Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit BECCO2200 du fabricant GE
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g GE Energy Service s Document Number : A164-0C G Version : 1.00 Revision : 2 Date : 02.08.2 3 Classificat ion: Restricted Full BECCO2200 DCA Configuration Guide.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted ii Full NOTICE OF COPYRI GHT & PROPRIETARY RIGHTS © 2002, Ge nera l Electr ic Ca nada I nc. A ll rig hts re serv ed. The c onten ts of thi s manu al a re th e p rope rty o f Genera l Ele ctric Cana da Inc.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full iii Table of Contents About thi s Guid e Purpose of this Guide .................................................................................................
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted iv Full 3.2.5 Device Event Response Time ..................................................................................... 7 Chapter 4: Configuring the A164PORT Table 4.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full v 7.2.3 First Data Record ...................................................................................................... 22 7.2.4 Number of Data Records .
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted vi Full.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full vii List of Figures Figure 1 System Overview ...................................................................................................... .... xvi Figure 2 Relationship between A164MODE, A16 4UNOT.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted viii Full.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full ix List of Tables Table 1 BECO2200 DCA Configuration Tables............................................................................ 2 Table 2 Required Points BECO2200 Device .
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted x Full.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full xi About this Guide Purpose o f this Guid e This guide describes, in detail, how to confi gure the BECO2200 Data Collection Application (DCA ) for GE Energy Services products.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted xii Full Additional Documentati on If you require more detail that this document provides, several supporting text s are available. Thes e include: • BECO2200 DCA Functio nal Specification (A164-0FS.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full xiii Ho w this Guide is Organ i zed This guide is org anized into the following sections: Overview: The Overview discusses the general operation of the BECO2200 DCA.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted xiv Full.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full xv Overview The BECO2200 DCA is a custom software pack age that provides an interf ace to Beckwith Electr ic M-0420 Multifunction Relay s. The communication s y stem consists of a master-slave sequen ce of m essages, where the BECO2200 DCA acts as the master and the BECO2200 devices a ct as slaves.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted xvi Full Figure 1 System Overview WESDAC Interfac e Node (WIN) Data Proces sing Applica tion (DPA) Wesmaint Local .
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 1 Chapter 1: Configuration T a bles The BECO2200 DCA configuration contains all o f the data structures nece ssary to configure an RTU to communicate with BECO2200 slave devices. 1.1 BECO2200 DCA Configuration Tables There are a total of six (6) confi guration tables in the BECO2200 DCA configuration.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 2 Full Table 1 BECO2200 DCA Configuration Tables 1.2 Configurati on Sequence The following is a list of the steps required to configure the BECO2200 DCA: 1. Edit the A164 configuration.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 3 Chapter 2: Configuring Win for the BECO2200 DCA This chapter describes ho w to configure the WESDAC Interface Node (W IN) for the BECO2200 DCA. The application number for WIN is B008 . Refer to the WIN User’s Configuration Guide for more information on how to confi gure WIN.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 4 Full ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ NOTE: The actual number of Bi nary Output points required must be incremented by the number of Mode Download Pseudo Controls configured.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 5 Chapter 3: Configuring the A164APPL Ta b l e This chapter describes the confi gurable parameters in the Configuration Table ( A164APPL ). 3.1 General Info rmatio n The A164APPL table provides information for th e overall application functionalit y .
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 6 Full 3.2.1 DC A Index This parameter specifies the W IN DCA index of the BECO2200 DCA application in the WIN CFG_DCA table. The index is ze ro based. This parame ter will be automatically assigned by ConfigPro.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 7 3.2.5 Device Event Res ponse Ti me This parameter specifies the max imum time required by a BECO2200 device to recognize and to be able to re port an event.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 8 Full.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 9 Chapter 4: Configuring the A164PORT Ta b l e This chapter describes the confi gurable parameters in the Communication Port Configuration Table ( A164PORT ). 4.1 General Info rmatio n The A164PORT table provides information for th e operation of the BECO2200 DCA’s communication port(s).
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 10 Full Field Range Special Typical RTS Off Time 0..65535 Must be at least 1 character ti me if mode m sign al s a.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 11 BAUD Rate C h a r a c t e rT i m e( m s ) 110 91 300 34 600 17 1200 9 2400 5 4800 3 9600 2 Table 5 Character Times at the Supported BAUD Rates 4.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 12 Full 4.2.8 Line Idle Time This parameter specifies the minimum time, in milliseconds, that the communication line should remain idle between the end of a r esponse from a BECO2200 device and t he beginning of the next transmission from the BECO2200 DCA.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 13 Chapter 5: Configuring the A164UNIT Ta b l e This chapter describes the confi gurable parameters in the Unit Configuration Table ( A164UNIT ). 5.1 General Info rmatio n The A164UNIT table provides information about each d evice to which the BECO2200 DCA will be communicating.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 14 Full Field Range Special Typical Type 2 Read Interval (sec onds) < 0 - De ma nd Only = 0 - Co ntinu ous >.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 15 5.2.4 Type 1 Read I nterval This parameter specifies, in seconds, the minimum interval between T ype 1 Read requests issued to the device. A nega tive number configured indica tes that no timed scan s of this t y pe are required for this device.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 16 Full 5.2.10 Type 7 Read I nterval This parameter specifies, in seconds, the minimum interval between T ype 7 Read requests issued to the device. A nega tive number configured indica tes that no timed scan s of this t y pe are required for this device.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 17 Chapter 6: Configuring the A164MODE Ta b l e This chapter describes the confi gurable parameters in the Mode Download Pseudo Control Table ( A164MODE ). 6.1 General Info rmatio n The A164MODE table defines the asso ciated action of each Mode Downlo ad Pseudo Control (MDPC).
