Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NW280-1001 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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i HP Pr ime Gr aphing C alc ulator Quic k S tart Guide Ed i t io n 1 HP P art Number: NW2 8 0 - 1 00 1.
ii ii Keyb oa rd Le g en d The table and photo on the follo wing page illu strate a f ew of th e man y featur es av ailable on the HP Pr ime Graphing Calc ulator . Thes e feature s, as w ell as other featur es of the calc ulator , are disc uss ed in this quick s tar t gui de.
iii iii HP Prime: K ey board Legend Number Fea ture 1 L CD and touch-sc reen: 3 20 × 2 40 pi xels 2 Conte xt-sensitive t ouch-button menu 3 HP Apps k e ys 4 Home vi ew and Home pre fer en ce s etti n.
C C reate d azzling grap hs w i t h t he Ad v an ced Grap hing a pp.
v v Contents 1. Getting Started .... ........................................................... .......................................... 1 Charging the Battery ............ .................... .................... .................... ............
vi vi Statistics 2Var App ......... .................... .................... ................. .................... .................... .. ....... 37 Inference App ............. .................... .................. .................... ..........
1 1 1 Get ting Star ted The HP Pr ime Gra phing Calculator is an eas y -to -us e yet po we rful graphing calc ulator designed for secondary mathematics educati on and be y ond. It offer s hundr eds of functi ons, and incl udes a comp uter algebr a sy stem (CAS) f or s ymb olic calc ulati ons.
2 2 • Bread-c rumb notation is used to r epre sent a selecti on fr om sub-menus or sub-sub-menus . For e xample , “Select Polynomial > Algebra > Quotient ” means f irst selec t Polynomial , then select Algebra , and finall y selec t Quotient .
3 3 Adap ter W arnin g • T o r educe the risk of electr ic shoc k or damage to equipment , only plug the wall ad apter int o an A C outlet that is easil y accessible at all times .
4 4 Na vigat ion The HP Pr ime off ers two modes of na vigati on: b y touch and by k ey p r ess. In man y case s, y ou can tap on an i con, f ield , menu , or objec t to select (or des elect) it . F or ex ample , you can open the Functi on app by ta pping once on its icon in the Appli cation L ibrary .
5 5 Alternati ve ly , yo u can just ta p the field or f ield label , and: • if the fie ld allow s you t o enter data o f yo ur choi ce, ta p it, e nter y our data, and ta p . • if the field allo ws y ou to c hoose an item fr om a menu , tap on it t w ice and se lect the item yo u want .
6 6 The e xamples in this gui de will illu strate the t extbook mode of entry . The or der in whic h items are ente red in te xtbook mode is the same in algebrai c mode. Onl y the appearance o f the entry is diff er ent. How ev er , th e or der of entr y in RPN mo de is different .
7 7 Editing , Deleting , and Cl earing With an expr ession highligh ted in hist ory , tap . The e xpre ssion is copi ed to the entry line (as sho wn at the r ight). If you had meant t o enter , y ou can edit the cur ren t expr ession by mov ing the c ursor t o the righ t of the , pre ssing C , and then typi ng 3.
8 8 T o stor e your la st answ er in Home v aria ble A: AaE Y our stor ed value a ppears as sho wn to the r ight . If you then wanted to multipl y your s tored v alue by 5 , you co uld ent er: Aa s 5 E . Y ou can also c reate y our ow n var iables (both in Home vie w and in CAS v ie w) .
9 9 Und er standin g the User Inter f ace Men u Item s The bottom of the dis play contai ns a menu of up to six items. Y ou choose an item b y tapping it o nce with y our fing er . The menu i tems chan ge dependin g on what scr een is show ing, or what item you last chose.
10 10 Comp uter Alg ebra S y stem (CAS) The computer algebr a sy stem (CAS) enable s you to perform s ymbol ic calc ulations. B y d e fault , th e CA S wor ks i n e xact mode .
11 11 CAS calc ulations: Some example s Suppose you want to find the quotient when x 3 + 2 x 2 + 3 x +4 is div ide d by – x + 2 . 1. P r e s s K to open the CA S. 2. P r e s s D t o display the T oolbo x menus . 3 . If the CAS me nu is not open , tap .
12 12 6. Pres s E to s ee the result: – x 2 – 4 x –1 1 . Note that the input and r esult appear in histor y , wher e y ou can select the m for r e -us e. W e will now r e -use the function to determine th e rem a in d er of the div ision . 7 . T ap on the f unction and the n tap .
13 13 2 HP Ap ps and t heir Vie w s HP Apps Much o f the functi onality of the HP Prime is pr ov ided in pack ages called HP apps . T he HP Prime come s with 1 8 HP apps: 1 2 dedicated to mathematical top ics or tasks, thr ee spec iali z ed Solv ers, and thr ee functi on Explorer s.
