Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Surveyor du fabricant Finisar
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Surveyor User ’ s Guide.
Survey or User ’s Guide ii T rademarks and Copyright s Finisar , Surveyor, THGm, THGs , THGsE, THGnote book, TH Gp, Century 1 2-Tap, 12 -Tap, Cen tury Tap, Packet Blas ter plu g-in, Remote plug-in , Expe rt plug- in, Mu lti- QoS plug- in, an d Century Tool Kit a re tra de- marks of Finisar Corporation.
Survey or User ’s Guide iii Restricted Right s Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(l)(lI) of the Rights in Technical Data and Compu ter Software clause at DOD FAR 52.
Survey or User ’s Guide iv About This Gui de This gui de provide s descrip tions of t he software components, f eatures , and capabi lities of the Surv eyor product, Rele ase 5.0. It also cont ains deta iled tut orials and examples that wil l enable y ou to inst all, conf igure, and run th e Surveyor s oftware.
v T able of Contents Chapter Page 1 Introduction .. ....... ......... ......... ....... ........... .......... ....... ......... ......... ... 1-1 Surveyor Functions ....................... .................................... ........................
vi Survey or User ’s Guide Detail View Toolbar ............. .......................... .......................... ........... 3-8 Data View s Toolbar ............. .......................... .......................... ........... 3-10 Filter D esign Toolbar .
vii Contents (conti nued) Advanced Configur ation ...... ........................... .................................... ......... 4-20 survey or.ini File................ .......................... ......................... ....... 4-20 Customizing Expert Diagnos tic I nformation .
viii Survey or User ’s Guide Network La y er Matri x View ......................... .......................... ........... 6-30 Application La yer Matrix View ............... ......................... .................. 6-31 VLAN View ..............
ix Contents (conti nued) Stream Mode s ....... .......................... .......................... .......................... 8-7 Bursts ....... .......................... .......................... .......................... ............. 8-7 Transmiss ion Mode.
x Survey or User ’s Guide Expert Diagnost ic Messages ............................. .................. ......................... 10-15 Working with the Exper t System ............. .................................... ................ 10-16 Configuring the Ex pe rt Sys tem .
xi Contents (conti nued) TCP Retra nsmissions ..................... .......................... .......................... 10-51 TCP RST Packets.. .......................... .......................... .......................... 10-5 2 TCP SYN Atta ck .
xii Survey or User ’s Guide RIP Broadcasts.. ................... .......................... .......................... ........... 10-95 Router Storm ........... .......................... .......................... ........................ 10-96 Same Networ k Addresses .
xiii Contents (conti nued) Field Descript ions for Call Range Summaries .. ......................... ....... 11-1 5 VQMon Metrics ............................ .................. ........................... .................. 11-16 Utilization Grap h .
xiv Survey or User ’s Guide A Imple mentati on Profil e .. ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... ......... ......... ... A-1 Buffers ................. ........................... ........................... .................................
xv List of Figures Figure Page 5-1. Remote Host Connecti ons ..................... .................................... ...................... 5-3 5-2. Host Proper ties Dialog Box f or Establishing an Alias ................................ .... 5-4 6-1.
xvi Survey or User ’s Guide 9-10. Alarm Exampl e, Expert and Applic ation Res ponse ................... .................. ... 9-19 10-1. Expert Overview Ex ample ............. .................. ........................... .................. ... 10-3 10-2.
xvii List of T ables Ta b l e Page 1-1. Surveyor Functions .............. ........................... ........................... ..................... 1-2 1-2. Surveyor Optio nal Software Modu les and Their Func tions ...... .................. ... 1-3 1-3.
xviii Survey or User ’s Guide 6-5. Packet Editor Bu ttons ..................... ........................... ........................... .......... 6-17 6-6. Frame Size Dis tribution V iew , Frame Size St atistics ........................... ........
xix Ta bl e s (continued) 1 1-7. SCCP Call Field Descri ptions ................................. ........................... ............ 11- 21 1 1-8. H.323 Call Field Descr iptions ................................. .................. ...............
xx Survey or User ’s Guide D-8. Parser Names, IBM Suite.................................. .................. ........................... . D -4 D-9. Parser Names, Internet Suite ........... .................................... ......................
1-1 Chapter 1 1 Introduction Finisar is the tec hnology le ader in providing LAN an d SAN analysis tools. Fi nisar' s fully d istribu ted, fu ll-lin e-rate p erformance network analysis products monitor , measure, an alyze, and trouble shoot 10/10 0/1000 Ether net and V oIP .
1-2 Survey or User ’s Guide Surveyor 's use r interfac e provides both a comprehensi ve view of t he netw ork as well as the abili ty to eas ily dri ll down to a spe cific ne twork segment. Surveyor 's main window p rovides a single, us er- defined v iew for each of the segmen ts being mon itored.
1-3 Introducti on Surv eyor Fu nctio ns 1 Log Record cou nter inform ation. Surv eyor enab les you to capture all byte, fra m e , and error coun ter values c ompiled du ring the capt ure or transmi ssion of dat a. Monit or Real-tim e views f or dat a seen o n a ne twork segm ent.
1-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Analyz er Device s The full power of Sur veyor is realized throu gh optiona l hardware analyzer cards avail able f rom Fini sar. An alyzer cards fr om Finis ar are i nstalle d in a PC , a noteb ook PC, or in a separate analyzer device.
1-5 Introducti on Protocols Supp orted 1 T able 1-4. Protocols Suppo rted in Surve yor MAC Layer TCP/IP Suite TCP/IP Suite (Cont.) TCP/IP Suite (Cont.) IEEE 802.2 (LL C) ARP Ident RPC IEEE 802.3 ASF-RMCP iFCP RTSP Ethernet II BGP (V ersion 4) IGMP SGCP IEEE 802.
1-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Oracle Suite IPX/SPX Suite (con t.) LOA Banyan V ines Suite TNS (TCP/IP only) NetBOIS LOA V ARP SQLNET NLSP VICP AppleT alk Phase2 Packet Burst VIP AARP SAP VIPC ADSP Ser.
1-7 Introducti on Protocols Supp orted 1 T able 1-5. Supported Mult i-Media Protocols IBM ISO Intel MPLS NetBEUI CLNP MTP2 CR-LDP NetBIOS CONP MTP3 RSVP-TE ESIS R TSP ISIS T CAP ISO Multi-Media ITU H.323 IETF Cisco Codec ASN.1 H.248 / Megaco RUDP CellB GK DISC MGCP SCCP G .
1-8 Survey or User ’s Guide What's Ne w in Release 5. 0 A synopsis of what's new in Surve yor 5.0 is prov ided below . Capture to Disk and THGsE Analyzer Support Surveyor now supports streamin g lar ge amounts of data t o disk.
1-9 Introducti on What's New in Rele ase 5.0 1 Expande d Mult i-QoS S upport The Multi-Qo S software has been expand ed to recognize a broader r ange of V oIP calls.Thi s include s call forma ts used by A vaya and Alcatel . Multi- QoS now has the capabi lities to build the call table withou t signali ng information.
1-10 Survey or User ’s Guide.
2-1 Chapter 2 2 Installation System Re quiremen ts The syste m requirements fo r installing a nd running the Surveyo r softwar e are shown in t he table below . *The am ount of memor y and processor speed requir ed depends on the size of a capture file opened fo r viewing/anal ysis.
2-2 Survey or User ’s Guide See the Re adme file f or the l atest in formation on supported anal yzers and adapters for Surveyor 5.0. Upgr ading S urvey or If you ha ve a previ ous versi on of Survey or, insta ll versi on 5.0 into the same direct ory as th e previou s version.
2-3 Installation Insta l l ing Survey or 2 Installing Sur veyor Begin by ins tallin g any local hardware a nalyzer c ards and/ or adapte r card s. Hardware ana l y zer cards are packa ged separately from the Sur veyor software. Mul tiple ca rds may b e instal led in a s ingle P C.
2-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Instal ling Analyzer Hardwar e The sect ions below provi de inst allatio n informat ion for the Fini sar anal yzer cards in dif ferent hardware a nd softwar e environmen ts. Inst alling Analyzer Har dware in a Des ktop PC Finisar off ers an ana lyzer ca rd that can be instal led in a desktop PC.
2-5 Installation Inst alling Analyzer H ardware 2 2. Instal l the THGm card in yo ur syst em. This requires o pening t he c ase of your computer , insertin g the card in an availabl e PCI slo t, and cl osing t he cas e of your comput er . Refe r to the THGm Har dwar e Installat ion Guide and y our computer’ s documentat ion for instruc t i ons.
2-6 Survey or User ’s Guide • The Ethernet card uses a CardBus i nterface . • Separat e instal lation i nstruct ions are p rovide d for Windows N T. Install ation of the Ethe rnet anal yzer card in a notebook PC runnin g Windows NT requires Card Wizard V5 .
2-7 Installation Inst alling Analyzer H ardware 2 8. I nsert the Surveyo r CD in the CDR OM driv e. 9. E nter the path of th e Ethernet Driver di rector y ( <CDROM-d rive-le tter>driv ers ) on the Su rveyor CDROM a nd click OK . 10. The Select OEM Option windo w will appear .
2-8 Survey or User ’s Guide 5. T o update t he devi ce drive r , click wit h the r ight mouse on My Network Pl aces . Select Prop erties from the men u. 6. D ouble-c lick on Local Area Connecti on . The Ra core dev ice dri ver should appea r in the Connect box.
2-9 Installation Comp atibility Matri x 2 Compa tibili ty Matrix T able 2-3. Hardware/Sof tware Comp atibility Matrix Finisar THGm Portable Surveyor 10 / 100 Ethernet Analy zer Card Ethernet, NDIS (3r.
2-10 Survey or User ’s Guide.
3-1 Chapter 3 3 Getting S tarted The Su rveyor Sys tem A complete Surveyor s ystem consi sts of Survey or software and a t least one Fi nisar distri buted net QoS system, an alyzer ca rd, or NDI S-compati ble Ethern et adapte r . Multip le devi ces can be install ed in the local hos t PC.
3-2 Survey or User ’s Guide each por t on which yo u have installe d a THGm analyze r card. Do not s e le ct ports for oth er devices. Clic k OK . Use the Local Port s for Switching T aps tab in th e dialog b ox to tell Surveyor which loc al COM port is atta ched to th e tap devi ce.
3-3 Getting S tarted Basi c Navi gation Tip s 3 5. THGm anal yzer car ds have two int erfaces , RJ45 for 10/ 100 copper wire and a G-BIC for 100 0 Mbps fiber optic. If you selec ted a THGm, you may need to change the in terface. From the Modul e menu, choose In terface .
