Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Color LaserJet 4600n du fabricant HP
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use hp color Las erJet 4 600, 4 600dn , 4 600dtn , 4 6 00hdn 4 600n ,.
hp color La serJet 46 00 ser ies pr inter User Guide.
ii ENWW.
ENWW iii Copyright and License © Copyright Hewlett-Pac kard Compa ny , 2002 All Righ ts Reser ved. Repro duction, adap tation, or translation w ithout pri or writ ten per missi on is prohi bited, except as al lowed under the copyright laws.
iv ENWW W arranty The informa tion c ontained i n this do cument is subjec t to chan ge without not ice. Hewlett-P ackard makes no warranty o f any kind wi th respect to this informa tion. HEWLETT -P A CKARD S PECIFICALL Y DISCLAIM S THE IM PLIED W ARRA NTY OF MERCHANT ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A P AR TICULAR PURPOSE.
ENWW v T rademark Credits Adobe is a trademar k of Adobe Sy stems Inc or porated. Ari al is a U .S. regi stered tra demar k of the M onotyp e Cor poratio n. Energy Star and th e Energy Star log o are U.S . regist ered ser vice mark s of the U nited Stat es Environm ental Pr otection Age ncy .
vi ENWW.
ENWW vii Contents 1 Prin ter basi cs Quick ac cess to prin ter infor mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 World Wi de Web li nks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 User guide links . . . . . . .
viii ENWW Configur e device me nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Printing m enu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Print qual ity menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW ix Supplie s and acces sories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ordering direct ly through t he embe dded Web s erver (for prin ters with ne twork conne ctions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Ordering direct ly through t he printe r softwar e (for prin ters directl y connecte d to a com puter) .
x ENWW Setting u p to print with Wind ows 95, 98 , 2000, NT, ME, and X P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Setting u p to print with Maci ntosh compu ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Printing a job . . . . .
ENWW xi Replacin g supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 Locating supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 Supply replacemen t guideli nes . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii ENWW Appendix B Specifications and r egulatory information Printer s pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Physical dimension s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Electric al specifi cations .
ENWW 1 1 Pr inter basics This cha pter cont ains infor mation o n setting up your pri nter and becomin g familiar with its f eature s. The following topics are covered: z Quic k acce ss to printer inf.
ENWW 3 Quic k access to printer information W orld Wide W eb links Pri nter dr ivers , upd ated HP printer software, and produ ct inform ation and suppo r t may be obtain ed from the following URLs: http://www .hp .com/supp or t/lj4 600 Pri nter dr ivers may be obtained fr om the following site s: In Chin a: ftp://www .
4 ENWW Where to look for more inf ormation WWW Sev eral references are available f or use with t his p rinter . Se e http://www .hp .com/supp or t/lj4 600 . Setting up the printer Getting S tarted Guide Step-by-step ins tructi ons f or install ing and s etting up the pr inter .
ENWW 5 Usi ng th e pri nte r CD User Guide Detailed informatio n on usin g and troubleshoot ing the pr inter . A vailable on the CD-ROM that came with the prin ter . Online Help Informatio n on pr inter opti ons that a re av ailable from wi thin pri nter dr ivers.
6 ENWW Printer configurations Thank you for purcha sing the H P Color L aserJet 46 00 seri es pr inter . This p rint er is av ail ab le in t he con figurations de scr ibed bel ow .
ENWW 7 HP Color LaserJet 4600hdn The HP Color LaserJet 46 00hdn includ es the features of the 460 0dtn, plus a ha rd disk..
8 ENWW Printer features This p rint er combines the qual ity and r eliability of Hewlett-Pac kard pri nting with the features lis ted below . For more infor mation on prin ter f eature s, see the Hewlett-P ackard website at http://www .
ENWW 9 P aper ha ndling z Prints on media from 77 mm by 127 mm (3 inc hes by 5 inches ) up to leg al siz e. z Prints on media wit h wei ghts from 60 g/ m 2 to 163 g/m 2 (16 lb bo nd to 44 l b bond). z Prints on a wide ran ge of med ia types includin g glossy , lab els, ov erhead t ranspare ncies , and env elopes.
10 ENWW F actors affe cting printer per f ormance Sev eral f actors a ff ect the time it ta kes to print a job . Amon g these is maximum pr inte r speed, measured i n pages per minute ( ppm).
ENWW 11 W alk ar ound The following illu strations identify the locat ions a nd names of ke y componen ts of this printe r . Fr ont view (sho wn with second 500-sheet pa per feeder) 1. output bin 2. pri nter cont rol pane l 3. top cover 4. front cover (conta ins T ra y 1) 5.
12 ENWW Back/side view 1. output bin 2. on/off switch 3. T ra y 3 (opti onal) 4. EIO con nection (qu antity 3) 5. FIR (F ast infrared) connectio n 6. parallel co nnection 7.
ENWW 13 Contr ol panel overview Intr oduction The con trol pane l provides c ontrol o f pri nter functio ns and communica tes inform ation a bout the pr inter and pr int jobs. Its d isplay provides graphic informati on about p rint er and su pplie s status, making i t easy to identify and corre ct problems.
14 ENWW Displa y The pri nter ’ s display gives you complete, time ly informatio n about th e pri nter and p rint jobs. Graphics illust rate lev e ls of su pplies, the loca tions of p aper jam s, and job stat us. Menus give access to pri nter func tio ns and deta iled in f ormati on.
ENWW 15 Cont r ol p anel b uttons Use the buttons on the con trol pane l to pe rf or m pr inter fu nctions and to navigate and respond to menus and me ssages in the d isplay .
16 ENWW Interpreting co ntr ol panel indica tor lights Contr ol panel indicator lights 1. Ready 2. Data 3. Attention Indicator On Off Flashing Ready (green) Pr inte r is on line (abl e to acce pt and pr ocess data). Printer is offl ine or is turned off .
ENWW 17 Cont r ol p anel me nu s Overvie w Y ou can perform most routin e pri nting tas ks from the compu ter through t he pr inter dr iver or sof tware applicati on. This is the mos t conv enien t wa y to cont rol th e printe r , and will overri de the pr inter control panel se ttings.
18 ENWW Menu hierar chy The following tables list the menu hierarc hies of eac h menu. To e n t e r t h e m e n u s Press ✔ once to ent er MENUS . Press or to navigate the listing s. Press ✔ to select the appropr iate o ption. Ret rieve job menu See Re triev e job m enu f or more inf or mation.
ENWW 19 Information m enu See In f orm ation menu for more in f or mation. P aper handling menu See Paper handlin g menu f or more infor matio n. INFORMATI ON PRINT M ENU MA P PRINT CONFIGU RATION PRI.
20 ENWW Configure device menu See Co nfigure device menu a nd Chang ing pri nter contr ol panel configura tion setti ngs for more inform ation. CONFIGUR E DEVI CE PRINTING COPIES DEFAULT PAPER SIZE DE.
22 ENWW Retrieve job menu The re triev e job m enu allows you to vi ew listings o f all stor ed jobs. Menu item Description A list of s tored j obs appears . Scroll thro ugh the li st to f ind a spe cific stored job . NO STORE D JOBS If there are no sto red jobs , this mes sage appears i n place o f the lis t.
ENWW 23 Inf ormation m enu Use the in f or mation menu to acc ess and p rint specifi c prin ter informati on. Menu item Description PRINT ME NU MAP Prints the control pa nel men u map , which shows t he layout and curren t set tings of the control p anel men u items .
24 ENWW P aper handling menu The Paper handling m enu allows you to co nfigure input trays by size and type. Th is menu can al so be us ed to set d ef ault me dia size and type. It is i mpor tant to correctly configu re the trays with this me nu before y ou print f o r the first time.
