Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit P1600 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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LASERJET PROFESSIONAL P 1560 and P1600 P r i n t e r series Us er Guide www .hp .com/support/ljp1560seri es www .hp .com/support/ljp1600seri es.
HP LaserJet Professional P1560 and P1600 printer series User Gu ide.
Copyright and License © 2010 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development C ompany, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as a llowed under the c opyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Conventions u sed in th is guide TIP: Tips provi de helpf ul hints or sh ortcuts. NOT E: Notes prov ide impo rtant info rmation to exp lain a conc ept or t o comple te a tas k. CAUTION: Cauti ons indi cate p rocedures that are recomme nded to avoid lo sing data or damagi ng the prod uct.
iv Conve ntions us ed in thi s guide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product basics Product com parison ....... ......... ....... ......... .......... ......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... ..... .... .......... ... 2 Environmen tal features .............. ...... .......
HP Embe dded Web S erver .......... ............ ........ ............ ........... ............ ......... ..... 20 Print wit h Mac .......... .............. ................ .......... ............... ............... ............... ......... ........
Get help fo r any print opti on with Wind ows .... ....... ....... ...... ..... ....... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... 43 Change the numbe r of print copies with Windows .............. ........... ............... ............ ......... 43 Print colored t ext as black with Wind ows .
Recycle s upplies .... ......... ....... ........ ......... ......... ...... ......... ......... ......... ...... ......... . 57 Replacement instructio ns ....... ........ ..... ......... ........ ........ ...... ....... ......... ........ ..... .....
Wrinkles or creases .... ............... ................ .......... ................. ............... .............. 94 Toner scat ter outline .. ........ ..... ....... ........ ....... ..... ........ ....... ........ ..... ....... ........ .... 95 Moisture .
Return and recycling in structions ................. ........... ................. ................. ................. ...... 118 United St ates and Puert o Rico ....... ........... ........... ........ ............ ............ .......... . 118 Mult iple return s (more tha n one cartri dge) .
1 Product basics ● Product com parison ● Env iro nment al fe atu res ● Product f eatures ● Product v iews ENWW 1.
Product compa rison HP LaserJet Professional P1560 printer series HP LaserJet Professional P1600 printer series ● Speed : 22 A4 pages per minute (ppm), 23 letter-siz e ppm ● Trays : Priority input slot (10- sheet) and a main-input tray (250-sheet) ● Output b in : 125-sheets ● Connectivity : Hi-Speed USB 2.
Environm ental features Duplex Save paper by using duplex printing as your default print setting. ● The HP LaserJet Professional P1560 printer series supports manual duplexing. ● The HP LaserJet Professional P1600 printer series supports automatic and manual duplexing.
Product fea tures Benefit Supporting features Print qu ality ● Genuine HP print cartridge. ● True 600 x 600 dots per inch (dpi) text and graphics. ● FastRes (1200 dpi).
Benefit Support ing featu res Suppl ies ● A supplies status page wit h print cartridge gauges that estimate remaining supply level. Not available for non-HP supplies. ● Authentication for genu ine HP print cartridges. ● Easy ordering for replacement supplies.
Product vi ews Front and l eft side view Figure 1-1 HP Las erJet Prof essional P1560 a nd P1600 printer series 4 2 5 6 3 1 7 1 Output bin 2 Output tray extension 3 Priority input slot 4 Main-input tra.
Back view Figure 1-2 HP LaserJe t Profes sional P 1560 and P1600 p rinter series 2 1 3 4 1 USB port HP internal n etwork port (HP LaserJ et Professional P1600 printer series only) 2 Power receptacle 3.
Control-pa nel layout The contr ol panel contains f our ligh ts and tw o buttons . NOT E: See In terpret contr ol-panel lig ht patterns on page 76 for a descriptio n of wh at the lig ht patt erns m ean .
2 Software for Windows ● Supporte d operating sys tems for Wi ndows ● Supporte d printer- drivers for Window s ● Select the c orrect print er-dri ver for Window s ● Priority for print settings.