3-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Y ou can also a ccess Capt ure V iew from Summary V iew to vie w a Capture f ile. From Summary V iew , click t he button i n the Sur veyor to olbar . The conte nts of the C apture f ile are d isplaye d in the C aptur e View window .
3-5 Getting S tarted Basi c Navi gation Tip s 3 • If you have th e Expert pl ug-in, use the button i n Detail View t o bring up the exper t views. • If you have th e Multi-QoS p lug-in, us e the button in Detail View to bri ng up the char ts and ta bles for Voice over IP and Multi media prot ocols.
3-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Buttons and T o olbars Surveyor T oolbar Open button Opens a fi le, typi cally a capture file ( .CAP ). A dialog b ox displays showin g all file s with exten sion .CAP in th e curre nt dire ctory . Fr om the Summary V iewer , select ing a capt ure fil e to open will bri ng up Captur e Vi e w.
3-7 Getting S tarted Buttons a nd T oolbars 3 Capture Mode b utton Places th e currently sel ected re source in capture mod e. This button is gray if the resour ce is currentl y active (star ted). Monitor Mode button Activate s the monit or functi ons for t he current ly se lected r esource.
3-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Detail View T ool bar Save butt on Saves the curr ent conten ts of the capture b uff er to a file. A di alog box display s, allowin g you to sel ect the f ile name a nd director y . Print bu tton Prints the contents of the cur rent vie w .
3-9 Getting S tarted Buttons a nd T oolbars 3 Capture Fi lter but ton Display t he Capt ure Filte r window . The window di splays a p reviously opened fil ter or t he defaul t filt er . Load Filte r button Brings up a dialog box to select a saved c apture fi lter ( .
3-10 Survey or User ’s Guide Dat a Views T oolbar (Expert and Mult i-QoS butt ons) Ring S tatistics V iew button (T oken Ring Only ) Brings up table s showing i nformation about the rings and the ri ng stati ons detect ed on the n etwork. This button is avail able for T oken Ring adapt ers only .
3-1 1 Getting S tarted Buttons a nd T oolbars 3 Host T able V iew button Selects Ho st T able V iew for viewi ng informa tion. Y ou can see M AC station s and th eir asso ciated t raf fic in this vi ew . Network Layer Host T able V iew button Selects Ne twork Layer Host T able V iew for vie wing infor mation.
3-12 Survey or User ’s Guide Refre sh bu tton Update the info rmatio n in al l open vie w s . Duplicat e Address Bu tton (Expe rt plug-i n only) Brings up a table s howing all duplicate I P and IPX a ddresses . The duplica te network and MAC addresses a ssociat ed each dupl icate ar e display ed.
3-13 Getting S tarted Buttons a nd T oolbars 3 Filter Des ign T oolbar Create Fil ter but ton Creates a new filte r . The defa ult window appea r s for the Filter Desi gn window . Open Filte r button Opens a fil ter . A dia log box dis plays to s elect t he file.
3-14 Survey or User ’s Guide are desi gnated wit h an ex tension of .CFD files an d displa y filter s with an exten sion of .D FD . Save Filter bu tton Saves the curr ent conten ts of the Filt er St ates Design wi ndow to a file . A dialog b ox display s to speci fy th e file name and directo ry .
3-15 Getting S tarted Buttons a nd T oolbars 3 Capture V iew T oolbar Open File bu tton Opens a capt ure fil e ( .CAP ). A dialog box wi ll displ ay showing the current director y with all files with extensio n .CAP . Save File b utton Saves the c urrent c ontents of this vi ew to a file.
3-16 Survey or User ’s Guide Resume Load bu tton Capture f iles are l oaded to Cap t ur e V iew as a backgr ound proces s. Pressin g this but ton re sumes the ba ckground pr ocess. Go T o T rigger but ton Pressin g this bu tton moves you to the line in the capture file that was set as the t rigger p osition.
3-17 Getting S tarted Buttons a nd T oolbars 3 Host Matr ix V iew butto n Selects Ho st Matr ix V iew for viewi ng capture d informat ion. Y ou can see all c onversat ions betwee n MAC stations in th is view . Network Layer Matrix V iew button Selects Network Layer Matrix V iew for vi ewing capt ured info rmation.
3-18 Survey or User ’s Guide File Formats The foll owing file format s are sup ported in Surv eyor: .HST Extens ion – Capture Files File ext ension f or captur e data fi les. The .HST f ile contai ns formatt ing infor mation and a li st of .CAP files t hat conta in the act ual capture data.
3-19 Getting S tarted Providin g a Name T able to Survey or 3 Prov iding a Name T able t o Surv eyor A default name table file, ho sts.nam , is inclu ded with the soft ware. Sur veyor boots usi ng this de fault na me table. I f you wish to change the star t up defa ult name table, you must edi t the su rveyor .
3-20 Survey or User ’s Guide Estab lishi ng Lin ks for THGm The THGm is of ten co nnected t o a device that ca nnot auto negotiate the connectio n, such as whe n monito ring/analyz ing a c onnection through a t ap device .
4-1 Chapter 4 4 Configuring Surveyor Configur ing the Interf ace In Surveyo r, you can contr ol the appea rance of windo ws, the primar y monitor view , the appe arance of tables a nd charts, and the colors of decode di splays. The followi ng sectio ns descri be how to set up the interf ace to bes t meet your needs.
4-2 Survey or User ’s Guide complete ly close a d ocking window . If yo u close a doc king window , use th e options from the View menu to get t he window back. Y ou can extract any docking wi ndow from the Summar y V i ew window and make i t a stand-a lone window .
4-3 Configuring Surve yor Config uring the Interfac e 4 Use the middl e port ion of th e dialog b ox to set u p the disp lay of the Summa ry column. The Su mmary col umn will always displa y . Howe ver , this field can just give a ver y limited synopsis o f protoco l activity or provide complete d etails a bout the prot ocols u sed in the packet.
4-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Use the bo ttom porti on of the dialog box t o set th e point from whi ch Surveyor will measure t ime when cal culating and displ aying the e lapsed t ime stamp of each packet. Set “ti me-zer o” for capture in the Elap sed T ime Set Mark Optio n portion of the D isp lay Options di alog box.
4-5 Configuring Surve yor Config uring the Interfac e 4 Setting Hist ogram Zoom Factor Set the Zoo m F actor cha nges the numbe r of data points t hat remain in the upper zoom window wh en pressing t he zoom butt on. The range for the Z oom Factor i s between 80 a nd 99, with a defaul t of 80.
4-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Configuring Chart Views Protocol distr ibution v iew and f rame size distri bution vi ew can be customized using buttons within th e chart. The type o f i nformatio n in some cha rt views c an be customiz ed usin g the proc edures bel ow .
4-7 Configuring Surve yor Module Settings (Pro perties) 4 Module S etting s (Pro perti es) Module se ttings c onfigure options f or the cap ture, monit or , and transmi t functions of device s. T o configur e modules, s elect Module Set tings... from the Configuratio n menu.
4-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Module set tings ar e described i n the subs ections b elow . Default v alues for Module Settin gs are shown in T able 4-4: Buffer Size Portabl e Surveyor 10/100 Etherne t Ana lyzer Car d and NDIS car ds require t hat a capture buffe r size be set.
4-9 Configuring Surve yor Module Settings (Pro perties) 4 For THGm modules, t he defaul t is no pa cket slici ng (full packet le ngth). For THGm, the slic ing size mus t be 64 byt es or g reater and pa cket sli cing of 12 8 bytes is not sup ported fo r 1Gbps Et hernet.
4-10 Survey or User ’s Guide will be listed i n the Appli cation T a bl es as in t he follo wing example: UDP no n- WKP:46 20 This fea ture on ly af fects the table s or ch arts tha t displa y TCP/UDP port nu m b ers. The display is affected for mo nitor views only of local modules.
4-1 1 Configuring Surve yor System Sett ings 4 2. A dialog b ox appear s showing t he ports within t he loca l system. Ch eck the b ox of only those por ts you wa nt Su rv eyor to sc an for an anal yzer ca rd.
4-12 Survey or User ’s Guide Protocol Col or Coding Surveyor provid es a real -time protoc ol decode called Packet Summar y V iew and protoco l decodes i n Capture V iew . T o use these dis plays more effectiv ely , you may want to s et the color s used for packet di splay .
4-13 Configuring Surve yor System Sett ings 4 : T able 4-7. Str ip Chart Di splay T imers The values for poll ing timers must be bet ween 1 and 21478364 7 se conds. The values fo r the dis play timer s must be be tween 1 and 21 478364 7 sec onds. The strip ch art disp lay timers must be in mu ltiples of the MAC La yer Counte r timer .
4-14 Survey or User ’s Guide Disk Options Surveyor supports saving and examinin g very lar ge capture fi les. T wo disk options are avai lable t o support l ar ge capture s, Cache Fi le Locatio n and Disk Ca pture Loca tion . Choose Sy stem S ettin gs… from th e Conf iguratio n menu an d select the Disk Opti ons tab to set ei ther o ption.
4-15 Configuring Surve yor Conf iguring Alarms 4 Configuring Counter Logging Counter lo g files c ontain sn apshots of Surveyor c ounter in formation . All MAC layer st atisti cs can be r ecorded in the l og file. T o configure counte r logging , selec t Log Fi le Settin gs… from the Configu ration menu.
4-16 Survey or User ’s Guide Using E-mail with Surveyor is turned of f by default. If you want to use this fe ature, you must r eset a par ameter in the Survey or.ini file. Set Enable MAP I=1 to enable t he e-mail alarms feature through M icrosoft M ail Exchan ge.
4-17 Configuring Surve yor Configur ing a M ulti-Port T ap or Switch 4 The Surv eyor soft ware can be used to cont rol wh ich LAN segment is selec ted by the tap or switch. T o set the LAN segment: 1. In th e res ource b rowser , click on the lo cal or remote resour ce c onnecte d to t he switch.
4-18 Survey or User ’s Guide 4. U se the Bypa ss check b oxes to set any net work segme nts that y ou want t o restr ict from b eing use d with t he analy zer . Any segment wi th the Byp ass box checke d cannot be set a s the LAN s egment. 5. C lick the OK bu tton.
4-19 Configuring Surve yor Settings for Analyz er Device s 4 2. Click on the ico n for th e remote analyze r devic e in the Re source Br owser . 3. Choose Properti es from t he Host men u. 4. C lick the R eset Host /Ima ge Upg rade button. 5. Check th e Wa r m B o ot radi o button unde r Reset Opt ions .
4-20 Survey or User ’s Guide 8. E nter the IP ad dress o f a se rver th at runs BOOTP and/or TFTP p rotoco ls in the IP Boot Serve r field. 9. If you are upda ting th e image, set t he path name to t he softwa re image file i n the Boot Imag e Filena me field.
