Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit L32HP01U du fabricant Hitachi
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Digital LCD Colour T elevision L32HP01U GB Instructions for use Downloaded From Manuals.
- 1 - Co nt en ts Recordin g From IDTV ........ ........ ........ ........ . 19 Language ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 19 TV Setup .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... ........ . 20 Common Interfa ce .
- 2 - Pro gram ............ ........ ........ ........ .... ........ ...... 25 Band .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... 26 Chan nel .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .. 26 Colour System .... ....
- 3 - Sa f et y Prec aut ions Please re ad the follow ing recommen ded sa fet y pre- cautions car efull y for your safety . IMPORT A NT SA FET Y INFOR MA TION ON OP ERA T ING YOUR T V Do’s a nd Don .
- 4 - 1.Power Source The TV set sh ould be op er ated on ly fro m a 220- 24 0 V AC, 50 Hz outle t. Ensur e tha t you sel ect the cor rect volt age setting for you r con ve nience . 2.Power Cord Do not pla ce the set, a pie ce of furnitur e, etc. on the pow er cord (main s lea d) or pinch the cord.
- 5 - 13 . T o pr even t inj ury , this de vic e must be se curely attach ed to the wa ll in accorda nce wi th the in- stal lation in structio ns wh en moun ted to th e w all (if the op tion is avail able) . 14. Connection to a television distribution system (Cable TV etc.
- 6 - Featu re s • Re mote contro lle d colour LC D TV . • F ully inte gr ated Dig ita l TV (DVB- T) • 10 0 prog rammes from VHF , UHF ba nds or cable chann el s can be pres et. • It can tune cab le chann els. • Co ntroll ing the TV is v ery easy by its menu dr ive n system.
- 7 - L C D TV Front View R ea r Vi ew an d Peri p hera l Con ne ct io ns SOURCE SELECT MENU BUTTON PROGRAMME UP/DOWN VOLUME UP/DOWN ST ANDBY BUTTO N Standby LED IR Receiver Built in Speakers T ab le .
- 8 - Remo te Contr o l Bu t ton s ** The se butto ns can contro l m ost Hit achi DV D Pla yers an d Reco rder s. RGB2 TV/DTT I/II MENU GUIDE DVD SA T INPUT RETURN FUN CTIO N OK P 12 3 4 56 7 8 9 0 AV 1 AV 2 AV 3 AV 4 AV 5 HDMI1 HDMI2 .
- 9 - Pr ep arat io n For venti latio n, leave a space of at lea st 10 cm free all arou nd the set. T o preve nt an y fault and unsafe situ - ation s, plea se do not place any objects on top of the set.
- 10 - Swi t ch in g Th e TV ON /O FF T o switch the TV on: Y our TV w ill sw itch on in tw o step s: 1- Co nnect the po wer cord to th e sy stem. Pr ess Pow er On/ Of f swit c h.
- 11 - Country Language UK Ok Cancel PLEAS E CHECK ANTENN A CABL E AUT O. PROGRAMMIN G SY STEM TXT Langu age Auto Program By pres sing _ / ` butto n, adjus t the Count ry item and press b to hig hlight Language item. Us e _ / ` butto n to set Lan guage .
- 12 - Ev er y day Oper at io n Pre ssing th e butto n at an y time wh ile wa tch- ing telev isio n prog rammes will sw itch th e TV set be- tw een dis play ing the digit al ter restr ial tel evisio n br oad- casting and its normal anal ogue broad casting .
- 13 - • If y ou pres s butto n you can see the de tailed help infor matio n easily . An d by pr essin g butto n agai n y ou can exit H elp menu . • Th e starti ng time for EPG is the cu rrent time.Y ou can see the ev ent i nfo rmation fo r the ne x t two hour s.
- 14 - ID T V Men u S y st em The IDTV menu can only be show n w hen w atch ing Dig ita l te rr estr ial br oa dc astin g. Pre ss the but- ton to turn IDTV o n w hil e TV is in ana lo gue mo de.
- 15 - SELECT i SELEC T CHANNEL LIST 1 BBC ONE 1. BBC ONE 2. BBC TWO 3. ITV 8 4. Channel 4 5. BBC THREE 6. T eletext 7. BBC FOUR 8. Sky T ravel 9. UKHistory 10. RTL Select Delete Edit Name Lock Favourites Function Select Cha nnel Watch More Now pressin g _ / ` butto n moves to the prev ious/ nex t characte r .
- 16 - In stal lati on The Installa tio n menu mainl y inten ds to he lp y ou for buil ding a Channe l T able in the most ef ficient way . Main Menu Channel List Installation Configuration Timers Language TV Setup Common Interface This menu inclu des the fol low ing items: 1.
