Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 795 du fabricant Graco
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332916C EN Oper atio n 695 / 795 / 1095 / 1595 / Mark IV / Mark V / Mark VII / Mark X Electric Airless Sprayers For Portabl e Airless Spr aying of Ar chitectural Coatings and Paints. For professional use only. Not approved for use in European explosi ve atmosphere locations.
2 332916C Table of Conten ts Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 UltraMax II, Ultima te Max II M odels: . . . . . . . . . . 3 TexSpray M odels: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Warnings . . .
Models 332916C 3 Model s UltraMax II, Ultimate Max II Models: 695 UltraMax, Standard, Pr oContractor , IronMan Model s Model Voltage Standar d Hi-Boy Sta ndard Lo-Boy ProContractor IronMan 16W892 120 .
Models 4 332916C TexSpray Models: 1595 Ultr aMax, Standa rd, ProContrac tor, Ir onMan Models Model Voltage Standard Hi-Boy Standard Lo-Boy ProContractor IronMan 16W902 120 ✓ 16W903 120 ✓ 16W907 12.
Warn ings 332916C 5 Warnings The foll owing warni ngs are for the setup , use, gro unding, ma intena nce, and rep air of thi s equipm ent. The exclama - tion p oint symbol alerts yo u to a ge neral warn ing and the hazard symbols refer to p rocedure- specific risks.
Warnings 6 332916C FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Flamm able fumes, such as solven t and pain t fumes, i n work a rea can ig nite o r explode. To help prevent fire an d explosio n: • Do not spray f lammable or combus tible mate rials n ear an op en flame o r sources of ignit ion su ch as cigarette s, moto rs, and ele ctrical equi pment.
Warn ings 332916C 7 EQU IPMENT M ISUSE HAZA RD Misus e can cause death o r serious i njury. • Always wear appro priate glov es, eye pr otection, and a respi rator or mas k when pai nting. • Do not ope rate or spr ay near c hildren. K eep chil dren away from equ ipment at a ll times .
Component Id entifica tion 8 332916C Component Ident ification 695 / 795 / 1095 / 1595 / Mark IV / Mark V / Mark VII / Mark X Standard Models: ON OFF ti14839 c A GH J K L B C D E F M A Pressure Gau ge.
Compone nt Identif ication 332916C 9 695 / 795 / 1095 / 1595 Mark IV / Mark V / Mark VII / Mark X ProCon tra ctor Mod els: ON OFF ti18239 b P N M L G A B R K J H C D E F F A Smart Control 3.
Component Id entifica tion 10 332916C 1095 / 1595 / Mark V IronMan Mo dels: ON OFF ti22935 a N M L G A B K J H C D E F A Smart Control 3.0 Disp lay B Am p Swi tch (not a vailabl e on all u nits) C ON/.
Groundin g 332916C 11 Grounding The sprayer cord inclu des a groun ding wire with an appropria te groundi ng contac t. Do not use the spr ayer if the elect rical cord has a dama ged grou nd contact. The plu g must be p lugged in to an ou tlet that i s properl y insta lled and grounded in accorda nce with a ll loca l codes an d ordina nces.
10/1 6 Amp Switc h 12 332916C Pails Solvent and oil/based f luids: follow l ocal co de. Use only co nductive metal pails , placed on a grou nded sur- face such as conc rete. Do not p lace pail o n a noncon ductive surface s uch as paper or c ardboard wh ich inte rrupts grounding continui ty.
Pressure Relief Procedure 332916C 13 Pressure Rel ief Procedu re Foll ow the Press ure Relief Procedur e whenever you s ee this s ymbol. 1. Turn power OFF. Wait 7 sec onds for power to dissip ate. 2. Engage tr igger l ock. 3. Remove gu ard and S witch Tip.
Setup 14 332916C Setup 1. All spray ers excep t ProCo ntractor: Co nnect Graco airless hose to s prayer. Tighten secure ly. If using t he optiona l hopper , remove the nippl e fit- ting fro m the filt er. Insta ll 45° el bow (from parts bo x) into filte r and in stall ni pple fitting i nto elbow.
Startup 332916C 15 Startup 1. Perfor m Pressure Relief Pr ocedure , page 1 3. 2. T urn p ressu re cont rol to low est pr essu re. 3. Turn power ON . 4. Increase p ressure 1/2 turn to start mo tor and allo w fluid to c irculate through dra in tube for 15 seco nds; tur n pr essur e dow n.