4-21 Configuring Surve yor Adva nced Configur ation 4 director y and will use that file fo r its dia gnostic i nformati on. If no EXPERT- MSG.IN I file is fou nd in the di rectory , Surveyor will not provide d iagnosti c infor- mation. Y ou can change t he diagnos tic info rmation if you want.
4-22 Survey or User ’s Guide <port nu m> is a two-b yte value that a ppears in a port fields o f a TCP or UPD packet header . It ident ifies the pr otocol, by port numbe r , to be inclu ded as a discr ete protocol in Surveyor ’ s monitor views .
4-23 Configuring Surve yor Adva nced Configur ation 4 Example 2 Assume th at a company is using a propri etary pr otocol na med “Company X P roto- col” that use s UPD port 921. By default this pro tocol would appe ar with the generic name “UDP WKP 921” in the moni tor tabl es.
4-24 Survey or User ’s Guide How Surveyor Assigns Prot ocol Names Surveyor explicit ly monitors a predef ined set of proto cols/applic ations that use TCP or UDP as t heir transp ort layer . However , some of the TCP or UCP ports mon itored are not given a wel l-known name.
4-25 Configuring Surve yor Adva nced Configur ation 4 Monitoring Non W ell-Known Ports Surveyor a lso colle cts info rmation ab out a subse t of port s that fa ll outsi de of the WKP range, po rt numbers greater tha n 1023. These ports ar e called n on-WKP .
4-26 Survey or User ’s Guide Assigning TCP or UDP Port s to Protocol Parsers Use the ANALY SIS.INI file t o assign a ny built- in Surveyor parser to a TCP or UDP port. Thi s is usef ul when a netw ork is runni ng a protoc ol/appl ication over a TCP or UDP port that is not using t he defaul t port.
4-27 Configuring Surve yor Adva nced Configur ation 4 thermore s uppose the network admi nistrator only wants t o decode TCP p ort 1 1964 when associ ated with IP address 192.168.1. 98. The entr y in the ANALYSIS.INI file woul d be: [TCP] mappi ng=119 64,192.
4-28 Survey or User ’s Guide.
5-1 Chapter 5 5 Resources and Modes Surveyor can g ather st atisti cal inf ormation and view ne twork dat a from a variety of hardwa re source s. The type s of informatio n you re ceive fr om a resourc e depends o n the ha rdware .
5-2 Survey or User ’s Guide Double-c lick on a resour ce to disp lay a defa ult view of the res ource in Su mmary V iew . If a r emote resourc e is protect ed, you a re asked for a user name and passwo rd. Drag a nd dro p resour ces onto alarms i n the Al arm Browser to act ivate an alarm for a re source .
5-3 Resources a nd Modes Remote Reso u rces 5 Figure 5-1. Re mote Host Conne ctions Local LA N Segme nt N DIS netw or k a dapte r, C MM o r C MM2 Boa rd Remo te LAN Segme nt Surveyor Software Local Host Storage Dev ice NDIS , C MM or C MM2 Boa rd Remote Ho st Local Monitor/ Tr a nsmit/Capture TC P /IP Conne ction (LAN, modem, etc.
5-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Naming Remote IP Resources (Aliases) The Resour ce Browser i nitial ly displ ays all n odes on a su bnet using the I P Address. Users ca n assign an alias ( user de fined name) to a node f or easy i dentifi cation. Fo r example, yo u can assi gn a name li ke “Chic ago Node One” t o the node.
5-5 Resources a nd Modes Remote Reso u rces 5 Hovering t he mouse over a top-le vel node whi ch has an al ias disp lays the name with the I P Address i n parenthe sis along with the o ptional c omment. For exa mple, “Chicago Node One (192.1.68. 2). This is Mount Pro spect node”.
5-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Modes Modes are a pplied t o resource s. Each res ource can be in a dif ferent mode. The modes avai lable wit h Surveyor depend o n the under lying har dware resourc e as shown in T able 5-2 below: Hardware De vices The monitor and captu r e function s look at t he same bit stream be ing recei ved by a device.
5-7 Resources a nd Modes Hardware Devices 5 . T able 5-3. Hardware Device Cap abilities Device Hard ware Dev ice Cap abilities THGm (T en/Hun- dred/Thous and module) THGm i s Finisa r’s premier an alyzer card for 1 0/100/1 000 Ethern et networ ks. THGm s upports all cou nters in Su rveyor an d support s all captu re functio ns at full lin e rate.
5-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Synchronized Res ources Synchroni zed resou rces are multiple h ardware de vices (t wo THGm) that hav e been connecte d so th at they us e the same cloc k timer . Synchronized devices displa y in the Resou rce Browser as a uniqu e r esource.
5-9 Resources a nd Modes Hints and Tips fo r Resource s 5 resource s are rec ognized by t he synchr onized resource icon in th e Resource Browser . Synchroniz ing resources a llows sing le actio ns to start a r esource pa ir . All statisti cs and all da ta abo ut stations and conversatio ns will ap pear as one resource to Surveyor.
5-10 Survey or User ’s Guide • Use synchr onized THGm modul es for fu ll-duple x capture . • For options to be di splayed under the Host menu, you must se lect t he local host name in t he Resour ce Brows er. Selec ting a r esource within t he loc al host makes the o ptions in the Ho st menu unavailabl e.
6-1 Chapter 6 6 Vi e w s There ar e numerous way s t o view data from Surveyo r. This sec tion desc ribes th e primary win dows you use to view dat a, and the actua l data views you can see within each window . The primar y windows for viewing i nformatio n are shown i n T able 6-1.
6-2 Survey or User ’s Guide This cha pter contains informat ion on data vie ws with th e exception of Expert V i ews and Mu lti-Qo S V i ews. Refe r to the E xpert c hapter fo r compl ete inform ation on the Multi- QoS V iews . Refer to the Multi- QoS cha pter for comp lete inf ormatio n on the Multi- QoS vi ews.
6-3 Vi e ws Summary View 6 Summary V iew Summary V iew is Survey or’ s global monitor ing tool for networ k data. Y ou can view re al-time d ata from any l ocal reso urce or an y resou rce you can connect t o on the networ k. Y ou can filt er the da ta befor e viewing by applying a capture f ilter .
6-4 Survey or User ’s Guide • P rotocol D istribu tion • Host Tabl e • Network Layer H o st Table • Applicat ion Layer Host Tabl e • Ho st Matrix • Network Lay er Matrix • Applicat ion.
6-5 Vi e ws Detail V iew 6 Y ou can have as ma ny windows wit h data vie ws as are a vailable in Detail V iew . The initi al data vie w y ou get of a res ource is t he view set i n the Config uration menu for Summary V iew . Many of the t able or ch art views within Det ail V iew can be customized .
6-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Ap plica tion La yer Hos t T ab le Host Matrix Network Layer Matrix Appli cation Layer Matr ix VLANs Address Map Duplicate Add ress (Expe rt plug- in only) Expert ( Exper.
6-7 Vi e ws Captu re Vi ew 6 that you ha ve of the capture bu ffe r are stil l open windo w s wit hin Detai l V iew . In other word s, the “vie w” and decode of previ ous infor mation is s till av ailable , even though the c apture buf fer itse lf is re filling with new informatio n.
6-8 Survey or User ’s Guide • Det ail P ane The Detail Pan e shows the values of the protocol el ements associ ated with each protoco l. For exampl e, for the Data Link Con trol the values fo r the sour ce address , destinat ion addre ss, and packet le ngth are s hown.
6-9 Vi e ws Using the Hist ogram Control 6 Prot ocol Co lor Codi ng tab fr om the System S ettin gs menu opt ion. See “Appe ndix D” for a li st of Sur veyor’ s default pr otocol co lor codes .
6-10 Survey or User ’s Guide • The Lower Histo gram repre sents the entire capture. Th e gray are a on the hi sto- gram corr esponds to the de tail ar ea. Figure 6-1. Histogram Di splay and Butt on Controls The vert ical axi s represe nts util ization in bytes per second.
6-1 1 Vi e ws Using the Hist ogram Control 6 For the Uppe r Histogr am, the Selec ted Secti on is chan ged by sli ding a movabl e “window” over a portio n of the da ta.
6-12 Survey or User ’s Guide of the captu re that are not shown in the Upper Histog ram are avai lable f rom the d isk cache. Figure 6-2. Histogram Display Show ing Colors The example below shows a lar ge capture with many sectio ns. In the U p per Histogr am, the first section s hown in magent a is the Current Sec tion.
6-13 Vi e ws Using the Hist ogram Control 6 shown in black. The g ray and black col ors indic ate that these sec tions ar e not downloaded. Figure 6-3.
6-14 Survey or User ’s Guide Histogram Button Contr ols Histogr am controls allow you t o focus on a smaller area of t he captur e, change th e appeara nce of the graph, and l oad se ctions of th e capture to the decode are a . Th ese contr ols are a lso ava ilable f orm the Hi stogram… menu.
6-15 Vi e ws Using the Hist ogram Control 6 Downloads th e data currentl y select ed in the Upper Histog ram to the c apture vi ew deco de. On ly the d ata wit hin the s elect ion area (gray s haded a rea) is d ownload ed.
6-16 Survey or User ’s Guide If you at tempt to s elect an area sm aller than 2 0MB , the closest se ctions th at form 20MB of da ta become t he Capture Selectio n W indow . The pict ure below s hows double- arrow mouse i con in the Upper Histogr am.
6-17 Vi e ws Packet Edi tor 6 radio b utton and pr ess the Ra nge... butt on. Click, hol d, and drag wi th the left mous e in the hi stogram to select the range yo u want to save. Resume Analysis Y ou can set Surveyo r t o save the downloads yo u make from th e THGsE or loca l disk when an alyzing a histo gram file.
6-18 Survey or User ’s Guide Use the Un do and Re do functions f rom the Edit menu to remov e or reapp ly the la st pack et edit . Editing i n Decode V iew Editing in decode v iew allows you to edit packet s without remembering off sets. Click on a field.
6-19 Vi e ws Data Views 6 tables a re updated approximately ev ery 7 se conds. MAC St atistics View (Rx) From Deta il V iew , click on th e button to ope n a window wit h MAC St atistics V iew for c apture. From Summar y V iew , set the view prefere nces to MAC S t atistics (Rx) to see th is view in the firs t tab.
6-20 Survey or User ’s Guide MAC S t atistics V iew (Tx) From Detail V i ew , c lick on the button t o open a windo w with MAC S tatis tics V iew for transmit . From Summary V iew , set the v iew prefe rences to MAC S t a t istics (Tx) to see thi s view in t he first t ab.
6-21 Vi e ws Data Views 6 Frame Siz e Distrib ution V iew is avail able as a ch art or a ta ble. For the chart, t he Bar and Pie buttons toggle t he type of graphic d isplay . The Pause/Re sume butt on allows you to paus e or resume real-ti me update of the grap h.
