Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DS-6716HWI du fabricant Hikvision
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User Manual of DS-6700 Series Network Audio/V ideo Encoder Netw ork Audio/V ideo Encoder U ser Manual (V1.1.0) UD.6L0202D109 8A01.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 1 Hikvision® Netw ork Digital V ideo S erver User’ s M anual This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be u sed or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 2 Regulator y information FCC infor mation FCC compliance : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 3 Preventive and Ca utionary Tips Before connecting and operating y o ur Enco der, please be advised of th e following tips: Ensure unit is installed in a w ell -ventilated, dust-free environment.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 4 T ABLE OF CON TENTS Chapter 1 Introduc tio n ............................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Description .........................
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 5 Chapter 7 Device C onfiguration .............................................................................................. 33 7.1 Local Configu ratio n ..........................................
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 6 8.4.5 Handling Excepti on ................................................................................................ 64 8.5 Configuring Pri vacy Mask ..........................................
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 7 Chapter 1 Intr oduction 1.1 Description Developed on the basis of the latest encoding technology , DS -6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder Server allo.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 8 One 10M/100Mbps adaptive Ethernet interface (P oE) for DS-6701/6704HFI/ HWI m odels . One 10M/100M/1000Mbps adaptiv e Eth ernet interfa ce for DS-67 08/6716HFI/HWI and DS -6701/6704/6708/6716HFI/HWI-SA T A models.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 9 Exceptions Exception Alarm Handling Exception alarms include network disconnect alarm, IP address conflict alarm, illegal access al arm, etc.; multiple alarm handling methods are supported, relay alar m o utput, buzzer alarm, upload to center , etc.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 10 Chapter 2 S tructur e 2.1 Fr ont Panel DS -6701H W I/ HFI: Figure 2.1 Fr o nt P an el of DS -6701HW I/ HFI T abl e 2.1 Front P an el of DS -6701HW I/ HFI Item Description 1 POWER L ED Indicat or Light i n red when the device is pow ered on; light in oran ge when the SD car d is inserted.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 11 DS -6704H W I/ HFI: Figure 2.2 Fr o nt P an el of DS -6704HW I/ HFI T abl e 2.2 Front P an el of DS -6704HW I/ HFI Item Description 1 POWER L ED Indicat or Light i n red when the device is pow ered on; light in oran ge when the SD car d is inserted.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 12 T abl e 2.3 F ront P anel of DS -6708/ 6716 and DS-6701/ 6704/6708/671 6-SA T A Indicator Description 1 POWER Lights i n red when the device is pow ered on. 2 ST A TUS Lights i n red when data is bei ng read from or wri tten to HDD.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 13 DS -6704H W I/ HFI: Figure 2.6 Rear P a nel of DS -6704HWI/HFI T abl e 2.5 Rear Panel of DS-67 04HWI/HFI Item Description 1 ALARM I N Relay alarm input. 2 ALARM OUT Relay alarm output. 3 RS -232 Serial int erface for configurati on of device’ s parameters or used as transparent chann el.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 14 T abl e 2.6 Re a r P an el of DS-6708HWI/ HFI (-S A T A) Item Description 1 VIDEO I N BNC connector s for video input . 2 LI N E IN 3.5mm t wo - wa y audio input interface; connect t o active pick- up, micr ophone, etc.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 15 2. 3 Alarm Connections 2. 3.1 Alarm Input Connections DS -67 00 supports the o pen/close rela y input as the alarm input mode.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 16 Note: The DS -6701HWI/HFI has no JJ1 relay . Please note the diff erent con nections of JJ 1 shown above. For DC load, JJ1can be safely used both in NC and NO methods, and it is recommended to use within the limit of 12V/1A.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 17 Chapter 3 Network Parameters Configuration Purpose: If you don’t kno w the IP address of the decoder and th is is not t h e first time you use t.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 18 Figure 3.1 Search Onl in e Device b y SADP Note: Device can be searched and display ed in the list in 15 seconds after it goes online; it will be removed from the list in 45 seconds after it goes offline.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 19 Figure 3.2 Modify Net work Paramete rs.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 20 Chapter 4 Access to DS-6700 by Client Softwar e The DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder can be accessed b y iVMS -4200 client software (provided in attached CD). Please refer to the User Manual of iVMS-4200 Client Softwar e for more information .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 21 4. 2 .1 Adding Devi ce S teps: 1. Click Contro l Pa nel>Device Managem e nt to enter the Device Management page: Figure 4.2 Device Management Page 2. Click the Add button to enter the A d d Device dialog box: Figure 4.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 22 Figure 4.4 Search Onl in e Devices 4. Click Add to add the device. 5. The successfully added device (s) w il l be disp lay ed on the device list.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 23 Figure 4.6 S t art Live Vi ew Y ou can click the buttons on the toolbar to operate in the live view mode, e.g., captu re picture, start/stop recording, two-way audio, P TZ control (with P TZ camera connected to t h e encoder), digital zo om, open/close audio, play back video files, etc.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 24 Chapter 5 Access to DS -6700 by W EB Br owser The DS-6700 can also be accessed by WEB Browser for configuration a nd operation. The supported W EB browsers include: Internet Explorer 6/7/8/9, Firef ox 3.