Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 8212ZL du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Release Notes: V ersion K.13.49 Software for the ProCurve Series 3500y l, 6200yl, 5400zl, an d 8212zl Switches These release notes include in formation o n the follow ing: ■ Downloading swit ch soft.
© Copyright 2006-2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company , LP . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Publication Number 5991-4720 January 2009 Applicable Products Pr.
i Contents Software Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Premium L icense Switch Software Fe atures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Release K.11.12 Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii Release K.12.10 Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Show VLAN ports CLI Comman d Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Release K.12.51 Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Release K.12.52 Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v Enabling Customized Web Authentication Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Dynamic IP Lockdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Release K.11.34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Release K.11.35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Release K.12.09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Release K.12.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii Release K.12.51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Release K.12.52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ix Release K.13.26 through K.13.39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Release K.13.40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Software Management Premium License Switch Software Features Software Management Premium License Swit ch Software Features The ProCurve 3500yl and 5400zl switches ship with the ProC urve Intelligent Edge softwa re feature set.
2 Software Management Download Switch Documentation and Software from the Web Download Switch Documentatio n and Software from the W eb Y ou can download software updates and the co rrespondin g product docu mentation fro m the ProCurve Networking W eb site as desc ribed be low .
3 Software Management Download Switch Documentation and Software from the Web TFTP Download from a Server Syntax: copy tftp flash < ip-address > < remote- os-file > [ < primary | secondary > ] Note that if you do not specify the flash destination , the TFTP download defaults to the primary flash.
4 Software Management Download Switch Documentation and Software from the Web Syntax: copy xmodem flash [< primary | secondary >] 1. T o reduce the download time, you may want to increase the baud ra te in your terminal emulator and in the switch to a value such as 115200 bits per sec ond.
5 Software Management Download Switch Documentation and Software from the Web Using USB to Download Switch Software T o use the USB port on the swit ch to download a sof tware version from a USB flash drive: ■ The software version must be stored on the USB flash drive, and yo u must know the fil e name (such as K_12_ 10.
6 Software Management Saving Configurations While Using the CLI Saving Configurations While Using the CLI The switch operates with two configurat ion files: ■ Running-Config File: Exists in volatile memory and controls switch op eration.
7 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates Best Practices for Major Software Updates Major software updates contain new features and en hancements, and are design ated by an increment to the major releas e version number . That is, K.
8 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates Note: Y ou might opt to use a different m ethodology in which the new sof tware will be instal led as the secondary and not the primary .
9 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates b. Create a backup configuratio n file and verify the change. Switch1# copy config config1 config config2 Switch1# show config files Configuration files: id | act pri sec | name ---+-------------+----------------- ----------------------------- 1 | * * * | config1 2 | | config2 3 | | 3.
10 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates Note This step will enable you to revert from K_ 13_05 to y our previous im age w ith your previous configuratio n just by invoking the command boot system flash secondary . 6. Download the new primary image.
11 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates 8. Reload the new switch image. Switch1# reload System will be rebooted from primary image . Do you want to continue [y/n]? y At the prompt, answer y , for yes, and the switch will boot wi th the new image.
12 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates 1 | * * | config1 2 | * | config2 3 | | 2. Boot the switch using the secondary image (with config2).
13 Software Management Best Practices for Major Software Updates And later , the configuratio n that was created on K.12.57 is viewed while the switc h is running K.13.06: ProCurve5406zl-onK1306# show config K1257config <cr> The command ou tput will show ho w the K.
14 Software Management ProCurve Switch, Routing Swit ch, and Router Software Keys ProCurve Switch, Routing Swit ch, and Router Software Keys Software Letter ProCurve Networking Products C 1600M, 2400M.
15 Software Management OS/Web/Java Compatibility Table OS/W eb/Java Compatibility T able The switch W eb agent supports the following comb inations of OS browsers and Java Virtual Machines: Minimum So.
16 Software Management Minimum Software Versions Switch 5400zl 4p 10-GbE CX4 Module J8708A K.11.33 Switch 6200yl-24G-mGBIC J8992A K.11.33 Switch 3500yl 2p 10GbE X2 + 2p CX4 Module J8694A K.
17 Support Notes Minimum Software Versions Support Notes ROM Update Required! All yl and zl switches running K. 12.45 system software or earlier , wi ll have the BootROM updated by this new version of system sof tware. This software download will b oot the switch twice, first to update the BootROM to version K.
18 Support Notes Minimum Software Versions ProCurve(config)# snmp-server mib hpswitchauthmib excluded For more informati on on the above topi c, refer to "Using SNMP T o View and Configure Switch Authenticati on Features" in th e "RADIUS Auth enticati on and Accounting" chapter of the Access Security Guide for your switch.
19 Support Notes Minimum Software Versions Management and Configuration Gu ide for ProCurve Wireless Edge Services zl Module here: are/WESM-zl- MgmtCf g-Aug2007-599 18626.
20 Clarifications Minimum Software Versions Clarifications The following clarification or updates apply to doc umentation for the ProCurve Series 3500yl, 6200yl, 5400zl, and 8212zl Switch es as of July 2008.
21 Clarifications Minimum Software Versions ■ Maximum UDP Broadcast Forwar ding Entries: The number of UDP broadcast entries and IP he lper addresses combined can be up to 16 per VLAN, with an overall maximum of 2048 on the switc h.
22 Known Issues Minimum Software Versions Known Issues Release K.13.25 The following problems are known issues as of release K.1 3.25. SFTP/SCP (PR_0000008270 ) — An SFTP or SCP client session may not close af ter a config download session ends. The work-aroun d is to close the client manually .
23 Known Issues Minimum Software Versions ■ W eb (PR_1000761014) — The W eb interface truncate s 16 character passwords to 15 characters. W orkaround: config ure 16 character passwords vi a the CLI.