ENWW 25 Configure device menu The con figure device menu allows you to chang e the pri nter ’ s default pri nting sett ings, adjust the pr int qual ity , change th e system ’ s configura tion and I/O options, an d reset the p rinte r ’ s default setting s.
26 ENWW Print quality menu This m enu allows you to adjus t all asp ects of p rint quality , including calibrati on, regi stration, a nd color ha lf tone settings.
ENWW 27 System set up menu The syst em setup m enu allows you to make chang es to gene ral pri nter configura tion default settings s uch as P owerSa ve Time, printer persona lity (lan guage), an d jam recover y . See Ch anging pr inter c ontrol p anel conf iguration sett ings fo r m o r e informati on.
28 ENWW LANGUAGE A listing of av ailab le language s app ears. Sets the d efa ult la nguage . Menu item V alues Description.
ENWW 29 I/O menu This m enu allows you to co nfigure th e printe r ’ s I/O option s. See Ne twork conf iguration . Menu item V alues Description I/0 TIME OUT 5 - 300 Allows you to select the I/O timeou t in seco nds.
30 ENWW Resets men u The reset s menu allow s y ou to reset factor y setti ngs, disable and enable P ow erSave , and u pdate the pr inte r after new suppl ies are insta lled.
ENWW 31 Diagnostics men u The dia gnostics m enu allows you to r un test s that can help you identify and solve problems wi th the pr inter . Menu item Desc ription PRINT EV ENT LO G This item wil l print an e v ent log that wil l displa y the last 5 0 entries i n the printer ’ s e v ent, log, starting with the mos t recent.
32 ENWW Chan ging print er con tr ol panel c onfi gurat ion settings By usi ng the pr inter co ntrol pan el, you can ma ke changes to gen eral pri nter configu ration default settings s uch as t ra y size and type, P owerSav e tim e, printe r persona lity (lang uage), an d jam recovery .
ENWW 33 Job held timeout This opti on sets the pe rio d of time th at the syste m keeps files i n job storage be f ore del eting them from the queu e. The default settin g for this option is OFF ; th e other av ailable set tings are 1 HOUR , 4 HOURS , 1 DAY , and 1 WEEK .
34 ENWW 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE . 4. Press to highl ight SYSTEM SETUP . 5. Press ✔ to selec t SYSTEM SETUP . 6. Press to highl ight TRAY BEHAVIOR . 7. Press ✔ to selec t TRAY BEHAVIOR . 8. Press ✔ to selec t USE REQUESTED TRAY .
ENWW 35 Note The pr inter di splay dims whe n the pr inter is in P ow erSave mode. P owerSav e mo de does no t aff ect pr inter warm-up time. T o set P owerSave Time 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight CONFIGURE DEVICE . 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE .
36 ENWW Pe r s o n a l i t y This p rint er f eature s autom atic pers onality ( pri nter lan guage) sw i t ch i ng . AUTO is the d ef ault value. z AUTO configures the pr inter to a utomati cally d etect the t ype of pri nt job and configur e its pers onality to accom modate that job .
ENWW 37 5. Press ✔ to selec t SYSTEM SETUP . 6. Press to highl ight CLEARABLE WARNINGS . 7. Press ✔ to selec t CLEARABLE WARNINGS . 8. Press or to select th e appropr iate s etting. 9. Press ✔ t o set the select ion. 10. Pr ess P AUSE /R ESUME .
38 ENWW T o set supplies low reporting 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight CONFIGURE DEVICE . 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE . 4. Press to highl ight SYSTEM SETUP . 5. Press ✔ to selec t SYSTEM SETUP . 6. Press to highl ight SUPPLIES LOW .
ENWW 39 9. Press ✔ t o set the select ion. 10. Pr ess P AUSE /R ESUME . Language The opti on to set t he default language appears whe n the pr inter is first init ialized. As you scroll th rough the a vailable options, the list wil l appear i n the lang uage that i s highlighte d.
40 ENWW Using the prin ter control panel in shared en vironments Becaus e your prin ter is s hared with o ther use rs, adhere t o the f ollowin g guideli nes to ensure succes sful pr inter op eration: z Consult your sy stem adm inistrato r before making ch anges to control panel se ttings.
ENWW 41 Printer drivers Pri nter dr ivers access the pr inter features an d allow the comput er to communica te with the prin ter . The f o llowing pri nter drivers are include d with the p rint er . 1 Not al l printer fe atures are avail able from all driver s or operat ing systems .
42 ENWW Printer soft ware Included with the pr inter is a CD-ROM cont ainin g the prin ting s ystem software. The software compo nents and prin ter dri v ers o n this CD- ROM help you use the p rint er to its fullest pote ntial. Se e the gettin g started gui de f or instal lati on instruct ions .
ENWW 43 Software f or networks F or a summ ar y of av ailable HP networ k instal lation and c onfigurati on software sol utions, see the HP Jetd irect Pr int Se r ver Administrat or’ s Guide . Y ou ca n find thi s guide on the CD inclu ded with the printer.
44 ENWW UNIX The HP Jetd irect Pr inter Installe r f or UNIX is a simpl e printe r insta llation u tility for HP-U X and Sol ari s networ ks. It is available f or download from HP Customer Care Onli ne at http://www .hp .com/supp or t/net_p rint ing .
ENWW 45 Embedded W eb s erver This p rint er is equip ped wit h an embedd ed Web ser ver , whic h allows access to inform ation abou t pri nter and network ac tivities.
46 ENWW Other compon ents and utilities Sev eral software appl ication s are available f or Win dows and Macintosh OS users, as well as for network adm inistrators.
ENWW 47 Netw ork con figuration Y ou mig ht need to c onfigur e cer tain n etwork parameters on the pri nter . Y ou can c onfig ure these parameters f rom the pr inter control panel, the embedded Web ser ver , o r f or mos t network s, from the HP W eb Jetadm in software (or the HP LaserJet Utili ty f or Macinto sh).
48 ENWW T o configur e the Novell NetW are par ameters from the printer control panel 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight CONFIGURE DEVICE . 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE . 4. Press to highl ight I/O . 5. Press ✔ to selec t I/O .
ENWW 49 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE . 4. Press to highl ight I/O . 5. Press ✔ to selec t I/O . 6. Press to highl ight EIO X (whe re X = 1, 2, or 3). 7. Press ✔ to selec t EIO X . 8. Press to highl ight AUTO . 9. Press ✔ to selec t AUTO .
50 ENWW Setting t he subnet mask 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight CONFIGURE DEVICE . 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE . 4. Press to highl ight I/O . 5. Press ✔ to selec t I/O . 6. Press to highl ight EIO X (whe re X = 1, 2, or 3).
ENWW 51 Note The first of three s ets of numbers are the def ault setting s. If there is not a number hi ghlighted , a highli ghted e mpty unde rscore ap pears. 12. Pr ess the or arrow to to i ncrease or d ecrease the numbe r f or confi guring LOCAL or DEFAULT GATEWAY .
52 ENWW 11. Pr ess ✔ to se lect ON or OFF . 12. Pr ess the P AUSE /R ESUME button to re tur n to the READY state. T o dis able DLC/L LC 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight CONFIGURE DEVICE . 3. Press ✔ to selec t CONFIGURE DEVICE .
ENWW 53 P arallel con figuration The HP Co lor Las erJet 4600 p rin ter suppo r ts net work and pa rallel conne ctions at the same time. A parallel connecti on is ma de by conne cting the prin ter to the computer using a bidirec tional pa rallel cable (IEEE- 1284 comp liant) with a c-connec tor plug ged into th e pri nter ’ s p arallel po r t.
