Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Photosmart 7700 du fabricant HP
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basic s guid e hp photo smar t 7 7 00 s er i es.
hp p hotosma r t 7 7 00 ser ies © Cop yr ight 200 3 Hew lett-P ack ard C omp an y All ri ghts are r eser ved . No pa rt of this document may be photocopied , repr oduced, or translated to another language without the p r io r w r itte n cons ent of He wle tt-P ack ar d C ompan y .
basics guide i contents 1 ge t sta r ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 w elcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 f ind inf ormati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series ii scan a proof sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 se lect a phot o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 des elec t a pho to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 basics guide 1 get star ted wel co m e Thank y ou for purc h asing an HP Photosmar t 77 0 0 Ser ies pri nter! W ith y our new photo pr inter , you can pr int beautiful photos , sa ve photo s to y our computer , an d cr eate fun and eas y pr ojects .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 2 find information Y our new pr inter com es w ith the follo wing doc umentation to h elp y ou get started and take f ull a dv antag e of y our prin ter’s ca.
basics guide get started 3 what’s in the box Y our printer box contains the follo wing items: Note: Some cont ents ma y vary by country and regi on. 1 The H P Ph otos ma r t 77 0 0 Se ries print er .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 4 pr inter parts front back Photo tray slider Move this slider t o en gag e or diseng age the photo tra y Pho to t ra y Lift the paper catch to lo ad photo pap.
basics guide get started 5 cont rol pa n el Tip: Pr ess and hold a button to change its v a lue r apidl y . Fo r e xample , pres s and hold the S ELECT P HOTOS b utton to mo ve ra pi dly thr ough the photos on a memory card .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 6 input bay menu st r uctur e Use th is secti on to r e v ie w options that ar e av ailable fr om the main menu on y our pr inte r’s L CD sc r een. T o access the men u optio ns, pre ss the M ENU button on the printer’s control panel.
basics guide get started 7 paper inf ormation Y ou c an print on a w ide vari ety of paper t y pes and siz es, fr om index car ds and photo paper to en velope s and tr anspare nc ies . F or best re sults, us e paper designed spec ificall y for y our proj ects .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 8 Y our printer supports the fo llo w ing paper tr ay a ccessor ies that y ou can pur chase separat ely : – Aut omatic T wo -Sided Pri nting Access ory (HP C.
basics guide get started 9 4 Adj ust the paper w idth gu ide and the paper length guide to f it clo se to the edges of the paper w ithout bending the paper . This adjustment helps the paper feed s trai ght into the print er . 5 L ow er th e pa per ca tch .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 10 5 Adj ust the photo tr a y paper length guide and paper w idth guide to f i t clo se to the edges of the paper wi thout bend ing the paper . This adjustment helps the paper feed str aight into the printe r .
basics guide get started 11 Caution! Chec k that y ou ar e using the cor r ect pr int cartri dges . Also , note that HP does n ot r eco mmend modif y ing or re filling HP pr int cart r idges . Damage that re sults fr om m odifying or r efilling HP print cartr idges is not cov ered b y HP’s warr anty .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 12 5 If y ou are r eplac ing a p r int cartridge , slide out the old print cartridge and r ecy cle or discar d it. Note: F or i nformati on about recy cling print cartridges , go to www . hp .co m/ re cyc l e .
basics guide get started 13 8 Insert the pr int car tr idge: – Hold the pr int cartr idge so the copper co ntacts go in to the prin ter f i rs t . L ine up the r idges on the left and ri ght side s of the top of the pr int cartridg e w ith the gr oov es on the insi de of the pri nt cartridge c radle .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 1 14 print cartr idge storage Th e prin t cartri dge prot ector is designed to k eep y our print cartri d ge fr om dr y i ng out w hen it is not bei ng used . Whene ve r you r emov e a print cartr idge fr om the pr inter , sto r e it in the print cartr idge pr otec tor that came w i th your pr inter .