24 Known Issues Release K.13.02 ■ Config T ransfer (PR_1000 781004) — The switch allows a config file transfer to set an invalid speed-duplex setting on a 100FX SFP .
25 Known Issues Release K.13.01.
26 Enhancements Release K.11.12 Enhancements Enhancements Unless otherwise noted, each new release includes th e enhancements added in all previous releases.
27 Enhancements Release K.11.35 Enhancements ■ CLI-configured sFlo w with multiple ins tances: In earlier software releases, the only method for co nfiguring sFlow on the switch w as via SNMP using only a single sFlow i nstance. Beginning with software re lease K.
28 Enhancements Release K.11.41 Enhancements Release K.11.41 Enhancements Release K.11.43 includes the following enha ncement: ■ Added support fo r Unidirectiona l Fiber Break Detection (UDLD). Release K.11.42 Enhancements No enhancements, software fixes only.
29 Enhancements Release K.11.60 through K.11.63 Enhancements Release K.11.60 throug h K.11.63 Enhancements No enhancements, software fixes only. ■ V ersions K.11.50 through K.11.59 were never buil t. ■ V e rsion K.11.60 was never released. Release K.
30 Enhancements Release K.12.01 Enhancements Release K.12.01 Enhancements Release K.12.01 is a major software update cont aining many new feat ures and enhancements to existing features. The follow ing upd ates have been documented in the latest revisions to the manual s (February 2007).
31 Enhancements Release K.12.01 Enhancements Advanced T raffic Manageme nt Guide Qos Queue Config: Allows you to redu ce the number of outbou nd queues that all switch po rts will use to buffer packets for 802.1p user priorities. Number of Default VLANs: In the factory d efault state, support has been increased from 8 VLANs to 256 VLANs.
32 Enhancements Release K.12.02 Enhancements In addition to the updates listed above, K.12 .01 also provides the following enhancements: ■ Enhancement (PR_1000298920 ) — A ping request issued to a.
33 Enhancements Release K.12.04 Enhancements For more information, refer to “QoS TCP/ UDP Pr iority” in the Advanced T raffic Management Guide . Release K.12.04 Enhancements Release K.12.04 includes the following enha ncement: ■ Enhancement MSTP (PR_1000369492) — Update of MSTP implementation to the latest IEEE P802.
34 Enhancements Release K.12.04 Enhancements [admin-edge-port] Enables ad min-edge-port for RSTP/MSTP . If a bridge or switch is detected on the segment, the port automatically operates as non-edge, not enabled.
35 Enhancements Release K.12.04 Enhancements Syntax : spanning-tree < port-list > < he llo-time | path-cost | point-to-point-m ac | priority > [hello-time < global | 1 - 10 > When the switch is the CIST root, th is parameter specifies the interval (in seconds) between periodic BPDU transmissi ons by the designated ports.
36 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements Release K.12.05 includes the following enha ncement: ■ Enhancement (PR_100040896 0) — RAD IUS-Assigned GVRP VLANs enhancement. For more informatio n, see “How RADIUS-Based Authenticat ion Affects VL AN Operation” below .
37 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements Note Y ou can use 802.1X (port-based or client-based) au thentic ation and e ither W eb or MAC authentication at the same time on a port, with a maximum of 32 clien ts allowed on the port. (The default is one client.
38 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements If the dynamic VLAN does not exist or if y ou have not enabled the use of a dynamic VLAN for authenticatio n sessions on th e switch, the auth entication fails.
39 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements Therefor e, on a port wh ere one or more authent icated client sessions are alrea dy running, all such clients are on the same untagged VLAN.
40 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements Figure 2. Active Configuration for VLAN 22 T emporarily Chang es for the 802.1X Session However , as shown in Figure 1 , because VLAN 33 is c onfigured as untagged on port A2 and because a port can be untagged on only one VLAN, port A2 lo ses access to VLAN 33 fo r the duration of th e 802.
41 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements When the 802.1X client session on port A2 en ds, the port removes the temporary unta gged VLAN membership. The static VLAN (VLA N 33) that is “permanently” co nfigured as untagged on the port becomes available ag ain.
42 Enhancements Release K.12.05 Enhancements Enabling the Use of GVRP- Learned Dyna mic VLANs in Authen tication Sessions Syntax: aaa port-access g vrp-vlans Enables the use of dynamic VLANs (learned through GVRP) in the temporary untagged VLAN assigned by a RADIUS server on an authenticated port in an 802.
43 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements Release K.12.06 includes the following enha ncement: ■ Enhancement (PR_10003083 32) — Passwords (hashed) can be saved to the configuration file. Saving Security Credential s in a Configuration File In software release K.
44 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements ■ By storing different security settings in diff erent files, you can test differe nt security configurations when yo u first download a new software version th at supports multi ple configura tion files by ch anging the co nfigurat ion file used when yo u reboot the switch.
45 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements In software release K.12.06 and grea ter , you cannot view the configure d local password settings in plain text.
46 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements ■ The < hash- type > parameter specifies th e type of algorith m (if any) used to ha sh the passwor d. V a lid values are plaintext or sh a-1 . ■ The < password > parameter is the clear ASCI I text string or SHA-1 ha sh of the passwo rd.
47 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements < auth-pass > is the hashed authen tication password used with the config ured authenticati on method. priv “< priv-pass >” is the (optional) hashed privacy password used by a privacy pr otoc ol to encryp t SNMPv3 messages between th e switch and the station.
48 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements After you enter the complete password port-access command syntax, t he password is set. Y ou ar e not prompted to enter the password a second ti me.
49 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements In software release K.12.06 and grea ter , RADIUS sh ared secret (enc ryption) ke ys can be save d in a configuratio n file wi th the fo llowing sy ntax: r.
