Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit JD318B du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP A3100 v2 Switch Series Fundamentals Configuration Guide HP A3100-8 v2 SI Switch (JG221A) HP A3100-16 v2 SI Switch (JG222A) HP A3100-24 v2 SI Switch (JG223A) HP A3100-8 v2 EI Switch (JD318B) HP A310.
Legal and notice information © Copyright 2011 Hewlett -Packard Development Company, L.P. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Hewlett-Pa ckard Development Company, L.
Contents CLI configuration ······················································································�.
Telnet login authentication modes ···················································································.
FTP operation ·····························································································.
Setting configuration rollback ····················································································�.
Diagnosing transceiver modules ····················································································�.
CLI configuration What is CLI? The command li ne interface (C LI) enables y ou to intera ct wit h your device by t ypin g text co mm an ds. At the CLI, y ou can instruc t y our de vi ce to perform a gi ven ta sk by typ ing a text comma nd and then pressing Enter .
Convention Description [ ] Square brackets enclose syntax choice s (keywords or arguments) that are optional. { x | y | ... } Braces enclose a set of required syntax choices separ ated by vertical bars, from which you select one.
CLI v iew s adopt a hierar chical str ucture . See Fig u re 3 . • A f t e r l o g g i n g i n t o t h e sw i t c h, yo u a r e i n u s e r vi ew. T h e u s er v i e w p ro m p t i s < dev ice name >.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Return to the parent view from the current view quit Required Available in any view. NOTE: • The quit command in use r vie w stops t he c urr ent conn ection be t ween the t er minal and the de vi ce .
<1-4094> VLAN interface [sysname] interface vlan-interface 1 ? <cr> [sysname] interface vlan-interface 1 The stri ng <cr> indicates that the command is a com plete command , and can be ex ecut ed by pr essing Enter . 3. Type an incomplete character string followed by ? .
• T o set the conf iguratio n file for ne xt startup , type st s . Y ou can also pr ess Ta b to hav e an inc omplete ke yword automatically completed. Configuring command aliases The command alias f u nction allo ws y ou to replace the f irst k eyw ord of a command w ith your pr efer r ed k eywor d.
NOTE: By default, the Ctrl+G , Ctrl+L and Ctrl+O hotkeys are ass ociated with pre-defined commands as defined below, the Ctrl+T and Ctrl+U hotkeys are not. • Ctrl+G cor responds t o the display current-configur ation comma nd . • Ctrl+L co rr esponds to t he display ip routing-table comm and.
NOTE: The hotkeys in Table 3 are defined by the switch. If the same hotkeys are defined by the terminal software that you use to interact with the switch, the hotk eys defined by the terminal software take effect.
Accessing history commands F ollow a st ep belo w to access history commands: To do… Use the key/command… Result Display history commands display history-command Displays valid history commands yo.
Controlling the CLI display Multi-screen display Controlling multi-screen display If the output inf ormati on spans multiple scr eens, ea ch s cr een paus es after it is display ed. P erfor m one of the foll o w ing operati ons to pr oceed. Action Function Press Space Displays the next screen.
• When the s yst em displa ys the output inf ormati on in multiple scr eens, us e / , - or + plus a regular e x p r e s s i o n t o f i l t e r s u b s e q u e n t o u t p u t i n f o r m a t i o n . / equals the k eyw or d begin , - equals the key wo r d exc l u d e , and + equals the k eyw or d includ e .
Character Meaning Remarks index Repeats the character string specified by the index. A character string refers to the string within () before . index refers to the sequence number (starting from 1 from left to right) of the character group before .
user privilege level 3 # return 2. Example of using the exclude keyword # Displa y the non-direct r outes in the r outing table (the output depends on the cur rent conf igur ation). <Sysname> display ip routing-table | exclude Direct Routing Tables: Public Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface 1.
