Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 312776F du fabricant Graco
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Operat ion ProMix ® 2KS Plural Compon ent Proportioner 312776F EN Manual system for proportiona l mixing of plural component coatings . For professional use only. Approved for use in explosive at mospheres (e xcept t he EasyK ey). TI1250 4a Important Safety Instructions Read all warning s and ins tructio ns in thi s manu al.
2 312776F Contents Related Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Equipment Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 System Configuration and Pa rt Numbers . . . . . . . 4 Configur ator Key . . . . . . . . . .
Relate d Manual s 312776F 3 Related Ma nuals Component Manuals in English Equipment Approv als Equipm ent app rovals appear o n the fol lowin g labels which a re att ached to th e Fluid Statio n and Eas yKey ™ . See F IG . 1 on page 4 for label lo cation s.
System Configu ration and Part Numb ers 4 312776F System Configura tion and Part Numbers Conf igurat or Key The configured part nu mber for your equipment is printed on the equipment ident ification labels. See F IG . 1 for location of the identification labels.
System Con figuration and Part Number s 312776F 5 Standard Featu res Hazardous Lo cation Approval Models u sing a G 3000, G3 000HR, or i ntrinsi cally safe Co riolis me ter for b oth A a nd B meter s are a pproved for installati on in a Hazardo us Location - Class I, D iv I, Group D, T3 or Zone I Group IIA T3.
Acce ssori es 6 312776F Accessories NOTE : This is n ot a co mplete li st of ava ilable ac cesso - ries and kits . Refer to the Graco webs ite for more i nfor- mation abo ut acces sories a vailable fo r use wit h this product .
Warn ings 312776F 7 Warnings The foll owing war nings are for the setup, us e, ground ing, ma intena nce, and r epair o f this equ ipment . The ex clama- tion poin t sym bol alerts you to a general warning and the hazard sy mbols refer to p rocedur e-specif ic ris ks.
Warnings 8 312776F SKIN INJEC TION HAZARD High-pres sure flui d from gun, hose leaks, or ruptured com ponent s will pierce sk in. This may look like just a cut, bu t it is a s erious i njury th at can resu lt in a mputation . Get immediate surgical treatment.
Importa nt Two-Compon ent Materi al Informa tion 312776F 9 Important Two-Compon ent Material Infor m ation Isocyanate Conditions Material Self-ignition Keep Compo nents A and B Separate Moisture Sensitivity o f Isocyanates Isocy anates ( ISO) are catalys ts used i n two c omponent coatin gs.
Glossary of Terms 10 312776F Glossary of Terms Advanced Web Interf ace (AW I) - T his allo ws re mote ProMix backup and r estore, c onfig uration, l oggin g, and software update options. Air Chop - the p rocess of mixi ng air a nd sol vent together during th e flush c ycle to help clean t he lin es and reduce so lvent usage .
Glossa ry of Terms 312776F 11 First Purge Sour ce - sourc e of the media use d in the first pu rge cycle. Us er sett able to ai r purge valve, s ol- vent pu rge valv e, or 3rd purge v alve Firs t Purg e Tim e - duratio n of the first pu rge cycl e. User settable from 0-9 99 secon ds.
Glossary of Terms 12 312776F Overdose (A, B, C) Alar m - when either the resin (A), or catal yst (B), or reduce r (C) co mponen t dispens es too much mate rial an d the system canno t compens ate for the additi onal m aterial . Potlife Time - the amount of time bef ore a mate rial becomes unsprayab le.
Overview 312776F 13 Overview Usage The Graco ProMix 2KS is an electronic two- compone nt paint propo rtioner . It can blend most two- compone nt solv ent and water borne epo xy, po lyurethane , and ac id-ca talyzed paints. It is not for use with “quick -settin g” paints (those with a potl ife of les s than 15 minute s).
Overvi ew 14 312776F Flow Meters (M A, MB, MS) Three optiona l flow meters are avai lable from Gr aco: • G3000 is a gen eral purpo se gea r meter typically used in flow r anges of 7 5-380 0 cc/min. (0.02– 1.0 gal/min .), pr essure s up to 4000 p si (28 MP a, 276 ba r), and vis cosi- ties of 20 –3000 centip oise.
