Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ATS1001D du fabricant GenTran
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OVATION™ Series Automatic Transfer Switch Systems Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions For Models: • ATS1001D, ATS1001R • ATS2001D, ATS2001R • ATS2002R Model ATS1001D Model ATS1001R Model ATS 2001D Model ATS2001R Model ATS2002R NOTE TO INSTALLER: Please leave this manual with the customer for future reference.
2 This manual is published for informational pur poses and should not be considered all inclusive. If fu rther information is requ ired, you should consult Gen/Tran Corporation.
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... ......... 4 1.1 General Description ..........................................
4 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Description The OVATION™ Series Automatic Transfer Sw itch (ATS) system, used in conjunction with a standby generator, provi des a convenient, economical way to maintain po wer in a home or business during a utility ou tage.
5 1.2 Standard Configurations: TABLE 1.2 Model ATS1001D ATS1001R ATS2001D ATS2001R ATS2002R # Circuits (1 Pole) 14 16 38 38 4 Enclosure Type NEMA 1 NEMA 3R NEMA 1 NEMA 3R NEMA 3R GENERATOR Main 100 A,.
6 RETROFIT: NEW CONSTRUCTION OR RETROFIT 1.4 How the OVATION™ Series Automatic Transfer Switc h Works: 1) When the utility power fails or drops below 190 volt s or 54 Hz or exceeds 280 volts or 66 Hz, the OVATION™ Automatic Transfer Switch will begin the generator starting seque nce after a 5-second delay.
7 3) The transfer switch will automatically monitor if the generator ha s sufficient available capacity to operate any or all applian ces connected to PowerPause™ Load Management modules, starting with p riority 1 Load, based upon appliance power requirements “learned” from a setup utility a t the time of the transfer switch installati on.
8 1.5 Key Components: (continued) * Supplied with optional PowerPau se™ Load Management Module (Model LSM) ** Not shown: ATSRK Relay Kit Control Module Generator Main 200 Am p Drive Motor Assembl y .
9 1.5 Key Components: (continued) * Supplied with optional PowerPause™ Load Managem ent Module (Model LSM) ** Not shown: ATSRK Relay Kit 1.5.1 User Interface Display (UID) The User Interface Display (UID), programming set switches and LEDs provide inform ation about the transfer switch, generato r an d utility status.
10 1.5.5 Remote PowerPause™ Relay Box (Optional) The PowerPause ™ Relay Box can control up to two 2-Pole (2 40VAC) 30A or 50A loads by interrupting power to the load when commanded by the Po werPause ™ Load Management Module, thereby preventing overloading the standby generator.
11 SECTION 2 – COMPATIBLE EQUIPMENT 2.1 Compatible Generators In order for the OVATION™ Series ATS to function as designed, it must be connected t o a permanently installed, automatic s tarting generator, with a continuous supply of fuel, suc h as gasoline, diesel, LPG or natural gas.
12 SECTION 3 – PREPARING FOR INSTALLATION ALL Gen/Tran OVATION™ Series ATS systems shoul d be installed by a professional licensed electrician familiar with electrical wi ring and codes, and experienced in working with generators. Gen/Tran accepts no responsibility for a ccidents caused by incorrect and/or improper installation.
13 2) Your Installer will determine if all of the desired back-up loads can be operate d by the generator at the same time. If not, y ou will need to purchase/install PowerPause™ Load Management modules to manage pre-determined loads so as to not exceed the generator capacity.
14 Examples of critical loads that are NOT recomme nded (NOT OK) to be connected to the Po werPause ™ Load Management Module and Relay Box are: • Refrigerators and freezers • Aquariums • Centr.
15 SECTION 4 – INSTALLATION AND WIRING Extreme care should be taken to protect the transfer sw itch from drill chips, fillings, and ot her contaminants when making the cable entry holes and m ounting the enclosure to prevent com ponent damage or a future malfunction.
18 4.1 Standard Mounting Proced ures 4 .1.1. As Service Equipment and/or primary Load Cent er Panel: Models ATS1001D/R, ATS20 01D/R or ATS2002R: When using the transfer switch as Service Entrance Equipment, m ount the OVATION™ Series ATS as close as possible to the utility meter.
19 4.1.2. As a Generator subpanel: Models ATS1001D/R : If using the Ovation™ Series ATS as a generator sub panel, mount th e transfer switch as close to the load center as possible. The OVATION™ ATS can be installed on either the left or right side of the load center.
20 4.2 Mounting Procedure for Two Load Centers When the main service is 400A or more and/or 2 or more load centers will be installed, dedicate one load center to non-emergenc y loads (not connected to generator po wer) and the 2 nd load center as an OVATION™ Model 1001 or 2001D/R load center/transfer switch for generator back-up circuits.
21 NOTE: Not all generators require four co ntrol wires to operate. Some may combine the CRANK and ON function in which case the CRANK wire is not required.
