Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit W7750A du fabricant Honeywell
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SYSTEM ENGINEERING 7 4 - 2 9 5 8 - 1 ® U.S. Re g istered Trademark Cop y ri g ht © 2000 Hone y well Inc. • All Ri g hts Reserved Excel 10 W7750A,B,C CONST ANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER Contents Introduction ... ........... ................. ..........
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 72-2958 — 12 General Con sideratio ns ......................... ............ ................ ............ ................ . 35 W7750 Con trollers ...................... ................. .........
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 3 74-2958 — 1 List of Figures Fi g . 1. T y pica l s y stem o verview. ............................ ............ ................. ........... ................. ........... ................ . ......
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 14 Fi g . 48. Setpoint rampin g parame ters with ramp rate ca lculation. ......... ................. ........... ................. ........... ................. ...... ..... . 58 Fi g . 49.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT VOLUME AHU CONTROLLER 5 74-2958 — 1 List of Tables Table 1. A g enc y Lis tin g . ........ ................. ................ ............ ................. ........... ................. ........... ................. ...
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 16 INTRODUCTION Description of Dev ices The W775 0 is the C onstan t V olume Air Handli n g Unit ( CV AHU ) Control ler in the E xcel 10 product line f amil y . The CV AHU is a L ON M ARK c omplian t device desi g ned to con trol sin g le zone and he at pump ai r handlers .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 7 74-2958 — 1 Control Appli c at ion W775 0 s y stems in com m erc ial build in g s t y pical l y incor pora te a packa g ed air han dler s y stem that delivers a consta nt volume of air at precond itioned te mpera tures to th e zone bein g serve d.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 18 Like the W7 751 V A V Box Con troller , the W775 0 Controller ca n monitor a space-m ounted o ccupanc y senso r , and a door/ windo w contact. These inp uts af fect th e operatio nal mode of the con troller ( see T able 5 for a list of all pos sible m odes of operatio n ) .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 9 74-2958 — 1 Product Names The W775 0 Control ler is availab le in three models : • W775 0A Constant V olume AHU Controller - W7750A V ersion. • W775 0B Constant V olume AHU Controller - W7750B V ersion.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 0 Abbreviations an d Defin itions AHU Air Handli n g Unit; the centra l fan s y stem th at includ es the blow er , heatin g e q uipm e nt, co oli n g e q uipment , venti lat i on ai r e q uipment, and ot her related e q uipm ent .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 1 1 74-2958 — 1 PWM Pulse Wi dth Mo dulated o utput; all ows ana lo g modul atin g control o f e q uipment us in g a di g ital ou tput on the c ontroller .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 2 Fig. 3. Exc el 10 W7750A Constant V olume AHU Controller . 1 2 3 456 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 13 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 4. W7 750A construc tion in in. (mm ). PERFORMANCE SPECIFICA TIONS Power: 24 V ac with a minimum of 20 V ac and a ma ximum o f 30 V ac at either 50 or 60 Hz . The W 7750A power consu mption i s 6 V A maximum a t 5 0 or 6 0 Hz .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 4 Fig. 5. Exc el 10 W7750B Constant V olume AHU Controller . CPU: Motorol a or T oshiba 315 0 N euro n pro ce ssor , containin g three ei g ht-bit C PUs. Eac h Neuron ha s a un i q ue 48- bit n etwo rk identifi catio n number .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 15 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 6. Excel 1 0 W7750C Constant V olume AHU Controller . M17489 1 23 456 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 6 Fig. 7. W7 750B,C construc tion in in. (mm ). W7750C (sh own) has thre e 4 to 20 m A analog outputs .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 17 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 8. DIN rail ad apters. The F TT suppo rts polari t y insen sitive fre e topolo gy wirin g . This fre es th e s y stem insta ller from wiri n g usin g a spec if ic bu s topolo gy .