50 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements If the keystring contains double-quotes, it can be quoted with single quotes (' keystring '). The foll owing restrictions for a keystring apply: ■ A keystring cannot contain both single and double qu otes.
51 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements Figure 6. Example of Hashe d Content of an SSH Client Pub lic Key If a switch configuration contains mul tiple SSH clie nt public keys, each public key is saved as a separate entry in the configuratio n file.
52 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements Enabling the Storage a nd Display of Security Credentials T o enable the security setting s described in “Security Settings that Can Be Saved” on page 44 to be included and viewed in the running conf iguration on the swi tch, enter the include-credential s command.
53 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements Operating Notes Caution ■ When you first enter the include-creden tials command to save the additional security credentials to the running configurati on, these settings ar e moved from internal storage on the switch to the r unning-config file.
54 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements ■ After you permanently save securi ty config urations to the current startup- config fi le using the write mem ory command, you can v iew and manage security settings with the follow ing commands: • show config : Displays the configuration settings i n the current startup-config fi le.
55 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements ■ If you upgrade ProCurve software on a sw itch from an earlier soft ware release t o software release K.
56 Enhancements Release K.12.06 Enhancements Restrictions The following restricti ons apply when you enable se curity credentials to be stored in t he running configuratio n with the i nclude-credentials command: ■ The private keys of an SS H host cannot be stor ed in the running conf iguration.
57 Enhancements Release K.12.07 Enhancements Note that the password port-acce ss values are configured separately from local operator user - name and passwords that are configu red with the password operator command and used for management access to the switch.
58 Enhancements Release K.12.09 Enhancements Release K.12.09 Enhancements No enhancements, software fixes only. Release K.12.10 Enhancements Release K.
59 Enhancements Release K.12.10 Enhancements The following examples illus trate the displa yed output depending on whether the detail option is used. Figure 7.
60 Enhancements Release K.12.11 Enhancements Release K.12.11 Enhancements No enhancements, soft ware never released. Release K.12.12 Enhancements No enhancements, software fixes only. Release K.12.13 Enhancements No enhancements, soft ware never released.
61 Enhancements Release K.12.15 Enhancements T o enable SNMP informs, enter this co mmand: T o configure SNMP informs request op tions, use the following commands. T o specify the manager that receives the informs request, use the snmp-server host command.
62 Enhancements Release K.12.16 Enhancements Y ou can see if informs are enabled or disabled with the sh ow snmp-server command as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Example Showin g SNMP Informs Option Enabled Release K.12.16 Enhancements No enhancements, software fixes only.
63 Enhancements Release K.12.19 Enhancements ■ Enhancement (PR_100042821 3) — This so ftware enhanceme nt adds the ability to configure a secondary authenti cation method to be used wh en the RADIU S server is unavailable for the primary po rt access method.
64 Enhancements Release K.12.22 Enhancements Release K.12.22 Enhancements Release K.12.22 includes the following enha ncement: ■ Enhancement (PR_100044302 6) — Support for the new revision "C" Mini-GBICs was added to the CLI and the "show tec h" command.
65 Enhancements Release K.12.33 through K.12.40 Enhancements ■ Enhancement — Merged all of the K.12.24 and earli er software fixes and enhancements with the ProCurve sw itch 8 212zl support. Release K.12.33 throug h K.12.40 Enhancements No enhancements; Never built.
66 Enhancements Release K.12.45 Enhancements Release K.12.45 Enhancements No enhancements; Never released. Release K.12.46 Enhancements No enhancements; Never released.
67 Enhancements Release K.12.52 Enhancements ■ Enhancement (PR_100045705 98) — An improved version of the MSTP-VLAN mapping enhancement reference d in PR_1000457691 wa s adde d.
68 Enhancements Release K.12.57 Enhancements ■ Enhancement (PR_100046417 0) — This feature pro vides support for ad ding the LLDP VLAN Name TL V to LLDP advertisements gen erated by ProCurve switches. For more informati on, see the ProCurve Man agement and Configuration Guide.
69 Enhancements Release K.13.01 Enhancements Release K.13.01 Enhancements Release K.13.01 is a major software update cont aining many new feat ures and enhancements to existing features, including IPv6 host and appl ication layer features (see “IPv6 Configuration Guide for 2900/3500/5400/620 0/8200” on page 71 for details).
70 Enhancements Release K.13.01 Enhancements STP Diagnostics: Adds more diagnostic f unctions to resolve STP issues. Se e the section on “T roubleshooting an MSTP co nfiguration” in the chapter on Mult iple Instance Spanning-T ree Operation.
71 Enhancements Release K.13.02 Enhancements Release K.13.02 Enhancements Release K.13.02 includes the following enha ncement s. ■ Enhancement : Beginning with K.
72 Enhancements Release K.13.02 Enhancements When OSPF is Also En abled on the VRR P Routers When OSPF is enabled on the routers and a Fail-b ack event occurs, the Ow ner ro uter immedi ately takes control of the virtual IP address and provid es the default gateway functi onality .
73 Enhancements Release K.13.02 Enhancements where VID = 16 VRID = 23 PDT = 12 seconds VRRP Preempt Mode with LACP and Older ProCurve Devices There can be an issue with VRRP Preempt Mode if an older P.
74 Enhancements Release K.13.02 Enhancements There are trade-offs between selecting a small ad vertisement value and a large preempt delay time . A small advertisement value results in a faster fa ilover to the Backup router . A larger PDT value allows OSPF to converge before the Owner router takes back control of it s virtual IP address.
75 Enhancements Release K.13.03 Enhancements Error Messages Release K.13.03 Enhancements Release K.13.03 includes the following enha ncement s. ■ Enhancement (PR_100040099 1) — The 802.1X Controlled Directions feature no w functions independ ently of the STP confi guration, allow ing you to run STP and 802.