Supported o peratin g systems for Wi ndows The pr oduct c omes with software for the follow ing Win dows® op erating systems : ● Windows 7 (32 -bit and 64-bit) ● Win dows Vis ta (3 2-bi t an d 64.
Select th e correct pr inter-driver fo r Windows NOT E: Only the HP Lase rJet Profe ssional P1600 printer series s upports the HP Uni versal Print Driver. Whenev er possibl e, use the p rinter drivers installe d during t he HP Smar t Install o r from the prod uct CD.
Priority for print settings Chang es to print settings are pr ioritized dep ending on where the changes are mad e: NOT E: The name s of comm ands and dialog box es might vary de pending on your soft ware progr am.
Change prin ter-dri ver setti ngs for W indows Change the settings for all pri nt jobs until the software program is closed Change the de fault setti ngs for all print jobs Change th e product configu ration settings 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print .
Remove software for Wind ows Use the uninstall utility to remove Windows software 1. Click Start , and then c lick All Programs . 2. Click HP , a nd then click HP Lase rJet Profession al P1560 and P1600 printer . 3. Click Uninst all , and then follow the onscreen ins truction s to remove the so ftware.
Supported ut ilities for Windows NOT E: Only the HP Las erJet Profes sional P1 600 printer series suppo rts uti lities for Windows. HP Web Jetadmin HP We b Jet admin is a simple print a nd imagin g pe.
16 Chapte r 2 Software for Windows ENWW.
3 Use the product with Mac ● Software for Mac ● Print with Mac ENWW 17.
Software for Mac Supported operating systems for Macintosh The pr oduct s upport s the fo llowin g Macin tosh ope rating s ystems: ● Mac OS X v10.4, v1 0.
Prio rity fo r print se ttings f or Mac Chan ges to prin t settings are prio ritized depending on where the cha nges are mad e: NOT E: The nam es of comman ds and dialog boxes might va ry depen ding on yo ur soft ware progra m.
Software for Mac HP Printer Ut ility for Mac Use the HP Lase rJet Util ity to pr int the product i nformati on pages and to ch ange t he Auto-Off setting from a Mac comput er. To ope n the HP LaserJe t Utility, c omplet e the proce dure be low. ▲ Open the Print Queu e, and the n click th e Utility icon.
Print with Mac Create and use p rinting presets in Macin tosh Use pr inting pr esets to s ave the c urrent pr inter d river settin gs for reuse. Create a prin ting preset 1. On the File me nu, cl ick Pr int . 2. Select the driver. 3. Select t he print settings .
Print mu ltiple pa ges on one sh eet of paper in Macintosh You ca n print m ore than one page on a sin gle shee t of paper . This featu re provides a cost-effe ctive way to print d raft pages. 1. On the File men u, cl ick Print . 2. Select t he driv er.
Print on bo th sides (duplex) with Mac Auto matic NOT E: Automati c duplexing is only suppor ted for the H P LaserJet Pr ofession al P1600 pri nter seri es prod uct. The pr inter driv er only s upports ce rtain m edia size s for automa tic duplex ing.
24 Chapte r 3 Use the product with Mac ENWW.
4 Connect the product ● Supporte d network operat ing syste ms ● Connect w ith USB ● Connect to a networ k ENWW 25.
Supported n etwork ope rating systems NOT E: Only the HP Laser Jet Profess ional P1600 printer seri es suppor ts network fun ctions. The fo llowing operating system s suppo rt networ k printi ng: ● .
Connect with USB This p roduct suppo rts a U SB 2.0 connec tion. You m ust use an A-to-B type USB cab le that is no lo nger than 2 mete rs (6.56 feet).
Connect to a network The HP LaserJ et Profess ional P1 600 printer series c an conne ct to ne tworks thr ough the HP inte rnal netw orki ng po rt. Supported network protocols To co nnect a networki ng-equipped product t o your n etwork, you need a ne twork tha t uses th e followin g prot ocol .