14 14 The thr ee spec iali z ed Solv ers—outlined in T able 2 —are de signed to help y ou solv e pr oblems of a spec ific ty pe. Thr ee apps ar e spec ifi cally designed to help y ou e xplore the r elationship s between the value s of the paramet ers in a functi on a nd the shape of the gr aph of the functi on.
15 15 Data sharing Using the supplied U SB cable, y ou can send an a pp fr om one HP Prime to another . It can be a built-in app or one y ou’v e c ustomi z ed. In f act , y ou can share with o ther HP Prime u sers ma n y o f the object s you create usin g your HP P r i me, such a s pro gram s, n otes, li sts, an d ma tric es.
16 16 The si x primary app v iew s are illu strated belo w (using the F unction app as an e xample). Sym b o l i c Vi ew : Y This v ie w is primaril y u sed to defi ne the mathematical objec ts—such as e xpre ssions and open sent ences—that will be repr esented in the P lot and Numer ic v iew s.
17 17 Gr aph ing Meth od s Numer ic V ie w: M This v ie w display s a table of ev aluations . It also enables y ou to enter specific v alues to be ev al uated. In most apps, this view eva lu at es ac co rdi ng to t he def initio ns spec if ied in the S ymboli c vi ew .
18 18 3P r i m a r y A p p s This c hapter bri efly de scr ibe each pr imar y app , summari zing its major v ie ws and the func tionality av ailable in each v iew . These apps—and the Sol ver and Explor er apps—ar e descr ibed in detail in the User Guide .
19 19 Sym b ol i c V iew In S ymboli c vi ew ( Y ) y ou can enter up to ten symbolic def initions. For the F unction app , thes e are f unctions o f x . An e xample is 2 x 2 – 3 x + 4. The f unctions w ith a chec kmark against them w ill be plotted in Plot v iew and tabulated in Numer ic vi ew .
20 20 • : displa ys an in put box f or yo u to spec ify an x -value f or the trac ing c ursor . Y ou can also just e nter a n x -value . This displa ys the Go T o input bo x . Just ta p to confirm the value . This opti on pro vi des a quic k way to evaluate a f unction f or a particular x -v alue .
21 21 The se cond page of the P lot Setup v ie w pr ov ides the f ollow ing opti ons: • Ax es : sho ws or hi des the axes • Labels : sho ws or hides the ax is labels (that is, the v alues of X Rng.
22 22 Numer ic Set up v ie w Press SM to dis play the Numer ic Setu p vie w . This v ie w enables y ou to configur e the appear ance of the data display ed in Numeri c vie w .
23 23 Sym b ol i c v iew The S ymboli c vi ew of the Adv anced Gr aphing a pp enables y ou to spec ify up to ten op en sentences, each e xp r essed in terms of x , y , both, or ne ither .
24 24 Numer ic vi e w Pre ss M to display the Numer ic v ie w . F or var ious co mbinations of X and Y , Numer ic v iew sho ws w hether the open se ntence is satisfi ed. T he illustr ation at the ri ght sho ws that the open sent ence 2 x – 3 y ≤ 6 (defined as S2 in S ymboli c vie w: see abo ve) is satisf ied when X = 4.
25 25 Plo t S etu p Vi ew Pr ess SP to displa y the Plot Setup v iew . This v iew e nables yo u to confi gure the appear ance of the par ametri c graphs . This v ie w is similar to the P lot Setup v ie w of the F unction a pp (see page 20 ), e xcept that it also cont ains T Rng and T Step fields .
26 26 Pl ot Se tu p v iew Press SP to displa y the Pl ot Setup v ie w . This v ie w enables y ou to conf igure t he appearance o f the polar gr aphs. T his v iew is similar to the P lot Setup v iew o f the F unction a pp (see page 20 ) , e x cept that it als o contains Rng and Step field s.
27 27 Plo t vi ew Pr ess P to display the P lot vi ew and see the gra phs of the sequence s selected in S y mbolic vi ew . T he func tionality here is the same as in the F unction P lot v iew , e xcept that ther e are no Fcn func tion s. Plo t S etu p vi ew Pres s SP to displa y the Plot S etup vi ew .
28 28 Note that ther e are on-scr een instruc tions to help yo u. F or exam ple, Hit Center means tap at the locati on wher e you w ant the c en te r of you r ci rcl e to be. A lways co n fir m yo u r i n te nt io n b y p res si n g E after tapp ing the scr een, and pr ess J when you hav e finished dr aw ing an objec t.
