Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MK9535-39C538 du fabricant Honeywell
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MetroSelect ® Single-Line Scanner Configuration Guide.
Disclaimer Honeywell International In c. (“HII”) reserves the ri ght to make changes in specifications and other inform ation cont ained in this docu ment without prior notice, and the reader should in all c ases consult HII to determine whether an y such changes have been made.
iii T able of Contents Introduction Bar Code Configur ation Me thods .............................................................. 1–1 Single-Code Method .............................................................................. 1–1 Multi-Code Method .
iv Scanner Operation Configuration M ode Option s ...................................................................... 7–1 Scan Buffe rs .............................................................................................. 7–1 Redundant Scans .
v RS232 Parity Feat ures ....................................................................................... 10–1 Baud Rate ............................................................................................... 10–1 Data/Stop Bits ...
vi MS9520 Voyager ® and MS9540 VoyagerCG ® Series Activation Ra nge ..................................................................................... 17–1 Stand Scan Modes .......................................................................
1–1 Introduction Your new scanner has been factory configur ed with a set of default parameters. Since many host syst ems have unique formats and protoc ol requirements, Honeywell provides a wide range of co nfigurable features that may be selected using this bar c ode based configuratio n tool.
1–2 Need To Start Over? Scan the Recall Defaults bar code to erase all previous settings an d return the scanner to its factory default co mmunication protocol. Ke yboard Wedge interface scanners will load keyb oard we dge defau lts. All other scanners load RS232 defaults.
2–1 Code T ypes and Decode Rules Bar code descriptions marked with an aster i sk ( * ) define a feature that is a factory default. Bar codes marked with a tilde ( ~ ) require the Multi-Code configuration method.
2–2 Code 128 ³ 1 00113 * Enable Code 128 ³ 1 00103 Disable Code 128 ³ 1 00314 Enable UCC/EAN-128 ‘]C1’ Code Formatting – For Coupon Code 128, see page 3 –3.
2–3 ³ 1 00215 Enable PARAF (Italian Pharmaceutical Codes) Support – Code 39 bar codes are converted to PARAF format. ³ 1 00205 * Disable PARAF Support ³ 1 00307 * Allow PARAF Codes Only ³ 1 00.
2–4 ³ 1 15413 Enable Alternate Code 39 R eference Comparison Check – assists with elements that are below the 2 to 1 (wide to narrow) elem ent width requirement.
2–5 ³ 1 00913 Alternative ITF first Bar Reference ³ 1 00903 * Normal ITF first Bar Reference ³ 1 00110 Enable Standard 2 of 5 ³ 1 00100 * Disable Standard 2 of 5 ³ 9 01500 ~ Standard 2 of 5 Sy mbol Length – To specify the number of characters to be decoded, scan this bar code and the appropriate code byte sequence located on p age 16–1.
2–6 ³ 1 00316 Enable Hong Kong 2 of 5 ³ 1 00306 * Disable Hong Kong 2 of 5 ³ 1 15411 Enable Follett ITF ³ 1 15401 * Disable Follett ITF Codabar ³ 1 00114 * Enable Codabar ³ 1 00104 Disable Cod.
2–7 ³ 1 00003 * Disab le Code 11 ³ 1 08005 * Ch eck for 1 Code 11 Check Dig it ³ 1 08015 Check for 2 Code 11 Check Digits ³ 1 08004 * Do Not Check for 2 Code 11 Check Digi ts ³ 1 08014 Check fo.
2–8 ³ 2 00734 Enable MSI Plessey MOD 10/10 Check Dig it – Test MSI Plessey bar codes for a 2 digit Modulo 10 check digit. ³ 2 00724 * Enable MSI Plessey MOD 10 Check Digit – Test MSI Plessey bar codes for a 1 digit Modulo 10 check digit.
2–9 ³ 9 01800 ~ Minimum Symbol Length – Single-line default is 3. Combine this code with the proper code bytes (on page 16–1), to specif y the minimum number of characters in all non-UPC/EAN bar codes. ³ 9 01900 ~ Symbol Length Lock – Combine this code with the proper code bytes, to lock the bar code’s length into place.