22 7. Re-plug cables to Control Module remove in step 2 and PowerPause connec tor to PowerPause Modules. 8. Re-install Control Module into transfer switch. a. Line up Control Module to breaker bus stabs from where rem oved in step 1. b. Hold at 30° angle, push onto bus stabs c.
23 SECTION 5 – PROGRAMMING THE SYSTEM 5.1 Setting Generator Size If PowerPause™ Load Manag ement Modules are not in stalled, dial should be set t o 25Kw. (Factory default setting is 25Kw). NOTE: Setting dial to 25Kw disab les all power management fun ctions even if PowerPause™ L oad Management Modules are installed.
24 5.4 User Interface Display/Control Module Functions Each OVATION™ ATS User Interface Display has five (5) buttons th at program and control t he automatic transfer switch and contro l certain generator functions.
25 SECTION 6 –STARTUP AND TES TING Voltages within the transfer switch en closure present a shock hazard that can cause severe personal inj ury or death. Use extreme caution to avoid touching elect rical contacts when the cabinet door is open or r emoved.
26 (i.e. air conditioning compressor and air handle r fan), turn ON all branch circui t breakers for managed load. For installer safety, 1 lighting circuit may be left ON to illuminate the tra nsfer switch installation and/or egress areas. c. Turn ON all appliances managed by a PowerPause™ Load Managem ent Module.
27 SECTION 7 – TROUBLESHOOTI NG Use the following troubleshooting guide t o help diagnose transfer switch problems. Thorough ly inspection transfer switch wirin g and cable connections. Correct wiring problems before per forming any tests or replacing any components.
28 E. Ge nset d oes not exercise, or exercises, but does not transfer loads 1. Exercise programming incorrect 2.Genset exercise not frequent enough 3. Genset is in MANUAL mode 4. Genset cranks but does not start 5. Genset does not crank 6. No start signal from transfer switch 7.
29 SECTION 8 – MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE 8.1 Maintenance To ensure that the generator will always be rea dy when required, it is important to start and exercise the gener ator regularly and keep the fuel tank filled with fresh fuel IF GASOLINE OR DIESEL.
30 Model ATS1001D, -22 MODEL ATS1001D, -22 If your model ends in -22, order replaceme nt ITEM ending in -22 if shown. ITEM QTY PART# DESCRIPTION TYPE 2 2 17729 End pad, polystyren e, 7/18/1.
31 Model ATS1001R, -22 MODEL ATS1001R, -22 If your model ends in -22, order replaceme nt ITEM ending in -22 if shown. ITEM QTY PART# DESCRIP TION TYPE 1 4 17728 Corner pad, polystyrene, 5.75x5.75x6.875, not shown A 2 1 50508 Screwdriver, Mini, .100 straight blade, GT logo, not shown A 3 2 S7956W Label, Date code, .
32 Model ATS2001D ITEM QTY PART. DESCRIPTION SOURCE 1 1 17727 Carton, 18.25x7.125x42.687, 5PF-FOL, not shown A 2 4 27484 Hollow Corner pad, polystyrene, 5.75x5.75x6.8, not sh own A 3 2 32400 Screw, 6-32x.5, Hex, Type F, steel, zinc C 4 2 32403 Screw, 8-32x.
33 Model ATS2001R ITEM QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION SOURCE 1 1 17727 Carton, 18.25x7.125x42.687, 5PF-FOL, not shown A 2 4 17728 Corner pad, polystyren e, 5.
34 Model ATS2002R, -22 ITEM QTY PART DESCRIPTION SOURCE 1 4 17728 Corner pad, polystyren e, 5.75x5.75x6.87, not shown A 2 2 29880 Screw, 10-32x.5, RHPS, steel, zinc C 3 1 32390 Screw, 8-32x.75, Hex, thread cutting, steel, zi nc C 4 8 32403 Screw, 8-32x.
35 OPTIONAL ITEMS FOR YOUR OVATION™ ATS – AVAILABLE FROM GENTRAN CORPORATION: PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION LSM PowerPause™ Load Management Mod ule Kit with Current sense cable For up to 2 x 240V circuits up to 50 amps (or 4 x 120V circuits) PP30-1 PowerPause™ Relay Box, 30 Amp, 1 circuit, 240 VAC.
36 Gen/Tran Corporation P.O. Box 1001 Alpharetta, GA 30009 Toll free: 1-888-GEN-TRAN Fax: 770-552-7756 Customer Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday – Friday 07/16/10 PN 530001 Rev D © Copyright 2008-2010 Gen-Tran Corporation.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté GenTran ATS1001D c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du GenTran ATS1001D - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation GenTran ATS1001D, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le GenTran ATS1001D va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le GenTran ATS1001D, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du GenTran ATS1001D.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le GenTran ATS1001D. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei GenTran ATS1001D ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.