Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1933C-BB du fabricant Furuno
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The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. Your Local Agent/Dealer Your Local Agent/Dealer 9-52 A shihar a-cho, 9-52 A shihar a-cho, Nishinom i y a 662-8580, JAPAN Nishinom i y a 662-8580, JAPAN Tele p hone : Tele p hone : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-2111 Fax Fax 0798-65-4200 0798-65-4200 : : FIRST E DITION : FIRST E DITION : DEC.
i WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the trans- mitting antenna at a close distance.
ii T A BL E OF C ONTE NTS EQUIPME NT LIS TS ................................................................................................. iii SYST EM CONFIG URA T IONS ...............................................................................
iii EQUIPM ENT LISTS S t anda rd supp ly Name T ype Cod e No. Qt y Remarks Contr ol unit RCU-017 - 1 Proc essor uni t RPU-014 - 1 RSB- 0094-0075 - MO DEL1823C-BB RSB- 0071-057 - MO DEL1833C-BB XN10A-R.
iv Op ti onal su pp l y Name T ype Code No. Qty Remark s 000- 013- 484 For G D-1900 C-BB , 100 V AC 000- 013- 485 For G D-1900 C-BB , 1 10 V AC 000- 013- 486 For G D-1900 C-BB , 220 V AC PR-62 000- 01.
v SYSTEM CONFIGU R A TIONS Al l NavNet pr oduc ts i ncorpor ate a "netw ork ci rcuit board" t o i ntegrat e each N avN et prod uct on board t hrough a n opti onal LAN cable (Et her net 10BASE-T ). Each NavNet prod uct i s assi gned a n I P addres s to enabl e tr ansfer of i mages b etw een other Na vNet product s.
vi Sin gl e-u ni t NavNet s ystem (G D- 19 00C -BB) Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N GPS receiver GP-310B/320B 12 - 24 VDC 100/110/115/220/230 VAC 1 φ , 50/60 Hz : Standard : Option Plotter, etc. Rectifier PR-62 Monitor (Owner supply) Facsimile Receiver FAX-30 Other NavNet system (Model 1833C-BB, etc.
vii Thre e- o r-mo r e-u n it NavNet syst em HUB Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N (option) Radar Antenna Unit OR GPS Receiver GP-310B/320B Radar Antenna Unit OR GPS Receiver GP-310B/320B Sounder data.
viii T w o- u n it NavN et syst em Radar Antenna Unit OR GPS Receiver GP-310B/320B Radar , plotter data Radar , plotter data Radar Antenna Unit OR GPS Receiver GP-310B/320B RAD AR or PLO TTER RAD AR o.
1-1 1. MOUNTING 1.1 Mounting the Contr ol Unit The control unit can be inst alled on a desktop or f lush m ounted in a console or panel. For flush m ount ing, the optional f lush m ount kit is required. W hen selecting a m ounting location f or the cont rol unit keep the f ollowing in mind: • Keep the cont rol unit out of direct sunlight.
1-2 M ounti ng pr oce d ure Flush m ount ing Fol l ow t he procedur e below t o m ount the cont rol uni t on a p anel w it h acces sor i es FP03- 10001. 1. Prep are a cut o ut i n t he m ount i ng l ocat ion, ref er r i ng to t he outl i ne draw ing at the end of thi s manual .
1-3 De sktop m ountin g Use the opt i onal deskt o p m ou nt k i t FP03-099 01 (Code n um be r 008- 443-54 0). No. Na me T ype Code No. Qty 1 Hang er fix tur e 19-023- 10 61 100-307- 9 41 1 2 Hang er fix tur e 19-023- 10 62 100-307- 9 51 1 3 T ap pi ng sc r e w 5 x 20 000-802- 0 81 4 4 Hex b olt M5 x 10 000-802- 288 2 1.
1-4 1.2 Mountin g the Pro cessor Uni t T he uni t can be mount ed on th e deck, a deskt o p or on a bul khe ad. S el ect a mount i ng loc at i on c ons i deri ng the poi nt s bel ow . • Locate t he u ni t out of di r ec t sunli ght. • Sel ec t a l ocat i on w here t emperat ure a nd hum i di ty are m oderat e and stabl e.