Swit ch Ti p Inst all ation 16 332916C Switch Tip Installati on 1. Perfor m Pressure Relief Pr ocedure , page 1 3. 2. Use spray tip (A) to insert OneS eal ™ (B) into guard (C). 3. Insert S witch Tip. 4. Screw a ssembly o nto gun. T ighten. Spray 1. Spr ay test p attern.
Fast Flu sh (ProContra ctor and Iro nMan model s only) 332916C 17 Fas t Flush (ProContractor and IronMan models only) To flush the hose and gun at an acce lerated sp eed, per- form the followi ng steps: 1. Perfor m steps 1 - 3 of Clea nup , page 22. 2.
ProGuard 18 332916C ProGuard This spr ayer protec ts itself aga inst high a nd low vo ltage. If the spr ayer is p lugged in to a powe r source that is too low or to o high the s prayer will stop ope rating. Standard Models Standard models come equi pped with a ProGu ard sta- tus indica tor ligh t.
Hose Reel 332916C 19 Hose Reel (ProContractor models only) 1. Make su re hose is routed th rough hos e guide. 2. Lift and tu rn pivo t lock 90 ° to unloc k hose ree l. Pull on hose to remove it from h ose reel. 3. Pull ree l handle up and t urn clock wise to ree l in hose.
Digital T racking Sys tem (ProContra ctor and Iro nMan model s only) 20 332916C Digital Tracking System (ProContractor and IronMan models only) Operation Main Menu Short press to move to n ext display. Press an d hold (5 seconds) to change units or reset data.
Digital T racking Syst em (ProContra ctor and Iro nMan mo dels only) 332916C 21 Secondary Menu - Stored Data 1. Perform Pres sure Relief, steps 1 - 4 if th ey have not already been d one. 2. Turn p ower swit ch on w hile hold ing DTS b utton dow n. 3.
Clean up 22 332916C Cleanup 1. Perfor m Pressure Relief Pr ocedure (page 13), steps 1 - 4. Remov e tip guard f rom gun. NOTE : Use wate r for water-b ase materia l, mineral spirit s for oil-bas e materia l, or other sol vents recom - mended by manufact urer.
Cleanu p 332916C 23 9. Remove fi lters from gun and s prayer, i f install ed. Clean a nd inspe ct. Install f ilters. 10. If flushing w ith water, flu sh again with miner al spir- its, or Pump Ar mor, to le ave a protec tive co ating to prevent freezing or corrosio n.
Troub leshooti ng 24 332916C Troubleshoot ing Mechanical/Fluid Flow Perf orm Pres sure Relie f Procedu re ; page 13. TYPE OF PRO BLEM WHAT TO CHECK If check is OK, go t o next ch eck WHAT TO DO When c heck is no t OK, refer t o this co lumn For units with display: CODE XX is displayed.
Troubles hootin g 332916C 25 Pump out put is lo w Pump ro d damage Repair p ump. See p ump manual . Low stal l pressu re Turn pr essure kn ob ful ly cl ockwise. Make su re pressur e contro l knob is p roperly i nstalle d to allow ful l clockwi se posi tion.
Troub leshooti ng 26 332916C Pump is diffic ult to pri me Air in p ump or ho se Check and tighten al l fluid con nections . Cycle pump as s lowly as possi ble during p riming . Intake valve is leaki ng Clean i ntake va lve. Be s ure bal l seat is not nicked o r worn and t hat ball s eats w ell.
Troubles hootin g 332916C 27 Electrical Symptom : Spray er does not run, stops runn ing, o r will not sh ut off. Perf orm Pres sure Reli ef Procedu re ; page 13. 1. Plug sp rayer i nto corre ct voltag e, ground ed outlet. 2. Set power switch O FF for 30 s econds and the n ON again (this en sures spraye r is in normal r un mo de).
Troub leshooti ng 28 332916C Sprayer d oes not run at all Check trans ducer or tra nsducer conne ction s (con trol boar d is not detecti ng a pr essure si gnal). 1. Set spray er to OFF and disc onnect po wer to sprayer. 2. Chec k trans ducer and conn ections t o cont rol board.