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 8 Fig. 9. Functio nal pro file of L ON M ARK ® RTU object details (variab les not imple men ted in Excel 10 CV AHU are greyed). Environmenta l: Operat in g T emperature: - 40 to 1 50 ° F ( -40 to 65.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 19 74-2958 — 1 Outdoor Air Humidity (W7 750B,C only): T y pe: V olta g e/Curren t. Supported Sensor s: C7600B10 00 and C 7600B1018 ( 2 to 10V ) , C760 0C1008 ( 4 to 20mA ) . Return Air Humidity (W7 750B,C only): T y pe: V olta g e/Curren t.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 12 0 Wall Mo dule s The T777 0 or T75 60 W all Modules fo r the Excel 5000 and Excel 10 Co ntro ller s are avai labl e in a varie t y of confi g urati ons. The m odels T 7770A1006 and T7770C 1002 are show n in Fi g .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 21 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 1 1. T7560A,B co nstruction in in . (mm). Fig. 12. C77 70A constru ction in in. (m m). 3-15/16 (99) 1-3/16 (30) 4-1/8 (104) M17479 3-7/8 (97) 2-11/16 (68) 4 (100) 3-7/16 (86) 12345678 1/2 IN.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 12 2 Conf iguratio ns General T ables 3 and 4 provide an overv iew of th e Excel 1 0 W7750 confi g urati on option s.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 23 74-2958 — 1 T able 4. Configuration Options Summ ary For W7750 A,B,C Controllers. Opt ion Possible Configurations for the W7750A M odel Possible Config urations fo r the W7750B,C Models Ty p e o f 1.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 12 4 Allowable Heating and Cooling Equipment Configurations Each W77 50 dev ice can control a variet y of diff ere nt t y pes of mechan ic al co olin g and heatin g e q uipment with in roof top air handlers .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 25 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 15. Heat pump with two c ompress ors and auxil iary heat stag e(s) . ECONOMIZER CONTROL Economiz er control is avai lable con currentl y with an y confi g urat io n i n th e W775 0 when DOs are no t al l u sed b y the heatin g and coo lin g e q uipment .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 12 6 avai labl e th rou g h Hone y well, or directl y from the manuf acture r , Mamac S y stems ( see T able 1 1 for orderin g infor mati on ) . Fi g . 17 de pic ts a t y pica l W7 75 0 S y stem wit h modula tin g heatin g valve u sin g a pneu matic valve a ctuator .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 27 74-2958 — 1 Dirty Filter Monitor The air filter in the a ir han dler c an be monitor ed b y the W775 0 and an a larm i s issue d when th e filter m edia n eeds replace ment. The two methods of moni torin g the filter are: 1.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 12 8 NOTE: Durin g all mode s all di g ital and analo g ph y sical inputs are peri odi call y read, the dia g nost ic output network variabl es can be polled, the input n etwork variabl es are rec eived, an d the outp ut networ k variabl es are se nt periodi call y .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 29 74-2958 — 1 APPLICA TION STEPS Ov ervi ew The sev en app lication steps s hown in T able 6 are p lannin g cons ider atio ns f or en g ineerin g an Exce l 10 W7750 S y stem.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 13 0 Each L ON W ORKS Bu s se g ment is set up with two unused nodes t o allo w for a CARE /E-Vis ion operato r termi nal to be connec ted to the L ON W ORKS Bu s. Multip le CARE /E-Vi sion terminals can be c onnected to the L ON W ORKS Bus at th e same tim e.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 31 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 19. W iring lay out for one doub ly terminat ed daisy-c hain L ON W ORKS ® Bus s egment. M17496 EXCEL 10 VAV EXCEL 10 VAV EXCEL 10 CVAHU EXCEL 10 CVAHU EXCEL 10 CVAHU EXCEL 10 CVAHU EXCEL 10 VAV EXCEL 10 VAV EXCEL 10 VAV EXCEL 10 Q7750A ZONE MANAGER TO C-BUS (SEE FIG.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 13 2 Fig. 20. W iring layo ut for two sing ly terminated L ON W ORKS ® Bus segments . NOTE : See the L ON W ORKS Bus T erminat ion Mo dul e s ect ion for wirin g detail s.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 33 74-2958 — 1 T able 8. V A Ratings For T ransformer Sizing. For conta ctors and similar de vices, th e in-rush power rati n g s should be used a s the worst ca se value s when performin g powe r bud g et calcu lation s.