76 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Release K.13.04 includes the following enha ncement s. ■ Enhancement (PR_ 0000 000081) — The CL I clear module command allow s you to remove module configurat ion information from the configuration file.
77 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements ■ Enhancement (PR_ 000000008 2) — The CLI track interface command allows you to configure tracki ng for a port or list of ports, or a trunk or list of trunks.
78 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Note A Backup VR switches to prio rity zero instead of it s configured value when al l its tracked entities go down. An Owner VR always uses priority 2 55 and neve r relinquishes control voluntarily . CLI Commands The following commands are used for thi s enhancement.
79 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Configuring T rack VLAN The track vlan command allows you to specify a VLAN or range of VLANs to be tracked by the VR. Notes VR operation must be down bef ore executing this command. Use the no enable command to disable VR operation.
80 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements For example: ProCurve(vlan-25-vrid-1)# no track Failover Opera tion Failover operation involves h anding off of the VRs co ntrol of th e virtual IP to another VR. Once a failover command is issued , the VR begins sending advertisements with priority zero instead o f the configured priority .
81 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Displaying the VRRP Configuratio n Y ou can display the VRRP tracked entiti es by entering the command show n in Figure 11 . Figure 11. Example of show vrrp trac ked entities Command Y ou can displ ay the VRRP confi guration by ente ring the com mand shown in Figure 12 .
82 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements • The VRs operating VLAN can’ t be config ured as a tracking VLAN for that VR. • Ports that are part of a trunk can’ t be tracked. • A port that is t racked can’t be included in a trunk. • T runks that are tracked can’ t be removed; you are not able to remove the last port from the trunk.
83 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements ■ Enhancement (PR_ 00000000 84) — DHCP Option 66 provides a way to automatically download and in itially boot from a configuration that is diff erent from the fa ctory-shipped configuration.
84 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Possible Scenarios for Updati ng the Configuration File The following tab le shows various network configurations and how Option 66 is handl ed.
85 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements • DHCP is preferred over BootP • If two BootP offers are received, the first one is selected • For two DHCP offers: – The offer from an authoritati.
86 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements If the IP address has no t already been confi gured on the inte rface (VLAN), you wil l see the message shown in Figure 14 .
87 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Operating Notes • If the config ured BOOTP gateway add ress becomes invalid, DHCP relay agent ret urns to the default behavior (assigning the lowest-numbered IP address).
88 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Figure 1. Example of Inb ound Broadcast Rate-lim iting of 50% on Port 3 If you rate-lim it multicast traf fic on the same po rt, the multicast lim it is also in effect for that port, as shown in Figure 2 . Only 20 percent of the multic ast traffic will be forwarded .
89 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Figure 3. Example of Disab ling Inbound Mu lticast Rate-limitin g for Port 3 Operating Notes • This rate-limiting featu re does not limit unicast traffic. • This feature does not include out bound multicast rate-limiti ng.
90 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements For example, if the host “Labswitch” is in the domain, you can enter the follow ing command and the destinati on is resolved t o “”. ProCurve(config)# telnet Labswitch Y ou can also enter t he full domain name i n the command : ProCurve(config)# telnet Labswitch.
91 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Figure 17. Example of the show modules Comman d Output Figure 18. An Example of th e show modules deta ils Command for the 8212zl Showi ng SSM and Mini-GBI.
92 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Note On ProCurve 3500yl and 6200yl seri es switches, the mini-GBIC inform ation does not display as the ports are fixed and not part of any module. ■ Enhancement (PR_ 000000010 1) — This enhancement adds a vrrp option to the debug command.
93 Enhancements Release K.13.04 Enhancements Figure 19. Example of the show vrrp Command with Stati stics ■ Enhancement (PR_ 00000 00420) — This enhancement provides the show-tech option for customizing cop y tftp output.
94 Enhancements Release K.13.05 through K.13.15 Enhancements For example: Figure 4. Example of Using the sh ow-tech Command to Uplo ad a Customized List Release K.13.05 throug h K.13.15 Enhancements No enhancements; Bug fixes only . Release K.13.16 Enhancements Release K.
95 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements For example: ProCurve(config)# console inactivity-timer 20 ■ Enhancement (PR_100078024 7) — This enhancement provides hpicf Download MIB support for tr ansferring configuration files both to and from a TFTP server .
96 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Setting the Manageme nt Access Method—CLI Enter the following command to configure th e management access method using the CLI. Figure 5. Example of Co nfiguring IP Authorized Ma nager Access Method SSH Figure 6.
97 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Figure 7. Example of Menu Showing Aut horized Managers with Access Method Figure 8. Example of Edit Menu for IP Managers Setting the Management Access Meth.
98 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Figure 9. Example of Co nfiguring Authorized Manager Access Meth od in the Web Interface See “Using Author ized IP Managers” in the Access Security Guide for your switch for more informati on about aut horized IP ma nagers.
99 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Columns supported are: Syntax: show interfaces cust om [port-list] column-list Select the information that you want to display.
100 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Figure 20. Example of the Custom show interf aces Command Y ou can specify the column wi dth by entering a colon after th e column name, th en indicating the number of characters to display . In Figure 20 the Name column only displays the first four characters of the name.
101 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Note on Using Pattern Matching with the “Show Inte rfaces Custom” Command If you have included a pattern matching command to search for a field in the.
102 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Y ou can also use the no-tag-added parameter with ACL traffic filt ering when mirroring IP traffic. Figure 21.
103 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Figure 23. Example of Se ssion Output Show ing no-tag-added Option Note For more information about traffi c mirroring , see “Monitoring an d An alyzing Switch Operation” in the Management and Configurat ion Guide for your switch .
