Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 500-XCL5010 du fabricant Honeywell
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Excel 500/600 CONTROL SYSTEM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CONTENTS Revision Ov erview ........................................................................................................................................................................
EXCEL 500/600 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Line Pow er Supply ............................................................................................. 23 XC6010 Comput er M odule ......................................................................
EXCEL 500/600 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GSM Antenna In stallation ....................................................................................... 47 M20 T erminal Set-u p.........................................................................
EXCEL 500/600 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS REVISION OVERVIEW On the follow ing pages, change s have been made compared to the previous relea se of this d ocument: Page: Change: throughout Information re garding Di stributed I/O modules has be en removed .
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS — When perfor ming any w ork (insta llation, m ounting, start- — Use only ac cessory eq uipment w hich comes from or h as up), all instr uctions given by the ma nufacturer an d in been approve d by Honey well.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S MOUNTING Control U n it I nstallat ion The Ex cel 500 and 60 0 controllers hav e the sa me hous ing and can be i nstalled two diff erent w ays: — Installation inside a contr ol panel (s ee page 8) . — Installation through a control pa nel door (see pa ge 10).
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S — Type X W 569 13 in. ( 330 mm) long (for hou sings one above the oth er) CA UTION Incorrect ly inserted bus cable s can destroy the modules in stalled. The internal b us begins at the fir st housing, conta ining t he power supp ly and co mputer modules, and end s at the last housing.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Setting th e Modul e Address (not XCL5010) In the case of application prior t o CARE 4.0, you can set the module addre ss using the r otary HEX switches l ocated on the upper surf ace of the re spective input and output mo dules.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S 3. Code the terminal b lock ( see secti on "Coding the Terminal B lock (not X CL5010)" on page 7). 4. Make sure that the l ocking s crews are pos itioned as shown in F ig. 13. 5. Plug in the enclosure .
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Excel 500- XCL5010 Plug in the co mmunication mod ule unt il it s naps into t he con- 1. Attach the DIN rail mo unting clips t o the housi ng.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S External In stallation o f XI582AH Operato r Interface 1. Re move the cove r. Fig. 20. Housing retai ning clamp 4. Turn retaining clamp to fix housing. 5. Code the terminal b lock ( see page 7). 6. Install the base .
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 26. Routing the cable 4. If mounting o n a wall, remove feet. Fig. 27. Removing f eet 5. Attach the hou sing to the wall. Fig. 28. A ttaching to wall 6. Make electr ical connection s (gray w ire not used).
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 31. Jumper lo cation (bac klight ON position) The figure above show s the location of th e jumper. To change jumper posit ion, disconnect t he connector fir st, then pu ll off jumper w ith tweez ers or pincers and move t o new po sition.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Dimens ions Excel 500/ 600 Fig. 34. Excel 50 0/600 out side dimension s EN1R-1047GE51 R0902 14.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Excel 500- XCL5010 Fig. 35. Excel 50 0-XCL5010 di mensions 15 EN1R-1047GE51 R0902.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S XI582AH Fig. 36. XI582A H dimensions EN1R-1047GE51 R0902 16.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Battery Activation during Commissio ning (XC6010, only) The controller is delivered from the factory with the b attery in the computer module electrica lly isolat ed from the inter nal circuitry by a safety tag to preven t the bat tery from discharging in transit.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S NOTE: The CPU modul es XC5010C and XCL5010 do not contain a battery. R AM is buffer ed for 3 days by a capacit or. Dismantl ing the Con trol Panel Unit Before disman tling the c ontroller , the low voltage switch S 1 of the power s upply modu le mu st be sw itched OFF (p ositio n 0).
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Dismantlin g the XI582AH Operato r Interface Use a pen cil or sim ilar object to open t he XI582AH O perator Interface. 2 2 1 1 0000079b Fig. 42. Remov ing Excel 500-XC L5010 fr om DIN rail 1. Dismantl e the control l er hou sing as dep icted.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS When connec ting the co ntroller, both VDE, Natio nal Electri c Code NEC (or e quivalent) and any local regu lation s con- cerning gr ounding an d zero volt age must be ob served. Electrica l work sh ould be carr ied out by a qualif ied electrician.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S XC5010C / XC6010 Cable Len gths and Sizes A cable lengt h of 1300 ft (400m) w ith a cross section al area of 0.5 mm 2 (20 A W G) is permi ssible for a two-core, 0 to 10 V dc Table 3. Cabl e sizing signal cab le.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Summar y of In ternal M odules Table 4. Summary of Excel 500/600 intern al modules Module Name Inputs Outputs Manual override s witches LED display Computer .
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Line Power Supply W A RNING A separate CRT 6 or 1450 series (U.S.) tr ansformer must be used for each of the EXCEL 500/ 600 control l er's 24 V s upply . No additional loa ds may be conne cted ! Each addition al XL500 /600 con troller r equires its own transformer.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 50. Excel 60 0 submodu le mounting loc ation For informatio n pertain ing to system bu s baud r ates an d termination switch settings, s ee sect ion "C-Bus T ermination (Excel 600)" o n page 38.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S NOTE: Shielded cable i s not n ecessary for the L ON W ORK S bus. The seria l port conne ctions at the bac k of the mod ule can be used to conn ect an XI582 MM I or, for CPUs w ith firmw are version V2.1. 0 or new er, a mode m or ISDN termi nal adapter.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 54. Connection of XAPU 24-2F UPS (intern al modules) LED (L3) show s operati on by battery . NOTE: The output from the XAPU 24-2F m ust not be connect ed with ot her device s.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S XP502 with E xternal UPS XA PU 24-2F (Distribut ed I/O and Internal Modules) As show n in the figure b elow, tw o XAPU 24-2F UPSs are required w hen the co ntroller has both in ternal and D istributed I/O module s conne cted.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 58 show s several connecti on exampl es for various sensors: W S21 W ind Sensor; SAF 25 Solar Sen sor; and VM P Feedback Pote ntiome ter. Fig. 58. XF521A connection examples Fig. 59 show s connections t o a TF26.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 60. XF526 A nalog Input module connection s XF523A Digital Input Module The digit al input mo dule can process DC or AC v oltage signals. T he module has 12 dig ital inputs. W hen the input voltage r eaches 5 V, t he digit al signal is set to a st atus of "1".