5. Click the Downl oad button. 6. Follow the onscr een instr uctions to comp lete the pr oduct insta llation. CD installation on a wired network NOT E: When yo u use the CD to in stall the software , .
Link speeds a nd duplex settings NOT E: In this section dupl ex refers to bi- directiona l communi cation, not two- sided printi ng. Use the Networki ng tab in the em bedded We b server to set th e link spee d if n ecessary.
5 Paper and print media ● Understa nd paper and prin t media use ● Special paper o r prin t media guidelin es ● Change the print dr iver to m atch the media typ e and size ● Supporte d pape r .
Understand pa per and p rint media use This pr oduct sup ports a var iety of pa per and ot her prin t media in a ccordance w ith the guid elines in this user gui de. Paper or print media tha t does not meet these gui delines might ca use poor pri nt quality, incre ased jams, and prem ature wear on the prod uct.
Special pa per or print med ia guideli nes This produ ct supports printing on speci al media. U se the following gu idelines to obtain satis factory resul ts. When using spec ial pape r or pr int medi a, be sure to set the type and size i n the pr inter dri ver to o btain the best resul ts.
Change t he print driver to ma tch the media t ype and size Select ing media by type and size r esults in signi ficant ly better print qu ality for hea vy paper, glo ssy paper, and ove rhead tra nsparencie s. Using the wrong settin g can resul t in unsati sfactory print qua lity.
Supported pape r sizes This pr oduct su pports v arious pap er sizes , and it adapts to vario us medi a. NOT E: To obtain best print r esults, s elect t he appropri ate paper si ze and typ e in your print dr iver befor e prin ting. The pr inter driv er only s upports ce rtain m edia size s for automa tic duplex ing.
Supported p aper types For a c omplet e list of s pecific HP-brand p aper that this pr oduct su pports, g o to su ppor t/ ljp156 0serie s or www.
Tray an d bin capa city Tray or bi n Paper type Specific ations Quantity Main-input tray Paper Range: 60 g/m 2 (16 lb) bond to 163 g/m 2 (43 lb) bond 250 sheets of 7 5 g/m 2 (20 lb) bond Envelopes Less than 60 g/m 2 (16 lb) bond to 90 g/m 2 (24 lb) bond Up to 10 env elopes Transparencies Minimum 0.
Load paper trays CAUTION: If you try to print on me dia that is wrinkled , folded, or damaged in any way, a ja m might occur. S ee Clear jams on page 80 for more inform ation. Priority input slot The prior ity input slot holds up to ten she ets of medi a or one envel ope, one transpa rency, or one sheet of la bels or ca rdstock .
NOT E: Use the prior ity input slot fo r printin g one envelo pe or other sp ecial media. Use the main-inp ut tray for printin g mult iple env elopes or other s pecial me dia. 1. Before l oading the media, s lide the media g uides out ward to s lightly wid er than the media .
40 Chapte r 5 Pap er and pri nt media ENWW.
6 Print tasks ● Canc el a p rint jo b ● Print with Windows ENWW 41.
Cancel a pr int job You can sto p a print reque st by using the contr ol panel or by using the so ftware program . For instructi ons about how to stop a print request from a computer on a netw ork, se e the onli ne Help f or the spec ific network software.
Print with Wind ows Open the Windows printer driver 1. On the File menu in the so ftware program , click Print . 2. Select t he pro duct, and then click Properties or Prefer ences . Get help for any print op tion with Wind ows Printe r-driver He lp is s eparate from program Help.
Print colored text as black with Windows 1. Open the print er driver, click the Properties or Pr efer ences button, and then c lick the Advanced ta b. 2. Click the P rint All Text as Black check box. 3. Click the OK butt on. Save custom print settings for reuse with Windows Use a printing quick s et 1.
Select a paper type 1. Open the prin ter driver, click the Properties or Preferen ces button, and the n click the Paper/ Quality tab. 2. Select a type fro m the Type is drop-do wn list.