6-22 Survey or User ’s Guide :. The NET and ALL bu ttons shows perce ntage brea kdowns for a ll packets. The IP T able 6-7 . Protocol Distributi on View , Chart Buttons - Proto cols Chart Button Descript ion/Action NET Shows percent ages of a ll p acket s by netw ork laye r protocol type, suc h as IP and IPX.
6-23 Vi e ws Data Views 6 and IPX bu ttons show the percent ages of only th ose packets t hat can be ident ified as containi ng IP or IPX i nformati on respectiv ely . T able Protocol Distribut ion V iew as a ta ble shows f rame and byt e counts by protocol.
6-24 Survey or User ’s Guide Host T able V iew From Deta il V iew , click on the bu tton to open a windo w with Host T able V iew . From Summary V iew , set the view pr eference s to Host T a ble to see th is vie w in the first t ab.
6-25 Vi e ws Data Views 6 Network Layer Host T able V iew From Deta il V iew , click on th e button to ope n a window wit h Network Laye r Host T able V iew . From Summary V iew , set th e view prefer ences to Network La yer Host T able to see this view in the firs t tab.
6-26 Survey or User ’s Guide Ta b l e Network Laye r Host T able V iew as a tabl e shows networ k activi ty from the view of network s tations. The table list s statis tics fo r all st ations f ound. The t able can be customiz ed to incl ude other columns of i nformati on.
6-27 Vi e ws Data Views 6 Application Layer Host T able View From Detail V iew , click on the button t o open a wind ow with Applicatio n Lay er Host T abl e V i ew . F rom Su mmary V iew , s et the vi ew pref erenc es to Appl ication La yer Host T abl e to see th is view in the firs t tab.
6-28 Survey or User ’s Guide Host Matrix V iew From Detail V iew , click on the button to open a window with Host Matrix V iew . From Summa ry V iew , set the v iew pr efere nces to Host Mat rix to see th is view in the first t ab.
6-29 Vi e ws Data Views 6 Chart Host Matrix V iew as a chart s hows only t en MAC conver sations. The ten conversat ions d isplayed are th ose trans mitting t he lar gest r elative percen tage of frames. The cha rt can be cust omized to sho w the “top ten” conversati ons based on a dif ferent i nformatio n field.
6-30 Survey or User ’s Guide Network Layer Matrix V iew From Detai l V i e w , cl ick on the button to open a window with Network Layer Matrix V iew . From Summary V iew , set t he view prefer ences to Network La yer Matrix to see this view in th e first ta b.
6-31 Vi e ws Data Views 6 Application Layer Matr ix View From Detail V iew , click on the button to op en a window wit h Applicat ion Layer Matri x V iew . From Summar y V iew , set the v i ew p referenc es to Applica tion Layer Ma trix to s ee this vie w in the fi rst t ab.
6-32 Survey or User ’s Guide The stat ion add resses a nd names in t he convers ation are provided in the table or chart. Th e name an d address a re the sa me if Survey or does not have a name t able with addres s-to-name cor respondenc es.
6-33 Vi e ws Data Views 6 VLAN View From Detail V iew , click on th e button t o open a wind ow with VLAN V iew . From Summ ary V i ew , s et the vi ew pref erenc es to VLAN to se e this view in the fir st tab. VLAN V iew is availabl e as a ta ble showing statis tics or a s a chart showing the ten virtual LANs with the most traf fic.
6-34 Survey or User ’s Guide Ta b l e VLAN V iew as a table sho ws network activi ty from the view of vi rtual LAN tr aff ic. The tabl e lists st atistic s for al l VLANs found. The table ca n be customi zed to include other col umns of inf ormation.
6-35 Vi e ws Data Views 6 P acket S ummary V iew Packet Summary V iew shows a real -time prot ocol decod e. Packets received are decoded and the result of t he decode i s disp layed. The packets scroll up the screen as they are decoded . A u nique colo r can be u sed to display p ackets of each di ff erent pro t oc ol lay er .
6-36 Survey or User ’s Guide Expert Vi ew (Expert plug-in only) From Detai l V i e w , click on the button to open a window with Expert V iew . From Summary V iew , set the view pr eference s to Expert V iew to see this view in the fir st tab. Multiple tables ar e availa ble in Expert V iew .
6-37 Vi e ws Hint s and T ips fo r Using View s 6 Multipl e tables ar e available in Multi- QoS V iew . Y ou can view all calls, su bsets of calls fi ltered by protocol or by a QoS metri c, single call det ails, and channel de tails. Refer to t he cha pter on Mu lti-QoS f or complete in format ion on Mul ti-QoS V iews.
6-38 Survey or User ’s Guide • Double-cli ck on the MAC Sta tistics Vie w in Detail View to bri ng up Captur e View. • Data in a cha r t will be s orted by t he last s orted col umn in the c orrespondi ng table .
7-1 Chapter 7 7 Ca pture and Display Filters For most da ta analys is opera tions, you’ ll want t o look at o nly a subse t of all dat a. Filter s allow you to select a nd count dat a in just ab out any way you can i magine. Capture f ilters allow you t o capture a subset of the net work dat a.
7-2 Survey or User ’s Guide 5. Ente r an address in the Add Conv ersatio n to Filter T empla te area an d select t he Apply Con versa tion to T emplate che ck b ox . Ente r addre sses by sele cting their corre sponding names in the name tab le. Suggest ion: T ry sel ecting one MAC stati on from the n a me table.
7-3 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Creating Filters wit h Filter T emplates 7 Conv ersation to Filter T empla te are a in the di splay pro vides a conven ient means of addi ng addr esses to a custom fi lter te mplate.
7-4 Survey or User ’s Guide A sample Fi lter D esign window is shown be low . Figure 7-1. Filter Design Window Filter Design T oolbar Buttons (see Chapte r 3 for complete descriptions ) Creates a ne.
7-5 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Creating Filters wit h Filter T emplates 7 Creating and Applying a Conversation The Add Conv ersation to T empl ate area of the Filt er Desi gn window provi des a con - venient wa y to add address by te patte rns to a fil ter .
7-6 Survey or User ’s Guide There ar e four st ation addr ess type s: • MAC address – 12 hexadeci mal digit s. For exampl e, 34FD34AA0001. • IP dot notat ion addre ss – 4 deci mal number s in the r ange of 0 to 25 5, separated by dots. Fo r example, 1 2.
7-7 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Creating Filters wit h Filter T emplates 7 Creating and Applying a Port Number Surveyor pr ovides a c onvenient way to add a port number to a fil ter . Y ou speci fy port number s for the filter by fill ing out th e Add Port to T empl ate area of the Filt er Design wind ow .
7-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Multiple Byte Pa tterns in Filter T emplat es Filter template s can be “s everal t emplates in one .” For exampl e, HTTP , TELNET , and SNMP are pr ovided as single f ilter templat es, but the y consist of both so urce and dest ination p orts.
7-9 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Creating Filters wit h Filter T emplates 7 Y ou then save the templa te. When you save a cus tom temp late, Sur veyor asks for a custom templ ate name. Surve yor will a ssign a de fault na me such as Templa te1 if no name is pr ovided.
7-10 Survey or User ’s Guide Entering V alues that Cross Byte Boundaries Port valu es are gener ally under stood as dec imal numbers. For exa mple, an NFS por t is known a s decimal 20 49. Filter patterns a r e expressed as bytes a nd begin on byte boundari es.
7-1 1 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Creating Filters wit h Filter T emplates 7 Bit- Level Filte ring Surveyo r can f ilter at the bit lev el. T o set a bi t patte rn, plac e the curs or withi n a byte field i n the Ed it/Crea te Custom Filter T emplate area.
7-12 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter Crea tion The FIL TER CREA TION p ortion (l eft side) o f the Filter D esign window is the area tha t actu ally speci fies what conditions are tested and what ac tions are taken fo r this fil ter stateme nt. See Figur e 7-1 for an example o f the FIL TER CREA TION area.
7-13 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Fil ter Crea tion 7 a test ag ainst in coming frames. If the op eration you tr y makes no se nse in the conte xt of cr eating a template combi- nation, t he operati on is not allowed. For example, an OR opera tor makes no sense after an AND operator .
7-14 Survey or User ’s Guide Actions for Capture Fi lters T able 7-4 s hows actio ns avai lable fo r capture filter s: An example Filter Act ions dialog box for cap ture filt ers is sh own below: Figure 7-3.
7-15 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Fil ter Crea tion 7 Actions f or Dis play Fil ters T able 7-5 sho ws acti ons avail able for display f ilters: See M ulti-State and Mult i-Statemen t Filter s for more inform ation on actions in multi- state f ilters .
7-16 Survey or User ’s Guide Global V alues that Af fect Capture Fil ter Acti ons T able 7-6 d escribes the opti ons and set tings ava ilable that have a gl obal sett ing. If you set t he value i n one s tatement, t he value will apply to all ot her s tatements.
7-17 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Multi-S tate and Multi -S tatem ent Fi lters 7 Frame ty pes are sh own in T able 7-7: Multi-S tate and Multi-S tatement Filters T o create more complex f ilters, use Surveyor’ s graphica l scripti ng language .
7-18 Survey or User ’s Guide Click on t he St ate butt on in the Fil ter Design wi ndow to view the Filter States Design windo w for the f ilter . An example is shown below . Figure 7 -4. Example Filter S tat es Design Windo w From the Filter St ates Des ign window you vie w the entire st ructure of th e filter .
7-19 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Multi-S tate and Multi -S tatem ent Fi lters 7 Filter S tructure The captur e or displ ay filt er consis ts of st ates, eac h with a uni que label so it can be referen ced. Each state co ntains an IF state ment, an ELS E statement , and optio nal ELSE IF stat ements.
7-20 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter S t ates S tates a re used to group a set of stat ements. Sinc e statement c ontain conditi ons and actions , states are a way t o create a set of conditi ons and act ions. Y ou can speci fy up to 4 states with THGm.
7-21 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Multi-S tate and Multi -S tatem ent Fi lters 7 Filter S tatement s T o create stat ements , press the butto n from the Filter States Desig n win dow . Use the window t hat appear s to crea te a condition and t o specif y actio ns to be tak en if the cond itio n is satis fied.
7-22 Survey or User ’s Guide Captur e and Displa y Filter Di f f erences Display a nd captur e filters are acti vated in d iffer ent ways. Als o, some op tions for capture filter s are not used in di splay fi lters.
7-23 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Filter Ex amples 7 Filt er Examples Filter e xamples are su pplied with Surve yor. T o see examp les, open a capture fil ter file ( .CFD extension ) or a displa y filter fil e ( .DFD ex tension) from th e Filter win- dow .
