Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Express 500 du fabricant American Megatrends
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MegaRAID ® Express 500 Hardw are Guide Preliminary Draft MAN- 475 4/14/2000.
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide ii © Copy rig ht 2000 Am erican Me gatre nds, I nc. All righ ts res erved. Am erican Me gatre nds, I nc. 6145F Nor thbel t Parkwa y Nor cro ss, GA 30071 This publ ication contains propr ietary info rmation w hich is pr otecte d by copy right.
Pref ace iii Table of Contents 1 Overv iew ................................................... 1 Single En ded and Differen tial SCSI Bu ses .......................2 Maxim um Cable L ength for SCSI Stan dards ....................2 Docum entation .....
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide iv Table of Contents, Cont inued 4 Features .................................................. 27 Hardw are Requirem ents ..................................................28 Config uration Features ...........
Pref ace v Table of Contents, Cont inued 6 Hardware Installation ............................ 51 Installation Steps .............................................................52 Step 1 Unpack .........................................................
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide vi Preface The Me gaRA ID E xpress 500 P CI RA ID Controlle r supports a ll single ended and low- voltag e diff erential (L VD) SCSI devic es on a 160M Ultra and Wide SCSI channe l with data trans fer ra tes up to 160 MB/s (Megaby tes pe r second).
Pref ace vii Preface, Continued Package Contents You shou ld have received: • a MegaRA ID Expres s 500 PCI RA ID Control ler • a CD w ith drivers, utilities, and documentation • a MegaR AID Exp .
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide viii MegaRA ID Problem Report Form Customer Inform ation Meg aRAID Information Nam e Toda y’s D ate Company Date of P urch ase Addre ss Invoic e Numbe r City.
Pref ace ix Logical Drive RAID Level Stripe Size Logical Drive Size Cache Policy Read Policy Wri te Policy #o fP h y s i c a l Drives LD21 LD22 LD23 LD24 LD25 LD26 LD27 LD28 LD29 LD30 LD31 LD32 LD33 L.
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide x Phy sical Device Lay out Channel 1 Target ID Device Type L ogical D rive N umber/ Dr ive Numbe r Manuf acture r/Model Num ber Firmware level Target ID Device.
Pref ace xi Channel 1 L ogical D rive N umber/ Dr ive Numbe r Manuf acture r/Model Num ber Firmware level Target ID Device Type L ogical D rive N umber/ Dr ive Numbe r Manuf acture r/Model Num ber Fir.
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide xii Preface, Continued Disclaim er This manual describes th e operati on o f the Am erican Megat rends M egaRAID Express 500 Disk Arr ay Controller.
Pref ace xiii FCC Regulatory Statement This de vice co mplie s with Par t 15 of the F CC Rules. O peratio n is subject to the f oll ow ing tw o conditio ns: (1) this de vice may not cause harm ful interf ere nce, and (2) this device must accept any interf ere nce re ceive d, including interf ere nce that may cause undes ired oper ation.
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s500 Hardw are G uide xiv.
Ch apt er 1 Over view 1 1O v e r v i e w The MegaRA ID® Expres s 500 PCI RA ID controll er is a hi gh perform an ce intelligent PCI-to-SCSI host adapter with RAID control capabilities. T he MegaRAID Express 500 pro vides reliability, high performan ce, and fault- tolerant disk su bsys tem m anagem ent.
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s 500 Hardw are G uide 2 Single Ended and Differential SCSI Buses The SCSI standard defin es tw o electrical buses: • a single end ed b us • low-v oltage differential bus Maximu.
Ch apt er 1 Over view 3 Documentation The MegaRAID Express 500 docum entation set includes: MegaRAI D Configur ation Hardw are Guide This manual co ntains the RAI D over view, RAID planning, and RAID sy stem confi guration information y ou will need first.
Meg aRAI D Ex pres s 500 Hardw are G uide 4 MegaRA ID Express 500 Block Diagram.
