Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit P-2046 du fabricant Fujitsu
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Fujitsu LifeBook P Series BIOS Guide LifeBook P Series Model: P-2046 Documen t Date: 02/01/02 Docu ment Part Numb er: FPC 58- 0652- 01 FUJITSU PC CORPORA TION.
2 LifeBo ok P Seri es BIOS P Series BIOS BIOS SE TUP UT ILITY The BIO S Setup U tility is a pr ogram t hat sets up the operating environment for y our notebook. Y our BIOS is set a t the f actory for normal operating co nditio ns, therefor e there is no n eed to set or change the BIOS en vironment to operate your notebook.
3 MAI N M ENU – SETTING ST ANDARD SYSTEM P ARAMETERS The Main M enu allows y ou to set or view the current syst em pa ramet ers. F ollo w th e in struc tio ns f or N avigating Through th e Setup Util ity to mak e any changes.
4 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Menu Field Options Def au lt Description System Time: –— –— Sets and display s the current tim e. Time is in a 24 hou r format of hours:minut es:seconds with 2 digits for each. (HH: MM:SS). Exam- ple: 16:45:5 7. Y ou m ay change each s egment of the time separately .
5 Primary Ma ster Submenu of t he Main Menu The Primar y Master submenu i dentifies which A T A devices are installed . Note: A ctual hard drive label sh own may vary . Depending on th e dri ve ty pe, infor mat ion su ch as cy lind ers, he ads and sectors m ay also be displa yed.
6 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Sectors: • A number between 0 and 63 –— This item appe ars only wh en the type is identifed as Auto or Hard Disk. Wh en Hard Disk is select ed, you ca n change the value. This fie ld is chan ged by incr eme ntin g (pr essi ng the [Sp ace bar]) or by typi ng in the nu mber .
7 Seconda ry Maste r Submenu of the Main Menu The Secondary Master submenu identifies which A T A devices are installed . Note: A ctual drive label show n may vary . Depending on the dr ive t y pe, inf ormat ion such as c ylin ders, heads an d sectors m ay also be displa yed.
8 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Sector s: • A numb er between 0 and 63 –— This item app ears only wh en the type is identifed as Auto or Hard Disk. When H ard Disk is selected, you can change the value. Th is field is changed by in crementing (press ing the [Spacebar ]) or by typing in the num ber .
9 ADVANCED MENU – S ETTING DEVICE FEATUR E CONTROLS The Advance d Menu allows you to: • Enab le o r disa ble su ppor t for P lug & Play ope rat ing sy stems. • Select betw een the di spla y panel an d an exte rnal CR T dis play . • Enab le or d isabl e com pensa tion for your disp lay .
10 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS T a ble 4: Fie lds, Op tions an d Defau lts for the Advanced M enu Menu Field Options Default Description Plug & Play O /S: • No • Ye s [No] Select Ye s if you are using a Plug & Play cap able operating s ystem. Select No if you need the BI OS to co nfigure n on-boot devices.
11 Keyboar d/Mouse F eature s Submenu of the Advanced Menu The K ey board/Mouse F eatures submenu i s for setting the parameters of the integr ated and exte rnal m ouse and keyboard.
12 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Video Feature s Submenu of the Advanced Menu The V ideo Features Submen u is for setting the display parameters. Figure 6 . Video Featur es Submenu T a ble 6: Fie lds, Op ti.
13 Interna l Device C onfigur ations Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Internal Device Configurations submenu all ows the user to configu re othe r inter nal de vi ces.
14 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS PCI Conf igurat ions Submenu of the Advanced Menu The PCI Configurations submenu allows the user to reserve specific inter rupts (IRQs) for legacy I SA devices, and to enable or disabl e built in PCI dev ice modules. Figure 8.
15 IRQ Re servat ion Submenu of the PC I Configurations Submenu The IR Q Re servatio n subm enu o f the P CI C onfigu ra- tions submenu allows the user to mark variou s IRQs as reserved for use by legacy ISA devices. W hen an IRQ is reserved, the BIOS does not use it for embedded PCI or ISA devices.
