Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 310692D du fabricant Graco
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Graco Inc. P.O. Box 1441 Minneapolis, MN 55440-1441 Copyright 2004, Graco Inc. is r egistered to I. S. EN ISO 9001 310692D Instr uctions - P ar ts Delta Spra y ® XT Gun For Airs pra y , HVLP , and Compliant guns with pressure, siphon, and gravity f eeds.
Related Ma nuals 2 310692D Contents Related M anuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Manual Con ventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warnings 310692D 3 Wa r n i n g s The f ollo wing warnings include general saf ety inf or mation for t his equipment. More specif ic warnings are included in the te xt where app licab le. WA R N I N G FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD - FE CED/IND General Flammab le fumes , such as solv ent and paint fumes , in work ar ea can ignite or e xp lode.
Selection Charts 4 310692D Selection Char ts Pressure feed spra y guns * Guns included with harden ed SST needle tips , and nozzles . † Clear chromate gun body . Pressure feed spra y guns with 1 quart pressure feed cup 239802 Siphon feed spra y guns Orifice Size in.
Selection Charts 310692D 5 Grav ity feed spra y guns (without gra vity cup) Grav ity feed spra y guns with 16 oz. gra vity cup Grav ity feed spra y guns with 3M ™ PPS ™ gra vity cup Orifice si ze in. (mm) HVLP Compliant Airspra y .055 (1.4) 234658 234685 234662 .
Gun Selection 6 310692D Gun Selection HVLP Guns An HVLP gun is a high tr ansf er eff iciency gun which lim- its the air pressure at the air cap to 10 psi maximum.
Nozzle, Needle, and Tip Selection 310692D 7 Nozzle, Needle , and Tip Selection The char t below lists the a v ailab le nozzle sizes and required fluid needle and nozzles f or the Delta Spr a y XT guns . The HVLP , Complian t, and Airspr a y guns all use the same nozzle design and fluid needles .
Installation 8 310692D Installation T op and bottom f eed guns Key: A Delta Spra y XT Gun B Fluid Inl et, 3/8 npsm (R3/ 8-19)* CA i r I n l e t D Air Hose recommended 5/16 in.
Setup 310692D 9 Setup Flushing the gun 1. T o flush the gun, use a solvent that is compatible with paint to be spr a yed. Hold a metal par t of the gun firmly to a grounded metal pail. T rigger the gun to flush solv ent throug h gun. Connecting the air line 2.
Setup 10 310692D Connecting the fluid hose (Pressure f eed guns on ly) 1. T o control fluid pressure to the gun, in stall a fluid regulator on the fluid line. 2. Connect th e fluid hose (J) t o the gun fluid inlet (B) 3/8-18 np sm [R 3/ 8-19] comp ound thre ad.
Setup 310692D 11 Adjusting the Spra y P attern 1. T o achiev e full f an patter n, open the patt er n adjust- ment v alv e (25) b y turning the knob fully counter- clockwise .
Setup 12 310692D 7. T o achiev e a narrow spra y pattern, tu r n patter n adjustment valve (25) clockwise. 8. F or HVLP only : T o measure the aircap a tomizing pressures, use the accessory aircap v erification kit. See Accessories on page 30. 9. T o improve atomization, reduce the fluid f low rate.
Operation 310692D 13 Operation Pressure Relief Pr ocedure 1. T ur n off air and fluid supp ly . 2. Hold a metal part of the gun firmly to a grounde d metal pail.
Daily Gun Maintenance 14 310692D Dail y Gun Maintenance General maintenance ✓ Relie v e the pressure. ✓ Clean the fluid and air line f ilters daily . ✓ Chec k f or an y fluid leakage from the gun and flui d hoses. ✓ Flush the gun bef ore changing colors and whene v er you are done oper ating the gun .
Daily Gun Maintenance 310692D 15 Flushing and c leaning Gravity and Siphon Feed Guns 1. F or pac kages t hat include fluid cups , use the f ollo w- ing char t f or flushing and cleaning instructions . 2. Contin ue to step 8 to perf or m daily cleaning of the Delta Spra y XT gun.
Daily Gun Maintenance 16 310692D 8. Remov e the air cap retaining ring assemb ly (15) and air cap (14) . 9. T rigger the gun while y ou rem ov e the flui d nozzle (12) from the gun with the gun tool (28) 10. Dip the end of a sof t-bristle brush into a compatible solv ent.
Daily Gun Maintenance 310692D 17 15. Dampen a soft clo th with solv ent and wring-out the e xcess. P oint the gun down and wipe off the outsid e of the gun. 16. After clea ning the gu n, lubr icate the follo wing par t s with lubricant 111265 daily: • Fluid adjustment knob threads • T rigger piv ot pin • Fluid needle shaft F IG .
Troubleshooting 18 310692D T r oubleshooting WA R N I N G F ollow Pressure Relief Proce dure, page 13 when you sto p spra ying and bef ore cleaning, checkin g, ser- vicing, or tr anspor ting equipment. Read w arnings, page 3. Prob lem C ause Solution Fluid flo w is fluttering while spra ying.
