op eration W indows® 95 w ill au to ma tica lly in it iat e Sa fe M ode if it detect s that the system start -up has f ailed, for ex am ple if t he Regi stry is corrupt ed, or an applicati on has requested Saf e Mode.
Am Pro Cor porate Office and Fl o rida Oper ations 525 John Ro des Boulevar d Melbour ne, FL 32934 Phone: 407-254-3000 Toll Free: 800-254-3001 Fax: 407-253-3001 E-ma i l: sa le s@ a mp roco rp. co m o r ser vic e@s e rv ice.a mpr ocor m Am Pro L igh t Val ve Pr oducts 420 N.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ampro Corporation 5200 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ampro Corporation 5200 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ampro Corporation 5200, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ampro Corporation 5200 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ampro Corporation 5200, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ampro Corporation 5200.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ampro Corporation 5200. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ampro Corporation 5200 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.