Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 7900 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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basic s guide hp photosmar t 7 9 00 s er ie s.
hp p hotosmar t 7 7 00 ser ies © Cop yr ight 2003 He wlett-P ac kar d Compan y All ri ghts a re r eserved. No part of thi s docu m ent may be photocopied , r e pr oduced, or translated to another language without the p rior w ritt en consen t of He wlett-P ac kar d Com pany .
basics guide i contents 1 get star ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 w elcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 f ind infor mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series ii pr int a pr oof sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 scan a proof sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 sele ct a phot o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 basics guide 1 get star ted welc om e Thank y ou for purchasing an HP Photosmart 7 900 Ser ies printer! With y ou r new photo printe r , yo u can print beauti ful ph oto s, sav e photos to y our computer , and cr eate fun and easy projec ts.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 2 find information Y our new pr inter come s with the f ollo wing doc umentation to help y ou get star ted and take f ull advantage of yo ur printer’s capab .
basics guide get started 3 what’s in the box? Y our printer box contains the follo wing items: 1 The HP Photo smar t 7 9 00 Series pr inter 2 The HP #5 6 black print cartridge , HP #5 7 tri-color pr.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 4 printer p ar ts front back Photo tray Lift the paper catch to loa d photo p aper in th e photo tra y Photo tray slider Mov e this slider to engage or disenga.
basics guide get started 5 cont rol pan el Tip: Pr ess and hold a button to change its v a lue r apidly . Fo r e xample, pr ess and hold the S ELECT P HOTOS button to mo ve ra pidly thr ough the photos on a memory card.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 6 indicator lights input bay Use this bay to insert a memor y ca r d or to connect your HP direct-printing digital ca mera or your notebook computer to the d irect-printing port.
basics guide get started 7 LC D m e n u s t r u c t u r e Use this sec tion to re vie w options that are av ailable from the main menu on y our pr inter’s L CD s creen . T o acce ss the menu opti ons, pr ess the M ENU button on th e printer’s control panel.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 8 paper inf ormation Y ou c an print on a w ide var iet y of paper types and si ze s, from inde x cards and photo paper to en velopes and transpar enci es. F or best results , use paper designed spec ifically f or your pr ojects .
basics guide get started 9 load paper in the in tray Y ou can print using many d iffer ent types of paper in the In tray , including plain paper , HP photo paper , a nd HP premium inkjet tr a nspar ency film. F or more infor mation about supported paper types and si ze s, see specifications on page 5 3.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 10 load paper in the photo tra y Use the photo tr ay when y ou want to print on 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) photo paper , L-si ze cards (3 . 5 x 5 inches, 9 0 x 12 7 mm) , or Hagaki ca r ds (3.9 4 x 5 .83 inches, 100 x 14 8 mm ).
basics guide get started 11 5 Adju st the photo tra y paper length guide and paper wi dt h guide to f it close to the edges o f the paper w ithout bending the pa p er . Thes e guides help the paper feed str aight into the printe r . 6 L ow er t he pa per ca tch .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 12 print cartr idge informati on Y our printer prints in color and in black and white . HP pro vides a r ange of print cartridges so that y ou can choose the best pr int car tr idges for y our p r oject . su pport ed pr in t cart rid ges Y our printer supports the follo wing print cartri dges.
basics guide get started 13 install or replace pr int car tridges T o get the bes t performance f rom y our printer , use o nly genuine HP f actory-filled print cartri dg es. T o get max imum us e from your pr int cartridge s, turn off the pr inter w hen it is not in use .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 14 5 If y ou ar e replac in g a print cartri dg e , slide the old print cartridge ou t a nd store, r e cy cl e , or d iscard it. Note: F or in fo rmation about r e cy cling p rint cartridges , g o to www .h p. com / rec yc le .
basics guide get started 15 8 Insert the pr int cartridge: a . Hold the pr int car tr idge so the copper contacts go into the pr inter fir st. Lin e up the ridges on the le f t and ri ght sides of the top of the pr int cartridge w ith the groo ves on th e insi d e of the pr int cartridge cr adle.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 1 16 print cartr idge storage The pr int cartridge pr otector is designed t o k eep your pri nt car tri dge’s ink fr om drying out when it is not being used. W h ene ver you r emove a print cartridge that still has in k in it , stor e it in the print cartr idge protec tor that came w ith your printe r .
2 basics guide 17 se t the def aults on y our prin ter Y our printe r comes with def ault settings f or feature s such as nu m ber of copies to print , photo si ze , lang uage setting for the L CD scr een, and other settings. Y ou can ch ange these settings t o y our pref ere nces using the pr inter’s c ontrol pane l.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 2 18 set the number of copies When y ou select photos f or printing , the number of copies is s et to one by default . Y ou can change the default number of copies b y changing the # of copie s set ting . Y ou can set the pr inter to prin t up to 9 9 copies of eac h photo.
