Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 8000F du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Hardware Reference Guide HP Compa q 8000f El ite Ultra-Sli m Desktop Business PC.
© Copyright 200 9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject t o change without notice. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered tradem arks of Microsoft Co rporation in the United States and/or other countries.
About This B ook This guide provides bas ic inform ation for upgrad ing this computer m odel. WARNING! Text set off in this man ner indica tes that fa ilure to follow d irections co uld result in bod ily harm or lo ss of life.
iv About This Book ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product Features Standard Co nfiguration Feat ures .......... ........... ....... ...... .......... ....... ....... .......... ...... ....... ........... ... ...... .... 1 Front Pane l Compon ents ...... ..... .......... ...... ...
Appendix C S ecurity Lock Provisions Installing a Security Lock .. .............. ................. ............. .................. ............ ............ ......................... ... 32 HP/Kensingto n MicroSaver Security Cable Lock ............ .
1 Product Features Standard Confi guration Fe atures The HP Compaq Ultra-Sl im Desk top comp uter com es with f eatures that may vary de pendin g on the model. For a c omple te listin g of th e hardwar e and so ftware installe d in the c omputer, r un the diag nostic util ity (incl uded on some compu ter mode ls only ).
Front Panel Compo nents Drive co nfigurati on may va ry by model . Figure 1-2 Front Pa nel Compo nents Table 1-1 Fr ont Panel Compo nents 1 Optical Drive 5 Microphone/He adphone Connector 2 System Pow.
Rear Pa nel Compone nts Figure 1-3 Rear P anel C omponents Table 1-2 Rear Pa nel Compon ents 1 Line-Out Connect or for powered audio devices (green) 6 Power Cord Connector 2 PS/2 Keyboard Connector (p.
Keyboard Figure 1-4 Keyboard Compo nents Table 1-3 Key board Compone nts 1 Function K eys Perform special functions de pending on the software application being used. 2 Editi ng Keys Include the following: Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, and Page Down.
Windows Logo Key + d Displays the Deskt op Windows Logo Key + m Minimizes all open applications Shift + Windows Logo Key + m Undoes Minim ize All Windows Logo Key + e Launches My Computer Windows Logo.
Serial Numb er Lo cation Each com puter has a uni que seria l number and a pro duct ID that are loca ted on the top of the computer when it is i n the tower configu ratio n. Keep th ese numb ers ava ilable fo r use w hen c ontact ing cus tomer servic e for assi stanc e.
2 Hardware Upgrades Servicea bility Fe atures The com puter incl udes featur es that make it ea sy to upgrad e and servi ce. No tools ar e needed for mos t of the inst allation pr ocedure s desc ribed in this chapter.
Connecti ng the Power Cord When conn ecting th e power sup ply, it is important to follow th e steps bel ow to ens ure the powe r cord does no t pull fr ee from the comp uter. 1. Connect the round end of the po wer cord to the pow er supply c onnect or on the r ear of the c omputer (1).
Remov ing the Comp uter Ac cess Pa nel To ac cess i nternal c omponents , you must remove the ac cess p anel: 1. Remove/di sengage any security devices tha t prohib it opening the compute r. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the compute r.
Replacin g the Compu ter Acce ss Panel 1. Align the tabs on th e pane l with the slot s on t he chass is then slide th e pane l towards the fron t of the chassi s until it stops (1 ).
Removing a nd Repl acing th e Front Be zel 1. Remove/di sengage any security devices tha t prohib it opening the compute r. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the compute r. 3. Turn of f the com puter properly through th e operati ng syst em, the n turn off any exte rnal de vices.
To rep lac e th e fro nt be zel : 1. Insert the three hook s on the bott om sid e of the b ezel into th e recta ngular hol es on the chass is (1) then rotate the top side of the bezel onto the ch assis (2 ) and snap it int o place. Figu re 2- 5 Rep lacing th e Front Beze l 2.
Removing a Be zel Blank On som e models, t here is a bezel blan k cove ring the exte rnal dr ive bay tha t needs to be removed be fore instal ling a drive.