2 basics guide 15 se t the de fa ul ts o n y our pr int er Y our printe r comes w ith def ault setting s for f eature s suc h as nu mber of cop ies to pr int , photo si ze , lang uage setting for the L CD scr een , and other settings. Y ou can ch ange the se se ttings to y our pref ere n ces u sing the pr inter’s c ontr ol panel.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 2 16 set the nu mber of copies B y def ault, y our pr inte r prin ts one co py o f eac h photo . Y ou can set the pr inter t o pr int up to 9 9 copies o f each photo . This setting applies whene ver y ou select photo s an d pr ess the OK button to pr int them .
basics guide set the defaults on y our pr inter 17 Note: Combo prints f iv e p hotos on one sheet—two photo s at 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) an d three phot os at 2 .5 x 3 . 2 5 in ch (6 x 8 cm) . The de fault si ze applies w h ene ver y ou select photos and pr i nt them b y pre ssing the OK but ton .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 2 18 set paper detection The pr inter automatically det ects the paper siz e and t ype b y scann ing the paper in the In tr ay or the phot o tra y . Y ou can set the pri nter to ask f or the paper si ze and type each time y ou print b y tu rning the paper detecti on se nsor off .
basics guide set the defaults on y our pr inter 19 reve r t t o t h e fa c to r y d e f au l t s e t t i n g s If y ou made adjustme nts to the defa u lt se ttings, y ou can re set the pr inter to the or iginal fac tory settings at any time . T o re v ert to the factory default se ttings, foll ow thes e st eps.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 2 20 set pr int quality When pr inting photos, y ou can change the print quality fr om the c ontr ol panel . Best q ualit y is the default pr int qualit y and pr oduces the best quality p rints . Normal quality conserv es ink and pr ints f aster .
3 basics guide 21 pr int fr om a memory car d It’s eas y to print high-q uality photos for y ourself , family , a nd fr iends. If y our dig ital came r a us es a memo ry car d to st or e pho to s , y ou can inse rt the memory card in to t he p rinte r to print you r p hoto s.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 3 22 su pporte d fi le f or ma ts Y ou c an pr int certain file for mats directl y fr om the memory card . If y our digital camera supports file for m ats that are not supported by your pr inter , y ou must f i rst sa ve the photos t o your co mputer and then print them using a softwar e application .
basics guide print fr om a m emor y card 23 Note: If y ou ha v e camer a -selec ted photos s tor ed on the memory card , a message appears on the L CD scr een asking if y o u w ant to pr i nt the camer a- selec ted photos. F or mor e infor mation , see print c amera -sel ec ted photos on page 31 an d unmark camera-sel ec ted photos on pag e 18.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 3 24 Sec ure Dig ital Bottom left slot • L abel faces up and angled c orner is on the r ight • Me tal con tac ts face do wn Sm artM ed ia Uppe r po rti on of.
basics guide print fr om a m emor y card 25 re m ove a m e m o r y c a rd Use th e pr ocedur es in this secti on to s afely r emo v e the memory car d fr om the pr inter’ s memory car d slot . Caution! Do not pull out the memo r y card w hile the me mory card li g ht is blinking.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 3 26 decide which photos to pr int or to send v ia e -mail Y ou c an deci de w hich photo s to print or se nd via E -mai l by v iew ing the p hotos on the printe r's L CD scr een, pr i nting a photo index page , or by printing a pr oof sheet .
basics guide print fr om a m emor y card 27 3 Use th e arr ow s on the S EL EC T P HOTOS b u t to n t o s cro l l t h ro u g h t h e p h o t o s. 4 Pr ess the Z OOM + button to vie w the high lighted .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 3 28 print a pr oof sheet A pr oof sheet , whi c h ma y be se ver al pages long , show s th umbnail vi e w s of all the photo s stor ed on the memory card .