1-5 1.3 Mounting the Antenna Unit of MODEL1823C-BB Mounting consider ati ons W hen selecting a m ounting location f or the ant enna unit keep in m ind the f ollowing points. • Inst all t he antenna unit on t he hardt op, radar arch or on a m ast on an appropriate platf orm .
1-6 Mounting the antenna unit of MODEL1823C-BB 1. Rem ove m ounting hardware at the bottom of the ant enna unit; f our each of hex. bolts (M10X20), spring w ashers and flat washers. Sav e m ounting hardware to use it to fix the antenna unit to t he m ounting platf orm later on.
1-7 Remov e and discard the pac king mater ial. Snap holder Antenna unit, inside view 4. The m ount ing base is f itt ed with a snap holder , which may be used to hang the cover aft er rem oval. Use t he hole next t o screw hole inside the cover to hang it.
1-8 5. Unf asten the rotat ion detector cable f rom the cable clam ps. 6. Unfasten 16 screws ( ! 1 , ! 2 and ! 3 in the f ollowing figure) to dism ount t he shield plat e, core case and core case cover . GND IF +V OP GND -V OP Vt GND Pan head screws M3x10 2 pcs.
1-9 7. Pass the antenna cable with connector through the cable gland, gasket and cable entrance of t he antenna unit, and t hen tighten cable gland. Note 1: Be sure the shrink tube on the antenna cable does not cont act the gasket. Note 2: Pinch the gasket tightly and insert it int o t he cable ent rance.
1-10 9. Attach connectors of the ant enna cable t o the locations shown in the figure below , and then f ast en a pan head screw M 4x10 to fix shield cable and core case (rem oved at step 6.) J801 (9 pin) J809 (4 pin) J810 (13 pin) Pan head screws M4x10 9 pcs.
1-11 12. Pass t he cable f rom t he rot ation detector t hrough t wo cable clamps. Rotate detector Cable clamps Cable tie (Another should be inside.) Antenna unit, clamping the rot at ion detector cable 13. F ollow the instructions on t he label inside t he m ounting base to secure the snap assy .
1-12 Mounting plate Suppor t plate (1) Suppor t plate (2) Brac ket (1) Brac ket (2) Fixing plate M8 x 20 M8 x 20 M4 x 12 M10 x 25 (supplied with antenna unit) M8 x 20 (A) Assembling the mounting brac .
1-13 1.4 Mountin g the A ntenn a Unit of MO DEL1833C-BB M ounti ng c on si der a tio ns See the m ou nt i ng cons i der ati ons for the M ODEL1823C-BB o n pa ge 1-5.
1-14 Antenn a uni t, cover rem oved Flat washer Spring washer Platform Antenna base plate M10 x 25 Hex bolt Radome 5 - 10 mm Apply silicone sealant. Effective thread length 25 mm Gasket How t o fas t en the r adom e base to the m ounting plat f orm Wiring a nd f inal pr epa r ation 4.
1-15 one of t he s c r ew s of t he c abl e clampi ng pl at e. 9. Att ach t hr ee c on nect ors of t he si gnal c abl e to r es pec t i ve rec eptac l es as s h ow n below .
1-16 10. Att ach t he EMI core supplied as shown below . J806 J805 J803 J804 J802 J801 Motor J613 J611 J1 EMI core E04SS251512 (Abov e cable clamping plate) Cable entrance IF9214 IF9214A PTU-9335 MD-9208 Cable clamping plate How to a ttach EM I core 1 1.
1-17 Mounting the optional mounti ng bracket A m ount ing bracket f or fast ening t he antenna unit f or the MODEL1833C-BB to a m ast on a sailboat is optionally available. Mounting brac ket 1 T ype: OP03-92 Code No.: 008-445-070 T able 1-1 Mounting bracket contents Ty pe Code No.
1-18 1.5 Mounting the A ntenna Unit of MODE L1933C-BB /1943C-BB /1953C-BB M ounting consider ations • T he antenna uni t i s general l y i ns t all ed ei t her on t op of t he w heelhouse or on t he r adar mast on a s ui t able pl at form. Loc at e the ant enna unit w here there i s a good al l- r ound vi ew .