Changing from Desktop t o Towe r Config uration 1. Remove /disengag e any securi ty devi ces tha t prohibit ope ning the c omputer. 2. Remove al l re movable media, s uch as c ompact d iscs o r USB fl ash drive s, from the com puter. 3. Turn off the comp uter properly t hrough the o perating system, then tu rn off a ny e xternal devices .
Inst alling Addi tional Memo ry The com puter comes with dou ble da ta rate 3 synchrono us dynam ic ran dom acces s memor y (DDR3- SDRAM) small outline dual i nline me mory m odules (SO DIMMs). SODIMMs The me mory sock ets on the s ystem board c an be p opulated wi th up to two indu stry-s tandard SODIM Ms.
Populating SODIMM Sockets There ar e two SODIMM sockets on the sys tem bo ard, with one soc ket per chann el. The sockets are labeled XMM1 and XMM 3. The XMM1 sock et operates in me mory chann el A.
Installin g SOD IMMs CAUTION: You m ust disc onnect th e power c ord and wa it approx imately 30 second s for the po wer to drain before ad ding o r remov ing m emory m odules. Re gardl ess of the p ower- on state, v oltage is alway s suppli ed to the memor y modul es as long as th e compute r is plugg ed int o an a ctive AC outlet.
8. If you are adding a seco nd SODIMM, rem ove the SODIM M from the top XMM1 so cket to acces s the bot tom XMM3 socket. P ress outwar d on the tw o latches on ea ch side of the SO DIMM (1) the n pull the S ODIMM out o f the socke t (2). Figu re 2- 9 Removi ng a SO DIM M 9.
13. Reconnect th e power cor d and tur n on the compu ter. 14. Lock any s ecurity d evices that we re dise ngaged when the c ompute r cove r or a ccess pan el wa s remo ved. The com puter automat ically re cognizes the additional memory when y ou turn on the com puter.
Preparing the New Optical Drive Before the ne w optical drive can be u sed, the r elease latch must be attach ed. 1. Peel the backi ng off the adhesiv e on the release la tch. 2. Without al lowing the relea se latch to touch the optical driv e, carefu lly align the hole s on the rel ease latch with the pi ns on the side of the op tical driv e.
3. Slide th e optic al drive throug h the fro nt bez el all th e way in to the bay so t hat it locks in place (1), then conne ct the cable to the rear o f the d rive (2) . Figure 2-13 Insta lling the Optical Dri ve 4. Replace the ac cess pane l. 5. If the com puter was on a st and, repl ace the s tand.
Replacing the Hard Drive NOT E: The Ultra -Slim Deskt op suppo rts only 2.5 -inch Ser ial ATA (SATA) inte rnal ha rd drive s; paralle l ATA (P ATA) intern al hard drives ar e not suppo rted. Before you remo ve the old h ard drive, be su re to ba ck up th e data from the old ha rd driv e so that you can trans fer the data to the new hard driv e.
9. Lift th e hard dr ive ca rrie r strai ght up and ou t of t he chas sis. Figure 2-15 Removing the Hard Drive Carrier 10. Remove the f our gu ide screw s fro m the sides of the ha rd driv e carr ier. Figure 2-16 Removin g the Guide Screws 11. Lift the ha rd driv e up to the top of the carrie r (1) and sl ide the d rive ou t of the carri er (2).
12. Position the hard drive so that the top of the hard drive is up again st the top of the carrie r (1) so that the ci rcuit board on the bott om of the hard drive does not com e in con tact wit th e tabs on the bottom of the carr ier, then slide the new hard dr ive into the carrier (2).
14. To place t he hard drive c arrier ba ck in th e chass is, alig n the guide sc rews wi th the slots on the drive ba y, drop t he carri er straight d own into the drive bay (1), and pre ss the hand le on the car rier all the w ay dow n (2) so that the drive is prop erly seate d and locked in place.
Inst alli ng and R emovin g a Por t Cover An opti onal rea r port c over is availabl e for th e co mputer. To in stall t he por t cover: 1. Thread th e cables through th e bottom ho le on the port cover (1 ) and c onnect the ca bles to the rear ports on the compute r.