Level Privilege Description 3 Manage Involves commands that influence th e basic operation of the system and commands for configuring system support modules.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] user-interface vty 1 [Sysname-ui-vty1] authentication-mode scheme [Sysname-ui-vty1] quit [Sysname] local-user test [Sysname-luser-test] password cipher 12345678 [.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enter user interface view user-interface { first-num1 [ last-num1 ] | { aux | vty } first-num2 [ last-num2 ] } — Configure the a.
displa y commands. T he sw itc hing oper ation is eff ecti ve f or the c urr ent login. A fter the user lo gs bac k in, the user pr iv ilege r estor es to the or iginal lev el. • T o av oid pr oblems, HP r e commends that administrat ors log in to the sw itch b y using a low er pri vilege le vel and v iew s witc h oper ating paramet er s.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure the password for user privilege level switch super password [ level user-level ] { simple | cipher } password Required if the authentication mode is set to local . By default, no privilege level switch password is configured.
User interface authentication mode User privilege level switch authentication mode Information input for the first authentication mode Information input after the authentication mode changes local Loc.
CAUTION: HP recommends that you use the default command level or modify the command level under the g uidance of professional staff. An improper change of the command level may bring inconvenience to your maintenance and operation, or ev en potential security problems.
Login methods Login methods Y ou can log in to the s wit ch b y using the f ollow ing methods. Table 7 Login methods Login method Default state Logging in through the console port By default, you can log in to a device through the console port, the authentication mode is None (n o username or password required), and the user privilege level is 3.
Login method Default state NMS login By default, you cannot log in to a device through a network m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m ( N M S ) . T o d o s o , l o g i n t o t h e d e v i c e t h r o u g h.
V TY user in terfac es. Y ou can use the display user -inter face command w ithout any par ameters to v iew supported user interfaces and the i r absolute numbe rs. Relative numbering Relati ve number ing allow s you to spec if y a user interface or a gr oup of user interfaces o f a specif ic type .
CLI login Overview Th e C LI en ab l es you to in te ra ct w i t h a de vi c e b y t yp i n g t ex t c om ma nd s. A t t h e C L I , y o u c a n i n s t r u c t y o u r dev ice to perfor m a giv en task b y typing a te xt command and then pr essing Enter t o s ub mi t i t t o y o ur dev ice .
The port pr oper ties of the h yper ter minal must be th e s ame as the default settings of the cons ole port sho wn in the f ollo wing ta ble. Setting Default Bits per second 9,600 bps Flow control None Parity None Stop bits 1 Data bits 8 Login procedure Step1 Use the co nsole cable shipped w ith the de vice t o connect the P C and the dev ice .
Figure 5 Connection description Figure 6 Specify the serial port used to establish the connection 26.
Figure 7 Set the properties of the serial port Step3 T urn on the de vice . Y ou are pr ompted to pr ess Enter if the de vi ce successf ully compl etes the po wer -on sel f test (P OS T) . A prompt suc h as <HP> appears after yo u press Enter , as sho wn in Fig u re 8 .
• none —Requir es no user name and passw ord at the ne xt login thr ough the console port. T his mode is insec ure . • pass wor d —Req uir es pass wor d authenti cation at the nex t login through the con sole port.
By de fault , you can log in t o the dev ice thro ugh th e console port with out authenti cation and hav e user pri vilege le vel 3 afte r login. For inf ormati on about logging in to the de vi ce with th e def ault confi guratio n, see “ C onfigur ation r equire ments .
By de fault , you can log in t o the dev ice thro ugh th e console port with out authenti cation and hav e user pri vilege le vel 3 afte r login. For inf ormati on about logging in to the de vi ce with th e def ault confi guratio n, see “ C onfigur ation r equire ments .
Configuring scheme authentication for console login Configuration prerequisites Y ou hav e logged in to the dev ice. By de fault , you can log in t o the dev ice thro ugh th e console port with out authenti cation and hav e user pri vilege le vel 3 afte r login.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enable command accounting command accounting Optional • By def ault, command accounting is disabled . The accounting server does not record the commands e xec uted by users .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Specify the service type for the local user service-type terminal Required By default, no service type is specified. Configure common settings for AUX user interface view — Optional See “ Configuring common settings for console login (optional) .