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 25 Figure 5.2 Downl oad and I nst all Pl ug - in (2) Click Run or Save on the pop-up wa rn ing message box.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 26 Figure 5.5 Inst all the W eb Co mponent s 5.2 Main Page After successful login, you will enter the main page automatically. Preset Setting/Calling PTZ Control Device List Window-division Live View Window Toolbar Video Parameters Settings Menu Bar Figure 5.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 27 Chapter 6 Live V iew Live view shows you the video image getting from the connected cam era in real time. After successful login, the system will enter the live view page automatically. 6. 1 S tarting Live V iew S teps: 1.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 28 Next page / Audio on/off / Start/S top two-w a y audio Note: Before u sing two-w a y audio function or recording with au dio , please selec t th e S tream T y pe to V ideo & Audio on Sectio n 8.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 29 Figure 6.3 RS -485 S et t ings 6. 3.1 Operating PT Z Movement In live view mode, you can use the PTZ control buttons to realize pan/tilt/zoom co ntrol of the cam er a lens.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 30 6. 3 .2 Setting / Calling a Preset Setting a Preset: 1. In live view mode, select a preset number from the preset list. Figure 6.5 Set a Preset 2. Use the PTZ control buttons to move the lens in the desired position.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 31 The preset can also be used to link to the alarm input when there is alarm event occurring. Figure 6.7 PTZ Linking Please refer to Cha pter 8. 4 Co nfiguring and Handling Alarms for th e PTZ Linking settings (Remote Configuration>Alarm Settings>Alarm Input>Linkage Method).
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 32 4. Move the slider to set th e sharpness to 0~15 and the denoising level to 0~3. The default value is 3 f or the sharpness and 1 for the denoising level. Note : Y o u can click the button to restore the default settings.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 33 Chapter 7 Device Configuration 7.1 Loc al Configuration Click Configuration > Local Configuration to enter the Local Configuration interfac e. Figure 7.1 Lo ca l Configurat ion Configure the following settings: Proto c ol T ype: Set the protocol type of stream transmission to TCP or UDP .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 34 7.2 Configuring T ime Settings S teps: 1. Click Rem ote Co nfiguration > Device Parameters > T i m e Settings to enter the T ime Settings interfac e: Figure 7.2 Tim e Set t i ngs 2. Select the T ime Zone.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 35 Note : If the device is connected to a p ublic network, you should use a NTP server that has a time synchronization function, such as the server at the National T ime Center (IP Address: 210.72.145.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 36 2. Co nfigure the NIC settings, inc lu ding the NIC T y p e, IPv4 Address, IPv4 Subnet Mask, I P v4 De fault Gateway , and MTU settings .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 37 S teps: 1. Click the Rem ote Configuration > Netw ork Settings > DDNS Settings to enter the DDNS Settings interface: Figure 7.9 DDNS Set tings 2. Check the Enable DDNS checkbox to enable this feature.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 38 Figure 7. 11 IPServer Set t ing s • PeanutHull: (1) Enter User Name and Password obtained from the PeanutHull website. (2) Click Save to save the settings. Figure 7. 12 PeanutHull Set t i ngs • Hi DDNS : (1) Enter the Server Address of the Hi DDNS server: www.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 39 7.3.4 Configuring PPPoE Settings Y ou r device also allows acc es s by Point- to -Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). S teps: 1. Click the Remote Co nfiguration > Network Settings > PPPoE Settings t o enter the P PPoE settings interface: Figure 7.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 40 Fi gur e 7. 15 Email Set t ings (1) 3. Configure the following Email settings: Authentication (optional): If your mail server requires authentication, check this checkbox to use authentication to log in to this server and enter the login User Name and Password.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 41 Figure 7. 16 Email Sett ings (2) 4. Click Save to save the Email settings. Please refer to the following sections for more inform ation : Configure alarm linking m ethod s with Send Email on Section 8.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 42 Figure 7. 17 Net work Disk Set t ings 2. Enter the IP ad dress of th e Network Storage Sy stem and File Path in the text filed.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 43 Figure 7. 19 Set HDD Propert y Note s: 1. Please refer to the User Manual of IP SAN/NAS for the creation of File Path in the network management. 2. Up to 8 NAS disks or IP SAN disk can be connected to the DS -6700 .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 44 Figure 7. 21 SNMP Set tings (2) 5. (1 ) When the security level is set to “ auth, priv ” , you can configure the Authenti cation Algorithm and Private-key Algorithm parameters.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 45 Figure 7. 22 QoS Set tings 2. Check the checkbox to enable the Qo S function. 3. Enter the DSCP (Diff erentiate d Services Co depoint) value for the video/audio , event/alarm and management traff ic .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 46 directory . W hen the parent directory is selected, you have th e option to u se the Device Name, Device Number or Device IP for the nam e of th e directo ry ; and when the Child Directory is selected, you can u se the Camera Name or Came r a No.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 47 7.3.11 Configuring U PnP TM Settings Purpose: UPnP ™ can permit the device s eamlessly discover th e presence of other network devices o n the network and establish functional netw ork services for data sharin g, communications, etc.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 48 Figure 7. 26 UPnP TM Set t ings -Manual 7.3.12 Configuring HTTPS Settings Purpose: HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) ensures the data transferred is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS).