Print the first or last page on differ ent paper with Wi ndows 1. Open the print er driver, click the Properties or Pr efer ences button, and then c lick the Paper/ Qual it y tab. 2. Click the U se Different Paper/Cove rs check box , and then select the neces sary sett ings for the front cover , other pages, and back cover .
Print on bo th sides (dup lex) with Wind ows Auto matic NOT E: Automati c duplexing is only suppor ted for the H P LaserJet Pr ofession al P1600 pri nter seri es prod uct. The pr inter driv er only s upports ce rtain m edia size s for automa tic duplex ing.
Manual Before you c an use the ma nual duplexi ng featur e, you m ust sel ect t he Allow Manual Duplexing ch eck box on the De vice Settin gs tab of the printer proper ties dialog box . See Change print er-driver settings for Windo ws on pag e 13 . 1.
5. Retrieve the printed s tack from the outp ut bin, and, mai ntaining the paper orie ntation , place it with the printed- side facing down in the main-inp ut tray. 6. At the pr oduct co ntrol pa nel, press the go button t o print th e second s ide of the job.
Select page orientation with Windows 1. Open the print er driver, click the Properties or Pr efer ences button, and then c lick the Fini shi ng tab. 2. In the Orientation area, select the Po rtrait or Lan dsc ape op ti on. To print the page image up side down , select the Rot ate by 180 degrees op tion.
7 Manage and maintain ● Print i nformati on pages ● Use the H P Embedd ed Web S erver ● Economy setting s ● Quiet mo de setti ngs ● Manage supplies an d access ories ● Clean the prod uct .
Print inf ormation pages You can pri nt the following informatio n pages. Configuration page The c onfiguration page lis ts curren t product s ettings and proper ties.
Use the HP Embedd ed Web Serve r NOT E: Only the HP L aserJet P rofessi onal P1600 printer s eries suppor ts the embedd ed Web serv er. Use the embedded Web se rver (EW S) to vie w produc t and netwo rk status and to ma nage p rinting functio ns from your computer.
Embedded Web server sections Information tab The In formation pa ges group c onsists of the following pa ges: ● Device Stat us displ ays the status of the prod uct and HP suppl ies. ● Device Configurat ion show s the info rmation found o n the con figuratio n page.
Economy se ttings EconoMode This pr oduct has an Eco noMode op tion for printing drafts o f docume nts. Usi ng Econo Mode ca n use less toner and decrease the co st per page . However , using EconoMod e can al so reduce print quality. HP does not rec ommend the full-t ime use of EconoMod e.
Quiet mode setting s This pr oduct has a quiet mode that reduces noise during pri nting. Whe n quiet m ode is t urned on, the produc t prints at a slower speed. NOT E: Quiet m ode reduces the pro duct print speed, whi ch migh t improve print quality. Follo w these s teps to e nable qui et mode.
Manage supplie s an d access ories Corre ctly using, storing, and mon itoring the print cartrid ge can help ens ure high-qua lity outp ut. Manage pr int cartridge s Prin t-cart rid ge sto rage Do n ot remove t he print cartrid ge from its packag e until y ou are r eady to us e it.
Replacement instructions Redist ribute to ner When a small amount o f toner rem ains in print c artridge, faded o r light ar eas mig ht appear on the printed page. You mig ht be abl e to tempo rarily im prove pri nt quality by redi stributi ng the t oner.
3. Reinsert the pri nt cartridg e into the product , and then close the pri nt-cartri dge door . If th e print is st ill ligh t, install a new print cartridge.
Replac e the pr int car tridg e 1. Open the print -cartridg e door, and remov e the old print cart ridge . See the recycling informatio n inside the pr int-cartr idge box. 2. Remove the new pri nt cartrid ge from the bag. CAUTION: To prev ent damage to the pr int cartr idge, hold the print c artridge a t each end.
4. Gently roc k the print cartrid ge from fr ont to bac k to distri bute the toner evenl y inside the cartridg e. 5. Insert the print car tridge in the produ ct and cl ose the print -cartridge door. CAUTION: If ton er gets on y our cl othing, wi pe it off with a dr y cloth and wash clothing in cold water.
