Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 744 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Model 744 Owner’ s Guide This guide contains installation instructions. HP Part No. A4511-90602 Edition E0897 Printed in U.S.A..
He wlett-Packard Co. 1997 Printing History First Printing: September 1996 Latest Printing: August 1997 UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusi v ely through X/Open Company Limited. NO TICE The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Contents iii Preface Audience Preface-2 Safety and Regulatory Statements Preface-2 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions Preface-4 Release Document(s) Preface-4 Related Manuals Preface-5 Re vision.
iv Contents Supported Products 1-8 Accessory Cards 1-8 T ypical External Devices 1-9 Con version and Standard Cables 1-9 Ke yboard and Mouse 1-10 En vironmental Requirements 1-11 Operating System Over.
Contents v GSC Mezzanine Cards 2-11 Installing GSC Mezzanine Cards 2-11 Preliminary Requirements 2-11 GSC Mezzanine Card Installation 2-11 Installing an HCRX Graphics Board 2-12 Preliminary Requiremen.
vi Contents 4 Connecting Cables Introduction 4-3 Connecting a Single Monitor , Multi-Display System, or T ext-Only T erminal 4-4 Configuration Requirements 4-4 Monitors 4-4 Multi-Display Systems 4-5 .
Contents vii 6 Solving Problems Interpreting the LEDs 6-3 Managing a Boot Failure 6-5 Printer Problems 6-6 A The Boot Console Interface Boot Console User Interface Features A-2 Main Menu A-3 Configur.
viii Contents Setting the Auto Boot and Auto Search and Auto Start Flags A-26 Displaying and Setting the Security Mode A-28 Displaying and Setting the Fastboot Mode A-29 Displaying the LAN Station Add.
Contents ix Figures Model 744 Board Computer (Top View) 1-12 Installing RAM Cards 2-7 Installing the GSC Expansion Kit (Exploded View with GSC Card) 2-9 Adding the Front Panel Screws 2-10 Installing a.
x Contents T ables Environmental Requirements 1-11 Determining the VME Card Cage Configuration 3-3 Model 744/132L Memory Card Current Usage Worksheet 3-5 Model 744/165L Memory Card Current Usage Works.
Preface-1 Preface This o wner’ s guide describes how to install and use the HP Model 744 Board Computer ..
Preface-2 Audience This guide is intended for HP 9000 Model 744 Board Computer users. Safety and Regulatory Statements Safety For safety information see the o wner’ s guide that came with the system in which you are installing your Model 744 board computer .
Preface-3 He wlett-Packard’ s system certification tests were conducted with HP-sup- ported peripheral de vices and HP shielded cables, such as those you recei ve with your computer . Changes or modifications not expressly approv ed by He wlett-Packard could v oid the user’ s authority to operate the equipment.
Preface-4 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions Electrostatic charges can damage the inte grated circuits on printed circuit boards. T o prev ent such damage from occurring, observe the follo wing pre- cautions during board unpacking, installation, and configuration: • Stand on a static-free mat.
Preface-5 Related Manuals If you are using HP-UX version 10.20, refer to the follo wing manuals for more information: • Model 748 Owner’s Guide (A4511-90604) • Using Your HP Workstation (A2615-9.
Preface-6 Revision History The re vision history for each edition of the manual is listed belo w: HP Part No. Edition Revision History A4500-90607 E0996 First printing A4511-90602 E0897 Updated to inc.
Preface-7 Documentation Conventions Unless otherwise noted in the text, this guide uses the follo wing symbolic con v entions. user-supplied values Italic words or characters in for- mats and command descriptions represent v alues that you must supply .
Preface-8 Questions, Suggestions, or Pr oblems If you hav e an y questions, suggestions, or problems with our hardw are, soft- ware, or documentation, please contact your HP Response Center .
Preface-9 Declaration of Conformity.
1-1 1 Model 744 Board Computer Overview.