2–10 ³ 9 02200 ~ Code Length Lock #2 ³ 9 02300 ~ Code Type Lock #2 ³ 9 02400 ~ Code Length Lock #3 ³ 9 02500 ~ Code Type Lock #3 ³ 9 02600 ~ Code Length Lock #4 ³ 9 02700 ~ Code Type Lock #4 .
3–1 Supplements ³ 1 01217 Enable Two Digit S upplements ³ 1 01207 * Disable Two Digit Suppleme nts ³ 1 01212 * Enable Two Digit Redu ndancies – The scanner will scan the bar code plus the 2 digit add on twice before acceptin g data.
3–2 ³ 1 01417 Enable Bookland (978) Supp lement Required ³ 1 01407 * Disable Bookland (978) Supplement Required ³ 1 01314 Enable 977 (2 Digit) Supplement Requ ired – The scanner will require a 2 di git supplement to be scanned when an EAN-13 code beg ins with 977.
3–3 ³ 1 01000 * En able 2 Digit Supplements w ith 37x, 43x, or UPC # System 5 ³ 1 01010 Disable 2 Digit Supplements with 37x, 43x, o r UPC # System 5 ³ 1 01001 * En able 5 Digit Supplements w ith.
3–4 ³ 1 01214 Enable Code ID’s with Supplements ³ 1 01204 * Disable Code ID’s with Supplements ³ 1 18406 * Beep Once on Suppleme nts ³ 1 18416 Beep Twice on Supp lements ³ 1 01315 Enable ISBN Check Digit Transmissio n – Not available with all models.
3–5 ³ 1 01210 Disable Suppleme ntal when CodeGate Button is Pressed – Available for MS9540 scan ners only. Requires standard Co de Gate be inactive in and out of stand. ³ 1 01200 * CodeGate Does Not Affect Supplemental Scanning – Available for MS9540 scanners only.
4–1 GS1 Databar Honeywell’s MS9520 Vo yager® and MS9540 Voyag erCG® scanners with software #14810 and higher can be configured to scan GS1 Databar t ype bar codes.
4–2 GS1 Databar Limited ³ 1 00414 Enable GS1 Databar Limited ³ 1 00404 * Disable GS1 Databa r Limited ³ 1 14903 * Transmit GS1 Databar Limited CD ³ 1 14913 Do Not Transmit GS1 Databar Limited C D ³ 1 14904 * Transmit GS1 Databar Limit ed Application ID – Application identifier “01” is transmitted by default.
5–1 ISBT Code 128 Implementation Configuration Mode ³ 1 38417 Enable ISBT Code 128 ³ 1 38407 Disable ISBT Code 128 The bar codes belo w enable or disable a special transmit m ode as outlined in section 3.5.2 of the ISBT-128 Specific ation. This output method al lows the user to confirm independently the accuracy of the Code- 128 check digit.
5–2 Concatenation Configuration Mode † The following bar codes are used to confi gure variable time requireme nts used to find the second bar code of the ISBT concatenation se quence.
5–3 ³ 4 38490 Donation Identifica tion Number + Donor Identification Number =á + &; Concatenation ³ 4384100 Donation Identifica tion Number + Confidentia l Unit Exclusion Status =á + &! .
5–4 The following example demo nstrates how to configure the User-Defined IS BT identifiers: Assume the left-hand identifiers are the ISBT defined donation identification number: “=G”; and the right hand identifiers are country specific identifiers “&a”.
6–1 Communications ³ 4 15524 Enable Light Pen/Wa nd Communication – Use this option if scanner should be used in place of a light pen. ³ 4 15554 * Enable RS232 – The scanner will work with RS232 +/- 12V serial output. ³ 9 99994 Load Keyboard Wedge Defaults – Scan this code before selecting Normal or Stand Alone Wedge Mode.
7–1 Scanner Operation Configuration Mode Options ³ 1 18117 Allow Configuration Mode o n Power Up – the scanner can only enter MetroSet mode before any bar codes are scanned. ³ 1 18107 * Allow Configuration Mode Anytime – Allow MetroSet configuration at any time.