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 13 4 Fig. 21. N EMA class 2 transform er voltage output limits . Attach ea rth g round to W 7750 Con troller term inal 1. Se e Fi g . 22, 23 and 24, 27 thr ou g h 35. Fig. 22. Pow er wiring details for one Excel 10 per transformer .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 35 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 24. T ransformer po wer wiring details for one Excel 10 used in U L 1995 e quipment (U .S. only). IMPORT ANT Notes on power wiring: • All field wiring must con form to lo cal c odes and ordi- nances or as specifie d on in stallati on wirin g dia- grams .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 13 6 T a ble 9. Field Wi ring Referenc e T a ble (Honeywell listed as AK#### or equivale nt). W7750 Con trol le rs Fi g . 27 throu g h 35 illus trate W775 0A,B, C Con trol le r wi rin g for various confi g urations .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 37 74-2958 — 1 T a ble 10. W7750A V ersion I/O Description. IMPORT ANT If the W77 50A co ntroller is configu red by E-Vis ion, the outp uts ma y be assig ned in different o rder tha n the fact ory def aults.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 13 8 Fig. 27. T ypical W7750A Control ler AHU application wiring diag ram. (For more in formation on no te 2, refer to Fi g. 25.) Fig. 28. T ypical W775 0A Cont roller wi th separa te transformer a pplication wiring diagram.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 39 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 29. W77 50A Controll er floating eco nomizer damper wiring diagra m. (For more information on note 2, refe r to Fig. 25.) NOTE: Di g ital outputs a re conf i g urable. The terminal location s for each function are user-s electable .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 14 0 Fig. 30. T ypical W 7750B Con troller with staged hea ting and cooling w iring diagram . (For more information on note 2, re fer to Fig. 25.) Fig. 31. W7 750B Controller w ith floating he ating, coolin g and economize r wiring diagram.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 41 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 32. W 7750B,C Cont roller PWM dam per actuator wiring diagra m. (For more information on note 2, refe r to Fig. 25.) Fig. 33. W 7750B,C wiring dia gram wi th 4 to 20 mA enthalpy se nsors an d digital inputs.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 14 2 Fig. 34. W7750B ,C wiring diagram w ith C7600C 4 to 20 mA solid sta te humidi ty sensor . (For more inform ation on note 2, re fer to Fig. 25.) Fig. 35. W77 50C Co ntroller wi th 4-to-20 mA h eating, cooling and econom izer wiring d iagram.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 43 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 36. Pneumatic transduc er to W7750B,C (B shown, se e triangle note 4). T o use t he a na lo g outputs on the W7750C with 2-to.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 14 4 Fig. 38. T ypical d oubly terminate d daisy-cha in L ON W ORKS ® Bus segme nt termination m odule wiring diagram.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 45 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 39. L ON W ORKS ® Bus termination wiring options. Step 5. Order Equi pment After c ompilin g a bill o f material s throu g h completi on of the previou s applic ation ste ps, refer to T able 1 1 for orderi n g info rmat io n.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 14 6 T able 1 1 . Excel 10 W7750 Controller Ordering Infor mation. Part Numbe r Product De scription Comm ents Excel 10 W7 750 Control l.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 47 74-2958 — 1 C7031C10 31 Duct Dis char g e/Return Ai r Sensor . 20 Kohm 18 in. ( 457mm ) insertio n len g th. C7031D10 62 Hot or chill ed W ater T empera ture Sensor . 20 Kohm NTC — C7031F1 018 Outside Air T emperature Sen sor .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 14 8 Step 6. Configure Con trollers Excel E-V i sion PC Software is used to c onfi g ure W7750 Control lers to m atch thei r intended applic ation. Th e E-V ision User Gui de, form n umber 74-2588 provides details for operatin g the PC soft ware.