Overview 312776F 15 F IG . 2. Manual System, shown with G3000 Meters, Color/Ca talyst Change, One Gun Flush Box, and Accessor y Solvent F low Met er TI12504 a EK BC ST ACV CCM MS MA MB FM GFB BCV FO P.
Overvi ew 16 312776F Key: MA Comp onent A Me ter DVA Compone nt A Dose Valve RVA Component A S ampling V alve SVA Component A S hutoff Valve MB Comp onent B Me ter DVB Compone nt B Dose Valve RVB Comp.
Booth Contro l 312776F 17 Booth Control Used by t he operato r for da ily p ainting fu nctions includ- ing: chan ging rec ipes, s ignalli ng job co mplete , read- ing/clea ring al arms, an d placin g the sys tem in St andby, Mix, or Purge m ode. It is typical ly mounte d inside the booth or near the p ainter.
EasyKey Dis play and Keypad 18 312776F EasyKey Display and Key pad Display Shows gr aphical and text i nformati on relat ed to setup and spray ope rations . Back ligh t will turn o ff after 10 minutes without any key pr ess. Pr ess any k ey to tur n back on.
EasyKe y Disp lay an d Keyp ad 312776F 19 AC Power Switch Turns sy stem AC power on o r off. I/S Power Power c ircuit to Fl uid St ation. Audible Alarm Alerts the us er when an alarm occurs. Av ailable settin gs for selec ting whi ch alarms will ca use an audible alarm are exp lained in Configur e Screen 1 , page 2 9.
Run M ode Screens 20 312776F Run Mode Screens NOTE: See F IG . 9 f or a map o f the Run screen s. Detailed s creen descripti ons fo llow. Splash Screen At power up, the Graco log o and softwa re revisio n will display for appr oximate ly 5 secon ds, follo wed by the Status S creen ( see page 22).
Run Mode Screens 312776F 21 F IG . 9. Ru n Scre ens Map TI127 83a Press the S etup key to enter Setup mode..
Run M ode Screens 22 312776F Status Screen •U s e t h e U p or Down keys to scroll throu gh the Run sc reen s. • Press the Setup key to ent er the Setup s creens from the S tatus sc reen. • The other key s have no functio n in th is Status screen .
Run Mode Screens 312776F 23 Totals Screen This scre en show s the job totals, fi ll tot als, gra nd totals, and job nu mber. Us e the tab s to reset job totals (Jo b Complete), reset solvent total s (Rst Solvent), or go to Level Con trol Scre en , page 24.
Run M ode Screens 24 312776F Alarms Sc reens Two scree ns show the las t 10 alarms. Us e the Up or Down keys to scroll betwee n the two screen s. See Tab le 10 on pa ge 80 fo r a lis t of alarm codes. Level Control Screen This sc reen sho ws the c urren t volu me for each flui d.
Setup Mod e 312776F 25 Setup Mode Press the Setup key to ente r Setup m ode. NOTE: See F IG . 17 for a map o f the Se tup scr eens. Deta iled sc reen d e scri ptions fo llow. F IG . 17. S etup Screen s Map To acces s Advanced Setup Screens , pa ge 34 and Recipe Setup Scr eens , page 38.
Setup Mo de 26 312776F Password Screen If a pass word has been acti vated (see Configure Scree n 1 , page 29), the P assword s creen will appea r. You must enter the pass word to access the Set Up Home Screen . Enter ing the wron g pass word retur ns the display to the Stat us Scr een .
Setup Mod e 312776F 27 Table 4: Component Software Vers ions Component Disp lay (may vary from examples shown) De scription EK (E asyKey) 3.01.0 01 EasyK ey softwa re ver sion. FP (Fl uid Plat e) 3.01.0 01 Fluid Plate software versio n. BC (Boo th Control ) -.
Setup Mo de 28 312776F System Configurati on Screens NOTE: See F IG . 21 fo r a map of th e System Configura- tion Screen s . Detail ed scr een desc riptions fo llow. NOTE: Each screen dis plays the current scr een numbe r and the t otal nu mber of s creens in the gr oup.