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 18 Full Figure 2 Relationship between A164MODE, A164UNOT. And A164FTBL Table s 6.2 Descript ion Of Fields Where applicabl e, Table 7 gives an overview of each field of th e A164MODE table.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 19 6.2.2 Number of DVCF This parameter specifies the number of D evice/Configuration Map records to execute for this Mode Download Pseudo Control. The First DVCF and the Number of DVC F must specify a valid range of records in the A164DVCF table.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 20 Full.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 21 Chapter 7: Configuring the A164DVCF Configuration T able This chapter describes the confi gurable parameter s in the Device/Configuration Map Table ( A164DVCF ).
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 22 Full 7.2.1 First Unit This parameter specifies the first unit to which this se t of data recor ds will be downloaded. The First Unit m ust specif y a valid range of reco rds in th e A164UNIT .
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 23 Chapter 8: Configuring the A164DTBL Configuration T able This chapter describes the confi gurable parameter s in the Data Records Table ( A164DTBL ). 8.1 General Info rmatio n The A164DTBL table provides information on each data r ecord bein g written to the data Table of the BECO2200 M-0420 Multifunction Relay.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 24 Full 8.2.1 Table T y pe This parameter specifies the table t ype of the BECO2200 to write the data value. Valid T ype number is zero (0), one ( 1), two (2), and ei ght (8).
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 25 Appendix A:Messages Logged by the BECO2200 DCA This appendix describes all fatal, error, w arning, and information messages logged b y the BECO2200 DCA to the WESMAINT Error Log. This appendix also provides an explanation of all output request return codes.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 26 Full F100: Bad A164APPL record counts, must be 1 Cause: • The A164APPL configuration table contained a n umber of records not equ al to one.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 27 F105: Invalid SOE Overflow parameter Cause: • The SOE Buf fer Overflow Option confi guration parameter in the A164A PPL table is ne ither Overwrite Oldest (0) nor Discard N ewest (1).
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 28 Full F108: <x> table creation error Cause: • The BECO2200 DCA tri ed to create the <x> table in RAM, and it failed. Remedy: • Reduce the amount of R AM used by this and an y other application residing in the system.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 29 F120: Mode Record <x>, invalid First DVCF Cause: • The First DVC F record chosen for Mode Do wnload Pseudo Control record <x > is not within a valid ran ge of records i n the A164DVCF confi guration table.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 30 Full F125: DVCF Record <x>, invalid Number of Type-Point Cause: • The Number o f Data rec ord defined for this Devi ce/Configuration (DVCF) reco rd <x> is not within a valid range of records in the A164DTBL configuration table.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 31 F204: Error <x> spawning A164-<y>-<z> process Cause: • The BECO2200 DCA failed in its attempt to spawn the A164-< y>-<z> process.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 32 Full A .2 Non-Fatal Error Messages Non-fatal errors cause th e offending process to lo g a message to the WESMAINT Error Log and suspend without affecting the rest of the BECO2200 DCA.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 33 E303: PORT rec <x>, configuration bad Cause: • The BECO2200 DCA encounter non-f atal errors i n record <x > of the A164PORT table. Effect: • Communication to all BECO2200 devices con figured to use this port will be unavailable.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 34 Full Remedy: • Address all non-f atal errors prec eding this message. E308: PORT rec <x>, num of devices cannot = 0 Cause: • The Number o f Devices on Port parameter in reco rd <x> of the A164 PORT table is equal to zero.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 35 E402: Error <x> setting SIO timers Cause: • The BECO2200 DCA failed in its attempt to set the communication port timers. The error code returned was <x >.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 36 Full E406: Process A164-<x>-<y> died while initializing Cause: • Process A164-<x >-< y> was deleted du ring its initialization.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 37 Effect: • This process will not start. The associate d functionality of this process will not be a vailable: • A164-D-00: The Event process reports all events to W IN.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 38 Full W608: Error <x> on WES<y> INIT_POINT win write W609: Error <x> on WES6 CHANGE_TRANS win .
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 39 Effect: • The BECO2200 DCA will set this parameter to one characte r time. Remedy: • If modem signals are required, revie w the section on configuring the A164PORT table ( Chapter 4: ) and verify the RTS Off Time is a valid time.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 40 Full A .5 Output Request Return Codes When processing W IN output requests, the BECO2200 DCA may not be able to execute the request.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 41 Glossary of Terms application A piece of softwar e (a pr ogram) consisting of one or more processes and supporting functions. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A seven - bit code that sta ndardizes a set of c haracters re presenting le tters and numbers for international use.
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 42 Full Data-collec tion application A software application that acquires data from and sends data to various intellig ent electronic de vices.
BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide GE Ene rgy Servi ces Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 43 Interface Node manipulation of data between dat a- collection applications (DCA), data-processing applications (DPA) and d ata-translation applications (DTA).
GE Ene rgy Servi ces BECCO220 0 DCA Configura tion G uide A164-0CG-1.00-2 Rest ricted 44 Full.
Restrict ed A164-0CG-1.00-2 Full 45 List of Acrony ms and Abbreviations AI Analog Input ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange COS chan ge of state DCA data-collec tion application D.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté GE BECCO2200 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du GE BECCO2200 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation GE BECCO2200, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le GE BECCO2200 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le GE BECCO2200, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du GE BECCO2200.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le GE BECCO2200. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei GE BECCO2200 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.