Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 687327 du fabricant Graco
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Instructions - - Parts List GH Series Roof Rigs Gas - - Hydraulic Airless Sprayers GH5030 Model 687100, Series C 4900 psi (33. 8 MPa, 337 bar) Maximu m Working Pressu re GH3640 Model 687327, Series D 3600 psi (24. 5 MPa, 245 bar) Maximu m Working Pressu re GH2560 Model 965168, Series B 2400 psi (16.
308972 2 T able of Contents W arnings 2 ...................................... Component Ident ific ation 5 ........................ Setup 5 ......................................... Flus hing 8 ....................................... Oper ation 10 ..
3 308972 W ARNING SKIN INJECTION HAZARD Spray from the gun, leak s or rupt ured com ponents c an inject f luid into y our body and caus e extr emely serious injury , inc luding the need for amput ation. F luid splashed in t he eyes or on the sk in can also cause s erious injury .
308972 4 W ARNING FIRE AND EXPL OSION HAZ ARD Im proper grounding, poor vent ilation, open flam es or spar ks can c ause a hazardous condition and result in a fire or explosion and ser ious injury . D If there is any st atic s parking or y ou feel an elect ric s hock while using t his equipment , stop sp ray- in g immed iatel y .
308972 6 Setu p 3. Check t he Hydrau li c Oi l L evel a. Unscrew the hydraulic oil fill cap. See F ig 2. The d ip stick is atta ched to th e ca p . The oi l should be up to t he full line on t he dipst ick. CAUTION T o pre vent dama ge to the cool ing system an d hydraulic pum p, use only G raco Hy draulic F luid, 169236 (5 gal.
7 308972 Setu p 5. Fill the Fue l T ank W ARNING FIRE AND EXPLOSI ON HAZARD Fuel s pilled on a hot surf ace can c ause a fire or explosion and ser ious bodily injury and propert y damage. S hut off engine and let it cool bef ore filling t he tank. Caref ully follow st eps 5.
308972 8 Flushing When to Flus h 1. New sprayer . Y our new spray er was fact ory t ested with light weight oil which was left in to prot ect pump part s fr om cor rosion.
9 308972 Flushing W ARNING FIRE AND EXPLOSI ON HAZARD T o reduce t he risk of st atic s parking and splashing when f lushing, alway s remov e the s pray ti p from t he gun and hold a met al part of the gun f irmly to t he side of a grounded met al pail.
308972 10 Operation Pressu re Relief Proced ure W ARNING S K IN INJ EC TION H A Z A RD The system pressure must be manually relie ved to pre vent the system from star ting or s praying acc identally . Fluid under high pres sure can be injec ted thr ough the skin and c ause serious injury .
11 308972 Operation If the motor s talls during opera tion, turn O FF t he igni- tion key . W ith your hand, firm ly press str aight down on the m otor r eset but ton. Now try to res tart t he sprayer. If it will not star t, ref er to the separ ate motor m anual, 307158.
308972 12 Main tenanc e 1. Alwa ys s top t he pump at the bott om of its stro ke when you take a br eak and at t he end of the day . This helps keep fluid f rom dr ying on the rod and damaging t he packings . 2. Keep th e di spl acement p ump p ackin g nu t/w et cup 1/3 full of TSL at all times.
13 308972 T roubleshooting W ARNING S K IN INJ EC TION H A Z A RD T o reduce t he risk of ser ious injury , whenever y ou are instr ucted t o relieve press ure, f ollow the Pressu re Reli ef Pr oce dure on page 10. Check ev erything in t he tr oubleshooting c hart bef ore disas sembling t he sprayer.
308972 14 Repl acin g th e Hydrau li c Pu mp 1. Follow t he Pressure Rel ief Proced ure Warnin g on page 10. Let the hydrau lic syst em c ool before beginning the ser vice pr ocedure. 2. Unscr ew the res ervoir dr ain plug (51, page 36), having a cont ainer ready t o cat ch the dr aining fluid.
