Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 16H960 du fabricant Graco
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3A2308C Operation - Parts - Rep air Pr otective Coating Hand-Held P aint Spra y er - For portable spray applications of protective coatings - - For professional use only - - Not approved for use in explosive atmospheres or hazardous loca tions - - DO NOT SPRAY ZINC COATINGS O R MATERIALS WITH AGGREGATE.
Table of Contents 2 3A230 8C T able of Con tents W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Component Ide ntification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warnings 3A230 8C 3 Wa r n i n g s The foll owing warni ngs are for the setup , use, mainten ance, and repair of th is equip ment. The ex clamation p oint symbol alerts you to a gener al warning and the haz ard symbo ls refer t o procedur e-specifi c risks.
Warn ings 4 3A230 8C W ARNING W ARNING W ARNING W ARNING SKIN INJECTION HAZARD High-pressure spray is able to i nject toxins into the body and cause serious bodily inj ury. In the event that inject ion occur s, get immediate surgical treatment . • Do not aim the sprayer at, or spray any person or animal.
Warnings 3A230 8C 5 CHARGER ELECTRIC SHOCK, F IRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Improper setup or usage can cause electric shock, fire, and explosion. • Charge only in a well-ventilated area and away from fl ammable or c ombustible materials, including paints and solvents.
Component Ide ntification 6 3A230 8C Component Ident ification N M K B J H G F E D C A P ti19345 a R Ref. Description A Accum ulator B Pressur e Control K nob C Sprayer Status In dicator D Trig ger Lo.
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 7 Operat ion Charging the Battery Batteri es are init ially 50 % charged t o provid e optimum battery life and req uire ch arging be fore first us e. It takes approx imately 50 m inutes to charge a de ad batte ry to 80%, at whi ch point it c an be use d.
Operatio n 8 3A230 8C Spra yer Status Indicator *NO TE: The sp rayer sta tus indi cator li ght is vis ible for 10 seco nds after the trigger is released . No ligh t Normal o peration. No action required. Solid R ed Battery is too hot. Un it will shut down until batte ry has cooled.
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 9 Comm on Pr ocedure s T rigger Lock Follow the Pressu re Relief Proc edure wh enever you see this sym bol. Prime/Pre ssure Relief V alve P osition Pressure Rel ief Pr ocedure 1. Eng age trigger lock . 2. Put pr ime/press ure relief valve UP to releas e pres- sure.
Operatio n 10 3A230 8C Adjusting Pressure NO TE: Sprayin g water, so lvents, and thin mater ials (low viscos ity mate rials) at hig h pressur e (set ting “2 ” or higher with yell ow light fla shing) can result i n temporary pump leaking. T o avoid, read and foll ow instr uctions (Quick Guide or Manual) on h ow to prop erly adjust pres sure.
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 11 5. If yello w light is flashing w hile tri ggering, pr essure i s set to o high. Yo u MUST tu rn down pres sure until yellow l ight n o longer flashes, incr ease tip size, o r do not thin materia l as much. 6. If pres sure r elief valv e is vibr ating, pres sure is set too high .
Operatio n 12 3A230 8C Setup Star ting a New Job 1. Engag e trigger lo ck. 2. Install l iner into c up and fi ll liner 1/ 2 full with appro- priate c leaning flu id for ma terial about to be spra yed. 3. Th read lid ont o cup and connect cup to sprayer .
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 13 7. Reverse tip to UNCLOG positi on. Put prime/pres- sure relie f valve DO WN to spray pos ition and trigg er spraye r through tip into waste area for 1- 2 second s. 8. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve UP to rele ase press ure.
Operatio n 14 3A230 8C Install Tip/Guar d Assem bl y (if not inst alled) NO TE: Only us e Graco T ip/Gua rd assemb lies. 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve UP to reli eve press ure. 2. Screw Ti p/Guard As sembly on to sprayer .
