Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit L42VP01U du fabricant Hitachi
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L42VP01 U 42" Digital LCD Colour T elevision GB Instructions for use Downloaded From Manuals.
Eng lish - 1 - C on te nt s Install ation ........ ........ ........ .... ........ ........ .... ... 15 Configuration .... .... ........ ........ .... ........ ........ ... 16 Time rs .... .... ........ ........ .... ........ ........ .... ........ . 18 R E CO R DI NG F RO M I DT V .
Eng lish - 2 - PC Mo de ........ .... ........ ........ .... ........ ........ .... ...... 24 Install ation ........ ........ ........ .... ........ ........ .... ... 24 Men u System in PC mode .... .... ........ ........ .... 24 Sound Menu/Feature Menu .
Eng lish - 3 - Sa fet y Prec au tio ns Please read the follow ing re commende d safet y pre- cautions carefull y for your safety . IMP OR T A NT S A F ETY I NFO RMA TI ON ON OP ER A TI N G YO UR TV Do.
Eng lish - 4 - 1. Power Sour ce The TV set shou ld be op erate d only from a 220- 240 V AC, 50 Hz outle t. Ensure that y ou select the corre ct volt age setting for you r con venie nce . 2. Power Cord • D o no t p lace the set, a piece of furnit ure, etc.
Eng lish - 5 - 1 1. Dis conn ec t Devi ce The mains plu g is use d to d isconn ect TV set from the main s and there fore it s ha ll remain readi ly oper able. 1 2. Ex cessive soun d pr essure from earp hones and head phones can cause hear ing lo ss. 1 3.
Eng lish - 6 - Fe at ures • Remote contro lled colou r LCD TV . • F ully inte grated Dig ital TV (D VB-T) • Fu ll HD (1 920x 1080) • 10 0 prog rammes from VHF , UHF ba nds or cable chann els ca n be preset. • It can tune cab le chann els. • Co ntroll ing the TV is ver y ea sy by its menu dr iven system.
Eng lish - 7 - LC D T V F ro nt V ie w SOURCE SELECT MENU BUTTON PROGRAMME UP/DOWN VOLUME UP/DOWN ST ANDBY BUTTON + P/CH + TV/AV ME NU Power/Standby LED IR Receiver Built-in Speakers Fixed T ab le T o.
En glish - 8 - R emot e C ont rol Bu t to ns = S tand by On/Off f = Info DVD = Sele ct DVD TV/D TT = Selecto r button for Digita l/Analog ue mode = Hold in telet ext mode , Free ze pic ture / = V olum.
Eng lish - 9 - Hand ling th e Re mote Con trol • It could cause corr osion or ba ttery leakag e and may resu lt in physical injur y and/o r prop erty damage in- cludin g fire . • Ne ver mix used an d new batterie s in the dev ice. • Repla ce all the batte ries in a device at the same time.
En glish - 10 - Swi tch in g Th e TV ON /O FF T o switch the TV on: Y our TV w ill switch on in tw o steps: 1- Conn ect the pow er cord to the syste m.
En glish - 11 - T o seach for analo gue channels , select “Y es” . The menu below is displ ayed to search for analo gue chan- nels. A UTO P RO GRA M Country UK T ex t langu age West Select your L angu age, Coun try a nd T ext la nguage by using / a nd / bu ttons.
En glish - 12 - Icons are also displa yed in the information banner and if this chann el is a favou rite chan nel: Fav ouri te chann el icon . If the selected cha nnel is locked, you must enter the corre ct four digit code to view the ch anne l.
En glish - 13 - Pre ss the button to displ ay the Ma in menu, high - li ght th e Con fi gu rat io n li ne us in g or bu t to n andp ress the OK butto n to displa y the Conf igu ration men u. Hig hligh t th e “Subtitl e” item in Confi gura tion menu and use or button to set Subtitle to off or a lan guage.
En glish - 14 - Channel List is the place where the channels are mana ge d. SELECT i SELECT CHANN EL LIS T 1 B BC O NE 1. BB C ONE 2. BB C TW O 3. ITV 8 4.
En glish - 15 - SELECT i SELECT CHA NNEL LIS T 1 BBC ONE 1. BB C O NE 2. BB C TW O 3. IT V 8 4. Ch anne l 4 5. BB C TH REE 6. T elete xt 7. BB C FOU R 8.