Figure 11 Configuration page Configuring common settings for console login (optional) F ollow the se steps to conf igur e common settings f or console port login To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enable display of copyright information copyright-info enable Optional Enabled by default.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure the data bits databits { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 } Optional By default, the data bits of the console port is 8. Data bits is the number of bits representing one character. The setting depends on the contexts to be transmitted.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Set the idle-timeout timer idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] Optional The default idle-timeout is 10 minutes. The system automatically terminates the user’s connection if no information interaction oc curs between the device and the user within the idle-timeout time.
This section inclu des these topics : • T elnet login authen ticati on modes • Conf igur ing none a uthenti cation for T elnet login • Conf igur ing pass wo rd authen ticati on for T elnet login.
Authentication mode Configuration Remarks Configure the authentication scheme Configure a RADIUS/HWTACAC S scheme Configure the AAA scheme used by the domain Remote AAA authentication Configure the us.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure common settings for VTY user interfaces — Optional See “ Configuring common settings for VTY user interfaces (optional) .” When y ou log in to the dev ice thro ugh T elnet again: • Y ou enter the VT Y user interf ac e , as show n in Fi g u r e 1 3 .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter one or multiple VTY user interface views user-interface vty first - number [ last-number ] — Specify the password authentication mode authentication-mode password Required By default, authentication mode for VTY user interfaces is password .
Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login Configuration prerequisites Y ou hav e logged in to the dev ice. By de fault , you can log in t o the dev ice thro ugh th e console port with out authenti cation and hav e user pri vilege le vel 3 afte r login.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enable command authorization command authorization Optional • By def ault, command author iz ation is no t enabled. • By def ault, the co mmand lev el depends on the us er pr iv ilege lev el. A user is author i z ed a command lev el not higher than the user pr iv ilege leve l.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enable command accounting command accounting Optional • By def ault, command accounting is disabled. T he accounting ser ver does not r ecor d the commands ex ecuted by u se rs.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Specify the command level of the local user authorization-attribute level level Optional By default, the command level is 0. Specify the service type for the local user service-type Telnet Required By default, no service type is specified.
Figure 15 Configuration page Configuring common settings for VTY user interfaces (optional) F ollow th ese s teps to conf igur e common settings f or V TY user int erfa ces: To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enable display of copyright information copyright-info enable Optional Enabled by default.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Set the maximum number of lines on the next screen screen-length screen-length Optional By default, the next screen displays 24 lines. A value of 0 disables the function. Set the size of history command buffer history-command max-size value Optional By default, the buffer saves 10 history commands.
By de fault , you can log in t o the dev ice thro ugh th e console port with out authenti cation and hav e user pri vilege le vel 3 afte r login. For inf ormati on about logging in to the de vi ce with th e def ault confi guratio n, see “ C onfigur ation r equire ments .
Object Requirements Configure the IP address of the VLAN in terface, and make sure the SSH server and client can reach each other. SSH server Configure the authentication mode and other settings. Run the SSH client program. SSH client Obtain the IP address of the VLAN interface on the server.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enable the current user interface to support SSH protocol inbound { all | ssh } Optional By default, Telnet and SSH are supported. Enable command authorization command authorization Optional • By def ault, command author iz ation is no t enabled.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter the de ISP domain view fault e domain domain-nam Apply the specified AAA scheme to the domain hwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none | radius-scheme ra.
• Re fer ence the c r eated HW T ACA CS sch eme in the ISP do main. F or mor e info rmati on, see th e Sec urity Co nfi g urati on Guide . When us ers adopt the sc heme mode to log in to the dev ice , the lev el of the commands that the user s can access depends on the user pr iv ileg e lev el def ined in the AAA sc heme.
Logging in through modems Introduction The admini str ator can use tw o modems to r emotely ma intain a sw itc h through its Cons ole por t o ver the P ublic S witc hed T elephone Networ k (P STN) w hen the IP networ k connection is br ok en.
Step2 Conf iguratio n on the administrator si de The P C and the modem are co rre ctly connect ed, the modem is connect ed to a telephone cable , and th e telephone n umber of the r emote modem connec ted to the con sole port of the r emote s witc h is obtained .