- 17 - First of all choose La nguage ,Coun try an d TX T Lan- guag e by using a / b and _ / ` butto ns. Thi s will affe ct the sort pr oce ss in APS. T o star t APS pr es s OK bu tton: UK P 03 - C 04 63.75 MHz 6% 63.75 MHz Cancel APS is running... After APS is finali ze d, the prog ramme t able will ap- pear on th e screen .
- 18 - The re are tw o possibi litie s for Receiv er softw are to be up grad ed: aut omatic and manual . i CONFIGURA TION Audio Language Subtitle Favourite Mode EPG Preference Receiver Upgrade Parental Settings English Off Off Now&Next V.
- 19 - Up to fiv e se para te timer e ven ts can be set and e ach is displa yed in the Timer screen , sho wing the even t nu mber , the chan ne l to be selec ted, th e star t time, end time, da te an d th e mode - wh eth er that ev ent is activ e (and w ill be acted on ) or no t.
- 20 - TV Se tup T o be able to go thro ugh TV functio ns, you can use this it em. The digita l TV Setup menu scre en is acce ssed fro m the main menu . Press the butto n to di splay the main menu and use a / b butto n to hi ghlig ht “T V Setup” , press the OK button to display TV Setup menu screen .
- 21 - A na lo g ue T V Men u Sy st em Pi ctur e Menu PICTURE Mode Contrast Brightness Sharpness Colour In the pictur e menu; if PC, YPbP r or HDMI mod es is selected, resolution inform ation is displayed at the botto m of the menu OSD . Mode By pres sing a / b b utton , se lect Mode .
- 22 - Ba lan ce By pres sing a / b select Ba lance .Pr ess _ / ` butto n to cha nge the lev el o f the bal an ce.Ba lance le vel can be ad justed betw ee n -32 an d +32. Headphone By pres sin g a / b button , sel ect Hea dpho ne. Press ` button to enter hedp hone m enu.
- 23 - Fe atur e Menu FEA TURE Sleep T imer Child Lock Language PIP PA P PIP In the Fea ture menu, highlig ht PIP item by pressin g a / b bu tton s. Pr ess ` bu tton to en ter PI P su bm en u: PIP PIP Posit ion PIP Pictu re PIP Source PIP SW AP PIP ON-O FF Off PIP ON- OFF Y ou can activ ate or deacti vate PIP mode by pressin g _ / ` button.
- 24 - P AP So urce Select P AP Source item by using a / b butto n. Use _ / ` butto n to se t P AP sou rce . Not e: When m ain pictur e source is TV , A V-1 , A V-2 or A V-3, PIP window can only be s et to HDMI -1, HD MI-2, A V-5 , PC source or vice ver sa.
- 25 - Pr ogra m T abl e By pres sing a / b butto n, se lect Pro gram T able . Pre ss ` to displa y Progra m T able . P02 C 04 P03 C 05 P04 BBC 1 P05 CH 4 P06 BBC 2 P07 C 04 P08 C 07 P09 C 12 P10 C 15.
- 26 - Band Band ca n be selec ted eithe r C or S by pres s _ / ` bu tton. Chann el Chan nel can be chan ged by _ / ` button or Digit Buttons. Co lou r S y stem By pressin g a / b button, selec t Colour Sy stem. Pre ss _ / ` butto n to ch ange the col our system to PA L , SECA M , P A L60 or AU T O .
- 27 - PC Mo de In stal lati on • Po we r off bo th Co mputer and Di splay befo re makin g any conn ections. • Se t you r PC ’s re soluti on corre ctly befor e co nnect- ing to the TV . See the table on Appendix A on page 36 . • Us e 15-p in dis pla y cab le to conn ect a PC to the LCD TV .
- 28 - Ot her Fe at ur es TV S tatu s Progra mme Number , Progra mme Name, Sound In dicator and Zoom Mode are dis played on the screen w hen a new prog ra mme is enter ed. Mute In dica tor It is pla ced in the upper si de of the screen when en able d.
- 29 - Subtitle This z ooms up the wide pic ture (16:9 aspect ratio) w ith subti tle s to the ful l scre en. 4: 3 Use to vie w a no rmal pic tur e (4 :3 asp ect ra tio ) as thi s is its origin al shape. 14: 9 Zoom This zo oms up the w ide pictur e (14: 9 aspect ra tio) to the uppe r and lowe r limits of the screen .
- 30 - C on ne ct Pe riph eral Eq ui pm en t High Defin it io n Y our LCD T elevision is capable of displaying High Defi nition pictur es from dev ices such as a High Defi- nitio n Satel lite Rece iver or DVD Pla yer . Th ese de vices must be co nnecte d via the HDMI socke t or Co mpo- nent Socket.
- 31 - Tips Car e Of The Sc ree n Cle an the screen with a slightl y da mp, soft cloth. Do not use ab rasive solve nts as the y may da mage the TV scre en coat ing layer . Po or Pi ctur e Hav e you sel ected the cor rect TV system? Is y ou r TV set or ho use aeria l lo cated too close to no n- eart hed audi o e quipme nt or ne on l igh ts, etc.