7–2 Redundant Scans ³ 3 01100 * 0 Redundant Scans – Requires 1 good decode for a good scan . ³ 3 01110 1 Redundant Scan – Requires 2 consecutive decodes of the same bar code data for a good scan . ³ 3 01120 2 Redundant Scans – Requires 3 consec utive decodes of the same bar code data for a good scan .
7–3 Same Symbol Time Out s The length of time before a bar code can b e rescanned after it is removed from the scan field is user-configurabl e in increments of 50 msecs to 6350 msecs (6.
7–4 Beeper Options ³ 3 18575 * Normal Tone ³ 3 18565 Optional Tone 1 ³ 3 18555 Optional Tone 2 ³ 3 18545 Optional Tone 3 ³ 3 18535 Optional Tone 4 ³ 3 18525 Optional Tone 5 ³ 3 18515 Optional.
7–5 ³ 1 18417 Beep on BEL Command – The scanner beeps when it receives a BEL character from the host. If a number is sent within 200 msecs before the BEL character, the scanner will beep that number of times.
7–6 Data Transmission Delays Use these codes to select the amount of dela y between sending data characters from the scanner to the host. This helps prevent the scanner from overflowing host-input buffers.
7–7 Communication Time O ut Options ³ 1 18412 Enable Communications Ti me Out ³ 1 18402 * Disable Communications Time Out ³ 1 18413 * Beep Before Transmit ³ 1 18403 Beep After Transmit ³ 9 1910.
7–8 Host Scanner Commands ³ 1 18015 Enable D/E Disable Command – The scanner will disable scanning after it receives an ASCII “D” from the host device. It will enable scanning when it receives an ASCII “E”. ³ 1 18005 * Disable D/E Disable.
7–9 ³ 1 15916 Transmit Scanner ID byte w ith receipt of an “i” (69H) via RS232 – The ID byte is transmitt ed as 3 bytes (i.e. 0, 0, 1). ³ 1 15906 * Don’t Transmit Scanner ID byte w ith rec.
7–10 ³ 1 41715 Use Protocol Prefix and Suffix for Bar Code Transmission ³ 1 41705 * No Protocol Prefix and Suffi x for Bar Code Transmission ³ 1 19917 Enable RTS on No Read – After a NOREAD occurs, the scanner will activate the RT S line for 20 milliseconds.
8–1 Prefixes/Suf fixes Scan the Enter Configuration Mode b ar co de before trying t o set these features (see the Multi-Code Method on page 1–1). User Configurable Prefixes, All Data ³ 9 03500 ~ Configurable Prefix Char acter #1 – A prefix ID can be added and assig ned for data transmission.
8–2 User Configurable ID Characters, Code Specific ³ 1 05507 * Use Configurable Code ID Bytes as Prefixes – User configured, code specific ID bytes are transmitted before the data.
8–3 ‡ Enter configuration mode then scan this bar c ode followed by the three code byte bar codes (on pag e 16–1) that represent a unique ID character to be associated with this bar code type.
8–4 Standard Prefix Characters ³ 1 16615 Enable STX Prefix – The scanner will transmit a Start of TeXt (ASCII 02H) before each bar code. ³ 1 16605 * Disable STX Prefix ³ 1 05513 Enable Rochford.
8–5 ³ 1 07916 Enable SANYO ID Characters ³ 1 07906 * Disable SANYO ID Characters ³ 1 05512 Enable Manufacturer ID Prefix ³ 1 05502 * Disable Manufacturer ID Prefix ³ 1 05511 Enable “C” Pref.
8–6 Standard Suffix Characters ³ 1 16613 * Enable CR Suffix – The scanner transmits a carriage return after each bar code. ³ 1 16603 Disable CR Suffix. ³ 1 16612 * Enable LF Suffix – The scanner transmits a line feed after each bar code. Disable d when keyboard wedge defaults are load ed .
8–7 Longitudinal Re dundancy Check A Longitudinal Redundanc y Check (LRC) is an error checking char acter that is calculated across a sequence of data char acters. It is determined by eXclusive ORing (XOR) the characters to be check ed, starting with an initial value of 00H.
