Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ST4000P du fabricant Fujitsu
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Copyrig ht Fujit su PC Cor porati on has ma de ever y eff ort to en sure the accuracy and completeness of this document; however , becaus e ongo ing develo pment e fforts are m ade to continually improve the ca pabilities of ou r product s, we cannot guarante e the accu racy of the contents of this document.
Stylis tic ST4 000P Se ries - User ’s Guid e P age ii Friday, November 1, 2002 4:22 PM.
T able of Contents i T able of Contents PREFACE About Thi s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Fujitsu Conta ct Informa tion . .
Stylis tic ST4 000P Se ries User ’s Guid e ii P age ii Friday, Novemb er 1, 2002 4:22 PM.
iii Preface P age iii Friday, November 1, 2002 4 :22 PM.
iv Stylis tic ST4 000P Se ries User ’s Guid e – Preface P age iv Friday, November 1, 2002 4:2 2 PM.
v Preface Preface ABOUT TH IS GUIDE The St ylis tic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC is a high- perf orma nce, pe n-bas ed computer that h as be en desig ne d to sup por t Mi croso ft Win d ow s 2000 Profess iona l or Windows X P Profe ssi ona l.
vi Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Pr efac e P age vi Fri day, November 1, 2002 4:2 2 PM.
vii 1 Getting Started with Y our Pen T ablet PC P age vii Fr iday, November 1 , 2002 4: 22 PM.
viii Stylis tic ST400 0P Seri es Us er’s Gu ide – Secti on On e Page viii Friday, November 1, 2002 4:22 PM.
1 Getting Started Getting Started with Y our Stylistic Pen T ablet PC Figure 1-1 Sty listic ST40 00P Serie s Pen T ablet PC The St ylis tic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC is a high- perf orma nce, pe n-bas ed computer that h as be en desig ne d to sup por t Mi croso ft W indo ws 2000 Pr ofes- sional or W indo ws XP Pr ofessional.
2 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One OPTIONA L ACCESSO RIES The following optional ac cessories* can be used with the Stylistic ST4000P Series pe n tablet PC. R efer to the instruc tions provided w ith these accessor ies for details on their use.
3 Getting Started STYLI STIC PE N TABLET P C FEATU RES Fe atures and c ontrols that y ou use to operate the Stylistic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC are outlined below and illus- trate d in Figu re s 1-1 th rou gh 1-5. D etails on usi ng thes e fe atur es and c on trols ar e provi ded l ater in thi s manu al.
4 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One Figu re 1- 3 Styl istic ST40 00P Se rie s Pen T a ble t PC Fe atur es (Bac k View) * The system is configured with one of two modules: a sta ndard modem module or an optional wireless LAN/modem combo module.
5 Getting Started Figur e 1-4 St ylistic ST 4000P Series Pen T able t PC Feature s (T op View) T op Featur es: 1 • Pen : The ma in input devi ce tha t you us e to execut e programs and enter data. A pen holder is built into the pen tablet PC to store the pen whe n not in use.
6 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One Figure 1 -5 Styl istic ST 4000P Se ries Pen T ablet PC Fe atures (Left Side V iew) * The system is configured with o ne of two modules: a st andard m odem module or an optional wireless LAN/m odem combo module.
7 Getting Started Figu re 1- 6 Styl ist ic ST40 00P Serie s Pen T a ble t PC Fe atur es (Ri ght Si de View) Right -Side Featu res: 1 • Pen : The main po inting device that yo u use to exec ute programs and enter data. A pen holder is built into the pen tablet PC to store the pen whe n not in use.
8 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One STATUS D ISPLAY Ic ons ap pear in the Status d ispla y indic ating the st atus of syst em functio ns suc h as syst em powe r and ba ttery charge level. The location of ic ons in the Status displa y is shown in Figur e 1-7.
9 Getting Started T able 1- 2 System Status I ndica tors Battery • On State • Idle Mode Green, continuous Battery char ge is between 50%-100% Amber , continuous Battery charge is between 13% -49% Red, continuous Battery charge is between 0% -12% Red, blinking There is a battery error .
10 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One APPLICA TION BUTTONS The s ix app lic ation b utt ons ar e locat ed on t he uppe r right-hand side of a ve rtically-oriented syst em. (See figure 1-2 on page 3 for locat ion) . Three of the buttons have secon dar y f unc tio ns.
11 Getting Started T able 1-3 Appl ication B uttons - Primary a nd Sec ondary F unctions * The Fn button has a handy “s ticky” featur e that allows yo u to press the two buttons in immedia te success ion, rather than at exactly the same time. After pr essing the Fn button, you have a short time (two or three seconds) to press the second button.
12 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One NAVIGATION BUTT ONS The two navigation buttons are located on the lower right-hand side of a ve rtically-oriented syst em. (See figure 1- 2 on page 3 for locat ion) . Each of the buttons can be togg led by pressing e ither end of the button.
