Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3A2098H du fabricant Graco
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3A2098H Instructions - Parts PCF ™ with PrecisionSwirl ™ Precision Dispense System Electronically-controlled fluid me tering s ystem th at provides precise continuous flow of up to four single-component sealants and adhesives through closed-loop technology.
2 3A209 8H Contents Related Manua ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fluid Plate K its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Expans ion Swi rl Enc losure Assemb lies .
Relate d Manuals 3A209 8H 3 Appendix A - Advance d Display M odule ( ADM) . 9 9 Display O verview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 Display Det ails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Setup Mod e . . . . . . . . .
Models 4 3A209 8H Model s Check the identifi cation (ID) plate f or the 6-digit part numb er of the fl uid me tering sy stem. Use t he foll owing matr ix to define the cons truct ion of the s ystem, based on the six digits .
Models 3A209 8H 5 Fluid Plate Kits NOTE: The fluid plate k it number s lis ted bel ow includ e a CAN spli tter. The fluid plate as sembl y inclu ded in each PFxxxx assemb ly doe s not include a CAN sp litter.
Models 6 3A209 8H Expansion Swirl En closure Assemblies The foll owing enclosu res a re E TL appr oved. A sse mblies P Fxxx 2, and P Fxxx3 a re se tup for one P recision Swir l Orbital Di spens er. If y ou wish to have a dditional swir l dispe nsers, order o ne expans ion P recision Swirl as sembly below for each.
Models 3A209 8H 7 Automation Gateway As semblies Each co ntrol center com es wi th one a utomati on gate way assembl y. The a utomation gatew ay modul e is eit her a D is- crete G ateway Mo dule (D GM) or o ne of the Commun icati ons Gateway Module s (CGM ).
Warnings 8 3A209 8H Warnings The foll owing war nings ar e for the setup , use, g round ing, ma intena nce, and r epair o f this equipm ent. The excl ama- tion po int sym bol aler ts yo u to a ge neral wa rning and the hazard symbols refe r to pro cedure-s pecif ic risks .
Warn ings 3A209 8H 9 EQUIPMENT MISUSE H AZARD Misuse can c ause death or s erious injury . • Do not op erate the unit wh en fatig ued or un der the i nfluence of dru gs or alco hol. • Do not exc eed the maximum working press ure or te mperatur e rating of the l owest rated sy stem compo nent.
System Configurati ons 10 3A209 8H System Con figurations Typical Installat ion - Sing le Swirl, Si ngle Fluid Plate Key: A *Contr ol Cent er (Us er In terf ace) B *Fluid Plate Assemb ly C Applicator/.
System Configurati ons 3A209 8H 11 Typical Installat ion - Multiple Fluid Plates , No Swirl Dispensers Key: A *Contr ol Cent er (Us er In terf ace) B *Fluid Plate Assemb ly C Appli cator/Di spense Val.
System Configurati ons 12 3A209 8H Typical Installatio n - Multiple Fluid Plates, Multip le Swirl Dispensers Key: A *Contr ol Cent er (Us er In terf ace) B *Fluid Plate Assemb ly C Appli cator/Di spen.
Overview 3A209 8H 13 Overview System Overview The PCF fl uid me tering s ystem c ombin es clos ed-loop pressu re control with th e ability to c hange bead profi les quickly.
Overvi ew 14 3A209 8H Fluid Plate Assembly Overview Fluid Plate Components The flu id plate ass embly in F IG . 5 can be a ttached to an automat ion arm or mounte d on a p edesta l. The ma in compo nents of th e flui d plate assembl y incl ude: • Fluid reg ulator (c artridg e, ambient masti c, or hea ted mastic ) (P).
Overview 3A209 8H 15 Fluid Regulator There ar e three fl uid regu lator option s: • cartridge • ambie nt mas tic • heated masti c All of th e fluid regu lator opt ions u se air pressur e to con .
Overvi ew 16 3A209 8H Control Center Assembly Overview The con trol cen ter in cludes the follo wing c omponen ts: • Adv anced Displ ay Modu le (A DM) wi th USB; see page 17 for details . • USB enabl es user s to downl oad j ob, event, and data lo gs; sav e and res tore sy stem settin gs; and cust omize the langua ge.
Overview 3A209 8H 17 Advanced Display Module (ADM) KEY: F IG . 8: Advanced Display M odule Component Identification TI 12362a BA BB BC BE BH BG BF BD r_24E4 51_3B 9900_1a BJ BR BP BN BM BL BK BS Callout Function BA Power On/Off Button Enables/d isables system.
Overvi ew 18 3A209 8H Automation Gateway Module See th e followin g table for th e appropr iate rotary swi tch p osition f or yo ur automa tion ga teway m odule . NOTE: See Cont rol Center Asse mbly Overview on page 16 for automa tion a nd swirl control DG M ide ntificati on.