7-24 Survey or User ’s Guide The steps used to cr eate the filter template and load i t to a re source ar e shown belo w: 1. P ress t he Clear T emplate butt on. 2. P ress t he Name button for St ation A ddress 1 . Select the addr ess from th e name table and click OK .
7-25 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Filter Ex amples 7 Filter Exa mple, T emplate Combin ation The Filter D esign window in F igure 7-6 shows th e capture filter with a log ical com- bination built i n the T emplate Com binatio n box. This filter collects all traf fic to and from a sing le stat ion that ma ke use of the HTTP or FTP protocols.
7-26 Survey or User ’s Guide The fo llowing st eps descr ibe how to c reate two filt er tem plates, logical ly combi ne them using an OR ope rator , and load the r esultin g T em plate Co mbinatio n to a resou rce: 1. S elect the HTTP pre-d efined fi lter templa te from th e A vai lable Fi lter T emp lates box.
7-27 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Filter Ex amples 7 Filter Example, Capt ure TCP Port T raffic The Filter D esign window in Figur e 7-7 shows the captur e filt er for a spec ific TCP Port. This filter collects a ll TCP/IP traf fic that us es the Boot PS port number .
7-28 Survey or User ’s Guide The fol lowing st eps descr ibe how t o create the Boot PS filte r temp late and load in to a resour ce. 1. P ress t he Clear T emplate butt on. 2. In the Apply P o rt to T emplate area, ente r the Proto col and Fram e T ype .
7-29 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Filter Ex amples 7 Filter Example, Advanced Fi lter The Filter States Desig n window be low shows the captu re filt er Exam ple.CFD. The Filter States Desig n window s hows the structure o f t he filt er . In the example, the fil ter has mul tiple stat es and st atements.
7-30 Survey or User ’s Guide Rules of the Captur e or Display Fi lter • There must be at least one IF and one EL SE stat ement per s tate. EL SE IF stateme nts are op tional. • The Post Trig ger Buffer Position must be great er than ze ro and les s than 100.
7-31 Capture and Dis p lay Filters Hint s and T ips for Using Fi lters 7 Hint s and T ips fo r Us ing Fil ters • Remember to lo ad the Capt ure filt er on the module befo re you sta rt captur e. • If you want to look at ca ptured dat a in many di fferent ways, use di splay fi lters rather t han captur e filt ers.
7-32 Survey or User ’s Guide • From the Detai l View pane of t he Capture View window, you ca n copy the con - tents of any fi eld to cr eate a C apture or Disp lay filte r. Sele ct the fie ld with the left mouse and then click the right mouse button.
8-1 Chapter 8 8 T ransmit Specification Packet Bl aster plug- in allows you to gener ate packets and send t hem onto a net - work. This can be used to force the network to resp ond to known or suspec ted prob - lem condi tions or l oads. T ransmitt ed data can answer “What If?” ques tions abo ut the net work or p articul ar network resource s.
8-2 Survey or User ’s Guide T ransmit S pecification Dial og Box T ransmit Specif icatio ns are def ined in a d ialog box. The T rans mit Sp ecificat ion dialog b ox contain s: •A Define d Strea ms lis t box (top ) for vie wing defin ed strea ms.
8-3 Tr ansmit Specif ication T ransmit Speci fication s 8 options a vaila ble from t he dialog box and click on the Add bu tton. Y ou can a lso add a capture file as a defined stream using the Add Fi le… button. The adde d stream appears i n the Defi ned St reams l ist box.
8-4 Survey or User ’s Guide the str eam. The Auto CRC check b ox specif ies if a valid CRC will be automat ically generat ed for th e stre am. S tream Buttons The Add , Ad d File.. . , Modify , Dele te , and Edit D at a.. . but tons perf orm functi ons for a sin gle str eam.
8-5 Tr ansmit Specif ication T ransmit Speci fication s 8 T ransmit Specifi cation c ontrol bu ttons are describ ed in T able 8- 2: Repeating Frames There are three ways to repeat frames when transmitting: T able 8-2.
8-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Caution Repeating frames using the tr ansmission mode feature is a function imple mented in sof tware; there is a time gap of about 50ms between each transmission of the entire specificat ion. Use Repeat Fr ames ‘n’ T imes or Bursts where timing issues are critical when sending frames for these devices.
8-7 Tr ansmit Specif ication T ransmit Speci fication s 8 Stream Modes An interpa c ke t gap for a frame can be set in three dif ferent way s; Packet Gap, Frame Rate and T raff ic Rate. The stre am mode defi nes the rate at which packets a re transmit ted from a mod ule.
8-8 Survey or User ’s Guide T ransmission Mode Y ou can eith er transmit the specifi cation co ntinuousl y or trans mit it n times. Select T ransmi t Contin uously to tr ansmit activat ed strea ms in a lo op unti l the module is stopped. Select T ransmi t Spec (N frames ) to transmit activ ated streams a specific number of times.
8-9 Tr ansmit Specif ication Specify ing T ransmit Da ta 8 T able 8-5 sho ws the bu ttons th at are availabl e from wit hin the packet ed itor: : Editing in Decode V iew Editing i n decode vi ew allows yo u to edit packets wit hout remembe ring of fsets.
8-10 Survey or User ’s Guide DA and SA Fields The DA and SA fiel ds define the MAC layer destinat ion addre ss and MAC layer source a ddress fo r the stream. Note that the MAC addr ess value s appear i n the stream s ynopsis in the Defined S treams l ist box.
8-1 1 Tr ansmit Specif ication Specify ing T ransmit Da ta 8 packets c an be gener ated usin g Finisar analyzer cards. NDIS modu les ca nnot generate bad CRC pack ets. Using T emplates If you are inser ting a ne w stream, you can use a template as the starting p oint for pack et data .
8-12 Survey or User ’s Guide Transmitting C apture Files Y ou can tran smit the contents of a ca pture fi le as on e of the s treams in the T ransmit Specifi cation. Pl ace a capture f ile as a stream i nto th e Define d Str eams lis t box usin g the Ad d File… b utton.
8-13 Tr ansmit Specif ication T ransmit Specifi cation Ex amples 8 T ransmit Spe cification E xample, Packet Gap s A T r a nsmit Speci ficati on example in i ts dialo g box is sho wn in Fig ure 8-2. The dialog box only shows t he values for the c urrentl y highligh ted stre am.
8-14 Survey or User ’s Guide T ransmit S pecification Exa mple, Burst s A T ran smit Specif ication dialog box is shown in Fi gure 8-3. The dialog bo x only shows val ues for one stream, t he stream t hat conta ins a burs t. Multipl e streams ar e defined in the spe cification.
8-15 Tr ansmit Specif ication Hint s and Ti ps fo r a T ransmit Specific ation 8 Hint s and T ips for a Tran smit Spe cific ation • Take care with what you tr ansmit. Sur veyor can t ransmit pa ckets at more than 100% of networ k bandwid th. It is poss ible to f lood the ne twork an d cripple p er- formanc e.
8-16 Survey or User ’s Guide.
9-1 Chapter 9 9 Alarms Surveyor ’ s alarms facilit y enables you to cre ate alar ms to automat ically monitor network r esources . Access to Surveyor ’ s alar ms facili ty is thr ough t he Reso urce Browser d ocking windo w located in Su rveyor’ s main window .
9-2 Survey or User ’s Guide Curre nt Mo dule A larms When you ri ght-click on an analyzer device in the Resource Browser , a menu appe ars. Se lect Alarms.. . and the Curre nt Modul e Alarms dia log box appears with a list o f alarms s et up for the resour ce.
9-3 Alarms Current Mo dule Alarms 9 Press New Alarm to enable new alarms for a resource. The Ala rm Editor dialo g box appears. Mul tiple al arms of any type may be a dded. See th e followi ng sectio n for more infor mation o n the Alarm Ed itor . Figure 9-2.
9-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Alarm Editor There ar e six alarm gr oups that appear on t he tabs i n the Alar m Editor . The Expert tab and App licati on Response t ab are onl y availa ble if you have the Exp ert plug-in . The Multi- QoS tab only appears i f you have the Multi-QoS so ftware pl ug-in.
9-5 Alarms Alarm Edi tor 9 Multi- QoS Alarms For Multi- QoS alarms , alarms ca n be creat ed from th e Multi- QoS V iews interf ace as well as by double-click ing on the host. The Codec s fi eld withi n the alar m editor a llows you s elect a s pecific codec or t o ignore th e type of c odec used.
9-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Expert Alarms During tr ansmit or receive, expert symptoms are logge d as they oc cur . Y ou can test for cer tain thr esholds f or these condit ions by set ting al arms using t he Expert tab of the Alar m Editor . See the chapt er on the Expert sys tem for more informati on about the expe rt alar ms listed b elow .
9-7 Alarms Alarm Edi tor 9 Using Alarms with Diff erent Devices Alarms can b e used with the foll owing hardwar e analyze r devices or adapters . For analyzer cards or adapt ers, the hardwar e device must reside in a ho st that is r unning a version of Surveyor 4.
9-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Thresh olds and A larms Alarm thr eshold s are set by s pecifying the v alues in t he Sample T ype , Risi ng V alue , Fall ing V alu e , a nd Inte rval field s for ea ch alar m row in the ala rm table. The numbers or percen tages se t for risi ng and fallin g values are re ferred to as thresh olds.
9-9 Alarms Alarm Action s 9 Alar m Acti ons Each line in an alar m table has a unique set of actions a ssociated with i t that wi ll occur if the alarm is triggere d. By default , two actio ns always occur when a n alarm is trigger ed – an audib le alarm and a messag e in the Mess age window .
9-10 Survey or User ’s Guide Y ou can selec t but not configure the E-mail, Log File, Page r , or SNMP T rap action on a remot e host r unning Sur veyor . If the s ettings that sup port these act ions have not been conf igured co rrectly at the remote hos t, the ala rm action does not oc cur when the al arm is tr iggere d.
9-1 1 Alarms Alarm Action s 9 E-mail set tings fo r Surveyor hosts and THGs hosts ar e slight ly dif ferent . For analyzer devices i n Surveyor hosts, you set th e list e -mail recipi ents for alarms from the Host → Al arm Settin g → E-mail Se ttings.
9-12 Survey or User ’s Guide Tr ap Settings for T HGs The stat ions to r eceive tr aps for a remote THGs can be es tablishe d from the l ocal host run ning Surveyor.
9-13 Alarms Alarm Action s 9 Multipl e IP addre sses may be set for e ach trap. A maximum of 15 trap dest ination s can be ass igned to ea ch community . All al arms will b e sent to a ll speci fied tr ap destinat ions. The traps and MIB var iables defined for THGs ar e defined i n SNMPv2.
