Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Mustang (2015) du fabricant Ford
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2015 OWNER’S MANUAL MUS T ANG 2015 OWNER’S MANUAL fordowner .com (U . S.) (C a n a d a) July 2014 | First Printing Owner’s Manual | Mustang Litho in U.
The inf ormation contained in this publica tion was c orrect at the time of g oing to print. In the interest of continuous dev elopment, we r eserve the right to change specific ations, design or equipment a t any time without notice or obliga tion.
Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 7 S ymbols Glossary ............................................. 7 Da ta Rec ording .................................................. 9 Calif ornia Proposition 65 ...........
Aut owipers ....................................................... 66 Windshiel d W asher s ..................................... 67 Lighting Lighting Contr ol .............................................. 68 Aut olamps .............................
Rear Axl e Limited Slip Diff erential ............................. 139 Brak es General Inf ormation .................................... 140 Hints on Driving With Anti-L ock Brak es ........................................................... 140 P arking Brake .
Maintenanc e General Inf ormation .................................... 210 Opening and Closing the Hood ............... 210 Under Hood Overvie w - 2.3L EcoBoost ™ .................................................. 211 Under Hood Overvie w - 3.7L ...
Using S YNC ™ With Y our Phone ............ 299 S YNC ™ Applications and S ervices ...... 309 Using S YNC ™ With Y our Media Pla yer ............................................................. 317 S YNC ™ T roubleshooting ...................
6 Mustang (), enUS A, First Printing.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou for choosing Ford . W e rec ommend that you t ake some time t o get t o know y our vehicle b y reading this manual. T he more that y ou know about it, the gre ater the s afe ty and ple asure y ou will get fr om driving it.
Bat tery acid Brak e fluid - non petr oleum base d Brak e syst em Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s afe ty door lock or unl ock Child se at l ower anchor Child se at t ether anchor E71340 Cruis.
Maintain corr ect fluid l evel Note oper ating instructions P anic alarm E139213 P arking aid P arking brake Po wer st eering fluid Po wer windo ws front/ rear Po wer windo w lockout Servic e engine s.
The event da ta recorder in this v ehicle is designed to rec ord such data as: • How various s yst ems in your vehicl e were oper ating; • Whether or not the driv er and passenger sa fety belts w .
C ALIFORNIA PROPO SITION 65 W ARNING Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, certain vehicl e components, certain fl uids contained in v ehicles and certain pr oducts of component w ear contain or emit chemic als known t o the Sta te of Calif ornia to c ause cancer and birth def ects or other repr oductive harm.
W arranty on R eplacement P arts Genuine Ford and Mot orcra ft repla cement parts are the onl y repl acement parts tha t benefit from a For d W arranty . Damag e caused t o your v ehicle as a r esult of the fail ure of non-Ford part s may not be co vered b y the Ford W arranty .
For your adde d saf ety , your v ehicle is fitt ed with sophistica ted el ectronic c ontrols. MOBILE COMMUNIC A TIONS EQUIPMENT Using mobile c ommunications e quipment is becoming incr easingl y important in the conduct of busine ss and personal aff airs.
Front Ex terior Overview E177478 See Locking and Unl ocking (page 56). A See Driving Aids (pa ge 159). B See Changing the W iper Blades (page 222). C See Maint enance (pag e 210). D See Changing a Bulb (pa ge 224). E Tir e pressures. See T echnical Specifications (pa ge 266).
V ehicle Int erior Overview E177481 See T ransmission (page 134). A See P ower W indows (pa ge 73). B See Locking and Unl ocking (page 56). C See Head R estraints (pa ge 108). D See F astening the Saf ety Belts (pa ge 30). E See R ear Seats (pag e 112).
Instrument P anel Overview E177480 Air vents. See Hints on C ontrolling the Interior Climat e (page 104). A Direc tion indicat ors. See Dir ection Indicators (pa ge 71). B Instrument clust er and informa tion display s. See Instrument Cl uster (pag e 77).
Horn. N Cruise c ontrol. See C ruise Control (pag e 152). O Informa tion displa y controls. See Informa tion Display Contr ol (page 65). P Lugg age comp artment switch. S ee Interior Lugga ge Compartment R elease (pag e 60). Q Lighting contr ol. See Lighting C ontrol (page 68).
GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollo wing sections for dir ections on how t o properly us e saf ety restr aints for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al ways mak e sure your chil d is secur ed properly in a de vice that is appropria te for their height, age and weight.
Rec ommendations for Saf ety Restr aints for Chil dren Rec ommended restraint type Child size , height, weight, or a ge Child Use a child s afe ty sea t (sometimes c alled an infant c arrier , conv ertible sea t, or toddl er seat). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 kg) or l ess (gener ally ag e four or y ounger).
Use a child s afe ty sea t (sometimes call ed an infant c arrier , conv ertible se at, or toddl er sea t) for infant s, toddl ers, or childr en weighing 40 pounds (18 kilogr ams) or less (g enerall y age f our or young er). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or injure a child in a child se at.
E142530 3. W hile holding the shoul der and lap bel t portions tog ether , rout e the tongue through the chil d sea t accor ding to the child se at manuf acturer's instructions.
8. R emov e remaining sla ck from the belt. Forc e the seat do wn with extr a weight, for e xample , by pressing do wn or kneeling on the chil d restraint whil e pulling up on the shoulder bel t in order to f orce sl ack from the bel t.
how ever the sa fet y belt can still be used to a ttach the chil d seat. For forwar d-facing child se ats, the t op tether str ap must also be at tached to the pr oper top te ther anchor , if a t op tether str ap has been pro vided with your chil d seat.
Perf orm the foll owing st eps to install a child s afe ty seat with t ether anchors: For coupe: Note: If you install a chil d seat with rigid LA TCH a ttachments, do not tighten the te ther strap enough t o lift the child sea t off your vehicl e sea t cushion when the child is sea ted in it.
5. Tighten the chil d saf ety sea t tether strap a ccor ding to the manufa cturer ’ s instructions. If the sa fety se at is not anchored pr operly , the risk of a child being injur ed in a cra sh gre atly incr ease s.
If your back less boost er seat ha s a remo vable shiel d, r emove the shiel d. If a vehicl e sea ting position has a lo w sea t back or no hea d restraint, a backless booster se at ma y place y our child's head (as me asured a t the tops of the e ars) abov e the top of the sea t.
E142597 If the booster se at slides on the v ehicle sea t upon which it is being used, pl acing a rubberized mesh s old as shel f or carpet liner under the booster se at ma y improve this condition. Do not intr oduce any it em thicker than this under the boost er sea t.
Rec ommendations for attaching chil d safet y restraints for chil dren Use any atta chment method as indicated bel ow by X Combined weight of child and child sea t Restr aint Type Safet y belt only Sa.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al ways driv e and ride with your sea tback upright and the lap bel t snug and l ow across the hips. T o reduc e the risk of injury , make sure chil dren sit where the y can be properl y restr ained. Nev er let a pa ssenger hol d a child on his or her lap whil e your v ehicle is moving.
• Cr ash sensors and monit oring syst em with re adiness indicat or . The sa fet y belt pre tensioners a t the front sea ting positions are designed t o tighten the sa fety bel ts when activa ted .
E142588 2. T o unfa sten, pr ess the rel ease butt on and remo ve the tongue fr om the buckle . Using Safe ty Belts During Pregnancy W ARNING Al ways ride and driv e with your sea tback upright and the saf ety bel t properl y fa stened . The lap portion of the sa fety bel t should fit snug and be positioned l ow across the hips.
In addition, the r etract or is designed to l ock if the webbing is pull ed out too quickl y . If this occur s, let the bel t retr act slightl y and pull webbing out a gain in a slo w and contr olled manner . Safe ty Belt Ext ension Assembly W ARNINGS Do not use ex tensions to chang e the fit of the shoulder bel t across the tor so.
If the Belt-Minder w arnings expir e (warning s for about five minut es) for one passeng er (driv er or front passeng er), the other passeng er can still ca use the Belt-Minder f ea ture to turn on. Then... If... The Bel t-Minder fea ture will not activ at e.
3. For the seating position y ou are swit ching off, buckl e then unbuckle the sa fety bel t three times a t a modera te speed , ending in the unbuckled st ate . Aft er Step 3, the saf ety belt w arning light turns on. 4. Whil e the saf ety belt w arning light is on, buckl e and then unbuckle the sa fety bel t.
The P ersonal Sa fety S yst em provide s an impro ved ov erall l evel of front al crash prot ection to fr ont seat oc cupants and is designed t o help further reduce the risk of airbag-r elat ed injuries.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl at e slowl y or gentl y , and the risk of injury from a deplo ying airbag is the gre ate st close to the trim c overing the airba g module.
DRIVER AND P AS SENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er place y our arm or any objects ov er an airbag module . Placing y our arm ov er a deploying airb ag can resul t in serious arm frac tures or other injuries.
E142846 Childr en must alw ays be properl y restr ained. A ccident sta tistics sugg est that childr en are sa fer when properl y restr ained in the re ar seating positions than in the front se ating position. F ailure t o foll ow these instructions ma y increa se the risk of injury in a cra sh.
The fr ont passenger s ensing system is designed t o disable (will not infl at e) the front pa ssenger front al airbag when a rear fa cing infant sea t, a forw ard-fa cing child restr aint, or a booster s eat is det ecte d. Ev en with this technol ogy , parents ar e strongl y encour aged t o alwa ys properl y restr ain childr en in the rear sea t.
of injury in a cra sh event. For example , if an occupant sl ouches, lies do wn, turns sidewa ys, sits f orward , le ans forwar d or sidewa ys, or puts one or both f eet up, the chance of injury during a cr ash is gre atl y incre ased.
W ARNINGS Do not le an your head on the door . The side airba g could injur e you as it deplo ys from the side of the sea tback. Do not at tempt to servic e, repair , or modify the airbag, it s fuses or the sea t cov er on a seat c ontaining an airbag a s you coul d be seriously injur ed or kille d.
DRIVER AND P AS SENGER KNEE AIRBA GS W ARNINGS K eep the glo ve bo x door closed whil e driving for optimal perf ormance of the passeng er knee airbag during a cra sh. T o reduc e risk of injury , do not obstruct or pl ace object s in the deplo yment path of the knee airba g.
E75004 The s ystem c onsists of the foll owing: • Sa fety c anopy curtain airbag s loca ted abov e the trim panels ov er the front and re ar side windows identified b y a label or w ording on the headliner or roof-pill ar trim.
If any of these things happen, even intermit tently , hav e the supplemental restr aint syst em serviced a t an authorized deal er immediat ely . Unless servic ed, the sys tem may not function pr operly in the ev ent of a crash.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION ON RADIO FRE QUENCIES This de vice complies with P art 15 of the FC C Rules and with Industry Cana da license-e xempt R SS standard(s).
REMOTE C ONTROL Intellig ent Acc ess K ey E144506 Y our intelligent ac cess k eys opera te the pow er locks and the r emote start s ystem. The k ey must be in your v ehicle t o activa te the push-butt on start syst em.
E151957 1. Pla ce the cap just f orward of the k ey cylinder . 2. Whil e applying pre ssure to the cap , mov e it forwar d until it is in plac e. Y ou may he ar a snap as it enga ges. Make sur e you hav e properl y installed the cap b y trying to mov e it rearwar d.
5. Reinstall the housing and c over . Car Finder E138623 Pr ess the button twic e within three se conds. The horn will sound and the turn signals will fla sh. W e rec ommend you use this method to l oca te your v ehicle, r ather than using the panic alarm.
E138626 The t ag with your transmit ter detail s the starting proc edure. T o remot e start your vehicl e: 1. Pr ess the lock butt on to l ock all the doors. 2. Pr ess the remote st art button twic e. The e xterior l amps will flash t wice. The horn will sound if the s ystem f ails to start, unl ess quiet start is on.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION MyK ey all ows you t o progr am keys with restric ted driving modes t o promote g ood driving habits. All but one of the k eys progr ammed to the vehicl e can be activ ated with the se restrict ed modes. Any k eys that ha ve not been pr ogrammed are r eferre d to as adminis trat or key s or admin k eys.
CREA TING A MYKEY Use the informa tion displa y to cre ate a MyK ey: 1. Insert the k ey you want t o progr am into the ignition. If your v ehicle is equippe d with a push-butt on start, plac e the intellig ent acc ess ke y fob into the ba ckup slot. T he loc ation of your b ackup slot is in another chapter .
Action and Description Messag e All MyK eys Cle ared Note: When you cl ear your MyK eys, y ou remove all r estrictions and re turn all MyKe ys to their original admin k ey sta tus.
CHECKING MYKEY S Y S TEM S T A TUS Y ou can find informa tion on programmed MyK ey(s) using the informa tion displa y contr ol on the steering wheel. S ee Information Displa ys (pa ge 83). T o find information on a programed MyK ey(s), press the le ft arrow button t o acc ess the main menu and scroll to: Description Messag e Pr ess the OK button.
USING MYKEY WITH REMOTE S T ART S YS TEMS MyK ey is not compa tible with non Ford-appr oved , aft ermarket r emote start sys tems. If you choose t o install a remot e start sy stem, see an a uthorized deal er for a Ford-appr oved r emote start sy stem.
Potential C auses Condition Pr ogram a spare k ey . Se e Passive Anti-Theft Sy stem (pa ge 62). I los t a key . MyK ey distanc es do not accumul at e. • The MyK ey user is not using the MyK ey . • An admin k ey holder cl eared the MyK eys and cre ated ne w MyK eys.
LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the power door l ock contr ol or the remot e control t o lock and unl ock your v ehicle. Po wer Door Locks The po wer door lock c ontrol is on the driver and front pa ssenger door panels. E180791 Unlock. A Lock. B Door Lock Indicator An LED on each door windo w trim lights when you l ock the door .
Mislock If any door or the lu ggag e compartment is open, or if the hood is open on vehicl es with an anti-theft alarm or r emote start, the horn sounds twic e and the directional indica tors do not fl ash. Y ou can enabl e or disabl e this fea ture in the informa tion displa y .
When you open one of the fr ont doors and lock y our vehicl e using the power door l ock contr ol, all doors lock then unl ock if: • The ignition is on.
E180643 Left-Hand Side T urn clock wise to lock. Right-Hand Side T urn count erclock wise to lock. Unlocking the Deck lid E188353 If the pow er decklid rel ease does not opera te bec ause of a dischar.
Ac cessory Mode Batt ery Saver for Intellig ent Acc ess Ke ys If you l eav e your vehicl e in the run ignition sta te, it turns off onc e it detec ts a certain amount of bat tery drain or a fter 45 minutes. Lugga ge C ompartment From Inside Y our V ehicle E188015 Pr ess the button on the instrument panel to unl at ch the lugga ge compartment.
Y our vehicle is equippe d with a rele ase handle tha t provide s a means of escape for chil dren and adul ts if they bec ome lock ed inside the lugg age c ompartment. Adul ts should f amiliarize themsel ves with the opera tion and loc ation of the rel ease handle .
P AS SIVE ANTI-THEFT S Y STEM Note: The sy stem is not comp atible with non-Ford a ftermarke t remote st art syst ems. Use of these s ystems ma y resul t in vehicle starting probl ems and a loss o f security prot ection.
E174956 1. R emove the rubber c overing ( A) from the cuphol der . Plac e the first progr ammed key in the ba ckup slot (B) at the bot tom of the cuphol der , then press the push but ton ignition swit ch. 2. W ait five seconds and then pr ess the push butt on ignition switch ag ain.
ADJU STING THE S TEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicle is moving. Note: Make sure tha t you sit in the corr ect position. Se e Sitting in the Correc t Position (pag e 108). E176634 1. Unlock the st eering col umn.
V OICE CONTR OL (If Equipped) E174584 C D B A End a call. A Answ er a call. B V oice r ecognition. C Mute . D See S YNC ™ (pag e 295). See MyFord T ouch ™ (pag e 334). CRUISE C ONTROL E174594 INFORMA TION DISPLA Y C ONTROL E174595 See Inf ormation Display s (page 83).
WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshield be fore swit ching on the windshield wipers. Note: Make sure y ou switch off the windshield wiper s before ent ering a car wa sh. Note: Clean the windshiel d and wiper blade s if they begin to l ea ve streak s or smears.
E173730 Highest sensitivity A On B Lo west sensitivity C Use the rotary c ontrol to a djust the sensitivity of the r ain sensor . Ther e are six sensitivity set tings. When you se t the contr ol to lo w sensitivity (the first position), the wipers turn on when ther e is a lar ge amount of moisture on the windshield .
LIGHTING CONTR OL E142449 Off A P arking lamps, instrument panel lamps, license pla te l amps and tail l amps B Headl amps C High Beams E162679 Push the l ever f orward t o switch the high beams on. Push the l ever f orward a gain or pull the le ver to ward y ou to swit ch the high beams off.
If equipped , the foll owing also activ at e when the lighting contr ol is in the autol amps position and you swit ch them on in the informa tion displa y: • Configur able da ytime running lamps. • Aut omatic high beam c ontrol. • Adaptiv e headl amp control.
V ehicles W ithout Front Fog Lamps A B E165366 Pr ess repea tedl y or press and hold t o dim. A Pr ess repea tedl y or press and hold t o brighten. B HEADLAMP EXIT DELA Y Aft er you swit ch the ignition off, y ou can swit ch the headlamps on b y pulling the direc tion indicat or lev er tow ard you.
FRONT F OG LAMPS (If Equipped) E142453 Pr ess the control t o switch the f og lamps on or off. Y ou can switch the f og lamps on when the lighting contr ol is in any position ex cept Off and the high beams ar e not on. DIRECTION INDIC A TOR S E169255 Push the l ever up or do wn to use the direc tion indicat ors.
AMBIENT LIGHTING (If Equipped) Y ou can adjust the ambient lighting syst em in your inf ormation displ ay . See Information Displa ys (pa ge 83). 72 Mustang (), enUS A, First Printing Lighting.
POWER WINDO WS W ARNINGS Do not le ave chil dren una ttended in your v ehicle and do not l et them pla y with the pow er windows. T hey may seriousl y injure themselv es. When cl osing the power windo ws, you shoul d verify they ar e free of obstructions and mak e sure that childr en and pets are not in the pr oximity of the window openings.
Opening the Windo ws Y ou can open the windows f or a short time aft er you unl ock your vehicl e with the remot e control. A fter y ou unlock your vehicl e, pre ss and hold the remot e control unlock but ton to open the windo ws. R elea se the button onc e movement st arts.
Integr ated Blind Spot Mirror s (If Equipped) W ARNING Objects in the blind spot mirr or are clos er than they appear . Blind spot mirrors ha ve an int egrat ed conv ex mirror buil t into the upper outboar d corner of the e xterior mirror s. They c an incre ase your visibility al ong the side of your v ehicle.
T o reduc e glare, the mirror dims automa ticall y when it detect s bright lights from behind y our vehicle . It automa tically returns t o normal refl ection when you sele ct rev erse (R) ge ar to make sur e you hav e a clear vie w when backing up.
G AUGES E174486 Speedome ter A Informa tion displa y B T achometer C Fuel gau ge D Engine cool ant tempera ture ga uge E Information Displa y Odometer Loc ate d in the bottom of the inf ormation displa y Regist ers the ac cumulat ed distanc e your vehicl e has tr avel ed.
S witch the ignition on. The fuel g auge will indica te appro ximat ely how much fuel is le ft in the fuel tank. The arr ow adjac ent to the fuel pump symbol indica tes on which side of your v ehicle the fuel fill er door is loc at ed. The nee dle shoul d move t oward F when you r efuel your vehicl e.
W ARNING LAMPS AND INDIC A TORS The f ollo wing warning lamps and indica tors will al ert you to a v ehicle condition tha t may bec ome serious. Some lamps will ill uminat e when you start your vehicl e to mak e sure they work.
Direction Indica tor Illumina tes when the l eft or right turn signal or the hazard w arning fla sher is turned on. If the indica tors sta y on or fla sh fa ster , check f or a burned out bulb. See Changing a Bulb (pag e 224). Door Ajar Displa ys when the ignition is on and any door is not compl etel y clos ed.
It will also ill uminate moment arily when you s witch the ignition on to c onfirm the lamp is func tional. If it does not illumina te when you s witch the ignition on, or begins to fl ash a t any time, hav e the syst em check ed by your authoriz ed deal er .
Parking Br ake On W arning Chime Sounds when y ou have l eft the parking brak e on and drive your v ehicle. If the warning chime r emains on after y ou have rel ease d the parking brake , have the sys tem checke d by your authoriz ed dealer immedia tely .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr act ed can resul t in loss of v ehicle c ontrol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtreme ca ution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e.
• Driver Assist • Set tings Note: Some options ma y appear slightly differ ent or not at all if the items ar e optional. Gauge Mode Use the arro w buttons t o choose between the foll owing g auge options.
Boost/V ac (If Equipped) E174496 Displa ys the vacuum or boo st pressure. Cyl He ad E174491 Displa ys the engine ’ s cylinder head temper ature . Inle t Air E174492 Displa ys the temper ature of the air in the col d air inlet tube . Oil T emp E174493 Displa ys the engine oil temper ature .
T rans T emp (A utomatic T ransmission only ) E174494 Displa ys the transmission fl uid opera ting temper ature . If the temper ature rises t o the red ar ea, st op in a safe pl ace and l et the transmission c ool. If the probl em persists, see an authorized deal er .
A vg mpg Show s the aver age fuel usa ge base d on time. Instant fuel ec onomy Show s your instantaneous fuel us age. Fuel history Show s fuel usage a s a bar graph ba sed on time. T he graph is updat ed each minut e with the fuel econom y that you achie ved during 30 minutes of driving.
Tra ck Apps Ac cel eration T imer VIEW /CLEAR R esults Brak e Perf orm Brak e Perf orm Cle ar Sav ed Data Cle ar All Time Best A ccel erometer E174498 Displa ys your v ehicle's r ate of ac cel eration or decel era tion. The r ed dot will move t owar d the area of acc eler ation or dec elera tion.
Driver Assist Adv ancetr ac - check enabled or unche ck disabled Aut o Engine Off – check enabled or uncheck disabl ed Blindspot - check enabl ed or uncheck disable d On - check enabl ed or uncheck .
Setting s Aut o or Last Se tting Climat e Contr ol R emote Start Aut o or Off Se ats 5, 10 or 15 minut es Dura tion S ystem - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed 1 - 4 ye ars Tir e Mobility Kit R emot.
Setting s Hold OK t o Cle ar MyKe ys Cle ar MyK ey Mile s & Gallons, L/100km or km/L Distanc e Displa y Setup °Fahr enheit or °Celsius T empera ture psi or kP a Tire P ressure Langua ge 1 - 4 - .
Action Message The s ystem ha s disabled the aut omatic br aking. Normal Cruise A ctive Aut omatic Braking T urned Off A radar mal function is pre venting the adaptive cruise c ontrol from eng aging. Front S ensor Not Aligned The adaptiv e cruise has r einstat ed control s to the driver .
Alarm Action Message Alarm trigg ered due t o unauthorized entry . Se e Anti-Theft Alarm (pag e 63). V ehicl e Alarm to S top Alarm, Start V ehicle All perimet er sensors are activ e. Se e Anti-Theft Alarm (pag e 63). Alarm All S ensors P eri- met er Sensing Batt ery and Charging S yst em Action Message The char ging syst em needs servicing.
Blind Spot Information and C ross Tra ffic Alert S ys tem Action Message A fa ult with the sys tem has oc curred . Contac t an authorized deal er as soon a s possible. Blindspot S ystem F ault The s ystem sensor s are block ed. S ee Blind Spot Informa- tion Sy stem (pa ge 159).
Fuel Action Message An earl y reminder of a l ow fuel condition. Fuel Le vel Lo w The fuel fill inl et may not be pr operly cl osed. Check Fuel Fill Inl et Hill Start Assis t Action Message Hill start a ssist is not avail able. Contact an authoriz ed deal er .
Action Message Y ou have not progr ammed enough k eys to the s ystem. Not Enough K eys Le arned The k ey bat tery is lo w . Change the ba ttery a s soon as possibl e. K ey Ba ttery L ow R eplac e Soon Inform the driv er that they ar e exiting the vehicl e and the engine is on.
Action Message MyK ey is in use and the MyK ey speed limit is on and the v ehicle speed is appro aching 80 mph (130 km/h). Near V ehicle T op Speed Y ou have re ached the speed limit set f or your MyK ey . V ehicle a t T op Speed of MyK ey Set ting Y ou have an activ e MyK ey with a progr ammed set speed limit.
Seats Action Message A reminder tha t memory seat s are not avail able whil e driving. Memory Rec all Not Permit ted Whil e Driving Show s where you ha ve sav ed your memory set ting. Memory X Sav ed Starting S ys tem Action Message A reminder t o apply the br ake when starting y our vehicle .
Tire Pr essure Monitoring S yst em Action Message One or more tir es on your vehicl e has l ow tire pr essure. S ee Tire Pressur e Monitoring Sy stem (pa ge 257). Tir e Pressur e LO W The tir e pressure monit oring syst em is malfunctioning. If the warning sta ys on or continue s to come on, c ontact an authorized de aler .
Action Message Displa ys when the transmission ha s overhe at ed and has limited func tionality . See A utomatic Tr ansmission (page 136). T ransmission Limit ed Function Se e Manual T ransmission is t oo cold . W ait for it to w arm up before y ou drive.
MANUAL CLIMA TE C ONTROL (If Equipped) E174095 Pow er: Pre ss the button to turn the s ystem on and off . Swit ching off the climat e contr ol syst em prevents out side air from entering the v ehicle. A Defrost: P ress the butt on to distribute air t o the windshield v ents and de-mister .
Recirc ulated air: Pr ess the button t o switch be tween outside air and recir cula ted air . When r ecircul ate d air is select ed, the air c urrently in the passeng er compartment r ecircula tes. This may r educe the time needed t o cool the interior( when used with A/C ) and ma y also reduc e unwanted odor s from entering y our vehicle .
Driver side climat e controll ed seats (if equipped): Pr ess the heat ed sea t icon t o turn the heat ed sea t off and on (if equipped). Pr ess the climat e-controll ed sea t icon to turn the clima te-c ontrolled s eat off and on (if equipped). S ee Climate C ontrolled Seats (p age 113).
Recirc ulated air: Pr ess the button t o switch be tween outside air and recir cula ted air . When y ou selec t recircul at ed air , the air currentl y in the passeng er compartment r ecircula tes. This may r educe the time needed t o cool the interior ( when used with A/C ) and ma y reduce unw anted odors fr om entering y our vehicle .
Heating the Interior Quick ly V ehicle with automatic climat e control V ehicle with manual climate c ontrol Pr ess the AUTO butt on. Adjust the f an speed t o a high speed setting. 1 Adjust the t empera ture contr ol to the desired s etting. Adjust the t empera ture contr ol to the highest set ting.
Rec ommended Settings f or Cooling V ehicle with automatic climat e control V ehicle with manual climate c ontrol Pr ess the AUTO butt on. Adjust the f an speed t o the center setting. 1 Adjust the t empera ture contr ol to the desired s etting. Use 72°F (22°C) a s a starting point, then a djust the setting as nece ssary .