1-19 Moun ti ng the an te nn a un it of MOD E L19 33C -B B/ 19 43C -BB/1 95 3C -BB Referr i ng t o t he outl i ne dr aw ing at the back of t hi s manual, dr i ll fi ve holes i n t he mount i ng plat for m : four hol es of 15 mm di amet er f or f i xing t he antenn a uni t and on e hol e of 25- 3 0 mm diam et er f or t he si gnal cabl e.
1-20 Mounting the antenna unit The antenna unit can be m ount ed using the f ixing holes on the outside (200 x 200 m m ) or inside (140 x 150 mm ) t he antenna unit. Using outside fixing holes of the antenna hous ing Use the hex head bolts (supplied) to m ount t he antenna unit as below .
1-21 3. Insert f our hex bolts (M12x60, supplied) and seal washers ( Ф 30, supplied) from the t op of t he ant enna housing, as shown below . He x bolt Seal washer Flat washer Spring washer Nut Fixing the antenna unit chassis 4. Pass f lat washers (M 12, supplied), spring washers (M12, supplied) and nuts (M12, supplied) onto hex bolts.
1-22 8. Coat ground t erm inal and ground point with silicone sealant as show n below . Ground wire Hex bolt Flat washer Spring washer Flat washer Hex nut Silicone sealant Hex nut Weld here.
1-23 Using inside fixing holes of the antenna hous ing This m ethod requires rem oval of t he RF unit in the ant enna unit to access inside f ixing holes. Use hex head bolts, f lat washers, spring w ashers and nuts (local supply) to m ount the antenna unit, confirm ing length of bolt s.
1-24 Connecti ng th e si gnal cabl e Only the signal cable runs fr om t he processor unit (1953C-BB: power supply unit) to the antenna unit. I n order t o m inim ize the chance of picking up elect r ical int erference, avoid where possible routing the signal cable near other onboard electrical equipm ent.
1-25 CABLE GLAND Plate Gasket Flat washer Bolt Vinyl sheath within 4 cm T ubing Shield How to fix signal cable in cable gland 6. Unf asten f our screws show n in the f igure below . F our screws Antenna unit chassis, cover opened 7. Pass the signal cable through t he cable protector .
1-26 8. Connect the signal cable t o the RTB Board (03P9249 or 03P9250), referring t o t he interconnection diagram and the f igure below . 9. Attach t hree EMI cores to the signal cable as shown below .
1-27 1.6 Mountin g the P o wer Suppl y Unit of MOD EL1953C-BB A pow er supply uni t is s hi pped wi th t he M1953C - B B , because of i t s hi gh pow er consum pt ion.
1-28 1.7 Mountin g the Memory Card Interface Un it Flush m ount ing T his uni t c an be f lus h- m ount ed i n a pan el wit h the stand ard i nst all ation mat eri al s. 1. Pr epar e a c ut out i n t he m ount i ng l ocat i on, refer r i ng t o t he outl i ne dr aw i ng at t he end of thi s manual .
2-1 2. WIRING 2.1 S t andard Wiring All wirings are terminated at the rea r of the processor unit. CAUTION The processor unit and power supply unit are shipped with 15 A fuse. Replace fuse with 7 A or 3 A depending on input voltage as below. Attach appropriate label (supplied) to the fuse cover on the power cable.
2-2 DJ-1 For MODEL1823C-BB/1833C-BB/1933C-BB/1943C-BB/1953C-BB, rem ove the wa terproof ing cap fr om t he DJ-1 port on the processor unit and discard it . GD-1900C-BB: Do not rem ove the waterproofing cap. W rap t he connect or nut and cap with v inyl tape as shown below .
2-3 Connecti ng GP -310B/ 320B to D A T A 2 p o r t GPS receiver GP-310B/320B can be connected t o DA T A 2 port as shown below when port 1 is not available.
2-4 2.2 Wiring of Po wer Supply Unit (MODEL1953C-BB only) 1. Loosen three M4 screws to remove the cable cl amp of the po wer supply unit PSU-00 5. 2. Loosen six M4 screws to remove the unit cover . 3. Attach the VL connector of power supply cable VL3P-VV-S2X2C-AA050 (supplied as installation m aterial) to J1 on the POW ER Board.