basics guide print fr om a m emor y card 29 Once the pr oof sheet has pr inted , you can mar k the pr oof sheet t o indicate the p h o t o s yo u wa nt t o p ri n t, t he s ize o f t h e photos , and the number of photo cop ies y ou want to pr int.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 3 30 select a photo Once yo u hav e deci ded w hic h photos on y our memor y card y ou want to pr int , y ou can use th e pri nter’ s contr ol panel to select tho se photos f or prin ting . F or more information , see d eci de which photos to print or to send v ia e- mail on page 2 6.
basics guide print fr om a m emor y card 31 prin t unm arked phot os on a m em or y c ard Unmark ed dig ital photos ar e standar d di gital photos that y ou stor ed on the memory card but hav e not mark ed f or pr inting. Not all dig ital camer as allo w yo u to mark you r ph ot os fo r p rin ti ng.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 3 32 print ne w photos The P RINT N EW P HOTOS button all o ws you to prin t all photos on a memor y card that hav e not pr ev iousl y been pr int ed fr om the memor y car d.
4 basics guide 33 print f r o m t h e direc t-printing p or t F or quick and eas y pr inting, y our printe r allo ws y ou to connect a notebook co m p ut e r o r a n H P d i rect - p ri n t i n g d i g i t a l c a m era t o t h e d i rect - p ri nt i n g p o r t located on the f r ont o f the prin ter .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 4 34 3 When you connec t yo u r digital camer a to the prin ter , a Prin t Setup menu appears on the camer a’s L CD scr e en .
basics guide print f rom the dir ect -printing por t 35 connec t y our notebook computer t o t he dir ec t-pr inting port F or quick and eas y pr inting, y our printe r allo ws y ou to connect a notebook compu ter to the dir ect -pr inting port located in the fr ont of the prin ter .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 4 36.
5 basics guide 37 print fr o m y our c omputer Y ou can use y our printer with Windo ws P C or Mac intosh so f twar e applications that allo w pr inting . If y ou alread y know ho w to use a pr inter w i th yo ur computer , you ar e r e ady to begin printing as usual.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 5 38 3 T o access th e prin ting pr op erties tab s, you ma y h av e to cli ck Pr operties or Preferen ces . F or informati on about the HP Photosmar t Ser ies printing pr operties , see the HP Photosmart Pr inter Help .
basics guide print f rom yo ur computer 39 1 Open the photo in a softwar e application and fr om th e Fi l e menu , select Print . 2 On the Pr int dialog bo x, cli c k Prope rties or Pr efer ences to access th e HP Photo smart Seri es pr inting prope r ties.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 5 40 hp photosmar t printer icon Use th e HP Photo smart printe r icon in the Wi ndo w s taskbar to open the HP Photo smart Seri es Prope r ties dialog box , select a defau lt prin ter , or open the HP Photo smart Seri es T oolbox .
basics guide print f rom yo ur computer 41 hp photosmart memor y card icon Use the HP Photo smart memory car d icon to determ ine the status of y our pri nter , access th e f iles st ored on y our memory car d, and displa y connecti on mes sages on y our computer sc reen .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 5 42 pr int fr om y our M acintosh Bef or e you begin , mak e sure y our print er is connected to y our computer , the pr inter so f twar e tha t came in the bo x is installed , and th er e is paper in the pr inter .
basics guide print f rom yo ur computer 43 3 Selec t the page at tr ibutes: – Selec t the paper si z e . – Selec t wh ether y ou wo uld lik e to pr int border less or bor d er ed p hotos . If y ou ar e using O S 9 , the border less option appears as a c h eck bo x.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 5 44.