basics guide set the def aults on your pr i nter 19 Note: Combo pr ints fi ve phot os on one sheet—two ph otos at 4 x 6 inch ( 10 x 15 cm) and th r ee photos at 2 .5 x 3 .25 inc h ( 6 x 8 cm) . The de fault siz e applies w henever y ou select photos and pr int them by pre ssing the OK but ton .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 2 20 If y ou print on 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) photo paper that d oes not hav e a tab, the photo w i ll be bor derless on all sides . O n 4 x 6 inch photo paper w ith 0.5 inch t ab (10 x 15 cm with 1.25 cm tab), the photo prints w ithout bor ders on three si des and with a small bor d er on the bottom edge .
basics guide set the def aults on your pr i nter 21 unmar k camer a -selected photos After pr i nting camera-selected photos fro m your printer , a message appears on the L CD sc reen asking if y ou want to unmark the phot os.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 2 22 Note: The language and country/r egion settings w ill not change if y ou re vert to the fa ctor y defa ult settings. Y ou can change the language an d country/reg ion settings only b y follo wing the s teps in this secti on.
3 basics guide 23 pr int fr om a memory car d It’s eas y to print high-q u ality photos for y ourself , famil y , and fr iends. If y our dig ital camer a uses a me mory card to st ore pho tos , you can ins ert the memory card in to th e printe r to prin t your p hotos.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 3 24 F or more inf ormation about s upp orted image and v ideo file f ormats, see pr inter specifications on page 54. F or more in fo rmat ion about savi n g files to your computer , see the HP Photosmar t Pr inter He lp.
basics guide print fr om a mem ory ca rd 25 Note: If yo u have camer a -selec ted ph oto s stored on the memory card , a message appears on the L CD scr een asking if y ou want to pr int the camera- selec ted photos. F or mo re inf ormation , see print c amera- selec ted photos on page 34 and unmark c amera-selec ted photos on page 21.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 3 26 Sec ure Digital Bottom left slot • L abel faces up and angl ed corner is on the r ight • Meta l contac ts face do wn Sm artMedi a Up per po rtion of the.
basics guide print fr om a mem ory ca rd 27 re move a m em o r y ca rd Use the pr ocedur es in this sectio n to safel y rem ove the me mor y car d from the pr inter’ s memory car d slot . Caution! Do not pull out the memo r y card w hile the memory card light is blinking.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 3 28 decide which photos to pr int or to send v ia e -mail Y ou c an dec ide which photo s to print or send via E -mail by vie w i ng the photos on the printer's L CD sc reen , printing a photo index page , or by printing a proo f sheet .
basics guide print fr om a mem ory ca rd 29 T o view nine photos at a time on the L CD screen: 1 Insert a memor y car d into the pr inter’s memory card slot and wait fo r th e firs t photo stored on the memory card to appear on the L CD sc reen.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 3 30 T o pr int a photo i ndex page: 1 Insert a memor y car d into the pr inter’s memory card slot and wait fo r th e firs t photo stored on the memory card to appear on the L CD sc reen . 2 Load s ever al sheets of plain paper in the printer ’s In tray and pull the photo tr ay slider out .
basics guide print fr om a mem ory ca rd 31 Once the pr oof sheet has pr inted , you can m ark the proo f sheet to indi cate the p h o t o s yo u wa n t to p r in t , t h e s ize o f t h e photos, and the number of photo copi es y ou w ant to print .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 3 32 A mes sage appear s on the L CD sc ree n instruc ting y ou how t o insert the proo f sheet. 7 L oa d the pr oof sheet in the In tr ay wi th the pr inted side fac ing dow n and the top of the page fac ing tow ard the pr inter .
basics guide print fr om a mem ory ca rd 33 print photos fr om a memor y car d Y our printer can pri nt digital photos that are stored on y our memor y car d. Digital photos may be unmark ed or camera-selected. F or a list of supported digital photo fi le t ypes , see specifications on page 5 3.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 3 34 print camer a-selec ted photo s Camer a -selected photos ar e photos you mark ed for printing using y our digital camer a.
4 basics guide 35 print from t he di rect -printing p or t F or quick and eas y printing, y our printer allo ws you to connec t an HP direct- printing digital camera or a no tebook c omputer to the dir ect -printing port located on the fr ont of the pr inter .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 4 36 3 When y ou connect the di gital camera to th e p r inter , a Pri nt Setup menu appears on the camer a’s L CD scr een.
basics guide print fr om the di r e ct-printing port 37 connect y our notebook computer to the dir ec t-pr inting port F or quick and eas y printing, y our pr i nter allo ws y ou to c onnect a notebook computer t o the direct-prin ting port located in the fr ont of the pri nter .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 4 38 If y ou are using OS 9 , the bor derless option appear s as a check bo x. If y ou are using OS X, the bor derless optio ns appear u nder the Pa p e r Size pop-up menu. d. Cl i ck OK . e. Fro m t h e Fi le menu in your softwar e application, select Print .