Replac e the pi ckup r oller Norm al use with good media ca uses wea r. The use of poor me dia m ight requir e more f requent replac ement of the pickup roller. If the product regular ly misp icks (no m edia f eeds thro ugh), you might ne ed to ch ange or cl ean the pic kup rolle r.
2. Find the pic kup rolle r. 3. Release th e small, wh ite tabs on e ach side o f the pickup r oller, and rotate the picku p roller to ward the front. 4.
5. Position the n ew pick up rolle r in the slot . The cir cular a nd recta ngular s lots on each si de prev ents you from ins talling the roller inc orrectly. 6. Rotate the to p of the ne w pickup r oller away from you until both sides sn ap into pl ace.
Replace the se paration pad Normal use wit h good me dia caus es wear. The use o f poor m edia migh t require more fre quent replac ement of the separat ion pad. If the product regularl y pulls m ultiple s heets of med ia at a ti me, you mi ght need t o change the separati on pad.
3. Remove th e separa tion p ad. 4. Insert the n ew separation p ad, and s crew it in to place. 66 Chapte r 7 Man age and m aintain ENWW.
5. Plug the product i nto the wa ll outlet , and t urn on the p roduct. ENWW Manage s upplies an d access ories 67.
Clean the prod uct Clean the pickup ro ller If you want to clean the pickup roller be fore decidi ng to replace it, foll ow these instructio ns: 1. Unplug the power cord fr om the pro duct, and then remo ve the pick up roller as described in Repl ace the pickup ro ller on page 62 .
Clean the paper path If you are expe riencin g toner spe cks or do ts on the printouts , clean the paper path. T his proc ess uses a trans parency to remove dust and toner fr om the pa per path. Do not us e bond or rough paper. NOT E: For best resu lts use a s heet of tr anspare ncy.
Clean the print-cartridge area You do not ne ed to cle an the print -cartridg e area of ten. How ever, clea ning this area c an improv e the quality of the pr inted s heets. WARNING! Be fore cleanin g the produc t, turn the pr oduct off by unp lugging the power cord , and wait for the product to cool.
3. Replace the pr int cartridge , and close the print-cartrid ge door. 4. Plug the power cord into the product . Clean the exterior Use a s oft, damp, lint-free cloth to wipe du st, smud ges, and sta ins off of th e exterior of the devi ce.
Product update s Firmware upd ates Firmwar e and software upd ates and installa tion instru ctions for t his product are ava ilable at m/ support/ ljp15 60series or support/ ljp16 00seri es . Click Downloads and driver s , click the ope rating system , and then select the dow nload for the produc t.
8 Solve problems ● Solve g enera l probl ems ● Resto re fa ctory settin gs ● Interp ret contro l-panel l ight pattern s ● Clear j ams ● Solve pap er-handl ing probl ems ● Solve im age-qual.
Solve ge neral prob lems If the product is n ot respondi ng correctly, complete the steps in the foll owing che cklist, in o rder. If the produc t does not pas s a step, fo llow the corr esponding troubleshoo ting sugges tions. If a step resolves the pro blem, yo u can st op with out perform ing the ot her steps on the checklis t.
8. If the configur ation page prints, check the foll owing items. a. If the pag e does n ot print correc tly, the p roblem is with t he product hardware. Contact HP Custo mer Care. b. If the page pr ints corr ectly, the pro duct hard ware is work ing.
Interp ret control -panel l ight patte rns Table 8-1 Status -light legend Symbol for “light off” 1 Symbol for “light on” 1 Symbol for “light b linking” 1 1 For a des cription of the control p anel symbols a nd lights, see Control-panel layout on page 8 .
Ligh t sta tus Light pattern State of the prod uct Acti on All lights are off NOTE: The power button bac klight is on. Th e for mat te r is no t connected to the product correctly. 1. Turn of f the product. 2. Wait 30 seconds, and then tu rn on the product.