A Specifications Table A-1 Speci fications Desktop Dimensions ( in the deskt op position) Height Width Depth (depth will increase if t he computer is equipped with a port security bracket) 2.60 in 9.90 in 10.00 in 6.6 cm 25.1 cm 25.4 cm Approxi mate Weight 6.
Rated Input Current (maximum) 1 2.4A @ 100VAC 1.2A @ 200VAC 1 This system utilizes an act ive power fact or corrected exte rnal power supply. This allows the system to pass the CE m ark requirements for use in the co untries of the Eu ropean Union.
B Battery Replacement The ba ttery tha t comes with t he comput er prov ides pow er to the real- time clock. When r eplacin g the battery , use a batter y equival ent to the b attery or iginally installed in the com puter. The computer come s with a 3-volt lithium coin cell battery.
NOTE: On some computer mo dels, it may be necessa ry to remo ve an internal compon ent to gain access to the battery. 8. Depending on the ty pe of battery hold er on the system board, complete the followin g instruc tions to replace the batter y. Type 1 a.
b. Insert the new bat tery and posi tion the c lip bac k into p lace. Figure B-3 Removing a Coin Cell Battery (Type 3) NOTE: After t he battery has be en rep laced, us e the fol lowing steps t o compl ete this procedu re. 9. Replace the ac cess pane l.
C Security Lock Provisions NOT E: For information on data security feature s, refer to th e Desktop Man agemen t Guide and the HP Pr otectTools Secur ity Man ager Guide (some models) at http://ww . The s ecurity locks display ed below and on the fo llowing p ages c an be us ed to secure the comput er.
Figure C-2 Instal ling a C able w ith a Por t Cov er Installe d Padlock Figure C-3 Insta lling a Padlo ck ENWW Installing a S ecurity Loc k 3 3.
HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the sec urity cable by looping it aroun d a statio nary objec t. Figu re C-4 Sec uring the Cable to a Fi xed Obj ect 2.
3. Screw the loc k to the chassis using the screw pr ovided. Figure C-6 Attaching the Loc k to the Chassis 4. Insert the plug end of the securi ty ca ble into the loc k (1) an d push the button in (2) to en gage the lock. Use the ke y provided to disengag e the lock.
4. Disconne ct the pow er cor d from th e power o utlet and disconn ect any externa l devic es. CAUTION: Regardl ess of the p ower-on s tate, vo ltage is al ways presen t on the system board as long as t he sy stem is plugged into an active AC outlet .
9. Install the s ecurity screw throug h the mi ddle fron t bez el relea se ta b and int o the chass is to s ecure the front bezel in plac e. Figure C-9 Ins talling th e Front Beze l Sec urity Screw 10. Replace the acce ss panel. 11. If the compute r was on a stand , replac e the stan d.
D Electrostatic Discharge A disc harge o f stati c ele ctricity from a finge r or oth er cond uctor ma y dam age sys tem b oards or other static- sensitive device s.
E Computer Operating Guidelines, Routine Ca re and Shipping Preparation Computer Operat ing Guideli nes and Routi ne Care Follo w these g uidelines to prop erly s et up and care for the comput er and monito r: ● Keep the comp uter away from exc essive m oisture, direct s unlight, a nd ex tremes of heat a nd cold.
Optical Drive Pr ecautions Be sur e to obs erve the follo wing guid elines while operat ing o r clean ing t he opt ical driv e. Operation ● Do not mov e the drive d uring op eration.
Index A access panel locking and un locking 32 remo ving 9 repl acing 10 applica tion k ey 4 audio connecto rs 2 B battery rep lacement 29 beze l, removi ng 11 C cable lo ck 32 compone nts front panel.
power sup ply operating voltage ran ge 27 product ID lo cation 6 R rear p anel co mponent s 3 release latch attaching op tical dri ve 20 removin g access p anel 9 battery 29 bezel blan ks 13 front bez.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 8000F ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.