Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 20B du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP 20b Business Consultant Financial Calculator Manual For free training, visit w lctraining HP part number: F2219-90201 First edition: August 2008.
Legal Not ices 2 Legal Notices This manual and any examples con tained herein are provided “as is” and a re subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packar d Company makes n o warr anty of any ki.
Contents 3 Contents Legal Notice s Revision History ............................................. ................................................... .................. 2 HP 20b Busi ness Consulta nt Keyboard Keyboard Map Legend ......................
Contents 4 Two-Number Funct ions ........................................... ................................................ ......... 26 Storing and Recal ling Numbers ......... ................................................... ...................
Contents 5 Statistics Example ................................................ ................................................... .... 63 11 Errors Error Messages and Calculator Status ................................................... .............
HP 20b Business Consultant Keyboard 6 HP 20b Business Consultant Keyboard Keyboard Map Legend No. Feature Chapter(s) No. Feature Chapter(s) 1 Time Value of Money k eys 3 16 Annunciator disp lay area 1.
Basic Features 7 1 Basic Features Welcome to the HP 20b Financial Calcula tor This manual is designed to familiarize you with the ma ny features of your new 20 b Financial C alculator. It includes m enu maps, example problems and solution s with key presses, screen shots, and example s of cash flow diagrams.
Basic Features 8 Two Line Displ ay There are two lines in the display screen as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Dis play Screen The top line of t he screen displays operation status, op erator symbols, annunciator s, and abbreviations of the registers, variables, and menu na mes.
Basic Features 9 Table 1-1 Mode Menu Sett ings Setting (top line) Description FIX= 2 Display precision (number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point). Default is 2 . Key in the number of digits you want and press I , or press = until the number of digits you want is displayed.
Basic Features 10 Table 1-1 Mode Menu Sett ings Setting (top line) Description English, Français, Deutch, o r Español Language s etting for the m essages displayed on the scr een. Default is English . Pressing I cycle s through these options. Actual or Cal.
Basic Features 11 Key Presses and the Se condary Function : Key To execute the function ass ociated with a key, pre ss and relea se the desire d key. M ost of the 20b's keys ha ve two f unctions: the primary func tion and t he second ary fun ction.
Basic Features 12 Figure 3 Annunciator Symbols in t he Screen Display The I Key The I key is used to input values for variables and execute menu items. The I key is also used in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) mode to enter a number on the stack or duplicate it.
Basic Features 13 When an item f or wh ich the = key is valid d isplays, the small annunc iator (=) is d isplayed on t he to p line at the right of t he screen. Do not confuse this small annunciator ( =) with the larger annunciator (=) found to the right of a variab le.
Basic Features 14 For more information about storing and recalling numb ers, refer to the section titled, Storing and Recal ling Numbers in Chapter 2. The Cash Flow and Statistics menus share the same memory a nd are limited to a combined total of 50 memory slots.
Basic Features 15 In this manual, diagram s called Menu Maps are included at t he beg inning of each section to a ssist you wit h navigating through the m enus used for that sect ion. For an example of a menu map, see Figure 7. Figure 7 The Menu Map for the Break-even Menu There are four types of menu items: 1.
Mathematical Calculat ions 16 2 Mathematical Calculations Mathematical Fun ctions Mathematical functio ns are located: On keys, such as, +- */ , etc. On shifted, or s econdary functions, such a s, :p In the Math menu, :s Number Entry and D isplay Numbers are entered by pressi ng: Numbered keys, 0 - 9 The decimal p oint .
Mathematical Calculat ions 17 Chain Mode Calculations in C hain mode ar e interpreted in the order in which the y are entered. For examp le, enterin g the f ollowing numbers and operati ons as written from le ft to right 1+ 2*3= r eturns 9 . See Figure 2.
Mathematical Calculat ions 18 For example, key in 1+ 2 x 5 nPr2 2 in Algebr aic mode by pressi ng: 1+2 *5:b2 :m= . The re sult is 241. Note: the cal culator is limi ted to 12 pending oper ations. An operation is pending when it is waiting for the inpu t of a number or the result of an operation o f higher pr iority.
Mathematical Calculat ions 19 When an operation is performed on the stack, addition ( + ) for instance, the calculator "po ps" or move s the two numbers from the b ottom le vels (Lev els 1 and 2) ou t of t he stac k, perform s the oper ation, a nd "pu shes" th e results back into the stack.
Mathematical Calculat ions 20 Table 2-2 Last Number Keys Display Des cription +:d/ Adds 1. 23 and 56.123, then d ivides the sum b y the last number, 56.123. Returns results in the selected display format. For more co mplex problem s req uiring two or more operations, you do not need to enter parentheses to set operat ional priorit y.