Overview 3A209 8H 19 Swirl Control DGM One swi rl cont rol D GM is i ncluded in the integ rated Swirl control cente r, and in each e xpansio n swir l encl osure . Each Swir l con tro l DGM contr ols one sw irl o rbite r. Each swir l cont rol DGM mu st have a uniqu e rota ry switch positi on.
Overvi ew 20 3A209 8H Key Tokens The ADM and FC M mus t each have a k ey tok en insta lled in ord er to op erate . If th e inco rrect k ey t oken is install ed, the module will not o perat e. The DG M does not requi re a key toke n. NOTE: There is on e FCM locat ed on ea ch fl uid pl ate.
Installa tion 3A209 8H 21 Installa tion Before Installati on • Have all system and co mponen t docu mentati on availab le during ins tallat ion. • See co mponen t manuals for sp ecific da ta on co mpo- nent requ irements . Data p resented here applies to the P CF asse mblie s only.
Inst allation 22 3A209 8H Install Contro l Center NOTE: This secti on appl ies to both t he prima ry cont rol center a nd the e xpans ion S wirl enclosu res.
Installa tion 3A209 8H 23 Electrical Connections Connect Light Tower Accessory 1. Orde r the 2554 68 Ligh t Tower Acce ssory as a dia g- nostic indica tor for the PC F system . 2. Conne ct the cable from the lig ht tower to the di gital I/O port (BS) on the ADM.
Inst allation 24 3A209 8H Install Fluid Plate Assemblie s To instal l the P CF flu id plate a ssem blies: • Mount t he fluid p late ass embli es, pag e 24 • Ground fluid pla te ass embli es, page 27 • Connect on e fluid pl ate as sembly to the c ontrol c en- ter.
Installa tion 3A209 8H 25 Mount Four-Valve Breakout Kit 24B693 PCF is capab le of con troll ing up to four separa te dis- pense valves from port 1 on the FC M. A fou r-valve breakou t kit (24B6 93) is a vailabl e to spli t the di spense sole noid conn ector (por t 1 on the FC M) into fo ur sepa - rate dis pense sole noid con nectors .
Inst allation 26 3A209 8H Install Command Cable Kit 24 B694 Follow this pro cedure i f using t he com mand cabl e kit. 1. Install b ulkh ead fitt ing (inc luded in the ki t) in to the empty hol e on th e fluid pl ate.
Installa tion 3A209 8H 27 Ground Ground the flu id plate a ssem bly as i nstruc ted here a nd in the individ ual comp onent m anuals . Make s ure th e fluid pla te ass embl y and its compo nents are inst alled corre ctly to e nsur e proper groundi ng.
Inst allation 28 3A209 8H Install Cable Assemblies NOTE: To prevent s ystem e rrors , only c onnect cabl es with the power off . NOTE: See F IG . 17 on page 29. 1. F or sys tems w ith more than one sw irl dis pens er: Use a CAN c able to c onnect th e contro l cent er to one sw irl exp ansi on enclos ure.
Installa tion 3A209 8H 29 F IG . 17: Cable Install ation Diagr am Multiple Fluid P late a nd Mul tiple S wirl S ystem sh own 4 5 4 4 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1.
Inst allation 30 3A209 8H Install Gateway Module Inte rface NOTE: Systems with sw irl d ispense rs will have two gate way mo dules in the control cente r. The g ateway modu le on the lef t is the s wirl co ntrol DGM modu le, and does not nee d any s etup o r modifi catio n.
Installa tion 3A209 8H 31 Discrete Gatewa y Module Module Description The Discr ete Gateway Modul e (DGM) provide s a con trol link bet ween the PCF sy stem a nd an a utomati on con - troller th rough discr ete inp ut and o utput c onnec tions. This p rovide s the mea ns for r emote monit oring an d con - trol by externa l automati on syste ms.
System Setu p 32 3A209 8H System Setup Overview The PCF syst em co mpens ates for temper ature, f low, or pressu re fluctuati ons. Howev er, if th ere is a hardwar e chang e on the suppl y system or the dispe nse mate rial is chang ed, the PCF syste m mus t be se t up aga in.
System Setu p 3A209 8H 33 Configure Co ntrol Setting s Set the controls for the dispens e sou rce, how dispen se comma nds are sent, a nd job setti ngs. 1. W ith the system in setup m ode, navigate to Fluid Plate x, screen 1 (Control Settings). 2. Press to ac cess the fi elds to ma ke changes .
System Setu p 34 3A209 8H Configure Mode Sett ings Set valv e com mands , includ ing the disp ense mode (pressur e, bea d, sho t, or full open) and flo w rate or pres- sure for each v alve. The bead scal e is als o adj ustable from this scre en. NOTE: For a desc ription o f each dispens e mode , see Dispense Control Modes , page 112.
System Setu p 3A209 8H 35 Conf igure Flo w Meter Sett ings The accur acy of t he PCF v olume re porting depends o n precise a djust ment of the K- factor( s).
