Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 4250/4350 & 2400 Series du fabricant HP
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hp embedded w eb serv er L aserJet 4 2 5 0/4 3 50 S er ie s hp hp L aserJet 2 4 00 Ser ie s use use.
HP Embedde d W eb Server User Gu ide.
ii ENWW Copyri ght © 2004 Copyrigh t Hewlett-P ackard Dev e lopment Com pany , L. P . Reproductio n, adap tation or translation wi thout pri or writ ten per mi ssion is prohibi ted, except as allowed under t he copyright l aws. The informa tion c ontained h erein i s subject t o change wi thout no tice.
ENWW Contents iii Contents 1 Over vie w What is an embedd ed Web se rver? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Additio nal featur es with a permanen t storage de vice .
iv Contents ENWW Product S upport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 My Service Provider and M y Service Co ntract .
ENWW What is an emb edded Web ser ver? 1 1 Ov er vie w What is an embedded W eb ser ver? A Web ser ver provides an environm ent in which Web programs can r un, i n much the s ame way that an ope rating sy stem, suc h as Mi crosoft ® Windows®, p rovides an environm ent in w hich programs can r un on your co mputer.
2 Overv iew ENWW Features Y ou can us e the HP E mbedde d W eb Se r ver to view product a nd networ k sta tus and to manage pri nting functio ns from your computer , rather than at th e produc t control pa nel. W ith the HP Embedded Web Ser ver , you can perfor m these ta sks: ● View control -panel m essages and pro duct-sta tus i nformation .
ENWW System requiremen ts 3 System requiremen ts In order to use th e HP Embe dded Web Ser ver , you must h av e the following compo nents: ● A suppo r ted Web browser . EWS-s uppor ted Web browsers inclu de (but are no t limited to) the following: • K onque ror 3.
4 Overv iew ENWW 1 After you ope n the EWS, click the Log In li nk in the upper -right cor ner of the screen . The E nt er Network Pass word dialog box ap pears, as shown i n the follo wing i llustratio n. The appe arance o f the logi n screen m ight var y, depend ing on your ope rating s ystem an d browser.
ENWW Navigating throug h the HP E mbedded W eb Ser ver 5 Na vigat ing thr ough t he HP Embe dded W eb Server T o n avigate throu gh the HP E mbedded Web Ser ver scr eens, click one of the tabs ( such as Information or Set tings ) , and t hen cl ick one of the menus on the navigation bar t hat is lo cated on the lef t side of the sc reen.
6 Overv iew ENWW Screen Diff erent on each menu Cl ick a menu to s how a sc r een . ● See “Vie wing product statu s from the Inf ormation screens ” on page 7 . ● See “Co nfiguring the prod uct from the Settings screens” on pa ge 19 . ● See “Ma nag in g network opera tio n from the Netw orking screens” on pag e 3 9 .
ENWW 7 2 Vie wing product status from the Inf or mation screens The Infor matio n screens are for information al pur p oses only; you ca nnot confi gure the product from the se screen s. T o co nfigure t he pro duct through the EW S, see “Co nfi gur ing the produc t from the Settin gs screen s” o n page 19 .
8 Viewin g produc t status f rom the In format ion scree ns ENWW Device Status Use the Device Statu s screen to view the curr ent sta tus of the p roduct.
ENWW De vice Sta tus 9 Media Sho ws the sta tus and con figurati on inf or mation f or the inp ut tra ys and output bins. Change Settings O pens the Ot her Settings s creen, where you ca n change the paper-type setting s. Capabi lities Lists c omponents that are insta lled in th e product.
10 Viewing p roduct stat us from t he Infor mation s creens ENWW Configuratio n P ag e Use the Con figuration P age s creen to view current pr oduct s ettings, help troubleshoot pr inter problems, and verif y the instal latio n of optio nal acces sor ies suc h as dual in line m emor y m odules (DIMMs) or pape r-handl ing devices.
ENWW Configuratio n P age 11 Callout Area on the sc reen Information or cap ability t hat the ar ea provides EWS tabs and menus F or more inf or mation, see “Nav igating through th e HP Embedded W eb Server” on page 5 . Printer Inf or mation Lists the serial n umber , v ersion n umbers , and other in formatio n f or the prod uct.