1-2 Model 744 Board Computer Overview This chapter introduces the Model 744 Board Computer . Its purpose is to familiarize you with the board computer and its installation procedure. The instructions in this chapter assume you are using either the HP-UX or HP-R T operating system.
1-3 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Product Description Product Description The HP 9000 Model 744 is a high-performance Precision Architecture board computer based on the He wlett-Packard P A-RISC 7300LC technology .
1-4 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Product Description • Operating systems HP-UX 10.20 (or later). The Model 744 typically boots from a hard disk drive. HP-UX may also be installed from an external DDS or CD-ROM drive. If the Model 744 is a client on a LAN, HP-UX can be booted over the LAN.
1-5 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Product Description NO TE: Either a GSC expansion kit or the HCRX expansion graphics boards extend graphics capability beyond the on-board graphics chip set of a Model 744 Board Computer. However, the HP-RT operating system supports only one graphics display, and HP-UX 10.
1-6 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Product Description • Dual Slot Upgrades PMC bridge board (with two PMC sites, cannot be used w/HCRX, and supported only on HP-UX) GSC Expansion kit (with two G.
1-7 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Installation Overview Installation Overview Chapter 2 provides step-by-step instructions for attaching and installing accessories in a typical VME card cage, and connecting external de vices. Accessories are products that attach to the computer’ s system board.
1-8 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Supported Products Supported Products Only products with He wlett-Packard appro ved parts, accessories, peripher- als, operating systems, and application programs are supported by He wlett- Packard.
1-9 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Supported Products Typical External Devices The Model 744 supports the follo wing external de vices: • LAN transceiver HP A2670A ThinLAN ETHERNET Transceiver HP A2671A EtherTWIST Transceiver • Speaker; 8 ohm impedance with 1 / 8 -inch sub-miniature stereo connector (HP-UX only).
1-10 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Supported Products Keyboard and Mouse The Model 744 supports the follo wing: • HP A2840A keyboard with mini-DIN connector • HP A2839A mouse with mini-DIN con.
1-11 Model 744 Board Computer Overview En vir onmental Requirements Environmental Requirements T able 1-1 shows the en vironmental requirements for the Model 744. CA UTION: Integrated circuit case and junction temperatures must not exceed those sho wn in Figure 1-1.
1-12 Model 744 Board Computer Overview En vir onmental Requirements Figure 1-1 Model 744 Board Computer (Top View) NO TE: The Model 744 should only be operated in an environment that is free from conductive pollution, including dry non-conductive pollution that may become conductive due to expected condensation.
1-13 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Operating System Overview Operating System Overview The Model 744 can be used with either of two operating systems, HP-UX or HP-R T . This manual provides basic information you will need for booting and running HP-UX.
1-14 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Manuals f or System Information Manuals for System Information HP-UX After you hav e completed the installation procedures in this book, you may consult the follo wing sources for further information: • For HP-UX administration information, see HP-UX System Adminis- tration Tasks.
1-15 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Online Sources of Inf ormation Online Sources of Information HP-UX is designed so that you can access many sources of information without leaving your system. Most of these information sources are accessi- ble through the shell command line on a character terminal.
1-16 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Online Sources of Inf ormation • Newconfig: The directory /usr/newconfig/etc contains information and new versions of HP-UX product configuration files, as well as shell scripts which may have been customized on your system.
1-17 Model 744 Board Computer Overview Installing HP-UX and HP-RT Installing HP-UX and HP-RT For procedures to install and configure HP-UX, refer to HP-UX System Administration T asks . For information on clusters, refer to Managing Clusters of HP-UX Comput- ers , and HP VUE User’ s Guide .
1-18 Model 744 Board Computer Overview A udio Audio HP-UX includes audio software comprising an audio editor , Audio Applica- tion Program Interface (AAPI), and some sample programs. Audio output is av ailable through the audio port on the front panel of the Model 744.
2-1 2 Installing Accessories.