54 ENWW Enhanced I/O (EIO) configurati on This p rint er comes eq uipped wi th three e nhanced i nput/output (EIO) slots. The three EIO slots hol d com patible e xter nal devices su ch as the HP Jetdirect p rint ser ver networ k cards or ot her devices.
ENWW 55 Note Installa tion of these ca rds and n etwork configurat ion shoul d be performe d by a network ad ministrator. Configure the c ard eithe r through t he contro l panel o r with HP Web Jetadmin software.
56 ENWW AppleT alk netw orks Use the HP LaserJet U tility to set up the pr inter on an EtherT alk or LocalT al k network. F or m ore informat ion, refer to the H P Jetd irect Pri nt Ser ver Administ rator ’ s G uide inclu ded with pr inters equipped with the HP Jetdirect print s er ver .
ENWW 57 Supplies and acc essories WWW T o order supp lies in the US, contac t http://www . hp .com/go /ljsupplie s . T o order supplie s world wide, see http://www .hp .com/ghp/buyonline.html . T o order a ccesso ries, see http://www .hp .com/go/ac cessori es .
58 ENWW 2. On the le ft side of the st atus window , select the approp riate Print er icon. 3. At the top of the statu s window , s elect Supplies . (Y ou can also scrol l down to Suppl ies Stat us.) 4. Click Or der Supplies . The br owser opens to the suppl ies purchasi ng page.
ENWW 59 Cables C2946A IEEE-1284 co mpliant paralle l cab le, 3 m (appro ximately 10 f eet) long, with 2 5-pin male/mi cro 36-pin male ( “ C ” size) conn ector 92215 S Macint osh DI N-8 pr in ter c.
60 ENWW.
ENWW 61 2 Pr inting tasks This cha pter descr ibes how to p erf or m ba sic pr inting ta sks. The f ollowin g topics ar e covered: z Contro llin g pri nt jobs z Selecti ng prin t media z Config urin g.
62 ENWW.
ENWW 63 Controlling print jobs In the Micr osoft Windows operatin g system, three settings aff ect how the pr inter dr iver trie s to pull paper whe n you send a pr int job. The Source , Ty p e , an d Siz e settings ap pear in t he Pa g e S e t u p , Print , or Print Proper ties dialo g bo x es in most s oftware programs.
64 ENWW Print set ting priorit ies Changes m ade to pr int s ettings are prio ritized ac cording to where the chang es are made, as f ollows: Note The name s of com mands and dialo g bo xes may v ar y depe nding on y our prog ra m. z P age Set up dia log bo x .
ENWW 65 Selecting print m edia Y ou can use many types of paper and other pr int m edia with this pri nter . This se ction pr ovides gui delines and specifi catio ns f or sele cting and using di ff erent pr int me dia.
66 ENWW Media that ma y dama ge the printer In rare cir cumstanc es media c an damage the pr inter . The f ollowing media must be av oided t o prev e nt possi b le dama ge: z Do not use media with staples att ached. z Do not use transparenc ies des igned for Inkjet pr inters or other low temperature pr inte rs.
ENWW 67 Configuring input trays The HP Co lor Laser Jet 4600 ser ies pr inte r allows you to configure input trays b y type and size. Y ou can to loa d different media in the pri nter ’ s i nput trays and then re quest med ia by type or si ze .
68 ENWW 6. Press or to highligh t the desi red medi a size. 7. Press ✔ to select t he me dia s iz e. 8. Press P AUSE /R ESUME to re turn to the READY state . 9. If TRAY 1 SIZE is set to CUSTOM , the pop u p menu f or Cus tom appears. T ra y 2 and T ray 3 media type 1.
ENWW 69 1. Custom/St andard switch When all three s teps are co mpleted, th e display will re tur n to the PAPER HANDLING m enu. Once a Custom si ze is set for a tra y , it w ill be retained until the s witch in the tray is moved back to Standard. Unit of measure 1.
70 ENWW Printing from T ray 1 (m ultipurpose tray) T ra y 1 is a mul tipur pose tray that holds up to 100 s heets of paper or 20 env elop es. It provides a c onv enient way to pr int env elop es, transparenc ies, custom-si ze paper , or other ty pes of med ia without having to unlo ad the o ther trays .
ENWW 71 CA UTION Env elopes with clasp s, snaps, windows, coated l inings, exposed self- stick adhes ives, or other synthet ic ma terials can sev er ly damag e the pri nter . T o av oid jams an d possi ble printe r damage, nev er tr y to p rint on both si des o f an env elop e.
72 ENWW Note F or envelopes of other sizes, adjust the mar gin settin gs approp riat ely . 4. Select Print from the s oftware appli cation or printe r dr iver . Printing from T ray 2 and T ray 3 T ra y 2 and o ptional T ray 3 hold up to 500 shee ts of sta ndard pa per or a 50.
ENWW 73 3 Push down the m edia lift plate until it lo ck s. 4 Sli de t he med ia- wid th gui des open to the size for the media you are using. 5 Load media face-up , making s ure that the corn ers of th e media fi t under the front cor ner tabs. 6 Inser t the tra y into the pr inter .
74 ENWW Loading custom-siz ed media into T ray 2 and Tr a y 3 The Cus tom media menu will be display ed when the T ra y 2 or T ra y 3 switch is in the c ustom size posi tion. Y o u must also chan ge the size setti ng in the c ontrol p anel from ANY CUSTOM to CUSTOM.
ENWW 75 Printing on special m edia Use these guideli nes when p rint ing on sp ecial types of media . T ransparencies When pr intin g on transpa rencie s, use the following guide lines: z Handle transparencie s using the edge s. Oils from your fing ers deposite d on the transparenc y can c ause pr int qua lity pr oblems.
76 ENWW Note Hewlett-P ackard recommen ds using HP Color La serJet Sof t Gloss paper wit h this pr inter . HP pro ducts are de signed to wor k togethe r f or optimum p rint ing results. If HP Color Laser Jet Soft Glo ss paper is no t used with this print er , p rint qual ity may be compr omised.
ENWW 77 Labels Note F or pr inting labels, set the tray ’ s medi a type to LABELS in the pr inter control panel. Se e Configur ing inp ut tr ays . Wh en pr inting la bels, use the following guid elines: z V erify t hat the labe ls ’ adhe sive mater ial can tol erate tempera tures of 190 ° C (374 ° F) for 0.
78 ENWW CA UTION In general do not use pape r that is heavier than the med ia specific ation recomm ended for this pr inter. Doing so can cause mi sfeeds, paper jams, red uced print qual ity , and exc essive mecha nical wear . Howev er , some hea vier me dia, suc h as HP Cover S tock, can b e safely us ed.
ENWW 79 2-sided (duplex) printing Some pr inter models are capa b le o f duplex printi ng, or pr inting o n both side s of a pag e. T o fi nd out whi ch model s suppor t 2-sided pri nting, see Pr inte r configurati ons .
80 ENWW T o enable or disable 2-sided printing fr om the printer control panel Note Changing settings for 2-sided p rinti ng thro ugh the p rint er cont rol pan el affects all pr int job s. Whenev e r possible, change settings for 2-side d pri nting through your software appli cation or prin ter dri v er .
ENWW 81 Options f or binding 2-sided prin ting jobs Before pri nting a 2-si ded docu ment, i n the pri nter dr iver choose the edge on whi ch you will bin d your finished document. Long-ed ge or book bin ding i s the conventional layout used in book binding.
82 ENWW Manual 2-sided printing Some pr inter models do not sup por t auto matic 2- sided pr inting. Howe v er , you can print o n both si des of a pag e using manua l 2-side d pri nting. T o ma nually pr int on both side s, use the instr ucti ons below .