2-5 Note: The power for the power supply unit and processor unit m ust be drawn from t he sam e power sw itch on the ship’s pow er term inal board. Other Equipment (ex. GPS, E/S, etc.) Ship's power terminal board Power supply unit Other Equipment (ex.
2-6 2.3 Connection of CU-200 1) Connection between one processor unit and one memory card IF unit Connect as shown in the figure below . Processor unit Memory card IF unit OUTPUT 12VDC NETWORK 12 VDC .
3-1 3. A D J USTM ENT 3.1 Ho w to A ccess the I nst allati on Menu Set up t he equi pm ent throug h the i nstal l ation m enu af ter compl et i ng t he i nst all ati on. T o access t he i ns t all ati on menu, f ol l ow the s t ep s bel ow . 1. W ith the disp lay po w ered off, h old do w n the [ M ENU ] ke y.
3-2 3.2 NETWORK SETUP Menu Set up the NavNet network to commu nicate with other Nav Net equipment. 1. Open the INST ALL SETUP m enu. 2. Press the A: NETWORK SETUP sof t key .
3-3 Content s of Network setup menu Item Description Default Setting IP ADDRESS This address is assigned at the factory . Change the address (last three digits; 001 to 254) wh en like models are connected dire ctly or through the hub. Do this change before connecting the equip ment to the other equipment or hub in order to disting uish equipment.
3-4 3.3 RADA R SETUP Menu Af t er s et ti ng up the net w ork, do t he f ol l ow ing i n or der t o adj us t t he radar . Open t he I NST ALL SET UP menu, and t hen press t he B: RA DA R S ET UP s of t key t o di spl ay the RADA R S E T UP m enu. W hen the message “RA DA R DO ES NO T T RANSM I T .
3-5 ANTENNA TYPE Select t he an t enna t y pe connec t ed t o y our display uni t . De f ault se t t ing is “ F ”. Select the antenna t ype referring to t he t able shown below .
3-6 Antenna tuning Initialize the tuning as f ollows. 1. T ransm it the radar . 2. Open the RADAR SET UP m enu, and then select T UNING by the tr ackball or [ ENTER] knob. 3. Press the A: EDI T sof t key to show the setting w indow . TUNING ON OFF T uning setup menu 4.
3-7 4. Press the A: EDI T sof t key to show the setting w indow . ON OFF TIMING ADJUST Timing adjust setting menu 5. Select ON and press t he C: ENTER sof t key to show the radar display . PUSH ENTER KNOB AFTER ADJUSTING SWEEP TIMING. E RETURN Timing adjustment setting display 6.
3-8 HEADING ADJUSTMENT Y ou have m ounted the ant enna unit f acing straight ahead in t he direct ion of t he bow . Theref ore, a sm all but conspicuous target dead ahead visually should appear on the heading line (zero degrees).
3-9 M. B. (Main Bang) SUPPRESSION Main bang (black hole), w hich appears at the display center on short ranges, can suppressed as follows. 1. Open the RADAR SET UP m enu and select M.B. SUPPRESSIO N by trackball. 2. Press the A: EDI T sof t key to show the setting w indow .
3-10 STC CUR VE T he defaul t ST C cur ve can b e m ai nt ained i n m os t cases. If necess ar y the STC cur ve can be cha nge d as foll ow s: 1. Open t he RA D AR SET UP menu and sel ect ST C CUR VE . 2. Pre ss th e A : EDIT soft k e y to sh o w th e s etting windo w .
3-1 1 3.4 C hecking Magnetr on H eater V olt age Note : T his confi r m at i on/ adjus t ment s houl d onl y be perfor m ed by a qual i f ied s er vi c e techni ci an.
3-12 2. Select POSIT I ON SOURCE and then press t he A: EDIT sof t key to show the position source wi ndow . POSITION SOURCE ▲ ▼ FUR UNO BB GPS GP LC ALL 3.
3-14 Contents of G PS sensor set tings menu Item Description Settings Default Setting Local T ime Of fset Allows the user to us e local time (i nstead of UTC time). Enter time dif ference between local ti me and UTC time. Use the A: + < - - > - soft key to sw i t ch from plus to m i nus and v i c e v er s a.