Mathematical Calculat ions 21 Table 2-3 Simple Arithmetic Calc ulations in RPN M ode Keys Display Description RPN Stack * Finishes t he operation and displays the results. Pressing I or = when you are not entering a number duplicat es the number on Level 1.
Mathematical Calculat ions 22 Figure 6 The RPN Stack and the Roll Down Operation Pressing ) performs a swap . A swap operation ex changes the numbers o n Levels 1 a nd 2 of t he stack. The ) key ha s a small symbol on it as a reminder of the swap feature.
Mathematical Calculat ions 23 For example, to ca lculate 6 , press 6:n . The r esult of 2.45 is calculated immediately and d isplayed on the bottom line.
Mathematical Calculat ions 24 Figure 8 The Menu Map for the Math Menu Press < to scroll through the menu items, starting with Trigonometry. The Trigonometry, H yperbolic, and Probability items have sub-menus. Pre ss I with the se items di splayed to ac cess the f unctions with in the sub m enus.
Mathematical Calculat ions 25 Table 2-5 Math M enu Example Keys Disp lay Description .5I :s Enters 0.5 a nd opens the Ma th menu sta rting with Trigonometry . I< Selects the Trigonometry sub-menu and scrolls to Sin -1 . Note the value for Sin -1 is calculated immediate ly and displayed.
Mathematical Calculat ions 26 2. Type the number for which you want to cal culate the probability, or, for the inverse, the probability for which you want th e number. 3. Navigate t o the appropriate funct ion in the Probabi lity sub-menu of t he Math menu .
Mathematical Calculat ions 27 nCr nPr Y x is the power f unction, nCr stands for the number of combinations of n items taken r at a tim e, and nPr stands for th e number of permutat ions of n items taken r at a time.
Mathematical Calculat ions 28 press L2 to re call m emory 2. Note how the new current value stored in m emory 2 i s 17 , (5 +12). +-* a nd / are v alid mathema tical o perations f or me mories.
Mathematical Calculat ions 29 To find a percentage of a given number, enter the number and mult iply it by the desired percentage, followed by = . For example, to find 25% of 200, press 200 *25%= to return a resu lt of 50 .
Time Value of Money 30 3 T ime V alue of Money The examples in the following sections are calculated with the Mode menu preferences in their default settings, unless otherwise noted. For more i nformation a bout basic feat ures and se tting preference s, see Cha pter 1 , Basic Feature s .
Time Value of Money 31 Figure 1 Cash Flow Diagram Example with C orresponding TVM Keys The TVM functions of the calculator can solve problems with at least one cash flow, and problems in whic h all the cash flows, except the first and last, are of the same value.
Time Value of Money 32 To sav e values for t he TVM vari ables, enter t he desired number, f ollowed by the co rresponding TVM key. To calculate an unknown val ue, enter all known values and press the key of th e item yo u want solved. Table 3-1 TVM Keys Keys Description N Stores or calcu lates the number of paymen ts or compounding periods.
Time Value of Money 33 Table 3-2 TVM Example Keys Display Desc ription M Returns the monthly payment. This r esult is negative (-); it is money you pa y out. To reset the TVM variables to their default values, with any TVM variabl e displaye d press :x .
Time Value of Money 34 Enter the values for the TVM keys for the example below. Press A f ollowed by < or > to view the amortization schedule. Creating an Amortization Schedule You borrow 140,000.00 for 360 months at 10% interest. Create an amortization schedu le for the loan.
Time Value of Money 35 To reset the menu items to their default values, with any item of the Amortization menu displayed press :x . W ith TVM displayed, press I .
Time Value of Money 36 Table 3-6 Inter est Rate Conversion Example Keys Display Desc ription 365 I Inputs 365 as the val ue for the number of compounding periods per year. >= Scrolls to the va riable for the ef fective rate and calculates it. A 36.
Time Value of Money 37 With TVM Canada enabled in the Mode menu, the following TVM feature s change: 1. The P/ YR key, :[ , now opens a menu with two items, P/YR and C/YR, in w hich you can specify the number of payments an d c ompounding per iods per y ear.
Time Value of Money 38 Canadian Mor tgage Example Calculate the m onthly payment for a 25-year (N=300) Canadian mortgage valued at 350,000. 00, if the nominal in terest rate is 6.
Cash Flows 39 4 Cash Flows Figure 1 Ca sh Flow D iagram In the calculator, a cash flow list is a set of nu mbered pair s, CF(n) and #CF(n) , where n is the inde x of the c ash flow l ist. Each pair represents one or more cash flows in a cash flow diagram.