104 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage.” DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hpicfBridgeMirrorSessionEntry 2 } Operating Notes • The specified port can be a physical port, a tru nk port, or a mesh port.
105 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements • W eb and MAC authentications are not allowed on the same port if unauthenti cated VLAN (that is, a guest VLAN) is enabled for MAC authentication. An unauthenticat ed VLAN can’t be enabled for MAC authenticat ion if W eb and MAC authentication are both enabled on the port.
106 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Figure 24. Example of Disabl ing a Specific Cipher Configuring Key Lengths and DSA/RSA Support This enhancement allows you to specify the type an d length of the generated host key . The command is: Y ou can also generate and use a DS A key as the host key .
107 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Message Authentication Code (MAC) Support This enhancement allows config uration of the set of MACs th at are available for selection. Displaying the SSH Information The show ip ssh command has been enhanced to displa y information about ciph ers, MACs, an d key types and sizes.
108 Enhancements Release K.13.16 Enhancements Figure 25. Example of show ip ssh Command Show ing Ciphers, MACs and Key Inf ormation Logging Messages There are new event log messages when a new k ey is.
109 Enhancements Release K.13.17 Enhancements • debug • debug2 • debug3 Release K.13.17 Enhancements No enhancements; Bug fixes only . Release K.13.18 Enhancements Release K.13.18 includes th e follow ing enhancements: ■ Enhancement (PR_100040676 3) — New commands were added to the CLI response to the show tech command.
110 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements For example, if yo u use the show interface custo m command to specify the outp ut, you can configure an alias for the comma nd to simplify execution. Figure 26. Example of Using the Ali as Command with show in t custom Creates a shortcut alias name to use in place of a commonly used command.
111 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Note Remember to enclose the comma nd being aliased in quotes. Command parameters for the aliase d command can be added at the e nd of the ali as command string.
112 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Note See the section “Command Differ ences for the ProCurve Series 2600/ 2800/3400cl/6400c l Switches” on page 113 for command differences on these switches.
113 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Figure 11. Example of the Logg ing Command with a Priority Description Note A notificat ion is sent to the SNMP age nt if there are any ch anges to the syslog para meters either through the CLI or with SNMP .
114 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements • If the def ault severity va lue is in effec t, al l messages that have severities greate r than the default value are passed to syslog. For e xam ple, if the default severity is “debug”, all messages that have sev erities greate r than debug are passed to syslog.
115 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements • Y ou can use up to three W eb servers in your network to store and display customized W eb pages for W eb Authentication login. • T o configure a W e b server on your network, follow the instruction s in the documentation provided with t he server .
116 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Customizable HTML T emplates The sample HTML files descri bed in the followin g s ections are customizable templates. T o help you create your own set HTML files, a set of the templates can be foun d on the down load page for ‘K’ software.
117 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Figure 13. HTML Code for User Login Page T emplate <!-- ProCurve Web Authentication Templ ate index.html --> <html> <head> <title>User Login</title> </head> <body> <h1>User Login</h1> <p>In order to access this network, you must first log in.
118 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Access Granted Page (accept.html) Figure 14. Access Granted Page The accept.html file is the W eb pa ge used to confirm a valid clie nt login. This W eb p age is display ed after a valid username and pass wo rd are entered and accepted.
119 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Figure 15. HTML Code for Access Granted Pa ge T emplate Authenticating Page (authen.html) Figure 16. Authentica ting Page <!-- ProCurve Web Authentication Templ ate accept.
120 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements The authen.html fil e is the W eb page used to proce ss a clien t login and is refreshe d while user credentials are ch ecked and verified. Figure 17. HTML Code for Authenticati ng Page T emplate Invalid Credential s Page (reject_unauthvlan.
121 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements The reject_unauthvlan.html file is the W eb page used to displa y login failu res in whic h an unau thenti- cated client is assigned to the VLAN configured for unauthorized client sessions.
122 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements T imeout Page (timeout.html) Figure 20. T imeout Page The timeout.html file is the W eb page used to return an e rror message if the RADIUS server is not reachable.
123 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Retry Login Page (retry_logi n.html) Figure 22. Retry Login Page The retry_login.html file is the W eb page displaye d to a clie nt that has entered an invalid username and/or password, an d is given another opp ortunity to log in.
124 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Figure 23. HTML Code fo r Retry Login Page T emplate SSL Redirect Page (sslredirect.html) Figure 24. SSL Redirect Page <!-- ProCurve Web Authentication Templ ate retry_login.
125 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements The sslredirect file is the W eb page displayed when a client is redirected to an SSL server to enter credentials for W eb Authentic ation .
126 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Access De nied Page (reject_novl an.html) Figure 26. Access Denied Page The reject_novlan file is the W eb page displaye d after a clie nt login fails and no VLAN is configured for unauthorized clients.
127 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Figure 27. HTML Code for Access Denied Page T emplate <!-- ProCurve Web Authentication Templ ate reject_novlan.html --> <html> <head> <title>Access Denied</title > <!-- The line below is requir ed to automatically redirect the user back to the login page.
128 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Commands for Using Custom W eb Authentication Pages aaa port-access web-ba sed ewa-server Figure 29. Adding Web Servers with the aaa port-ac cess web-based ews-server Comman d Figure 31.
129 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements show port-access web-based config Figure 33. Example of show po rt-access Web-based config Command Output Enhancement (PR_100046026 5) — This enhancement provides Dynamic I P Lockdown, which is used to preven t IP source address spoo fing on a per -port and per -VLAN basis.
130 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Protection Agai nst IP Source Addres s Spoofing Many network attacks occur when an attacker injects pac kets with fo rged IP source addresses into the network. Also, some ne twork service s use the IP source address as a component in their authentication schemes.