Setup Mod e 312776F 29 Configure Screen 1 Language Defines th e languag e of the screen text. Sel ect Engl ish (default ), Spani sh, Frenc h, Germ an, Italian , Dutch, J ap- anese (Kanji), Korean, Chines e (Simp lified) , and Cu s- tom.
Setup Mo de 30 312776F Configure Screen 3 1K/2K/3K Set this value to indicate the syst em performanc e level designat ion. S electing a val ue othe r than the installe d system level will r esult in restr icte d functio nality .
Setup Mod e 312776F 31 DD Setup Mode Selecti ng “DD ” in the Do se Si ze field make s the Dynamic Dosing s etup mo de field a ppear. S elect On to enable DD s etup mode , or Off t o disa ble.
Setup Mo de 32 312776F Option Screen s NOTE: See F IG . 21 on page 28 for a ma p of the Option Scree ns . Detai led scr een desc ription s foll ow. NOTE: Each scr een disp lays the cu rren t scree n num ber and the tota l numb er of scr eens in th e group.
Setup Mod e 312776F 33 Option Screen 2 Auto Dump If the auto d ump fea ture is being u sed, set to “Solven t Push ” or “Mix Fill Push”. On ce the auto dum p is enabled, t he gun f lush box is .
Setup Mo de 34 312776F Advanced Setup Screens NOTE: See F IG . 32 for a map of th e Advanced Setup Scree ns . Detai led scr een desc ription s foll ow. F IG . 32. Ad vanced S etup S creens M ap TI12786 a Adva nced S etup scr een s 2 , 3, 4, an d 5 appear dependin g on select io ns ma de in Op tio n screen s 1 and 2.
Setup Mod e 312776F 35 NOTE: Each scr een disp lays the curren t scree n num ber and the tota l numb er of scr eens in th e group. Th e total number o f scree ns in a gr oup and th e fiel ds disp layed on each s creen m ay vary d epending o n sel ections made in th e System Config uration Screens an d Option Scre ens .
Setup Mo de 36 312776F Advanced Se tup Screen 3 This sc reen appe ars o nly if Fl ush an d Fill Inpu t is set to “Globa l” in Op tion Screen 1 , page 32. If Number of Guns is set to “2” in Configure Screen 4 , page 30 , a Gun 2 colum n will ap pear in t his s creen.
Setup Mod e 312776F 37 Advanced Se tup Screen 5 This sc reen appe ars o nly if Fl ush and F ill Inpu t is set to “Globa l” in Op tion Screen 1 , page 32 a nd Spe cial Ou t- puts is set to 1, 2, 3, or 4 in Configure Screen 5 , page 31. The I/O board has four pr ogramma ble outputs .
Setup Mo de 38 312776F Recipe Setup Screens NOTE: See F IG . 38 for a map of the Re cipe sc reens. D etailed s creen d escriptio ns follo w. F IG . 38: Re cipe Scr eens Map TI1278 7a Recipe 0 Screens .
Setup Mod e 312776F 39 NOTE: Each scr een disp lays the curren t scree n num ber and the tota l numb er of scr eens in th e group. Th e total number o f scree ns in a gr oup and th e fiel ds disp layed on each s creen m ay vary d epending o n sel ections made in th e System Config uration Screens an d Option Scre ens .
Setup Mo de 40 312776F Recipe Setup S creen 3 This sc reen appe ars o nly if Fl ush an d Fill Inpu t is set to “Rec ipe” in Option Screen 1 , page 32. First Purge Sour ce Select “Air,” “Solv ent,” or “3rd Flush Valv e” (av ailab le only if 3 rd Flu sh Valv e is set to “On” i n Configure Scree n 3 on pa ge 30).
Setup Mod e 312776F 41 Recipe Setup S creen 5 This screen a ppears onl y if K-factor Inp ut is se t to “Rec- ipe” in Option Screen 1 , page 32. K-factor A Meter Enter the k-fac tor (cc/pulse) for flow me ter A. This is the amount of m aterial that pass es through t he flow meter per puls e (elec trical pulse s ignal).
