Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 8000 Elite du fabricant Hitachi
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Hardware Reference Guide HP Compaq 8000 Eli te Con verti ble Mini tower Business PC.
© Copyright 200 9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject t o change without notice. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered tradem arks of Microsoft Co rporation in the United States and/or other countries.
About This B ook This guide provides bas ic inform ation for upgrad ing this computer m odel. WARNING! Text set off in this man ner indica tes that fa ilure to fol low direct ions could result i n bodily harm or lo ss of life.
iv About This Book ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product Features Standard Co nfiguration Feat ures .......... ........... ....... ......... ....... ........... ...... ....... .......... ....... .......... ... ...... . 1 Front Pane l Compon ents ...... ......... ...... ...... ...
Changing from a Desktop to a Minitowe r Configur ation ........ ........ ......... ............ ......... ............. ......... . 41 Appendix A Sp ecifications Appendix B Battery Re placement Appendix C Exter nal Sec urity D evices Installing a Security Lock .
1 Product Features Standard Confi guration Fe atures The HP Compaq Converti ble Mini tower featu res may vary dep ending on the m odel. Fo r a com plete listin g of th e hardware and softwa re inst alled in the c omputer, r un the diagno stic utili ty (inc luded o n some com puter model s only ).
Front Panel Compo nents Drive configur ation may vary by model. S ome mode ls have a bezel blank c overing o ne or m ore dr ive bay s. Figure 1-2 Front Pa nel Compo nents Table 1-1 Fr ont Panel Compo nents 1 5.25-inch Optical D rives 5 Microphone/Headphone Connec tor 2 5.
Media Car d Reader Com ponen ts The m edia card reader i s an optional device availabl e on som e mode ls only. Re fer t o the fol lowing illus tration a nd tabl e to iden tify th e media card r eader components . Figure 1-3 Medi a Card R eader Components Table 1-2 M edia Card Reade r Compo nents No.
Rear Pane l Components Figure 1-4 Rear Panel Componen ts Table 1-3 Rear Pa nel Compon ents 1 Power Cord C onnector 6 Line-Out Connector fo r powered audio devices (green) 2 PS/2 Keyboard Connector (pu.
Keyboard Figure 1-5 Keyboa rd Co mponents Table 1-4 Keyb oard Compone nts 1 Function Keys Perform special funct ions depending on th e software applicat ion being used. 2 Editing Keys Includes the following: Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, and Page Down.
Windows Logo Key Displays or hides the Start menu Windows Logo K ey + d Displa ys th e De skt op Windows Logo K ey + m Minimizes all open applications Shift + Windows Logo Key + m Undoes Minimize All .
Windows Logo Key + + (on numpad) Zooms in Windows Logo Key + - (on numpad) Zooms out Serial Numb er Lo catio n Each c omputer h as a uniq ue serial nu mber and a product ID numb er that ar e located on the to p cover of th e compute r. Keep these num bers av ailable for use wh en contact ing cu stomer s ervice for assista nce.
2 Hardware Upgrades Serviceability Features The com puter incl udes featur es that mak e it easy to upgr ade and serv ice. No tools are needed for most of th e install ation pr ocedure s desc ribed i n this chapter.
Unlock ing t he Sma rt Cove r Lock NOT E: The Smart Cove r Lock is an optio nal featur e included on so me models on ly. The Sm art Cover Loc k is a sof tware-co ntrollable c over lock, contro lled by the setup pass word. This l ock preve nts unauthoriz ed access to the inter nal compone nts.
5. Use the Smart Cover FailSafe Ke y to remove the t wo tamp er-proof screws that secure the S mart Cove r Lock t o the chas sis. Figu re 2- 1 Removing the Sm art Cove r Lock Scre ws You can now rem ove the a ccess pan el. Se e Removi ng the Comput er Access Panel on page 11 .
Remov ing the Comp uter Ac cess Pa nel 1. Remove/di sengage any security d evices tha t prohibit op ening the computer. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the c omputer. 3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly through th e operati ng syst em, the n turn o ff any e xtern al devi ces.
Replacin g the Compu ter Access Panel 1. Lay the c omputer down o n its lar ge base for gr eater st abili ty. 2. Slide the lip on the front end of the acces s panel under the lip o n the front of th e chass is (1) th en press th e back e nd of the access panel on to the uni t so t hat it loc ks into pl ace (2).