Note: Do not cle an the housing or glass o f any mirror with har sh abrasiv es, fuel or other petrol eum-base d cleaning produc ts. The he ated mirr ors remo ve ice, mist and fog when y ou switch on the he ate d rear window . C ABIN AIR FIL TER Y our vehicle is equippe d with a cabin air filt er .
SITTING IN THE CORRE CT POSITION W ARNINGS Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback reclined t oo far can tak e weight off the sea t cushion and aff ect the decision of the pa ssenger sensing sy stem, re sulting in serious injury or dea th in the event of a cr ash.
W ARNINGS Install the hea d restraint pr operly t o help minimize the risk of neck injury in the ev ent of a crash. Note: Adjust the se atback t o an upright driving position bef ore adjusting the head restr aint. Adjus t the head restr aint so that the top of it is l ev el with the top of your he ad and as f ar forwar d as possibl e.
E144727 1. Adjust the s eatback t o an upright driving or riding position. 2. Pivot the he ad restr aint forwar d tow ard your he ad to the desire d position. Aft er the head re straint re aches the forw ard-most til t position, pivoting it forw ard again will then r ele ase it to the re arward, un-tilte d position.
E187770 The po wer sea t control is l oca ted on the outboard side of the se at. Mo ve the switch in the direc tion of the arrows t o raise or lo wer the sea t cushion or to mo ve the sea t forw ard, b ackward , up or down. Po wer Lumbar (If Equipped) The po wer lumbar c ontrol is l ocat ed on the side of the driver se at.
Note: A preset memory position c an only be rec alled when the ignition is off , or when the transmission is in park (P) or neutr al (N) if the ignition is on. Y ou can also rec all a preset memory position by: • Pr essing the unlock butt on on your intellig ent acce ss key f ob if it is linked to a pr eset position.
Sec ond Row Split-Fol ding Rear Seat (If Equipped) E17561 1 T o lo wer the sea tback(s): 1. Pull the str ap to rel ea se the seatback. 2. Fold the se atback do wn. When r aising the seatback(s), make sure you he ar the seat l atch int o plac e. Pull down on the se atback t o make sure tha t it has l at ched.
HomeLink Wir eless Contr ol S yst em (If Equipped) W ARNING Do not use the sy stem with any gar age door opener tha t does not hav e the saf ety stop and r evers e fe ature a s require d by U.S. Federal Sa fety Standar ds (this includes any g arag e door opener manufa ctured bef ore April 1, 1982).
E188212 1. With y our vehicle p arked outside of the gar age, switch y our ignition to the on position, but do not start y our vehicl e. 2. Hold y our hand-held g arag e door transmit ter 1 – 3 inches ( 2 – 8 centimet ers) aw ay from the HomeLink butt on you want t o program.
E188212 3. Press and hol d the function butt on you want t o program f or 2 seconds, then rel ease . Repe at this st ep. Depending on your br and of gara ge door opener , you ma y need to r epeat this sequenc e a third time. Erasing the Func tion Button Codes Note: Y ou cannot er ase individual butt ons.
3. Hold the tr ansmitter within 1 – 3 inche s (2 – 8 c entimeter s) of the button on the visor you w ant to progr am. 4. Pr ess and hold both the progr ammed Genie button on the hand-hel d transmit ter and the button y ou want to pr ogram. T he indicat or light on the visor fla shes rapidl y when the progr amming is successful.
FC C and RSS-210 Industry Canada Complianc e This de vice complies with P art 15 of the FC C Rules and with R SS-210 of Industry Canada. Oper ation is subjec t to the foll owing tw o conditions: (1) t.
12 V olt DC Po wer Point W ARNING Do not plug optional el ectric al acc essories into the cig ar lighter socke t (if equipped). Improper use of the lighter c an cause damag e not co vered b y your warr anty , and can r esult in fire or serious injury .
CENTER CONS OLE St ow items in the c upholder car efully a s items ma y become l oose during hard braking, accel era tion or collisions, including hot drinks which ma y spill.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling at high engine speeds can pr oduce very high temper ature s in the engine and exhaust s ystem, cr eating the risk of fir e or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive your v ehicle on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver .
S TEERING WHEEL LOCK (If Equipped) The st eering wheel lock s automa tically when you l eav e your vehicl e and take the intellig ent acce ss key with y ou. The ste ering wheel unlocks a utomatic ally when you ent er your vehicl e with the intellig ent acc ess ke y .
3. With the ke y in this position, press the brak e pedal (automa tic transmission) or clut ch pedal (manual transmission), then the S T ART butt on to swit ch the ignition on and start y our vehicle .
2. Pr ess the button onc e. 3. Apply the parking br ake. Note: This swit ches off the ignition, all ele ctrical circuit s, warning lamps and indica tors. Note: If the engine is idling for 30 minute s, the ignition and engine automa ticall y shut down.
The he ater a cts as a starting aid b y warming the engine c oolant. This all ow s the climat e control s ystem t o respond quickl y . The equipment incl udes a heat er element (inst alled in the engine bl ock) and a wire harness. Y ou can connec t the sys tem to a gr ounded 120-volt A C ele ctrical sourc e.
S AFETY PRECA UTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. The pressur e in an overfill ed tank may cause l eakag e and le ad to fuel spra y and fire. The fuel s ystem ma y be under pressur e. If you he ar a hissing sound near the fuel fill er door , do not refuel until the sound stops.
FUEL QUALITY Choosing the Right Fuel Use onl y UNLEADED gasoline or UNLEADED ga soline blended with a maximum of 15% ethanol in y our gasoline vehicl e. If your v ehicle is a Fl ex Fuel V ehicle (FFV), it will hav e a yell ow bezel pl aced ov er the fuel fill inlet.
• Y ou may need to c ycle the ignition fr om off to on se veral times a fter r efueling to all ow the fuel sy stem to pump the fuel from the fuel tank t o the engine. On rest arting, cranking time will tak e a fe w seconds l onger than normal. • Normally , adding 1.
W ARNINGS Sta y outside your v ehicle and do not le ave the fuel pump una ttended when refueling y our vehicl e. This is agains t the law in some pl aces. K eep childr en awa y from the fuel pump; nev er let chil dren pump fuel. Do not use personal el ectronic devic es while re fueling.
If the fuel fill inle t was not pr operly cl osed, a Check Fuel Fill Inle t message ma y appear on the instrument cl uster . At the ne xt opportunity , do the f ollowing: 1. St op your vehicl e as soon a s saf ely possible and shift the tr ansmission into park (P).
K eep a rec ord for a t le ast one month and rec ord the type of driving ( city or highway ). This pr ovides an ac curat e estimat e of your vehicl e's fuel economy under c urrent driving conditions. K eeping rec ords during summer and winter will sho w how temper ature impa cts fuel econom y .
An improperl y opera ting or damaged exhaust s ystem ma y allow e xhaust to enter the v ehicle. Ha ve a damag ed or improperl y opera ting exhaust sy stem inspect ed and repaired imme diatel y . Do not make an y unauthorized changes t o your v ehicle or engine.
Y our vehicle ma y not pass the I/M t est if the service engine soon indic ator is on or not working pr operly (bulb is burned out), or if the OBD-II sys tem has det ermined that some of the emission c ontrol sy stems hav e not been properl y checked .
MANUAL TR ANSMISSION Using the Clut ch Note: Fail ure to full y press the clut ch pedal to the fl oor may ca use increase d shift eff orts, prematur ely we ar transmission components or dama ge the transmission.
3. 7L with 3.55 Axle Ratio Rec ommended upshifts (for best fuel economy ) when accel erating Shift from: 13 mph (21 km/h) 1 - 2 24 mph (39 km/h) 2 - 3 33 mph (53 km/h) 3 - 4 39 mph (63 km/h) 4 - 5 43 mph (6 9 km/h) 5 - 6 5.
AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Al ways se t the parking brak e fully and make sur e the gearshift is la tched in park (P). T urn the ignition to the off position and r emove the k ey whenev er you le ave y our vehicle . Do not apply the br ake pedal and acc eler ator pe dal simultaneousl y .
With y our vehicle in driv e (D), the pa ddle shifter s provide t emporary manual contr ol. The y allow y ou the ability to shift g ears quickl y , without taking your hands off the ste ering wheel. Y ou can achieve e xtensiv e manual control by mo ving the gearshift l ev er to the sport (S) position.
E174499 1. R emove the rubber c over , two scr ews and stor age tr ay l ocat ed in the front of the cent er consol e. E184747 2. Using a fla t head scr ewdriver or simil ar tool, remove the chr ome bezel and ge arshift brack et at the ba se of the ge arshift lev er .
LIMITED SLIP DIFFERENTIAL This axl e pro vides added tra ction on slippery surfa ces, particul arly when one wheel is on a poor tra ction surfac e. Under normal conditions, the limit ed-slip axl e functions lik e a standard re ar axle. The axl e may e xhibit a slight noise or vibration during tight turns with lo w vehicl e speed.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brake nois e is normal. If a metal-t o-metal, c ontinuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings may be w orn-out.
W ARNINGS Al ways se t the parking brak e fully and make sur e that the transmission is secur ely la tched in park (P) (automa tic transmission) or firs t gear (1) (manual transmission). T o set the parking br ake, pull the parking brak e handle up a s far a s possible.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action contr ol syst em helps avoid drive wheel spin and l oss of trac tion. If your v ehicle begins t o slide, the sys tem applies the brak es to individual whe els and, when ne eded, r educes engine po wer at the s ame time.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicl e modifications inv olving braking s ystem, a ftermark et roof rack s, suspension, st eering syst em, tire c onstruction and wheel and tire size may chang e the handling charact eristics of the vehicl e and may adv ersely a ffec t the performanc e of the Advanc eT rac sys tem.
E72903 A A A B B B B V ehicl e without Advanc eT rac A skidding off its intende d route. V ehicl e with Advanc eT rac maintaining contr ol on a slippery surfa ce. B USING S T ABILITY CONTR OL Advanc eTra c ™ The s ystem aut omaticall y activa tes when you st art your engine.
Some models ma y also come equippe d with a sport mode which allo ws the driver to r educe normal A dvanceT rac sy stem interv ention and provide a mor e spirited driving experienc e. T o enter sport mode, toggl e the stability c ontrol button t wice rapidl y .
• Sel ectabl e Drive Mode is not in we t mode (if equipped). • Ther e are no Adv anceT rac f ault s. • The st eering wheel must be in the straight ahe ad position. Rel easing Line Lock Whil e Line Lock is enga ged, you can exit (rel ease) the f ea ture using the OK button.
P ARKING AID (If Equipped) W ARNINGS T o help av oid personal injury , ple ase re ad and understand the limita tions of the sys tem as c ontained in this section. S ensing is only an aid f or some (gener ally l arge and fix ed) objects when moving on a fl at surf ace a t parking speeds.
E130178 The c over age ar ea is up to 6 f eet (1.8 met ers) from the re ar bumper . T here is decrea sed co vera ge area a t the outer corner s of the bumper . The s ystem det ects c ertain objects whil e the transmission is in r everse (R): • Moving t owar d a stationary objec t at a speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or l ess.
During opera tion, lines appear in the displa y which represent y our vehicl e ’ s pa th and pro ximity to objec ts behind your vehicl e. E174502 The c amera is loc at ed on the lugga ge compartment door .
A B C D F E E142436 Ac tive guidelines A Cent erline B Fixe d guideline: Green zone C Fixe d guideline: Y ello w zone D Fixe d guideline: Red z one E R ear bumper F Ac tive guidelines onl y show with fix ed guidelines. T o use ac tive guidelines, turn the ste ering wheel to point the guidelines to ward an int ended path.
E130178 The c over age ar ea is up to 6 fe et (1.8 meter s) from the rear bumper . T here is decrea sed co vera ge area a t the outer corner s of your bumper . A For additional inf ormation of the zone co vera ge and the rear s ensing system. See Parking Aid (pa ge 147).
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol let s you maintain a set speed without k eeping your f oot on the acc eler ator pe dal. Y ou can use cruise contr ol when your vehicl e speed is gre ater than 20 mph (30 km/h).
S witching Cruise Contr ol Off Note: Y ou will era se the set speed if you swit ch the syst em off. Pr ess and rele ase OFF or swit ch the ignition off. USING AD APTIVE CRUISE CONTR OL (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Al ways pa y close a ttention t o changing road c onditions, especiall y when using adaptive cruise c ontrol.
The curr ent gap setting and SET will al so displa y . Set ting a Speed 1. Ac cel erat e to the desir ed speed. 2. Pr ess and rele ase SET+ . T he vehicl e speed will be st ored in the memory . 3. The informa tion displa y will show a green indic ator light, current gap setting and desir ed set speed .
If the sys tem predict s that its maximum braking l evel will not be sufficient, an audibl e warning will sound while the sys tem continues t o brak e. Y ou will see a red w arning bar display ed on the windshield . Y ou should tak e immediate action.
Disenga ging the Sy stem Pr ess the brake pe dal, press CNCL , or press the cl utch pedal (if equipped). The la st set speed displ ays in gr ey but will not era se.
Detec tion Issues The r adar sensor has a limit ed field of vision. It may not de tect v ehicles a t all or det ect a vehicl e lat er than expect ed in some situations. The le ad vehicl e graphic will not illumina te if the sy stem does not det ect a vehicl e in front of you.
E145632 A messag e display s if something obstructs the radar signal s from the sensor . T he sensor is l ocat ed behind a fa scia cov er near the driv er side of the low er grille. The sys tem cannot det ect a vehicl e ahead and will not function when something obstruc ts the radar signal s.