2-2 Installing Accessories This chapter describes the accessories you can install on the Model 744 Board Computer and tells you ho w to install them. The instructions in this chapter assume you are using either the HP-UX or HP-R T operating system.
2-3 Installing Accessories T ools Required and Preliminar y Procedures Tools Required and Preliminary Procedures Tools Required for Installation All field replaceable parts can be accessed with these tools: Static grounding wrist strap No.
2-4 Installing Accessories Safety Precautions Safety Precautions It is essential to practice safety precautions when working with any electrical or electronic products. Follo wing these safety precautions can help protect both you and the equipment from injury and possible permanent damage.
2-5 Installing Accessories Memory Memory This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing RAM cards in the Model 744. The Model 744 memory kit contains a memory card, a set of standof fs, a set of scre ws, and a wrist strap.
2-6 Installing Accessories Memory 5 Properly align the connectors by slightly rotating the RAM card until you can feel the connectors fit together. 6 Gently and evenly push on the top of the connectors with both of your thumbs until the RAM cards are about 1/3 seated.
2-7 Installing Accessories Memory RAM Card Removal When removing RAM cards from the Model 744 CPU or the RAM card stack, remov e the cards one at a time. Carefully lift the card by the edge near the connectors. Do not try to pry the card up with a tool.
2-8 Installing Accessories GSC Expansion Kit GSC Expansion Kit The GSC expansion kit consists of tw o parts: the adapter fixture and the front panel extension. This section pro vides step-by-step instructions for installing the GSC expansion kit onto the Model 744.
2-9 Installing Accessories GSC Expansion Kit Figure 2-2 Installing the GSC Expansion Kit (Exploded View with GSC Card) M2.5X12 Screws M2.5X6 Screws GCS Card GSC Expansion Kit.
2-10 Installing Accessories GSC Expansion Kit Figure 2-3 Adding the Front Panel Screws.
2-11 Installing Accessories GSC Mezzanine Cards GSC Mezzanine Cards Installing GSC Mezzanine Cards This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing GSC mezzanine cards into your Model 744 Board Computer .
2-12 Installing Accessories GSC Mezzanine Cards Figure 2-4 Installing a GSC Mezzanine Card (Exploded View with Adapter) Installing an HCRX Graphics Board An HCRX8 or HCRX24 graphics board occupies the same position as the expansion kit adapter . These boards fasten to the 744 in almost the same way as the expansion adapter , with four M2.
2-13 Installing Accessories GSC Mezzanine Cards Preliminary Requirements Perform the follo wing steps before installing an HCRX board on your Model 744: 1 If the Model 744 is already installed in your system chassis, you must re- move it. See Chapter 3 of this book for instructions on removing and re- placing the Model 744.
2-14 Installing Accessories GSC Mezzanine Cards Figure 2-5 Installing an HCRX Graphics Board M2.5X12 Screws M2.5X6 Screws F ront P anel Screws.
2-15 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing the PMC bridge and expansion adapters onto the Model 744 board computer .
2-16 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter Figure 2-6 Installing a PMC Card onto the PMC Bridge Adapter Site 1 Site 2 O-Ring Gasket Bridge Adapter PMC Card Bezel blank.
2-17 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 4 Remove the copper EMI gasketing from the front panel of the board com- puter. 5 Install the PMC bridge adapter onto the board computer as shown in Fig- ure 2-7. There are four screws that secure the front bezel, and four screws that secure the VME connectors.
2-18 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 6 If you are installing the PMC expansion adapter, refer to your third party PMC card installation manual, and set any configuration switches or jumpers that may be required for your application.
2-19 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 9 Remove the four screws from bridge adapter VME connectors, as shown in Figure 2-9. 10 Using a small screwdriver or razor, remove the copper EMI gasket on the front bezel of the bridge adapter, as shown in Figure 2-9.