Ligh t stat us Light pattern State of the prod uct Acti on Ready light is blinking, and all other lights are of f. NOTE: The power button backlight is o n. The product is receiving or processing data. No action required. The product is receiving or processing a print job.
Ligh t sta tus Light pattern State of the prod uct Acti on The attention , ready , and go lights are on. Toner light is off. NOTE: The power button bac klight is on. The product has experienced a f atal error from which it cannot recove r. 1. Turn of f the product.
Clear jams When cl earing ja ms, be very car eful not to tea r jammed p aper. If a sm all piece of paper re mains in th e produc t, it cou ld cause additional jams. CAUTION: Befor e clear ing jams, t urn the p roduct o ff and dis connect the powe r cord .
Clear jams from the input trays CAUTION: Do no t use sh arp obje cts, suc h as twee zers o r needle- nose pl iers, t o remov e jams. Dama ge cause d by sh arp obje cts will not be c overed by the warr anty. When r emoving ja mmed medi a, pull the jam med media straight aw ay from the pro duct.
3. With bot h hands, grasp the side of the ja mmed media that is most vi sible (th is includ es the middl e), and careful ly pull it free fro m the product.
Clear jams from the duplexer NOT E: Only the HP Laser Jet Profes sional P160 0 printer s eries has an auto matic duple xer. 1. Open the prin t-cartridg e door, and then re move the print cart ridge.
4. Close the rear d oor. 5. Reinst all the p rint cartr idge an d close th e print- cartridge door. 84 Chapte r 8 So lve pro blems ENWW.
Clear jams f rom the output areas CAUTION: Do no t use sh arp obje cts, suc h as twee zers o r needle- nose pl iers, t o remov e jams. Dama ge cause d by sh arp obje cts will not be c overed by the warr anty. 1. Open the prin t-cartridg e door, and then re move the print cart ridge.
3. Reinstall the p rint cartridg e, and t hen clos e the p rint-cartr idge do or. Clear jams from inside the produ ct 1. Open the print -cartridg e door, and remo ve the print car tridge. CAUTION: To prev ent damage , do no t expose th e print c artridge t o light.
2. If you can see the jammed p aper, ca refully grasp th e jammed paper, and slowly pull it o ut of the product . NOTE: If yo u can not see the jamm ed pape r, go to the next step. If you s uccessfull y remov ed the j ammed pap er, skip t he next step.
4. Reinstall the p rint cartridg e, and t hen clos e the p rint-cartr idge do or. 88 Chapte r 8 So lve pro blems ENWW.
Solve repeated jams ● Verify that the input tr ay is not overfill ed. The input tra y capac ity varies d epending on the type of print me dia that y ou are using. ● Verify that the media guid es are prop erly adjus ted. ● Check th at the inp ut tray i s secu rely in place.
Solve pa per-handl ing pro blems The fo llowing p roblems with med ia cause print-qual ity dev iations, jam s, or damage to the pr oduct. Proble m Cause Solu tion Poor print quality or toner adhesion The paper is too moist, too rough, too heavy, too smooth, or it is embossed or from a faulty paper lot.
Solve image -quality probl ems You ca n preve nt most print-qu ality pr oblems by foll owing the se guid elines. ● Use paper that mee ts HP s pecificatio ns. Se e Paper an d print m edia on page 31 . ● Clean the produ ct as necessar y. See Clean th e paper path on pag e 69 .
Dropouts ● A single sheet of media might be defective. Try reprinting the job. ● The media moisture content is uneven or the media has moist spots on its surface. Try printing with new media. ● The media lot is bad. The manufacturing process es can cause some areas to reject toner.
Ton er sme ar ● If toner smea rs appear on the leading ed ge of the media, the media guides might be dirt y. Wipe the media guides with a dry, lint- free cloth. ● Check the media t ype and quality. ● The fuser temperature m ight be too low. In your printer driver, make sure the appropr iate media type is selected.
Page skew ● Make sure that the media is l oaded correctly and the media guides are n ot too tight or too loose against the media stack. ● The input bin might be too full. ● Check the media t ype and quality. Curl or wave ● Check the media t ype and quality.