Figure 20 Connection description Figure 21 Enter the phone number Figure 22 Dial the number 54.
Step6 Char acter string C ONNECT9 600 is display ed on the terminal . Then a prom pt appears when y ou pres s Enter . Figure 23 Configuration page Step7 If the authenti cation mode is passw o rd , a pr ompt (for e xample , HP) appears when y ou type the c o n f i g u r e d p a s s w o r d o n t h e r e m o t e t e r m i n a l .
and pass wor d on the r emote authenti cation server . F or more info rmati on about authenticati on modes and parameter s, see the Sec u rity Conf igur ation Guide .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enter one or more AUX user interface views user-interface aux first - number [ last-number ] — Specify the none authentication mode authentication-mode none Required By default, users that log in through the console port are not authenticated.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enter one or more AUX user interface views user-interface aux first - number [ last-number ] — Specify the password authenticati.
Configuration procedure F ollow th ese s teps to confi gure s cheme a uthenti cation for modem login: To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enter AUX user interface vie.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Optional • By def ault, command accounting is disabled . The accounting server does not record the commands e xec uted by users .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Specify the service type for the local user service-type terminal Required By default, no service type is specified. Configure common settings for VTY user interfaces — Optional See “ Configuring common settings for VTY user interfaces (optional) .
Figure 26 Configuration page Configuring common settings for modem login (optional) F ollo w these s teps to conf igur e co mmon settings fo r modem login: To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enable display of copyright information copyright-info enable Optional Enabled by default.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure the data bits databits { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 } Optional By default, the data bits is 8. Data bits is the number of bits representing one character.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Set the idle-timeout timer idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] Optional The default idle-timeout is 10 minutes. The system automatically terminates the user’s connection if no information interaction oc curs between the device and the user within the idle-timeout time.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Release a specified user interface free user-interface { num1 | { aux | vty } num2 } Available in user view Multiple users can log in to the system to simultaneously configure the device.
Web login Web login overview The de vice pr ov ides a built-in web server that enables y ou to log in to the web interface of the de vice fr om a PC . W eb login is disabled b y default .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure the HTTP service port number ip http port port-number Optional 80 by default. If you execute the command multiple times, the last one takes effect. Associate the HTTP service with an ACL ip http acl acl-number Optional By default, the HTTP service is not associated with any ACL.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure PKI and SSL related features — Required By default, PKI and SSL are not configured. • F or more inf ormation about PK I, see the Secu rit y Co nfig urat ion Gu ide . • F or more inf ormation abou t S SL, see the Secu rit y Co nfig urat ion Gu ide .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Associate the HTTPS service with a certificate attribute-based access control policy ip https certificate access-control-policy policy-name Optional By default, the HTTPS se rvice is not associated with any certificate-based attribute ac cess control policy.
Displaying and maintaining web login To do… Use the command… Remarks Display information about web users display web users [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any v.
Figure 28 Web login page # T ype the user name , pass wor d, v erify code, selec t English , and clic k Login . The homepage appears . After login , yo u can conf igur e dev ice settings thr ough the w e b interfa ce.
Configuration procedure 1. Configure the device that acts as the HTTPS server # Conf igur e a PKI entity , conf igur e the common name of the entity as http-server1 , and the FQDN of the entity as ssl.
# Enable the HTTPS s er vi ce. [Device] ip https enable # Cr eate a local user named usera , set the pass wo rd t o 12 3 for the user , and spec if y the T elnet service type f or the local u ser . [Device] local-user usera [Device-luser-usera] password simple 123 [Device-luser-usera] service-type telnet 2.
NMS login NMS login overview An NMS runs the SNMP client softwar e. It offers a user-fr iendly inter face to fac i litate net wor k management . An agent is a progr am that resi des in the de vice . It r ecei ves and handles r equests f r om the NMS .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Add a user to the SNMP group snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ [ cipher ] authentication-mode { md5 | sha } auth-password [ privacy-mode { 3des | aes128.
# Enter s y stem vi ew . <Sysname> system-view # Enable the S NMP agent. [Sysname] snmp-agent # Conf igur e an SNMP gr oup . [Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 managev3group read-view test write-view test # Add a use r to the SNMP gr oup . [Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 managev3user managev3group 2.