2-20 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 11 Screw the four threaded standoffs into the bridge adapter’s VME connec- tors. 12 Making sure that the connector and bezels are properly aligned, install the PMC expansion adapter onto the bridge adapter, as shown in Figure 2-10.
2-21 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 13 If you have installed a PMC expansion adapter, resulting in a three board assembly, we recommend that you install the ejector handle sleeves in- cluded in your kit.
2-22 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter b Slide the sleeves over each set of handles, as shown in Figure 2-12. Figure 2-12 Installing Ejector Handle Sleeves Sleeves.
2-23 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter c Thread the springs included in the kit into the ejector handles on the PMC expansion board, and with the springs compressed, slide the la- bels from the Model 744 Board Computer into the sleeves, as shown in Figure 2-13.
2-24 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 14 Remove the VME slot cover plate(s) from the VME card cage, as required to open the slots the new assembly will occupy.
2-25 Installing Accessories PMC Bridge Adapter and Expansion Adapter 17 Plug in the power cord(s), and then turn on the power for the VME card cage and boot the operating system. 18 Log in as root and use the SAM utility to configure the HP-UX kernel for PCI support.
2-26 Installing Accessories PCMCIA PCMCIA For information on installing a PCMCIA adapter and a flash disk card, see HP Z5117A PCMCIA Adapter Installation and User’ s Guide (Z5117- 90001). NO TE: The PCMCIA adapter may not be installed on a Model 744 board computer that has built-in graphics.
3-1 3 Typical Installation in a VME Card Cage.
3-2 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage This chapter describes the Model 744 Board Computer and tells you how to install it. The instructions in this chapter assume you are using either the HP-UX or HP-R T operating system.
3-3 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Configuring the VME Card Ca ge Configuring the VME Card Cage This section provides step-by-step instructions for configuring the VME card cage. Use T able 3-1 to determine the configuration for the VME card cage.
3-4 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Configuring the VME Card Ca ge 2 To determine the maximum current usage of the Model 744 memory cards, either use Figure 3-1 and Table 3-2 (for Model 744/132L) or Table 3-3 (for Model 744/165L). You must work with the worst case power draw to correctly determine power usage.
3-5 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Configuring the VME Card Ca ge Figure 3-1 Model 744 Memory Slots T able 3-2 Model 744/132L Memory Card Current Usage W orksheet Memory Card Size First Active Bank 1 Second Active Bank Third Active Bank Inactive Banks T otals (+5V) 32 MB 2 1.
3-6 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Configuring the VME Card Ca ge 3 Verify that your VME card cage has sufficient power to meet the total power needs of the Model 744 from Table 3-4. 4 Shut down your VME application and power off the VME card cage.
3-7 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Ke yboard and Mouse Keyboard and Mouse This section provides step-by-step instructions for connecting a k eyboard and mouse to your Model 744. 1 Unpack your new keyboard and place it near your Model 744. 2 Plug the keyboard cable connector into your Model 744 at the PS/2 con- nector labeled PS/2 0 Kbd .
3-8 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Model 744 Installation Model 744 Installation Tools Required Model 744 installation requires the follo wing tools: Preliminary Requirements Perform the fol.
3-9 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Model 744 Installation Figure 3-2 Board Computer Captive Screws Installing a Dual-Slot Model 744 1 Put the Model 744 at the desired slot. Position and slide it into the card cage until it seats properly with the front panel and front panel extension flush against the card cage.
3-10 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Non-HP Installation Non-HP Installation The Model 744 Board Computer’ s P2 connector has a local bus on user - defined pins. V erify that your VME card cage backplane makes no connec- tions to J2/P2, ro ws A and C.
3-11 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage HP Installation (Other Than Primary CPU) HP Installation (Other Than Primary CPU) The Model 744 Board Computer’ s P2 connector has a local bus on user - defined pins. The VME slot used by the Model 744 must make no connec- tions to J2/P2, ro ws A and C.