Chapter 2 I ntr oduction to RAI D 5 2 Introduction to RAID RAID (Redundant Array o f Independent Disks) is an array of multiple inde pend ent har d dis k drive s that pr ovid e high pe rfor mance and fa ult to lera nce. A RA ID disk subsy stem im proves I/O performance over a compu ter using on ly a single dr ive.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 6 In This Chapter The following topics are discussed: Major Topic Subtop ic turn to Host-based solution page 7 RAID overview page 8 Consiste ncy chec k page 8 F.
Chapter 2 I ntroductio n to RA I D 7 MegaRA ID Express 500 – Host-Based RA ID Solution RAID produ cts are either: • host- based or • SCSI-to-SCSI The MegaRAID Ex press 500 controller is a hos t-based RAID s olution. MegaRA ID Express 500 is a PCI adapter card that is installed in an y available PCI expan sion sl ot in a host sy stem .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 8 RA ID Overv iew RAID (Redu ndant Array of Independent Disks ) is a collection of specification s that describe a system for ensuring the reliability and stability of data sto red on large disk subsystem s. A RAID system can be implemented in a number of differ ent ver sions (o r RAID Levels) .
Chapter 2 I ntroductio n to RA I D 9 Disk Striping Disk striping writes data across multiple disk dr ives instead of just o ne disk drive. Disk striping involves partitioning each drive storage sp ace into stripes that can vary in size from 2 KB to 128 KB.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 10 Disk Spanning Disk spanning allows m ultiple disk drives to function like one big dr ive. Spannin g overcom es lack of disk space and simplif ies storage m anagem ent by combinin g existing resources or adding relatively inexpensive resou rces.
Chapter 2 I ntroductio n to RA I D 11 Disk Mirroring With mirroring (used in RAID 1 ), data written to one disk d rive is simultan eously w ritten to another disk drive. I f one disk drive fails, the contents of the other disk drive can be used to run th e sys tem an d reconstruct th e failed drive.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 12 Parity Parity gen erates a set of redun dancy data f rom tw o or more parent data sets . The redundancy data can be used to reconstru ct one of the parent data s ets. Parity data does not fully duplicate the parent data sets.
Chapter 2 I ntroductio n to RA I D 13 Hot Spares A hot spar e is an extra , unused d isk drive that is p art o f the disk subsystem. It is usu ally in standby m ode, ready for servi ce if a drive fails. Hot spares permit you to replace failed drives with out sys tem sh utdown or user i ntervention.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 14 Disk Rebuild You rebuild a disk drive by recreating the data that had been stored on the drive before the drive failed. Rebuilding can be do ne only in arrays w ith d ata redundancy such as RAID level 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, and 50.
Chapter 2 I ntroductio n to RA I D 15 Logical Drive A logical drive is a partition in a phy sical arra y of d isks that is m ade up o f contiguou s data segm ents on the phy sical disks.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 16 Disk A rray Ty pes The RAID disk ar ray ty pes are listed in the following table: Type D escri ption Softw are- Based The ar ray i s mana ged by s oftw are running in a host compute r using the host CPU bandwidth.
Chapter 3 RAI D L eve ls 17 3 RAID Levels There are six off icial RAID lev els (RAID 0 th rough RA ID 5). MegaRAID Express 500 su pports RAID le vels 0, 1, 3, and 5. Ame rican Megatren ds has designed three additional RAID levels (10, 30 , and 50) that pr ovide additio nal benefi ts.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 18 Selecting a RA ID Level Level Description and Use Pros Cons Max. Drives Fault Tolerant 0 Data divided in blocks a nd distributed sequentia lly (pure striping ). Use f or non-critical da ta that requi res high perf ormance .
Chapter 3 RAI D L eve ls 19 RA ID 0 RAID 0 pr ovides disk strip ing across all drives in the RAID subsystem. RAID 0 does not prov ide any data redundancy , but does offe r the best perf orman ce of any RAID level. RA ID 0 breaks up data in to sm aller blocks and then writes a block to each drive in the array.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 20 RA ID 1 In RA ID 1, MegaRA ID Express 500 duplicates all data from on e drive to a second drive. RA ID 1 provides com plete data redundancy , but at the cost of doublin g the requ ired data storage capaci ty.