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 49 Figure 7. 27 HTTPS Sett ings T ask1 : Create the self-signed certificate (1) Click the Create button to create the following dialog box. Figure 7. 28 Create Sel f-sign ed Cert ificate (2) Enter the country , h ost name/IP , validity and other information.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 50 Figure 7. 29 Bonjour S et t ings 2. Check the check b ox to enable the Bonjour function. 3. Edit the name o f device . The na me is shown when the device is dete ct ed by the system. Note: Only the letters, numbers and “ - ” can be contained in the name.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 51 7.3.15 Configuring Mult icast Address Purpose: The multicast address can b e config u red to realize live view for more than the maxim u m number of cameras through network. A multicast address s pan s the Class-D IP range of 224.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 52 Chapter 8 Ca mera Settings 8.1 Configuring OS D Settings 8.1.1 Configuring Displa y Settings Purpose: Y ou can customize the came ra na me and time on the screen.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 53 Camera 01 12-11-2012 Tuesday 11:21:00 Figure 8.3 Adjust OSD Lo cation 7. If you want to copy th e d isplay settin gs o f the current camera to other cameras, spread the Copy to Camera panel and select the camera(s) to copy , or click Select All to select all came ras.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 54 Highway A Figure 8.5 T ext Ove rl ay Set t ings 6. If you want to copy the text overlay settings of the current camera to other cameras, spread the Copy to Camera panel and select the camera(s) to copy , or click Select All to select all cameras.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 55 8.2 Configuring V ideo Settings S teps: 1. Click Rem ote Configuration > Camera Settings >V ideo Settings to enter the V ideo Settings interface: Figure 8.7 V id eo S et t ings 2. Select th e camera from the drop-down list to configure.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 56 panel and select the camera(s) to copy , or click Select All to select all cameras. Figure 8.8 Copy to Came ra 6. Click Save to save the above settings. 8.3 Configuring Sn ap shot Settin gs Purpose: Y ou can configure the sched uled snapsho t and event-triggered snapshot.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 57 interface. P lease refer to S tep 3 in Sectio n 8. 4 .1 Configuring Motion Detec ti on or Step 4 in Section 8. 4. 2 Configuring Exter na l Alarm Input . 3. Please refer to Section 7.3. 9 Configuring FTP Settings for more details to configure FTP parameters.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 58 the live video image. Note: Y o u are allowed to draw 8 m otion detection areas in the same ima ge. (5) Click th e button to finish drawing. Y ou can click the button to clear all areas. (6) Move the sli d e bar to set the sensitivity of th e camera.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 59 Figure 8. 13 Motion Detect ion- Ed it Armin g Sched ul e Notes : 1. The time of each segme n t can’t be ove rlapp ed . Up to 8 segments can be configured for each day . 2. The Holiday option is available in the Schedule dropdown list when you have enabled holiday schedule in Holiday settings .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 60 (1) Click the Linkage Method tab to enter the setting interface. (2) Select the alarming linkage method(s) including Audible W arning, Notify Surveillance Center , Send Email and Upload to FTP . Audible Warning Trigger an audible beep when an alarm is detected.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 61 Delay refers to the time duration that the alarm output remains in ef fect after alarm occurs. Note: If you choose Manual , you need to manually disable the alarm output. 4) Click Edit to enter the Edit Schedu l e T i m e interface.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 62 Figure 8. 19 Al arm Input S et t ings-Arming T ime 3. S et the arming schedule for th e alarm in put. Refer to S tep 2 Set the Arming Schedule for Motion Detection in Section 8. 4 .1 Configuring Motion Detection.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 63 (1) Cho ose the P TZ Linking channel. (2) Check the relative checkbox to enable Preset Calling, Patrol Calling or Pattern Calling. 6. Y ou can copy y ou r settings to other alarm inputs. 7. Cli ck Save to save the settings.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 64 2. S elect the camera to configure the tamper -proof detection alarm . Figure 8. 22 T amp er- pro of Al arm Set t ing s 3. Cli ck check b ox of Enable T a mper -proo f . 4. S et the tamper -Proof area.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 65 Figure 8. 23 Handling Ex c ept i ons 3. Cli ck Save to save the settings. 8. 5 Configuri ng Privacy Mask Purpose: Privacy Mask enables you to co ver certain areas on the video of the c h annel to prevent y our privacy from live viewing and recording.