3-12 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Model 744 Remov al Model 744 Removal Tools Required Model 744 remov al requires the follo wing tools: Preliminary Requirements Perform the follo wing procedure before you remov e the board computer from the VME card cage: 1 Read the steps in “Turning Off the System,” in Chapter 5.
3-13 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Model 744 Remov al Figure 3-3 Board Computer Captive Screws 3 1 2 4.
3-14 T ypical Installation in a VME Card Cage Model 744 Remov al.
4-1 4 Connecting Cables.
4-2 Connecting Cables This chapter describes the v arious cable connections you will make when installing the Model 744 Board Computer . The instructions in this chapter assume you are using either the HP-UX or HP-R T operating system.
4-3 Connecting Cables Introduction Introduction This chapter discusses connecting cables to one of the follo wing ports on your Model 744 Board Computer from a peripheral or accessory: • Text termin.
4-4 Connecting Cables Connecting a Single Monitor , Multi-Display System, or T ext-Only T ermi- nal Connecting a Single Monitor, Multi-Display System, or Text-Only Terminal The Model 744 typically use.
4-5 Connecting Cables Connecting a Single Monitor , Multi-Display System, or T ext-Only T erminal T able 4-1 lists the video con version cables required to connect a monitor to a video connector . T able 4-1 Monitor Con v ersion Cables Required Multi-Display Systems HP-UX 10.
4-6 Connecting Cables Connecting a Single Monitor , Multi-Display System, or T ext-Only T ermi- nal CA UTION: Some CR T -based monitors are heavy . Use caution when lifting and unpacking the monitor .
4-7 Connecting Cables Connecting a Single Monitor , Multi-Display System, or T ext-Only T erminal Power Cord If your monitor has an attached po wer cord, connect the plug to a po wer source. If your monitor has a separate cord, connect the cord to the monitor , then connect the plug to a po wer source.
4-8 Connecting Cables Connecting a Single Monitor , Multi-Display System, or T ext-Only T ermi- nal 3 Plug the other end of the serial cable into the serial connector on the ter- minal.
4-9 Connecting Cables A udio Connection Audio Connection Model 744 Board Computers provide compact disc-quality audio input and output in stereo with a 16-bit coder-decoder (CODEC) o v er a frequency range of 25-20,000 Hz. Output is provided by a small internal speak er and a stereo headphone mini-plug (8 ohms impedance).
4-10 Connecting Cables A udio Connection T able 4-2 lists the audio specifications, Figure 4-4 shows the audio connec- tor , and T able 4-3 sho ws the audio connector pinouts. . T able 4-2 A udio Specifications Function Range Headphone maximum output le vel 2.
4-11 Connecting Cables A udio Connection Figure 4-4 Audio Connector T able 4-3 A udio Connector Pinouts Pin Number Signal 1 Mic GND 2 Line-in left 3 Line-in right 4 Headset right 5 Headset left 6 Mic-.
4-12 Connecting Cables Video Connection Video Connection Model 744 Board Computers with on-board graphics circuit hav e the display RAM and can be configured for se veral types of monitors. Graphic monitors connect to the 15-pin video connector . Figure 4-5 shows the video connec- tor , and T able 4-4 sho ws the video connector pinouts.
4-13 Connecting Cables Ke yboard and Mouse Connections Keyboard and Mouse Connections There are two PS/2 style serial ports: one PS/2 ke yboard port and one PS/2 mouse port. In the Boot Console Handler’ s hardw are menu, they are listed as PS/0 and PS/1.
4-14 Connecting Cables Network Connection Network Connection LAN circuits use the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 standard interface. Only the Attachment Unit Interface (A UI) version is used; no BNC connector is pro- vided for ThinLAN. Figure 4-7 shows the A UI LAN connector .