6 basics guide 45 tr o ubleshooting Y our H P Photosm ar t pr inter is designed to be r eliable and eas y to use . This cha pter ans w ers fr equently ask ed questions and contains infor mation about .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 6 46 pr inting pr oblems Befo r e contacting HP suppor t , r ead this section for tr oubleshooting ti ps or go to the online support serv ices at www .
basics guide tr oubleshooting 47 The pr inter does not pr int new ph otos o n t he m em or y c ard. Ther e ar e no ne w p hotos on the memory car d or the phot os hav e alr eady been printed fr om the printe r’s contr ol pan el . F or mor e inf orm ati on, see print new phot os on pag e 3 2.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 6 48 P aper does not feed into the prin ter cor r ectl y . OR P la in paper does not come out of the pr inte r corr ectl y . Ther e may be too much paper loaded in the In tra y . Re mo ve s ome paper fr om th e In tr ay and try printing again.
basics guide tr oubleshooting 49 Pr int quality is p oor . Y ou may be pr inti ng in In k - back up Printing Mode. T he p rinte r e nters I nk-ba ckup Pr inting Mode wh en one of the print ca r tridges is m iss in g . Replace the missing pri nt car tridge with a new one.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 6 50 error messag es Befo r e contacting HP suppor t , r ead this section for tr oubleshooting ti ps or go to the online support serv ices at www .hp .c om / su pp ort . M essa ge Problem Sol ution P APER JAM . C LEA R JAM THEN PRE SS OK .
basics guide tr oubleshooting 51 C ARTR IDGE SERVICE STAT I ON IS STUCK . There i s an o bst ruct ion blocking the path of the cart ri dge s erv i ce st ati o n . 1 Open the main door . The prin t cartridge ser vi ce station is located ben eath the print cartr idge cr adle .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 6 52 D ATA WAS NOT RE C E IVE D . OR N O R ESPONSE FROM COMPUTER . The pr i nter di d not r ec ei ve the data that the comput er sent to it . T ry the follo wing: • Mak e su r e the US B cable is sec ur ely attached to both the computer and the USB port on th e bac k of the pr inter .
7 basics guide 53 spec ifications This c h apter lists r ecommended papers for y our printer and pr o v ides s elected pr inter s pec ifi cat ion s. Note: F or a complete lis t of pr inter s pec ification s a nd system requiremen ts, see the HP P hotosmart Pr inter Help .
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 7 54 pr inter s pecificati ons Conne cti vity , maximum HP JetDir ect External Pr int Server s: 17 5x, 310x, 3 80x Conne cti vity , stand ard USB: F ront and back ports Windo w s 9 8, 2000 Pr of essional , ME , XP Home, and XP Profe ssional Mac OS 9 v9 .
basics guide specifi c ations 55 Me dia sizes, st andard Photo pape r 3 x 3 inches to 8. 5 x 14 inches ( 7 6 x 7 6 mm to 216 x 3 5 6 mm) Plain pape r Letter , 8.5 x 11 inches (216 x 2 80 mm) Legal, 8. 5 x 14 inches ( 216 x 3 5 6 mm) Exec utiv e, 7 .5 x 10 inc hes (190 x 2 54 mm) A4, 8.
hp photosma rt 77 0 0 series cha pt er 7 56 Me dia t ypes P aper (pla in, inkjet , photo, and banner ) Env elopes T r ansparenc ies Labels Car d s (inde x, gr eeting, Hagaki, A6, L -si z e) Ir on-on t.
basics guide 57 inde x B bor derles s prin ting , 17 pr oblems, 4 6 C camer a -sel ec ted photo s pr in t , 31 unmark, 18 cont r ol panel , 5 copi es set number of copies , 16 D def ault setti n gs , .
index basics guide 58.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 ______________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Company Manufactur.
Pri n te d o n recycl e d p ap e r Printe d in U .S ., 5/ 03 ENERG Y S T A R ® is a U .S . r egis t er ed mark . As a n EN ERG Y S T AR ® par tner , Hewlett-P ackar d Company has deter mine d that this pr oduc t meets the ENERG Y S T AR ® guid elin es for energy eff ic iency .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP Photosmart 7700 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP Photosmart 7700 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP Photosmart 7700, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP Photosmart 7700 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP Photosmart 7700, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP Photosmart 7700.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP Photosmart 7700. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP Photosmart 7700 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.