BLIND SPOT INFORMA TION S Y STEM Blind Spot Information S y stem (BLIS ™ ) with Cross Tr affic Alert (If Equipped) W ARNING T o help av oid injuries, NEVER use the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem a s a repl acement f or using the interior and ext erior mirrors and l ooking ov er your shoulder be fore changing l anes.
Note: For manual transmission vehicl es, the cross tr affic alert will be a ctive onl y if the transmission is in r everse (R). If y our vehicl e is rolling backwar d and the transmission is no t in reverse (R) then cr oss tra ffic alert will not be a ctive.
Zone c ov erage al so decrea ses when parking at shall ow angl es. Here, the left sensor is mostl y obstructed; z one cov erag e on that side is se verel y limited .
When you r emove a bl ockag e, you c an rese t the syst em in two wa ys: • Whil e driving, the syst em detec ts at le ast tw o objects. • Y ou cycle the ignition fr om on to off and then back on. If the block age is still pr esent after the k ey cycl e and driving in tra ffic, check ag ain for a block age.
All other sy stem faul ts will displa y only with a messag e in the informa tion display . See Inf ormation Messages (pa ge 91). Swit ching the Sy stems Off and On Y ou can tempor arily swit ch off one or both sys tems in the informa tion display . See General Informa tion (page 83).
Adaptiv e Learning The el ectronic po wer ste ering syst em adaptive l earning helps c orrect roa d irreg ularities and impro ves o verall handling and ste ering feel. It c ommunicat es with the brak e syst em to help opera te advanc ed stability c ontrol and accident av oidance sys tems.
Note: If collision warning s are perceive d as being too fre quent or disturbing then the warning sensitivity c an be reduced , though the manufa cturer rec ommends using the highest sensitivity se tting where possibl e. Se tting lo wer sensitivity woul d le ad to fe wer and la ter sy stem warning s.
Sy stem Limita tions W ARNING The c ollision warning syst em ’ s brake support can onl y help reduce the speed a t which a collision occur s if the driver applies the v ehicle ’ s br akes. The brak e pedal must be presse d just like any typical br aking situation.
• T rack – P rovides a perf ormance driving experienc e. The engine r esponds direc tly to y our inputs and tak es on a more po werful tone. T rack mode is f or use when pure perf ormance is desire d. A performanc e oriented A dvanceT rac mode is automa ticall y utilized when T rack driv e mode is selec ted.
LO AD LIMIT V ehicl e L oading - with and without a Tr ailer This se ction guides y ou in the proper l oading of y our vehicl e, trail er , or both. K eep your l oaded vehicl e weight within it s design ra ting capabilit y , with or without a trail er .
Exampl e only: E142516 E142517 G A WR (Gross Axl e W eight Rating) - T he maximum all owabl e weight tha t a single a xle (front or r ear) can c arry .
or the door edg e that meet s the door-la tch po st, next t o the driver sea ting position. The Gross V ehicl e W eight must nev er ex ceed the Gr oss V ehicle W eight Rating.
W ARNING Ex ceeding the S af ety Complianc e Certific ation Label v ehicle w eight ra ting limits coul d resul t in substandar d vehicl e handling or perf ormance, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damage , serious damag e to the v ehicle, loss of contr ol and personal injury .
Special Loading Instructions for Owners of Pick-up T rucks and Utility-type V ehicles W ARNING L oaded vehicl es ma y handle diff erently than unl oaded vehicl es. T ake e xtr a preca utions, such a s slo wer speeds and incre ased st opping distanc e, when driving a hea vily l oaded v ehicle .
Tir e Label is the maximum payl oad f or the vehicl e as buil t by the a ssembly pl ant. If you inst all any a ftermark et or authorize d-dealer ins talle d equipment on the v ehicle, you must subtr act the weight of the equipment from the p ayl oad listed on the Tir e Label in order t o det ermine the new payl oad .
E143817 CARGO Car go W eight - includes all weight a dded to the Ba se Curb W eight, including c argo and optional equipment. W hen towing, trail er t ongue loa d or king pin weight is al so part of carg o weight.
G VW (Gross V ehicle W eight) - is the V ehicle C urb W eight, pl us car go , plus pa ssenger s. G VWR (Gross V ehicle W eight Rating) - is the maximum all owabl e weight of the full y l oaded vehicl e (including all options, equipment, passeng ers and car go ).
W ARNING Ex ceeding the Sa fety C ompliance Certific ation Label vehicl e weight ra ting limits coul d resul t in substandar d vehicle handling or performanc e, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damage, s erious damage to the vehicl e, l oss of control and per sonal injury .
T ongue Load or Fifth Wheel King Pin W eight - re fers t o the amount of the weight tha t a trail er pushes do wn on a trail er hitch. Exampl es: For a 5000 pound (2268 kil ogram) c onventional trail er , multipl y 5000 by 0 . 10 and 0. 15 to obt ain a proper t ongue l oad rang e of 500 to 750 pounds (227 t o 340 kilogr ams).
vehicl e to tr ansport four friends and your g olf ba gs. In metric units, the cal cul ation woul d be: 635 kil ograms - (5 x 99 kil ograms) - (5 x 13.5 kil ograms) = 635 - 4 95 - 6 7 .5 = 72.5 kilogr ams. *Suppose y our vehicl e has a 1400-pound ( 635-kilogr am) car go and lu ggag e capacity .
TO WING A TRAILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ce ed the GVWR or the G A WR specified on the certific ation l abel. T owing tr ailers be yond the maximum r ecommended gross tr ailer w eight ex cee ds the limit.
REC OMMENDED TOWING WEIGHTS Note: Do not ex cee d the trail er weight f or your vehicl e config ura tion listed in the chart bel ow . Note: Be sure to t ake into consider ation tr ailer fr ontal area.
ESSENTIAL T OWING CHECK S Follo w these guidelines f or saf e towing: • Do not to w a trail er until you drive y our vehicl e at l east 1000 mil es (1600 kilome ters).
When T owing a Tr ailer • Do not drive f ast er than 70 mph (113 km/h) during the first 500 mil es (800 kilome ters). • Do not make full-thr ottle st arts. • Check your hit ch, ele ctrical connec tions and trail er wheel lug nut s thoroughl y aft er you hav e tra veled 50 mil es (80 kilome ters).
TRANSPOR TING THE VEHICLE E143886 If you nee d to hav e your vehicl e tow ed, conta ct a prof essional towing servic e or , if you ar e a member of a roadside assist ance progr am, your ro adside assist ance service pr ovider . W e rec ommend the use of a wheel lift and dollies or fla tbed equipment t o tow y our vehicl e.
Do not to w your vehicl e with any wheels on the ground , as v ehicle or transmission damag e may occur . It is rec ommended to to w your vehicl e with all four ( 4) wheels off the ground , such as when using a car-hauling tr ailer . Otherwise, you c annot to w your vehicl e.
OPENING THE CONVER TIBLE TOP When you us e the top, y ou must first unla tch it from the windshiel d and then use the con vertible t op control. Note: The conv ertible top doe s not opera te unle ss the vehicle is st ationary or tra veling under 3.0 mph ( 4.
Using the T onneau Caps Y our convertibl e top also incl udes two tonne au caps, one f or each side of the vehicl e. The se caps sto w in a bag inside the trunk. E174569 Le ading edge. A. Side edge . B. Aft er opening your con vertible t op, pl ace the tonne au caps betw een the top and your v ehicle trim moul ding: 1.
T o close the c onvertibl e top: 1. Bring the vehicl e to a compl et e stop and make sur e you swit ch the ignition on. W e recommend tha t the vehicl e remains running when y ou open the top t o prev ent draining the bat tery . 2. Pr ess and hold the con vertible t op contr ol.
BREAKING-IN Y ou need to bre ak in new tires f or appro ximat ely 300 mil es (480 kilome ters). During this time , your vehicl e may e xhibit some unusual driving charac teristics. Av oid driving too f ast during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kilomet ers).
Bef ore driving through st anding wat er , check the depth. Nev er drive throu gh wat er that is higher than the bot tom of the front rock er area of y our vehicle . E176360 When driving throu gh standing wa ter , drive very sl owl y and do not stop your v ehicle.
E142666 T o install fl oor mats, position the fl oor mat so that the e yele t is over the r etention post and press do wn to l ock in. T o remov e the floor ma t, rev erse the install ation proc edure.
RO ADSIDE A SSIS T ANCE V ehicles Sol d in the United S tates: Getting R oadside Assistance T o fully a ssist you shoul d you hav e a vehicl e concern, Ford Motor C ompany offer s a complimentary roa dside assist ance progr am. This progr am is separa te fr om the New V ehicle Limit ed W arranty .
Canadian r oadside cov erag e and benefits may diff er from the U.S . cov erag e. If you requir e more informa tion, ple ase re fer to the co vera ge section of y our warranty guide, c all us in Canada at 1-800-665-2006, or visit our website a t www .
Should y our vehicl e shut off after a collision, y ou may re start your vehicl e. For vehicl es equipped with a push butt on start sys tem: 1. Pr ess the ST ART /STOP but ton to swit ch off the ignition.
4 2 1 3 E142664 1. Connec t the positive (+) jumper cabl e to the positiv e (+) terminal of the discharg ed batt ery . 2. Connec t the other end of the positive (+) cabl e to the positive (+) t erminal of the assisting ba ttery . 3. Connect the neg ative (-) c able t o the nega tive (-) t erminal of the assisting bat tery .
2. R emove the jumper c able on the nega tive (-) t erminal of the booster vehicl e's batt ery . 3. Remo ve the jumper cabl e from the positive (+) t erminal of the booster vehicl e's batt ery . 4. R emove the jumper c able from the positive (+) t erminal of the disabled vehicl e's batt ery .
GETTING THE SERVICE S YO U NEED W arranty repair s to your v ehicle must be performe d by an authorized de aler . Whil e any authorize d dealer handling y our vehicl e line will pro vide warranty servic e, w e rec ommend you re turn to your selling authorized de aler who want s to ensure your c ontinued satisf action.
In order t o help us serve you be tter , pl ease hav e the foll owing informa tion avail able when conta cting a Customer R ela tionship Cent er: • V ehicl e Identification Number . • Y our telephone number (home and business). • The name of the authoriz ed deal er and city where l oca ted.
THE BETTER BUSINES S BUREAU (BBB) A UTO LINE PROGR AM (U.S. ONL Y) Y our satisf action is important to For d Motor C ompany and to y our dealer . If a warr anty concern ha s not been resol ved using t.
In the CAMV AP progr am, impartial third-party arbitr at ors conduct he arings at mutuall y convenient times and pl aces in an informal en vironment. The se impartial arbitra tors r eview the positions of the parties, mak e decisions and, when appropria te, r ender awar ds to resol ve disputes.
FORD MO T OR COMP ANY Cust omer Rel ationship Cent er 1555 Fairl ane Drive Fairl ane Business P ark #3 Allen P ark, Michig an 48101 U.S.A. T elephone: +9 71 4 3326084 T oll-Free Number of the King dom of Saudi Arabia: 800 89 71409 Loc al T elephone Number of Kuw ait: 248105 75 F AX: +971 4 3327299 Email: menaca c@ford .
If NHT SA r eceiv es similar compl aints, it ma y open an inv estiga tion, and if it finds that a sa fet y defec t exists in a gr oup of vehicl es, it ma y order a re call and remedy c ampaign. Ho wev er , NHT SA c annot become inv olv ed in individual probl ems betw een you, your deal er , or Ford Mot or Compan y .
FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Po wer Distribution Bo x W ARNINGS Al ways disc onnect the ba ttery bef ore servicing high current fuse s. T o reduc e risk of electric al shock, alw ays r eplac e the cov er to the pow er distribution box bef ore rec onnecting the bat tery or refilling fl uid reserv oirs.
Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Aut omatic brak e syst em pump. 50A * 5 Body contr ol module. 50A * 6 Body contr ol module. 60A * 7 Body contr ol module. 50A * 8 R ear window defr oster . 40A * 9 Blo wer motor . 40A * 10 Le ft-hand front window .
Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number La tch rel ay coil. 10A *** 32 Le ft-hand high-intensity dischar ge head- lamps. 20A *** 33 Not used. — 34 Right-hand high-intensit y discharge hea d- lamps. 20A 35 Alt s ense. 10A *** 36 Not used.
Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. — 58 Not used. — 59 Po wertr ain control modul e. 5A *** 60 Not used. — 61 Anti-lock br akes run-st art switch. 5A *** 62 Not used. — 63 Ele ctronic pow er assist st eering.
Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Po wertr ain control modul e rela y . — 82 Not used. — 83 Not used. — 84 Not used. — 85 Not used. — 86 Not used. — 87 Not used. — 88 Ele ctronic f an 1 rela y . — 89 Not used.
E174564 Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Demand lamps. 10A 1 Po wer mirror memory modul e. 7 .5A 2 Driver c onsole unl ock. 20A 3 Not used. 5A 4 Sub woofer amplifier . 20A 5 Not used (spare). 10A 6 Not used (spare). 10A 7 Not used (spare).
Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Climat e control modul e. 7 .5A 12 Gat ewa y module. 7 .5A 13 St eering column c ontrol modul e. Instrument clust er . Not used (spare). 10A 14 Gat ewa y module. 10A 15 Decklid rel ea se. 15A 16 Not used (spare).
Prot ected components Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Run-start bus. 30A 34 R estraints c ontrol module . 5A 35 Auxiliary body modul e. 15A 36 Po wer distribution bo x run-start bus. 15A 37 Not used (spare). 30A — CHANGING A FUSE Fuses W ARNING Y ou must replac e a fail ed fuse with one that ha s the specified ampera ge ra ting.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your vehicl e serviced r egularl y to help maintain its r oadworthiness and re sale val ue. Ther e is a larg e network of authorized de alers tha t are there t o help you with their pr ofessional servicing expertise .