Removi ng the Fron t Bezel 1. Remove/di sengage any security d evices tha t prohibit op ening the computer. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the c omputer. 3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly through th e operati ng syst em, the n turn o ff any e xtern al devi ces.
Removing Bezel Blanks 1. Remove /disengag e any securi ty devi ces that prohibit ope ning the co mputer. 2. Remove al l re movable media, s uch as c ompact d iscs or USB flas h drives, from the compute r. 3. Turn off the comp uter pro perly t hrough the oper ating sy stem, then turn off a ny extern al dev ices.
Replaci ng the Front Beze l Inse rt the th ree hook s on the botto m side of the beze l into th e rectang ular ho les on the cha ssis (1 ) then rotate t he top side of t he bezel onto t he chassis ( 2) and s nap it i nto place .
Inst alli ng Additiona l Memo ry The computer comes with double dat a rate 3 synchrono us dynam ic random acc ess memory ( DDR3- SDRAM) dual in line mem ory mo dules ( DIMMs). DIMMs The memo ry socket s on the system boa rd can be popu lated with up to four industry- standa rd DIMM s.
Populating D IMM Sockets There are four DIMM socke ts on the system boa rd, with two so ckets per ch annel. The sock ets are labeled XMM1 , XMM2 , XMM3, a nd XMM4. Sock ets XMM 1 and XMM2 ope rate i n memor y channe l A. Socke ts XMM3 and X MM4 oper ate in m emory channel B.
will hav e more mem ory than the other , the larger amount shoul d be assign ed to Chan nel A. F or example, if you are pop ulating the sock ets with on e 2-GB DI MM, and thr ee 1-GB DIM Ms, Channe l A should be popu lated with the 2-GB D IMM an d one 1-GB DIMM, and C hannel B shoul d be populated with th e other t wo 1-GB DIMMs.
6. Open both latch es of the m emory module s ocket (1) , and in sert t he memory modul e into the so cket (2). Figure 2-8 Installing a DIM M NOTE: A memo ry modu le ca n be ins talled i n only one way . Match th e notch on the mo dule with the tab on the me mory sock et.
Removi ng or Installin g an Expa nsio n Card The c omputer h as three standar d full-h eight PCI expan sion slot s, one PCI Exp ress x1 expan sion s lot, one PC I Express x16 expansio n slot, and one PCI Expr ess x16 exp ansion slo t that is downshif ted to a x4 slo t.
CAUTION: Rega rdless of the p ower- on state, v oltage is al ways presen t on the system boa rd as long as the syst em is plugged into a n active AC outle t. You must dis connect the power cord to avoid da mage t o the inte rnal component s of t he co mputer.
b. If you ar e remov ing a st andard PCI card or PC I Express x 1 card, hold the card at each e nd and care fully roc k it back an d forth un til the conne ctors pul l free from th e socket. Li ft the card stra ight up to remo ve it. B e sure n ot to sc rape t he card against other componen ts.
9. Store the rem oved ca rd in anti-s tatic packagi ng. 10. If you are not installing a new ex pansion card, ins tall an ex pansion sl ot cover to close the open slot. CAUTION: After r emoving a n expan sion card, y ou must replace it with a new c ard or expan sion slot cover for prope r cooling of interna l componen ts duri ng opera tion.
Drive Po sitions Figure 2-15 Des ktop and Minitower D rive Pos itions Table 2-3 D rive Positio ns 1 Three 5.25-inch external drive bays for optional dr ives (optical drives and media card reader shown) 2 Three 3.
Removin g a Drive from a Drive Ba y CAUTION: All re movab le media shoul d be taken out of a drive befor e removing the drive from the comput er. 1. Remove/di sengage any security d evices tha t prohibit op ening the computer. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the c omputer.
● If you are remov ing a media card rea der, disco nnect the USB cab le from the system bo ard. If the media card re ader has a 1394 port, disconne ct the 1394 cable fro m the PCI card.
7. Remove th e drive fr om the dr ive bay a s follows : ● To rem ove a 5.2 5-inch d rive in the deskto p configur ation , press do wn on the yellow dr iveloc k mech anism (1 ) and sli de the drive from the drive b ay (2) . CAUTION: Wh en the yellow dri velock is press ed, all the exte rnal 5.
● To remov e a ha rd drive from a nd inter nal 3.5-i nch drive bay, pull up on the gr een ha rd dri ve drivel ock mechan ism (1) for tha t drive and sli de the dr ive from th e dr ive bay ( 2). Figure 2-21 Removing a Hard Drive 8. Stor e t he remov ed d riv e in ant i-st atic pack agi ng.