Figure 32 iMC homepage Log in t o the i MC and conf igur e S NMP settings f or the iMC to f ind the dev ice. A fter the dev ice is fo und, y ou c an manage and maintain the dev ice thr ough the iMC. F or ex ample , y ou c an query dev ice infor mation or config ure de v ice par ameter s.
User login control User login control methods The de vice pr ov ides the follo wing login contro l methods. Login Through Login control methods ACL used Configuring source IP-based login control over .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter user interface view user-interface [ type ] first-number [ last-number ] — Use the ACL to control user login by source IP address acl [ ipv6 ] acl-number { inbound | outbound } Required inbound : Filters incoming Telnet packets.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Create an Ethernet frame header ACL and enter its view acl number acl-number [ match-order { config | auto } ] Required By default, no advanced ACL exists.
[Sysname] user-interface vty 0 4 [Sysname-ui-vty0-4] acl 2000 inbound Configuring source IP-based login control over NMS users Y ou c a n l o g i n t o t h e NM S to re m o t el y m an a g e t h e d evi c es . SN M P i s us e d fo r c o mm u n ic a t i o n b e t we e n the NMS and the agent that r esides in the dev ice .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Associate the user with the ACL snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } user-name group-name [ acl acl-number ] snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ [ cipher ] au.
Configuring source IP-based login control over web users Yo u c a n l o g i n t o t h e w e b m a n a g e m e n t p a g e o f t h e d e v i c e t h r o u g h H T T P / H T T P S t o r e m o t e l y m a n a g e t h e dev ices. B y using the A CL, y ou can control w eb user access to the de vice .
Source IP-based login control over web users configuration example Network requirements As sho wn in Fig u re 3 5 , configur e the dev ice to allo w only web u sers fr om Host B to access.
FTP configuration FTP overview Introduction to FTP The F ile T ransfer Pr otocol (FTP) is an appli cation la yer pr otoc ol fo r shar ing files betw een server and c lient over a TCP / I P n e t wo rk. FTP use s T CP ports 20 and 2 1 for file tr ansfer .
Table 9 Configuration when the device serves as the FTP server Device Configuration Remarks Enable the FTP server function Disabled by default. You can use the display ftp-server command to view the FTP server configuration on the device.
• If y ou use the ftp client source command and the ftp command to spec ify a sour c e addr ess r especti vel y , the sour ce addres s specif ied with the ft p c o m m a n d i s u s e d t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h a n F T P server .
F ollow th ese steps t o oper ate the dire ctor ies on an FT P serve r: To do… Use the command… Remarks Display detailed informatio n about a directory or file on the remote FTP server dir [ remot.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Set the file transfer mode to binary binary Optional ASCII by default. Set the data transmission mode to passive passive Optional Passive by default.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Terminate the connection to the FTP server without exiting FTP client view disconnect Optional Equal to the close command. Terminate the connection to the FTP server without exiting FTP client view close Optional Equal to the disconnect command.
230 Logged in successfully # Set the f i le transf er mode to binary to transmit s ystem so ft war e image file . [ftp] binary 200 Type set to I. # Do wnload the s y stem softwar e image file ne west .bin f rom the P C to the dev ice. [ftp] get newest.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Use an ACL to control FTP clients’ access to the switch ftp server acl acl- number Optional By default, no ACL is used to control FTP clients’ access to the switch. Configure the idle-timeout timer ftp timeout min utes Optional 30 minutes by default.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure user properties authorization-attribute { acl acl-number | callback-number callback-number | idle-cut minute | level level | user-profile profile-name | u.
# Chec k files on y our dev ice . Remov e those r edundan t to ensur e adequate space fo r the s ystem softwar e image file to be upload ed. <Sysname> dir Directory of flash:/ 0 drw- - Dec 07 2005 10:00:57 filename 1 drw- - Jan 02 2006 14:27:51 logfile 2 -rw- 1216 Jan 02 2006 14:28:59 config.