En glish - 16 - FIRST TIME INST A LLA TION The use r can use th is ite m to loa d de fault setti ngs, w hich had been loa ded to the recei ver at the factory . T o insta ll factory settings, hig hlight “First T ime In- stal lation” m en u and pre ss the OK but ton, then you w ill be asked to confir m for delet ing all chann els and settings.
En glish - 17 - This func tion selects w hich langu ag e soun dtrack yo u w ill hear wh en sw itching to a channe l broa dcastin g w ith the multiple sou ndtra cks. Hig hligh t the A udio Langua ge line in the Conf igura - tion menu and use the or button to cycle throu gh the lan guag e options.
En glish - 18 - The re you can se t/rese t lo cking for the M ain Men u, or the Installa tion M enu to restrict access. If the menu lock is di sabled , the re will be fr ee acce ss to th e menu system. Also in this menu you can change th e lock key and set/cha nge par enta l lock mode .
En glish - 19 - o r b utt on to h ig h li gh t th e L an gu ag e l in e a nd p re ss th e OK bu tt on . Main Menu Channel L ist Installation Configurat ion T imers Language TV Set up Common Interface • Use the or button to highli ght the soundtr ack lan guag e requ ired and pr ess the OK button.
En glish - 20 - M en u Sy st em Pi ctur e Menu Mode Dyn amic Contras t 63 Brightne ss 63 Shar pness 31 Colour 99 Colour T emp Normal Noise R eduction Low Film M o de Of f Store Rese t PICT URE NO SIGNAL Mod e By pres sing / b utton , selec t Mode .
En glish - 21 - bal ance By pressin g / butto n, selec t Bala nce . Press butto n to incre ase balan ce to the righ t. Press butto n to decre ase balan ce to th e left. Balan ce leve l can be adjusted betw een -32 and +3 2. Pre ss th e bu tton to retur n to the prev ious menu.
En glish - 22 - D efa ul t Zoo m By pressing / button, select Default Zoom. Y ou can set Defa ult Zoom to Full, Panorami c, 4:3 or 14:9 Zoom by pres sing / button. B lue Ba ckg ro und By pres sing / button, se lect Blue Back ground .
En glish - 23 - By moving the curso r in four dir ections you can r each 20 p rogr ammes in the same page . Y ou can scroll the page s up or do wn by pr essing the na vigati on but tons to see all th e prog rammes in TV mode (e xcept the A V mode ). By curso r action , prog ramme selec tion is done au tomati cally .
En glish - 24 - SO U R CE : T V TV AV - 1 AV - 2 AV - 4 HD MI 2 TU N ER SC AR T SC AR T YPb Pr F A V SV HS AV - 5 HD MI 1 PC RG B D T T AV - 2 S S CAR T+ SVHS AV - 3 In source menu, highli ght a sour ce by pres sing / butto n an d switch to that mode by pressin g or OK butto n.
En glish - 25 - Ot her Fe at ur es TV Sta tus P r o g r a m m e N u m b e r , P r o g r a m m e N a m e , Sound Indi cator and Zoom M ode are dis pla yed on the screen whe n a new pro gr amme is entered or butto n is presse d . Mute Indi cator It is pla ced in the upper side of the screen when en able d.
En glish - 26 - Pano ramic : This stretches the left and right sides of a normal picture (4:3 aspect ratio) to fill the screen, withou t making the p icture appear unn atura l.
En glish - 27 - C on ne ct Pe ri ph er al Eq ui pm en t High De finit ion Y our LC D T elev ision is cap able of disp lay ing High Defi - nition pictur es fro m dev ices su ch as a Hig h Definit ion Satell ite Receiv er or DVD Player . These device s must be connected via the HDM I sockets or Compon ent Socket .
En glish - 28 - Pe ri ph er al Eq ui pm en t C on ne ct io ns ANT .IN AUD IO IN (R ) (L) VID EO I N IN OUT IN OUT HEADPHONE AUDIO VIDEO SA TELLITE RECEIVER ANTENNA CAMCORDER VH F/ UHF 75 Round 75 .
En glish - 29 - T ip s Car e Of The Scr een Cle an the screen w ith a slightl y da mp, soft cloth. Do not use abra sive solve nts as they may damage the TV screen coating layer . Po or Pi ctur e Hav e you selected th e correct TV system? Is your TV set or house aeria l lo cated too close to no n-eart hed audi o equ ipment or neon l ights, e tc.