Ton er scat ter out lin e ● If large amounts of toner have scattered around the characters, the transfer of toner to the media is not optimal (a small am ount of toner scatter is norm al for laser printing). Try a different media t ype setting in the printer driver, or use a different media type.
Optimize and improve image quality Change print density You ca n change the prin t density setting by from the printer p ropertie s dialog box. 1. Windows XP, W indows Serve r 2008, and Windo ws Server 20 03 (using the default S tart menu view): Cl ick Star t , and th en clic k Prin te rs a nd Faxe s .
Solve pe rformance problems Proble m Cause Soluti on Pages print but a re totally blank. The sealing tape might still be in the print cartridges. Verify that the sealing tape has been completely removed from the print cartridges. The document might contain blank pages.
Solve c onnecti vity p roblems NOT E: Restore the factory default s ettings for the prod uct. See Restore factor y settings on p age 75 . If the prob lem persists, try the solutio ns in this section. Solve direct-connect problems If you have con nected the product directly to a com puter, check the cable.
5. Have any software ap plicatio ns been a dded t o the net work? Make sur e they a re compa tible and that the y are in stall ed correct ly with the correc t printer drivers . 6. Are othe r users able to print? The problem may be worksta tion-speci fic.
Solve produc t software probl ems Solve common Windows problems Error message: "General Protection FaultException OE" "Spool 32" "Ille gal O perat ion" Cause Soluti on Close all software programs, restart Windows, and try again.
The product name does not appear in the product list in the Printer Setup Utility or Print & Fax list. Cau se Solution The product might not be ready. Make sure that the cables are connected corr ectly, the product is on, and the ready light is on .
You are unable to print from a third-party USB card. Cause Soluti on This error occurs when t he software f or USB pro ducts is not installed. When adding a third-party USB card, you might need the Apple USB Adapter Card Support software. The most current version of this software is available f rom the Apple Web site.
A Supplies and accessories ● Order pa rts, acces sories, and supplies ● Part nu mbers ENWW 103.
Order par ts, accessories , and s upplies Order supplies and paper go/suresupply Order genuine HP p arts or acc essories buy/ parts Order through service or support providers Contact an HP-authorized service or support provider .
B Service and support ● Hewlett -Packard limi ted warrant y statemen t ● HP's Premi um Protect ion Warranty : LaserJe t print cartrid ge limited wa rranty st atement ● End User Lic ense Agr.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP LaserJet Pro fessional P1566, P 1606dn One year from dat e of purcha se HP war rants t o you, the end-use r custom.
HP's Premi um Pr otec tion W arran ty: Laser Jet pr int cartridge limited wa rranty stateme nt This HP product is war ranted to be free fro m defects in mater ials and workman ship.
End User Li cens e Agreem ent PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWA RE PRODUCT: This End-User Lice nse Agreem ent (“EULA ”) is a contract between (a) yo u (eithe r an individ ual or the entity you represe nt) and (b) He wlett-Pack ard Comp any (“HP”) that gove rns you r use of the s oftware p roduct (“ Software”) .
Softwar e will a gree to this EULA. U pon transfer of the HP Software, y our li cense is automatic ally term inated. b. Rest rictions. You may not r ent, lease or lend the HP Software or Use the HP Software for co mmercia l time sharing or burea u use.
Customer s elf-repair warran ty service HP pro ducts are designed with many Cust omer Self Repair (CSR) parts to mi nimize repair time and allow for greater flexibil ity in perf orming defec tive part s replac ement.
Repack the product If HP Cu stomer C are determi nes that your produ ct needs to be re turned to HP for rep air, fol low these steps to rep ack the produ ct before shippi ng it. CAUTION: Ship ping d amage as a resul t of i nadequ ate pack ing is the cus tomer’s r esponsi bilit y.
112 Appendix B S ervice an d support ENWW.
C Specifications ● Physic al specifi cations ● Power con sumption, el ectrical sp ecificat ions, and ac oustic em issions ● Env iro nment al sp ecif icat ions ENWW 113.