Setup Mo de 42 312776F Recipe Setup S creen 7 This sc reen appe ars o nly if Fl ush an d Fill Inpu t is set to “Rec ipe ” in O ption Scr een 1 , page 32 and Special Out - puts is se t to 1, 2, 3, 4, or “3 + GFB on #4” in Configure Scree n 5 , page 31.
Setup Mod e 312776F 43 Recipe 0 Screens NOTE: See F IG . 38 on p age 38 for a m ap of the Re cipe 0 screens . Detai led screen desc ription s follow. Reci pe 0 is t ypica lly use d: • in multiple colo r systems to purge out mat erial l ines without loading a new c olor • at the end of a s hift to pr event ha rdening of cata- lyzed m aterial .
Setup Mo de 44 312776F Recipe 0 S c reen 3 This sc reen only appe ars if S olvent Mo nitor is set to “Met er” in Configure Screen 5 , page 31 a nd Flush V ol- ume Check i s set to “On” in Op tion Screen 1 , pa ge 3 2 or 3rd F lush Valve is set to “On” i n Configure Screen 3 on page 30.
Setup Mod e 312776F 45 Calibration Screen Use this screen to calibra te a meter. Set to “A Meter,” “B Meter,” or “Solvent Meter” (available if Solvent Monitor in Configure Screen 5 , page 31, is set to “Meter”).
System Operat ion 46 312776F System Oper ation Operation Mo des Mix System mixes a nd dis pense s mate rial. Standby Stop s the s ystem. Purge Purges the sys tem, us ing air and so lvent. Sequential Dosi ng Components A and B dispe nse sequ entially in the ne c- essary v olumes t o attain the mix ratio.
System Operatio n 312776F 47 5. The com ponents a re pre-mi xed in th e integ rator, then un iformly bl ended in the stat ic mi xer (SM) . NOTE: To control output from the sta tic mixe r to the gun, inst all an option al fluid pressu re regul ator. 6.
System Operat ion 48 312776F General Operating Cycle, Dynami c Dosing Over view Dynamic Dosing p rovides on -demand proportion ing, elimina ting the need for an integr ator and t herefore min- imizin g undes ired ma terial co ntact. T his feat ure is e spe- cially useful w ith sh ear-sens itive and waterbor ne materials .
System Operatio n 312776F 49 Select a Component B Restrict or Size Install t he 15U95 5 Inje ction Ki t in the flu id man ifold as explain ed in the P roMix 2KS Insta llation m anual. Us e the char ts prov ided in th at manu al to sel ect an app ropri- ate rest rictor size ba sed on the desi red flow a nd mix ratio.
System Operat ion 50 312776F Balancing A/B Pressure If compone nt B press ure is too hi gh, it will p ush the com - ponent A s tream asi de durin g B injec tion. The v alve will not ope n long eno ugh, ca using a H igh Ratio a larm. If componen t B pressu re is too low , it will no t be injected in suffic ient volume.
System Operatio n 312776F 51 Mix Manifold Valve Setting s To open dose or p urge va lves, tur n hex nu t (E) coun ter- clockwi se . To close, t urn clockwi se.
System Operat ion 52 312776F Air F low Swi tch ( AFS) Fu ncti on Air or Air-assis ted Guns The ai r flow s witch ( AFS) de tects ai r flow t o the gun an d signals the Pro Mix con troller whe n the gu n is trigge red. The AFS functions with the fl ow meters to ensure that system compo nents are funct ionin g correct ly.
System Operatio n 312776F 53 Start Up 1. Go thro ugh the Pr e-Operat ion Che cklist in Table 8 . 2. Turn the AC Pow er Switch ON (I = ON, 0 = OFF) . Graco logo , softwa re revis ion, and “ Establi shing Comm unicatio n” wi ll dis play, followed by S tatus screen.
System Operat ion 54 312776F 6. Adjust com ponent A and B fluid suppl ies as needed for you r applicati on. Use l ow- est press ure po ssible . 7. D o not exce ed th e maxim um rate d work- ing pres sure show n on the system identi fication label or the lowes t rated c ompone nt in the s ystem.