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 49 74-2958 — 1 1. Check th e version numbers of the co ntroller firm ware, E-V ision and th e E-V ision sc ript. 2. Check the wirin g to the power suppl y and make su re there is a g ood earth g round to th e cont roller .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 15 0 NOTE: The node c an be rese t b y switchi n g the node to MANUA L and then to the nor mal op eratin g mode ( see Fa n Ope r ation in Ap pend ix B ) .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 51 74-2958 — 1 Fig. 42. L ED location on W7750. T7770C,D Wall Module Bypass Pushbutton and Override LED Pressin g the b y pass pu shbut ton, locat ed on t he T777 0C,D W all Mo dul es in Fi g . 43, caus es the ov erride LED to displa y the Man ual Ove rride mode of the con trolle r .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 15 2 Occas ionall y , the PID pa rameters re q uire tunin g to optimize comfort and smoo th e q uipmen t operation . This applies to the W7750A,B,C Contro lle rs. CV AHU Controllers are confi g ured b y E-V ision with de fault values of PID parameters as shown in A ppendix C T able 21.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 53 74-2958 — 1 Common Operations The Exce l 10 W 7750 Con troller app licat ions hav e man y commo n ope rati on s tha t are ap pli ca ble re g ardl ess o f th e t y pe of heati n g , coolin g , or eco nomizer e q uipmen t confi g uration.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 15 4 T a ble 15. Configuration Options Summary For W7750A,B,C Con trollers. ROOM TEMP ERATURE SENSOR (R mTemp) This i s th e room spac e temp erat ure se nso r . This sens or i s the T7770 o r the T 7560A,B W all Module.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 55 74-2958 — 1 than Intermi tten t Fan ( see Fan Operatio n in this Appendix ) , and the mode is Occ upied w hen the RmT emp value beco mes invali d, the fan c ontinues to run .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 15 6 Fig. 45. L ED and Bypass pushbutto n operation. STANDBY MO DE (Statu sOcySen) The di g ital in put for a n occupanc y se nsor ( usu.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 57 74-2958 — 1 DestB y pass - Has poss ible state s: B y pass On , B y pass Off or No t Ass i g ned ( not acti ve ) . This inpu t places the contro ller in an untimed b y pass st ate or turn s of f the b y pass mo de.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 15 8 Fig. 47. Setpo int ramping parameters with setpoint calcula tion. Durin g the COOL rec over y period, th e setpoin t chan g es at a rate in d e g rees pe r hour relati ve to the outdoo r air tempera ture.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 59 74-2958 — 1 DIRTY FILTER MONITOR The air filter in the a ir han dler c an be monitor ed b y the W775 0 and an al arm issued w hen the filte r media needs replacement. The t wo methods of monit orin g the filte r are: 1.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 16 0 STAG ED C OOLI NG CON TROL The Exc el 10 W775 0 Control ler suppo rts up to f our sta g es of D/X coolin g . As spa ce tempe rature ri ses abov e the curre nt Coolin g Setpoin t, the cont rollers mode of o peration i s switche d to the COOL mode.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 61 74-2958 — 1 coolin g control al g orithm co mpares th e current s pace temperat ure to t he Effe ctiveHe atSetPt, and calcula tes a P ID error si g nal.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 16 2 INDO OR A I R QU ALIT Y (I AQ) OV ERRI D E The Exc el 10 W775 0 Control ler suppo rts an IAQ override featur e that upo n detectio .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 63 74-2958 — 1 User Addres s Indexes ( all in alpha betical order ) T a ble 20. Input Out put Points.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 16 4 StatusEconEn 85 StatusEconOut 86 StatusError 90 StatusFi lter 87 StatusIa q Ovr 87 StatusM anOcc 85 StatusM ode 84 StatusO cc 84 StatusOc y Sen 85 StatusOvrd 84 Stat usSc hed 8 4 Stat usSmo ke 87 StatusWn dw 87 Ti m e C l c k O c c 8 4 WSHPEnab le 88 T a ble 24.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 65 74-2958 — 1 DiffEc onEnT emp 21 DisMinHtT ime 25 DisMinClTime 25 DlcBum pT emp 21 EconIAQP os 21 EconMi nPos 21 EconM tr S pd 25 EconPos 23 Ec.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 16 6 All of the Nv Name values tha t are stored in EEPROM memor y have a prefix of nci . NOTE: These parameters are stored in EEPROM and are limited to 10,000 writes . Do NOT u se them as outputs from Control Stra te g ies,Time Pro g rams, or Switchin g T ables.