Troubles hootin g 332916C 29 Sprayer does not run at all Control is co mmandi ng motor to run but moto r shaft does n ot rotate. Possibl y locked rot or conditi on, an open conne ction exi sts between motor and contro l, there is a problem with mo tor or con trol bo ard, or motor a mp dra w is exce ssive.
Troub leshooti ng 30 332916C Sprayer d oes not run at all Control i s comma nding mo tor to run but mot or shaft do es not rota te. Possib ly locked rotor con dition, an open connection exists between motor and control, there is a problem with moto r or co ntrol board , or motor am p draw is excessi ve.
Troubles hootin g 332916C 31 Sprayer do es not run at all Allow spra yer to cool. If sp rayer runs wh en cool, correct cause o f overheat ing. Kee p spraye r in coole r locatio n with good ve ntilation. M ake sure motor ai r intake is not bloc ked. If spraye r still do es not run , follow Step 1.
Troub leshooti ng 32 332916C Sprayer d oes not run at all Excessiv e current p rotection enabled 1. Cycl e power on and off. Display shows CODE 12 Control board s tatus light b links 12 time s repeatedly Sprayer d oes not run at all Check th e connec tions ab ove the motor 1.
Troubles hootin g 332916C 33 Sprayer Will Not Run (See f ollowing page for steps) Rem ove cont rol box co ver. Tur n spraye r ON. O bserv e cont rol board status lig ht on control b oard (see pa ge 27).
Troub leshooti ng 34 332916C - V - - 200-240V 200-240V 100k ohm STEP 1: Plug pow er cord i n and turn switch O N. Conne ct probes to on/off s witch. Turn meter to AC Vol ts. STEP 2: Plug power c ord in and turn s witch ON. Connect pro bes to on/off switc h.
Troubles hootin g 332916C 35 Sprayer Will Not Shut Off 1. Perfor m Pressure Relief Pr ocedure ; page 1 3. Leave prime val ve open an d power switch OFF. 2. Remo ve contr ol box cov er so the c ontrol bo ard status light ca n be viewe d if av ailable .
Technic al Data 36 332916C Technical Data 695 Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery North Am erican M odels 0.95 g pm 3.6 lpm Internati onal Mode ls 0.75 g pm 2.8 lpm Maxim um Ti p Size 0.03 1 0.0 31 Fluid Ou tlet npsm 1/4 in . 1/4 in. Cycles 226 pe r gallon 60 per li ter Generator Minimum 5000 W 5000 W 120V, A, H z 14.
Technica l Data 332916C 37 795 Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery North Am erican M odels 1.1 gp m 4.2 lpm Internati onal Mode ls 0.95 g pm 3.
Technic al Data 38 332916C 1095 Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery North Am erican M odels 1.2 gp m 4.5 lpm Internati onal Mode ls 1.1 gp m 4.
Technica l Data 332916C 39 1595 Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery 1.35 gpm 5.1 lpm Maxim um Ti p Size 0.03 9 0.0 39 Fluid Ou tlet npsm 1/4 in .
Technic al Data 40 332916C Mark IV Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery North Am erican M odels 1.1 gp m 4.2 lpm Internati onal Mode ls 0.95 g pm 3.6 lpm Maximum Tip Size North Amer ican Models 0.033 0.033 Internati onal Mode ls 0.031 0.031 Fluid Ou tlet npsm 3/8 in .
Technica l Data 332916C 41 Mark V Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery North Am erican a nd UK Mode ls 1.35 g pm 5.1 lpm Internati onal Mode ls 1.2 gp m 4.5 lpm Maximum Tip Size North Amer ican and UK Models 0.0 39 0.039 Internati onal Mode ls 0.
Technic al Data 42 332916C Mark VII Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery 1.58 gpm 6.0 lpm Maximum Tip Size 0.0 41 in. 0.041 in. Fluid Ou tlet npsm 1/2 in .
Technica l Data 332916C 43 Mark X Sprayers U.S. Metric Sprayer Maximum Delivery 2.1 gpm 8.0 lpm Maximum Tip Size 0.0 45 in. 0.045 in. Fluid Ou tlet npsm 1/2 in .
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the lat est product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right to make changes at any time without notice. This m anual contains English. MM 332916 Graco H eadquarte rs: Min neapolis International O ffices: Bel gium, Chin a, Japan, Korea GRACO INC.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 795 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 795 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 795, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 795 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 795, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 795.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 795. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 795 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.