8–8 Character Replacements To replace a character: 1. Scan the enter/exit configuration mode bar c ode (on page 1–1). 2. Scan the character to replace code (shown below). 3. Scan the ASCII code byte value of the chara cter you wish to replace. Refer to the ASCII Reference Table in the Cod e Byte Usage section of this manual.
8–9 User Configurable Su ffixes, All Data Note: Scan the Enter/Exit Configuration mode code before trying to set this feature. Refer to Multi-Code Method on page 1–1. ³ 9 04500 ~ Configurable Suffix Character #1 – A suffix ID can be added and assig ned for data transmission.
8–10 Special Formats ³ 1 07914 Enable SINEKO Mode ³ 1 07904 * Disable SINEKO Mode ³ 1 16711 Enable Newcode Formatting Mode A ³ 1 16701 * Disable Newcode Formatting Mode A ³ 1 16710 Enable Newco.
9–1 Code Formatting UPC/EAN Formatting ³ 1 07517 * Transmit UPC-A Check Digit ³ 1 07507 Do Not Transmit UPC- A Check Digit ³ 1 07516 Transmit UPC-E Check Digit ³ 1 07506 * Do Not Transmit UPC-E Check Digit ³ 1 07515 Expand UPC-E to 12 Digits – Expand UPC-E bar codes to the 12 digit equivalent, UPC-A bar codes.
9–2 ³ 1 07513 Transmit Lead Zero on UP C-E – This option will transmit a zero before each UPC-E bar code . ³ 1 07503 Do Not Transmit Lead Zero on UPC-E ³ 1 07512 Convert EAN-8 to EAN-13 – The scanner will transmit five zeros before the bar code to convert EAN-8 to EAN-13.
9–3 Codabar Formatting ³ 1 07717 Transmit Codabar Start/Stop Characters – Transmits Codabar’s Start/stop characters before and after each bar code.
9–4 Code 39 Formatting ³ 1 07715 Transmit Mod 43 Check Digi t on Code 39 – This feature works in conjunction with Mod 43 Check Digit on Code 39 option, on page 2–2.
9–5 Plessey ³ 1 07816 Transmit UK Plessey Check Digi t – The scanner will transmit UK Plessey Check Digit char acters and must be used with the UK Plessey opti on.
10–1 RS232 ³ 4 15554 * Enable RS232 Mode – the scanner will work with RS232 +/-12V serial output. Parity Features A parity bit is an extra data bit used to help catch data trans mission errors. The scanner’s parity must match the host’s p arity.
10–2 ³ 4 15850 * 9600 BAUD Rate ³ 4 15840 4800 BAUD Rate ³ 4 15830 2400 BAUD Rate ³ 4 15820 1200 BAUD Rate ³ 4 15810 600 BAUD Rate ³ 4 15800 300 BAUD Rate Data/Stop Bits ³ 1 16013 8 Data Bits – The number of data bits transmitted for each character .
10–3 ³ 1 15815 * Character RTS/CTS – Activates/Deactivates RTS signal for each character . ³ 1 15805 Message RTS/CTS – Activates RT S before sending the first character and leaves it active until after the last character has been transmitted.
10–4 ³ 1 15915 Enable RTS Counter To ggle – The scanner will toggle the RTS line on a go od decode. ³ 1 15905 * Disable RTS Counter To ggle ³ 1 15914 Enable XON/XOFF Handsha king – The scanner will stop transmission whenever on XOFF (ASCII 13H) is received.
10–5 ³ 1 15814 Enable 5 NAK Retries Allow up to 5 retransmissions of the data if a NAK is received. ³ 1 15804 * Disable 5 NAK Retries ³ 1 25210 Enable GLS Handsha king – Accept ]V for the ACK acknowledgement. ACK will no longer be accepted but NAK and any additional ACK/N AK protocol characters enab led are still accept ed.
11–1 Keyboard Enable Keyboard Emulation ³ 9 99994 Load Keyboard Wedge Defaults – Loads the default settings for keyboard wedge mode. ³ 5155153 Enable Stand-A lone Keyboard Emulation – Use this with special stand-alone models th at are not cabled for an external keyboar d.