29 29 • : for adding v ari ous polygons , such as a tr ia ngle , quadrilater al, sq uare , parallelogr am, e tc. • : for adding v ari ous curve s (such as a c irc le, e llipse , or hy pe rbola) and defining var ious plots y ou want to add to P lot vi ew (suc h as a functi on, par ametric , or polar plot) .
30 30 Numer ic vi e w Numeric v ie w ( M ) enable s you t o do calculatio ns in the Geometr y app . The re sults display ed are d ynamic—if y ou manipulate an objec t in Plot v ie w , any calc ulations in Numeri c vi ew that r efer to that obj ect are a utomatically updated to r eflect the ne w pr operties of the manipulated object .
31 31 Sprea dsheet App The spr eadsheet app pr ov ides a gr id of cells f or yo u to enter content (such a s numbers, te xt , expr essions , and so on) and to perform cer tain operations on what you enter . T o o pen the Spreadsheet app , press I and selec t Spread sheet .
32 32 A single for mula can add content to e very cell in a column or r ow . F or ex ample, mo ve to C (the heading cell for column C), enter S. SIN(Row) and press E . Eac h cell in the column is populated w ith the sine of the ce ll’s ro w number .
33 33 Cells , ro ws , and columns can be named. T o name a cell, r ow , or column , go the cell , ro w header , or column header , ent er a name and tap . T he name can then be used in a for mula. C onsider the f ollow ing ex ample: 1. Select cell A (that is the header cell f or column A).
34 34 • : d is pl ays a me nu for you t o ch oo se a co lu mn to so rt (wit h a fu r the r o pt ion to so rt i n as ce nd in g o r d esc en di ng ord er) . It appears onl y after you ha ve select ed the cells to sor t . • : display s a menu o f for matting options f or the selec ted cell, ro w , column, o r entir e spr eadsheet.
35 35 Statistic s 1V ar App The S tatistic s 1V ar app is desi gned for the stud y of uni var iate st atistics . It pr ov ides tools f or enter ing nume ric dat a, calc ul ating 1 -var iable summary statistic s, and plotting 1 -var iable statisti ca l gr aphs.
36 36 S ymbolic view Pr es s Y to displa y the Sy mbolic v ie w . Y ou can def ine up t o fi ve 1 -vari able analy ses (H1–H5), choo sing for eac h analy sis a data column and, optionall y , a fr equency column.
37 37 Statistic s 2V ar App The S tatistics 2V ar app is designed f or the stud y of biv ari ate statistic s. It pr ov ides tools f or enteri ng numer ical data, calculating 2 - v aria ble summar y st atistics , and cr eating 2 -var iable statis tical plots.
38 38 When spec ifying depe ndent and independent columns in the Sn fie lds, y ou can enter column names (e .g . C1 ) or mathe matical expr essi ons in terms o f column names (e.g . 2*C1 ). Pl ot vi ew Pr ess P t o display the Plot v ie w . T his vi ew displa y s the scatter plot f or each select ed analysis .
39 39 Infer ence App The Inf erence a pp pro vi des tools fo r infer ential statis tics , enabling you t o specify conf idence intervals and test h ypothese s. Summar y statis tics fr om any column in the Numer ic v iew o f the St atistics 1V ar or St atisti cs 2V ar app can be im ported into it .
40 40 Ta p to s ee the confidence in terval or hy pothesis tes t r esults an d to return to the Num er ic vie w . Pr ess P to dis play the P lot v ie w . This v ie w displa ys the te st re sults or conf idence interval gra phically . Ta p to display the cr itical scor e against the test s core .
41 41 • or : togg les the action of the cur sor ke ys between pan (that is, scr oll) and z o om . Zoom in or out hori z ontally on the str eams ev en while data is str eaming , effecti ve ly speeding th em up or slo wing them do wn . Scr oll v er ti cally to separate or cente r the str eams.
42 42 Solv e App The Solv e app enables you to define up to ten equa tions , e ach w ith as man y variables as you like . Y ou ca n sol ve a sing le equation f or one of its var iables , based on a seed value . Y ou ca n als o solv e a sy stem o f equations (linear or non-linear), agai n using seed v alues.
43 43 Plo t vi ew Y ou can plot only one equati on at a time in the Solv e app , so mak e sure that onl y one equatio n is selected in S ymboli c vi ew . T o display Plot v ie w , pre ss P . The le ft side and the ri ght side of the s elected equation ar e plotted as separ ate graphs .
44 44 • C/YR : the number o f compounding per iods pe r year • FV : the value at the end of the cash flo w • End : whether payment is made at th e beginning or end of each peri od • Gro up Si .
45 45 Ex ample 2 T o continue the pr ev ious e xample , suppose y ou expect to sell the house after 1 0 years , repay ing the balance of the loan with a balloon pa yment . What w ill be the amount o f the balloon pay ment? T o solv e this problem y ou need to dis play the amorti z ation sc hedule for the loan .