ENWW 83 Special printing situations Use these guideli nes when p rint ing on sp ecial types of media . Printing a different fir st page Use the follo wing procedure to pr int th e firs t page o f a do.
84 ENWW Stopping a print r equest Y ou can stop a pr int req uest eith er from the p rint er control panel or from your software applica tion. T o sto p a pr int reques t from a compu ter on a n etwork, see th e online H elp for the sp ecific networ k software.
ENWW 85 Job retention features The HP Co lor Laser Jet 4600 s eries printe r lets you stor e a job in the pri nter ’ s m emor y for prin ting at a later time. Thes e job retenti on f eature s are desc ribed b elow . T o use job retenti on, you must instal l a hard dis k dri v e in the pr inter and pr oper ly config ure the pr inte r driver .
86 ENWW Printing stored jobs 1. Press ✔ t o enter MENUS . 2. RETRIEVE JOB is highl ighted. 3. Press ✔ to selec t RETRIEVE JOB . 4. Press to highl ight your USER NAME . 5. Press ✔ t o select your USER NAME . 6. Press to highl ight a JOB NAME .
ENWW 87 Deleting stored jobs When you sen d a stored j ob , the pr inter overwrites any p re vious jobs with the s ame user and job n ame. If there is n ot a job al ready stor ed under the same us er and jo b name, and the prin ter needs addition al space, the pr inter may delete o ther stored j obs star ti ng with the oldest.
88 ENWW Private job s The pr ivate pri nting feature lets you secure a j ob with a Personal Identific ation Number (PIN). Th at job cannot be prin ted or deleted until the PIN is en tered at th e contro l panel. A lock symbol n e xt to a job na me indicate s the j ob is pr ivate.
ENWW 89 Deleting a private job If the pr inter is tur ned off, all pr ivate jobs are del eted. A pr ivate job can als o be delete d from the pri nter contr ol panel. Y ou can delete a job withou t pri nting it o r delete it a fter it i s print ed. 1. Press ✔ t o enter MENUS .
90 ENWW Printing with the op tional HP F ast InfraRed Receiver The opti onal HP F ast In fraRed (FIR) Rec eiv er enables wireles s pri nting from any IR D A -complia nt por table de vice ( such as a laptop compu ter) to the p rint er . The pr intin g connec tion is m aintained by positioni ng the sen ding infrared p or t with in operatin g range.
ENWW 91 Setting up to print with Macintosh computers The first step for setting up an infrared pr inte r is crea ting a Des ktop Pri nter icon u sing the Des ktop Pr inter Uti lity . B y default, the Deskto p Printer Utilit y is locat ed in the Apple Extras/Apple LaserWriter f older on the har d dr ive .
92 ENWW Prin ting a job 1. Align your laptop co mputer ( or other por table device equip ped with an IRDA-compliant FIR window) with in 1 meter (3 feet) maximum of the optiona l HP F ast InfraRed Rec eiv er . The FIR window must be at an angle o f within + /- 15 degress relative to the pr inter to ensure an e ff ect ive connection for pri nting.
ENWW 93 Managing memo ry This p rint er suppo r ts up t o 512 MB of me mor y . Y ou can ad d additio nal memor y by instal ling Dual Inl ine Memor y Modules ( DIMMs). T o all ow f or mem or y expansion, the p rin ter has five DIMM s lots, which ac cept 64, 128 , or 256 M B of RAM ea ch.
94 ENWW.
ENWW 95 3 Managing the pr inter This cha pter desc ri bes how to mana ge the p rinte r . T he f ollowing topics are cov ered: z Pri nter informa tion pa ges z Using the embedded Web ser ver z Using Pr.
96 ENWW.
ENWW 97 Printer inf ormation pages F rom the pr inter control pa nel, you can p rint pag es that gi v e deta ils about the p rint er and its current configurat ion.
98 ENWW Configuration page Use the c onfiguration pa ge to view curr ent pr inter setti ngs, to help troubleshoot prin ter problems, or to v er ify install ation of o ptional access orie s, such as me mor y (DIM Ms), pap er trays , and p rint er langu ages.
ENWW 99 Note If you are using non-HP supplies, the supplies status page wil l not show the remai ning li f e f or t hose sup plies. F or more informa tion, see Non- HP prin t car tri dges . Usage page The usa ge page li sts a pa ge count for each size of medi a that has passed t hrough th e printe r .
100 ENWW 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight INFORMATION . 3. Press ✔ to selec t INFORMATION . 4. Press to highl ight PRINT FILE DIRECTORY .
ENWW 101 Print quality troubleshooting pages The pr int qua lity troublesh ooting pages provide inf or mati on on aspects of the pr inter tha t affect prin t quality . 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight DIAGNOSTICS . 3. Press ✔ to selec t DIAGNOSTICS .
102 ENWW Using the em bedded W eb ser ver When the p rin ter is di rectly c onnected to a compu ter , the embed ded W eb ser ver is suppor ted for Windows 95 and later . In order to us e the embedded Web ser ver with a direct connecti on, you m ust choos e the Custom in stallati on option when you install the pr inter dr iver .
ENWW 103 Note Once you open th e URL, you can bo okmark it so th at you can retur n to it quickly i n the future. 1. The embe dded Web ser ver has three t abs tha t contain se ttings and inform ation abo ut the pr inter : th e Inf orm ation tab , the Settings tab , and the Network tab.
104 ENWW The Settings tab contain s the following pages. z Configure De vice . Configure all pr inter se ttings fr om this p age. This p age contai ns the trad itional m enus found on pr inters using a co ntrol panel displ a y . These me nus incl ude Information , Pap e r Handling , Configure Device , and Di agnos tics .
ENWW 105 embedded Web ser v er , you must connect before you can visit th ese websites. Connec ting might r equire that you close the embedded W eb se r v er and reope n it. z HP Instant Support ™ . Co nnects you to the HP websi te to help you find solu tions.
106 ENWW Using Printer Status and Aler ts Pri nter Sta tus and Aler ts is suppor t ed only for Windows 95 and la ter v ersi ons. The Pr inter S tatus and Aler ts s oftware is available to users of b oth networked an d direct ly conn ected pr inter s.
ENWW 107 T o choose whic h status m essages a ppear 1. Open Pr inter S tatus and Aler ts i n one of these wa ys: • Doub le-clic k the Printer Statu s and Aler ts t ra y icon, whic h is near the clock in the T ray Manager . • On the Star t menu, point to Progr ams , point to Printer Status and Aler ts , and cli ck Pr inter Status and Alerts .
108 ENWW.
ENWW 109 4 Color This chap ter desc rib es how the HP Co lor LaserJ et 4600 s eries prin ter provides great color pr inting . This chapter a lso descr ibes ways to produce the best p ossible color prints.
110 ENWW.
ENWW 111 Using color The HP Co lor Laser Jet 4600 ser ies printe r offers great color as s oon as you set up the pr inter . It provides a c ombinati on of autom atic col or f eature s to generate e xcellen t color results for the general office us er , plus so phistic ated tools f or the professional who i s e xpe rience d with colo r use.
112 ENWW sRGB Standard red-green-blue ( sRGB) is a wor ld-w ide color standard ori ginally dev elo ped by HP and Mi crosoft as a commo n color language for moni tors, input devices (scann ers, digital ca meras), and output d e vices (pr inters, plot ters).
ENWW 113 Managing color Setting c olor opt ions to Automatic wi ll typical ly produc e the bes t possible pr int quality for color docum ents. How ev er , there may be case s when you want to pr int a color d ocument i n gra yscale (blac k and white) or wish to chang e one of the prin ter ’ s color optio ns.