4-15 Connecting Cables Network Connection T able 4-6 A UI LAN Connector Pinouts Pin Number Signal 1 GND 2 CI-A 3 DO-A 4 DI-S (GND) 5 DI-A 6 GND 7 CO-A (NC) 8 CO-S (NC) 9 CI-B 10 DO-B 11 DO-S (GND) 12 .
4-16 Connecting Cables Printer Connections Printer Connections Preparing for HP-UX Installation Y ou may have to do some configuration for appropriate data interchange with a ne w printer .
4-17 Connecting Cables Printer Connections Printer Cables For connection to the board computer high-density parallel port, depending on what printer you hav e and whether you select parallel or serial.
4-18 Connecting Cables Printer Connections 6 Choose an appropriate selection on the sub-menu giving options for Par- allel, Serial, HP-IB, and so on. A screen provides you with the information on available parallel or serial interfaces. 7 If you chose Add Serial (RS-232C) Printer/Plotter , more than one serial interface could be listed.
4-19 Connecting Cables Printer Connections 18 Enter the following to exit root and return to user status: exit Enter Refer to System Administration T asks for additional SAM information. Testing the Printer Installation If you made your printer the default system printer , type the following com- mands to test it: cd Enter lp .
4-20 Connecting Cables Printer Connections Figure 4-8 HP Parallel Connector T able 4-7 shows the connector pinouts for the HP parallel connector . T able 4-7 HP Parallel Connector Pinouts Pin Number S.
4-21 Connecting Cables Printer Connections RS-232 Port A There are two PS/2 type serial interfaces - Port A and Port B. The serial ports use a high-density connector . An HP A4301A con version cable is required to con v ert to a standard PC-compatible 9-pin male D-sub cable.
4-22 Connecting Cables SCSI Connection SCSI Connection The built-in SE SCSI port is implemented using an NCR710 macrocell inside the I/O ASIC chip. This 8-bit single-ended implementation is compat- ible with the current Series 700 products and supports 5 MB/sec data trans- fer rates.
4-23 Connecting Cables SCSI Connection T able 4-9 SCSI Connector Pinouts Pin Number Signal Pin Number Signal Pin Number Signal 1 GND 21 GND 41 A TN 2 GND 22 GND 42 GND 3 GND 23 GND 43 BSY 4 GND 24 GND.
4-24 Connecting Cables SCSI Connection.
5-1 5 Powering On and Off.
5-2 P owering On and Off This chapter discusses ho w to turn on and turn of f the system. The instructions in this chapter assume you are using the HP-UX or HP-R T operating system.
5-3 P owering On and Off T urning On the System Turning On the System T o turn on the system, perform the following, with all peripheral de vices turned of f: 1 Turn on the power to your display. The power indicator LED on the dis- play unit shows that it is turned on, even if the screen remains dark.
5-4 P owering On and Off T urning On the System 4 The system displays a sequence of boot messages. The Model 744 boots from the host system unless it has its own external disk or another LAN- configured system from which to boot. See Appendix A for configuring an automatic boot selection.
5-5 P owering On and Off T urning Off the System Turning Off the System This section provides step-by-step instructions for po wering do wn your Model 744.
5-6 P owering On and Off T urning Off the System Using SAM to Stop the HP-UX System If you are using SAM, you might also want to use it to shut do wn your sys- tem.
6-1 6 Solving Problems.
6-2 Solving Problems This chapter provides information on troubleshooting v arious problems. The instructions in this chapter assume you are using the HP-UX operating system.
6-3 Solving Problems Interpreting the LEDs Interpreting the LEDs The Model 744 provides tw o LEDs, located to the left and right of the reset switch, as sho wn in Figure 6-1.
6-4 Solving Problems Interpreting the LEDs T able 6-1 provides information on the red and green LEDs. T able 6-1 LED Indicators SYSF AIL (Red) PO WER (Green) Meaning Possible Solution Off Off No Power Check for board seating in chassis.