Instal ling Addi tional Drives When ins talling add itiona l drives, foll ow these guide lines: ● The prima ry Serial ATA (S ATA) h ard drive must be conne cted to th e dar k blue SATA conn ector on the system boa rd labe led SATA0. ● Connect th e first SATA opti cal drive to the whi te SA TA connector on the s ystem board l abeled SATA1 .
CAUTION: To p revent loss of work and damag e to the c omputer or drive: If yo u are inser ting or re movin g a drive, shut d own the ope rating sy stem prop erly, tur n off the comp uter, and unpl ug the power co rd. Do not rem ove a drive w hile the compu ter is o n or in standb y mode.
Installing a 5.25-inch Drive in to an External Drive Bay 1. Remove/di sengage any security d evices tha t prohibit op ening the computer. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the c omputer. 3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly through th e operati ng syst em, the n turn o ff any e xtern al devi ces.
CAUTION: The bo ttom 5.25- inch drive bay has a shorter d epth th an the upp er two ba ys. The bottom bay suppor ts a half -heig ht drive or other d evice th at is no more th an 14.5 cm (5.7 i nches) in depth. Do not try to fo rce a lar ger drive, s uch as an optical dr ive, into the bott om bay.
3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly through th e operati ng syst em, the n turn o ff any e xtern al devi ces. 4. Disconne ct the po wer cor d from th e power outlet and discon nect any exte rnal de vices.
8. Connect the power c able (1) a nd data cable (2) to the r ear of the hard drive. Figu re 2- 28 C onnecting the Power Cable an d Data Cable to a SATA Har d Driv e 9. Connect th e opposit e end of the data cable to the a ppropria te syste m board connec tor.
2. Remove th e screw fr om the rear of the c arrier (1) and sl ide the to p cover off the c arrier (2). Figure 2-29 Removin g the Carrier Cover 3. Remove th e adhe sive st rip that secur es the t hermal s ensor t o the t op of the hard dri ve (1) an d move the therm al sensor away fro m the carrier (2).
4. Remove the fo ur screws from th e bottom of th e hard drive carrier. Figu re 2- 31 Removing the S ecurity Screw s 5. Slide the hard drive back to dis connect it fr om the carrie r then lift it up and out of the car rier.
6. Place th e new har d drive in the c arrier th en slide the har d drive back so th at it sea ts in the SATA connecto r on the carrier's cir cuit board. B e sure the c onnector on the hard d rive is press ed all the way into the conne ctor on the car rier's ci rcuit board.
8. Place the therm al sensor on top of the har d drive i n a pos ition tha t does n ot cover the label ( 1) and attach the thermal se nsor to the top of the hard driv e with th e adhesive strip (2).
Changing from a Mi nitower to a Desktop Confi guration 1. Remove/di sengage any security d evices tha t prohibit op ening the computer. 2. Remove a ll remov able me dia, s uch as com pact dis cs or USB flash d rives, from the c omputer. 3. Turn of f the com puter pr operly through th e operati ng syst em, the n turn o ff any e xtern al devi ces.
9. Gently sli de the drive int o the u pperm ost avai lable bay until i t snap s into p lace. Wh en the drive is properly ins erted, the driv elock wil l secure it. Repeat thi s step for each dr ive. Figu re 2- 38 Installi ng a Dri ve in the Desktop Configur ation CAUTION: The bo ttom 5.
13. Reposition the su bpanel (rotate it 90º) with the logo at the bot tom, then snap it bac k into the bezel. Figure 2-39 Changi ng from a Minitow er to a D esktop Co nfiguration 14. Replace the front bez el and compute r access pane l. 15. Reconnect th e power cor d and tur n on the compu ter.
8. To rele ase the d rives fro m the 5.25 -inc h drive ba y, pres s down on the s hort yell ow driv elock as shown (1). Wh ile p ressing th e drivel ock, pul l the drives ou t of the drive bay (2). Figu re 2- 40 Releasin g the 5.25 -inch D rives f rom the D rive B ays (D esktop) 9.
CAUTION: Hold the subp anel str aight when you pul l it a way from th e fron t bezel. Pulling the subpanel away at a n angle c ould dam age the pins that a lign it within the front bezel. 12. Reposition the bez el blanks wit hin the subp anel in the proper orientati on for the minitower configur ation .