12 Viewing p roduct stat us from t he Infor mation s creens ENWW Supplies Status The Sup plies S tatus sc reen shows m ore detai led supp lies in f o rm ation a nd provides p ar t numbers for genuine HP supplies. ( It is hel pful to have the par t numbers available when order ing supplie s.
ENWW Ev ent Log 13 Event Log The Event Log shows the mos t recen t produc t ev e nts, includi ng jam s, ser vice err ors, and othe r pri nter erro rs. The f o llowing ill ustration a nd table descr ibe how to use this screen.
14 Viewing p roduct stat us from t he Infor mation s creens ENWW Usage P age The Usa ge P age screen gives a pag e count for each si ze of media th at has passed th rough the product , as well a s the numbe r of d uplex ed pages. The total is cal culated by multipl ying the sum of the pr int count values by the Uni ts value.
ENWW De vi ce Informati on 15 Device Inf ormation The Device Informatio n screen s hows the product name, asset number, company name, contact person , product lo catio n, and th e produc t's IP addre ss, name, mode l, and ser ial number .
16 Viewing p roduct stat us from t he Infor mation s creens ENWW Contr o l P anel F or p roducts tha t have a control pan el, the Control Panel screen s hows the prod uct control -panel d isplay as if you were standi ng at th e produc t. Because this view shows t he product status, i t can h elp you troublesho ot problems w ith the pr oduct.
ENWW Print 17 Print Y ou can use th is screen to pr int on e file at a time from a pr oduct that suppor ts the HP Embedd ed W eb Ser ver . This feature is esp ecially u seful if you are a m obile user , becau se you do not h av e to insta ll the pr oduct’s p rin ter dr iver in order to pr int—you can p rint anywhere at any tim e.
18 Viewing p roduct stat us from t he Infor mation s creens ENWW Printing a file fr om the Print screen Use the following step s to pr int a fi le from t he Pr int s creen. 1 Select t he file that you want to p rint by using one o f the following options : • Click the button under Option 1 to browse to a fil e that you want to pr int.
ENWW 19 3 Configur ing the product from the Settings screens Use the sc reens on the Settin gs tab to con figure the product from your computer. T h e follo win g are the Setting s scr eens : ● Conf.
20 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW Configure Device Y ou can us e the Co nfigure D e vice screen to pr int product informati on page s and config ure the product re mot ely . The f oll owing illus tration, table, and example proc edure de scr ibe how to use this screen .
ENWW E-m ail Serve r 21 Using the men us on the Configure De vice screen The following proc edure i s provided onl y as an e xam ple. Simila r procedur es can be used to set othe r men u item s. F oll ow these steps to se lect a di fferent default paper size (example pr ocedure) .
22 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW Configuring outgo ing e-mail Y ou must con figure ou tgoing e- mail if you i ntend to us e the Aler ts or A utoSen d features.
ENWW Al er ts 23 Aler ts F r om the Aler ts screen, IT admini strators ca n set u p the pro duct to se nd problem and status aler ts to anyone through e-mail message s. When this function is configur ed, aler ts are automa tically tr igg ered about su pplie s and paper- p ath statu s, as well as f or ser vic e and adviso r y informati on.
24 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW Using the Aler ts screen with a pr oduct This sec tion con tains infor mation a bout the se aler ts features: ● “T o configur e ale r .
ENWW Al er ts 25 If a perm anent stor age devi ce is i nstalle d, the scree n that a ppears l ooks simi lar to th e foll owing il lustrat ion. 2 F or products that have per manent sto rage devices insta lled, type a nam e in the List Name field, s uch as Ser vice or Su pplies.
26 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW 5 Where a pplicable, set the thresho ld value for the individ ual aler ts. The thres hold val ue for se rvice al erts and for the paper-path alerts is a u ser-speci fied number of min utes.
ENWW Al er ts 27 T o test the configurat i on of a destination list Use the following proc edure to te st the destinati on list config uration. 1 Click the T est button n e xt t o the de stination list tha t you want to test. The fol lowing win dow app ears.
28 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW T o delete destinations a nd destination lists Y ou can de lete a d estinati on or des tination l ist by clicking t he De lete button nex t to the destinati on or de stination list tha t you want to dele te.