11–2 ³ 4 16200 Belgium Keyboard ³ 4162100 Japan Keyboard ³ 4 16270 IBM 4700 Financial Keyboard ³ 4 16290 Sweden/Finland Key board ³ 4162110 Slovenian Keyboa rd Keyboard/System Type ³ 2 16215 * AT Keyboard – Includes IBM PS/2 and compatible models 50, 55, 60, 80.
11–3 ‘Dumb’ Terminal Selections Note: The following terminals may require custom cabl es. ³ 3 16400 IBM Terminal Keyboa rds ³ 3 16410 Reserved Terminal Keyboard #2 ³ 3 16420 Reserved Terminal.
11–4 Special Keyboard Features ³ 1 16311 Transmit Make Code Only – Not available on all models. ³ 1 16301 * Transmit Make/Break Code – Not availa ble on all models. ³ 1 16310 * Transmit FOH Break Code – T he scanner will transmit the FOH in the break-code sequence.
11–5 ³ 1 16214 Enable Auto Detect Mode (A T/PS2) – Automatically detects caps lock status. ³ 1 16204 * Disable Auto Detect Mode (A T/PS2) ³ 1 16214 Enable Caps Lock (XT) ³ 1 16204 * Disable Caps Lock (XT) ³ 1 16316 Send Numbers as Keypad Data – All data is sent as if it has been entered on a keypad.
11–6 ³ 1 16302 Enable Right A lt Key Sequenc ing ³ 1 16312 Disable Right A lt Key Sequencing ³ 1 16413 Enable LaCaixa Special Keyboard Prefix & Suffix Scan Codes ³ 1 16403 * Disable LaCaixa .
11–7 Control Sets In general, standard bar code symbologies will only encode the ASCII character set. Function keys, arrow keys and man y other extended keys on an IBM compatible keyboard do not transla te to ASCII characters.
11–8 ASCII (HEX) ASCII Control Extended Key 00H Null Numeric Keypad + (Plus) 01H SOH Num Lock 02H STX Down Arrow 03H ETX Numeric Keypad - (Minus) 04H EOT Insert 05h ENQ Delete 06H ACK System Request.
12–1 OCIA ³ 4 15544 Enable OCIA Mode – Select this option if communications r e q u i r e s O C I A ( O p t i c a l l y Coupled Interface Adapter).
13–1 Light Pen Parameters ³ 4 15524 Enable Light Pen Mode – Select this option if the scanner will be used in place of a light pe n. It provides light pen emulation of each bar code scanned. ³ 1 16917 * Bars High ³ 1 16907 Spaces High ³ 1 16916 Transmit as Code 39 – All bar codes will be decoded then transmitted as Code 39 bar codes.
13–2 Set Narrow Element Width ³ 1 16912 10x Narrow Element Border – Allows the transmission of Light Pen/Wand emulatio n using a 10x border. ³ 1 16902 * 50x Narrow Element Border – Allows the transmission of Light Pen/Wand emulatio n using a 50x border.
14–1 IBM ® 46xx Configuration IBM Port ³ 4 15504 Enable IBM 46xx Communic ation – For IBM 46xx SIOC/RS485 communications. Not all scanners support this interface. The correct interface board is required. ³ 9 99995 Load 46xx IBM Defaults – Load default format settings for the IBM 46xx systems.
15–1 USB ³ 4155114 Enable USB Interface ♦ ³ 9 99978 Enable Low Speed USB Defaults ♦ ♦ This feature is limited to Honeywell scanners without integrated Low Speed USB electronics. These bar codes co nfigure the scanner to communicate via the MX009.
15–2 ³ 3 16470 Enable Uni-Directio nal USB Serial Emulation Mode –Suppor ted in Honeywell MS9500, MS5100 and IS4125 laser-class prod ucts. Note: This bar code enables Bi-Directional USB Serial Emulation Mode in the Honeywell Focus ® area-imaging products.
16–1 Code Bytes Usage The scanner must be in Configuration Mode for the features requiring code bytes for configuration. The Enter/Exit Confi guration Mode bar code must be scanned before starting the config uration c ycle.