Chapter 3 RAI D L eve ls 21 RA ID 3 RAID 3 pro vides disk striping and co mplete data redundancy though a dedicated parity drive. The stripe size must be 64 KB if RAID 3 is u sed. RAID 3 handles data at the block level, not the byte level, so it is ideal for networks that often handle ve ry large files, such as gra phic images.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 22 RA ID 3, Continue d RAID 5 vs RAID 3 You may find that RAID 5 is preferable to RA ID 3, even f or applications characterized by sequential reads an d writes , because Meg aRAID Ex press 500 has very robust caching algorithm s.
Chapter 3 RAI D L eve ls 23 RA ID 5 RAID 5 includes d isk striping at the byte level and parity. In RAID 5, the parity information is w ritten to several drives. RAID 5 is best suited for networks that perform a lot of small I/O transactions simu ltaneously.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 24 RA ID 10 RAID 10 is a combina tion of RA ID 0 and RAID 1. RA ID 10 has m irrored drives. RAID 10 breaks up data int o smaller blocks, and th en stripes the blocks of data to each RAID 1 raid set. Each RA ID 1 raid set then duplicates its data to its other drive.
Chapter 3 RAI D L eve ls 25 RA ID 30 RAID 30 is a combina tion of R AID 0 and RA ID 3. RAID 30 provi des hig h data transfer speeds and high d ata reliability. RA ID 30 is best implem ented on tw o RAID 3 disk array s with data stri ped across both disk array s.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 26 RA ID 50 RAID 50 prov ides the f eatures of both RAID 0 and RA ID 5. RAID 50 includes both parity and disk str iping across multiple drives. RAID 50 is best implem ented on two RAID 5 disk ar rays w ith d ata striped across b oth disk arrays .
Chapter 4 Fe atures 27 4 Features MegaRAID is a fam ily of high performance intelligen t PCI-to-SCSI host adapters with RAID control capabilities. MegaRAID Express 5 00 has a SCSI chann el that s upports 160M Ult ra and Wide SCSI at data tran sfer rates up to 160 MB/s.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 28 Hardw are Requirements MegaRAID Express 500 can be installed in an IB M AT®-compatible or EISA computer w ith a motherboard that has 5 volt/3.3 volt PCI expansion slots. The compu ter m ust s upport PCI v ersion 2.
Chapter 4 Fe atures 29 Hardware Architect ure Features The hardw are architecture features include: Specification Feature Process or I ntel i960RM 100 SCSI Controller Q Logic ISP10160A Size of Flash R.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 30 RA ID Management Features The RAID man agemen t features include: Specification Feature Support for SN MP Yes Perfor manc e Monitor provided Yes Rem o te con.
Chapter 4 Fe atures 31 Softw are Utilities The software utility features include: Specification Feature Graphical u ser interface Yes Manage ment utility Yes Bootup conf iguration v ia Meg aRA ID Mana.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 32 MegaRA ID Express 500 Specifications Parame ter Specification Card Size 5.875" x 4.2" (half leng th P CI) Process or Intel i960RM™ 32-bit RI SC proces sor @ 100 MHz Bus Type PCI 2 .
Chapter 4 Fe atures 33 PCI Bridge/CPU MegaRA ID Express 500 uses th e Intel i960RM PCI bridge w ith an embedded 80960JX RISC process or r unning at 1 00 MH z. T he RM br idge ha ndles d ata transfers between the primary (host) PCI bus, th e secondary P CI bus, cache me mory , and the SCSI bu s.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 34 MegaRA ID BIOS The BIOS resides on a 1 MB × 8 flash ROM for easy u pgrade. The MegaRA ID BIOS support s INT 13h calls to boot DOS w ithout speci al softw are or device drivers.
Chapter 4 Fe atures 35 SCSI Connectors MegaRA ID Express 500 has t wo ty pes of SCSI connectors : • a 68-pin high dens ity internal con nector and • a 6 8-p in ext ernal ultr a-high-de nsity co nnecto r. Both connector types can be used for the SCSI ch annel.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 36 RA ID Management RAID manag ement is provided by software utilities that m anage and configure the RA ID sys tem an d MegaRAID Ex press 500, create and m anage m ultiple disk arrays, control and monitor mu ltiple RAID servers, pro vide error statistics loggin g, and provide onlin e main tenance.