A Specifications Table A-1 Specifications Desktop Dimensi ons Height Widt h Depth 7.0 in 17.63 in 17.5 in 17.78 cm 44.78 cm 44.45 cm Towe r Dim ens ions Height Widt h Depth 17.63 in 7.0 in 17.5 in 44.78 cm 17.78 cm 44.45 cm Approxi mate Weight 24.54 lb 11.
Power Supply Operating Voltage Range (STD PS) 1 Operating Voltage Range (EPA 87/89/85% @ 20/50/100% load PS) Rated Voltage Range (STD PS) Rated Voltage Range (EPA 87/89/85% @ 20/50/100% load PS) Rated.
B Battery Replacement The battery tha t comes wit h the computer prov ides power to the real- time cloc k. When repl acing the battery , use a batter y equivalent to the battery originally installed in the compute r. The compute r comes with a 3 -volt lith ium coin c ell batt ery.
7. Depending on the type of battery h older on the syst em boar d, compl ete the fo llowing instruc tions to replace the battery. Type 1 a. Lift the battery out of i ts holde r. Figure B-1 Removing a Coin Cell Battery (Type 1) b. Slide the r eplacem ent battery in to position, po sitive si de up.
b. Insert t he new bat tery and posit ion the c lip back into p lace. Figure B-3 Removing a Coin Cell Battery (Type 3) NOTE: After the b attery h as bee n replaced , use the follow ing steps to com plete thi s procedu re. 8. Replace t he com puter ac cess pan el.
C External Security Devices NOT E: For information o n data securit y features, re fer to the Des ktop Manage ment Guide a nd the HP ProtectTo ols Security Manage r Guide (some mo del s) at http://www.hp .com . Instal ling a Security Lo ck The sec urity l ocks disp layed bel ow and on the fo llowing p age c an be use d to secure the compute r.
Padlock Figure C-2 Installi ng a Padlo ck HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the sec urity cable by looping it aroun d a statio nary object . Figu re C-3 Sec uring the Cable to a Fixe d Objec t 50.
2. Thread the ke yboard and mo use cables through the lock. Figure C-4 Threading the Keybo ard and Mou se Cables 3. Screw the loc k to the chassis using the screw pr ovided.
4. Insert the plug end of the securi ty cable into the lock (1) and push the button in (2) to engage the lock. Use the ke y provided to disengage the lo ck. Figu re C-6 Enga ging the Lock Front Bezel Secur ity The fr ont bezel can be lock ed in pl ace by i nstallin g a s ecurity screw pr ovided b y HP.
6. Remove th e security s crew from the insi de of the front bez el. Figure C-7 Retrieving the Front Bezel Securi ty Screw 7. Replace the fro nt bezel. 8. Install the screw through the interior of the front of the chassis into the fr ont bezel. T he screw hole is locat ed on t he left edge of th e chass is next to the top hard drive bay.
D Electrostatic Discharge A disc harge o f stati c electr icity from a finger or other conduct or ma y damage system boards or ot her static- sensitive devices.
E Computer Operating Guidelines, Routine Ca re and Shipping Preparation Computer Operat ing Guideli nes an d Routine Care Follo w these g uidelines to prop erly set u p and care for the computer and mon itor: ● Keep the comp uter away from exc essive m oisture, direct sunl ight, a nd extre mes of hea t and col d.
Optical Drive Pr ecautions Be sur e to obs erve the follow ing guid elines w hile operat ing or cleaning the optical drive. Operation ● Do not mov e the drive dur ing oper ation. Th is may cause i t to m alfunction during readin g. ● Avoid ex posing the drive to s udden cha nges i n temperatu re, as co ndensa tion may for m inside th e unit.
Index A access panel locking and unlocking 9, 49 remo ving 11 repl acing 12 audio conne ctors 2, 4 B battery rep lacement 46 C changin g computer config uration 39, 41 computer operat ing guidel ines 55 connect ing d rive cables 29 D desktop conv ersion 39 DIMMs.
R rear p anel co mponent s 4 removab le hard drive repla cing 3 4 removin g battery 46 bezel blan ks 1 4 comput er acces s panel 11 drives from dr ive bay 2 5 expansio n card 20 expansio n slot co ver.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Hitachi 8000 Elite c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Hitachi 8000 Elite - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Hitachi 8000 Elite, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Hitachi 8000 Elite va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Hitachi 8000 Elite, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Hitachi 8000 Elite.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Hitachi 8000 Elite. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Hitachi 8000 Elite ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.