Service 310692D 19 Service Replacing the air and fluid pac kings T ools needed: • Gun T ool - pro vided • P ac king Installatio n T ool - pr ovided • Adjustab le Wrench • Screw Driv er • Lubricant par t no . 111265; se e Accessories, page 28, to order • Compatib le Solv ent Disassembling the gun 1.
Service 20 310692D 6. Loosen the hex nut (9) with the gu n tool (28) . 7. Remo v e the spra y hou sing (2A) and insert (4). Replacing the spray hou sing o-rings and packings 1. With the spr a y housing (2A) re mov ed from t he inser t (4), use a mec hanical pick to remove the o-ring (2 B) from the housing (2A).
Service 310692D 21 4. Unscre w the pac king scre w (8) from the insert (4) with the gun tool (2 8). 5. Using a mechan ical pic k, push th e three fluid pa ck- ings (5, 6, 7) out of th e inser t (4). Be c areful not to damage the insert. Discard the old fluid pac kings.
Service 22 310692D Replacing the flui d v alve pack ings 1. Remo v e the fluid adjus tment knob (21) and fluid spring (23). 2. Pull the fluid needle (13) out the bac k of the gun. 3. Remo v e the fluid v alv e nut (19), air v alv e spring (22), and air v alv e assemb ly (26).
Service 310692D 23 Reassembling the gun 1. Slide the insert (4) into the spra y housing (2A), and install them ont o the gun body (1). Align the housing with the slot and lip (A) on the gun body .
Service 24 310692D 8. Install the t rigger (10), piv ot pin (17), w a v e washer (18), and scre w (11). T orque the scre w to 20- 30 in-lb (2.3-3.4 N• m). 9. Apply a thin f ilm of lubr icant to the fluid no zzle seat and threads . 10. T rigg er the gun w hile you install the fluid n ozzle (12) with the gun tool (28).
Service 310692D 25.
Parts 26 310692D Pa r t s Airspra y , HVLP , and Compliant Guns With Pressure, Gravity , and Siph on Feeds ti4831b 4† 36* 2A 2B* 10 11 24 23 22 20* 19 21 13 26* 16* 35 25C 25A 25B* 25D 5* 6* 7* 8 9 29 28 † Insert (4) appears f or top or bottom f eed depending on application.
Parts 310692D 27 Airspra y , HVLP , an d Compliant Guns With Pressure, Gravity , and Siph on Feed ★ See char t on pages 6 and 7 f or par t number . * P arts included in Kit 234828 (purchase separ ately). Ref. No P ar t No. Description Qty . 1 2 34740 BOD Y , gun 1 2 SPRA Y HOUSING ASSY .
Parts 28 310692D 234788 Spatter or Spec king Airspra y Gun ti3652482aa 4 36* 2A 2B* 10 11 24 23 22 20* 19 21 13 26* 16* 35 5* 6* 7* 8 9 25 15A 15B* 14 12 17 1 37 29 28 ti4831b.
Parts 310692D 29 234788 Spatter or Spec king Airspra y Gun * P arts included in Kit 234828 (purchase separ ately). Ref. No P ar t No. Description Qty .
Accessories 30 310692D Accessories Cleaning Brush 105749 F or use in clea ning gun Lubricant 111265 One 4 oz. (113 gram) tube sa nitary (non-silicone) lubr i- cant f or fl uid seals and w ear ar eas. Air Contr ol V alve Kit 243670 Install on the gun air in let to contr ol both the at omizing air and the pr essure in the spr a y gun cup (if used).
Accessories 310692D 31 Gun Air Regulator Assy . 235119 0-100 psi (0-0.7 MP a, 0-7 bar) ai r regulator t o control air pressure to gun. Gravity Cup F or use with gr avit y fe ed gun. Nylon cup , 304 sta inless steel 3/8 npsm(f) fluid inlet fitting, fluid f ilter car tridge included.
Accessories 32 310692D SST Pressure Cup Kit 239803 with double air regulator 1 qt. (0.95 liter) capacity , 304 stainless st eel cup . Includes a pressure relief v alv e , a 0-100 psi ( 0-0.7 MP a, 0-7 bar) air regula tor f or gun atomizat ion, and a 0-15 psi (0-104 kP a, 0-1.
Technical Data 310692D 33 Te c h n i c a l D a t a *All readings w ere tak en with t he gun controls fu lly open and with 40 psi (280 kP a, 2.8 bar). Sound pressure w as tested to CA GI-PNUER OP-1969 . Sound pow er w as tested to ISO 3744- 1981. Category Data Maximum W orking Fluid Pressure 300 psi (2.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco reserves the right to make changes a t any time without notice. MM 310692 Sales Office: Minneapol is International Offices: Belgium, China, Japan, Korea GRACO INC.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 310692D c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 310692D - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 310692D, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 310692D va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 310692D, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 310692D.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 310692D. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 310692D ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.