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 67 74-2958 — 1 T able 20. Input /Output Po i nts . User Add ress NvName Field Nam e En gineering Units: English (Metric) o r State s plus Ra nge Digital S tate or Value o f State Default E-Vision (M, P , S) Share Map Direct Access Hardware Config.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 17 0 nciIoSele ct FiftyS ixtyHz SIXT YFIF TY 01 SIXTY P X FiftySi xtyHz spec ifies th e frequen cy of th e main po wer inp ut for the controller. Correctly selectin g the Fifty SixtyH z decrease s the noise picke d up by ana log sw itch wiring from th e power m ains.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 71 74-2958 — 1 CO2Sen sr n voIO siSpac eCo 2S0 PPM 150 t o 2000 SI_INV ALID Sp aceCo2 is the measu red CO 2 in the c onditio ned air sp ace. If the senso r is not c onfigu red or h as fa iled, the value is SI_ INV ALID.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 17 2 StatusD I3 nvoIO u bDigitalIn Byte Offset = 25 Bit Offset = 5(Di git alIn 3) FALSE TRUE 0 1 F ALSE DigitalIn3 is a by te with a b it for e very physic al digi tal input. If the in put is shorted to groun d, the bit is a zer o or FALSE.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 73 74-2958 — 1 Win dowSw nvoIO W indowOpe n F ALSE TRUE 0 1 F ALSE M, S WindowO pen is the state o f the d igital input config ured and wired to a window op en sens or switch . 1 (in put ope n circuit) means that the wind ow is open, and 0 (inp ut shorted ) mean s that the window is closed .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 17 4 MaxHtR amp nciAux1SetP t ubMaxHtRa mpS0 Degrees F/Hr 0 to 20 Degr ees C/Hr (0 to 1 1) 8 P X X MaxHt Ramp is the max imum h eat recove ry ram p rate in d egrees F per hour. This value is use d to contro l the a daptive re covery ram p rate durin g the H EA T recovery period.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 75 74-2958 — 1 MaxClR amp nci Aux1SetP t ubMaxClRa mpS0 Degr ees F/ Hr 0 to 20 Degr ees C/Hr (0 to 1 1) 6 P X X MaxCl Ramp i s the maxi mum cool recove ry ramp ra te in de grees F per hour. This value is use d to contro l the a daptive re covery ram p rate durin g the C OOL reco very pe riod.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 17 6 OaEnth En nciAux 1SetP t ubOdEntha lpyEnable S2 btu/l b 0 to 65 25 P X X If Con fig.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 77 74-2958 — 1 GainCo olProp nciAux 2SetPt ubKp CoolS2 Degrees F Degrees C 2 to 30 (1 to 30) 5 P X X This is the throt tling ra nge for th e proporti onal p ortion of t he PID loop gain for th e cool ing contro l loop.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 17 8 T able 22. Energy Ma nagemen t Po ints. User A ddr ess NvN ame Fi el d Name En gin eer ing Un its: Eng lis h (Metric) o r State s plus Ra nge Digital S tate or Value o f State Default E-Vision (M, P , S) Share Map Direct Access Hardware Config.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 79 74-2958 — 1 nviFree1 value 0 to 100 0 Free1.value n etwork variable c ontrols the spare or Fre e digital o utput for auxiliary f unction s.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 18 0 nviTimeClk value 0 to 100 0 lue:nviTimeClk allows a time clo ck at one node to be share d with other nodes over the network . nviTimeClk is ORed with the lo cal tim e clock sen sor an d the resu lts are placed in Data1 .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 81 74-2958 — 1 T able 23. S tatus Points. User A ddr ess NvN ame Fiel d Name E ngineerin g Units: English (Met ric) or Sta tes plu s Range Digital S tate or Value o f State Defau lt E-Vision (M, P , S) Share Map Direct Access Hardware Config.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 18 2 nvoAlarm Status a larm_bit[0 ] Byte Offset = 0 Bit Offset = 2 (Sensor FailAlrm ) F ALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE alarm_bit[0 ] Byte Offset = .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 83 74-2958 — 1 Alar mLog1 nvoAlarmLog ty pe[0] 0 to 255 (AlarmTypeLog0) (AlarmTypeLog1) (AlarmTypeLog2) (AlarmTypeLog3) (AlarmTypeLog4) NO_ALAR M .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 85 74-2958 — 1 StatusM anOcc nvoDa ta1 (nvoCtlDa taG1) N etManOcc OC _OCCU PIED OC_UN OCC UPIED OC_BYPASS OC_STANDBY OC_NUL 0 1 2 3 255 OC_NUL X NetM anOcc : NetManO cc rep orts the n etwork ma nual o ccupancy state f rom nviManO cc.