System Setu p 36 3A209 8H Adjust Pressure Senso rs Set pres sure of fsets and pr essu re limi ts. NOTE: Inlet sens or settin gs wi ll be gra yed o ut on thi s screen for syste ms wit h heated fluid pl ates. 1. W ith the system in setup m ode, navigate to the Fluid Plate x, screen 5 (Pressure Sensors).
System Setu p 3A209 8H 37 Setup Mainten ance Schedule/Parameters Set the volume ( or h ours) li mit tha t will trigger a main te- nance adviso ry for the fl uid sup ply, V oltage to Pres sure (V/P) Trans ducer, flui d regulato r, flow meter, and all four valves .
System Setu p 38 3A209 8H Configure Swirl Settings NOTE: This appl ies only t o system s with swir l dis pens - ers. Set the in dividual Swirl set tin gs for each instal led Swir l. Configure Gateway Settings Gateway settin gs di ffer for e ach syste m.
System Setu p 3A209 8H 39 On/Off D elays The PCF fl uid regu lator can phy sicall y respo nd faster than the dispens e dev ice and i ts so lenoid. A s a res ult, the fluid regulato r can supply material to the dispens e device befo re the device has time to open.
Operati on 40 3A209 8H Operation Pressur e contro l may degrade at low o utput pres sures . It is not rec omme nded to dispe nse at outl et pr essure s less tha n 500 p si (3.
Operatio n 3A209 8H 41 Maintenance Mode Operation Operating from m aintenanc e mode enables manual dispens ing ( ) and manual ly star ting t he swirl dis- pense r ( ) . The syst em begi ns disp ensin g when t he user p resses . Dispense parame ters and durat ion depen d on the sele cted c ontrol.
Operati on 42 3A209 8H Dis pense from Ea ch Val ve Dispens e from eac h valv e that wi ll be us ed in n ormal operatio n to co nfirm tha t the en tire s ystem i s insta lled correctl y and is c apable of del iverin g desire d resu lts.
Operatio n 3A209 8H 43 3. Manually dispen se mat erial in to the b eaker. Ho ld the bea ker so that the stream o f mater ial is sub- merged i n the capt ured m aterial to m inimiz e air entrapme nt in th e contain er. 4. Record t he volume dispens ed on Fl uid P late x, screen 1.
Operati on 44 3A209 8H 4. Press to move to th e targe t fields . Enter th e tar- get pres sure, fl ow rate, or v olume (depende nt on control mode) an d pre ss to save. 5. Press to move to t he valv e check bo xes. Pr ess to sel ect the desire d valv es.
Operatio n 3A209 8H 45 Automatio n Contro l (Normal Operation) During a utomation c ontrol (normal operati on), the s ys- tem can dispe nse or chang e dispens e parameter s when it rece ives a c omman d from the aut omation unit. The auto mation control operates using th e conc ept of jobs and styl es.
Operati on 46 3A209 8H Styles The PCF syste m has the abili ty to ha ndle u p to 256 styles , depen ding on the sele cted op tion. NOTE: The number o f avai lable styles dep ends o n th e fluid pl ate c onfigu ratio n. Se e Models on page 4. St yle 0 is spec ified for p urgin g only .
Operatio n 3A209 8H 47 Precharge Modes NOTE: See the d iagram o n the fol lowing pa ge. Static P recharge Mode Display When D isplay precharge mode i s se lected , a sta tic pre- charge pressu re ca n be de fined. W hen a job is active and all d ispen se va lves ar e clos ed, the reg ulator will maintain the defi ned prec harge pr essur e.
Operati on 48 3A209 8H Dispen se Ap plic ation Dir ectio n Dispens e App licatio n Dire ction Dispen se Applic ation Dir ectio n Dispen se Ap plic ation Dir ectio n Dispens e App licatio n Dire ction .
Operatio n 3A209 8H 49 Typical Job Cycl e In order for the s ystem to run it mu st be in the a ctive state (status LED nex t to on the A DM is green) .
Operati on 50 3A209 8H Typical Job Cycle Chart NOTE: Swirl ca n be tur ned on at any point inside o f or outside of a j ob. A llow tim e for the sw irl to reach desire d RPM. If possible, v erify Swirl s peed th rough the automa - tion inter face prior t o openi ng the dispens e valv e.
Operatio n 3A209 8H 51 Control Charts Auto mation Inputs (PCF Ou tputs) Volume OK Dispense Ready Dispenser (Fluid Plate) No Alarm Dispen ser (F luid Plate) No Erro r Dispense In Process Purg e In Pro .
Operati on 52 3A209 8H Control Charts (continued) Remo te St art Automa tion Inpu ts (PC F Outputs ) Dispense r (Flui d Plate) R ead y Disp ense r (Flu id Plat e) No Al arm Dispen ser (Fluid P late) N.
Operatio n 3A209 8H 53 Control Charts (continued) Precha rge* - Gat eway M ode ◆ Prechar ge* - D isplay Mo de ◆ Auto mation Inputs (PCF Ou tputs) Dispense Ready * Prech arge: After starting a jo b and prior t o open ing the dispense valve, the f luid pre s- sure i s increas ed to tr y to match the disp ensin g pressur e.