Chapter 4 Fe atures 37 Fault-Tolerance Features The MegaRAID Express 500 fau lt-tolerance featu res are: • automatic failed drive detection, • automatic f ailed drive rebuild with no user interven tion required, • hot sw ap manu al replacemen t with out bringin g the sy stem dow n, and • SAF-TE complian t enclosure m anagem ent.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 38 Compatibility MegaRAID Express 500 co mpatibility issu es include: • server manage ment, • SCSI device compatibility, and • software com patibility Server Management As an SNMP agen t, MegaRA ID Express 500 supports all SN MP managers and RedAlert from Storage Dimen sions.
Chapter 5 Config uring Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 39 5 Configuring MegaRAID Express 500 Configuring SCSI Phy sical Drives SCSI Channel Physical SC SI drives mu st be organized into logical driv es. The arrays and logical driv es that you con struct m ust be able to support t he RAID l evel th at you select.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 40 Current Configuration SCSI ID Device Descrip tion Termin ation? SCSI Channel 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Logical Drive Configuration Logical Drive .
Chapter 5 Config uring Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 41 Logical Drive RAID Level Stripe Size Logical Drive Size Cache Policy Read Policy Wri te Policy #o fP h y s i c a l Drives LD30 LD31 LD32 LD33 LD34 LD3.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 42 Phy s ical Dev ice Layout Channel 1 Target ID Device Type L ogical D rive N umber/ Dr ive Numbe r Manuf acture r/Model Num ber Firmware level Target ID Devic.
Chapter 5 Config uring Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 43 Channel 1 L ogical D rive N umber/ Dr ive Numbe r Manuf acture r/Model Num ber Firmware level Target ID Device Type L ogical D rive N umber/ Dr ive Nu.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 44 Configuring A rrays Organize th e physical disk drives in array s after the driv es are connected to MegaRA ID Express 500, f ormatted, an d initialized. Each array can consist of one to eigh t physical di sk drives .
Chapter 5 Config uring Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 45 Configuration Strategies The most im portant factors in RA ID array configu ration are: drive capacity , drive availability (fault tolerance), and drive performance.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 46 Configuration Strategies, Continued Ma xim izing Drive Ava ilability You can m aximize the av ailability of data on the phy sical disk drive in the logical array b y m aximizing the level of f ault tolerance.
Chapter 5 Config uring Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 47 A ssigning RAID Lev els Only one RAID level can be assigned to each logi cal drive. The drives required per RAID level is: RAID Level Mi nimum Num ber.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 48 Optimizing Data Storage Data Access Requirements Each ty p e of data stored in the disk subsystem has a different frequency of read and write activ ity.
Chapter 5 Config uring Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 49 Planning the A rray Configuration Answ er the following questions about this array: Question Answ er Numbe r of physic al disk drives in the array Purpose of this array.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 50 A rray Configuration Planner Num ber of Drives Possible RAID Levels Relative Performan ce Fault Tolerance Effective Capacity 1 None Excellent N o 100% 1 RAID.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 51 6 Hardw are Installation Requirem ents You must have the fo llowing: • a Mega RAID Ex press 500 Controller • a host c omputer with an ava ilable PCI ex pansion.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 52 Installation Steps MegaRAID Express 500 p rovides extensive customization options. If you need only basic MegaRA ID Express 500 featu res and you r comput er.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 53 Step 1 Unpack Unpack and in stall the hardw are in a static-f ree environm ent. T he MegaRA ID Express 500 controller card is packed inside an anti-static bag betw een two sponge s heets. Rem o ve the controller card and in spect it for damag e.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 54 Step 4 Install Cache M emory Use 72-bi t 3.3V unbu ffe red SDRAM on ly. The m axim um m emory ban dw idth is 528 MB /s with an SDRA M DIMM. Important A minimum of 8 M B of cache memory i s requir ed. The cache memor y must be instal led before MegaRAID Expres s 500 is operational .