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 15 Priming Pump 1. Put prim e/pressur e relief v alve UP to priming p osi- tion. 2. Turn pre ssure con trol knob to prime/c lean pos ition in line w ith red i ndicator do t. 3. Disengag e trigger lock and trigger sp rayer for three seco nds, then release tr igger.
Operatio n 16 3A230 8C 4. If yello w light is flashing w hile tri ggering, pr essure i s set too high. Yo u MUST tu rn down pres sure until yellow l ight n o longer flashes, incr ease tip size, o r do not thin materia l as much. 5. I f pressur e relief va lve is “p opping”, pressu re is set too high .
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 17 Getting St ar ted with Basic Te c h n i q u e s Use a pie ce of scrap c ardboard to practice these basic sprayi ng techniqu es befo re you begi n sprayin g the sur- face. Hold spray er 10 in . (25 cm) fro m surface a nd aim straigh t at su rface.
Operatio n 18 3A230 8C Unclog ging Spray Tip/Guard Assembl y 1. To uncl og tip obstr uction, e ngage trigge r lock an d put prim e/pressur e relief v alve UP to relieve p res- sure . 2. Reverse spray tip to UNCLOG position. 3. Aim spray er at waste area, dis engage trig ger lock, and put prime/pre ssure relie f valve DOWN to s pray position .
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 19 Shutdown and Cleaning Flushing Spra yer 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve UP to rele ase press ure. 2. Turn pre ssure con trol knob to prime/c lean pos ition. 3. Remo ve cu p from sp raye r. 4. Remo ve lid fr om cup.
Operatio n 20 3A230 8C 7. Disengag e trigger l ock, turn s prayer up side-down and trig ger for appr oximate ly 15 seco nds to recircul ate material. 8. Reverse tip to UNCLOG positi on. Put prime/pres- sure relie f valve DO WN to spray pos ition and trigg er spraye r through tip into waste a rea for 1- 2 seconds.
Oper atio n 3A230 8C 21 Cleaning Spra yer Exterior Wipe pai nt off outs ide of spray er using a s oft cloth moistene d with water o r flushing flu id. Do NOT s ub- merge th e sprayer or pump. Storage 1. Fill ma terial cu p 1/3 full with mineral spirit s solvent or dilu te a 4 oz.
Parts 22 3A230 8C Pa r t s 62 6 3 2 13 4 10 11 18 7 16 19 15 17 61 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 36 35 37 38 46 47 48 49 32 33 34 34 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 60 58 56 59 64 18 63 t.
Parts 3A230 8C 23 P art s List Ref. P art Description Qty . 2 16P165 KI T, lid, lin er, 25 pack 1 3 16P166 K IT, lid, 25 pack 1 4 16P167 KI T, plug, c up (6 pack) 1 6 16P169 KI T, cup 1 7 16P170 KI T,.
Troubles hooting 24 3A230 8C T ro ublesho oting Check everyth ing in this Troubleshoo ting Tab le before you br ing the s prayer to a n authoriz ed servic e center. Prob lem Cause Solution Sprayer makes no sound when trigger is pulled Trigger is locked.
Troub leshooting 3A230 8C 25 Sprayer sprays with poor results Tip is partially clogged See Unclogging Tip/Guard Assembly , page 18. Tip filter is partiall y clogged or dam- aged. Clean or replace filter. See pa ge 13. Material being sprayed is aerated because it was shaken.
Troubles hooting 26 3A230 8C Spra y P attern Diagnostics Paint leaks from bottom of p ump module. Piston seal failure. Replace pump module. See Repair manual. Replace piston seals. See Repair manual. Water or thin cleaning fluids dri p from bottom of pump module.
Troub leshooting 3A230 8C 27 Spray p attern ha s drippi ng: Sprayer is moving too slow for mater ial. Move spray er faster while spraying. Sprayer is too close to target surface. Move sprayer away from surface 10 in. (25 cm) Holding trigger whil e changing spray direction.