3-15 Contents of G PS sensor set tings menu (con’ t.) Item Description Settings Default Setting Long i tude O f f s et O f f s et for l ong i tude. U s e the A: W < - - > E soft key to switch co ordinate.
3-16 3.6 Setting up Dat a Port s Setup t he dat a port s accor di ng t o the equi pm ent connecte d t o them as f ol l ow s . 1. Press t he [M ENU] key t o open t he men u. 2. Pre ss the E: S Y S TEM CONF IG URA TION, C: S Y ST EM SETUP and A: PORT SE TUP soft key s.
3-17 7. Sel ec t sent enc e a nd press t h e A: O N/ OFF s of t key t o show ON (output ) or “- - “ ( no output ) as ap pro pri ate. 8. Press the E : RET URN sof t key .
3-18 3.7 Rem ote Sy stem Setting M O DEL 1800C/ 1 900 C-BB s er i es Na vNet s y stem can be us e d as a rem ot e sy s t em f or F AR/FR- 2805, 21 05 s er i es, et c. , by usi ng opt i onal c abl e ass y MJ- B 24LP F 0008- 100 ( 10 m), 200 (2 0 m ) or 300 ( 3 0 m).
4-1 4. OPTIONS 4.1 Exter nal Buzzer C onnection T he opti onal ext er nal buzzer pr ovi des a l ouder al ert w hen the al arm i s viol at ed. External buzzer T ype: X H3-BZ-L970 Code no.: 000-146-422 1. Unfast en 1 1 screw s and 9 connect ors t o r em ove the c over .
4-2 4.2 A RP Kit ARP-1 1 Necessary p art s Na me : ARP k it T y pe: ARP-1 1 Code no.: 008-523-050 T able ARP -1 1 content s N ame T ype Code N o. Qty ARP Boar d 18P9013 008-521- 830 1 Pan head scr ew M 3x6 C 2700W 000-881-403 4 SQ9 000-801- 850 1 S pacer * SQ15 000-801- 779 3 S pring w asher* M 3 C5191W 000- 864-204 3 *Not us ed 1.
4-3 3. M at e P107 on t he ARP B oar d t o J1 12 on the 19P1001 board and fas t en the ARP boar d w it h four screw s. 19P1001 board J112 4. M ount the s hi el d pl at e and t he19P1015 board and c onnec t P1361 and P1357 t o the 19P1015. 5. Reassembl e t he pr oc es sor uni t .
4-4 T hi s p age i s i ntent i onally lef t bl ank..
MODEL 1823C-BB MODEL 1833C-BB A-1.
M1933C-BB/1943C-BB A-4.
PACKING LIST 19AQ-X-9852 -2 RCU-017-E-5-CS/RCU-017-E-10-CS N A M E O U T L I N E DESCRIPTION/CODE № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT 操作部 CONTROL UNIT RCU-017-E 000-080-5.
CODE NO. CODE NO. CODE NO. CODE NO. 008-537-530 TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE FP03-10001 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q' TY 用途/備考 RE MAR KS 番 号 NO.
PACKING LIST 19AN-X-9851 -1 PSU-005 N A M E O U T L I N E DESCRIPTION/CODE № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT 空中線電源部 POWER SUPPLY UNIT PSU-005 000-080-190 1 予備.
CODE NO. CODE NO. CODE NO. CODE NO. 008-539-520 TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE CP03-27401 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 N AME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO.
CODE NO. CODE NO. CODE NO. CODE NO. 008-539-530 TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE FP03-10201 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 N AME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO.
Y. Hatai D-1.
Y. Hatai D-2.
Y. Hatai D-3.
Y. Hatai D-4.
Y. Hatai D-5.
Y. Hatai D-6.
D-7 Takahashi T ..
Y. Hatai D-8.
Y. Hatai Y o s h i t o s h i H a t a i 電 子 署 名 者 : Y o s h i t o s h i H a t.
Y. Hatai Y o s h i t o s h i H a t a i 電 子 署 名 者 : Y o s h i t o s h i H a t.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Furuno 1933C-BB c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Furuno 1933C-BB - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Furuno 1933C-BB, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Furuno 1933C-BB va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Furuno 1933C-BB, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Furuno 1933C-BB.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Furuno 1933C-BB. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Furuno 1933C-BB ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.