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 18 6 HeatS tgs On nvoD ata1 (nvoCtlDa taG1) H eatStages On 0 t o 4 0 X H eatStages On: H eatStages On ind icates how many heating st ages a re on. If the no de is c ontrolling a heat pump, He atStag esOn indic ates h ow many auxiliary heatin g stag es are turn ed on.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 87 74-2958 — 1 StatusI aqOvr nvoDa ta1 (nvoCtlDa taG1) Ia qOverRid e F ALSE TRUE 0 1 F AL SE X IaqOv erRi de: When an eco nomiz er is conf igur ed.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 18 8 WSHPEn abl e nvoDat a1 (nvoCtlDa taG1) W SHPEnab le F ALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE X W SHPEnab le: WS HPEnable reports th e state of the cu rrent st ate of nviWSH PEnab le. The sta tes for nviWSHP Enable are as fol lows: If nviWS HPE nable .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 89 74-2958 — 1 DaT emp n voDat a2 (nvoCtlDa taG2) s iDischa rgeT empS 7 De grees F 30 to 122 Degrees C (-1 to 50) SI_I NV ALID X siDi sch argeT empS7: siDi scha r geT empS7 is the di scha rge air t empe ratu re used by the co ntrol proce ss and is read fr om the local sens or via nvoIO.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 19 0 Monitor Sens nvoCtlDataG 2 siMo nitor1S10 vol ts 1 to 10 SI_I NV ALID X siMon itor 1S1 0: si Moni tor 1S10 i s th e volt age ap pli ed at the mon it or inp ut terminal s. If the sensor is not co nfigured o r has f ailed, the v alue is SI_I NV ALID.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 91 74-2958 — 1 nvoError e rror_bi t[1] Byte Offset = 1 Bit Offset = 0 (RtnEnt halpyE rror) F ALSE TRUE 0 1 F AL SE Rtn Ent hal pyE rro r: A ll co ntr ol func ti ons ass ociat ed w it h the fai le d sen sor a re disabled as if t he sen sor was no t confi gured.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 19 2 nvoError e rror_bi t[2] Byte Offset = 2 Bit Offset = 5 (nvWind owErro r) F ALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE Window Error: A ll control f unction s associa ted with th e failed NV are disabled as if t he NV was not co nfigured.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 93 74-2958 — 1 nvoError e rror_bi t[3] Byte Offset = 3 Bit Offset = 5 (nvFree 2Error) F ALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE Free2Er ror: All control fun ctions associate d with t he failed N V are disabled as if the N V was no t con fig ured.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 19 4 T able 25. Configuration Parameters. User Ad dress NvN ame Field Nam e Enginee ring Units : Engl ish (Met ric) or Sta tes plu s Range Digital S tate or Value o f State Default E-Vision (M, P , S) Share Map Direct Access Hardware Config.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 95 74-2958 — 1 EconMt rSpd nci Config ubEcon MtrTimeS0 Second s 20 to 24 0 90 P X X Econ MtrT i me spec ifi es ho w long it ta kes the ec onom izer dampe r mot or to travel from fully c losed to fu lly ope n.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 19 6 DisMinH tTime nciCon fig D isableH eatMinTime FALSE TRUE 0 1 F ALSE P X X If D isableHea tMinTime is 0 (F ALSE ), the heat ing stag.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 97 74-2958 — 1 OvrdPri ority nci Config Override Priority LAST NET 0 1 NET P X X Over ride Prio rit y conf ig ures the ove rr ide ar bitr at ion be twe en ManO cc, ate, an d the wall modul e overr ide button .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 19 8 CoolOc cSpt nci T empS etPts (SNVT_te mp_se tpt) occupie d_cool Degrees F 50 to 95 Degrees C (10 to 35) 23 P , M X X The Coolin g Occupie d Setpoin t is use d if no wa ll modu le setpoin t pot is conf ig ured a s the s tan dard O ccu pied C ooli ng Se tpoi nt.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 1 100 DestRm T emp nviSpace T em p (SNVT_te mp_p) De grees F 14 to 122 Degrees C (-10 to 50 ) SI_INVALID X X X X SpaceT emp is the sp ace te mperature sense d by anoth er nod e and is typically bound to S paceT emp of anoth er node hav ing a sp ace temper ature sens or .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 1 102 nvoU nit Stat us (SNVT_hv ac_sta tus) in_a larm F ALSE TRUE ALARM_N OTIFY _DISABLE D 0 1 255 FALSE When ther e is an alarm rep orted b y AlarmSta tus, th en in_alar m is se t to 1 (TRUE), el se in_a larm is set to 0 (FALSE).