15 308972 Re plac ing the Coole r and Blowe r 1. Follow t he Pressure Rel ief Proced ure Warnin g on page 10. Let the hydrau lic syst em c ool before beginning the ser vice pr ocedure. 2. Remove t he hydraulic pum p as inst ruct ed in the previous s ection.
308972 16 Displacement Pump Service 210208 Disp lacemen t Pu mp Disco nn ect the Di spl acement Pu mp 1. Flus h the pump if possible. St op the pump on t he down str oke. 2. Follow t he Pressure Rel ief Proced ure Warnin g on page 10. 3. Refer ence Roof Rig Par ts Dr awings, page 30.
17 308972 Displacement Pump Service 237510 and 222801 Disp lacemen t Pu mps Disco nn ectin g t he Di spl acement P ump 1. Flus h the pump, if poss ible.
308972 18 GH5030 Parts D rawing 9086B 26 Ref 32 49 144 166 43 47 46 170 80 Ref 29 34 31 29 22 77 79 76 81 38 84 48 39 82 65 143 103 100 44 45 70 177 125 101 127 104 Mo del 687100.
19 308972 GH5030 Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 107074 BREA THER, f il l cap 1 2 1061 14 STRAINER, i nlet 1 3 107053 ELBOW , pipe, 90 _ , 1 /2 x 3/8 n pt 1 4 107128 TEE, servi ce 1 5 107050 INSER T , hose, 1/ 2 npt(f ) 3 7 178859 HOSE, rubber , 5 in.
308972 20 GH5030 Parts L ist ( cont.) REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 121 107139 BOL T , carr iage, 1/4 x 1 in. 1 122 100015 NUT , hex, 1/4- - 10 unc 1 123 178787 SHELF , batter y 1 124 217286 CHECK V AL VE, 1 in.
21 308972 GH3640 Parts D rawing Mo del 687327 9086C 26 Ref 32 49 144 166 43 47 46 170 80 Ref 29 34 31 29 22 77 79 76 81 38 84 48 39 82 65 143 103 100 44 45 70 177 104 125 101 127 42.
308972 22 GH3640 Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 107074 BREA THER, f il l cap 1 2 1061 14 STRAINER, i nlet 1 3 107053 ELBOW , pi pe, 90 _ , 1/2 x 3/8 n pt 1 4 107128 TEE, service 1 5 107050 INSER T , hose, 1/ 2 npt(f ) 3 7 178859 HOSE, rubber , 5 in.
23 308972 GH3640 Parts L ist ( cont.) REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 120 10001 1 WING NUT , 1/2 in. 2 121 107139 BOL T , carr i age, 1/4 x 1 in. 1 122 100015 NUT , hex, 1/4- - 10 unc 1 123 178787 SHELF , batter y 1 124 217286 CHECK V AL VE, 1 in.
308972 24 GH2560 Parts D rawing Mo del 965168 9087B 26 Ref 32 49 144 81 38 130 139 39 166 43 44 45 47 73 80 Ref 29 170 140 48 46 34 31 29 22 77 79 82 76 104 125 126 127 65 100.
25 308972 GH2560 Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 107074 BREA THER, f il l cap 1 2 1061 14 STRAINER, i nlet 1 3 107053 ELBOW , pi pe, 90 _ , 1/2 x 3/8 n pt 1 4 107128 TEE, service 1 5 107050 INSER T , hose, 1/ 2 npt(f ) 3 7 178859 HOSE, rubber , 5 in.
308972 26 GH2560 Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 121 107139 BOL T , carr iage, 1/4 x 1 in. 1 122 100015 NUT , hex, 1/4- - 10 unc 1 123 178787 SHELF , batter y 1 124 217286 CHECK V AL VE, 1 in.
27 308972 GH2075 Parts D rawing Mo del 965171 9087B 26 Ref 32 49 144 81 38 130 139 39 166 43 44 45 47 73 80 Ref 29 34 31 29 22 77 79 82 76 170 140 48 46 104 125 126 127 65 100.