Operati on 54 3A209 8H Control Charts (continued) Prechar ge* - Valv e 1 Mode ◆ * Prech arge : After starting a job a nd pri or to openin g the dispense valve, th e flui d pres sure is increased to try to match the disp ensing pressur e. This hel ps th e consiste ncy of t he dispe nse.
Operatio n 3A209 8H 55 Control Charts (continued) Auto mation Inpu ts (PC F Outp uts) Dispense In Proc ess Auto mation Outp uts ( PCF G ateway Inpu ts) Dispense Valve X O n PCF State Regu lator Active.
Operati on 56 3A209 8H Control Charts (continued) Au tom ati on Inpu ts (P CF Ou tput s) Dispenser (Flu id Plat e) Ready Autom ation Outputs (PCF G ateway Inputs) Swir l X Actua l Spee d - RPM ( 32 bi.
Pressure Relief Proc edure 3A209 8H 57 Pressure Rel ief Procedure 1. Shut off th e fluid supply to the fl uid plate assemb ly. 2. Place a waste con tainer be neath th e dis pense valv e. 3. In mainten ance m ode, s elect Full O pen Di spense Mode, w hich o pens t he regul ator a nd dispen se valve.
Shutdown 58 3A209 8H Shutdown 1. Press th e Stop butto n (BC) . 2. Shut off the mater ial sup ply to the flu id plate/m ete r. 3. Follow the P ressure Relief P rocedure on page 5 7. 4. Turn of f the PC F sys tem's comp ress ed air suppl y. 5. Turn mai n power switc h on control panel to th e OFF position .
USB Data 3A209 8H 59 USB Data All files downlo aded from the USB are put i n a DO WN- LOAD fol der o n the driv e. For example : “E:GRACO12 345678 DOWNLOA D” The 8-dig it nume ric folder name matches the 8- digit ADM ser ial numbe r. When downloa ding from multi ple ADMs, the re will b e one s ub-folde r in the GRAC O folde r for each ADM.
USB Data 60 3A209 8H System Config uration Settings File The syst em con figur ation sett ings file na me is SETTING S.TXT an d is stor ed in the DOWN LOAD folder. A syst em con figur ation set tings file au tomati call y down- loads ea ch tim e a USB flas h drive is ins erted.
USB Data 3A209 8H 61 Download Procedu re 1. Insert USB flash drive i nto USB port ( BL). See F IG . 39 on page 59. 2. The menu ba r and USB ind icato r lights i ndicate tha t the USB i s downl oadin g files. Wait fo r USB activi ty to compl ete. A p op-up wi ll be present until the t rans- fer is com plete if i t is not a cknow ledged .
Troub leshooting 62 3A209 8H Troubleshoot ing NOTE: Check all pos sible sol utions i n the char t below before y ou disass emble t he syste m. Troubles hootin g for ind ividual flu id regul ators an d flow meters is also discus sed in th eir s eparate m anual s; refer to Rela ted Manuals o n page 3 .
Troubles hooting 3A209 8H 63 Flow Mete r Fluid Re gulator Proble m C ause Solu tion No flow m easurem ent F low meter pick-up sensor loose Tighten fl ow mete r pick -up sensor Flow to o low Verif y fl.
Troub leshooting 64 3A209 8H Dispense Valve s Swirl Dispenser Proble m C ause Solu tion Valve not ope ning Air n ot getting t o the op en por t Verify air pres sure to solenoi d No “Va lve On” sig.
Troubles hooting 3A209 8H 65 Gateway Module LED Diagnosti c Information The foll owing LED sign als, d iagnos is, and s olutions appl y to th e Advanc ed Dis play Mod ule, F luid Con trol M odule , and Gatew ay mod ule.
Errors 66 3A209 8H Errors View Errors When a n error oc curs, an error p op-up is display ed that takes up the enti re scree n unti l the err or is a cknowl- edged b y pressi ng . Errors c an als o be a cknowl- edged ove r the gateway . Active er rors are displa yed i n the m enu b ar.
Errors 3A209 8H 67 Event and Error Codes and Tro ublesho oting Error c odes a re stored in the e vents log an d are di splay ed on the erro r report s creens .
Errors 68 3A209 8H Fluid Plate Ev ents and Errors EBUX --- Download to USB Complete Download to the USB is comp lete Advi sory (self-c learing) --- No action necessary WSU0 --- USB configura- tion err.
Errors 3A209 8H 69 B30_ B40_ 31 H igh Materi al Material dis pensed dur- ing last dispe nse cycle was ab ove amount requested plus the allowe d tolerance Alarm or Devi ation (user sele ct- able) PCF r.
Errors 70 3A209 8H WED_ 5 5 V/P Error Voltage to Pressure Transduc er error Alarm Problem detec ted with V/P Verify outlet pres sure transduc er is inst alled and/or conne cted cor- rectly Replac e if.