9-14 Survey or User ’s Guide V iewi ng the Alarm Li st and the Alar m Log There ar e several ways to acc ess the lis t of alarms o r a log of alarm event s. From Detail V iew , click on the button to open a window f rom which you can see t he Alarms L ist and Alarm Log tab.
9-15 Alarms Alarm Exam ples 9 Alar m Exampl es The follo wing are si x examples f or alar ms and alarm g roupings. Ea ch provide s a picture of the Curr ent Modu le Alarms dialog box and a de scripti on of what wi ll occur when f or the al arms ar e triggered .
9-16 Survey or User ’s Guide Alarm Example, MAC Errors Figure 9-7. Alarm Example, M AC Errors This exampl e shows an a larm group consisti ng of five MAC La yer alar ms: Errors (two ala rms), Oversize Frames, CRC/Ali gnment, and Fr agments. Each of th ese alarm cou nters ar e check ed at five-s econd int ervals.
9-17 Alarms Alarm Exam ples 9 Alarm Example, Fr ame Size ” Figure 9-8 . Alarm Ex ample, Frame Size This example shows an al arm group co nsisting of four MAC Laye r alarms: Oversize F rames, 256-5 1 1 Byte Frames, 512-1 028 Byte Fra mes, and 1024- 1518 Byte Frames .
9-18 Survey or User ’s Guide Alarm Example, V oIP Calls ” Fig ure 9- 9. Alarm Exampl e, Call Jitte r and Cal l Setu p Time This exampl e shows an ala rm group consi sting of four a larms: Call Setup T ime, Call Jitte r , severe Call Ji tter , and User R-factor .
9-19 Alarms Alarm Exam ples 9 Alarm Example, Expert and Applicat ion Response Figure 9-10. Alarm Exampl e, Expert and App lication Response This example shows alar ms consist ing of th ree Applic ation Resp onse and one Expert al arm. All of t hese ala rm counters are chec ked at five- second int ervals.
9-20 Survey or User ’s Guide.
10-1 Chapter 10 10 Expert Features Automatic diagnosti c analys is, expert data vie ws, applica tion respons e times, and expert alarms are referr ed to coll ectivel y as Survey or Expert Feature s. The Exper t Feature s are avai lable onl y from Surv eyor menus and toolb a r s if you ha ve the Expert plug- in.
10-2 Survey or User ’s Guide Expert System V ie ws The exper t views pr esent expe rt infor mation on capture files, a capture b uff er , or in monitori ng mode.
10-3 Expert F eatures Getting S tarted with Ex pert Vi ew 10 Figure 10-1. Expert Overvie w Example.
10-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Expert Overview Det ails Click on a ny counter in th e display to view a t able lis ting only the event s for the select ed symptom. The display ha s a summary ar ea showing a ll symptoms and a detail area for the cu rrent se lecte d symptom.
10-5 Expert F eatures Getting S tarted with Ex pert Vi ew 10 Figure 10-2 . Expert Over view Det a il T able Exam ple.
10-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Expert Layers Surveyor cat egorizes network pr oblems acco rding to t he netw ork “layer ” at which they occ ur . Duri ng capture or monitor , Surveyor decodes f rames. The de code informat ion embe dded in eac h frame is used to ca tegorize the pr oblem.
10-7 Expert F eatures Expert La yers 10 Figure 10-3. Expert Applica tion Layer Exa mple.
10-8 Survey or User ’s Guide The inte rface pr ovides a mat rix of ex pert inf ormation vi ews. For each layer , the symptoms , analyses, and objects can be displa yed by selecting a ta b at the bott om of the windo w . Click on a col umn header to sort the sympt oms in the summary area by th e values in the col umn.
10-9 Expert F eatures Expert La yers 10 T able 10-1. Expert S ymptoms and Analyses by Layer Layer Expert Sym ptoms Expert Analyses Applicatio n Exce ssive ARP Excessive BOOTP Excessive M ailslot Broad.
10-1 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Exper t Sympto ms, Analy ses, and Ne twork Enti ties When you captur e or monitor packets on a net work segment, Sur veyor immedia tely begins c onstruct ing a data base of net work enti ties fr om the traf fic it s ees.
10-1 1 Expert F eatures Expert Sym ptoms, A nalyses , and Netw ork Entitie s 10 Analyses High rates of recur rence of s pecific symptoms o r single instance s of part icular network events ca use the so ftware to assert that t he network h as a real problem.
10-1 2 Survey or User ’s Guide Press t he Entiti es tab on the Expe rt V iew window to view n etwork obje cts discov- ered fr om the curr ent packet analysi s.
10-13 Expert F eatures Expert Sym ptoms, A nalyses , and Netw ork Entitie s 10 Applicati on/Session List s for Entities The list displays the number of packets and byte s of appl ication d ata that ar e sent and recei ved by the s erver .
10-1 4 Survey or User ’s Guide Data Lin k List s for Entities The firs t list di splays the network tra ffi c of the physi cal statio n. It shows how many packets and bytes o f data ar e sent and received by the station. It shows t he network address es associ ated to t he stati on.
10-15 Expert F eatures Expert D iagnosti c Message s 10 Expert Diagn ostic Me ssages From any s ummary table you can doubl e-clic k on any sympt om or analys is to display a n Expert Dia gnostic Mes sage.
10-1 6 Survey or User ’s Guide W orkin g with the Ex pert System Configuring t he Expert System Use the Exper t Configura tions dial og box to change expert set tings. W ith the Exper t V iew visible, selec t Expert Sett ings from th e Confi guratio n menu to view configu ration opt ions.
10-17 Expert F eatures Working wit h the Expert System 10 The tree c an be expand ed or coll apsed by cl icking on the plus o r minus icon, double-cl icking on the item, o r using di rection keys. The che ckbox can be checked or unchecked by cli cking on the ch eckbox or by selectin g the symptom and pre ssing the Space bar .
10-1 8 Survey or User ’s Guide The ExpertMs g.INI file conta ins Survey or’ s diagnostic i nformation . This fil e can be c hanged usi ng a text editor , thu s giving you a way to add inf ormation. Rules for addi ng informa tion to ExpertMs g.INI are include d at the b eginning of the file.
10-19 Expert F eatures Applicat ion Res ponse T ime 10 Working w it h Analyzer Devi ces For THGm or NDIS re sources, e xpert vie ws present expert i nformatio n on captur e files, c apture buf fers, or in real- time monito r mode. An analy zer card wi th a hard ware cap ture buf fer is typ ically us ed for exp ert analysis .
10-2 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Appli catio n Laye r Excessive Mailslo t Broadcast s Counter Excessi ve Mailslot Broadcast s is a cou nter of Mai lslot Br oadcasts packets pe r second t hat e xceed a t hreshold . A coun t of al l Exces sive Mail slot Bro a dc asts eve nts displ ays in th e Ove rview counter s of Expert V iew .
10-21 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 FTP Login Att empt s Counter FTP Login Atte mpts is a c ounter of FTP login at tempts th at exceed a threshol d. A count o f all FTP Log in Attempt events displays in the Overview counters of Expert Vi e w.
10-2 2 Survey or User ’s Guide Missed Browser Announcement Counter Missed Br owser Announc ement is a coun ter of events wher e the t ime elaps ed since the las t browser announcement exceeds a threshold. A count of all Mis sed Browser Announcement events di splays in t he Over view c ounters of Expert V iew .
10-23 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 NCP File Retransmission Counter NCP File Retr ansmissio n is a count er of al l times wher e a portion of a file is retrans mitted . A count of a l l NCP File Retr ansmis sion ev ents disp lays in t he Overvi ew counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-2 4 Survey or User ’s Guide NCP Read/W rite Over lap Counter NCP Read/W rite Ove rlap is a counte r of all times wher e a port ion of a file ove rlaps the tr ansmission of other p arts of t he file . A count of a ll NCP Read/W rite Overla p even ts displ ays in th e Ov ervi ew coun ters of Exper t V iew .
10-25 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 NCP Request Denied Counter NCP Request Deni ed is a co unter of a l l times wher e the number of reques t denied replies exceed a t hreshold wi thin an i nterval . A count o f all NCP Request Denied events displays in the Overvi ew count ers of Expe rt V iew .
10-2 6 Survey or User ’s Guide NCP Request Loop Counter NCP Request Lo op is a counter of all time s where the same request occurs wi thin an interv al. A count of all NCP Request Loop event s displ ays in t he Overview counters of Expert V iew . Expert Sympt om NCP Request Lo op events are automatical ly logged as ex pert symptoms.
10-27 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 NCP Server Busy Counter NCP Server Busy is a count er of all NCP Se rver Busy responses t hat excee d a threshol d for a si ngle stati on. A count of all NCP Serv er Busy dis plays in t he Overvi ew counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-2 8 Survey or User ’s Guide NCP T oo Many File Retransmissions Counter NCP T oo Many Fi le Retran smissi ons is a c ounter of even ts where t he ratio of file retran smissions to file requests exc eeds a thr eshold val ue for a s i n gle stat ion.
10-29 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 NCP T oo Many Request s Denied Counter NCP T oo Many Requests Denied is a counter of events where the r atio of fil e requests denied to file requests exceeds a threshol d value for a si ngle stat ion.
10-3 0 Survey or User ’s Guide NCP T oo Many R e quest Loop s Counter NCP T oo Many Request Loops is a counter o f events wh ere the r atio of fil e request loops to file re quests exceeds a thres hold value for a si ngle stat ion. A count of all NCP T oo Many Request Loops event s displa ys in the Ov ervi ew counter s of Exper t Vi e w.
10-31 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 NFS Retransmissions Counter NFS Retransmi ssions is a counter of all NFS Retran smissions over a per iod of ti me per segmen t. A count of all NFS Retra nsmissions display s in th e Ove rview counte rs of Expert V iew .
10-3 2 Survey or User ’s Guide No HTTP POST Response Counter No HTTP P OST Response is a counter of all POST reques ts to a n HTTP se rver th at never re ceive a r esponse or exceed a t ime out val ue. A count of all No HTTP POST Responses displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-33 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 No Server Response Counter No Server Res ponse is a counter o f r esponses t o server reques ts that n ever happe n or exceed a time out v alue. A count of all No Server Resp onses disp lays in t he Overvi ew counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-3 4 Survey or User ’s Guide Slow HTTP GET Response Counter Slow HTTP GET Respo nse is a co unter of a ll Slow HTTP GET Respon ses that exceed a threshol d. A count of all Slow HTTP GET Re sponses di splays in the Over view counter s of Expert V iew .
10-35 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 Slow HTTP POST Respo nse Counter Slow HTTP POST Res ponse is a cou nter of all HTTP POST resp onses that exceed a thresho ld. A count o f al l Slow HTTP POST Res ponses displays in the Overview counters of Exper t V i e w .