131 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Prerequisite: DHCP Snoo ping Dynamic IP lockdo wn requires th at you enable DHCP snooping as a prerequisite for its operation on ports and VLAN traffic : .
132 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements In this ex ample, the fol lowing DHCP leases have been learned by DHCP snooping on port 5. VLANs 2 and 5 are enabled for DHCP snooping.
133 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Enabling Dynamic IP Lockdown T o enable dynamic IP lockdown on all ports or specified ports, en ter the ip source-lockdown command at the global configuration level. Use th e no form of th e command to di sable dynam ic IP lockdow n.
134 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements • Remove the trusted-port co nfiguration. ■ Y ou can con figure dynamic IP lockdown only f rom the CLI; this feature cannot be configured from the W eb management or menu interface. ■ If you enable dynamic IP lo ckdown on a po rt, you cannot add th e port to a trunk.
135 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Adding a Static Binding T o add the static configur ation of an IP-to-MAC binding for a port to the lease database, enter the ip source-binding command at the globa l configuration level. Use the no form of the command to remove the IP-to-MAC binding from the database.
136 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements An example of the show i p source-lockdown status command output is shown i n Figure 31. Note that the operational status of all swit ch ports is displayed. This info rmation indicates wheth er or not dynamic IP lock down is supporte d on a port.
137 Enhancements Release K.13.19 Enhancements Figure 32. Example of show ip sou rce-lockdown bin dings Command Output In the show ip source-loc kdown bindings command output, the “Not in HW” co lu.
138 Enhancements Release K.13.20 Enhancements Figure 33. Example of debug dyna mic-ip-lockd own Command Output Release K.13.20 Enhancements Release K.13.
139 Enhancements Release K.13.21 Enhancements Release K.13.21 Enhancements No enhancements; Bug fixes only . Release K.13.22 Enhancements No enhancements; Bug fixes only . Release K.13.23 Enhancements No enhancements; Bug fixes only . Release K.13.24 throug h K.
140 Enhancements Release K.13.40 Enhancements disabled (1), active (2), passive (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION “Used to set administrative status of LACP on all the ports. A Port can have one of the three administrative status of LACP.
141 Enhancements Release K.13.40 Enhancements SNMP displays the counter and statistics totals accu mulated since the last rebo ot; it is not affected by the c lear statistics gl obal command or the clear statistics < port-list > command. An SNMP trap is sent whenever the statisti cs are cleare d.
142 Enhancements Release K.13.40 Enhancements Adding a Description for a Syslog Server Y ou can associate a user -frie ndly description with each of the IP addresses (IPv4 only) configu red for syslog using the CLI or SN MP . The CLI comman d is: Figure 34.
143 Enhancements Release K.13.41 Enhancements Figure 35. Example of the Logg ing Command with a Priority Description Note A notificat ion is sent to the SNMP age nt if there are any ch anges to the syslog para meters either through the CLI or with SNMP .
144 Enhancements Release K.13.44 Enhancements Release K.13.44 Enhancements No enhancements; Bug fixes only . (Not a public release) Release K.13.45 Enhancements The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.13.45. ■ Enhancement (PR_000001078 3) — Support was added for the following product s.
145 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.12 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Software fixes are listed in chro nological order , oldest to newest. Unless otherw ise noted, each new re lease i ncludes the software fixes added in all previous releases.
146 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.13 ■ MSTP Enhancement (PR_100031046 3) — Implementation of legacy path cost MIB and CLI option fo r MSTP . ■ RSTP (PR_1000307278) — Replacing an 802.1D bridge de vi ce with an end node (non-STP device) on the same Swi tch port, can resu lt in the RSTP Switch sending TCNs.
147 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.16 ■ CLI (PR_1000315256) — I nconsistent error message, " Resource unavailable ," when configuring more than the maximum nu mber of allowe d static IP routes. ■ Crash (PR_1000322009) — The Switch may crash with a message similar to: Software exception in ISR at queues.
148 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.32 Software exception at ldbal_cost.c:1577 -- in 'eDrvPoll', task ID = 0x1760650-> ASSERT: failed. ■ Crash (PR_1000314305) — The switch may crash with a message similar to: Software exception at ipamMApi.
149 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.32 ■ Crash (PR_1000335430) — The Switch may crash with a message similar to: "Cam range reservation error" crash at aqSlaveRanges.c:172. ■ Event Log (PR_100030 8669) — After a Switch reset, the eve nt log does not display correct information .
150 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.33 ■ Module (PR_10003303 12) — Booting up the Swit ch with an unsupported module installed may cause all existing modules to fail. ■ MSTP Enhancement (PR_10003317 92) — Implementation of Spanning-tree BPDU Filter and SNMP T raps.
151 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.34 "Software exception at alloc_free.c:422 -- in 'eDrvPoll'...-> No msg buffer", when Switch is configured for ACL logging. ■ Module J8705A (PR_1 000336281) — The Switch 5400zl 20P 10/100/1000 + 4 mini GBIC module (J8705A) may stop forwarding packets.
152 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.36 ■ MIB (PR_1000307831) — The MIB value for ipAddrT able is not populat ed. ■ RIP (PR_1000331536) — RIP does not send a route p oison update in response to a fai led route. ■ Show tech (PR_1000 294072) — Show T ech statistics displ ays incorrect port names for fixed ports.
153 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.40 Software Exception at rt_table.c.758 -- in 'eRouteCtrl', task ID = 0x8a d6b30 -> Routing Task: Route Destinations exceeded Release K.11.40 The following problems were resolved in release K.
154 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.44 The following problems were resolved in release K.1 1.43 (not a general release) ■ Crash (PR_1000307842) — When deleting/removin g C.
155 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.47 Release K.11.47 The following problems were resolved in release K.1 1.47 (not a general release) ■ Management VLAN (PR_100029 9387) — The management VLAN does not allow connectivity from valid addresses.