Physical sp ecifications Table C-1 Physical specificati ons 1 Specification HP LaserJet Professional P1560 printer series HP LaserJet P rofessional P1600 printe r series Product weight 5.9 kg (13.0 lb) 6.5 kg (1 4.3 lb) Product height 245 mm (9.65 in) 245 mm (9.
D Regulatory information ● FCC regul ations ● Environ mental pro duct stewa rdship pr ogram ● Decl ara tion of conf orm ity ● Safety stateme nts ENWW 115.
FCC regulations This equ ipment has been tes ted and found to comp ly with th e limits for a Class B digit al device, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. Thes e limits are des igned to provide reasonable pro tection agai nst harmfu l interfe rence in a resi dential i nstallati on.
Environm ental product stewar dship prog ram Protecting the enviro nment Hewlett- Packar d Company is commi tted to p roviding quality produc ts in an environ mentally sound manner . This pr oduct has be en desig ned wit h several attributes to m inimiz e impacts on our envi ronment.
proper ly, proces sing the m to r ecover p lastics and metals for new pr oducts a nd divert ing mi llions of tons of wa ste from la ndfills. Since t his cartri dge is being re cycled and used in new m aterials, i t will n ot be return ed to you.
Non-U.S. ret urns To parti cipate i n HP Pla net Partn ers ret urn and recyc ling program, ju st follow the si mple di rections in the rec ycling gui de (found i nside the packaging o f your ne w product supply i tem) or v isit ww w.
● HP’s end- of-life pro duct return and recycling progr am ● Material Sa fety Data Sheets Visit www.hp.c om/ go/env ironme nt or hp info/gl obalci tizen ship/env ironme nt .
Declaratio n of confor mity according to ISO/ IEC 17050-1 and EN 170 50-1; DoC#: BOISB-0902-00-rel. 1.0 Manufac turer’s N ame: Hewlett-Packard Comp any Manufacturer's Address: 11311 Chinden Bou.
Safety statement s Laser safety The Center for Devices and Radiologi cal Health (CDRH) of t he U.S. Food and Drug Adminis tration has implem ented regula tions for laser pr oducts man ufactured sin ce August 1, 19 76. Compliance is mand atory for p roducts marketed in the Uni ted Stat es.
Laser statement for Finland Luokan 1 lase rlaite Klass 1 Laser Ap parat HP Laser Jet Professi onal P1566, P1606dn , laserkirjoiti n on käyttäjän ka nnalta turv allinen lu okan 1 laser laite. Normaal issa käy tössä kirjo ittimen suo jakotelointi estää lase rsäteen pä äsyn laitteen ulkopu olelle .
Substances Table (China) Restriction on Hazardous Substances stat ement (Turkey) Türkiy e Cumhuriy eti: EEE Yönetm eli ğ ine Uy gundur 124 Appendix D Re gulatory in formation ENWW.
Index A access ories ordering 103, 104 part numbers 104 acousti c specifi cations 114 address , printer Macintos h, trouble shoot ing 101 altitude sp ecific ations 1 14 anticoun terfeit s upplies 57 B.
G General Protect ion FaultEx ception OE 100 H HP Customer Care 110 HP fraud h otline 57 HP U niversal Print D river 1 1 HP Web Jetadmin 15 humidity specifica tions 114 I Illegal O peration errors 100.
pape r out put bi n features 4 paper, or dering 1 04 part numbe rs print ca rtridges 104 pausing a prin t request 42 PCL driv ers unive rsal 11 physic al spec ificatio ns 11 4 pickup rolle r chang e 6.
toner scat ter outli ne 95 toner sm ear 93 toner spec ks 9 1 vert ical lines 92 vertica l repet itive defect s 93 wave 94 wrinkles 94 See also pro blem- solving ; troubles hooting special media guidel.
© 20 1 0 Hew lett-P ack ar d Dev elopment C ompan y , L.P . www *CE663-90901* *CE663-90901* CE6 6 3-90 90 1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) P1600 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.