114 ENWW Halftone options Halftone op tions affect the r esolution a nd clar ity o f your color output . Y ou can select halftone s ettings for te xt, graphics, and p hotographs independe ntly . The two halfto ne options ar e Smooth and Detail . z The Smooth opti on provides b etter re sults for large, soli d-filled pri nt areas.
ENWW 115 F our levels of edge c ontrol a re av aila b le: z Maximum is the most aggress ive tr appi ng settin g. Adaptive halftonin g is on for this setti ng. z Normal is th e def ault trapping s etting. T rapping is at a me dium lev el and ada ptive halftoning is on.
116 ENWW Matching colors The proce ss of matc hing pr inter out put color to your computer screen is quite complex becaus e pr inters and compu ter moni tors use diff erent m ethods of produci ng color .
ENWW 117 Some swatch books a re created from sp ot colors. Spo t colors are specia lly cr eated col orants. Many of these s pot colo rs are outside of the gamut of th e pri nter . Most spot color swatch book s hav e compa nion proces s s watch book s that provide CM YK app ro ximati ons to the spo t color .
118 ENWW.
ENWW 119 5 Maintenance This cha pter descr ibes ways to maintain your printer . The following topics are cov ered: z Managing the pr int car tri dge z Changing p rin t car t ridges z Replacin g suppli.
120 ENWW.
ENWW 121 Managing the pr int car tridg e HP print car tridg es When you use a genuine new HP pr int car tri dge (par t number C9720A, C97 21A, C9722 A, C972 3A), you can obta in the following suppl ie.
122 ENWW Y our p rint ca r tr idge mig ht not be a g enuine HP print c ar tr idge if you notice th e follo wing: z Y ou ar e e xper iencin g a high numb er of pro b lem s with the print car tr idge. z The car t ridg e does no t look li ke it usually d oes (for e xampl e, the orange pul l tab is miss ing, or the pa ckaging differs from HP packaging.
ENWW 123 Using the embed ded W eb ser ver 1. In your browser , enter the IP address for the pr inter home page. This ta kes y ou to th e printe r status page. See Using the embedded Web ser v er . 2. On the le ft side of the screen click Suppl ies Status .
124 ENWW Chan ging print cartridges When a pr int c ar tr idge ap proache s the end o f its use ful life, the control panel di splays a message recomm ending tha t you order a replaceme nt.
ENWW 125 4 Remov e the new print car t ridg e from the bag. Plac e the used print car tr idge in the bag for recyclin g. 5 Grasp bo th sides of t he car tr idge and dist ribute the toner by gently roc king th e cartridge fr om si de to side. 6 Remov e the orange shippi ng lock from the new print car tr idge.
126 ENWW Replacing sup plies Locating suppli es Supplie s are id entifi ed by their label ing an d their blue p lastic hand les. The following figure i llustrates t he locati on of ea ch suppl y item. Supply item locations 1. fuser 2. pri nt car tr idges 3.
ENWW 127 CA UTION Hewlett-P ackard recommen ds the us e of HP pr oducts in th is pr inter . Use of non -HP pro ducts may cause p roblems requir ing s erv ice that is not covered by the Hewlett-P ac kard warranty or ser vice agreements.
128 ENWW Appro ximate replace ment interval s f or supplies The following table lists the est imated repl acement i nter vals f or supplie s and the cont rol panel messages that pr ompt when to r eplace each item. 1 Approxim ate avera ge A4-/lette r-size page c ount bas ed on 5 pe rcent coverag e of indiv idual c olors.
ENWW 129 Configuring aler ts Y ou can use HP W eb Jeta dmin or the pr inter ’ s embed ded Web ser ver to config ure the s ystem to ale r t you of pr ob lems w ith the pr inter. The aler ts take the f or m of e- mail mess ages to the e-mail ac count or accounts that you speci fy .
130 ENWW.
ENWW 131 6 Prob lemsolving This cha pter descr ibes wha t to do if p roblems aris e with your pri nter . The following topics are cov ered: z Basic tro ubleshooti ng checklist z Control p anel m essag.
132 ENWW.
ENWW 133 Basic tr oubleshooting chec k list If you are experien cing problems with the pr inter, this checklist may help iden tify the c ause of the p roblem.
134 ENWW Contr ol panel m essages Status messa g es Status me ssages reflect the curren t state of t he pr inter . They inform you of nor mal pr inter o peration an d require n o interacti on to clear them. They change as the state of the pr inter ch anges.
ENWW 135 Control panel messages Messag e Descript ion Action Access de nied menus locked An attemp t has b een mad e to mo dify a menu item while the contro l panel security m echanism is enab led by the printer admini stra tor . The m essage will disap pear shortly , and the printer will return to READY or BUSY sta te.
136 ENWW CPR SENSO R OUT OF RANGE The CPR Sensor is not beha ving properly . 1. F orce a cali brati on by eithe r sel ectin g Calibra te Now from the menu s or turn the printer off and th en bac k on. 2. If the messa ge persist s, contac t HP Support.
ENWW 137 DISK FILE SYST EM IS FULL alternates with Ready For menu s press ✔ The printer receiv ed a PJL file syste m command that attem pted to st ore somethin g on the fi le system b ut w as unsucce ssful be cause the file system is full. 1. Use the HP W eb Jetadm in softw are to delete fi les from t he EIO disk d rive an d try again.
138 ENWW FLASH FIL E OPE RATION FAILED alternates with Ready For menu s press ✔ The printer receiv ed a PJL file syste m command that attem pted to pe rfo rm an illogi cal oper ation (fo r e xample , to down load a fil e to a non -exis tent directo ry).
ENWW 139 INCORRECT S UPPLIES For status pr ess ✔ At least one s upply item is incorrectly positione d in the p rinter and anot her supp ly it em is mi ssing , inco rrect ly plac ed, out, or low . 1. Pres s ✔ an d then press V f or help . 2. F ollow t he i nstr uct ions on th e displa y to loca te and replac e the incor rect su pply .
140 ENWW INSTALL T RANSF ER UNIT For help press V The tra nsf er unit is eit her not insta lled or not correc tly instal led in the p rinter . 1. Insert the trans fer unit or mak e sure the install ed trans fe r unit is fully s eated. 2. Pres s V f or detailed inf ormation.
ENWW 141 If no paper in tr ay : MANUALLY FEED [TYPE] [SIZE] Fo r hel p press V alternates with MANUALLY FEED [TYPE] [SIZE] To use another tray pres s ✔ A job sent requires a specifi c paper type and s ize that is no t currently ava il abl e. 1. Pres s V f or detailed inf ormation.
142 ENWW ORDER <CO LOR> CARTRIDGE alternate s wit h To contin ue pr ess ✔ The identi fied print cartridge is nearing the en d of its useful l if e and the SUPPLIES LO W setting in the SYSTEM SETUP SUBMENU is set to ST O P . Ov erride b y pressi ng ✔ .
ENWW 143 ORDER FUS ER KI T XXXX PAGES LEF T To enter menus pre ss ✔ The fuser i s near end of lif e. The printer is ready and will continue for the estim ated nu mber of pa ges indi cate d. 1. Order the image fuser kit. 2. Printing can cont inue until supp lies out is reached .
144 ENWW ORDER SUP PLIES For statu s pre ss ✔ More tha n one supp ly item i s low and the SUPPLIES LO W setting is se t to ST OP . 1. Pres s ✔ to iden tify which supplie s sho uld be ord ered . 2. Order the i dentified suppl ies. 3. Pres s ✔ twic e to conti nue pr int ing.
ENWW 145 OUTPUT BIN FULL Remov e all paper from bin The out put bin is full and must be em ptied f or pr in tin g to co ntinue. Remo v e medi a from the outpu t bin. Paused To retu rn to ready pre ss RE SUME key The printer i s paused, a nd there are no error mes sages p ending at the displa y .