Errors 3A209 8H 71 V2D_ 62 Low Analog Command cab le analog comman d dropp ed below m inimum va lue of 1 V wh ile disp ensing Devia tio n Bad or l oos e com - mand c able con nec- tion Check command c.
Errors 72 3A209 8H P1C_ P2C_ 69 Low Pressure Measured ou tlet pres- sure les s than de sired outlet pre ssure mi nus tolerance Alarm or Devi ation (user sele ct- able) Incorrec t limit s et Veri fy li.
Errors 3A209 8H 73 EAC_ 75 Maintena nce Mode Enter ed Maintena nce mod e entered Advi sory (self-c learing) Entered m aintenance dispen se mo de No action required EBC_ 76 Maintena nce Mode Exi ted Ma.
Errors 74 3A209 8H CR1_ 88 Valve 1 Swirl Communic ation Error Fluid pla te comm unica- tion error wi th swirl Alarm The fluid p late lost communic ation w ith the sw irl zone associ- ated w ith t his valv e and fluid plat e Restore commun ica- tions.
Errors 3A209 8H 75 Swirl Events and Errors MB3_ 98 Maintena nce due - V3 Orbiter Maintena nce due on valve 3 swirl o rbiter Advisory The acti ve time total- izer for the swir l dis- penser a ssociated.
Maint ena nce 76 3A209 8H Maintenanc e Prior to p erformi ng any main tenance p rocedur es, fo llow the Press ure Relief Proce dure on pa ge 57. Maintenance Sche dule The foll owing tabl es lis t the rec ommend ed main tenanc e proce dures an d freq uencies to operat e the eq uipmen t safely.
Maintena nce 3A209 8H 77 Advanced Displ ay Module (ADM) Upgrade Softwar e NOTE: Back up th e custom langua ge file ( if insta lled) before u pgrading softwa re. See USB Data , page 59, for more informa tion. 1. Turn off po wer to the system. 2. Remove tok en acc ess p anel, a nd then remove t he key token (do not di scard t oken).
Maint ena nce 78 3A209 8H 5. After the red indi cator ligh t shut s off, tu rn off powe r to the sy stem. 6. Re move toke n. 7. Replace a ccess cove r. Upgrade Gate way Module Fiel dbus Map NOTE: The fieldb us conne ction is te mpora rily dis abled during the use of a ma p token.
Maintena nce 3A209 8H 79 Upgrad e Flui d Contro l Modul e (FCM) Softw are NOTE: The FCM c onnectio n is temporar ily disabled during t he use of t he upgr ade to ken. 1. Turn off po wer to the system. 2. Remo ve access cover then remove ke y token (do not disc ard to ken).
Repair 80 3A209 8H Repair Fluid Plate Assembly This se ction d escrib es how to rem ove a nd replac e co m- ponents o n the fl uid pl ate asse mbly. Prepare Fluid Pla te Assembly for Repair 1. Disconn ect the CA N cabl e from the fluid plate. 2. Perfor m Pressu re Reli ef Proced ure on page 57 .
Repair 3A209 8H 81 Install Flow Meter on Mounting Plate 1. Rest the fl ow meter (12 9) an d bracket ( 124) on the fluid pla te w hile thr eading the swiv el fitti ng (109) onto the regulat or mat erial inle t. See F IG . 49. 2. Tighten the swiv el fitting to the r egula tor mater ial inlet .
Repair 82 3A209 8H 5. Secu re the new V/P tran sduce r to th e brack et with scre ws. 6. Reconnec t the FCM cable and bot h air tub es. Replace Fluid Control Module 1. Prepare F luid Plat e Asse mbly for Re pair , page 80. 2. Remove the four screws ( 128) fro m the tran sduc er bracke t (118), and remo ve the brac ket.
Repair 3A209 8H 83 Replace Tra nsducer O-Rings 1. Prepare F luid Plat e Asse mbly for Re pair , page 80. 2. Remove the fluid outlet pressu re sens or (117 ) from the regul ator (108) . 3. Press the transdu cer (C G) ou t of the ret ainer nut (CH). 4. Remove the faulty o-r ing (12 0) and repl ace with new.
Repair 84 3A209 8H Repair Fluid Regulator For compl ete c artridge fl uid regu lator repair r efer to instruc tion m anual 308 647 . For comp lete mast ic fluid regulato r repair refer to instruc tion manual 307 517. See F IG . 57 and perform the followi ng steps .
Repair 3A209 8H 85 Replace Amplifie r (Heated fl uid plate s only) 1. Prepare F luid Plat e Asse mbly for Re pair , page 80. 2. Disconn ect press ure sens or cable ( 117) an d power output cab le. 3. Loose n four sc rews on ampli fier (1 16) cov er, and then remo ve cove r.