Cash Flows 40 To erase a cash flow list, with any cash flow displayed press :x . The number of cash flow s in the li st is displa yed on the bottom lin e, along w ith Cash Flow= . At this prompt, press I . You will b e asked to c onfirm your choice. Either pre ss I to confirm th e reset, or O t o cancel.
Cash Flows 41 Table 4-2 Cash Flow Exam ple Keys Display D escription C Opens the cash f low list. 800 0 0}I Inputs -80000 as the m onetary value o f the initial cash flow. Note: the sign of the cash outflow is negative. I Accepts 1 as the numbe r of occurrences for CF(0).
Cash Flows 42 Table 4-2 Cash Flow Exam ple Keys Display D escription 115 000 I Inputs 115000 as the monetary value of CF(6). Displays the c urrent value, 1 , for the number of times CF(6) occurs.
Cash Flows 43 Table 4-3 NPV and IRR Menu It ems Item Descripti on Inv. I% Investment or discount rate. Enter the investment rate or discount rate for t he cash flow followed by I . Net PV Net present value. Shows the value of the cash flows at the time of the initi al cash flow, discounting the future cash flows by the value set for Inv.
Cash Flows 44 Table 4-4 NPV and IRR Example Keys Display Des cription < Displays the number of periods required for the cash flow to repay the investment.
Cash Flows 45 Sample Cash Flow Diagrams Figure 3 Sample Cash Flow Diagrams.
Bonds 46 5 Bonds B Set.Date Mat.Date CPN% Call Yield% Price Accrued Actual/ Cal.360 Annual/ Semi- annual DWN DWN DWN DWN DWN DWN DWN DWN DWN Figure 1 The Menu Map for the Bond Menu The Bond Menu Before you e nter the Bond menu, be sure t o verify t he date format is set appropriately for yo ur problem.
Bonds 47 Table 5-1 Bond Menu It ems Variable Descr iption Call Call value. Default is set for a call price per 100.00 face value. A bond at maturity has a call value of 100% of its face value. Note: input only. Yield% Yield% to maturity or y ield% to call d ate for g iven price.
Bonds 48 Table 5-2 Bond Calculation Example Key Display Des cription < Displays current call value. Default i s 100 . Note: if Call requires another v alue, key in t he n umber followed by I . <4.7 5 I Inputs 4.75% for Yield% . <= Calculates t he current value for Price .
Date Calculation 49 6 Date Calculation Figure 1 The Menu Map for the Date Calculation Menu The Date Calculation Menu The Date Cal culation menu is used to calculate the n umber o f days b etween two dates, or a second date gi ven a number of days from an initial, or final date.
Date Calculation 50 Table 6-1 Dat e Calculation Example Key Display Des cription <10. 3 120 10 I Inputs the endi ng date i n the s elected format. <= Calculates t he number of actua l days between the starting and e nding dates. To reset the menu items to their default values, with any item of the Date menu displayed press :x .
Break-even 51 7 Break-even Figure 1 The Menu Map for the Break-even Menu The Break-even Menu To open the Break-even menu, press :! . To change the value of the displayed item, key in a number and press I . Once you have entered all known data, press < or > repeatedly to scroll to the u nknown it em and pre ss = to cal culate it.
Break-even 52 Table 7-1 Break-even Exampl e Keys Display Description <= Calculates t he current value for the unknown item. 3200 units would have to be sold to return a profit of 10,000.00. To reset the menu items to their default values, with any item of the Break-even menu displayed pres s : x .
Business Problems 53 8 Business Problems Figure 1 The Menu Map for the Percent Calculation (% calc) Menu The Percent Calculation M enu Press :# to open the menu. There are f our items in t his menu: markup a s a percentag e of cost ( Mkup. %C ), mark up as a percentag e of pri ce ( Mkup.
Business Problems 54 Note: for busin ess problem s, margi n is based on price; mark up is ba sed on c ost. The e xamples below are shown w ith RPN as the active o perating mode. Percent Calculation Examples See Tables 8-1 t hrough 8-4 for examples of calculation s in the % calc menu.
Business Problems 55 Note: although t he ex ample in Table 8-2 calls for no compounding, y ou ma y specify th e number of compound ing p eriods us ed in calculations w ith the Nb Period item in the %Change sub-menu. Nb Period is the number of compounding periods used in calculations bet ween the o ld value and new value.
Depreciat ion 56 9 Depreciation Figure 1 The Menu Map for the Depreciation Menu The Depreciation Menu Press : to open the Deprec iation menu . To select a depreciation m ethod, press I repeatedly.