146 ENWW Printing. .. PQ TROUBLESH OOTIN G The printer is generati ng the print qualit y troub leshoot ing pages . The printer will return to the READY state when the pages are printed. F ollo w the in structions on the printed pag es. Printing. .. REGISTRAT ION P AGE The printer is generati ng the registr ation pa ge.
ENWW 147 RAM DISK FILE OPERATION FAIL ED alternates with Ready For menu s press ✔ The printer receiv ed a PJL file syste m command that attem pted to pe rfo rm an illogi cal oper ation (fo r e xample , to down load a fil e to a non -exis tent directo ry).
148 ENWW REPLACE < COLOR > CARTRIDGE alternates with For help press V The identi fied print cartridge has reached th e end of l if e. Printing will not conti nue unt il the cartr idge is re placed. 1. Replac e the i den tifie d suppl ies to conti nue pri ntin g.
ENWW 149 REPLACE T RANSF ER KIT For help press V The tr ansf er unit i s at end o f lif e. 1. Re place the identifi ed supply to conti nue pri ntin g. 2. Pres s V f or detailed inf ormation. 3. Pres s and to ste p through i nstructions . 4. Supplie s orde ring inf ormation i s also av ailable from the embedd ed W eb serve r .
150 ENWW Setting s aved A menu select ion h as be en saved. No act ion ne ces sar y . SIZE MISM ATCH TRAY XX=<SIZE> For help press V alternates with Ready For menu s press ✔ The tr ay is load ed with med ia longer or shorter in the f eed direction th an the siz e confi gured f or the tra y .
ENWW 151 TRAY XX O PEN F or help press V alternates with Ready For menu s press ✔ The speci fied tr a y is ope n or no t clos ed co mplet ely . Close th e tra y .
152 ENWW TRAY XX ( TYPE) (SIZE) Size spec ified by user alternates with TRAY XX ( TYPE) (SIZE) To change t ype press ✔ The printer is reporting the current configur ation of tra y XX. The tra y sw itch is in the C UST OM position . 1. T o change media ty pe, press ✔ .
ENWW 153 Wait for print er to reinitial ize RAM Disk settin gs ha v e been changed b ef ore the printer aut omat icall y rest ar t s, or exter nal dev ice mod es ha v e changed . No actio n necessary . Warming u p The pri nter is comi ng out of pow ersa ve mo de.
154 ENWW 13.XX.YY. JAM IN DUPLEX PATH For help press V There is a jam in th e duple x path. 1. Press V f or detailed inf ormation a bout clear ing the ja m. 2. Pres s and to ste p through t he instr uct ions. 3. If the mess age per sists after cle aring all pages , contac t HP Support.
ENWW 155 20 INSUFFICIE NT MEMORY For help press V alternates with 20 INSUFFICIE NT MEMORY To contin ue pr ess ✔ The printer has receiv ed more d ata from the c omputer th an fits in available memo r y . 1. Pres s ✔ to resume pri ntin g. NO TE: A loss of data will occur.
156 ENWW 41.3 UNEX PECTE D SIZE IN TRAY X X For help press V alternates with LOAD TRAY XX: [TYPE] [SIZE] Fo r hel p press V Media is loaded w hich is lo nger or shorter in the feed directi on than the size configure d f or the tr a y . 1. If t he inco rrec t size was select ed, can cel the jo b or pr ess V to access help.
ENWW 157 52.X PR INTER ERRO R For help pres s V alternates with 52.X PRIN TER E RROR To continue turn off then on A printer error has occurred. 1. Press ✔ to contin ue. 2. T ur n the printer off and then bac k o n. 3. If the p roblem pe rsis ts, contac t HP Support.
158 ENWW 58.X PR INTER ERRO R For help pres s V alternates with 58.X PRIN TER E RROR To continue turn off then on A memory tag error w as d etected. 1. T u rn the printer off and then bac k o n. 2. If the p roblem pe rsis ts, contac t HP Support. 59.X PR INTER ERRO R For help pres s V alternates with 59.
ENWW 159 68.X PERMANEN T STORAGE FULL For help press V alternates with 68.X PERMANEN T STORAGE FULL To continue press ✔ A non-v olatile stor age de vice is full. Pressing t he ✔ b utton should clear the message . Printing c an conti nue, b ut there ma y be une xpecte d beha vior .
160 ENWW Pa p e r j a m s Use this illustratio n to troublesh oot pape r jams in the pr inter . For ins tructio ns on cl earing paper jams , see Cl earing jams . P aper jam locat ions (shown w ithout optio nal Tray 3 ) 1. t op c ov er area 2. duplex path 3.
ENWW 161 P aper jam reco very This p rint er automa tically pr ovides pape r jam re cov er y , a feature that allows you to set whet her the pr inte r should at tempt to automatic ally repri nt jammed pages. The optio ns are: z AUTO Pr i nter wi ll attempt to reprint jam med pages.
162 ENWW Common causes of paper jams The following table list s commo n causes of paper ja ms and sugge sted soluti ons for resolvi ng them. Cause Solution Print media does not meet HP- recomme nded medi a specific ations . Use only med ia that me ets HP speci fications .
ENWW 163 Note If the pr inter sti ll continues to jam, conta ct HP Cus tomer Su ppor t or your author ized HP ser v ice provider . For more in f orm ation, see http://www .hp .com/supp or t/lj4 600 . Printer supply items ha v e reached the end of their usef ul lif e.
164 ENWW Clearing jams Each section below corres ponds with a jam mes sage tha t might appear o n the control panel. Us e these pro cedures to clear the j am. Jam in T ray 1, T ra y 2, or T ray 3 1 Using the side han dles, open the top cover . 2 Grasp the green handle o n the transfer unit and pull down.
ENWW 165 6 Clos e th e top c o ve r . Note It is a good idea to inspec t the input trays when clear ing ja ms. How ev e r , opening a nd clos ing input tra y s has n o effect on clear ing ja m messa ges. 7 Pul l out t he tr a y and pl ace i t on a flat surf ace .
166 ENWW Jam s in t he top cover Jams in the top c ov er occur i n of the ar eas indic ated in the figures below . U se the proc edures i n this sec tion to clear a ja m in th is area. 1. Jammed paper 2. Crum pled paper in the fu ser W ARNING! Do n ot touch th e fuse r .
ENWW 167 1 Using the side han dles, open the top cover . 2 Fir mly lift th e two green hand les on either si de of the fu ser to d isengage the fuser r ollers. 3 Gra sp t he med ia b y both c orners and pull to remove it. Note If the med ia tears, make sure th at all medi a fragments ar e removed from the paper pat h before resuming pr inting.
168 ENWW 6 Open th e fuser c ov er and remove any media t hat is cru mpled in the fuser . Note If the me dia tear s, mak e sure that all m edia f ra gmen ts ar e remo ved f rom the pap er path before resuming pr inting. Do not r each into the fuser un til it has coole d.
ENWW 169 Jam in paper input path or paper path 1 Using the side han dles, open the top cover . 2 Grasp the green handle o n the transfer unit and pull down. The front cover will op en as the trans f er unit is pul led down. CA UTION Do not pl ace an ything on th e transfer unit whil e it is open .
170 ENWW Jam in duplex path 1 Using the side han dles, open the top cover . 2 Open the front cover . 3 Grasp the paper by both cor ners and pull down. Note If the med ia tears, make sure th at all medi a fragments ar e removed from the paper path before resumi ng pr inting.
ENWW 171 5 Grasp the paper by both cor ners and pull up . 6 If the medi a cannot b e accesse d from this location, cl ose the transfer unit. 7 Gra sp t he med ia b y both c orners and pu ll.