Repair 86 3A209 8H Adjust Amplifier S ettings 12. Remove c over from ampli fier (11 6). See Replac e Amplifier , pa ge 85. 13. Ensu re the EX CITATI ON SE LECTOR jumpe r is in the midd le po sitio n (5 Vdc). See F IG . 59 on page 86. 14. Ensu re the C OARS E GAIN di pswitch 1 is se t to ON.
Repair 3A209 8H 87 Control Center Assem bly Prepare C ontrol Center for Repair 1. Power off the dis play. 2. Disconn ect main po wer to the c ontrol cente r assem - bly. 3. Remove the control center assembl y front c over (20). Replace Ga teway Module 1.
Repair 88 3A209 8H Replac e Swirl Boa rd 16K570: 1. Prepare Control Center for Repair , page 8 7. 2. Remove screw (a) fro m swirl bo ard cover . Open swir l board cover . 3. Remove c able con nectors ( b) from sw irl boar d. 4. Remove the four screws (c) from the sw irl b oard.
Repair 3A209 8H 89 Replace Advanced Display Module Bracket 1. Prepare Control Center for Repair , page 8 7. 2. Remove the ADM ( 2); foll ow Replace Advanced Display Module . (Leave th e CAN cable attached to the ADM.) 3. Remove the speed c lips (25) and rivets (26) f rom the m ount ing br acke t (21).
Repair 90 3A209 8H 6. Remove the din r ail, fil ter, and r ocker switc h (snap s into plac e). Repl ace with n ew compone nts. Sec ure din rail and fi lter to the r ear co ntrol c enter assemb ly. cove r (1) usi ng the four s crews (40) . Snap rocker/r otar y swit ch in to pos ition.
Parts 3A209 8H 91 Parts Control Centers Software Upgrade Tokens Control Center Key Token Pa rt Numbers See Key Tokens on pag e 20 fo r more informati on abo ut key tokens .
Parts 92 3A209 8H Cont rol Cen ter an d Expansi on Swi rl Enclo sure P arts 50 13 15 22 40 28 7 9 44 24 1 3 16 12 4 5 or 43 20 26 24 11 14 21 25 2 6,10 38 23,2 7 18 13 19 24 VDC un its on ly: 15,36 100-240 VAC u nits o nly: 6,36 43 3,4,12,16 6; Ground/ Green 6; Neutral/ Blue 6; Line/ Brown 37 1 Add ferrite (36) to cable.
Parts 3A209 8H 93 Control Center Assembly Parts ▲ Replac ement Da nger a nd Warn ing la bels, tags, and cards are av ailab le at no cost . ‡ Parts included with 100- 240 Va c Modul e kit 24B92 8. ❖ Parts include d with 2 4 Vdc Mo dule k it 24B929 .
Parts 94 3A209 8H Fluid Plate Assembly Parts See pa ge 96 See page 95 101 143 142 152 131 153 151 See pag e 95 135, 136 199 117, 120.
Parts 3A209 8H 95 Fluid Plate Ass embly Parts (continued) 105 103 106 105 102 104 141 141 118 122 141 122 141 128 133 128 137 141 132 128 121 137 125 126 129 124 127 126 125 109 110 126 130 155 127 12.
Parts 96 3A209 8H Fluid Plate Ass embly Parts (continued) 111 141 113 112 113 112 127 127 114 108 115 117 108 105, 116 Fluid Pla te 24B962 149 140, 141, 1 50 158 139 107 148 145 Shown 159 160 199 ti19.
Parts 3A209 8H 97 Fluid Plate As sem bly Par ts ▲ Replac ement Da nger a nd Warn ing la bels, tags, and cards are av ailab le at no cost . ✓ See Parts Varying by Assembly ta ble, p age 98, for part numbe r and quantit y. ✖ Only in clude d with fl uid plat es that use a heated mas tic re gula tor.
Parts 98 3A209 8H Parts Varying by Assembly The foll owing tabl e lists the va rying par t numbe rs by f luid plat e assemb ly, an d the qu antity for each as semb ly.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 99 Appendix A - Advan ced Display Module ( ADM) Display Overview The ADM display is div ided into two mai n func tions: Setup Mod e and Ru n Mode.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 100 3A2098H System M ode There a re five mo des: Acti ve, Jo b in Cycl e, Disp lay Con - trol, Swi rl Setu p, and S ystem O ff.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 101 Setup Mode Setup mod e scree ns ar e divid ed into fiv e sect ions: S ys- tem setup, Ad vanc ed setup , Gatewa y setup , Fluid Pl ate setup , and Swirl setup. W hile in Run mode, pr ess to enter S etup m ode.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 102 3A2098H Automation Gatew ay Setup Screens There ar e up to t hree autom ation Gatewa y Setu p screen s (depen ding o n fieldbu s), wh ich e nable u sers to set or c hange informati on regar ding the auto mation Gateway module used on the PC F system .