Repair 28 3A230 8C Repair Inlet V alve Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Remove ma terial cup and battery. 3. Hold spray er upside-do wn and u se wrench or socket to loosen fitting.
Repai r 3A230 8C 29 Outlet V alve Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Remove ma terial cup and battery. 3. Loose n set screw s (34) from pressu re control knob and remo ve kn ob.
Repair 30 3A230 8C Pressure Cont r ol Knob Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Loosen two set screw s (34) from pressur e control knob a nd remove k nob. Installat ion NO TE: Inlet v alve mus t be fully i nstalled before outle t valve ca n be inst alled.
Repai r 3A230 8C 31 Pump Module/Drive Mod ule Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Remove ma terial cup and battery. 3. Unscrew swivel bol t (22) by p ressing d own and turning it counter- clockwis e.
Repair 32 3A230 8C Pump Rebuild Kit Remov al 1. Remove pu mp modu le from dr ive module. See Pum p Modu le/Dri ve Mod ule , page 31. 2. Remove ou tlet valv e from p ump module and set aside. S ee Out let V alv e , page 29. 3. Remove i nlet valv e from p ump module and set aside.
Repai r 3A230 8C 33 Clamshell Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Remove ma terial cup and battery. 3. Remove pu mp modu le from dr ive module. See Pump Module/Drive Module , page 31.
Repair 34 3A230 8C 3. Set motor housing into right h alf of cl amshell and loosely install two bolts ( 42) to mo tor housing as shown below. 4. Route wir es from moto r down the handle. 5. Install t rigger over top of wires . Route trigge r wires behind trigger.
Repai r 3A230 8C 35 Motor/Control Boar d Replacement Kit Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Remove ma terial cup and battery. 3. Remove pu mp modu le from dr ive module. See Pump Module/Drive Module , page 31.
Repair 36 3A230 8C 3. Set motor housing into right h alf of cl amshell and loosely install two bolts ( 42) to mo tor housing as shown below. 4. Route wir es from moto r down the handle. 5. Assemb le trigger ov er top of w ires. Route t rigger wires b ehind trigge r.
Repai r 3A230 8C 37 Switch Assembl y Remov al 1. Engage tr igger loc k and put p rime/pres sure relief valve i n UP posi tion to reli eve pre ssure. 2. Remove ma terial cup and battery. 3. Remove pu mp modu le from dr ive module. See Pump Module/Drive Module , page 31.
Repair 38 3A230 8C Installation 1. Insert wir es and tig hten screws to conne ct wires in to slots 1 and 2 of tr igger switc h. 2. Install t rigger over top of wires . Route trigge r wires behind trigger. 3. I nstall trig ger lock over trig ger with o-ri ng facing out.
Repai r 3A230 8C 39 Gear Replacemen t Remov al 1. Remove pu mp modu le from dr ive module. See Pump Module/Drive Module , page 31. 2. If unit has accessibl e retaining bolt shown below, proceed to step 3. If unit does not have accessib le retaining b olt, proc eed to ste p 4.
Repair 40 3A230 8C 2. If unit has accessibl e retaining bolt shown below, proceed to step 3. If unit does not have accessi ble retaining b olt, proc eed to ste p 5. 3. Install n ew gear into drive h ousing. Scre w retaining bolt into drive hous ing to re tain gear.
Technic al Data 3A230 8C 41 T ec hnical Dat a FCC Decl a ration f or Battery C har g er This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two c onditions: (1) t.
Notes 42 3A230 8C Notes.
Notes 3A230 8C 43 Notes.
All written and visual dat a contained in this document reflects the lates t pro duct informati on available at the time of publica tion. Graco reserves the right to make changes at any time wit hout notice. This manual con tains English. MM 3A2308 Graco Headqu arters: Mi nneapolis Internationa l Offices: Belgium , China, J apan, Korea GRACO INC.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco 16H960 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco 16H960 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco 16H960, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco 16H960 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco 16H960, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco 16H960.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco 16H960. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco 16H960 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.