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 103 74-2958 — 1 nvoStatus (SNVT_ob j_requ est) el ectrical_fa ult F ALSE TRUE 0 1 FALSE The electri cal_fau lt field is not sup ported and is set to 0 (FALSE).
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 1 104 nviWindow (SNVT_sw itch) v alue 0 to 100 0 Window al lows th e window sensor from anoth er nod e to be us ed as the window se nsor an d is typica lly bou nd to nvo Window of anothe r node .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 105 74-2958 — 1 SrcEco nEnCt nvoEc on (SNVT_sw itch) v alue 0 t o 100 0 X nvo Econ allow s one controller t o deter mine the s uitabilit y of outdo or air fo r free cooling and sha re this with o ther no des and is ty pically b ound to Eco n on other n odes.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 1 106 T able 27. Direct Access And Special Points. User A ddr ess NvN ame Field N ame Eng ine eri ng Uni t s: Eng lis h (Met ri c) or St.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 107 74-2958 — 1 T estHtC lStg1 nvi ManV alue HeatCoolSt age1 OF F ON 0 1 OFF X D uring M ANUAL m ode, Heat CoolSt age1 para meters turn the c orresp onding he at, or cool s tage to on (1) or off (0).
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 1 108 T able 28. Dat a Share Points. User A ddr ess NvN ame Fi el d Name En gineering Units: English (Metric) o r State s plus Ra nge Digital S tate or Value o f State Default E-Vision (M, P , S) Share Map Direct Access Manu al Confi g.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 109 74-2958 — 1 Appendix D. Q 7750A Excel 10 Zone Mana ger Point Estimating Guide. Memor y size ap proximat ion is shown below: ( all si zes in b y tes ) When memo ry siz e is less than 1 10,000 b y tes, the si ze is OK.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 1 0 Append ix E . Sens or Data for Cali br ation. Resist ance S ensors. Sensor T ype: C7100 A, ( and C7 170A ) Sensor Use: Disc har g e ai r, Outdoo r a ir T able 29 lis ts the points for Sensor R esistanc e versus T emperature.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 1 1 1 74-2958 — 1 T able 31. Sensor Res istance V ersus T emperature. Fig. 5 4. Graph of Sensor Res istance versus T emperatur e.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 1 2 Fig. 56. Graph of Sensor Res istance versus T emperatur e. Voltage/Current Sensors. Sensor T ype: C7600 B1000 2 to 1 0V ( Deco rative W all Moun t ) Sensor Use: Humidit y T able 34 lis ts the poi nts for Sensor V olta g e vers us H umid it y .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 1 13 74-2958 — 1 T able 36 lis ts the poi nts for Sensor Curren t versus Enthalp y ( volts ) . Fi g . 59 shows the g raph of th ese poin ts. T a ble 36. Sensor Current V ersus Entha lpy (volts). Fig.
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CONTROLLER 74-2958 — 11 1 4 Fig. 60. Pa rtial psyc hometric char t for a C7 400A Solid State Enthalpy Sensor . See Fi g . 61 for a C7400A Solid St ate Enthalp y Sensor output curr en t vs . rela tive humidi t y .
EXCEL 10 W7750A,B,C CONSTANT V OLUME AHU CON TROLLER 1 15 74-2958 — 1 Sensor Use: CO 2 concen tration T able 37 lis ts the points for Sensor V olta g e vers us C O 2 concen tration. Fi g . 62 shows the g raph of these points . T able 37. Sens or V oltage V ersus CO 2 Concentrati on.
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell W7750A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell W7750A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell W7750A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell W7750A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell W7750A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell W7750A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell W7750A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell W7750A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.