156 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.61 ■ sFlow (PR_10003616 04) — Changed the maximum sF low skipcount to 24 bits. Release K.11.61 V ersions K.11.50 through K.11.59 were never buil t. V e rsion K.11.60 was never released. The following problems were resolved in release K.
157 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.63 Release K.11.63 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.11.63 ■ 802.1p QoS (PR_100 0368188) — 802.
158 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.65 Release K.11.65 The following problems were resolved in releas e K.11.65 (not a general release) ■ Alarms/Log (PR_100 0371908) — The ambient temperature measured by the 5406zl chassis is 4 degrees C too high, causing the ge ne ration o f false h igh temperature alarms.
159 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.67 ■ W e b/RADIUS (PR_1000368520) — W eb Authentication doesn't authenticate clients due to a failure to send RADIUS requ ests to the conf igured server . ■ W ebUI (PR_1000371598) — Unable to Ac cess Stack Members through Commander W ebUI.
160 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.11.69 Release K.11.69 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.11.69 ■ Routing (PR_100039208 6) — The switch learns a bogus MAC address when the next hop address is unknown, causing t he swit ch to stop forw arding traffic .
161 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.02 ■ Enhancement (PR_1000298920 ) — A ping request issued to a VLAN wh ich is down wi ll now return a more specific message; instead of " request timed out ", the message " The destination address is unreach able " will be displa yed.
162 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.03 ■ Crash (PR_1000392863) — Switch ma y crash wh en setmib tcpConnState is used, with a message similar to: NMI event SW:IP=0x0079f4a0.
163 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.04 ■ Enhancement (PR_100039839 3) — For the interface < port-li st > speed-duplex command, added the auto-10-100 configuration option to constrain a link to 10/100 Mbp s speed and allow a more rapid linkup pr ocess when 1000 Mbps operation is not possible.
164 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.05 Release K.12.05 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.12.05. ■ BootROM (PR_1000402707 ) — BootROM does not update to latest version when up dating code to primary flash.
165 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.08 Release K.12.08 Software never re leased. ■ Enhancement (PR_100041376 4) — Increase the size of the sysLocation and sysContact entries from 48 to 255 characte rs. For more information, see “Rele ase K.
166 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.11 ■ SNMP (PR_1000374893) — When retrieving the switch serial number via SNMP , the management mod ule serial numb er is return ed instead of the chassis seri al number .
167 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.15 ■ Hotswap (PR_100042271 4) — Hotswapping a module may result in a false module self-test failure.
168 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.16 ■ Rate-Limiting (PR_10004 20720) — Rate li miting is b roken beyond 9.5 Mbps. Fo r any rate limit set to more than 9.5 Mbps, the actual ra te drops to 1 Mbps. Release K.12.16 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.
169 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.18 Release K.12.18 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.12.18. ■ CLI (PR_1000419379) — The “i nterface” command does not exist in th e VLAN context, resulting in an in ability to sh ift to the i nterf ace configuration context directly from the VLA N context.
170 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.20 ■ 10-GbE Log (PR_100042 4384) — The switch is not check ing for the presence of the J8694A ProCurve yl 10G X2-CX4 module early enough in the boot process, trig gering a log message when the check is executed.
171 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.22 ■ Routing (PR_1000432 449) — If the sw itch is config ured with both po rt security and routing, a physical port transit ion on the host may cause the switch to stop transmitting routed traff ic to that ho st.
172 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.24 ■ MSTP (PR_1000439775) — The switch g e nerates a topology change when a port goes off-line. With MSTP en abled and all ports left at defaul t (auto-edge-port), when a port transitions to offli ne, a TC will be generate d, and the topology ch ange counter inc reases.
173 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.26 through K.12.29 Release K.12.26 through K.12.29 Software never bu ilt. Release K.12.30 Software never re leased. Release K.12.31 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.12.31.
174 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.44 Release K.12.44 Not a general release. ■ Enhancement (PR_100045769 1) — This enhancemen t allows the mapping of all theoretically availa ble VLAN IDs (1-409 4) to an MSTP instance, eve n if some of the VLANs are not currently co nfigured on the switch.
175 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.46 ■ SNMP (PR_1000444744) — An snmp set of hpicfD ot1xPaePortauth or an snmp set hpicfDot1xPaePortSupp of an invalid value ma y cause the switch to crash with a message similar to the follow ing: ASSERT at aaa8021x_dyn_reconfig.
176 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.48 Release K.12.48 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.12.48. ■ Enhancement Removed (PR_1 000470136) — Removal of the e.
177 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.52 ■ Routing (PR_100042430 8) — A static route that points to a deleted VLAN may cause other routing table errors. ■ CLI (PR_1000473468) — Removing a VLAN range from an MSTP instance (e.
178 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.54 Release K.12.54 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.12.54. ■ Connection Rate Filte r (PR_1000440871) — Some types of traffic could result in connection rate filter ing (CRF) that bloc ks the switch management IP address.
179 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.55 Release K.12.55 The following problems were resolved in release K .12.55 (never released). ■ DARPP (PR_1000736402) — The last port on the switch will not be initialized with Dynamic ARP Protection (DARPP) characteri stics if the last two ports are DARPP configured.
180 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.12.57 3) The SSH client application does not get a co mmand prompt (or equival ent) back from the switch until the OS is verified and burned to flash. 4) The show flash command incorrectly shows an OS image present in flash before th e OS has completely copied to flash .
181 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.02 Release K.13.02 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.13.02. ■ Enhancement (PR_100045812 4) — VRRP Preemptive Delay T imer . For more informati on, see “Release K.13.
182 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.03 ■ CLI (PR_1000455370) — Comm ands that display po rtmaps may yield corrupted output. For ex ample, a single po rt may be displayed as a p ort range. ■ RIP (PR_1000751858) — So me static routes may n ot be correctly di stributed by RIPv1 or RIPv2.