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 55 Step 4 Install Cache M emory Continued Important If the DIMM SDRAM is not installed when you receive your MegaRAID Express 500 RAID controller, you m ust call the m anufact urer f or a list of a pproved DI MM vendors .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 56 Step 5 Set Jumpers Make sure th e jumper s ettings on th e MegaRA ID Express 500 card are correct. The jumpers and con nectors are: Connector Description Typ.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 57 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Conti nued J1 Term ination En able J1 is a three-pin header that specifies h ardwa re or softw are control of SCSI termination. Type of SCSI Te rm ination J10 Setting Softw are control of SCSI term ination via drive detec tion.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 58 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Conti nued J8 Hard Disk L ED J8 is a four- pin connector th at attaches to a cable that con nects to the hard disk L ED mou nted on the com puter enclosure. The L ED indicates data trans fers.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 59 Step 6 Set Termination You must ter minate the SCSI bus p ro perl y. Set ter mination at bo th ends o f the SCSI cable. T he SCSI bus is an electrical transm ission line and mu st be terminated properly to m inimize reflections and losses.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 60 SCSI Termination The SCSI bus is an electrical transm ission line and it m ust be term inated properly t o min im ize reflect ions and los ses. You c omplet e the SC SI bus by setting termination at both ends.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 61 SCSI Termination, Continue d Term inating External Disk Arrays In most array enclosures, the end of the SCSI cable has an independent SCSI terminator module that is not part of any SCSI drive.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 62 SCSI Termination, Continue d Connecting Non-Disk SCSI Devices SCSI Tape drives, scann ers, CD-ROM drives , and other non-dis k drive devices m ust each have a u nique SCS I ID regardless of the SC SI channel the y are attac hed to.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 63 Step 7 Install M egaRA ID Express 500 Choos e a 3.3 V or 5 V PCI sl ot and ali gn th e MegaRA ID Express 500 con troller card bus connector to the s lot. Press down gently but firmly to make sure t hat the card is proper ly s eated in the slot.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 64 Step 8 Connect SCSI Cables Connect SCSI cables to SCSI devices. Meg aRAID Express 500 provides tw o SCSI conne ctor s: J1 1, the SCSI cha nnel inter nal high.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 65 Step 8 Connect SCSI Cables , Continued Cable Sugg estions System throughp ut pro blems can o ccur i f SCSI cab le use is not maximized.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 66 Dev ice Identification on MegaR A ID Express 500 All log ical drives on each SCSI bus are identif ied to the host as ID 0. Differentiate the drives w ith Logical Unit Identifiers (LUNs). ID 0 cannot be used for n on-disk devices becaus e they are limited to IDs 1 throu gh 6.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 67 Step 10 Power Up Replace the com puter cover and recon nect the A C power cords. Turn power on to the hos t compu ter. Set up the pow er suppli es so that th e SCSI dev ices are pow ered up at the sam e time as o r before the h ost compu ter.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 68 Step 12 Install the Operating Sy stem Driver Important When booti ng the system from a drive connected to a MegaRAID controller and using EMM386.EXE, MEGASPI.SYS must be loaded in C ONFIG.SYS before EMM386.EXE is loaded.
Chapter 6 Hardw are I nstallation 69 Step 12 Install Operating Sy stem Driver, Continued CD-ROM Driver A d evice d rive r is pr ovid ed with Me gaRAID Exp re ss 500 for CD-RO M dr ives operating u nder DOS, Window s 3. x , a nd Wind ows 95. T he d river fi lename is AMICDROM.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 70 Summary This chapter discussed hardware installation. Configure the RA I D system via software config uration utilities. See the MegaRAID Conf iguration Sof tware Guide for all information about MegaRAID Expr ess 500 so ftw are utilities.