E174561 2. R elea se the hood la tch by pushing the secondary r elea se le ver to y our le ft-hand side. 3. Lift the hood until the lift cylinders hold it open. 4. T o close , lo wer the hood. Mak e sure that the hood cl oses properl y and fully la tches.
Air filt er assembl y . See Changing the Engine Air Fil ter (pag e 227). E Engine cool ant reservoir . See Engine C oolant Check (page 215). F Windshiel d washer fl uid reserv oir . See W asher Fluid Check (pa ge 220). G Po wer distribution bo x. See Fuses (pa ge 202).
UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 5.0L 32V TI-V CT E174560 Bat tery (out of view ). See Changing the 12V Bat tery (page 220). A. Engine oil filler c ap. S ee Engine Oil Check (page 214). B. Engine oil dipstick. S ee Engine Oil Dipstick (page 214). C. Brak e fluid re servoir .
ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK E161560 A B MIN A MAX B ENGINE OIL CHECK 1. Make sur e that your v ehicle is on l evel ground . 2. S witch the engine off and wait 15 minutes f or the oil to dr ain into the oil pan. 3. Set the parking br ake and ensure the ge arshift is in park (P).
Only us e oils certified f or gasoline engines by the Americ an Petr oleum Institute ( API). An oil with this trademark s ymbol conf orms to the curr ent engine and emission sys tem prot ection standards and fuel econom y requirements of the Interna tional Lubricants Spe cification Advisory C ouncil (ILS AC), c omprised of U.
Adding Engine C oolant Note: Do not use stop l eak pell ets, cooling sy stem seal ants or additives a s they can cause dama ge to the engine c ooling or hea ting syst ems. Y our warr anty may not co ver these damag es. Note: During normal vehicle oper ation, the engine cool ant may change c olor from orang e to pink or light red .
Sev ere Climates If you driv e in extremel y col d climat es: • It may be nec essary to ha ve a Ford authorized de aler incre ase the c oolant conc entration abo ve 50%. • A cool ant concentr ation of 60% pro vides improv ed freez e point prot ection.
Y ou have limit ed engine power when in the fail-s afe mode , so drive your v ehicle with caution. Y our vehicl e will not maintain high-speed oper ation and the engine will opera te poorl y . R emember that the engine is capabl e of automa ticall y shutting down t o prevent engine damag e.
5. If the coolant is l ow , add c oolant, and rest art the engine. See A dding Engine Coolant or Ho w Fail-Safe C ooling W orks in this chapter f or more informa tion. MANUAL TR ANSMISSION FLUID CHECK 1. Cle an the filler pl ug. It is loc ate d on the passeng er side of the transmission.
W ASHER FL UID CHECK W ARNING If you oper ate y our vehicl e in temper ature s below 40°F (5°C), use wa sher fluid with antifree ze prot ection. F ailure t o use washer fl uid with antifreez e prote ction in col d wea ther could resul t in impaired windshiel d vision and incre ase the risk of injury or accident.
For long er , troubl e-free oper ation, k eep the top of the ba ttery cl ean and dry . Al so, make c ertain the bat tery cabl es are al ways tightly f ast ened to the ba ttery t erminals. If you see an y corrosion on the ba ttery or terminal s, remov e the cable s from the terminal s and clean with a wir e brush.
contr ol fan, hea ted st eering wheel, audio and navig ation sy stem. A messa ge may be shown in the inf ormation displ ays t o alert the driver tha t batt ery prote ction actions are ac tive.
Poor wiper qu ality can be impro ved by cle aning the wiper blades and the windshield . See Cl eaning the Window s and Wiper Blades (p age 230). ADJU STING THE HEADLAMP S V ertical Aim Adjustment The he adlamps on your v ehicle ar e properl y aimed at the a ssembly pl ant.
5. Loca te the vertic al adjuster on ea ch headl amp. Use a Phillips #2 scre wdriver t o turn the adjuster either clock wise or counter clockwise t o adjust the vertic al aim of the headl amp. T he horizontal edg e of the brighter light shoul d touch the horizontal r efer ence line.
4. Pull the wheel liner ba ck tow ard the tire t o gain acc ess to the bulbs. Repla cing the Direction Indicator Bulbs E180889 1. R emove the bulb hol der from the lamp assembl y by turning it count erclock wise. 2. Disconnec t the electric al connect or .
BULB SPECIFIC A TION CHART R eplacement bulbs ar e specified in the chart belo w . Headl amp bulbs must be marke d with an authorized "D. O . T ." for North America and an "E" f or Europe to make sur e lamp performanc e, light brightness and pa ttern and sa fe visibility .
CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING T o reduc e the risk of vehicle dama ge and personal burn injuries, do not start y our engine with the air cleaner remo ved and do not remo ve it whil e the engine is running. Note: Fail ure to use the corr ect air fil ter element ma y resul t in severe engine damag e.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln authorize d dealer ha s many quality pr oducts av ailable t o cle an your v ehicle and prot ect its finishes.
• W ash your v ehicle first, using c ool or luk ewarm wa ter and a neutr al pH shampoo, such a s Motor craft De tail W ash. • Use Motor craft C ustom Bright Met al Cle aner .
• Nev er wash or rinse any ignition c oil, spark plu g wire or spark plug w ell, or the are a in and around these loc ations. • Co ver the bat tery , po wer distribution box, and air filter a ssembly t o prev ent wa ter damag e when cleaning the engine.
Note: Follo w the same procedur e as cle aning lea ther sea ts for cl eaning le ather instrument panels and l eather int erior trim surfa ces. Se e Cleaning Lea ther Seats (pag e 231). Cle an the instrument panel and clust er lens with a cl ean, damp and soft cl oth, then use a cle an, dry and soft cloth t o dry these are as.
• Alc ohol solutions. • Sol vents or cl eaners int ended specificall y for rubber , vinyl and pla stics. Note: Do not use Motor craft P remium Le ather and Vin yl Cleaner Z C-56 on Lincoln Black L abel, Presidential or R eserve Le athers bec ause it can damag e those and other semi-aniline l eather se ating f abrics.
W e engineer and t est all motor vehicl es and their components f or reliabl e, reg ular driving. Under various c onditions, long-t erm stor age ma y lead t o degrade d engine performanc e or fail ure unless y ou use specific pre cautions to pr eserve engine components.
Brak es • Make sur e the brake s and parking brake rel ease full y . Tires • Maintain re commended air pressur e. Miscellaneous • Make sur e all linkage s, cable s, lev ers and pins under your v ehicle are c over ed with gre ase to pr event rust.
TEMPORAR Y MOBILITY KIT (If Equipped) Note: The tempor ary mobility kit contains enough seal ant compound in the canis ter for one tir e repair only . See an authorize d Ford deal er for repl acement se alant canist ers. The kit is l oca ted under the lo ad floor in the trunk.
General Informa tion W ARNING Fail ure to f ollo w these guidelines coul d resul t in an increa sed risk of loss of v ehicle c ontrol, injury or dea th. Note: Do not use the kit if you ha ve sever ely damag ed a tire. Onl y seal punctur es loca ted within the tire tre ad with the kit.
E175978 * When infl ation only is r equired for a tir e or other objects, the sele ctor must be in the Air position. What t o do When a Tire Is Punctur ed Y ou can repair a tire punc ture within the tire's tr ead area in t wo stag es with the kit.
5. Remov e the warning sticker f ound on the ca sing/housing and plac e it on the top of the instrument panel or the cent er of the dash. 6. S tart the vehicl e and lea ve the engine running so the compr essor does not drain the v ehicle ’ s bat tery .
Note: If you experienc e any unusual vibra tion, ride disturbance or noise whil e driving, reduc e your speed until y ou can sa fely pull o ff to the side of the road t o call for r oadside assistanc e. Not e: Do not proce ed to the sec ond stage o f this opera tion.
Remo val of the sealant canister fr om the kit E175984 1. Unwr ap the dual purpose hose (black tube) from the c ompressor housing. E175985 2. Unwr ap the power c ord. E175986 3. Remo ve the back co ver . E175987 4. R otat e the sealant c anister up 90 degre es and pull awa y from ca sing/housing to remo ve.
E175989 4. W rap the dual purpose hose (bl ack tube) around the channel on the bott om of the housing/ casing. E175990 5. Wr ap the power c ord around the housing and sto w the acc essory power plug int o its stor age ar ea.
U.S . Department of Tr ansportation Tire quality grades: The U.S . Department of T ransporta tion requir es Ford Motor C ompany t o give you the foll o wing informa tion about tire gra des exa ctly a s the go vernment has writ ten it.
Feder al Motor V ehicle S af ety St andard No. 139 . Gra des B and A repr esent higher le vels of perf ormance on the labor at ory te st wheel than the minimum requir ed by l aw .
Information C ontained on the Tire Sidew all Both Unite d Sta tes and C anada Feder al regul ations r equire tir e manuf acturer s to pl ace standar dized inf ormation on the sidew all of all tires. T his inf ormation identifies and describes the fundament al chara cteristic s of the tire and also pro vides a U.
G . H: Indica tes the tir e's speed ra ting. T he speed ra ting denote s the speed a t which a tire is designed t o be driven f or ext ended periods of time under a standar d condition of l oad and infl ation pressur e. T he tires on y our vehicl e may oper at e at diff erent conditions f or l oad and infla tion pressur e.
J. Tir e Ply C omposition and Material Used: Indic at es the number of plies or the number of la yer s of rubber-coa ted f abric in the tire tr ead and sidew all. Tir e manuf acturer s also must indica te the pl y mat erials in the tire and the sidew all, which include st eel, nyl on, pol yest er , and others.
The tir e suppliers may ha ve additional markings, notes or warning s such as standar d loa d or ra dial tubeless. Additional Inf ormation Contained on the Tir e Sidewall for L T Type Tires Note: Tire Quality Gr ades do not appl y to this type of tir e.
A B C D E E142545 T type tir es hav e some additional inf ormation bey ond those of P type tir es; these differ ences ar e described bel ow: A. T : Indica tes a t ype of tire, designa ted b y the Tire and Rim Associa tion, that is int ended f or tempor ary service on c ars, sport utility v ehicles, minivans and light trucks.
Y ou are str ongly ur ged t o buy a reliabl e tire pr essure g auge, as aut omatic servic e station g aug es may be ina ccur at e. Ford rec ommends the use of a digital or dial-type tir e pressure g aug e ra ther than a stick-type tir e pressur e gau ge.
When w eather t empera ture change s occur , tire infl ation pressur es also chang e. A 10°F (6 °C) temper ature dr op can cause a c orresponding dr op of 1 psi (7 kP a) in infla tion pressur e.
Inspecting Y our Tires and Wheel V alv e Stems P eriodicall y inspect the tire tr eads for une ven or e xc essive w ear and remo ve objec ts such as st ones, nails or gl ass tha t may be w edged in the tre ad groo ves.
or suspect ed hav e the tire inspect ed by a tir e prof essional. Tir es can be dama ged during off-roa d use, so inspection a fter off-roa d use is also rec ommended.
W ARNINGS may be f ound on either the Sa fet y Complianc e Certific ation Label (a ffixed t o either the door hinge pillar , door-la tch post, or the door edg e that meet s the door-la tch post, ne xt to the driv er sea ting position), or the T ire Label which is l ocat ed on the B-Pill ar or edge of the driver ’ s door .
It is rec ommended tha t the two front tir es or two r ear tir es gener all y be repla ced a s a pair . The tir e pressur e sensors mount ed in the wheels ( originally inst alled on your v ehicle) ar e not designed to be us ed in aft ermarket whe els.
Tire and Wheel A lignment A bad jol t from hitting a curb or pothol e can cause the fr ont end of your v ehicle t o become misaligned or c ause damage t o your tir es. If y our vehicl e seems to pull to one side when y ou ’ re driving, the wheel s may be out of alignment.
USING SUMMER TIRE S (If Equipped) Summer tire s provide superior performanc e on wet and dry r oads. Summer tire s do not have the Mud and Sno w (M+S or M/S) tire tr action ra ting on the tire side w all.
• Pur chase chains or cabl es from a manufa cturer that cl earl y labels body to tir e dimension restrictions. T he snow chains or cabl es must be mounted in pairs on the fr ont or the rear tires onl y . • Do not ex ceed 30 mph (50 km/h) if rec ommended by the chain manufa cturer whil e using snow chains.
When the malfunc tion indicat or is illumina ted , the syst em may not be able to de tect or signal l ow tire pr essure as intended . TPMS malfunctions ma y occur for a v ariety of re asons, incl uding the install ation of repl acement or al ternat e tires or wheel s on the vehicle tha t prev ent the TPMS from functioning pr operly .
Cust omer action required Possibl e cause Low tire pr essure warning light Make sur e tires are a t the proper pre s- sure. See Infla ting your tire s in this chapter .
How T emperature A ffects Y our Tire Pressure The tir e pressure monit oring syst em monitor s tire pressur e in each pneumatic tire. While driving in a normal manner , a typical pa ssenger tir e inflation pr essure may incr ease about 2 t o 4 psi (14 to 28 kP a) from a col d start situation.
1. T-type mini-spare: T his spare tire begins with the l etter T f or tire size and may ha ve T emporary Use Onl y molded in the sidewall. 2. Full-size dissimilar spare with l abel on wheel: This spar e tire has a l abel on the wheel tha t stat es: THIS WHEEL AND TIRE AS SEMBL Y FOR TEMPORAR Y USE ONL Y .