6-5 Solving Problems Managing a Boot F ailure Managing a Boot Failure The boot program is located in the firmware of your Model 744. Y ou can configure the behavior of the boot process by interacting with the Boot Con- sole Handler (BCH). See Appendix A for procedures dealing with the boot console handler .
6-6 Solving Problems Printer Prob lems Printer Problems If you experience problems in printing, check the follo wing: • The power cord for the printer is plugged in. • The printer is turned on. • The printer selection switches are set for online.
A-1 A The Boot Console Interface This chapter describes the interface to the Boot Console Handler (BCH)..
A-2 The Boot Console Interf ace Boot Console User Interface Features Boot Console User Interface Features There are times when you want to interact directly with the hardware of your single board computer bef ore it boots the operating system.
A-3 The Boot Console Interf ace Boot Console User Interface Features The boot console menus follo w , sho wing the v arious tasks you can perform and the information av ailable. The shortened version of all commands is indicated by the uppercase letters.
A-4 The Boot Console Interf ace Boot Console User Interface Features Configuration Menu ------ Configuration Menu -------------------------------------------- Command Description ------- ----------- A.
A-5 The Boot Console Interf ace Boot Console User Interface Features Information Menu ------ Information Menu ---------------------------------------------- Command Description ----------- -----------.
A-6 The Boot Console Interf ace Boot Console User Interface Features VME Menu ------- VME Menu ------------------------------------------------------------ Command Description ------- ----------- BPNc.
A-7 The Boot Console Interf ace Accessing the Boot Console Interface Accessing the Boot Console Interface T o access the boot console interface, follow these steps: NO TE: This procedure should be done by a system administrator with root user privileges.
A-8 The Boot Console Interf ace Accessing the Boot Console Interface 4 Press a key. You will then see the following message: Boot terminated The Main Menu of the boot console appears.
A-9 The Boot Console Interf ace Booting Y our W orkstation Booting Your Workstation Usually , you start your workstation by turning it on and waiting for the oper- ating system to boot automatically . Howe ver , you may not alw ays want the usual sequence to occur .
A-10 The Boot Console Interf ace Booting Y our W orkstation • The Initial System Loader (ISL) is the program that actually controls the loading of the operating system. By interacting with ISL, you can choose to load an alternate version of the HP-UX operating system.
A-11 The Boot Console Interf ace Searc hing for Bootab le Media Searching for Bootable Media T o list devices that contain bootable media, follo w the directions in “ Access- ing the Boot Console In.
A-12 The Boot Console Interf ace Restoring the Factory Default Configuration Restoring the Factory Default Configuration T o restore the factory default v alues in the EEPR OM, follow the directions .
A-13 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting P aths Displaying and Setting Paths A path is the hardware address of a de vice that is attached to the I/O system of your workstation. The path command sets the system paths shown in T able A-1.
A-14 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting P aths The paths are displayed in Mnemonic Style Notation, as sho wn in T able A-2. T able A-2 Mnemonic Style Notation I/O T ype Specification Format Built-in SCSI sescsi. scsi_addr ess . logical_unit_number Optional gsc n .
A-15 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting P aths T o display the current setting for a particular system path, follow the direc- tions in “ Accessing the Boot Console Interface” earl.
A-16 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype Displaying and Setting the Monitor Type Y our system ships from the factory preset to use a monitor with a specific resolution and frequency .
A-17 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype Displaying the Current Monitor Configuration T o display the current monitor configuration for your system from the Con- figuration Menu of the boot console interface, follo w the directions in “ Accessing the Boot Console Interface” earlier in this chapter .
A-18 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype Setting the Monitor Type Y ou can set the monitor type for a graphics adapter from the configuration menu by entering the follo wing: Configuration Menu: Enter command > monitor graphics( n ) tt Where n is the number of the graphics adapter and tt is the monitor type.
A-19 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype T o set the monitor type for graphics(0) to monitor type 2 you would enter the follo wing; Configuration Menu: Enter command > monitor graphics(0) 2 This will take ef fect on the ne xt reboot.