Chapter 7 Tr ouble shooting 71 7 T roubleshooting Prob lem Suggested So lution The sy stem hang s during the boot process a fter installa tion. Make sure the SCSI BIOS on the motherboard has been disa bled. The sy stem hang s during the boot process a fter installa tion.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 72 Prob lem Suggested So lution Firmware Initializing... appears and rem ains o n the screen . Make s ure that TER MPWR is being prope rly provid ed to each perip heral device populated chann el.
Chapter 7 Tr ouble shooting 73 BIOS Boot Error Messages Message Prob lem Sugges ted Solu tion Adapter BIOS Disa bled. No Logical Drives Handled by BIOS The MegaRAID BIOS is disabled. Som etimes the BIOS is disabled to prev ent booting from the BIOS. Enable the BIOS via the MegaRAID BIOS Setup utility.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 74 Message Prob lem Sugges ted Solu tion 1 Logica l Drive Degrade d A logical drive sig ned on in a degra ded state. Make sure all p hysical drives a re properly conn ected and are powered on. Run MegaRAID Man ager to find out if any phy sical drives a re not responding .
Chapter 7 Tr ouble shooting 75 Other BIOS Error Messages Message Proble m Sugge sted Solu tion Following SCSI disk not found a n dn oe m p t y slot ava ilable for ma pping it The phy sical disk roam ing fe ature did not find the phy sical disk w ith the display ed SCSI ID.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 76 DOS A SPI Driver Error Messages Messag e Corrective Action American Megatrends In c. ASPI Man ager has NOT been load ed. The ASPI manager i s not l oaded . One of th e failure codes listed below is displayed next.
Chapter 7 Tr ouble shooting 77 Other Potential Problems Topic Inf ormation DOS ASPI MEGASPI.SYS , the MegaRAID DOS ASPI manager, uses 6 KB of syste m me mory onc e it is loaded. CD-ROM drives under DO S At this time, cop ied CDs are no t accessible from DOS even afte r loading MEGA SP I.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 78 Topic Inf ormation Window s NT Installation W hen Windows N T is installe d via a bootable CD, the devic es on the Mega RAI D Expres s 500 will not be recogniz ed until after the initial re boot. The Microsof t docum ented w orkaround is in SETUP.
Appe ndix A SCSI Cables and Connecto rs 79 A S CSI Cables and Connectors SCSI Connectors MegaRA ID Express 500 provides s everal diff erent types of SC SI connectors . The connectors are: • one 68-pin high density internal connector, and • one 68-pin ultra hig h density ex ternal connector.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 80 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Cable Assembly for Internal Wide SCSI Devices The cable assembly for connecting in ternal w ide SCSI devices i s show n below: pin 1 pin 1 pin 1 Connectors: 68 position plug (male) AMP - 786090-7 Cable: Flat Ribbon or Twisted-Pair Flat Cable 68 Conductor 0.
Appe ndix A SCSI Cables and Connecto rs 81 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Connecting Internal and External Wide Devices The cable assembly for connecting int ernal w ide and external wide S.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 82 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Converting Interna l Wide to Internal Non- Wide (Type 2) T he cable assembly for c onverting internal w ide SCSI co.
Appe ndix A SCSI Cables and Connecto rs 83 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Converting Interna l Wide to Internal Non- Wide (Type 30) T he cable assembly f or connecting internal w ide SCSI d.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 84 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Converting from I nternal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (Type 3) The cable assem bly for connecting internal w ide SCSI.
Appe ndix A SCSI Cables and Connecto rs 85 High-Density 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal Gr ound 1 1 2 35 -D B(12) Gr ound 2 3 4 36 -D B(13) .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 86 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout, Cont inued High-Density Single Ended Co nnector T he follo wing applie s to the high-de nsity SCSI connect or table on th e previous page: • A hy phen before a signal n ame in dicates that sign al is active low .
Appe ndix A SCSI Cables and Connecto rs 87 68-Pin Connector Pinout for LVD SCSI Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal +DB( 12) 1 1 2 35 -DB(12) +DB( 13) 2 3 4 36 -DB(13) +DB( .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 88.