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 103 Gateway Setup S creen 1 - PROF IBUS This sc reen e nables u sers to set the devi ce add ress, install date, loc ation t ag, functi on tag, a nd syst em description. Gateway Setup S creen 2 - PROF IBUS This sc reen is the sa me for EtherNet/ IP a nd PROF I- BUS.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 104 3A2098H Discrete Gatewa y (Automation) Setup Screen NOTE: The Discrete Gatewa y Setup sc reen is not ava il- able if an automa tion Di screte Gatewa y Mod ule ( DGM) is not att ached to the sys tem. NOTE: If Swirl Dis pensers are inst alled, a Swirl Di screte Gateway Module will be inst alled.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 105 Fluid Plate Setup Screens There ar e nine flu id pla te setup s creens , which en able users to: • Set contr ols and valv e com mands • Se.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 106 3A2098H Attemp ting to dispens e from multipl e valves simu ltane- ously usi ng any oth er c ombina tion will cause a n Incom - pati ble Va lves Se ttin gs alar m.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 107 Fluid Pl ate x, Scree n 5 (Press ure Sensors) NOTE: Inlet sens or se ttings wi ll be g rayed o ut on thi s screen for syste ms wit h heated fluid pl ates. This sc reen e nables u sers to: • Set the off set for the inle t and ou tlet pr essures .
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 108 3A2098H Fluid Pl ate x, Sc reen 7 (Main tenance Advisor y Limits) This screen enabl es u sers t o set volume (or h ours ) limi t that will trigger a main tenance a dvisor y for the air sup - ply, vol tage to p ressure ( V/P) tran sduc er, flu id regulator , flow me ter, and a ll four v alves.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 109 Fluid Pl ate x, Sc reen 9 (Swir l Associa tion) This sc reen e nables users to se t the sw irl t o fluid pl ate associ ation.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 110 3A2098H Run Mo de Run mod e scree ns are d ivided i nto si x sect ions: home, fluid pla tes, s wirls, events, e rrors , and jobs . Whi le in Setup mod e press to ente r Run mode . Pre ss to navigate throu gh the Ru n mode screen s.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 111 Fluid Plate x, Screen 1 This sc reen d isplay s the cur rent dis pens e cont rol mode used, the curren t press ure, and th e cur rent sty le being dispens ed. It al so dis plays the targ et dis pense volum e, the actual dispens e vo lume, a nd the req uested dis- pense volu me.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 112 3A2098H Maintenance Mode Press from Fluid Plate x, scree n 1 (Cont rol Cent er) to enter m ainten ance mode . Maint enanc e mode enable s users to ch ange the c ontrol mod e, vo lume to be dispens ed, targe t pres sure, an d numb er of d ispense valves used in the system.
Appendix A - Advanced D isplay Mo dule (ADM) 3A209 8H 113 Fluid Plate x, Screen 2 (Control Center) NOTE: Users must be ou t of main tenance mod e in Fluid Plate x, scr een 1 in o rder to scro ll to this scre en. NOTE: The term “Ro bot” on th is scr een refer s to the automa tion contr oller.
Appendix A - Advanced Display M odule (ADM) 114 3A2098H Swirl X Scree n There is one Sw irl X scree n for each ins talle d swir l dis- pense r. This scre en displ ays th e foll owing item s: • Swirl.
Appendix B - Discrete Gateway Mod ule (DGM) Conn ection Deta ils 3A209 8H 115 Appendix B - Discrete Gate way Module (DGM) Co nnection Det ails D-Sub Cable 123793 The D-sub cable 12 3793 is o nly c ompatibl e with s ingle fl uid plate sys tems. Sy stems with 2 fluid p lates mu st use cable 12 3792 an d brea kout b oard 1237 83.
Appendix B - Discret e Gateway Mo dule (DGM ) Connection D etails 116 3A2098H D-Sub Cabl e 123792 an d Breako ut Boar d 12378 3 The cab le length of the i nterfa ce cabl e assemb ly 12 3792 is 50 ft (1 5.2 m) . The foll owing tabl e ide ntifies th e pin assignm ents f or the 78-pin b reakout board .
Appendix B - Discrete Gateway Mod ule (DGM) Conn ection Deta ils 3A209 8H 117 * 16-bi t data o utputs conta in either volu me or er ror in format ion dep endin g on st ate of di spense alarm /error on data .
Appendix B - Discret e Gateway Mo dule (DGM ) Connection D etails 118 3A2098H Pin References NOTE: To avoid gr ound loops and n oise immunity issues, do no t ground th e shield of the D -sub minia ture conne ctor ca ble; i t is al ready g round ed thr ough the mounting s crew on the base of the DGM.
Appendix B - Discrete Gateway Mod ule (DGM) Conn ection Deta ils 3A209 8H 119 DGM Digital In put The digital inputs functio n only when powe r is su pplie d to pin 51 and th ere is a gr ound co nnect ion to pi n 70. S ee Pin References , page 118, f or detai ls.
Appendix B - Discret e Gateway Mo dule (DGM ) Connection D etails 120 3A2098H DGM Digital O utputs The dig ital outpu ts func tion only when p ower is supplie d to pin s 27, 6 8, and 69 and t here is a ground connec tion t o pin 70. S ee Pin References , page 118 , for detai ls.