W ARNINGS T o help prev ent your vehicl e from moving when y ou change a tire, be sure t o place the tr ansmission in park (P) or re verse (R) f or manual transmissions, set the parking brak e and block (in both dir ections) the wheel tha t is diag onally opposite ( other side and end of the vehicl e) to the tire being chang ed.
E174938 4. R emove the l ug wrench, spar e tire and jack. 5. Remov e the center ornament fr om the wheel if requir ed to ac cess the l ug nuts. E175694 6. T o remov e the wrench from the jack, turn the hex nut on the jack count erclock wise. This will l ow er the jack and l oosen the mechanical l ock.
8. The vehicl e jacking points are shown here, and can be identified by the triangle marking s on the vehicle . Details are depict ed on the warning l abel on the jack. E174939 9 . Pla ce the jack at the ja cking point next to the tir e you are changing.
E176165 15. Put the fl at tire, wheel ornament, jack and lug wr ench awa y . Make sur e the jack is f astene d so it does not ra ttle when you driv e. 16.
TECHNIC AL SPECIFIC A TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque Specifications W ARNING When a wheel is install ed, alwa ys remo ve any corr osion, dirt or for eign mat erials present on the mounting surf ace s of the wheel or the surfac e of the wheel hub, brak e drum or brak e disc that cont acts the wheel.
ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS 5.0L V8 3. 7 V6 2.3L I4 Ecoboost Engine 302 226 138 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane Minimum 87 octane Minimum 87 octane R equired fuel 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2 1-4-2-5-3-6 1-3-4-2 Firing order Coil on pl ug Coil on plug Coil on plu g Ignition system .
MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS 5.0L V8 engine 3. 7L V6 engine 2.3L I4 Ec oboost Component F A-1918 Air fil ter el ement FL-500-S FL-500-S FL-910-S Oil fil ter BXT-96R-5 90 Bat tery SP-519 / CYFS-12Y SP-520 / CYFS.
E142477 W orl d manufactur er identifier A Brak e syst em, Gross V ehicle W eight Ra ting, Re straint Devic es and their loc ations B Make , vehicl e line, series, body type C Engine type D Check digi.
TRANSMIS SION CODE DESIGNA TION E167814 The tr ansmission code is on the Sa fety Complianc e Certifica tion Label. The foll owing tabl e shows the tr ansmission code al ong with the transmission description.
C AP ACITIES AND SPE CIFICA TIONS - 2.3L ECOBOO ST ™ Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refriger ant syst em contains r efrigerant R-134a under high pressur e. Opening the air conditioning r efriger ant system c an cause personal injury . Hav e the air conditioning refrig erant sy stem service d only by qualifie d personnel.
Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C946-A Rec ommended motor oil (U .S.): Motor craft S AE 5W-30 Pr emium Synthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W30-QSP W SS-M2C946-A Rec ommended motor oil .
Specification Name Motor craft A dditive Friction Modifier CXL-3 W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fluid ( 6R80) (U.S . and Mexico ): MERC ON L V Motor craft MER CON L V Automa tic T ransmission F.
Specification Name -- L ock cylinders ( Canada): Pene trating Fl uid CX C-51-A -- L ock cylinders (Me xico): Pene trating and L ock Lubricant MXL-1 1 For compl ete r efill of limited slip For d axles, a dd 4 oz. (118 ml) of A dditive Friction Modifier XL-3 or equival ent meeting Ford S pecification E ST-M2C118-A.
Note: Automa tic transmissions tha t require MERC ON L V transmission fl uid should onl y use MERC ON L V transmission fl uid. The use of any o ther fluid may c ause transmission dama ge. C AP ACITIES AND SPE CIFICA TIONS - 3. 7L Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refriger ant syst em contains r efrigerant R-134a under high pressur e.
Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended motor oil (U .S.): Motor craft S AE 5W-20 Pr emium Synthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W20-QSP W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended motor oil .
Specification Name Motor craft A dditive Friction Modifier CXL-3 W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fluid ( 6R80) (U.S . and Mexico ): MERC ON L V Motor craft MER CON L V Automa tic T ransmission F.
Specification Name -- L ock cylinders ( Canada): Pene trating Fl uid CX C-51-A -- L ock cylinders (Me xico): Pene trating and L ock Lubricant MXL-1 1 For compl ete r efill of limited slip For d axles, a dd 4 oz. (118 ml) of A dditive Friction Modifier XL-3 or equival ent meeting Ford S pecification E ST-M2C118-A.
C AP ACITIES AND SPE CIFICA TIONS - 5.0L 32V TI-V CT Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refriger ant syst em contains r efrigerant R-134a under high pressur e. Onl y qualified personnel should servic e the air conditioning re frigerant sys tem.
Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended motor oil (U .S.): Motor craft S AE 5W-20 Pr emium Synthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W20-QSP W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended motor oil .
Specification Name Motor craft A dditive Friction Modifier CXL-3 W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fluid ( 6R80) (U.S . and Mexico ): MERC ON L V Motor craft MER CON L V Automa tic T ransmission F.
Specification Name -- L ock cylinders ( Canada): Pene trating Fl uid CX C-51-A -- L ock cylinders (Me xico): Pene trating and L ock Lubricant MXL-1 1 For compl ete r efill of limited slip For d axles, a dd 4 oz. (118 ml) of A dditive Friction Modifier XL-3 or equival ent meeting Ford S pecification E ST-M2C118-A.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tors AM and FM frequencies ar e established b y the Federal C ommunica tions Commission (FC C) and the Canadian Radio and T elec ommunications C ommission (CR TC). Those fr equencies are: • AM: 530, 540-1 700, 1 710 kHz • FM: 87 .
• MP3 and WMA fol der mode repre sents a fol der structure c onsisting of one le vel of fol ders. T he CD play er numbers all MP3 and WMA track s on the disc (noted b y the MP3 or WMA file ext ension) and all fol ders cont aining MP3 and WMA file s, from F001 (fol der) T001 (track) t o F253 T255.
E174552 Display scr een: Shows audio and S YNC informa tion. A Number block: In r adio mode, st ore your f avorit e sta tions for la ter ac cess. When tuned t o any station, press and hol d a preset butt on until sound returns. In CD mode, pr ess a button t o select a tr ack.
Play /Pause: Pre ss to either pla y or pause a track when list ening to a CD . I Seek: In r adio mode, sel ect a frequency band and pr ess this button. The syst em stops a t the first sta tion down the band . Press and hol d the button t o move quickl y to the previous str ong radio st ation or memory prese t.
AUDIO UNIT - VEHICLE S WITH: PREMIUM AM/FM/ CD W ARNING Driving while distr act ed can resul t in loss of v ehicle c ontrol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtreme ca ution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the road .
Seek and Fa st Forward: In ra dio mode, sele ct a frequency band and pr ess this butt on. The sy stem stops a t the first sta tion up the band. P ress and hol d the butt on to mov e quickly t o the next strong r adio sta tion or memory preset. In CD mode, pr ess this button t o select the ne xt tra ck.
Note: As with any sa ved radio st ation, y ou cannot a ccess the sa ved sta tion if your vehicl e is outside the station ’ s re ception area. HD Radio Rec eption and Station T roubleshooting Potenti.
Potential s tation issues Action Cause Issues No action r equired. This is a broadc ast issue. This is poor time alignment by the r adio broadc aster . Echo, s tutter , skip or r epeat in audio. Incre ase or decre ase in audio vol ume. No action r equired.
Note: This rec eiver includes the eC os real-time oper ating s ystem. eC os is published under the eCos Lic ense. Satellit e Radio Rec eption Fact ors Potential sa tellite radio rec eption issues For .
Troubl eshooting Action Condition Messag e No action r equired. This messag e should disappe ar shortly . Radio r equires more than two s econds to pr oduce audio for the s elect ed channel. Ac quiring … If this messag e does not cle ar shortly , or with an igni- tion ke y cycl e, your r eceiver may ha ve a fa ult.
AUDIO INP UT JACK W ARNINGS Driving while distr act ed can resul t in loss of v ehicle c ontrol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtreme ca ution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e.
USB PORT (If Equipped) E176344 The USB port all ow s you to pl ug in media pla ying devices, memory sticks and charg e devic es (if supported). S ee Using S YNC ™ With Y our Media Play er (page 317).
GENERAL INF ORMA TION E142598 S YNC is an in-vehicle c ommunica tions sys tem that w orks with your Bluet ooth-enabled c ellul ar phone and portabl e media play er . This all ows y ou to: • Make and r eceive c alls. • Ac cess and pl ay music from y our portabl e music play er .
Times ar e subject to chang e due to holiday s. S YNC Owner Acc ount Why do I nee d a SYNC o wner account ? • R equired to a ctivat e V ehicle He alth R eport and to view the report s online. • R equired to a ctivat e the subscription-ba sed SYNC S ervices and to per sonalize your Sa ved P oints and Fa vorite s.
S ystem da ta cannot be ac cessed without special equipment and ac cess t o the vehicl e's SYNC modul e. For d Motor Compan y and Ford of Canada will not acc ess the syst em data f or any purpose.
S yst em Interac tion and Feedback The s ystem pr ovides fe edback through audibl e tones, prompt s, questions and spoken c onfirmations depending on the situation and the chos en lev el of inter action. Y ou can cust omize the voic e rec ognition syst em to pro vide more or le ss instruction and f eedback.
Changing the V oice Setting s In addition to using v oice commands t o change the v oice setting s, you can al so use the menu in the audio displa y . 1. Pr ess the MENU button. 2. Sel ect S YNC-Settings . 3. Sele ct V oice S ettings . USING S YNC ™ WITH Y OUR PHONE Hands-free c alling is one of the main fe atures of S YNC.
Depending on your phone's c apability and your mark et, the sy stem may pr ompt you with questions, such a s setting the curr ent phone as the primary phone (the phone S YNC automa tically tries t o connect with first upon v ehicle start-up ) and downl oading your phonebook.
Phone book commands: When y ou ask S YNC to acc ess things such a s a phonebook name or number , the reques ted informa tion appears in the displa y to view .
Description and action Display T urn your v ehicle's microphone off . T o turn the microphone on, sel ect the option again. Mic. off S witch a call fr om an active hands-fre e environment to your c ellular phone f or a more priva te c onversa tion.
Description and action Display Enter number s using the audio syst em's numeric keypad . Dial a number Ac cess y our downloa ded phonebook. Phonebook 1. Pr ess the OK button t o confirm and enter . Y ou can use the options at the bot tom of the screen t o acc ess an alphabetical c ate gory quickl y .
• Sel ect the view option t o open the tex t messag e. Once sel ect ed, y ou have the ability t o have the messa ge re ad to you, to vie w other messages, or to sel ect the More option.
Sending a T ext Mess age Note: Y ou can onl y send a text me ssage t o one recipient a t a time. 1. Sel ect the send option when the desired s election highlights in the a udio displa y . 2. Sel ect the confirma tion option when the conta ct appears. 3.
Description and action Display 2. Pr ess the OK button t o selec t a ringtone. Hav e the option of hearing an audible t one to notify y ou when a te xt messag e arrives. P ress the OK butt on to turn the audibl e tone off or on. T ext ms g notify Modify the cont ents of your phonebook (such a s add, dele te or downl oad).
Phonebook prefer ences P air additional phones to the sy stem. Add 1. Sel ect the option t o add to start the pairing pr ocess. 2. When a mess age to be gin pairing appears in the audio displa y , search f or S YNC on your phone. S ee your phone's manual if nece ssary .
Description and action Display Check or uncheck this option t o switch the sy stem's Bluet ooth interf ace off or on. S elect this option, and then press the OK but ton to chang e the option's status.
S YNC ™ APPLICA TIONS AND SERVICE S (If Equipped) In order f or the foll owing fe atures t o work, your c ell phone must be compa tible with S YNC. T o check your phone's compa tibility , visit www .SYNCMyRide. com, www .S or www .
Swit ching 911 Assist On or Off 1. Pr ess the phone button t o enter the phone menu. 2. Scr oll to sele ct 911 Assist. 3. Press OK t o confirm and enter the 911 Assist menu. 4. Scr oll to sele ct betwe en On or Off. 5. Press OK when the desir ed option appears in the r adio displa y .
911 Assist Privacy Notic e When you turn on 911 A ssist, it may disclo se to emerg ency services tha t your vehicl e has been in a cr ash inv olving the deplo yment of an airbag or activ ation of the fuel pump shut-off.
V ehicle Health Report options Automa tic Reports: Pre ss OK to and sel ect On or Off. Sel ect On to ha ve S YNC automa tically pr ompt you to run a heal th report at c ertain mile age int ervals. * User Pr eferenc es: Pre ss OK to sel ect and ent er the menu.
Note: This fe ature does not func tion properl y if you hav e enabled call er ID blocking on y our cellul ar phone. Mak e sure your c ellular phone is not bl ocking call er ID bef ore using S YNC Services.
Rec eiving Turn-by-Turn Direc tions 1. When conne cted t o SYNC S ervices, say "Dir ections" or "Business sear ch". T o find the close st business or type of business to y our current l ocation, just say "Busine ss search" and then "Se arch near me".
S YNC Services quick tips Y ou can even ac cess y our account out side your vehicl e. Just use the number on your phone's c all history . T raffic and Direc tions fea tures do not function pr operly but informa tion services and the 411 c onnect and te xt messag e fe atures ar e avail able.
S YNC Mobile App V oice Commands The f ollo wing voice c ommands are alw ays av ailable: • "Mobile apps": S YNC prompts you t o say the name of an app t o start it on S YNC. • "List mobile app s": SYNC lists all of the currentl y avail able mobil e apps.