System Operatio n 312776F 55 Shutdown Overnight Shutdown 1. Leave the power on. 2. Run Recip e 0 to purg e solvent th rough me ters and gun. Service Shutdown 1. Follow Pressur e Relief P rocedure on page 55. 2. Close ma in air s hutoff val ve on air supply line an d on ProMix .
System Operat ion 56 312776F Systems w ith Color Change and without Dump Valves NOTE: This proc edure re lieves pressu re throu gh the samp ling va lve. 1. Comple te all st eps under Single Co lor Sy stems , page 55. 2. Close the A si de shu toff va lve (S VA), F IG .
System Operatio n 312776F 57 F IG . 65. Fluid Solenoids TI1265 2b GFB 1 GFB 2 Dump Valve A Purge Val ve B Solenoi d Purge Valve A Solenoid Dose Valve B Solenoid Dose Valve A Solenoid Optional Solenoid.
System Operat ion 58 312776F F IG . 66: Color Change Solenoids TI1282 6a Soleno id Iden tificatio n Label Solen oid Iden tificat ion Label Solvent Sol enoid Override s Color Colo r Cataly st F IG .
System Operatio n 312776F 59 Purging There ar e 4 purgi ng proce dures in th is ma nual: • Purgin g Mixed Material (below) • Purging Using Recipe 0 (page 60 ) • Purging F luid Supply Syst em (pag e 60) • Purging S ampling Valves a nd Tubes (page 62) Use the c riteria li sted in e ach pro cedure t o determi ne which proc edure to use.
System Operat ion 60 312776F Purging Using Recipe 0 Reci pe 0 is t ypica lly use d: • in multiple colo r systems to purge out mat erial l ines without loading a new co lor • at the end of a s hift to pr event ha rdening o f cata- lyzed m aterial .
System Operatio n 312776F 61 3. Adjust t he solve nt fluid s upply pressur e. Use the lowest po ssib le pres sure to avoid splas hing. 4. R emove t he Flui d Stati on cover to ac cess the sol e- noid val ves. Se e F IG . 65. 5. Purge as follows : • Single co lor/sing le cataly st systems: Purge componen t A si de.
System Operat ion 62 312776F Purging Sampling V alves and Tubes Fol low th is pr oced ure af ter me ter cali brati on. 1. Press the Standb y ke y on th e Boot h Control. 2. See F IG . 67. Close both fluid shuto ff valves and samp ling va lves . 3. Route th e sampli ng tube s into a g rounded wa ste containe r.
System Operatio n 312776F 63 Solvent Push Fe ature The Solve nt Push fe ature ena bles the user to s ave some mix ed materia l by pus hing it ou t to the g un with solvent . The q uantity sa ved is 50% o f the potl ife vol ume entered i n Advanced Setup Screen 1 on page 35.
System Operat ion 64 312776F Mix Fill Push Featu re The Mix F ill Push feature en ables the user to prevent potlife ex piration o f mater ial by mix ing and fl owing new material th rough the Gun F lush B ox. Mix Fi ll Push requ ires an access ory G un Flush B ox for each gun th at will us e this fea ture.
Meter Ca libr ation 312776F 65 Meter Ca libration Calibrate t he meter: • The first tim e the syst em is o perated. • Wheneve r new mate rials a re used in the system, especia lly if the mate rials hav e visco sitie s that d iffer sign ifica ntly.
Meter Cal ibration 66 312776F 8. Dispens e compone nt A, B, or Solvent i nto beaker . a. To avoid s plashi ng, slowly o pen sa mpling valves . b. For mo re accu rate cal ibratio n, adju st the valve to dispen se at a f low rate s imilar to y our prod uc- tion spray fl ow rate.
Color Change 312776F 67 Color Change Color Change Procedures Multiple Color Sy stems 1. Shut off ai r to the g un. 2. Place th e gun in the gun fl ush bo x if used , and clos e the lid. 3. Switch to Standb y mode at the Boo th Control . 4. Use the sc roll keys, or , to sele ct the new colo r.