Appendix B - Discrete Gateway Mod ule (DGM) Conn ection Deta ils 3A209 8H 121 DGM Analog In puts The anal og inp uts funct ion only when the DGM is conne cted to a power s upply thr ough the CAN connecti on. Ea ch analo g input has a co rrespo nding re ference ( ground) pin.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 122 3A2098H Appendix C - Communicat ions Gate way Module (CGM ) Conne ction Details Install Fieldbu s Conne ctions Connect c ables to fieldb us per fiel dbus s tandard s. PROF INE T The Ethe rnet inte rface op erates a t 100Mbi t, full du plex, as requ ired by PROFINE T.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 123 EtherNet/IP The Ethe rnet inte rface op erates a t 100Mbi t, full du plex, as requ ired by PROFINE T. The Ethernet inter face is auto-pol arity sens ing a nd auto -crossove r capabl e .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 124 3A2098H PROFIBU S Operation Mode (O P) Status Mode (ST) PROFIBUS Connector (DC) F IG .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 125 CGM I/O Data Map See Appendix D - I/O Signal Descriptions on page 138.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 126 3A2098H 11 I88 Error - 1 Flui d Plate 3 I89 Error - 2 I90 Error - 4 I91 Error - 8 I92 Error - 16 I93 Error - 32 I94 Error - .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 127 Automation Outputs (signals to PCF) Byte Output Bit Descripti on Zone 0 O00 Style Strobe Fluid Plate 1 O01 Dis pense .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 128 3A2098H 12 O96 Comm and Value - 1 Fluid Plate 2 O97 Comm and Value - 2 O98 Comm and Value - 4 O99 Comm and Value - 8 O100 Co.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 129 26 O208 Styl e - 1 Fluid Plate 4 O209 Styl e - 2 O210 Styl e - 4 O211 Styl e - 8 O212 Styl e - 16 O213 Styl e - 32 O2.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 130 3A2098H 36 O288 Command Int erface - Val ue - Bit 0 See CGM Command Interface on page 131 for comm and interf ace details .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 131 CGM Command Interface NOTE: The CGM c omman d interfac e is only av ailable for fluid pl ates w ith 16 o r 256 st yles .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 132 3A2098H Command Interface Timing Diagram Command Inter face Write Operation 1. Set Com mand Id entifica tion Bits and Flu id Plate/Swi rl Id entifica tion B its to the desir ed v alues.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 133 0x007 Software Part Number STR_15_1 2 Read Only 0x008 Software Ver- sion Version Read Only 0x0DD Maintenanc e Unit s .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 134 3A2098H 0x26E V/P Vol- ume/Mas s Advi sory L imit Volume: ## #### (gal(US)); #### ## (gal(Uk)); ###### (Liters); M ass: ####.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 135 0x304 Supply Mai nte- nance - D is- pensed Volume* Volume: ## #### (gal(US)); #### ## (gal(Uk)); ###### (Liters); M a.
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Module (CG M) Connectio n Detail s 136 3A2098H * M ainten ance dis pensed volum e/time can only b e set to 0 . Swirl Commands 0x29E Pressure Units Pres sure Units .
Appendix C - Commun ications Gateway Mod ule (CGM) Connection Details 3A209 8H 137 Units Definitions Unit s String Definiti on Command Va lue Sour ce Enu- mera tion 0 - Displ ay, 1 - Comma nd Cable, 2.
Appendix D - I/O Signal Descripti ons 138 3A2098H Appendix D - I/O Si gnal Desc riptions This sec tion p rovides de tails ab out the CGM an d DGM Automa tion In put and Outpu t signals . Automatio n Input s Dis pense r ( Flui d Pl ate) Rea dy This sig nal is 0 on po wer up.
Appendix D - I/O Signa l Description s 3A209 8H 139 Automat ion Outp uts Style The des ired st yle of the next j ob. Thes e 8 bi ts are r ead at th e sta rt of a job to de termi ne th e selec ted st yle. Style S trobe This b it is used t o star t a new job .
Technic al Data 140 3A2098H Technical Data * Flow rate s and visc ositie s are gener al estim ates. F low ra tes drop as vi scosi ty inc reases. F luid s are ex pecte d to shear u nder pre ssure. New appl ication s or flui ds shou ld alw ays b e teste d to det ermine p roper line si zes and equip - ment sel ection s.
Technica l Data 3A209 8H 141 Fluid Plate Assembly Techn ical Data Mounting dimens ions and pa rts brea kdowns f or the flu id pla te ass emblies are in the ins talla tion se ction of this m an- ual. *Maximu m sy stem pre ssure d epends on disp ense val ve.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right to m ake changes at any time without notice. For patent information, see
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 3A2098H c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 3A2098H - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 3A2098H, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 3A2098H va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 3A2098H, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 3A2098H.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 3A2098H. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 3A2098H ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.