A-20 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype Setting the Monitor Type at Power On If you replace your workstation’ s monitor with a dif ferent monitor type, and do not s.
A-21 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype Using the Emergency Interactive Console Search If the system console is set to a de vice that is not installed in the system, you can use the emergenc y interacti v e console search to set the console to one of the terminal de vices that is currently connected.
A-22 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Monitor T ype If no ke yboards are found the following message is displayed: WARNING: No keyboard(s) found. Turn off system power, check keyboard connection(s) and repeat interactive console search.
A-23 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying the Current Memory Configuration Displaying the Current Memory Configuration The memory command sho ws the memory configuration table.
A-24 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying the Current Memory Configuration The follo wing listing is a sample memory configuration table when memory modules are properly installed and configured:.
A-25 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying the Status of the System I/O Displaying the Status of the System I/O The IO command is av ailable from the information menu. It lets you iden- tify all built-in I/O de vices and optional I/O de vices installed in the option slots.
A-26 The Boot Console Interf ace Setting the A uto Boot and A uto Searc h and A uto Start Flags Setting the Auto Boot and Auto Search and Auto Start Flags The auto boot, auto search, and auto start flags are v ariables stored in your workstation’ s non v olatile memory .
A-27 The Boot Console Interf ace Setting the A uto Boot and A uto Searc h and A uto Start Flags Autosearch searches for de vices in the follo wing order: Primary Boot Path Alternate Boot Path FW SCSI .
A-28 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the Security Mode Displaying and Setting the Security Mode The SECure flag is a v ariable stored in non-v olatile memory . (Non-volatile memory retains its contents e ven after po wer is turned of f.
A-29 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the F astboot Mode Displaying and Setting the Fastboot Mode When fastboot is enabled (set to on ), your workstation does a quick check of the memory and skips I/O interface testing during its po wer -on self tests.
A-30 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying the LAN Station Ad dress Displaying the LAN Station Address It is sometimes necessary to supply a LAN station address of your worksta- tion to other users.
A-31 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying System Inf ormation Displaying System Information The all command allo ws you to display the system’ s processor revision and speed, cache size, memory size, flag settings, and the boot and console paths.
A-32 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying PIM Inf ormation Displaying PIM Information The pim command allo ws you to display the most recent PIM information for the specified fault type.
A-33 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting VME Bac kplane Netw orking Configuration Displaying and Setting VME Backplane Networking Configuration On the VME menu, BPNconfig is used to display or set the VME backplane networking parameters stored in non-v olatile memory .
A-34 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting VME Bac kplane R OM Boot Configuration Displaying and Setting VME Backplane ROM Boot Configuration On the VME menu, BPRconfig is used to display or set the VME backplane R OM boot parameters stored in non-v olatile memory .
A-35 The Boot Console Interf ace Displaying and Setting the VME Chassis Codes Mode Fla g Displaying and Setting the VME Chassis Codes Mode Flag On the VME menu, ModeFlags is used to display or set flags which enable or disable the display of diagnostic chassis codes on SERIAL_1.
A-36 The Boot Console Interf ace Restoring the Factory Default VME EEPR OM Configuration Restoring the Factory Default VME EEPROM Configuration The NV_SECTIONS command restores the non-volatile sections area of the system EEPR OM to the def ault factory settings.
Index-1 A accessories, 1-8 audio, 1-18 auto boot, A-26 changing state, A-26 auto search, A-26 changing state, A-26 auto start, A-26 B backplane networking, A-33 boot console features, A-2 menus, A-3 c.
Index-2 Index overview, 1-13 P path, A-13 displaying, A-13 setting, A-15 PCI, 1-3 PCMCIA, 1-8 PIM information displaying, A-32 PMC, 1-3 PMC bridge adapter, 2-15 PMC expansion adapter, 2-15 power works.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 744 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.