16 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS CPU Feat ures Submenu of the Advanced Menu The CPU Featur es submenu configures cer tain features of the CPU in the sy stem.
17 USB Features Submenu of t he Advanced M enu The USB Featur es submenu configures the USB capabili- ties of the system. Figure 11. USB Feature s Submenu T able 11: Fi elds, Option s and Def ault s f.
18 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Event L ogging Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Ev ent Logging submenu is for setting up the logs for DMI event logging. Figure 12 .
19 SECURITY MENU – SETTING THE SECUR ITY FEA TURES The Security m enu allows y ou to set up the data security features of yo ur notebook to fit your operating needs and to view the current data security configur ation. F ollow the inst ru ctio ns for Na vig at ing Throug h the Setup Utilit y to make any c hanges.
20 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Exiting from the Security Me nu W hen you h ave fi nished setting the parameters on the Securit y M enu, you can either exit from setup utility or mov e to another m enu. I f you wish to exit fr om setup utility , press the [ Esc ] key to go to th e Exi t Menu.
21 Hard Di sk Se cur ity Submenu o f the Securi ty Men u The Hard Disk Se curit y submenu i s for configur ing hard disk security features. Figure 1 4.
22 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Owner Inf ormat ion Submenu of the Security Menu The Owne r In formatio n sub menu is for setting o w ner in formatio n. Figure 15.
23 POWER MENU – SETTING POWER MANAGEME NT FEATURES The Po wer menu al lows you to set and change the power mana gemen t paramet ers. F ollow th e instru ctions for N avigating Through the Setup U tility to ma ke an y chan ges .
24 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS Standby Ti m e o u t : • Off • 1 to 16 Minu tes [4 Minu tes] Se ts the leng th of ti me with out an y user input d evice activ ity befo re the CPU is set to h alf speed and t he display and the hard drive are tur ned off.
25 Advance d Featur es Submenu of the Pow er Menu The Ad vanced Featur es submenu is for setting some non-time related power saving parame ters. Figure 17 .
26 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS BOOT MENU – SELEC TING THE OPERA TING SYSTEM SOU RCE The Bo ot Menu is used to selec t the order in whic h the BIOS searches sources for the operating system. Follow the instructions fo r Na vigating Through the Setup Uti lity to make any cha nges .
27 Boot Dev ice Prior ity Submenu of the Boot Menu The Boo t Device P r iority sub menu is for se tting the order of checking of sources for the op erating system.
28 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS INFO MEN U - DISPLAYS BA SIC SYS TEM IN FORMATIO N The Info menu is a displa y-only screen that pr ovides the con figu ration info rmation for y our notebook. The follow ing table shows the names of the menu fields for the Info menu and t he informa tion dis played in those fields.
29 T able 20: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Info Menu Menu Fiel d Default Menu Field Default BIOS V ersion: 1.xx L2 Cac he: 51 2 KB BIOS Dat e: 10/31/2001 T otal Me mory: 112 M B BIOS Area: E400h – FFFFh CMS Mode: Normal CPU T y pe: T ransm eta TM5800 process or CMS Revis ion: 4.
30 LifeBo ok P Series BIOS EXIT MEN U – LEA VING THE SETUP UTILITY The Exit M enu is used to leave th e setup utility . Follow the in structions f or N avigat ing Thro ugh T he Se tup Utility to make an y changes.
31 Load Setup Defau lts Press the F9 key –— Selectin g Load Setup Defaults will lo ad the factory preset default values for all men u fields, then display the messa ge Load default configuration now? [Yes] [No]. When con- firmed the setup ut ility will return to the Exit Menu .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Fujitsu P-2046 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Fujitsu P-2046 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Fujitsu P-2046, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Fujitsu P-2046 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Fujitsu P-2046, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Fujitsu P-2046.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Fujitsu P-2046. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Fujitsu P-2046 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.