Note: Standard da ta ra tes appl y . Ford is not responsibl e for any a dditional charges you ma y receive fr om your service pr ovider , when your vehicl e sends or rec eives dat a through the c onnecte d device. This includes any additional char ges incurred due t o driving in area s when roaming out of a home netw ork.
What's Pl aying? At an y time during playback, you can pr ess the voic e button and a sk the syst em what is pla ying. The sy stem re ads the metada ta tag s (if populat ed) of the current tr ack. Media V oice C ommands E142599 Pr ess the voice but ton.
Description and action Command Pla ys the current pl aypl an in a random order . (Not all devic es support this command.) "Shuffle all" "Shuffle off" "Wha t's playing?&qu.
Description and action Display Choose to ha ve the sy stem pla y your music in r andom order . Once you mak e your choic e, it remains on until y ou swit ch it off. Shuffle Choose to ha ve the sy stem repe at the current tr ack. Once you mak e your choice , it remains on until you s witch it off.
3. Sele ct Brow se USB. If there ar e no media fil es to ac cess, the displ ay indica tes there is no me dia. If there are media fil es, you ha ve the foll owing options: Description and action Display Pla y all index ed media files fr om your devic e one at a time in numerical or der .
Description and action Display 2. Scr oll to bro wse index ed media fil es on the device, and then press the OK but ton. R esets the USB index. After the ne w indexing is compl ete, you c an choose what to pl ay fr om the USB song library .
" AUDIO" "USB" "Wha t's playing" "Help" Radio V oice Commands E142599 If you ar e listening to the r adio, press the v oice butt on, and then any of the commands in the foll owing tabl e.
CD V oice Commands E142599 If you ar e listening to a CD , press the voic e button, and then an y of the commands in the foll owing tabl e. If y ou are not listening t o a CD, press the voic e button .
Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue T ry turning off the device , rese tting the device or remo ving the device's bat tery , then trying ag ain. This ma y be a possible phone malfunction. T ry pushing your phonebook conta cts to S YNC by using the Add C ontacts f eatur e.
Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue Check the securit y and auto acc ept and prompt al ways setting s rela tive to the S YNC Bluet ooth connection on your phone. Updat e your devic e's firm- war e. T urn off the Auto phone- book downl oad setting.
USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue Make sur e that the devic e does not hav e an auto- install progr am or activ e security se ttings. Make sur e you are not le aving the devic e in your vehicl e during very hot or col d temper atures.
V ehicle Health Report and S ervices (Tra ffic, Directions and Information) issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue Make sur e that your VIN is corr ectly list ed in your acc ount. When you r egister y our acc ount, you must choose a pref erred deal er .
V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue R eview the phone voic e commands and the media voic e commands at the beginning of their re spective sections. Y ou may be using the wrong voic e commands. Y ou may be speaking too soon or at the wr ong time.
V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue Make sur e you are sa ying the conta cts exa ctly a s they are liste d. For exampl e, if y ou sav e a contac t as Joe Wils on, say "Call Joe Wils on". The s ystem ma y not be re ading the name the same wa y you are sa ying it.
AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue S YNC in order to find AppLink-capabl e apps on your de vice. iPhone users must also c onnect to S YNC's USB port with an Apple U SB cable . Ensure y ou have do wn- loa ded and installe d the la test v ersion of the app from y our phone's app store.
AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue On an iPhone with iOS7+, t o for ce clo se an app, doubl e tab the home butt on then swipe up on the app t o close it. T ab the home button again, then select the app again t o rest art it. After a fe w seconds, the app shoul d then appear in S YNC's Mobile App's Menu.
AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possible cause(s) Issue Unplug the U SB cable fr om the phone, w ait a moment, and plug the U SB cable back in t o the phone. Aft er a fe w seconds, the app shoul d appear in S YNC's Mobile Apps Menu. If not, "For ce Clos e" the application and rest art it.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr act ed can resul t in loss of v ehicle c ontrol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtreme ca ution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e.
This s ystem uses a f our-corner str ate gy to pro vide quick acce ss to sev eral vehicl e fe atures and s ettings. T he touchscreen pro vides eas y intera ction with your cell ular phone, mul timedia, climat e control and navig ation sy stem.
Pr ess to sel ect any of the foll owing: • AM • FM • SIRIUS • CD • USB • BT St ereo • SD Card • Line In Cleaning the T ouchscreen Display Use a cle an, soft cloth such a s one used for cl eaning gl asses. If dirt or fing erprints are still visibl e, appl y a small amount of alc ohol to the cl oth.
Safe ty Information W ARNING Driving while distr act ed can resul t in loss of v ehicle c ontrol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtreme ca ution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of your vehicl e.
Restric ted features Editing setting s while the re ar view camera or a ctive park assist ar e active Editing wirel ess settings Wi-Fi and Wir eless Editing the list of wirel ess netw orks Pla ying vi.
Using V oice R ecognition This s ystem helps y ou control many fe atures using v oice c ommands. This allo ws you t o keep y our hands on the wheel and f ocus on what is in front of y ou.
A vailable voic e commands " Audio list of commands" "Bluet ooth audio list of commands" "Bro wse list of commands" "CD list of commands" "Climat e control.
V oice settings using v oice commands "Inter action mode novic e" "Media candida te lists off" "Media candida te lists on" "Phone candida te lists off" "Ph.
E142607 Under this menu, you c an set your cl ock, acc ess and adjust the displa y , sound and vehicl e setting s as well a s acc ess settings f or specific modes or the help f eatur e. Clock Note: Y ou cannot manuall y set the da te. Y our vehicle ’ s GPS does this f or you.
Only phot ographs tha t meet the foll owing conditions displ ay: • Compa tible fil e forma ts are as f ollo ws: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp. • Each fil e must be 1.
Set tings Ac cess and adjust s ystem se ttings, voic e fe atures, as well a s phone, na vigation and wirel ess settings. Sy stem E142607 Pr ess the Settings ic on > Setting s > Sy stem , then sel ect from the f ollowing: Sy stem Sel ect to ha ve the touchs creen displa y in English, Spanish or French.
V oice control Standar d inter action mode provide s more detail ed inter- action and guidanc e. A dvanced mode ha s less audibl e inter action and more t one prompts. Inter action Mode Hav e the syst em ask you short ques tions if it has not cle arly hear d or understood y our request.
Media play er This all ows y ou to view the v ersion le vel of the Grac enote Da tabase. Grac enote Da tabase Inf o With this f eatur e on, the Grac enote Da tabase supplies metada ta informa tion for y our music files. T his override s informa tion from your de vice.
Navig ation Hav e the syst em automatic ally fill in S tat e/Provinc e informa tion. Hav e the syst em display ar eas wher e roadwork oc curs. T ra ffic Pref erence s Hav e the syst em display incident ic ons. Hav e the syst em display ar eas wher e difficult driving conditions ma y occur .
Phone Connec t, disconnect, add or delet e a device , as well a s sav e it as a f avorit e. Bluet ooth Device s S witch Bluet ooth on and off. Bluet ooth Hav e all calls go dir ectl y to your v oice mail and not ring inside your v ehicle.
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Net work (Client) Mode turns the W i-Fi fea ture on and off in your v ehicle. Mak e sure y ou switch it on f or connec tivity purposes. Wi-Fi S ettings Choose a Wirel ess Netw ork allow s you to use a pr evi- ously s tored wir eless net work.
E142626 The W i-Fi CERTIFIED L ogo is a certific ation mark of the Wi-Fi Allianc e. Help E142607 Pr ess the Settings ic on > Help , then sele ct from the foll owing: Help Vie w your vehicl e's current l ocation if y our vehicle is equipped with na vigation.
T o acc ess Help using the voice c ommands, press the v oice butt on, then, aft er the tone, say "Help". The syst em pro vides allow able voic e commands for the c urrent mode.
E142599 Pr ess the voice ic on on the ste ering wheel. When prompt ed, you c an say: "BRO WSE" within devices "Bro wse" * "Bro wse <le ague> games" ** "Bro wse.
Sample c ommands "Sirius <0-223>" * "Sports g ames" * * This c ommand is only usabl e if you hav e an activ e subscription to Sirius sa tellite radio . ** The c ommands that hav e [ ] around the wor d means that the w ord is optional.
Direct Tune T ouch this button t o manually ent er the desired s tation number . T ouch Enter when you ar e done. HD Radio ™ Information (If A vailable) Note: HD Radio broa dcasts ar e not av ailable in all mark ets. HD Radio t echnolog y is the digital ev olution of analog AM/FM r adio.
When HD Ra dio broadca sts are activ e, you can ac cess the f ollowing func tions: • Scan all ows y ou to hear a brief sampling of all av ailabl e stations. T his fe ature still w orks when HD Radio rec eption is on, althou gh it does not scan f or HD2-HD7 channels.
Potential s tation issues Action Cause Issues No action r equired. This is a broadc ast issue. This is poor time alignment by the r adio broadc aster . Echo, s tutter , skip or r epeat in audio. Incre ase or decre ase in audio vol ume. No action r equired.
"RADIO" "<87 . 9-107 . 9>" "<87 . 9-107 . 9> HD" 1 "<530-1710>" " AM" " AM <530-1710>" " AM autoset" " AM autoset pre set <#>" " AM preset <#>" "Bro wse" 2 "FM" "FM <87 .
"TUNE" "HD <#>" * "Pr eset <#>" "Help" * If av ailable . Sirius® Satellit e Radio (If Ac tivated) E14261 1 Pr ess the low er left c orner of the touchscr een, and then sele ct the SIRIUS tab . Memory Presets Sav e a channel by pre ssing and holding one of the memory prese t area s.
T une to the channel, t o Cancel the al ert or to Disabl e Alert s. If you are list ening to a sporting ev ent, you can sa ve your f av orite te ams so that the sy stem can al ert you when they are pl aying on a sa tellit e radio channel. Note: Sirius does not support the Al ert fe ature on all channels.
Sirius Satellit e Radio Recep tion Fact ors and Troubl eshooting Potential r eception issues For optimal rec eption performance , keep the ant enna cle ar of snow and ice buil d-up and keep l uggag e and other mat erials as f ar awa y from the antenna a s possible .
Troubl eshooting tips Action Cause Radio display No action r equired. The proc ess may tak e up to three minut es. Updat e of channel progr amming in progress. Updating. Conta ct Sirius at 1-888- 539-7 47 4 to r esolv e subscription issues. Y our satellit e service is no long er avail able.
"SPORT S GAME" "T une to the <c olleg e name> game" "T une to the <t eam city> game" "T une to the <t eam city> <te am name> game" ".
"CD" "P ause" "Pla y" "Pla y next tr ack" "Pla y previous tr ack" "Pla y track <1-512>" "R epeat" "R epeat f older".
E176344 The other is behind a small ac cess door in the instrument panel. This f eatur e allo ws you t o plug in media pla ying devices, memory sticks, fl ash drives or thumb drives, and charge devic es if they support this fe ature . Playing Music fr om Y our Devic e Note: The sy stem is capabl e of indexing up to 30 ,000 songs.
SD Card and USB V oice Commands E142599 If you ar e listening to a U SB devic e or an SD card, press the voic e button on the st eering wheel contr ols.
"BRO WSE" " All authors" " All composers" " All folder s" " All genres" " All movies" * " All music videos" * " All playlists.
If you ar e not listening to a Bl uetooth audio devic e, press the v oice butt on and, aft er the tone , say "Nex t song", "Pa use", "Pla y" or "Pr evious song". Line In W ARNINGS Driving while distr act ed can resul t in loss of v ehicle c ontrol, cr ash and injury .
6. P ress the l ower l eft corner on the touchscr een. Sel ect the Line In tab . (Y ou should hear audio fr om your portabl e music play er although it ma y be lo w .) 7 . Adjust the s ound on your portabl e music pla yer until it re aches the le vel of the FM sta tion or CD by swit ching back and f orth between the c ontrols.
Phonebook C History D Messaging E Set tings F Hands-free c alling is one of the main fe atures of S YNC. Once you pair y our phone, y ou can acc ess many options using the touchscr een or voice c ommands. Whil e the sys tem supports a variet y of fea tures, many are dependent on y our cellul ar phone ’ s functionality .
3. If prompted t o enter a PIN on y our devic e, it does not support Sec ure Simple P airing. T o pair , enter the PIN displa yed on the t ouchscreen. Skip the next s tep. 4. When prompt ed on your phone ’ s displa y , confirm tha t the PIN provided by S YNC mat ches the PIN displa yed on your c ellular phone .
Quick Dial Set up f av orite conta cts from y our phonebook or history f older . Phonebook T ouch this button t o acc ess and call any conta cts in your pr eviously do wnloaded phone book. The s ystem pl aces the entrie s in alphabetical c ate gories summarized a t the top of the scr een.
Y ou can then preview the me ssage, verify the recipient a s well a s update the messag e list. T ex t message options I ’ ll call y ou back in a few minut es. I just le ft, I ’ ll be there soon. Can you giv e me a call? I ’ m on my wa y . I ’ m running a fe w minutes la te.
Internet Da ta Connection If your phone is c ompatibl e, use this screen to adjus t your internet da ta connec tion. Sel ect to mak e your c onnection profil e with the personal ar ea network or t o switch off your c onnection.
"MESS AGES" "Call" "Forwar d text me ssages" "Listen t o tex t message <#>" "MESS AGES" "Listen t o tex t message s" "R eply to t.
S YNC Services (If Equipped , United S tates Onl y) Note: S YNC Services v aries by trim l evel and model year and ma y require a subscription. T ra ffic alerts and turn-b y-turn direc tions avail able in sel ect mark ets. Messag e and data r at es may appl y .
