Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit XC du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP X C S y st ems w ith HP Serv e r Blades and Enc losur es Ho wT o V er si on 3 . 1 or V er si on 3 .2 P ublished: Apr il 200 7 E dition: 9.
© Copyright 2006, 2007 Hewlett-P ackard Development Company , L.P . Confidential computer softw are. V alid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with F AR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Softw are, Computer Software Documentation, and T echnical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.
T able o f C ont ents 1 Ov ervi e w ......................................................................................................................... 9 1 .1 M in i m um R e qu i re m en t s .....................................................
6 Making Node -S pec if i c Settings .................................................................................. 33 6 .1 M ak i n g Se t ti n gs o n N on - Bl a d e Se r v e rs ...................................................................
L is t of F igur es 3 -1 A dm i ni s tr a ti o n Ne t w o rk C o nn e c ti o ns ..........................................................................................1 6 3 -2 C on s ol e N et w o r k Co n ne c ti o ns .............................
L is t of T a bles 1 -1 M in i mu m R eq u ir e me n t s.................................................................................................................9 2 -1 I ns t al l at i on a n d Co n fi g u ra t io n C he c kl i s t............
1 Ov erv i e w HP Server Blade c-Class servers (hereafter called serv er blades) are perfectly suited to form HP XC systems. Physical characteristics make it possible to have many tightly interconnected nodes while at the same time reducing cabling requirements.
If you do not hav e the required documentation in y our possession, see the following sources: • The most current documentation for HP Serv er Blades, enclosures, and other serv er blade components is av ailable at the following W eb site: http://www .
• HP ProLiant BL685c (full-height) — Up to four dual core Opteron processors — Four built-in NICs — T wo hot plug driv es — Three mezzanine slots • HP ProLiant BL860c (full-height) 1 .
Onboard Administrator . On server blades, iLO2 adv anced features are enabled by default and include the following: • Full remote graphics console access including full keyboard, video, mouse (KVM) .
2 T ask Summar y and Chec klis t This chapter contains a summary of the steps required to configure HP server blades in an HP XC cluster . 2 . 1 Best Pr acti ce fo r S ys tem C onf i gur ati on In order to function properly as an HP XC system, each component must be configured according to HP XC guidelines.
T able 2 - 1 Installation and Configuration Checklist (continued) Where Documented T ask Description T ask Category Section 5.4 Run the discover --enclosurebased --network command on the head node to discover the switches Section 5.
3 C abling The following topics are addressed in this chapter: • “Network Ov erview ” (page 15) • “Cabling for the Administration Network” (page 15) • “Cabling for the Console Network” (page 16) • “Cabling for the Interconnect Network” (page 17) • “Cabling for the External Network” (page 19) 3 .
Figur e 3- 1 Administration Network Connections NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 Interconn ect bay 2 Interconn ect bay 3 Interconn e.
Figur e 3- 2 Console N etwor k Connections NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 Interconn ect bay 2 Interconn ect bay 3 Interconn ect ba.
Figur e 3-3 Gigabit Eth er net Interconnect Connec tions NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 Interconn ect bay 2 Interconn ect bay 3 In.
3 .4. 3 C onf i gur ing the Inter connect Netw or k Ov er the Adminis tr ati on Netw ork In cases where an additional Gigabit Ethernet port or switch may not be available, the HP XC System Softw are enables you to configure the interconnect on the administration netw ork.
server blades do not have three NICs, and therefore, half-height serv er blades are not included in this example Because NIC1 and NIC3 on a full-height server blade are connected to interconnect bay 1, y ou must use VLANs on the switch in that bay to separate the external network from the administration network.
Figur e 3-6 External Network Connections: Half-Height Ser v er Blades and NI C1 and NIC2 in Use NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 Int.
Figur e 3- 7 External Net w ork Connections: Half and Full-Height Server Blades and NI C1 in Use NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 In.
4 Inst alling HP X C S y st em So ft w ar e On the Head Node The information in this chapter parallels the information in Chapter 2 in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide . At some points, y ou might be instructed to refer to that document. T able 4-1 lists where to find head node installation instructions.
1. T o provide IP addresses for the Onboard Administrator and all iLO2 devices in the enclosure, disconnect the Onboard Administrator associated with the head node from the administration network, and plug the Onboard Administrator into an activ e netw ork with a DHCP server .
1. Insert the HP XC System Softw are V ersion 3.1 or V ersion 3.2 DVD into the DVD drive of the local laptop or PC. 2. Do the following from the Onboard Administrator management W eb page: a. In the left frame, click the plus sign (+) to open the Device Bays menu.