183 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.04 ■ Crash (PR_1000763409) — When entering and deleting ACLs, the switch may crash with a message similar to: PPC Data Storage (Bus Error) exception vector 0x300: Stack Frame=0x087a1ba8 HW Addr=0x1f89d420 IP=0x005e62e0 Task=’mSess2’ Task ID=0x87a3cd0.
184 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.04 ■ Enhancement (PR_ 0000 000081) — The CL I clear module command allow s you to remove module configurat ion information from the configurat ion file. For more information, see “Release K.
185 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.04 ■ CLI (PR_0000000476) — V arious CLI parameters are rejected by the switch as invali d when the administrator is trying to configure ports of transcei vers/modules that have not yet been inserted into the swit c h.
186 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.05 Release K.13.05 The following problems were resolved in release K.13.0 5 (not a public release). ■ Link/Config (PR_10 00771549) — On a ProCurve 3500yl Se ries Switch , a link will not come up after configuring the p ort mode from MDI to AUTOMDIX ( on one side of the link).
187 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.06 ■ UDLD (PR_0000001433) — Af ter the switch is reb ooted, UDLD may conti nue to keep switch ports in a blocked state. ■ VLAN Mirroring/Config (PR_0000001240) — The VLAN Mirroring configuration is changed from its original value after updating from K.
188 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.08 W 03/11/06 03:18:53 00374 chassis: Ports 25-48 Slave ROM Tombstone: 0x13000601 W 03/11/06 03:18:53 00374 chassis: Ports 25-48: Lost Comm.
189 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.09 Release K.13.09 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.13.09. ■ Crash (PR_0000001689a ) — A switch running so ftware version K.1 3.04 or higher may crash during conf iguration of broadcast rate limitin g.
190 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.11 ■ RADIUS/Jumbo (PR_ 100077904 8) — When an 802.1X-enabled port belo ngs to a VLAN that is jumbo enabled, the Access-Request will specify a va lue of Framed-MTU of 9182 bytes.
191 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.12 ■ 802.1X (PR_0000002 036) — 802.1X with Funk Steel Be lted RADIUS server causes the switch to fail to assign th e VLAN that it was sent with the "T unnel-Private-Group-Id" parameter .
192 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.13 2.entityMIB.entityMIBObjects.entityPhysical.entPhysicalTable.entPhys calEntry.entPhysicalSerialNum 2.entityMIB.entityMIBObjects.
193 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.15 Release K.13.15 The following problems were resolved in release K .13.15 (never released). No enhancements; No bug fixes. Release K.13.16 The following problems were resolved in release K.
194 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.17 A new configurat ion option pro vides the ability to configure whi ch MACs a client is pe rmitted to use; Feedback info rmation; and , SSH CLI show command informa tion enhancements. For more information, see “Release K.
195 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.18 ■ SNMP (PR_1000761379) — When an SNMP ge t is used to gather statistics , the interfac e B1 on a J8702A module only updates it s SNMP counters on every othe r query .
196 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.19 ■ W ake-On-LAN (PR_0000004794) — W ake-On-LAN does not always work successfully . ■ IP Phone (PR_0000004803) — A tandem IP phon e may stop talki ng to the switch after a connected PC login failure and reboot.
197 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.21 ■ X2 T ransceive rs (PR_0000004758) — Some ProCurve SR and ER X2-10GbE (J8436A, J8437A) transceivers have a timing issue that prevents the transceiv ers from being correctly identified either when hot sw apped or during a col d boot.
198 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.22 ■ Config (PR_1000781031) — When the valid port se tting ‘a uto-1000’ is c onfigured for any 10/100/1000 interface in an external.
199 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.24 ■ Authentication (PR_0000007 209) — A PC behind a t andem IP phone is n ot able to authenticate. Release K.13.24 The following problems were resolved in release K.1 3.24 (not a public release).
200 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.26 through K.13.39 ■ GVRP/RADIUS (PR_0000006 051) — RADIUS-assigned VLANs are not propagated correctly i n GVRP . Please see “Note: This fix is associated with some new switch behavior: ” for a description of the behavior change with this fix.
201 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.41 Release K.13.41 The following problems were resolved in release K .13.41 (N ot a public rele ase). ■ AAA (PR_0000008409) — Th e CLI commands aaa authenticati on and aaa acc ounting return a resource unavailable error .
202 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.43 ■ CLI (PR_0000004042) — The CLI command snmp-server response-sourc e dst-ip-of-request does not work as expected when the destinat ion IP address of the SNMP Request is the Loopback IP .
203 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.45 ■ CLI (PR_1000803731) — If the "|" charact er exists in the banner text of a configuration file downloaded via TFTP transfer , the banner text may become cor rupted, or the TFTP transfer may fail with a corrupted download file error message.
204 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.46 J9143B – ProCurve 1000-BX-U SFP-LC Mini-GBIC For more information, see “Release K.13.
205 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.46 password operator sha-1 "lsadkjlkjfsd..." Example of what that line mi ght look like after the fix: password operator sha0 "lsadkjlkjfsd...” No switch administrator interven tion is required for the forwar d configuration translation to occur.
206 Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.47 Release K.13.47 The following problems were resolved in relea se K.13.47. (Ne ver released.
207 Software Fixes in Rel ease K.11.12 - K.13.49 Release K.13.49 Release K.13.49 The following prob lems were resolved in relea se K.13.49. ■ Auto-TFTP (PR_0000014646 /0000013552) — Certain software file names may trigger auto-tftp to re load the same soft ware file repea tedly .
© 2006 - 2008 Hewl ett-Packard Development Company , LP . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. January 2009 Manual Part Number 5991-4720.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8212ZL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.