Displaying and maintaining FTP To do… Use the command… Remarks Display the configuration of the FTP client display ftp client configuration [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] A.
TFTP configuration TFTP overview Introduction to TFTP T he T r i vi al F il e T ra nsf er Pr ot oco l ( TFT P) p r o vi de s f unc ti on s s im ila r to th os e pr ov ide d b y F TP , b ut it is les s comple x than FTP in inte racti ve acces s interface and a uthenticati on.
Table 10 Configuration when the device serves as the TFTP client Device Configuration Remarks Device (TFTP client) • Conf igur e the I P addr ess and r outing func tion, and ensur e that the rou te betw een the dev ice and the TFTP serve r is available .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure the source address of the TFTP client tftp client source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address } Optional A device uses the source address determined by the matched route to communicate with the TFTP server by default.
Configuration procedure 1. Configure the PC (TFTP Ser ver), the configuration procedure is om itted. • On the PC , enable the TFTP serv er • Conf igur e a TFTP w orking dir ectory 2.
100 File management Managing files F iles such as h ost softwar e and confi guration f iles that ar e necessary for the oper ation o f the dev ice ar e sav ed in the storage medi a of the dev ice.
101 Displaying directory information To do… Use the command… Remarks Display directory or file information dir [ / all ] [ file - url ] Required Available in user view Displaying the current worki.
102 NOTE: You can create a file by copying, downloading or using t he save command. Displaying file information To do… Use the command… Remarks Display file or directory information dir [ / all ] .
103 CAUTION: • The f iles in the r ecy cle bin still oc c upy st or age space. T o delete a f ile in the r ecycle b in, e xec ute the re se t recyc l e - bi n command in the dir ectory to w hich t he f ile ori ginally bel ongs .
104 Performing storage medium operations Managing the space of a storage medium When the space of a stor age medium becomes inac cessible due to abnormal oper ations, y ou can use the fixdisk command to r esto re it . The e xec ution o f the format command for mats the storage medium , and all the data on the storage medium is deleted .
105 1 -rw- 1218 Feb 16 2006 11:46:19 config.cfg 2 drw- - Feb 16 2006 15:20:27 test 3 -rw- 184108 Feb 16 2006 15:30:20 aaa.bin 14986 KB total (2521 KB free) # Cr eate a new fo lder my t e s t in the test dir ectory . <Sysname> cd test <Sysname> mkdir mytest %Created dir flash:/test/mytest.
Configuration file management Configuration file overview A confi guration f ile contains a set of commands. Y ou can sav e the cur rent conf igurati on to a confi guration f ile so that the configur ation can tak e effect after a sw itch r eboot.
Coexistence of multiple configuration files The s wit ch can sa v e multiple conf igurati on files on its storage media . Y ou can sa v e the conf igur ations used in differ ent net wor k ing env ironments as differ ent c onfi gu rati on files.
The f ast sa ving mode is suitable f or env ir onments wher e the po wer suppl y is stable. T he safe mode is pr efer red in env ironments w here a stable po wer su pply is un av ailable or remote maintenanc e is in vo lved .
When y ou enter the configuration r e place file command , the sy stem compar es the running conf igurati on and the spec ified r eplacement confi gurati on file .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Set the maximum number of configuration files that can be saved archive configuration max file-number Optional The default number is 5.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Manually save the running configuration archive configuration Required Available in user view NOTE: Specify the path and filename prefix of a save conf iguration file before you manually save the running configuration; otherwise, the operation fails.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Specify a startup configurati on file to be used at the next startup startup saved-configuration cfgfile [ backup | main ] Required Available in user view CAUTION: A configuration file must use .cfg as its extension name and the startu p configuration file must be saved in the storage media’s root directory.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Delete a startup configuratio n file to be used at the next startup from the storage media reset saved-configuration [ backup | main ] Required Available in user view CAUTION: This command permanently deletes startup configuratio n files to be used at the next startup from the switch.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Display the configuration files used at this and the next system startup display startup [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any vie.