Appe ndix B Audible W arnings 89 B Audible W arnings The MegaRAID Ex press 500 RAID controller has an onboard tone generator that indicates even ts and errors. Tone Patte rn M eanin g Example s Thre e sec onds on and one sec ond off A logica l drive is off line.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 90.
Glo ssary 91 Glossary Array A group ing or arr ay of dis k drive s combi nes the sto ra ge spac e on t he disk d rive s into a sing le segm ent of contiguous storage space. MegaRA ID can group disk drives on one or more SC SI chann els into an array .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 92 Glossary , Co ntinued Consistency Check An exam ination o f the disk system to determine wh ether all conditio ns are valid for the specified configuration (su ch as parity.) Cold Swa p A cold swap requires that y ou turn the power off before replacing a defectiv e hard drive in a dis k subsy stem .
Glo ssary 93 Glossary , Co ntinued Disk Striping A ty pe of disk array m apping. Consecutive stripes of data are mapped round- robin to cons ecutive array mem bers. A striped array (RAID Level 0) provides high I/O per forman ce at low cost, but provides low ers d ata reliab ility than any of it s me mbe r d i s ks .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 94 Glossary , Co ntinued Form at The pro cess of w r iting zeros to all data fields in a phy sical drive (hard drive) to map out unreadable or bad sectors. Because m ost hard drives are f actory formatted, formatting is usually only done if a hard disk generates many m ed ia errors.
Glo ssary 95 Glossary , Co ntinued Logical Di sk A set o f contiguo us chunks on a physical disk. Logic al di sks are use d in ar ray implem entations as constituents of logical volumes or partitions. Logical disks are norm ally trans parent to the host env ironm ent, except when the array cont aining the m is being c onfigur ed.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 96 Glossary , Co ntinued Parity Parity is an extra bit added to a byte or word to reveal errors in storage (in RAM or disk) or tran sm ission . Parity is used to generate a s et of redun dancy data from tw o or more parent data sets.
Glo ssary 97 Glossary , Co ntinued RAID Levels A sty le of redundancy applied to a logical drive. It can increas e the perform ance of the log ical drive and can decreas e usable capacity .
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 98 Glossary , Co ntinued Reconstruct T he ac t of r emaking a lo gical dr ive afte r cha nging RAID le vels o r ad ding a physical drive to an existing array. Redundancy The pr ovision of mu ltiple interchangeable components to perform a sing le function to cope with failures o r er rors.
Glo ssary 99 Glossary , Co ntinued SCSI ID A SCSI phy sical drive can be in on e of these s tates: • Online - Powered-on and oper ational. • Hot Spare - Powered-on s tand-by disk driv e, ready for use if an onlin e disk fails. • Rebui ld - A disk driv e to which one or more log ical drives i s restorin g data.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 100 Glossary , Co ntinued Spare A hard drive available to back u p the data of other drives. Stripe Size The amount of data co ntiguously written to each disk. You can specify stripe sizes of 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, 32 KB , 64 KB, and 128 KB for each logical drive.
I ndex 101 Index 1 160M and Wide SCSI, 27 6 68-P in High Density Connectors ,7 9 A AMICDROM.SYS, 69 AMPL IMITE .050 Ser ies conne ctors, 86 Array , 91 Array Config uration Planner ,5 0 Array Managemen.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 102 Failed Drive , 93 Fast SCSI, 93 Fault Tol erance, 8 Fault Tolerance Features ,3 0 Fault -Tole rance ,3 7 Features ,2 7 Firm war e, 32, 93 Flash ROM, 1 FlexR.
I ndex 103 R RAID, 96 Benefits, 5 Introduction to, 5 RAID 0 ,1 9 RA ID 1, 20 Spanning to config ure RAID 10, 10 RA ID 10, 24 Config uring, 10 RA ID 3, 21 Parity disk, 1 2 Spanning to config ure RAID 3.
Meg aRAI D Expre ss 500 Hardwar e Guide 104.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté American Megatrends Express 500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du American Megatrends Express 500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation American Megatrends Express 500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le American Megatrends Express 500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le American Megatrends Express 500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du American Megatrends Express 500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le American Megatrends Express 500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei American Megatrends Express 500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.