172 ENWW Media-handlin g pr oblems Use only media tha t meets the specific ations ou tlined in the HP LaserJ et Pr inter F amily P a per Spec ificati on Guide . F or or dering inform ation, see Supp lies and acce ssor ies . F or medi a specif ications f or this p rint er , see Su ppor ted media weights and sizes .
ENWW 173 The custo m/standa rd s witch in t he tr ay is not in the correct posi tion. V erify that t he s witch is in the correct p osition f or the media siz e. Prin ter f eeds inco rrect pa ge size Printer pulls f r om incorr ect tray Cause Solution Y ou are using a driver f or a diff erent printer .
174 ENWW Media does not feed fr om input T r a ys 2 or 3 Cause Solution Manual f eed is selected in the softwa re applicati on. Load T ra y 1 with m edia, or , if the me dia is loaded, pre ss ✔ . The correc t siz e media i s not loaded . Loa d the correct s ize media.
ENWW 175 Media in anothe r input tr a y is the s ame size as the tr anspa rencies , and th e printer is def aulting to th e other tr a y . Mak e sure that the input tra y conta ining the transpar encies o r gloss y paper i s select ed in the sof tware ap plication or printer driv er .
176 ENWW Y ou are printing l arge, s olid-fill ed areas . Large, s olid- filled area s can c ause e xcess ive curl. T r y using a diff erent pattern. Media us ed w as not st ored co rrectly an d ma y ha ve absorbed moist ure. Remo ve media an d replace it with media from a fresh, un opened pa cka ge.
ENWW 177 Printer response problems No display messag e Cause Solution The printer ’ s on/of f butt on is in t he standb y position. V erify that the printe r is on. F ans ma y run while the printer is i n standb y mo de (off). The printer ’ s memory DIMM s are def ectiv e or installed inco rrectly .
178 ENWW The correc t driver is not selecte d in the softw are appli cation or printer drive r . Select the driver f or P ostScript Em ulation fo r this printer in the softw are a pplicatio n or printer drive r . The printer is not properly c onfigur ed.
ENWW 179 Unable to select the printe r fr om the computer Cause Solution If yo u are usin g a s witch bo x, the printer ma y not be sel ected fo r the comp uter . Select the correct printer through the s witch box . The printer ’ s Ready indicator li ght is no t lit.
180 ENWW Prin ter con tr ol pa nel pr oble ms Contr ol panel settings work incorrectly Cause Solution The printer con trol panel disp lay is bl ank or is not lit , e ven when the f an is running. F ans ma y run while th e printer is i n standb y mode (off).
ENWW 181 Color printing pr oblems Note F or mor e informa tion about color qu ality problems see Pr int qu ality troubleshooti ng . Printing black instead of color Caus e Solution Col or mode is n ot select ed in the s oftw are applicati on or printer driv er .
182 ENWW Note Sev eral factors can in fluenc e your ability to match prin ted color s to those on your screen. The se factors inc lude pr int me dia, overhead lighting , software app licat ions, operating s ystem pa lettes, monito rs, and vide o cards an d dri v ers.
ENWW 183 Incorrec t printer output Incorrect fonts are print ed Cause Solution The f ont has no t been corr ectly select ed in the softw are appli cation. Re-selec t the f ont in the so ftware a pplicatio n. The font is not av aila ble to t he p ri nter.
184 ENWW Guidel ines for print ing wi th differe nt fonts z The 80 i nter nal fonts are available in P ostScr ipt Emula tion (PS) and PC L mode. z T o conser v e pr inter me mor y , d ownload only those fonts that are needed. z If you require s ev e ral downloaded f onts, conside r insta lling additiona l pr inter me mor y .
ENWW 185 Software applicatio n prob lems Unable to change system selections thr ough software Cause Solution System s oftwar e change s are loc k ed out b y the printer con trol panel . Consult with y our netw ork administ rator . The softw are ap plicatio n does no t support system cha nges .
186 ENWW Print qualit y troub leshootin g Print quali ty pr oblems associate d wi th media Some pr int qu ality pr oblems ari se from u se of ina ppropri ate media . z Use paper that meets HP paper s pecificati ons. See Sup por ted media wei ghts and sizes .
ENWW 187 Note Allow transparen cies to c ool at lea st 30 sec onds before handli ng them. z In the p rinter driver ’ s Pa p e r t ab , select T r ansparency as the media ty pe. Also , make sure that the tra y is corr ectly con figured f or transpare ncies.
188 ENWW Print quality troubleshooting pages Use the built-in pri nt quality troubleshootin g pages to help diagnos e and solve pr int qua lity pr oblems. 1. Press ✔ t o enter th e MENUS . 2. Press to highl ight DIAGNOSTICS . 3. Press ✔ to selec t DIAGNOSTICS .
ENWW 189 A Ser vice and suppor t Hewlett-P ac kard limited warranty statement 1. HP warrants to you, the e nd-user cus tomer , that HP har dware and acc essor ies will be free fro m defects in materi als and work manship aft er the date of purc hase, f or the period s pecifie d abov e.
ENWW 191 Limit ed wa rranty f or print cartridge lif e This H P product i s warranted to b e free fr om defects in mater ial s and workma nship du ring its useful life (end of life is indic ated by a pri nter control panel low-life messa ge).
192 ENWW T ransfer unit and fuser warranty This H P product i s warranted to b e free fr om defects in mater ial s and workma nship for one year or until the pri nter co ntrol pa nel indica tes a low-life message, whichev er occurs fi rst.
ENWW 193 HP maintenance agreements HP has s e ver al type s of ma intenanc e agreements th at meet a wide range of su ppor t ne eds. Maint enance agre ements are n ot par t of the stand ard warranty . S uppor t s er vices ma y var y by area. Che ck with your local HP dealer to det er mine the s erv ices availabl e to you.
194 ENWW.
ENWW 195 B Specifications and regulator y inf or mation Printer specificatio ns Ph ysical dimensions Electri cal specificati ons W ARNING! P ower requiremen ts are based o n the countr y /region w here the pr inter is sold. Do not conv er t operating voltages.
196 ENWW Note These values a re subje ct to cha nge. See http://www .hp .com/supp or t/lj4 600 f or curren t inf or mation. P owerSav e default act ivation time is 30 minutes. Operating en vir onment specificati ons Acoustic emissions Note These values a re subje ct to cha nge.
ENWW 197 FCC regul ations This e quipment h as been te sted and found to c omply wit h the limits f or a Clas s B digital de vice, pursua nt to P ar t 15 of the F CC rul es.These limits are design ed to provide r easonable prote ction again st har mful i nterference in a resid ential in stalla tion.
198 ENWW En vir onmenta l pr oduct ste war dshi p pr ogra m Pr otecting the en vironment Hewlett-P ackard Company is committe d to providing quali ty products in an environ mentally so und manner. This product h as been des igned with sev eral attr ibutes to m inimize impa cts on t he environment.
ENWW 199 and free takeback program is av ailable in over 48 countr ies/r egions. Multi-lin gual p rogram informati on and ins truc tions are include d in ev er y new HP Laser Jet pr int ca r tr idge and sup plies pa ckage.
200 ENWW Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Mater ial Safety Data Shee ts (MSDS) c an be obtai ned by contactin g the HP Las erJet Supp lies websi te at http:// www . Extended warranty HP Suppor tPac k provides cover age for the HP hardware product and all HP- supplied in ter nal com ponents.
ENWW 201 Dec laration of C onformity accordi ng to ISO/ IEC Guid e 22 and EN 45014 Man ufacturer ’ s Name: Man ufacturer ’ s Address: He wlett-P ackard Com pany 11311 C hinden Bo ule va rd Boise ,.