Software upgrade configuration Switch software overview S witc h soft war e includes the Boot RO M and the sy stem softwar e images. After po wer ed on, the dev ice runs the Boot RO M image, initi aliz es the hard war e, and displa ys the har d war e infor mation .
Upgrade method Upgrade object Description Upgrading system software through a system reboot System software upgr ade pr ocess, and is not r ecommended. Software upgrade by installing hotfixes System software • Hotfi x is a fast , cost-effecti ve method to r epair softwar e defec ts of a s wit ch .
Upgrading system software through a system reboot F ollow th ese steps t o upgr ade sy stem softwa r e thr ough a sy stem r eboot: To do… Use the command… Remarks Save the system software image to the root directory of the Flash of the switch by using FTP, TFTP, or other approaches.
Common patch and temporary patch • Common pat ches ar e thos e formall y releas ed through the v ersion r elease f lo w . • T empor ar y patches ar e those not for mally re leased thr ough the ve rsio n relea se flo w , but temporar ily pr ov ided to sol ve the e mer gent proble ms.
Figure 43 Patches are not loaded to the memory patch area Patch 1 IDLE Patch 2 IDLE Patch 3 IDLE Patch 4 IDLE Patch 5 IDLE Patch 6 IDLE Patch 7 IDLE Patch 8 IDLE Memory patch area NOTE: The memory patch area supports up to 200 patches.
Figure 45 Patches are activated Patch 1 ACTIVE Patch 2 ACTIVE Patch 3 ACTIVE Patch 4 ACTIVE Patch 5 ACTIVE Patch 6 DEACTIVE Patch 7 DEACTIVE Patch 8 IDLE Memory patch area RUNNING state After y ou conf irm the A CTI VE patc hes ar e running , the patch state becomes R UNNING and they ar e placed in the RUNNING st ate after sy stem r e boot .
o n t h e PA TC H - F L AG . I f t h e r e i s a m a t c h , t h e s y s t e m l o a d s p a t c h e s t o o r i n s t a l l s t h e m o n t h e m e m o r y patch ar ea. The f ollow ing table de scr i bes the de fault patc h name for the s witc h ser ies.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Activate the specified patches patch active patch-number slot slot-number Required • After you activ ate a patch, the patch takes effec t and is in the test-run stage. After the sw itch is res e t o r re b oo t e d, t h e p a t ch becomes in valid .
Displaying and maintaining the software upgrade To do… Use the command… Remarks Display information about system software display boot-loader [ slot slot-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include }.
[FTP-Server] local-user aaa [FTP-Server-luser-aaa] password cipher hello [FTP-Server-luser-aaa] service-type ftp [FTP-Server-luser-aaa] authorization-attribute work-directory flash:/aaa • Use t ext edit or on the FTP se rver t o edit batch f ile auto -update.
Hotfix configuration example Network requirements • As sho wn in Fig u r e 4 8 , the softwar e running on De vice is ha ving pr oblems, and a hotfi x is needed . • The patc h file patch_3 1 1 .bin is sa ved on th e TFTP se r ver . • The IP addr ess of De vi ce is 1 .
Device management Dev ice management inc ludes monitor ing the oper atin g status of dev ices and conf igur ing their r unning parameter s. NOTE: The configuration tasks in this document are order in dependent. You can perform these tasks in any order.
Command Effective system ti me Configuration example System time 1, 2 date-time ± zone-offset clock datetime 2:00 2007/2/2 clock timezone zone-time add 1 03:00:00 zone-time Fri 02/02/2007 2, 1 date-t.
Command Effective system ti me Configuration example System time date-time – summer-offset outside the daylight saving time range: date-time – summer-offset clock summer-time s s one-off 1:00 2007.
Command Effective system ti me Configuration example System time date-time in the daylight saving time range, but date-time – summer-offset outside the summer-time range: date-time – summer-offset.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Enable displaying the copyri ght statement copyright-info enable Optional Enabled by default.
Configuration procedure F ollow th ese step s to conf igur e a banner: To do… Use the command… Remarks Enter system view system-view — Configure the incoming banner header incoming text Optional.