308972 28 GH2075 Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 107074 BREA THER, f il l cap 1 2 1061 14 STRAINER, i nlet 1 3 107053 ELBOW , pi pe, 90 _ , 1/2 x 3/8 n pt 1 4 107128 TEE, service 1 5 107050 INSER T , hose, 1/ 2 npt(f ) 3 7 178859 HOSE, rubber , 5 in.
29 308972 GH2075 Parts L ist ( cont.) REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 121 107139 BOL T , carr i age, 1/4 x 1 in. 1 122 100015 NUT , hex, 1/4- - 10 unc 1 123 178787 SHELF , batter y 1 124 217286 CHECK V AL VE, 1 in.
308972 30 GH1015 Parts D rawing Mo del 965165 9088A 26 Ref 32 49 37 166 43 47 Ref 29 34 31 29 22 77 79 82 76 35 36 89 89 91 92 44 45 46 33 81 68 38 86 90 162 144 39 48 104 125 127 65 101 161 9088B 100.
31 308972 GH1015 Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 107074 BREA THER, f il l cap 1 2 1061 14 STRAINER, i nlet 1 3 107053 ELBOW , pi pe, 90 _ , 1/2 x 3/8 n pt 1 4 107128 TEE, service 1 5 107050 INSER T , hose, 1/ 2 npt(f ) 3 7 178859 HOSE, rubber , 5 in.
308972 32 GH1015 Parts L ist ( cont.) REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 120 10001 1 WING NUT , 1/2 in. 2 121 107139 BOL T , carr iage, 1/4 x 1 in. 1 122 100015 NUT , hex, 1/4- - 10 unc 1 123 178787 SHELF , batter y 1 124 217286 CHECK V AL VE, 1 in.
33 308972 All Models Part s Drawing 173 171 63 60 83 1 26 64 28 27 12 55 75 72 132 LABEL LABEL LABEL 87 71 72 LABEL LABEL 56 21 57 11 13 14 88 LABEL 31 66 67 58 61 122 11 9 121 Ref 58 T o Engine 123 2.
308972 34 All Models Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 107074 BREA THER, f il l cap 1 2 1061 14 STRAINER, i nlet 1 3 107053 ELBOW , pi pe, 90 _ , 1/2 x 3/8 n pt 1 4 107128 TEE, service 1 5 107050 INSER T , hose, 1/ 2 npt(f ) 3 7 178859 HOSE, rubber , 5 in.
35 308972 All Models Part s List REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY REF NO. P ART NO. DESCRIPTI ON QTY 1 15 178788 COOLER 1 1 16 178861 P AD 2 1 17 178786 SUPPOR T , pump 1 1 18 102169 CAPSCREW , hex hd, 5/16 x 1.5 4 1 19 100016 LOCKW ASHER, spri ng, 1/4 in.
308972 36 All Models Part s Drawing 8 85 5 3 54 25 52 138 24 11 4 11 0 108 109 11 5 109 23 108 9 10 107 15 17 16 18 64 65 137 11 0 49 66 11 2 11 3 11 7 Ref 22 105 106 8 142 Ref 77 78 93 94 95 98 50 51.
37 308972 T echnical Data Engine KOHLER Model CH.18 OH 4 cycl e ................ twi n cyli nder , air cooled, 18 HP , ( 13.4 Kw) Gasoli ne 6.0 gal lon ( 22.7 li ter capacit y) ................... consumes 1.3 gal / hr ( 4.9 lit er/hr ) Hydraul ic Fl ui d Sump 5 gall on (19 l iter s) .
308972 38 Graco W arranty Graco w arr ant s all equipment list ed i n t his manual which i s manufact ur ed by Graco and bear ing i ts name t o be fr ee fr om def ect s i n mater ial and wor kmanship on t he date of sale t o the ori ginal pur chaser f or use.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 687327 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 687327 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 687327, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 687327 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 687327, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 687327.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 687327. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 687327 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.