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S XF522A and XF527 Ana log Output Modules Technical Specifi cations Number: 8 analog outp uts Voltage rating: 0 to 10 V, max .
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S XF525A Three-Position Output Module Technical Specifi cations An L 16 minia ture cir cuit brea ker or G 10 A quick blow fuse should be u s ed to pr otect the 24 0 Vac mains supply . Voltage rating: 240 Vac or 28 Vd c max.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Excel 500-XCL5010 The Ex cel 500-X CL5010 hous ing compri ses a removable screw term inal bloc k for direct p ower supply w iring. For proper instal lation o f the ter minal bloc k, follow these instruct ions: 1.
Fig. 69. Transformer e xample Use quick-ac ting ba ckup fuse 1 0 A (or automat ic H16 or L16) to protect transformer pr imary side. On t he primary side of the CRT 2, there i s a fusible output of type M 0.315 A (T ) 250 V for the purpose of fine fusing.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S 4. Select one of the trans formers of the CRT -series or 1450 series from the tables on t he previous page or take a com mercially available standard transfor mer fulfilling th e requirements li sted in Table 14.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S grou nd Vi 10 Vdc Immersion t emperature sensor VF 1 00 Air duct temper ature sensor LF 100 25K ohm Wind sensor: Wind sensor W S21. Further connections: 200K ohm Temperatur e sensor ter minal T F26 Table 15. A ccuracy of analog input sensor s Fig.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S COMMUNICATIONS L ON W ORKS Bus Wiring Connectio n between t he Distrib uted I/O m odules and the CPU are ma de from t he L ON W ORKS connect or module XSL511.
Ho n e y w e l l X A L - T e r m EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 80. Terminatio n Module 209541B connect ions for a singly-terminated FT T network 3 4 5 shield 1 shield 4 3 0 6 LON Termination plu g-in jumper FTT/LPT B us FTT/LPT Free Park Po sition removabl e screw-type 3-pole termi nal block L L O O N N Fig.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Inside the c abinet: J-Y-(ST )Y 2 x 2 x 0.8 Outside the cab inet: A-Y-(ST) 2 x 2 x 0.8 In principle, data transmitting cables should be shiel ded in case of RFI. The follow ing su mmariz es cable ty pes an d give s selecti on guidance.
Fig. 84. Excel 50 0-XCL5010 C- Bus DIP s witch location Table 23. DIP switch settings for C-Bus ter mination (Excel 500-XCL5 010) DIP switch Communication Controller Com- setting speed location patibilit y XD505A, up max. 9.6 Kbau d - XL20X D middle o f XD508, middle max.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Excel 500 Cable Speci fications The X I582AH Operator Interfac e can be connec ted eith er to the or the bac k of the X C5010C. — XW582 cable, fr ont connection, length 15 f t (5 m) — XW583 cable, b ack connection, length 15 ft ( 5 m) Fig.
SHIELD 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 XW585 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 7 8 RTS RxD DCD TxD RI DTR CTS GND Excel 500-XCL5010 Cabl e Specification s MMI Cables Ready-mad e cables w i th the sh ield already connected to the computer mo dule plug end ar e availabl e for the conne ction of external M MIs.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Fig. 90. Excel 50 0 and Exc el 600 used tog ether with XI 584 and XI 582 Oper ator Interfaces Fig. 91. XW584 c able detail s EN1R-1047GE51 RR0902 42.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS The follow ing appl ies to the X C5010C and XCL5010 , only. For remote co mmuni cations w i th up to thre e XBS Build ing Centrals, a m.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Automatic Baudrate Synchronization The defau lt communica tion speed betw een the XC5010C /XCL5010 C PU and the l ocal m odem/ISDN ter m inal adapter is 96 00 baud.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S modem conn ected to the Ex cel controller serial p ort, and it then transmit s via GSM like a cellular ( m obile) phone. NOTE: Communi cation via G SM requires fir mware versio n V2.3.0 or higher. IMPORTANT With the M 20T, data communicat ion is po ssible only in 900 M Hz GSM networks.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S Protection fus e 1 A, fast blow Max. RF pow er 2 W at 900 MHz Power supply connecto r 6-pin mod ular CE conformity: • 89/336/EC (EM C guideline) • 73/23/.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S GSM Antenna Install ation The max i mum anten na cable le ngth is 8.0m (inc luding t he 20 cm M20 T erminal c able). Use a cable th at is spe cified by t he supplier of t he GSM antenna. Impr oper cables w ith resistance s that are too high w ill reduce the ampli fication of the antenna.
EXCEL 500 /600 IN STALLATION INSTRUCTION S NOTE: As soon as the PIN is entere d into the Ex cel controlle r, the fo llowing mechanis ms will t ake place automatical ly: — Cyclica l check (o nce per min ute) for ex istence of the PIN nu mber in t he M20 (AT +CPIN?) — Sending of PIN number to M20T , if it has lost it.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell 500-XCL5010 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell 500-XCL5010 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell 500-XCL5010, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell 500-XCL5010 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell 500-XCL5010, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell 500-XCL5010.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell 500-XCL5010. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell 500-XCL5010 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.