Rebooting the device Y ou can r e boot the dev ice in one of the f ollow ing wa ys to r ecov er fro m an err or condition: • Reboot the de vi c e immediatel y at the CLI. • At the CLI, schedule a r eboot to occur at a spec ifi c time and date or after a delay .
Scheduling jobs Y ou can schedule a j ob to automaticall y run a command or a set of commands w i thout administr ativ e interfer ence. T he commands in a job ar e polled every minu te. W hen the scheduled time for a command is r e ached , the j ob autom atically e xec utes the co mmand .
Scheduling a job in the non-modular approach P er for m one of the follo wing commands in user v iew t o sc hedule a job: To do… Use the command… Remarks Schedule a job to run a command at a speci.
T o v iew Boo t RO M accessibility statu s, use the displa y star tup command. F or more inf ormati on about the displa y startup command, see the F u ndamentals Command R efer enc e .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Configure temperature alarm thresholds temperature-limit slot slot-number inflow sensor-number lowerlimit warninglimit [ alarmlimit ] Optional By default : • The lo wer t emper ature limit is 5°C (4 1 ° F) . • The w arning temper ature thr eshold is 7 0°C ( 1 5 8°F) .
• Displa y its electr onic label . The elec troni c label is a pro file of the tr ansceiv er module and contains the permanent conf igurati on including the ser ial number , manufac t ur ing date, and v endor name . The data is w ritten to the stor age comp onent during debugging or testing .
To do… Use the command… Remarks Display the system time and date display clock [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display or save operating statistics for.
To do… Use the command… Remarks Display the device reboot setting display schedule reboot [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display the configuration of .
Automatic configuration Automatic configuration overview Aut omatic conf igurati on enables a dev ice w ithout an y configur ation file to a utomatically obtain and ex ecut e a configur ation f ile during startup .
How automatic configuration works Aut omatic conf igurati on w orks in the fo llo wing manner : 1. During startup, the device sets the first up interfa c e (if up Layer 2 Ethernet inter faces are available, the VLAN interface of the default VLAN of the Ethernet interfa ces is selected as the first up interface.
Using DHCP to obtain an IP address and other configuration information Address acquisition process As mentioned be for e, a dev ice sets the f irst up interface as the DHCP c lient dur ing star tup .
administrator can T elnet to each de vi ce to perfor m spec ifi c configur ations (fo r exa mple, conf igur e the IP addres s of each interf ace) . • If dev ices u se differ ent confi guration f iles, y ou need to confi gure static addr ess pools to ensur e that each de vice can get a f ix ed IP address and a spec ifi c configur ation file .
Obtaining the configurati on file Figure 51 Obtain the configuration file Is the configura tio n fil e contained in the DHCP response? Obtain the n etwork intermediate fi le Search the domain name cor.
NOTE: After broadcasting a TFTP request, the device selects the TFTP server that responds first to obtain the configuration file. If the requested configuration fi le does not exist on the TFTP server, the request operation fails, and the device removes the temporary configuration and starts up with factory defaults.
Support and other resources Contacting HP F or wor ldw ide techni cal support infor mation , see the HP support w ebsite: http ://www .hp .com/s upport Bef or e contact ing HP , collect the follo w in.
Conventions This sec tion de scr ibes the con ventions u sed in this documentati on set . Command conventions Convention Description Boldface Bold text represents commands and keywords that you enter literally as shown. Italic Italic text represents arguments that you replace with actual values.
Represents a generic network device, such as a router, switch, or firewall. Represents a routing-capable device, such as a router or Layer 3 switch. Represents a generic switch, such as a Layer 2 or Layer 3 switch, or a router that supports Layer 2 forwarding and other Layer 2 features.
Index A B C D E F H L M N O P R S T U V W A Aut omatic conf igur ation o v ervi ew , 14 0 B Backing up the startup conf igur ation file , 1 12 C Changing the s yst em time, 12 6 Checking co mmand-line.
T yping commands , 5 Rebooting the de vice , 13 2 Related inf ormation , 14 6 U Re stor ing a startup c onf igurati on f ile, 1 13 Undo for m of a command, 2 S Upgrading s ystem softwar e through a s .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) JD318B ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.