En glish - 30 - DISPLA Y Size/Dia gon al 42 " (1 6:9 Displa y) V iewabl e siz e / Dia gon al 93.0 2 x 52.3 2 (cm ) / 10 6. 73 (c m ) V IDEO ST A ND A RDS V ide o PA L/N TSC/SECAM TV Tu ner (A nal.
En glish - 31 - RS232 I n 9 p in mini D-s ub OUT PUT CON NECT IONS Li ne Out A udi o Ph ono L/R Su bwoofe r 1 x Phon o (M on o) SPDI F Digi tal O ut 1 x Phon o A udi o Sp eak er Out put 2x 8 W RM S Sy nchroni zatio n Sy nc on g reen , composite s y nc with a uto m atic de tec tio n sepa rate H an d V s yn c .
En glish - 32 - Si gna l Inpu t PC RGB T er mina l (D- sub 15- pin co nne ctor ) P in I nput s ignal 1 R 2 G or s y nc on gr een 3 B 4 No c onne c t ion 5 No c onne c t ion 6 R.GND 7 G.GND 8 B .GND 9 No c onne c t ion 10 GND 11 No conne c t ion 12 [S DA] 13 H.
En glish - 33 - A pp en dix A : PC In pu t T y pi ca l Dis pla y M od es The displa y has a maximum resol ution of 1360 x 768, frequ en cy range of 56-85 Hz. The f ollow ing table is an illus tratio n of some of the typical vide o display m odes. M o d e Re s o lu tio n F r e q u e n c y Ho riz o nta l V e rtic al Ho r.
En glish - 34 - A pp en di x B: A V an d HD MI Si gna l Co mp at ib il it y Sourc e A v ail a ble O O O O O O O O 4 80 I 6 0H z O 48 0P 60 H z O 5 76 I 5 0H z O 57 6P 50 H z O 72 0P 50 H z O 72 0P 60 .
En glish - 35 - A pp en di x C: Mai n an d PI P- P A P Pi ct ur e Co mb in at io ns MAIN AV-1 AV-1 AV-2 A V -2 AV -3 AV -4 AV -5 HDM I 1 HDM I 2 CV BS RG B CVBS RGB YPBPR CV BS SV HS PIP , P AP O AV-1.
En glish - 36 - U K Gu aran tee Y ou r Gu aran tee of Ex ce llen ce Tha nk you for pu rchasi ng this Hitach i T elev ision. In the unlike ly ev ent tha t this produ ct should deve lop a fau lt, we und.
ANT .IN VCR AV- 1 AV- 2 QUICK GUIDE QUICK GUIDE IMPORT ANT - If placing TV into cabinet or alcove, ensure there is at least a 100mm (10cm) gap to the sides, rear and top of the TV . This is to allow for adequate ventilation during operation. Please read the main Users Guide for more safety information before installation.
...or through a HDMI and YP B P R pr oducts (D VD-RW) ...or through D VD-R,VCR and sa tellite decoder . ANT .IN ANT .IN RF Lead to Aerial RF Lead from VCR to Satellite RF Lead from VCR to TV Satellite LNB lead Aerial VCR • Scart Lead to AV on TV . -1 AV- 1 TV VCR AV- 2 DVD RECORDER TFT -LCD TV COMPONENT Y P R P B ANT .
connect the TV plug to the mains sock et s witch y our TV on by pressing the On/Of f button NB: When the set is first switched on, the set will be in standby . Press the channel up down (P- and the indicator on the front of the set will illuminate red , P+) or numeric buttons (1, 2, 3, .
Once the TV has found all your local stations, they are then automatically assigned a programme numberand name, if available from the broadcast. If you would like to change the programme number or order , please refer to the Program Menu section of the instruction book.
www Hitachi, Ltd. Consumer Business Group Shin-Otemachi Bldg 5f, 2-1, Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, T okyo 100-0004 Japan HIT ACHI EUROPE L TD.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Hitachi L42VP01U c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Hitachi L42VP01U - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Hitachi L42VP01U, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Hitachi L42VP01U va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Hitachi L42VP01U, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Hitachi L42VP01U.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Hitachi L42VP01U. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Hitachi L42VP01U ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.