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 66 Note: Up to 4 privacy mask areas can be configured. 6. When finish ing the area setting, click th e bu tton to f in ish draw in g. Y ou can click the button to clear all of the areas y o u set without saving it.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 67 Figure 8. 26 RS -485 Port Set tings 2. Set the RS-485 parameters. By de fault, the Baud Rate is set as 9600, the Data Bit as 8, the Stop B it as 1 and the Parity and Flow Con trol as None.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 68 Chapter 9 Record/Capture Settings Before you st art Make sure the Encoder is connected w it h HDD (for DS-6700HWI/HFI-SA T A) or n etwork disk, and the HDD or network disk has been initialized for the first tim e to use.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 69 Figure 9.2 Ed it Holid ay 3. Y ou can check the finished holida y settings on the list. 4. Rep eat the sam e st eps to edit other holidays.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 70 Figure 9.4 Sched ul e Set t i ngs Interface 5. Click Edit to enter the Edit Schedule interface. 6.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 71 Tim e and End T i m e of each p eriod. Note: The time of each period can’t be overl apped. Up to 8 periods ca n be configured . 2) Select a Record T ype or Capture T ype . The record/capture type ca n be Normal, Motion, Alarm , Motion & Alarm, and Motion | Alarm.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 72 8. If you want to copy th e d isplay settin gs o f the current camera to other cameras, spread the Copy to Camera panel and select the camera(s) to copy , or click Select All to select all cameras.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Network Audio/V ideo Encoder Chapter 10 Playback Purpose: The recorded video files can be rem otel y playe d back through the W EB bro wser . S teps: 1. Click Playback on the menu bar to enter playback interface: Figure 10.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 74 Figure 10.3 Pl ayback P ag e 5. Use the buttons on the toolbar to operate in playback mode Figure 10.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 75 Chapter 1 1 Ma naging User Accounts Click Remote Configuration > Remote Configuration > User M anagem e nt to enter th e User Information interface: Figure 11.1 U ser Information Interf a ce The admin user is allowed to create normal users.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 76 • User : The Guest user has permission of Local Log Search in Local Configuration, Remote L o g Search in Remote Configuration and only has the local/rem o te playback in the Cam era Con figuration.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 77 11 .3 Deleting a User S teps: 1. Select a user account from the list on the User Inform ation interfa c e to be deleted. 2. Click Delete , and the informa ti on box will pop up: Figure 11.5 Del e te a U ser 3.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 78 Chapter 1 2 Log Search and Maintenance 12.1 Log Sear ch Purpose The operation, alarm, ex c eption and information of the device can be stored in log files, w hi ch can be view ed and exported at any time .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 79 12.2 V iewing Device Information Click Remote Configuration > Device P arameters > Device Information to enter the Device Information interface of the encoder: Figure 12.2 Device Informat i on Y ou c an edit the Device Name an d Dev ice No.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 80 Figure 12.3 Maintenance Page 12.3.1 Re starting the Device On the Maintenance> Reboot interface, click Re boot to enter the following message box: Figure 12.4 Re boot the Device Click OK to reboot the device or Cancel to cancel the operation .
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 81 By selecting the Restore button, the d evice restores the default settings for the parameters excep t the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and port. By selecting the Default button, the device restores the default settings f or all parameters.
User Manual of DS-6700 Series Audio/V ideo Encoder 82 Chapter 13 FAQ Why cannot ping the Encoder? Please refer to Chapter 3 to configure the device ’ s IP bein g in t h e same segm ent as your PC, and check th e cable and switch. Why the transpar e nt channel has been s et, but the encoder still cannot r eceive data? 1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Hikvision DS-6716HWI c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Hikvision DS-6716HWI - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Hikvision DS-6716HWI, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Hikvision DS-6716HWI va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Hikvision DS-6716HWI, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Hikvision DS-6716HWI.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Hikvision DS-6716HWI. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Hikvision DS-6716HWI ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.