8. See T able 2-5 in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide , which describes each installation prompt and provides information to help you with your answ ers. 9. When the HP XC softw are installation process is complete, log in as the root user .
5 Disco v er ing the H ar d w ar e Com ponen ts This chapter describes the following tasks, which y ou must complete in the order shown: • “T ask 1: Prepare for the System Configuration” (page 2.
5 .2 T ask 2 : Change the De fa ult IP Addr e ss Bas e (Optio nal) Y ou may need to change the default IP address base of the HP XC priv ate networks if the default v alues conflict with another IP address base at your site. The IP address base is defined in the base_addrV2.
on the head node, to start the MySQL service, and initialize the configuration and management database: 1. Begin this procedure as the root user on the head node. 2. Change to the following directory: # cd /opt/hptc/config/sbin 3. Start the system preparation process: # .
Enter the MAC address of the switch the head node plugs into in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx : your_MAC_address Please enter the Procurve switch Administrator password : your_password Please re-enter password: your_password Discovering Switches... Restarting dhcpd Waiting for IP addresses to stabilize .
1. Change to the following directory: # cd /opt/hptc/config/sbin 2. Discover all enclosures: # ./discover --enclosurebased --enclosures Discovery - XC Cluster version HP XC V3.
Starting CMF for discover... Stopping cmfd: [FAILED] 1 Starting cmfd: [ OK ] Waiting for CMF to establish console connections .......... done uploading database Restarting dhcpd Opening /etc/hosts Opening /etc/ Opening /etc/powerd.conf Building /etc/powerd.
6 Making Node - Spec ifi c Se ttings Running the discov er process has assigned IP addresses to all hardw are components. Y ou can now use the active administration netw ork to access the v arious hardw are components to make node-specific BIOS settings that are required for HP XC.
6. In the left frame, click the plus sign (+) next to Device Bays to display the list of nodes contained in the enclosure. 7. Click the link to the first hardw are model in the list. W ait a few seconds until the frame to the right is populated with node-specific information.
e. Click the Apply button to sav e the settings. 12. Configure disks into the smart array from the remote graphics console. All server blades hav e smart array cards, you must add the disk or disks to the smart array before attempting to image the node.
16. Close the iLO2 utility W eb page. 17. Repeat this procedure from every active Onboard Administrator and make the same settings for each server blade in each enclosure.
9. Enter UC (user configuration) and use the menu options to remov e the default administrator and operator accounts. Then, for security purposes, create your own unique user login ID and password.
15. T urn off power to the node: a. Press Ctrl+b to exit the console mode. b. Return to the Command Menu : MP> CM c. T urn off power to the node: MP:CM> pc -off -nc 16. Use the RB command to reset the BMC. 17. Press Ctrl+b to exit the console mode and press the x key to exit.
7 C onf i gur ing the HP X C S y s tem The information in this chapter parallels the information in Chapter 3 in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide . T o configure your system, y ou use a combination of the instructions in this HowT o and the instructions in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide .
# startsys --image_only --flame_sync_wait=480 --power_control_wait=90 --image_timeout=90 2. Boot all nodes when the imaging process is complete: # startsys --power_control_wait=90 --boot_group_delay=45 --max_at_once=50 For more information about startsys options, see startsys (8).
8 T r ouble shooting This chapter contains troubleshooting information to help y ou resolve problems y ou might encounter . 8. 1 One or Mor e P orts Do not C ommuni cate Pr operl y on a G i gabit Ethe.
A C onf i gur ation Ex amples This appendix contains illustrations and descriptions of fully cabled HP XC systems based on interconnect type and server blade height. The connections are color-coded, so consider viewing the PDF file online or printing this appendix on a color printer to take advantage of the color coding.
Figur e A- 2 InfiniBand Interconnect With Full-Height Server Blades NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 Interconn ect bay 2 Interconn e.
Figur e A-3 InfiniBand Interconnect With Mixed Height Server Blades NIC 1 NIC 2 NIC 3 NIC 4 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 MEZZ 3 iLO2 NIC 1 NIC 2 MEZZ 1 MEZZ 2 iLO2 Interconn ect bay 1 Interconn ect bay 2 Interconn e.
Inde x A administration network activ ating, 29 as interconnect, 19 defined, 15 B base_addrV2.ini file, 28 boot order , 34 C checklist, 13 cluster_config utility , 39 cluster_prep command, 28 communic.
O onboard administrator connecting to, 23 defined, 11 IP address, 33 putting on an active netw ork, 23 setting the password, 30 static IP address for , 24 OVP command, 40 P password iLO2, 34 MP , 37 o.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) XC ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.