Color Ch ange 68 312776F Color Purge/Dump • This sequenc e flu shes out the color wi th solve nt, from the col or valve to the Du mp A valve . • The color chan ge solv ent valve an d the Dum p A valve o pen duri ng the P urge Time . • The color chan ge solv ent valve c loses wh en the Pur ge Time expi res.
Color Change 312776F 69 NOTE : For manua l systems , the D igital I/O signals i den- tified in the color ch arts on the followi ng pages re present internal states. Table 9: Color Change Chart Refere nce Starti ng Recipe Ending Recipe Change Type Dump A Exiting Fill Refer to Fig.
Color Ch ange 70 312776F F IG . 71: P roMix 2K S Recipe Change Cha rt #1 X to Y Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) Purge from X, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A If a component is not changing, that t.
Color Change 312776F 71 F IG . 72: Pr oMix 2KS Recipe Change Chart #2 X to Y Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) Purge from X, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A If a component is not changing, that time.
Color Ch ange 72 312776F F IG . 73: ProMix 2K S Recipe Fill Chart #3 0 to Y Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) No Purge, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A Only active components are filled Dump A Push .
Color Change 312776F 73 F IG . 74: Pr oMix 2KS Rec ipe Fill Chart #4 0 to Y Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) No Purge, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A Only active components are filled Dump A Push .
Color Ch ange 74 312776F F IG . 75: ProMix 2K S Recipe Fill Chart #5 0 to Y Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) No Purge, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A Only active components are filled Dump A Push .
Color Change 312776F 75 F IG . 76: Pr oMix 2KS Rec ipe Fill Chart #6 0 to Y Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) No Purge, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A Only active components are filled Dump A Push .
Color Ch ange 76 312776F F IG . 77: P roMix 2K S Recipe Purge Ch art #7 X to 0 Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) Purge from 0, No Fill --> Stack V alves Solvent A Every recipe 0 entry will flush all compone.
Color Change 312776F 77 F IG . 78: Pr oMix 2KS Rec ipe Purge Chart #8 X to 0 Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) Purge from X, Fill from Y --> Stack V alves Solvent A Every recipe 0 entry will flush all compo.
Color Ch ange 78 312776F F IG . 79: P roMix 2K S Recipe Purge Ch art #9 0 to 0 Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) Purge from 0, No Fill --> Stack V alves Solvent A Every recipe 0 entry will flush all compone.
Color Change 312776F 79 F IG . 80: ProMix 2KS Recip e Purge Cha rt #10 0 t o 0 Color/Catalyst/(Reducer) Purge from 0, No Fill --> Stack V alves Solvent A Every recipe 0 entry will flush all compone.
Alarms and Warnings 80 312776F Alarms and Warnings NOTE: Do not use the fl uid in the line t hat was di s- pensed of f rati o as it ma y not cu re prope rly.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 312776F 81 Alarm Troubleshoot ing Table 11. Alarm Troubleshooting E-1: COMM ERROR Cause Solution No power to the EasyKey . Connect power to Eas yKey. No power to Flu id Statio n. The in trinsically s afe pow er cable be tween the EasyK ey and Fluid St ation is not c on- nected.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 82 312776F E-3: RATIO HIGH ALARM Sequ ential Dosin g Sy stem The mix r atio is higher th an the set toleranc e on the pr evious dose cy cle. Dynamic Dosing System The mix r atio is higher th an the set toleranc e for an A to B compon ent volum e com parison .
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 312776F 83 E-4: RATIO LOW ALARM Sequ ential Dosin g Sy stem The mix r atio is lowe r than the set to lerance on the pr evious d ose cycl e. Dynamic Dosing System The mix ratio i s lower than the set to lerance for a n A to B c omponent v olume compa rison.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 84 312776F E-5: OVERDOSE A/B DOS E TOO SHORT ALARM and E-6: OVERDOSE B/A DOS E TOO SHORT ALARM E-5: the A dose ov ershoo ts and , when comb ined with B, is too large for the m ix chamb er capa city.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 312776F 85 E-7: DOSE TIME A ALARM and E-8: DOSE TIME B ALARM E-7: gun trigger input is active (AFS or Integrati on) and fe wer than 3 1 A me ter puls es were d etected du ring the dose time sele cted.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 86 312776F E-9: Not u sed E-10: REMOTE S TOP ALARM Cause Solution Automatio n has requ ested th at the system ab ort all ope r- ations. Abort o peration s. Troubl eshoo t automatio n system . E-11: PURGE VO LUM E ALAR M Cause Solution ProMix 2KS solv ent flow switch i s not ac tivated wh ile purging .