16–2 ³8 Code Byte 8 ³9 Code Byte 9 Reserved Codes ³ 9 99988 ~ Enable Reserved Code – Contact Hon eywell for information about this feature. ³ 9 99987 ~ Disable Reserved Code Code Type Table Co.
16–3 ASCII Reference Table HEX Value Decimal Value/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard Eqv 00 000 NUL @ 01 001 SOH A 02 002 ST X B 03 003 ETX C 04 004 EOT D 05 005 ENQ E 06 006 ACK F 07 007 .
16–4 HEX Value Decimal Value/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard Eqv 1D 029 GS ^ 1E 030 RS _ 1F 031 US space,blank 20 032 SP 21 033 ! 22 034 “ 23 035 # 24 036 $ 25 037 % 26 038 & 27 039 ‘ apostrophe 28 040 ( 29 041 ) 2A 042 * 2B 043 + 2C 044 , comma 2D 045 - minus 2E 046 .
16–5 HEX Value Decimal Value/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard Eqv 3C 060 < less than 3D 061 = 3E 062 > greater than 3F 063 ? 40 064 @ shift P 41 065 A 42 066 B 43 067 C 44 068 D 45 .
16–6 HEX Value Decimal Value/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard Eqv 5A 090 Z 5B 091 [ shift K 5C 092 shift L 5D 093 ] shift M 5E 094 ^ à,shift N 5F 095 _ , shift 0, underscore 60 096 .
16–7 HEX Value Decimal Value/ Code Byte Value Character Control Keyboard Eqv 79 121 y 7A 122 z 7B 123 { 7C 124 | vertical slash 7D 125 } alt mode 7E 126 ~ (alt mode) 7F 127 DEL delete, rubout Extend.
16–8 Key At S ca n Code PS2 Scan Code 3151 Prefix/Suffix Value Hex = Decimal F8 0AH 42H 3FH 97H = 151 F9 01H 43H 47H 98H = 152 F10 09H 44H 4FH 99H = 153 F11 78H 57H 56H 9AH = 154 F12 07H 58H 5EH 9BH.
17–1 MS9520 V oyager ® and MS9540 V oyagerCG ® Series Activation Range Use these bar codes to select infrared (IR) sensor activation rang e for sensing when objects are placed in the scan fiel d.
17–2 ³ 1 18713 * CodeGate Activ e Out of Stand ³ 1 18703 CodeGate Inactive Out of Stand Laser/Scan Mode s ³ 4 18304 * Normal Scan – The laser turns on after the IR senses a bar code. The laser remains on for approximately 3 to 10 seconds. ³ 4 18324 Blinky Scan – Laser turns on after the IR senses a bar code.
17–3 Same Symbol Time Outs If using an MS5145 Eclipse, the MS9524 or MS9544 VoyagerPDF, go to page 7–3. ³ 8 18900 No Same Symbol Time Out ³ 8 18910 1000 msec Same Symbol T ime Out ³ 8 18920 * 8.
17–4 MS9520-00 and MS9540-00 Laser Emulation Mode The MS9520-00 and MS9540 -00 leave the factor y with Laser Emulation interface enabled. If you recall defaults while re-configurin g your scanner, scan the follo wing bar code to re-enable the Laser Emulati on interface.
18–1 MS9524 and MS9544 V oyagerPDF ® Series ³ 1 00010 * Enable PDF ³ 1 00000 Disable PDF ³ 1 15010 * Enable Audible Indicator ³ 1 15000 Disable Audible Indicator PDF CodeGate Status ³ 1 18716 .
18–2 ³ 1 15017 Disable GS1 Databar 2D Linkag e ³ 1 15016 Enable UPC/EAN Linkage – Link UPC/EAN symbols with a 2D composite constituent then transmit. ³ 1 15006 * Disable UPC/EAN Linkage ³ 1 15005 * Enable Code 128 Linkage – T ransmit the 1D Code 128 without scanning the 2D portion.
19–1 MS9535 V oyagerBT ® The MS9535 can act as a client to other devic es equipped with Bluetooth ® wireless technology. If the device’s address is a 12-digit hex value that do es NOT start with a FNC3 (e.g., 000CA70 0118) the user must first scan the Get BT Address bar code (below), and then scan the device ’s address bar code.