13 Getting Started T ERTIARY FUNCT IONS OF APPLIC ATION AND NAVIGATION BUTTONS W hile you ar e booting up your system, the App lication Butt ons a nd N avigation bu ttons can be u sed fo r ent ering a.
14 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One CONNECTORS AND P ERIPHERAL INTERFACES Connect ors and periphe ral interfaces on the Stylistic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC allow co nnection of a variety of dev ices. Specific locations are illustrated in Figures 1-2 through 1-5.
15 Getting Started T ab le 1- 6 Peri pher al Co nne ctors /I nter face s IEEE 1 394 jack The IE EE 1394 j ack allow s you to connect between your pen ta blet PC and perip herals s uch as a d igital video c amer a.
16 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n One P age 16 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
17 2 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000P Series Pen T ablet PC P age 17 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
18 Styl isti c ST4 000 P Series User ’s Gu ide – Secti on Two P age 18 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
19 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000P Using the Stylistic ST40 00P Series Pen T ablet PC Thi s cha p ter cove rs t he f u nd am en ta l con cep t s, ba s ic syst em operation and us e, and sy ste m function s of the Stylistic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC.
20 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Two T able 2 -1 Chan ging Sy stem St ates * Information in T able 2-1 on page 20 is supplied t o help you understand which system states your syste m can ente r from the current system state .
21 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000P T o suspend syst em operat ion: 1. P ress the Suspend/Resume button, or carr y o ut the Stan dby comma nd from your oper at ing sy stem or pow er manag ement pr ogram.
22 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Two may be logged off th e netwo rk after a pe riod of inactivity while syste m operation is suspen ded. Contact yo ur network ad ministrator o r help desk f or details on log-off par ameters for your network.
23 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000P CALIBR ATING THE P EN Calibration of the pen adju sts the cursor p osition on the screen relativ e to the position of the p en tip. Y ou calibra te the pen to ad just the dis tance erro r betw een wher e the pen ac tual ly touche s the s creen an d wh ere the s ystem “thinks ” the pen is touching.
24 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Two T able 2-2 Bat tery Chargi ng T ime * Depends upon the applications in us e. Also note the following with respe ct to charging the ba.
25 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000P Operati on of the B ridge Batte ry W hen installed in the pen tablet PC, the battery provides power to so me sys tem compo nents— even wh en the system i s in the Of f sta te. When the batt er y is removed, power is supplied to these components by a “b ridge” battery that is built into the pen tablet PC.
26 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Two Install ing a M emory Mo dule T o install a DIMM module in the pe n tablet PC: 1. Ensure that the pen tablet PC is off.
27 3 Care and Maintenance P age 27 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
28 Styli stic ST4000P Ser ies U ser’s G uide – Sect ion T hree P age 28 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
29 Care and Mainte nance Care and Maintenance This chapter gives you pointers on how to care for and maintain y our Stylistic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC. PROTECT ING THE DI SPLAY SCR EEN The Stylistic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC is designed to provide you with year s of ser v ice.
30 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Three 7. Clean an y residue left behind by the prot ective coatin g from th e exp ose d surf ace o f the screen prote ctor by wiping gently with a soft cotton cloth damp ened w ith i sopropyl alcohol .
31 Care and Mainte nance IrD A port o n the othe r device ? A di rect line-o f -si ght path must exist between the IrD A port on the pen tablet P C and t he IrDA port on the other de vice. • The distance between t he two dev ices must not be more than 3 feet.
32 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Three P age 32 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
33 4 Specifications P age 33 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
34 Stylis tic ST4 000P Se ries User ’s Guid e – Section Fo ur P age 34 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
35 System Specifications Stylistic ST4000P Series Ha rdware Specifications The following table pro vides general hardwa re specifications of the Stylistic ST4000P Series pen tablet PC by catego r y . Stylistic ST4000P Specifications Physical Specifications 3 Dimensions 11.
36 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s User’ s Gui de – Se ctio n Four Keyboard/ Mouse support • Keyboard/Mouse IR Por t • System IR Port Audio • SigmaT el ST AC9767 codec • Internal mono microph.
37 5 Agency Notices P age 37 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
38 Stylis tic ST4 000P Se ries User ’s Guid e – Section Fi ve P age 38 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
39 Agency Notices Regulatory Information NOTICE Chan ges or modific ations not expr essl y appr ov ed by Fujitsu could vo id this user ’ s authority to operate the equipmen t.
40 Styl isti c ST4 000P Series User ’s Gu ide – Secti on Five ■ Public transpor tation terminals where telephone s are used to cal l taxis or to reser ve lodging o r rental cars.
41 Agency Notices UL Notice This un it requi res an AC adapter to op erat e. Use only UL Lis t ed Cl as s 2 Adap te rs w i th an o ut p ut ra ti n g o f 1 6 V D C, with a cur rent of 3.