- 32 - Pe ri ph er al Eq ui pm en t C o nn ec t io ns ANT.IN A UD IO IN (R) (L) VIDEO IN IN OUT IN OUT HEADPHONE AUDIO VIDEO SA TELLITE RECEIVER ANTENNA CAMCORDER Round 75 o hm coaxial c able Rear of TV Outdoor Aerial Connection Ae ri al C o nn ecti on Downloaded From TV-Manual.
- 33 - Sp eci fic at io ns DI SP LA Y Siz e/D iagonal 32" (16: 9 D isplay) Veiw a ble s iz e /D iag onal 69.87 x 39. 33 (c m ) / 80.18 (c m ) V I DEO ST A NDA RDS Video P AL/NT SC /S E C A M TV T.
- 34 - OUT PUT CO NN ECT IONS Li ne Out A u d i o Pho n o L/ R Sub woofe r 1 x Pho no (M ono ) A udi o Sp ea ke r Outp u t 2x 8 W RM S Sy nchron izatio n Sy nc on gre en, c omposite syn c with a uto matic de te c ti on sepa rate H an d V sync. Ope rator Control Key s On/Off, Stand by , V ol+, V ol-, Prog +, Pro g -, M enu , TV /A V .
- 35 - Si gna l In pu t PC RG B T er mi na l (D- su b 1 5-pi n conn ector ) Pin I np ut s ignal 1R 2 G or sy nc on gree n 3B 4 No conne c tion 5 No conne c tion 6 R.GND 7G . G N D 8 B.GND 9 No conne c tion 10 GND 11 N o c onne c t ion 12 [S DA] 13 H.s y nc or H / V c omp os ite s y nc 14 V.
- 36 - A pp en dix A : PC In pu t T y pi ca l Dis pla y M od es The displa y has a max imum resol ution of 1360 x 768, freque ncy rang e of 56-75 Hz. The follow ing ta ble is an illus tra tion of some of th e typ ical v ide o disp lay m odes. Mo de H or iz on t al V er t ic al H o r.
- 37 - A pp en di x B: A V an d HD MI Si gn al Com p at ib il it y Sourc e A v ail abl e O O O O O O O O 480I 60H z O 480P 60H z O 576I 50H z O 576P 50H z O 720P 50H z O 720P 60H z O 1080I 50Hz O 1080.
- 38 - Ap pe n d ix C : M ai n an d PI P- P A P Pi ct ure C o mb in at io ns MAIN AV -1 A V-1 AV-2 AV-2 AV-3 (*) DT T YPbPr FA V S -VHS CVBS RGB CVBS S VHS (AV5) CV BS PIP, PAP X AV-1 X CVBS AV-1 X RG.
- 39 - U K Gu ar an t ee You r Gu aran tee of E xcellenc e Tha nk you for purch asing this Hit ach i T elevisio n. In the unlike ly ev en t that this produ ct should de velop a fau lt, w e und erta ke.
Rear view ANT .IN VCR AV- 1 AV- 2 IMPORT ANT - If placing TV into cabinet or alcove, ensure there is at least a 100mm (10cm) gap to the sides, rear and top of the TV . Thi s is to allow for adequate ventilation during operation. Please read the main Users Guide for more safety information before installation.
...or through a VC R and satellite decoder . ANT .IN ANT .IN RF Lead to Aerial RF Lead from VCR to Satellite RF Lead from VCR to TV Satellite LNB lead Aerial VCR • Scart Lead to AV on TV . -1 AV- 1 TV VCR AV- 2 TFT -LCD TV ...or through a HDMI and YP B P R products (D VD-RW) DVD RECORDER COMPONENT Y P R P B ANT .
RGB2 TV/DTT I/II MENU GUIDE DVD SAT INPUT RETURN FUNCTION OK P 123 4 56 7 8 9 0 AV 1 AV 2 AV 3 AV3 AV 4 AV 5 HDMI1 HDMI2 .... + basic functions of r emote contr ol connect the TV plug to the mains soc k et s witch your TV on by pressing the On/Of f button NB: When the set is first switched on, the set will be in standby .
Once the TV has found all your local stations, they are then automatically assigned a programme numberand name, if available from the broadcast. impor tant note bef ore star ting Auto Setup impor tant note.
www Hitachi, Ltd. Consumer Business Group Shin-Otemachi Bldg 5f, 2-1, Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, T okyo 100-0004 Japan HIT ACHI EUROPE L TD.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Hitachi L32HP01U c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Hitachi L32HP01U - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Hitachi L32HP01U, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Hitachi L32HP01U va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Hitachi L32HP01U, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Hitachi L32HP01U.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Hitachi L32HP01U. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Hitachi L32HP01U ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.