202 ENWW Safety statements Laser safe ty The Center f or De vices a nd Radiologi cal Health (CDRH) of the U .S. F ood a nd Dru g Admini stration h as imple mented regulati ons for laser product s manufactured si nce August 1, 1976. Co mpliance is mandat ory for products m arketed in th e United S tates.
ENWW 203 VCCI stateme nt (Japan) Laser Statement f or Finland Luokan 1 laserlaite Klass 1 Laser Apparat HP Color LaserJet 4 600, 4600n, 4600dn, 46 00dtn, 4 600hdn laserkir joiti n on k ä ytt ä j ä n kannalta tur vallinen luoka n 1 laser lai te.
204 ENWW VA R O ! Mik ä li ki rjoittimen suojakotelo avataan, olet al ttiina n ä kym ä tt ö m ä llel aser s ä teily lle laitt een olles sa toimi nnassa. Ä l ä katso s ä teeseen. V ARNING ! Om lase rpr inte rn s skydds h ö lje ö ppnas d å apparaten ä r i funktion, uts ä ttas anv ä ndare n f ö r osyn lig la serstr å lning.
ENWW 205 C Pr int media specifications Suppor ted media weights and siz es F or opti mum results, use conv entio nal 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) ph otocopy paper . V eri fy that the paper is of good qu ality and is free of cuts, nicks, tears, spots, loos e par ti cles, dust, wrin kles, cur ls, or bent edges.
206 ENWW Tr a y 1 , contin ued Gloss y paper Standa rd: Let ter/A4 Lega l Ex ecuti ve JIS B5 A5 Custom: Minimum si ze: 76 b y 127 mm (3 by 5 inch es) Maximum si ze: 216 b y 356 mm (8.5 b y 14 inc hes) 75 g/m 2 to 120 g /m 2 (20 l b to 32 lb ) Maximum stack hei ght: 10 mm (0 .
ENWW 207 Tr a y 1 , contin ued Label Standa rd: Letter/ A4 Legal Ex ecuti ve JIS B5 A5 Custom : Min imum size : 76 b y 127 mm ( 3 by 5 inches) Max imum si ze: 216 b y 356 mm ( 8.
208 ENWW T ra y 2 an d optional Tr a y 3 P aper Standa rd: Letter/ A4 Legal Ex ecuti ve JIS B5 A5 Custom : Min imum size : 148 b y 210 mm ( 7.16 b y 8.
ENWW 209 *Trays 2 and 3 u se “ Custom ” size spec ifically fo r B5 ISO. Trays 2 and 3 do not s upport the range o f custom sizes a vailable in Tray 1 . T ra y 2 an d optional Tr a y 3 Label Standa rd: Letter/ A4 Legal Ex ecuti ve JIS B5 A5 Custom : Min imum size : 182 b y 210 mm (7.
210 ENWW.
ENWW 211 D W or king with memor y and pr int ser v er cards Printer memory The pr inter ha s five dual in- line me mor y modu le (DIMM) slots. Note F or max imum flexibility in DIMM sup por t, the forma tter is de signed w ith f our 1 68-pin DIMM slots and a f ifth 100-pi n DIMM slot.
212 ENWW Note Single in- line memor y modules (SIM Ms) used on previous HP LaserJ et pri nters are n ot compatible with the pr inter . Note T o order D IMMs , se e Suppl ies and access ories . Before order ing add itional m emor y , see how much is curre ntly install ed by printi ng a confi guration pa ge.
ENWW 213 Installing mem ory and f ont DIMMs Y ou can in stall mor e memor y for the print er , and you can also instal l a f ont DIMM to allow the printer to pri nt character s f or languag es such as Chinese or the Cyr ill ic alphabe t. CA UTION Static e lectri city ca n damage DI MMs.
214 ENWW 4 Remo v e th e eigh t scre ws h olding the board in plac e, and set them aside. 5 Slide ou t the format ter boar d and set it on a clean, flat, grounde d surface. 6 Release the locks on each s ide of the DIMM s lot. 7 Remov e the DIMM from the antistati c package.
ENWW 215 8 Holding t he DIMM by the edg es, align the notc hes on the DIMM with the bars in the DIMM slot. Note If you hav e diff iculty ins er ting the DIMM or c losing the latches, make sure the notche s on the b ottom of the DIMM are alig ned with the bars in the s lot.
216 ENWW Enab ling memo ry If you installed a mem ory DIMM, set the pr inter driver to recognize the newly added me mor y . T o enable mem ory fo r Window s 1. On the Start menu, poin t to Settings , an d clic k Printers or Printers an d Faxes . 2. Select t his pr inte r and se lect Propertie s .
ENWW 217 Check ing DIMM installation Check that the DI MMs are install ed correc tly and wor king. T o chec k DIMM installation 1. T ur n the pr inter on. Check that the Re ady ligh t is on after the pri nter has gon e through the star tup se quence. If an err or message appears, a DI MM may hav e been in correctl y instal led.
218 ENWW Installing an H P Jetdirect print ser ver card Y ou can install an HP Je tdirect p rin t ser ver card in the base mod el pri nter , wh ich com es with an open EIO slot. T o i nstall an HP Jetdi rect print ser ver c ard 1 T ur n the pr inter off .
ENWW 219 5 Connect th e network c able . 6 Reconnec t the power cable, and tur n the prin ter on. 7 Pri nt a confi guration pa ge (see Pri nting a c onfiguration p age ).
220 ENWW.
ENWW 221 E Glossar y T erm Definition bidirecti onal commu nicat ion T wo-way data transm issio n. bin A rece ptacle f or holding printed pa ges. BOO TP Abbr eviation for "Boo tstra p Pro toc ol," a n Inte r net protoc ol t hat allo ws a com puter to find its o wn I P address .
222 ENWW Emulate d P ostScript Software th at emulate s Adobe P ostScript, a p rogram ming languag e that describes the a ppear ance of th e printed p age. EPS Abbr ev iation f or "Enc apsulated P ostScript ": a type of gr aphics file. FIR Abbr evia tion f or "F ast Inf raRed.
ENWW 223 mop y The HP term for "m ultiple original prints " capabi lity . network A syste m of comput ers interc onnected by te lephone wi res or other me ans in ord er to share inf ormation. network a dministr ator A pers on who man ages a n etwork.
224 ENWW RJ- 45 A type of co nnector us ed f or data t rans mission o v er standa rd telepho ne wire . ROM Abbre viation f or "read-on ly memory ," a type of compu ter memory used to store data that s hould not be chang ed. suppl ies Materials use d by the printer tha t are used up and m ust be replace d.
ENWW 225 Inde x Numerics 2-sided printing 79 binding options 81 control panel settings 79 A acc esso ries 9 hard disk 9 ordering 57 part numbers 58 alerts configuring 129 e-mail 104 Printer Status and.
226 ENWW M maintenance agreements 193 media colored paper 76 envelopes 76 glossy paper 75 heavy paper 7 7 labels 77 letterhead 78 loading in Tray 1 70 loading Tray 2 a nd Tray 3 72 maximum size 9 orde.
ENWW 227 supplies low configuring alerts 129 reporting 37 supplies out configuring alerts 129 supplies status page description 23 printing 98 system setup menu 27 T troubleshooting checklist 133 color.
228 ENWW.
6 . 5" x 9" B A CK CO VER cop yr ight © 200 2 He wlett-P ack ar d Compan y ww w .hp .com 2 2 C9 660 -90912 *C9660-90912* *C9660-90912*.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP Color LaserJet 4600n c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP Color LaserJet 4600n - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP Color LaserJet 4600n, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP Color LaserJet 4600n va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP Color LaserJet 4600n, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP Color LaserJet 4600n.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP Color LaserJet 4600n. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP Color LaserJet 4600n ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.