Connecting t o SYNC S ervices Using the T ouchscreen E142608 If your v ehicle is equipped with Navig ation, pre ss the Information butt on. If your v ehicle is not equipped with Navig ation, pre ss the green tab on y our touchscr een. 1. Sel ect Connec t to Services t o initiate an outg oing call to S YNC Servic es using your phone.
S YNC Services quick tips Y ou can personalize y our Services f ea ture to pro vide quicker a ccess t o your most used or f avorit e informa tion. Y ou can sav e address points, such a s work or home. Y ou can also s ave f avorit e informa tion like sports t eams, such as De troit Lions, or a new s cat egory .
Note: A paid subscription is requir ed to acc ess and use these fe atures. Go to www .siriusxm. com/tr avellink f or more informa tion. Note: Visit www .siriusxm. com/tr affic and click on Co vera ge map and detail s for a compl ete lis ting of all traffic ar eas c over ed by Sirius T ra vel Link.
"SIRIUS TRA VEL LINK" "W ea ther map" "Help" * If you sa y "Sports headline s", "Sports schedul es" or "Sports scor es", you c an then say an y of the commands in the foll owing chart.
Additional sports-rel ated voic e commands "WNBA schedul e" "WNBA sc ores" "Help" Al erts E142608 If your v ehicle is equipped with Navig ation, t ouch the I (Informa tion) button t o acc ess these f eatur es. If your v ehicle is not equipped with Na vigation, t ouch the corner of the touchscr een with the green tab .
If a cra sh deplo ys an airbag, e xcluding kne e airbags and r ear infla table s afe ty belts where fitt ed or activa tes the fuel pump shut-off, y our SYNC-e quipped vehicl e may be able t o contac t emergency s ervices by dialing 911 through a pair ed and connec ted Bluet ooth-enabled phone .
911 Assist May Not W ork If: • Y our cellul ar phone or 911 Assist hardw are sustains damag e in a crash. • The v ehicle's ba ttery or the S YNC sys tem has no po wer . • The phones(s) pr eviously p aired or connec ted to the s ystem ar e thrown from the v ehicle.
E142599 T o run a report by v oice command , press the v oice butt on on the steering wheel and, when pr ompted , say "V ehicle heal th report".
T ouch DUAL t o switch separ at e passenger side t empera ture contr ols off and on. When y ou switch off DU AL, the passeng er side tempera ture chang es to mat ch the driver side temper atur e. Note: T he passenger side t empera ture and the DUAL indic ator a utomatic ally turn on when the passeng er is adjusting their temper atur e control.
Air distribution contr ol: T ouch these buttons t o switch airfl ow from the windshield , instrument panel, or f ootwell v ents on or off. The s ystem c an distribute air thr ough any combina tion of these vents. J Driver set tings: K T ouch the + or – to incr ease or decr ease the air t empera ture on the driver side of the vehicl e.
"CLIMA TE" "T empera ture" * "T empera ture <15.5-29 .5> degree s" "T empera ture <60-85> degre es" "T empera ture decre ase" "T empe.
1. Enter the nec essary informa tion into the highlighted t ext fiel ds (in any order). For a ddress destina tion entry , the Go! button appe ars once y ou enter all the nece ssary informa tion. Pressing the Go! button mak es the addre ss loc ation appear on the map .
Subcat egories Govt Offic e Public T ransit Educa tion T o expand these listing s, press the + in front of the listing. The s ystem also all ow s you to sort alphabeticall y , by dis tance or by cit yseekr listings (if a vailabl e).
For rest aurants, cit yseekr can pr ovide informa tion such as star r ating, a ver age cost, review , handicap ac cess, hours of opera tion, and websit e address. For hotel s, cityseekr c an provide informa tion such as star r ating, pric e ca teg ory , review , check-in and check out times, hot el service icons and w ebsite addre ss.
Tra ffic Preferenc es A void T raffic Pr oblems Choose how y ou want the sy stem to handle tr affic pr oblems al ong your rout e. • Automa tic: Have the sy stem rer oute you t o avoid tr affic incidents tha t dev elop and impact the curr ent route .
E142644 3D map mode pro vides an ele vat ed perspectiv e of the map. This vie wing angle can be adjust ed and the map can be r otat ed 180 degre es by touching the map t wice, and then dra gging your finger al ong the shaded bar with arro ws at the bot tom of the map.
E142651 Starting point indic ates the starting point of a pl anned route . E142652 W aypoint indica tes the loc ation of a wa ypoint on the map. The number inside the circl e is different for e ach waypoint and r epresents the position of the wa ypoint in the route list.
Navig ation V oice Commands E142599 When in navig ation mode, press the voic e button on the st eering wheel contr ols. Aft er the tone, say an y of the follo wing commands: Navig ation sys tem voice .
"DES TINA TION" "POI ca teg ory" "Pr evious destination" "Str eet address" "Help" "NA VIGA TION" "Destina tion" * "Zoom cit y.
For a compl ete listing of the a ccessories that ar e avail able f or your vehicl e, pl ease conta ct an authorized de aler or visit our online stor e at www .Acc essories.Ford. com (United S tat es only ). Ford Cus tom Ac cessories ar e avail able f or your v ehicle throu gh an authorized Ford deal er .
For maximum vehicl e performanc e, ke ep the foll owing inf ormation in mind when adding ac cessories, equipment, passeng ers and lu ggage t o your vehicl e: • Do not ex ceed the t otal weight capacit y of the vehicle or of the fr ont or re ar axle (G VWR or G AWR a s indica ted on the Sa fety C ompliance Certific ation label).
END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT S YNC End User License Agr eement (EULA) • Y ou have ac quired a devic e ("DEVICE") that incl udes softwar e licensed by For d Motor C ompany and its affilia tes ("FORD MO T OR COMP ANY") from an affilia te of Micro soft Corpora tion ("MS") .
Description of Other Rights and Limitations • Speech Rec ognition: If the SOFTW ARE includes speech rec ognition component(s), y ou should understand tha t speech rec ognition is an inherentl y statistic al proce ss and that r ecognition error s are inherent in the proc ess.
• Consent t o Use of Data: Y ou agree that MS , Microsoft Corpor ation, F ORD MO T OR COMP ANY , third party softwar e and syst ems suppliers, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed agent may c.
• Links t o Third Party Sit es: The MS SOFTW ARE may provide y ou with the ability t o link to third party sit es through the use of the SOFTW ARE. The third party sit es are not under the contr ol of MS, Micr osoft Corpora tion, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent.
TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not gr ant you any right s in connection with any trademark s or service mark s of FORD MO T OR COMP ANY , MS, Microsoft Corpor ation, thir d party softwar e or service pro viders, their affilia tes or supplier s.
W ARNING Opera ting certain parts of this sys tem while driving c an distract your a ttention a way fr om the road, and possibl y cause an accident or other serious conse quences. Do not change sys tem settings or ent er data non-v erbally (using your hands) whil e driving.
Potential Map Inac curacy: Maps us ed by this s ystem ma y be inaccur ate bec ause of changes in r oads, tra ffic contr ols or driving conditions. A lwa ys use good judgment and common sense when foll owing the sugg ested r outes.
2. A ccount Inf ormation Y ou agree: (a) when re gistering the T elena v Softwar e, to pr ovide T elena v with true, ac cura te, c urrent, and compl ete informa tion about yoursel f, and (b ) to inform T elenav pr omptly of any chang es to such inf ormation, and t o keep it true, acc urat e, curr ent and complet e.
the terms and c onditions of this Agre ement. Any such sale , assignment or transf er that is not e xpressly permit ted under this para graph will resul t in immedia te termina tion of this Agreement, without liability t o T elena v , in which ca se you and all other parties shall imme diatel y ce ase all use of the T elena v Softw are.
Agre ement), and thus your use of the T elena v Softwar e is also subject t o such terms. Y ou agree t o comply with the foll owing additional t erms and conditions, which are applic able to T elenav .
re al time route guidanc e, fl eet manag ement or similar applica tions; or (b) with, or in communic ation with, incl uding without limita tion, cellul ar phones, palmtop and handhel d comput ers, pag ers, and personal digital -a ssistants or PD As.
Entire Agreement: These t erms and conditions c onstitute the entire agr eement betw een HERE (and its licensor s, including their licensor s and suppliers) and y ou pertaining to the subject mat ter .
Grac enote® Cop yright CD and music-rel ate d data from Grac enote, Inc., copyright© 2000-200 7 Grac enote. Gracenot e Softw are, cop yright © 2000-2007 Gr acenot e. This pr oduct and service ma y practic e one or more of the foll owing U .S. Pa tents #5, 987 ,525, #6, 061,680, #6,154 ,773, #6 ,161, 132, #6,230 ,192, #6,230,20 7 , #6 .
PRO TECT Y OURSELF FROM THE RISING CO ST OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. SERVICE PLANS (U .S. Onl y) More than 32 million For d owners hav e disco vered the po werful prot ection of Ford Ext ended Service Pl an.
A void the Rising Cost of P roperly Maintaining Y our V ehicl e! Ford Ex tended Servic e Plan also off ers a Pr emium Maintenance Pl an that co vers all schedul ed maintenance , and selec ted we ar items. The c over age is pr epaid, so you ne ver hav e to worry about a ffording your v ehicle ’ s maintenanc e.
GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle? Care fully foll owing the maint enance schedul e helps protec t against major rep air expenses r esulting fr om neglec t or inadequa te maintenanc e and may help t o incre ase the val ue of your vehicl e when you sell or tr ade it.
When the oil change me ssage appe ars in the informa tion displa y , it is time for an oil change. Make sure y ou perform the oil change within tw o week s or 500 miles (800 kilome ters) of the messa ge appearing. Mak e sure you r eset the Intellig ent Oil-Life Monitor a fter e ach oil change.
Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and exterior light s. Tir es (including spare) f or wear and pr oper pressure . Windshiel d washer fl uid le vel. Check every six months Bat tery connec tions. Clean if ne cessary . Body and door drain hol es for obstruc tions.
Multi-Point inspec tion Hazard w arning syst em opera tion Ac cessory drive bel t(s) Horn opera tion Bat tery performanc e Radia tor , cooler , hea ter and air conditioning hoses Engine air filt er Su.
When to e xpect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED messag e V ehicle use and exampl e Interval Normal 7000 – 10000 mi (12,000 – 16,000 km) Normal commuting with highw ay driving No, or moder at e, lo ad or t.
At e very oil change interv al as indicated by the inf ormation display * Inspect the hal f-shaft boots. Inspect the st eering linkag e, ball joints, suspension, tie-r od ends, drivesha ft and U-joints. Lubrica te any ar eas with gr ease fitting s. Inspect the wheel s and rela ted component s for abnormal noise, w ear , l ooseness or dra g.
Perf orm the services sho wn in the foll owing tabl es when specified or within 3000 mi ( 4,800 km) of the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED messa ge appearing in the informa tion displa y . • Exampl e 1 : The OIL CHANGE REQUIRED messa ge comes on a t 28, 751 mi (46 ,270 km).
Operating in dus ty or sandy conditions (such as unpa ved or dusty roads) R eplace c abin air filt er . Inspec t frequentl y , service as r equired Inspect engine air fil ter . R eplac e as re quired. Ev ery 15000 mi (24 ,000 km) Inspect the wheel s and rela ted component s for abnormal noise, w ear , l ooseness or drag.
Hot Climate Oil Chang e Intervals V ehicl es opera ting in the Middle Ea st, North Afric a, Sub-Sahar an Africa or loc ations with simil ar climates using an American P etrol eum Institute (API) Certified f or Gasoline Engine s (Certifica tion mark) oil of SM or SN quality , the normal oil change int erval is 3000 mi ( 4,800 km).
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
A A/C See: Clima te Contr ol .......................................... 101 About This Manual ........................................... 7 ABS See: Br akes ........................................................... 140 ABS driving hints See: Hints on Driving W ith Anti-Lock Brak es .
Capacities and S pecifications - 2.3L EcoBoost ™ ................................................... 271 Specific ations ...................................................... 272 Capacities and S pecifications - 3. 7L ..............................
Drive C ontrol .................................................. 166 Sel ectabl e Drive Modes ................................... 166 Sel ectabl e Steering ............................................ 16 7 Driver and P asseng er Airbags .............
Ford Cr edit .......................................................... 11 (U.S. Only) ................................................................. 11 Front Fog Lamps .............................................. 71 Front P asseng er Sensing S ystem .
Informa tion Messag es .................................. 91 Adaptiv e Cruise Control ...................................... 91 Adv anceT rac ™ ...................................................... 92 Airbag ........................................
M Maintenanc e .................................................. 210 General Inf ormation .......................................... 210 Manual Climat e Control ............................. 101 Manual Se ats .........................................
R R ear Axle .......................................................... 139 R ear Sea ts ........................................................ 112 Sec ond Row S plit-Folding R ear Sea t .......... 113 R ear View C amera ............................
Starting a G asoline Engine ........................ 122 Automa tic Engine Shutdown ......................... 123 Fail ure to S tart ..................................................... 123 Fa st Rest art .............................................
Using Adaptiv e Cruise Contr ol ................. 153 Automa tic Cancell ation ................................... 156 Block ed Sensor .................................................... 157 Changing the Set S peed .................................. 156 Dete ction Issues .
W W arning Lamps and Indicat ors ................. 79 Adaptiv e Cruise Control ..................................... 79 Anti-Lock Br aking Sy stem ................................. 79 Bat tery ..........................................................
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ford Mustang (2015) c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ford Mustang (2015) - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ford Mustang (2015), vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ford Mustang (2015) va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ford Mustang (2015), mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ford Mustang (2015).
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ford Mustang (2015). Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ford Mustang (2015) ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.