ENWW Aut o S e n d 29 Au t o S e n d Use the AutoSend screen to send prod uct-co nfiguration and s upplies- usage i nformation per iodical ly to your ser vic e provider .
30 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW T o turn on the A utoSend feature Use the following proce dure to m ake the AutoSend f e ature availab le. 1 Make outgoing and incom ing e-m ail funct ions available b y following the instru ctions that are listed i n this c hapter.
ENWW Se curity 31 Security The following illust ration and t able descr ibe how to us e this s creen. 1 2 3 4 Callout Area on the sc reen Information or cap ability t hat the ar ea provides EWS tabs and menus F or more inf or mation, see “Nav igating through th e HP Embedded W eb Server” on page 5 .
32 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW Edit Other Lin ks Use the E dit Other Links sc reen to a dd or cu stomi ze up to five links to the Web sites of your choice (see the f o llowing no te). The se links appear through out the H P Embe dded Web Ser ver screen s, in the Other Links bo x bene ath the l eft navigation al bar .
ENWW Edit Other Li nks 33 Adding a link Use this proced ure to add a link. 1 Under Add Li nk , type the URL an d the name of the link as you would like it to appear in the HP Embedded Web Ser ver . 2 Click Ad d Link . Remov ing a link Use this proced ure to remove a link.
34 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW Device Inf ormation Use the Device Inform ation sc reen to p rovide a nam e of your choice for the pr oduct, as sign an asset numbe r , and co nfigure the company n ame, the person to conta ct about th e produc t, and the physical loc ation of the produc t.
ENWW Language 35 Lang uage Use the La nguage screen to selec t the lang uage in which the HP Embed ded Web Ser ver screens appear . The following illustration a nd table desc ribe how to use this scre en.
36 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW Date & Time Use the Dat e & Tim e screen to update the produc t time. The following illu stration an d table describ e ho w to use th is scree n.
ENWW Wa k e T i m e 37 W ake Time An IT a dministrator can use the Wak e Time screen to schedul e produc t wakeups on a dail y basis. For e xamp le, the produc t can be s et to wake up at 07:30 , so th e produc t has fini shed initial izing an d calibratin g and i s ready to use by 08:00.
38 Configuri ng the pr oduct from the S ettings s creens ENWW.
ENWW Overview 39 4 Managing netw ork operation from the Netw orking screens Overview Use the Ne tworki ng screens to co nfigure and m anage your product on your network. The appearanc e and features of t he Networ king screens d iffer depending o n the mo del and version of your HP Jetd irect pr int ser ver .
40 Managing network o peration from the N etworking s creens ENWW Depending on your HP Jetdi rect pr int s er ver model an d operating v ers ion, the following are some tas ks that you can p erform fr om the Networ king screens: ● Change networ k co nfiguratio n settings for v ar ious ty pes of networ k co nnection s.
ENWW 41 5 Using the Other Links as a resource The Other Links bo x co ntains thr ee pe rm anent l inks that provide qu ick access to produc t-specifi c informa tion, suc h as inte ractive troubleshooting an d order ing i nformation f or gen uine HP suppli es.
42 Using the Other Li nks as a r esource ENWW hp instant suppor t Hewlett-P ackard Compa ny offers hp instant su ppor t, an Inter net -based s uppor t system t hat collec ts dia gnostic informati on fro m your product and mat ches it with the HP infor matio n databa se.
ENWW Product Suppor t 43 Pr oduct Suppor t The Pr oduct Support link connec ts you to a Web page that brin gs tog ether a c omprehen sive menu of suppor t resour ces tha t business people nee d.
44 Using the Other Li nks as a r esource ENWW.
ENWW Index 45 Index A accessing the HP Embedded Web Server 3 accessories, verifying installed 10 administrators alerts, setting up 23 logging off 4 logging on 3 wake time s ettings 37 alerts configuri.
46 Index ENWW K keys, control panel 8 Konqueror, versions supported 3 L Language screen 35 links 32, 41 log, event 13 logging off 4 logging on 3 M mailbox configuration 22 media usage 14 memory, v eri.
ENWW Index 47 Web server, embedded defined 1 features 2 Web sites, support instant 42 product 43.
48 Index ENWW.
© www .hp .com 2004 He wlett-P ack ard De velopment C ompany , L.P ..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP 4250/4350 & 2400 Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.