46 46 Linear Solv er App The L inear Sol ver app sol ve s 2×2 and 3× 3 s ys tems of linear equations . T o open the L inear Solv er app, press I and se lect Linear Solver .T he Linear So lve r app has two page s: one for 2×2 sy stems and the other for 3×3 s ystems .
47 47 T riangle S olv er App This app calc ulates the lengths of si des and the siz es of angles in tri angles. T o open the T ri angle Solv er app , pres s I and s elect T riangle Sol ver . The lengths o f sides ar e repr esented b y a , b , and c , and the angle opposite eac h side is repr esented b y A , B , and C r especti vel y .
48 48 Note that in this cas e, ther e is a second s olution . Y ou can tell that by the pr esence of a ne w menu item: . T ap to see the second s olution: c = 3 .8 2 5… Pr ess again to see the earlie r result . 5E x p l o r e r A p p s Explore r apps are de signed for y ou to e xplore linear , quadr atic, and trigonometr ic f unctions .
49 49 The le f t half of the displa y sho ws the gr aph of a quadrati c functi on. The r ight half sho ws the gener al for m of the equation be ing explor ed (at the top) and, belo w it , the c urr ent equati on of that for m. S ymbols of the k ey s you can use to manipulat e the equation o r graph a ppear below the equat ion .
50 50 Tes t view i s l ik e e q u at io n m od e i n th a t yo u u se t h e ch a ng e keys to select and c hange the v alue of each par ameter in the equati o n. The goal is to tr y to match the graph that is s ho wn . The me nu items in test v ie w ar e: • : w ithin each lev el of equati on (see belo w) there ar e a number of diff icult graphs .
51 51 The c urr ent equati on is show n at the top of the displa y , w ith the graph o f it belo w . The menu items ar e: • or : toggles betw een graph and eq uation modes • or : toggles betw een .
52 52 Ta p to enter test vi ew . In test vie w you can test y our skill at matchi ng an equation to the gr aph sho wn . T est v ie w is lik e equation mode in that yo u use the c ursor ke y s to select and chan ge the v alue of each par ameter in the equation .
53 53 7T h e T o o l b o x M e n u s Compr ehensi ve menus o f functi ons, commands, and var iables ar e gr ouped together in a set of f iv e menus kno wn as the T oolbox menu s. Y ou pr es s the T oolbo x k ey ( D ) to dis play these menus , labeled Math , CAS , App , User , and Catl g .
54 54 CAS Menu This menu cont ains the mor e common math f uncti o ns av ailable t o you i n the CAS , ar ranged b y category . (Other CAS f unctions ar e av ailable fr om the Catlg men u.) Pr ess D an d, if n ecessa r y , tap . Select the appr opriate category and then choose the functi on you w ant.
55 55 User Menu The User menu lists user -def ined functions and pr og rams . Fo r ex ample, using the Define fe ature ( Sd ) y ou can def ine your o w n functi ons. T he name you gi ve t o a functi on will appear o n the User men u. Y ou could, f or instance , cr eate the func tion S IN(X)+COS( Y) and name it SINCOS .
56 56 8 Ca talogs and Editor s The HP Pr ime pro vi des a number of hand y catalogs for y ou to stor e the lists, matr ices, pr ogr ams, and notes yo u cr eate. E ach of these catalogs has an editor to help y ou quickl y cr eate and mod ify a list , matri x, pr ogram , or note.
57 57 • : displays a menu for you to choose ho w man y list s to display at one time: one, tw o, thr ee, or f our . Fo r ex ample, if y ou hav e onl y L4 display ed and y ou choos e 3 from t he Lis ts men u, lis ts L5 and L6 will be displa yed in additi on to L4 .
58 58 When y ou select a matr ix , the Matri x E ditor opens. T he menu items in the Matr ix E ditor ar e: • : copies the s elected element to the entry line wher e it can be edited. T his item is only visible w hen an element in the matr i x or vector is selected .
59 59 When ther e ar e ex isting pr ograms , the menu items in the Pr ogram Catalog ar e: • : opens the Pr ogram E ditor w ith the selected pr ogr am show n for y ou to edit • : opens an input bo .
60 60 A simple pr ogram is i llustr ated at th e r ight . When it runs , the value of N is set to 1 and the progr am continues until it becomes 1 0. T he value is display e d on sc reen in a me ssage bo x. The value is pr eceded by the str ing Counting: .
61 61 Ta p and enter a name f or y our new note . T ap twi ce. T he Note E ditor opens f or you to enter your note . The menu items in the Note E ditor are: • : pro vides opti ons for s etting the f.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) NW280-1001 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.