Depreciat ion 57 Note: pressing < on t he last item of a s ub-menu returns you to t he Year item, not t o the top of the sub-menu ( see Figure 1). By scrolling through all the items of a sub-menu, you incrementall y ad vance the Year item . This allow s you to see th e depreciation schedul e for t he next year w ithout addit ional entries .
Depreciat ion 58 Table 9-2 Depreciation Menu Items Item Description Salvage The salvage v alue of the asset a t the e nd of its u seful life. Factor The declining balance factor as a percentage. This is used for declining balance and declining balance crossover methods only.
Depreciat ion 59 Table 9-3 Straight Line Depreciation Example Key Display Des cription < Remaining book v alue after year o ne. < Remaining deprec iable value after year one. < The next year for which to calculate the depreciation. To calculate for a year other than 2 , type a number and press I .
Statist ical Operations 60 10 Statistical Operati ons Figure 1 The Menu Maps for the Data and Statistics Menus.
Statist ical Operations 61 The Data and Stats Menus Statist ics analysis functions are located in the Data and Statistics menus accessible with the :y and :z keys. See Figure 1 for assistance with navigating through the menus. Press :y to open th e Data menu.
Statist ical Operations 62 Table 10-1 The St atistics Menu Items Menu Item Description Nb Item Number of items. X Mean Average of X v alues. Y Mean Average o f Y values. X Std. Dev Standard deviation for X: a measure of how dispersed the x data values are about the mean.
Statist ical Operations 63 Table 10-1 The St atistics Menu Items Menu Item Description Sigma Y The sum of the y value s. Sigma X 2 The sum of the squares of the x values. Sigma Y 2 The sum of the squares for the y values. Sigma XY The sum of the products o f the x and y val ues.
Statist ical Operations 64 Table 10-3 Stat istics Example Keys Display Description 5I1 70I Inputs values for X(5) and Y(5). :z Opens Stats m enu. <I Opens Desc riptive sub-menu. << Displays average y . :z< < I Opens Predictions sub-menu.
Errors 65 11 Errors Error Messages and Calculator Status Table 11-1 Error Mess ages Error Message Status ER: Underflow The calculation generated an underf low (result of 0). ER: x/ 0 Division b y zero. ER: 0/0 Zero divided by zero. ER: ∞ *0 Infinite multiplied b y zero.
Errors 66 Table 11-1 Error Mess ages Error Message Status ER: Many Solutions Returned when there ar e many solutions to the problem. ER: I nvalid N Returned by T VM/Amort if N is inv alid. ER: User Abort Returned by long funct ions if user stops the calculation prior t o completion.
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 67 12 W arranty , Regulatory , and Cont act Information Replacing the Batteries Use only fres h batteries . Do not u se rechar geable batt eries. The cal culator take s two, 3- volt CR2032 lithium batteries.
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 68 Customer Care In addition to the one year h ardware warranty your HP cal culator also comes w ith one y ear of t echnical support. If y ou n eed assistanc e, HP customer care can be reached by either email or telephone.
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 69 Table 12-1 Contact I nformation Country/Region Contact Greece Ελλάδα 210 969 64 21 Guatemala 1-800-999-5105 Honduras 800-711-2 884 Hong Kong 香港特別行政區 852 283 3-1111 India www.
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 70 Table 12-1 Contact I nformation Country/Region Contact Puerto Rico 1-877 232 0589 Russia Росси я 495 228 30 50 Schweiz (Deutsch) 01 439 5358 S.
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 71 Product Regulatory & Environment Information Federal Communications Commis sion Notice This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules.
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 72 This compliance is indicated by the following con formity marking placed on the product: This marking is valid for non-Telecom products and EU harmon ized Telecom products (e.g. Bluetooth). xxxx* This marking is valid for EU non-harmonized Telecom products .
W arranty, R egulatory, and C ontact Information 73 产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 根据中国《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》 有毒有害物质或元素 部.
Index 74 Index ! !: key, 23 % % change, 53 % yield, 47 = =: key, 12 A a: slope, 6 2 absolute va lue. See Math menu Algebraic mode, 17 amortization: Amort key, 33; e xample, 34; menu items, 33 annual: bond, 47 annunciators, 11 ANS.
Index 75 N N key, 32 natural exponent: e to the power of x key, 23 nCr, 27 negative nu mbers, 16 net future va lue, 43 net present value, 43 net uniform series, 43 nPr, 27 NPV: key, 42 NPV, IRR: menu .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 20B ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.