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 312776F 87 E-12: CAN COMM E RROR ALARM Cause Solution Communic ation b etween the C olor Change M odule and the Fluid S tation is inter rupted. • V erify tha t all cables are conne cted se curely and that the Color Chang e and Boot h Control power LED s turn on .
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 88 312776F E-13: HIGH FLOW ALARM or E-14: LOW FLOW ALARM (may also be set as Warnings) Cause Solution Fluid sy stem is produci ng too m uch or t oo litt le flow . Troub lesh oot flui d system fo r rest rict ions, lea ks, exhaus ted flu id suppl y, incor rect setti ngs, et c.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 312776F 89 E-19: I/O ALARM Cause Solution The Mix and Pur ge digital inputs are on at t he same time. E nsure th at only o ne inpu t is on at a time. At least 1 sec delay i s requi red when switc hing from Mix to P urge or vice ve rsa.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 90 312776F E-20: PURGE INITIA TE ALARM Cause Solution System detects a tomizing air to th e gun when p urge is sele cted . Shut off g un air. For sys tems w ith a gun fl ush b ox, gun is not in th e box when purg e is selec ted.
Alarm Tro ubleshoo ting 312776F 91 E-25: AUTO DUMP COMP LETE ALARM Cause Solution A potlife ala rm is active for more than 2 minu tes, the gun flush bo x is enabled and gu n is in the gun flush b ox, and an auto dum p flus h sequen ce is c omplet e. Be sur e to spra y all m ixed mate rial bef ore potli fe expir es.
Schema tic Diagram s 92 312776F Schematic Diagrams System Pneumat ic Schematic 3/8 AIR FIL TER MANU AL DRAIN 5 MICRON W ALL MOUNT ONLY FLUSH AIR TO FL UID INLET 1/4 TUBE TO MANIFOLD 1/4 TUBE 4-W A Y S.
Schema tic Dia grams 312776F 93 System Electrical Schem atic NOTE: The el ectrica l schem atic illus trate s all pos sible w iring expa nsion s in a P roMix 2 KS sys tem.
Schema tic Diagram s 94 312776F System Electrical Schema tic NOTE: The el ectrica l schem atic illus trate s all pos sible w iring expa nsion s in a P roMix 2 KS sys tem.
Schema tic Dia grams 312776F 95 EasyKey Electrical Sche matic J9 4 3 2 1 GREEN/BLACK/WHITE 22 A WG RED/BLACK/WHITE 22 A WG BLACK 18 A WG RED 18 AWG - + ALARM - - + DC OK POWER SUPPL Y COMMON 24 VDC+ B.
Meter Perf ormance Da ta (G3000 on A and B) 96 312776F Meter Perf ormance Data (G3000 on A and B) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 3800 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 .
Meter Perform ance Data (G3000 on A, Coriolis on B) 312776F 97 Meter Performance Data (G 3000 on A, Coriolis on B) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 3800 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:.
Technic al Data 98 312776F Technical Da ta * Dep endent on pro gramm ed K-facto r and appli catio n. The maxi mum allowab le flow meter pulse freq uency is 425 Hz (pulses /sec) . For more detailed i nformati on on vis cosities, flow r ates, or m ixing rati os, cons ult your Graco di s- tributor.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right t o make changes at any time without notice. Graco H eadquarte rs: Minnea polis International O ffices: Bel gium, Chin a, Japan, Korea GRACO INC.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 312776F c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 312776F - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 312776F, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 312776F va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 312776F, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 312776F.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 312776F. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 312776F ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.