5 basics guide 39 print fr om your computer When y ou print f rom y our computer , the settings on the printe r that yo u set fr om the contr ol panel do not appl y; the softwar e on your com p uter o ver ride s the printe r’s settings.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 5 40 3 T o access the pr inting pr op erties tab s, yo u may ha ve to cli ck Pro perties or Preference s . F or informati on about the H P Photosmart Seri es printing pr oper ties , see the HP Photosmart Pr inter Help .
basics guide print f rom your c o mputer 41 5 Click the Borderle ss Printing ch eck b o x. 6 Fro m t h e Size is list , select a border less paper si ze . Borde rless paper si ze s are c learly mar ked Bor derles s on the list . Note: Scro l l th ro u gh t h e Size is list to see all av ailable border less paper si ze s.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 5 42 hp photosmart memor y card icon Use the HP Photosm a rt memory card icon to determ ine the status of y our printer , access th e files st ored on y our memory car d, and displa y connectio n messages on y our computer sc reen .
basics guide print f rom your c o mputer 43 print from y our Ma cintosh Befo re yo u begin, make sur e your pr inter is connected to y our c omput er , the pr inter so ftwar e is installed , and ther e is pa per in the pr inter .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 5 44 5 Fro m t h e Fil e menu in your softwar e application, select Pr int . The Pr int dialog box appears. Note: If yo u ar e usin g OS X, the C opies & P ages panel opens. If y ou are usin g OS 9 , the G enera l pan el o pen s.
6 basics guide 45 tr ouble shooting Y our HP Photosmart printer is designed to be r eliable and eas y to use. T his chapter ans wer s frequentl y asked questi ons and contains infor mation about the f.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 6 46 pr inting problems The tr oubleshooting s ection of the HP Photo sm art Pri n ter Help con tains mor e detailed s olutions. F or infor mation about v iew ing the pr inter help , see view the hp photosmart printer help on page 2.
basics guide tr oubles hooting 47 Printing i s very slow . (C ontinu ed fr om pr e vio us page.) Yo u m a y h a v e c h o s e n Maximum dpi ( Window s) or High R esolution (Mac intosh).
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 6 48 P aper does not feed i n to the prin ter correc tly . - OR - P la in paper does not come out of the pr inter corr ectly . Ther e may be too much paper loaded in the In tray . Re m o ve some paper fr om the In tra y and try printing again.
basics guide tr oubles hooting 49 Pr int quality is p oor . Y ou may be prin ting in Ink - back up Printing Mode. T he pri nter e nters In k-backup Pr inting Mode when one o r two of the pr int car tri dges is missi ng. Replace the missing pri nt cartridge w ith a new pr int ca r t ri dg e.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 6 50 error messag es The tr oubleshooting s ection of the HP Photo sm art Pri n ter Help con tains mor e detailed s olutions f or err or messag es. F or infor mation about v ie wing the p r inter help , see vie w the hp photo smart print er help on page 2.
basics guide tr oubles hooting 51 P RIN T CARTRIDGE CR AD LE IS STUCK . C LEAR JAM THEN PR ESS OK . The pr int car tr idge cradle is stuc k. Clear an y obstruc tion in the print cartr idge cradle path , and press the OK button to continue. M EMORY CARD IN BACK WARDS .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 6 52 D ATA WAS NOT REC E IVE D . C HECK COMPUTER CONNECTI O N . P RE S S OK TO CONTINUE . - OR - N O RE SP ONSE FROM COMPUTER .
7 basics guide 53 specifications This c h apter lists r ecommended papers fo r y our printer and pro vide s selected pr inter sp ecif icati ons. Note: F or a complete list of p r inter spec ifica tions and system requirement s, see the HP Pho tosmart Prin ter Help .
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 7 54 printe r specifications HP ev er yda y photo paper • Ev er yda y photos, short- term, or one -time uses • E-mail or inter net photos for bulletin boards or ref rig e rat o rs • Kid’ s ph otos • T e sting and pr oof ing Letter (8.
basics guide specifi c ations 55 Me dia sizes, standard P hoto paper 3 x 3 inches to 8. 5 x 14 inches ( 7 6 x 7 6 mm to 216 x 35 6 mm) Plain pape r Letter , 8.5 x 11 inches (216 x 2 80 mm) Legal, 8. 5 x 14 i nches (216 x 3 5 6 mm) Exec utiv e, 7 . 5 x 10 inches (190 x 2 54 mm) A4, 8.
hp photosmar t 7 900 series cha p te r 7 56 Me dia types P aper (pla in , i nkjet , photo, and banner) Env elopes T ranspar encies Labels Car d s (inde x, greeting , Hagaki , A6, L -si z e) Ir on -on .
basics guide 57 inde x B bor derles s prin ting fr om the c ontro l panel, 1 9 from you r c om put er , 39 pr oblems, 4 6 C camer a -sel ected photo s pri nt, 3 4 unmark, 21 Cancel b utton, 5 cartr id.
index basics guide 58 R re commended paper , 5 3 re move a memory card , 2 7 re place prin t cartr idges , 13 R o tate button , 5 S Save but ton, 5 Select P hotos b utto n, 5 set bor derle ss prin tin.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 ______________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Company Manufactur.
Print e d on rec ycled paper Pri n ted in U .S., 7/0 3 ENERG Y ST AR ® is a U . S. r egist er ed mark . As a n ENERGY S T A R ® par tner , Hewlett-P ack ard Compan y has determined that this pr oduc t meets the ENER G Y S T AR ® guidelines for energy effic iency .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7900 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.