10-3 6 Survey or User ’s Guide Slow Server Connect Counter Slow Serve r Connect i s a counte r of all server co nnect res ponses tha t exceed a thresho l d. A count of all Slow Serv er Connec ts displa ys in the Ov erview co unters of Expert V iew .
10-37 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 Slow Server Response Counter Slow Server Response is a count er of serve r r esponses t hat excee d a thres hold. A coun t of al l Slow Se rver Re sponse s displ ays in th e Ov ervi ew coun ters of Exper t Vi e w.
10-3 8 Survey or User ’s Guide SMB Invalid Network Name Counter SMB Invalid Network Name is a counter of SMB sessi ons that c ould not be establ ished bec ause o f invali d network names. A count of all SMB In valid Net work Name displ ays in the Over view counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-39 Expert F eatures Applicati on Layer 10 SMB Invalid Password Counter SMB Invalid Pa ssword is a counter o f SMB se ssions t hat could n ot be esta blished beca use o f an inva lid pa sswor d. A coun t of al l SMB In valid Passwor d disp lays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-4 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Sessio n Layer No WINS Response Counter No WINS Response is a counter of re sponses to WINS serve r requests t hat never happen or exceed a t ime out val ue. A coun t of all No WINS Respons es displa ys in the O ver view c ounters of Ex pert V iew .
10-41 Expert F eatures Sess ion Laye r 10 TNS Slow Server Connect Counter TNS Slow Server Connect is a counter of all TNS ser ver connec t respons es that exceed a t hreshold. A count of all TNS Slo w Server Conne cts disp lays in t he Overvi ew counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-4 2 Survey or User ’s Guide TNS Slow Server Response Counter TNS Slow Serve r Response is a count er of T NS server r esponses that exceed a thresho ld. A count o f all TNS Sl ow Server Respons es displa ys in the Overview counter s of Expert V iew .
10-43 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 T rans port La yer Idle T oo Long Counter The Idle T oo Long counter increments when a conne ction is idle for greater than a threshol d value, mea sured in second s. A count of all I dle T oo Long events di splays in the Overview cou nters of Exper t V iew .
10-4 4 Survey or User ’s Guide Non Responsive St ation Counter Non Resp onsive S tatio n is a count er of al l non-res ponsive statio ns over a pe riod of time per segment. A non- respo nsive sta tion is def ined as suc cessive TCP/IP retran smissions over the s ame connect ion that a re greater than a thr eshold val ue.
10-45 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 TCP Checksum Error s Counter TCP Checksum Errors is a counter o f all incorrect TCP checksums over a per iod of time per s egment. A count of all TCP Checksum Error s events displays in t he Overview cou nters of Expert V iew .
10-4 6 Survey or User ’s Guide TCP Fast Retransmission Counter TCP Fast Retrans mission is a counter of all TCP retrans missions tha t are less tha n a thresho ld value. A c ount of all TCP Fast Retransmission s display s in the Ov ervi ew counter s of Expert V iew .
10-47 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 TCP Frozen Wi ndow Counter The TCP Froz en W indow counter i ncrements when the TCP window i s frozen for greater than a thr eshold value , measured i n seconds. A c ount of all TCP W indow Frozen even ts displays in the Overview counters of Expe rt V iew .
10-4 8 Survey or User ’s Guide _________ __________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _________ Recomm ended Ac tion(s) : 1. Upgrade the rec eiver ’ s CPU and/or Memory . 2. Reduce the number o f c onnections to the r eceiver . 3. Increase the network band width.
10-49 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 TCP Long Ack Counter The TCP Long Ac k counter increments when th e TCP acknowled gment for a connecti on is not see n for greate r than a thre shold value, measur ed in millis econds. A count of a ll TCP Long Ack e vents dis plays in t he Overview counte rs of E xpert V iew .
10-5 0 Survey or User ’s Guide TCP Repeat Ack Counter The TCP Repea t Ack count er incre ments when t he TCP acknowl edgment number is less t han the immediat ely prece ding acknowl edgement. A c ount of al l TCP Repeat Ack events displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-51 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 TCP Retransmissions Counter TCP Retransmi ssions is a counter of all TCP Retransmis sions over a per iod of ti me per segment . This vari able coun ts the number of r etransmit ted packet s to measur e excessiv e retrans m iss i on in TCP/IP .
10-5 2 Survey or User ’s Guide TCP RST Packets Counter TCP RST Packet s is a coun ter of al l TCP RST Pac kets over a period o f time per segment. Th is variable cou nts the nu m b er of RST res ponses to monitor resets in TCP/IP . A count of all TCP RST p ackets displays in the Overview co unters of Expert V iew .
10-53 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 TCP SYN Att ack Counter The TCP SYN Att ack counte r incremen ts when a cha nge in the number of SYN requests per secon d exceeds a threshol d. A count of all TCP SYN Atta ck events displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-5 4 Survey or User ’s Guide TCP Window Exceeded Count TCP W indow Exceede d is a coun ter of al l events where the d ata lengt h of a TCP packet e xceeds the current wind ow size. A count of a ll TCP W indow Exceeded even ts displ ays in th e Ov ervi ew coun ters of Exper t V iew .
10-55 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 TCP Window Probe Counter TCP W indow Probe is a c ounter of all TCP W indow Probe e vents over a period of time per s egment. A count of all TCP W indow Probe events displays in the Overvi ew counter s of Expert V iew .
10-5 6 Survey or User ’s Guide TCP Zero Window Counter TCP Zero W indow is a counter of all TCP Zer o W indow events over a period of time per seg ment. A count of all TCP Zero W indow events display s in the Ov erview counter s of Expert V iew . A thresh old for t his counte r can be se t in Exper t Alarms.
10-57 Expert F eatures T ransport Lay er 10 T oo Many Retransmissi ons Counter T oo Man y Retra nsmissi ons is a counte r of events where the ratio of retra nsmissi ons to packet s sent exc eeds a threshol d value for a single station . A count of all T oo Many Retr ansmission s events di splays i n the Ove rview counter s of Expert V iew .
10-5 8 Survey or User ’s Guide Network Layer Duplicate Network Addre ss A separat e table showing dupl icate net work addre sses is a vailable . Press the button o n the Dat a V iew or Capture V iew tool bar to see this ta ble.
10-59 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 HSRP Coup Counter HSRP Coup events are count ed in the HSRP Errors cou nter , which dis plays in t he Overview cou nters of Expert V iew .
10-6 0 Survey or User ’s Guide HSRP Errors Counter Some Hot Stand by Routing Prot ocol (HSRP ) packets ar e counted i n the HSRP Errors counte r , which displ ays in the Overvi ew counter s of Expe rt V iew . Both Coup and Resig n packets a re counte d.
10-61 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 HSRP Resign Counter HSRP Resign e vents ar e counted in the HSRP Errors counte r , which displ ays in the Overview cou nters of Expert V iew . A Resign mess age indic ates that the rout er is requesti ng to become inactive.
10-6 2 Survey or User ’s Guide ICM P All E rrors Counter ICMP All Errors is a counter of all ICMP symptoms. A count of all IC MP sympto ms displ ays in the Overview co unters of Expert V iew . This counter ca n also be set in Expert Alarm s to set a th reshol d for all I CMP error s.
10-63 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Bad IP Header Counter ICMP Bad IP Header events ar e counted in the ICMP All Errors co unter . A count of all ICMP er rors displ ays in th e Over view counter s of Expert V iew . A threshold can be se t in Exp ert Alarm s for all ICMP er rors.
10-6 4 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Destination Host Access Deni ed Counter ICMP Dest ination Ho st Access De nied event s are coun ted in the ICMP All Erro rs and the I CMP Destin ation Unreachabl e counters .
10-65 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Destinati on Host Unknown Counter ICMP Destinat ion Host Unkn own events a re counte d in the ICMP Al l Errors and the ICMP Destin ation Unreach able counter s. A count of all desti nation unrea chable ICMP symptoms and a count of all ICMP err ors displ ays in th e Overvi ew count ers of Expert V iew .
10-6 6 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Destination Networ k Access Denied Counter ICMP Destina tion Networ k Access Deni ed events are counted i n the ICMP All Errors and the ICMP Des t i nation Unre achable c ounters.
10-67 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Destinati on Network Unknown Counter ICMP Destinat ion Network Unknown events are count ed in the ICMP All Errors and the ICMP Des tinatio n Unreachab le coun ters.
10-6 8 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Destination Unreac hable ICMP Dest ination Un reachable is a count er of al l ICMP des tinatio n unreachab le errors over a per iod of ti me per segmen t. A count of all dest ination unreachabl e ICMP symptom s disp lays in the Ov ervi ew count ers of Exp ert V iew .
10-69 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 _________ __________ ____________ _____________ ____________ __________ Recom mended A ction(s ): 1. Check the routing tables of the rout er that this messa ge was gener ated fro m. 2. Check the netmask co nfiguration of the so urce.
10-7 0 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Fragment Reassembly Ti me Exceeded Counter ICMP Frag ment Reassembl y T ime Exceeded even ts are co unted in t he All ICM P Errors counter . A count of all ICMP errors disp lays in the Over view c ounters of Expert V iew .
10-71 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Fragment ation Needed [D/F set] Counter ICMP Fragment ation Nee ded [D/F set ] events are count ed in the I CMP All Err ors and the ICMP Des tinatio n Unreachab le coun ters.
10-7 2 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Host Redirect Counter ICMP Host Red irect eve nts are cou nted in the ICMP Redirec t Errors c ounter and t he ICM P All Erro rs coun ter . A co unt of IC MP red irect err ors and a count of all IC MP errors displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-73 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Host Red irect for TO S Counter ICMP Host Red irect for T OS events are counted i n the ICMP Re direct Erro rs counter a nd the ICMP All Err ors count er . A count of ICMP red irect er rors and a count o f all ICMP er rors dis plays in the Ov erview counters of Expert V iew .
10-7 4 Survey or User ’s Guide ICM P Host Unreac habl e Counter ICMP Host Unreachabl e events a re counte d in th e ICMP All Erro rs and the ICMP Destina tion Unreac hable coun ters. A coun t of all destinat ion unrea chable ICMP symptoms and a count of all I CMP errors di splays i n the Ov ervi ew counter s of Expert V iew .
10-75 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Host Unreachabl e for T OS Counter ICMP Host Unreac hable for T OS events are counted in th e ICMP All Errors and the ICMP Destinat ion Unreac hable count ers. A count of all d estination unreachable ICMP symptoms and a count of all ICMP err ors displ ays in th e Overvi ew count ers of Expert V iew .