19–2 ³ 8195 120 Sleep in 2 Minutes – The scanner will go into sleep mode after the laser has been off for 2 minutes. ³ 8195 300 Sleep in 5 Minutes – The scanner will go into sleep mode after the laser has been off for 5 minutes.
20–1 MS9535-5M V oyagerBT ³ 1 23910 Enable Inventory Mode – Bar code data that is scanned is stored in the scanner’s e xpanded memory base. The data will be transmitted when the scanner is placed back into its BT cradle. Note: A special be ep will sound when a bar code is scanned but not stored due to a full a memory base.
20–2 ³ 9 98049 Clear Inventory Records – Will clear all stored bar code data in memory. ³ 1 25612 Enable Auto Clear Records – Will automatically clear the stored records in the inventory buffer after transmission of the records stored. ³ 1 25602 * Maintain Records ³ 9 98048 Delete Last Record – Deletes the last bar code stored.
20–3 Inventory Quanti ty Bar Codes** The following inventory q uantity bar codes will enable the us er to enter a quantity from 1 to 9999 for the last item (bar code) scanned. T he item’s bar code data will be retransmitted as many times as the quantity in dicates.
21–1 IS4125 and IS4225 Scan Engines ³ 1 20315 Disable Old Serial Program ³ 1 20305 Enable Old Serial Program ³ 1 20311 Enable TTL U ART ³ 1 20312 Enable Non Buffered TTL U ART ³ 1 20313 Enable Detect and Notify Mode ³ 84660110 Cunningham Defaults – Scan this code followed by Recall Defaults co de to enable and load Cunningham defaults.
22–1 IS4823 and IS4825 Scan Engines Operating Modes Activation Modes ³ 4 18304 * Activate Sca nning with the Externa l Trigger – An external I/O pin is used to enable the scanning cycle. A High-to-Low transition on the I/O signal is used to activate scanning.
22–2 Activation Mode Features ³ 9 19600 ~ Variable Laser-On Time Out – Scan this bar code with a code byte sequence (on pag e 16–1) that represents the desired time out increment. The configurable time increme nt (1-second increments) selected is the scanning laser- on time.
22–3 ³ 1 20313 Detect and Notify Mode (Monitor the External Trigger) – The external I/O pin used in the default activation mode is monitored during the i nactive laser cycles. An <SI> is transmitted when the I/O is active and an <SO> when it is inactive.
23–1 Miscellaneous Features Custom Defaults Honeywell manufactures several scanners f or OEM applications. These scanners may use a different set of def aults than Honeywell factor y defaults. Scanning the bar code will reset the defau lt table to Honeywell defaults.
23–2 Serial Program Mode For Serial Program Mode, all commands must be framed b y an STX (02 Hex) and ETX (03 Hex). To recall defaults: 1. Transmit <STX>999999<ET X> through the Serial Port. This will put the scanner in serial program mode.
24–1 Cont act Information The Americas (TA) Om niplanar, Inc. Spain USA Tel: 856.374.5550 Tel: +34 913 272 400 Tel: 800.436.387 6 Fax: 856.374.5576 Fax: +34 913 273 829 (Customer Service) Email: Email: 866.460.8033 info@es.metrologic.
24–2 Chengdu Sales Office Japan Singap ore Tel: 0 2 8 - 6 6 1 3 5 0 6 6 / 8 6 7 8 6 3 4 8 Tel: 81-3-3839-8511 Tel: (65) 6842-7155 Fax: 028-86787061 Fax: 81-3-3839-8 519 Fax: (65) 6842-7166 Email: Email: Email: info@jp.metrologic.
Honeywell Scanning & Mob ility 90 Coles Road Blackwood, NJ 08012-4683 00-02544 Rev J June 2009 Printed in China.
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Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell MK9535-39C538 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell MK9535-39C538 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell MK9535-39C538, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell MK9535-39C538 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell MK9535-39C538, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell MK9535-39C538.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell MK9535-39C538. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell MK9535-39C538 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.