42 Styl isti c ST4 000P Series User ’s Gu ide – Secti on Five P age 42 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
43 Appendix Wireless LAN* User’ s Guide * Option al device P age 43 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
44 Stylis tic ST4 000P Seri es Pen Ta blet PC User ’s Guid e – Appen dix P age 44 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
45 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide FCC REGULATORY INFORMATION Please note the follo wing regulato r y information related to the optional wi reless LAN dev ice. Regula tory Notes an d Sta tem ents W ireless LA N, Health and A uthoriz ati on for use Radio freq ue ncy el ectr omagnetic ener gy is em itte d fr om W ireless LAN d ev ices.
46 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix BEFORE USING THIS DEVICE Thank you for purcha sing a Fujitsu ST4000P Se ries P en T ablet PC w ith the optional Integrated Wireless LAN.
47 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide CONNECTING WINDOWS 2000 SYSTEM S This cha pter describes ho w t o set the wirel ess LAN con nection for comput ers running W indow s 2000. Wo r k f l o w The pr ope r setup of t he wirele ss LAN r equir es seve ral steps which m ust b e pe rfor med in th e prop er order.
48 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix T able 2: Encryption K ey Setup 7. W hen yo u finish your entry , click [A pply]. 8. Click [OK]. [PRIS M W ireless Settings] closes. Y ou h ave co m ple te d th e p ar a me ter s et t in gs .
49 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide 5. Set an IP addr ess as indicat ed in T able 3. Ask you r network adminis trator to check the setting. T a ble 3: Setti ng an IP A ddress 6. Click [O K]. The [Lo cal Area Con nec tion Proper t ies] window ap pears again.
50 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix 5. Perform th e fol low in g s teps . ■ Click [S er v ice]. ■ Click [Ad d]. The [Selec t N etwo rk Serv ice] window appear s. 6. Perform th e fol low in g s teps . ■ Click [File and P rinter Sharing f or Micr osoft Ne t w o r k s ] .
51 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide T able 7: Chec king connectivity CONNECTING WINDOWS XP SYSTEM S This cha pter describe s how t o set up the wir eless LAN connection for comp uters that are running W indows XP . W orkflow The prope r setup of the wireless LAN conne ction requires tha t sever al step s be per form ed in the proper orde r .
52 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix T able 8: Setting parameters 8. W hen you finish your entry , click [OK]. [W ireless N etwork C onnection 2 P roperties] ap pears again. 9. M ake su re the network name y ou specified for the SSID in S tep 7 is a dde d under [Prefer red netwo rks] .
53 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide 4. Che ck [F ull com puter name] and [W orkgroup]. A sk you r network administrat or and check the setting. T able 10: Setting com puter name and wo rkgroup T o change the sett ing, click [Change], and follo w the inst ruc tions o n the screen .
54 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix 3. Cl ick 'I f yo u under stand th e security risks bu t want to shar e printers without running the wizard, click here. 'Ena ble Print er Sharing' will be displayed .
55 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide T ROUBLESHOO TING This section c ontains tr oubleshooting i nformation, including causes and actions, for pr oblems y ou ma y find while u sing this device. T roublesho oting T able Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution An exclam ation mark (!) or cross (x) is attached to [Inter sil PRISM Wire less LAN PCI Card].
56 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix IP packet isn’t reaching its destination Run the PING command to check the connection Perform the following steps to run the PING command to check if the IP packet is c orrectly delivered to the destination.
57 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide I want to remov e the driver (Windows 2000) Windows 2000: When remo ving the driver , make sure that the dev ice is attached to the compute r . If you try to remove the driver while the devi ce is detached from the co mputer , the driver is not removed.
58 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix ABOUT I P ADDRESS ES Setting IP Addresse s If you are not sure how to set the IP address , refer to the foll owing pr ocedur e.
59 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide SPECIFICATIO NS T echnical Specific ations for Integra ted W ireless LAN Dev ice Item Desc ription Network T y pe IEEE 802.
60 Stylist ic ST 4000P S erie s Pen T ablet PC Use r’s G uide – Appe ndix P age 60 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
61 Index Index A air flow vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 7 Application Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 application buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 application A .
62 Stylis tic S T400 0P Seri es infrared keyboard port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 14 infrared keyboard/mouse port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 interfaces connectors and peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 IrDA port .
63 Index care and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 items included with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 storing . . . . . .
64 Stylis tic S T400 0P Seri es P age 64 Friday, November 1, 2 002 4:22 PM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Fujitsu ST4000P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Fujitsu ST4000P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Fujitsu ST4000P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Fujitsu ST4000P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Fujitsu ST4000P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Fujitsu ST4000P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Fujitsu ST4000P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Fujitsu ST4000P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.