10-7 6 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Inc onsistent Subnet Mask Counter ICMP Inc onsisten t Subnet Mas k events a re counte d in the I CMP All Err ors count er . A count of all dest ination unreachabl e ICMP sympt oms and a coun t of all ICMP errors displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-77 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Network Redir ect Counter ICMP Network Redirect events ar e counted i n the ICM P Redirect Errors co unter and the ICMP All Errors c ounter . A count of ICMP redi rect er rors an d a count of all ICMP errors dis plays in the Overview counte rs of Expert V iew .
10-7 8 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Networ k Redirect for T OS Counter ICMP Networ k Redirect f or T OS events a re counte d in the I CMP Redirect Er rors counter and the ICMP Al l Errors counter . A count of ICMP r edirect errors an d a count of all ICMP errors disp lays in the Over view counters of Expert V iew .
10-79 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Network Unreacha ble Counter ICMP Network Unreachabl e events a re counte d in the ICMP All Er rors and the ICMP Destinat ion Unreac hable count ers. A count of all d estination unreachable ICMP symptoms and a count of all ICMP err ors displ ays in th e Overvi ew count ers of Expert V iew .
10-8 0 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Parameter Probl em Counter ICMP Para meter Probl em events a re counte d in the I CMP All Err ors counte r . A count of all ICMP errors disp lays in the Over view counters of Expert V iew . A thres hold ca n be set i n Expert Alarms for all IC MP error s.
10-81 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Port Unreach able Counter ICMP Port Unrea chable ev ents are count ed in the ICMP All Errors and the ICMP Destinat ion Unreach able counters. A c ount of al l destin ation unre achable I CMP symptoms and a count of a ll ICMP erro rs displ ays in the Overvi ew counte rs of Expert V iew .
10-8 2 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Protocol Unreachable Counter ICMP Prot ocol Unreacha ble events are count ed in the ICMP All Error s and the ICMP Dest ination Un reachable counters . A count of a l l destina tion unre achable ICMP sympt oms and a count of all ICMP er rors dis plays in t he Over view coun ters of Exper t V iew .
10-83 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Redirec t Counter ICMP Redirect is a count er of al l ICMP red irect erro rs over a period of time per segm ent. A c ount of all redi rect ICM P symp toms d isplays in the Overv iew c ounters of Expert V iew .
10-8 4 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Required IP Option Missing Counter ICMP Requi red IP Opti on Missing e vents are counted i n the ICMP All Errors counter . A count of a ll ICMP err ors displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew . A thres hold can be set in Expe rt Alarms for all ICMP errors.
10-85 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Source Quench Counter ICMP Source Quen ch events a re counte d in the I CMP All Errors counter . A count of all I CMP errors displays in the Overview counters of Expe rt V iew . A thresho ld can b e set in E xpert Al arms fo r all ICM P errors.
10-8 6 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Source Route Failed Counter ICMP Source Route Failed event s are counted in the ICMP All Errors and th e ICM P Destina tion Unreac hable coun ters. A coun t of all destinat ion unrea chable ICMP symptoms and a count of all I CMP errors di splays i n the Ov ervi ew counter s of Expert V iew .
10-87 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ICMP Ti me Exceeded Counter ICMP T ime Exceeded event s are cou nted in th e ICMP All Err ors counte r . A count of all I CMP errors displays in the Overview counters of Expe rt V iew . A thresho ld can b e set in E xpert Al arms fo r all ICM P errors.
10-8 8 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP T ime to Live Exceeded Counter ICMP T ime to Live Exceed ed events ar e counted in th e ICMP All Errors counter . A count of all ICMP errors disp lays in the Over view counter s of Expert V iew . A thres hold ca n be set i n Expert Alarms for all IC MP error s.
10-89 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 Illegal Network Sour ce Address Counter Illegal Network Source Addr ess is a count er of all illeg al network sou rce address es over a per iod of ti me per segment . A count of all illega l MAC sourc e addresses displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-9 0 Survey or User ’s Guide IP Checksum Errors Counter IP Checksu m Errors i s a counter of all incor rect IP c hecksums over a period of time per segmen t. A count of all IP Che cksum Error s events disp lays in t he Overvie w counter s of Expert V iew .
10-91 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 IP Ti me to Live Expiring Counter IP T ime to Live Expi ring is a cou nter of all exp iring connect ions o ver a period o f time per s egment. A count of all IP T ime to Li ve Expiring ev ents displays in t he Overview co unters of Exper t V iew .
10-9 2 Survey or User ’s Guide ISL BPDU/CDP Packet s Counter ISL BPDU/CDP Packe ts is a c ounter of al l Bridge Pr otocol Data Uni t (BPDU) or Cisco Dis covery Prot ocol (CDP) p ackets in an ISL f rame over a period of time per segment. A c ount of BPDU/CDP pa ckets displ ays in the Over view counter s of Expert V iew .
10-93 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 ISL Illegal VLAN ID Counter ISL Illegal VLAN ID is a counter of all ISL i llegal VLAN IDs over a peri od of time per segment . A coun t of all I SL Illega l VLAN ID disp lays in t he Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-9 4 Survey or User ’s Guide OSPF Broadcast s Counter OSPF Broadcas ts is a c ounter of all OSPF bro adcasts ov er a peri od of time p er segment. A c ount of al l OSPF broadc asts disp lays in the Ov erview count ers o f Expert V iew . A threshol d for thi s counter can be set in Expert Alar ms.
10-95 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 RIP Broadcast s Counter RIP Broadcast s is a counte r of all RIP br oadcasts ov er a period of time per segmen t. A co unt of al l RIP br oadcas ts disp lays in th e Ov ervi ew counter s of Expert V iew . A threshol d for thi s counter can be set in Expert Alarms.
10-9 6 Survey or User ’s Guide Router St orm Counter Router S torm is a coun ter of all e vents where the rout er broadc asts exce ed a thresho ld for a s ingle rou ter . A count of all Ro uter S torm event s displa ys in the Over view counter s of Expert V iew .
10-97 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 Same Network Addresses Counter Same Network Addr esses i s a counter of all e vents wher e the same s ource and destinat ion networ k addresse s are see n in the s ame packet. A c ount of al l Same Network Addre ss even ts displ ays in the Overvi ew counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-9 8 Survey or User ’s Guide SAP Broadcast s Counter SAP Broadcas ts is a c ounter of all SAP broa dcasts ove r a period of time per segmen t. A count of all SAP broadcas ts displays in the Overview c ounters of Expe rt V iew . A thres hold for t his count er can be s et in Exper t Alarms.
10-99 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 T ot al Router Broadcast s Counter T otal Router Bro a dca sts is a counter of all tot al route r broadca sts over a period of time per s egment. A threshol d for thi s counter ca n be set in Exper t Alarms f or total router br oadcasts .
10-1 00 Survey or User ’s Guide Unst able MST Counter The Unstab le MST count er increment s when a cha nge in the number of MST topology changes per second ex ceeds a thr eshold .
10-1 01 Expert F eatures Net work Laye r 10 Zero Broadcast Address Counter Zero Broadc ast Addres s is a coun ter of all even ts where t he destin ation network addresses is all zeros. A count of al l Zero Bro adcast Addr ess event s display s in the Overvi ew counte rs of Exper t V iew .
10-1 02 Survey or User ’s Guide MAC Layer Bad Frames Counter Bad Fram es is a cou nter of a ll bad frames over a period of time per s egment. A count of all bad f rames disp lays in t he Over view c ounters of Expert V iew . The Bad Fra mes count er is a tota l coun t of sever al MAC layer s ymptoms.
10-1 03 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Broadcast/Multi cast S torms Counter The Broadcas t/Mult icast S torms counter in crements whe n a change i n the n umber of total Broadcast /Multicas t packet s per seco nd exceeds a thre shold.
10-1 04 Survey or User ’s Guide CRC Frame counter Counter The CRC Fram e counter increments when a fra me has a CRC err or and is g reater than 63 by tes in le ngth. A count of all CRC Fr ames is in cluded in the Bad Frames counter . The CRC Frame cou nter is used for Expert Ala rms.
10-1 05 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Excessive ARP Counter The Excessi ve ARP counter increments whe n a change i n the number of ARP requests per secon d exceeds a threshold. A count of all Exc essive ARP e vents displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-1 06 Survey or User ’s Guide Excessive BOOTP Counter The Excess ive BOOTP counte r increments when a change in the numbe r of BOOTP/DHCP reques ts per se cond exceed s a threshold. A co unt of all Exc essive BOOT P even ts displ ays in the Ov ervi ew coun ters of Ex pert V iew .
10-1 07 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Excessive Broadcast s Counter Excessive Broadcast s is a coun ter that can be use d to monitor fluctua tions in the number of b roadcast messages o ver a period of time per segment. A de lta thr eshold for this counte r can be s et in Ex pert Alar ms to estab l i sh what is consid ered excessiv e broad casts.
10-1 08 Survey or User ’s Guide Excessive Colli sions Counter Excessi ve Collisions is a counter th at can be u sed to mo nitor fl uctuations i n the number of collisi ons or the absolute number of col lisions over a per iod of time pe r segmen t.
10-1 09 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Excessive Multicast s Counter Excessive Multic asts is a counter t hat can be used to moni tor fluc tuations in the number of mul ticast me ssages ov er a peri od of time per segment.
10-1 1 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Fragment Frame Counter The Fragment Frame count er incre ments when a f rame has a CRC error and is less than 64 by tes in le ngth.
10-1 1 1 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Illegal MAC Source Addres s Counter Illegal MAC Source Add ress is a cou nter of all il legal MAC st ation sour ce addresses over a per iod of ti me per segmen t. A count of all il legal MAC s ource addresses displays in the Overview counters of Expert V iew .
10-1 1 2 Survey or User ’s Guide Jabber Frame Counter The Jabber Frame count er incre ments when a f rame ha s a CRC error and is gre ater than 1518 bytes in l ength. A cou n t o f all Ja bber Frames is includ ed in the Bad Frames cou nter that display s in the Ove rview counter s of Expert V iew .
10-1 13 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Network Overload Counter Network Overl oad is a counter of insta nces where a thresho ld for th e percent age chan ge in ne twork utilizat ion is ex ceede d. Networ k utili zation is compa red to th e utiliza tion for the previ ous time s egment.
10-1 1 4 Survey or User ’s Guide New MAC St ations Counter New MAC Sta tions is a counter of all the new MAC stations over a perio d of time per segment . A threshold for this counte r can be set i n Expert Alar ms. The thre shold for ne w MAC stati ons is ty pically s et to 1 as an absol ute value .
10-1 15 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Oversized Frame Counter The Oversiz e Frame count er incr ements when a frame has a CRC error and is greater than 151 8 bytes in lengt h. A co unt of all Oversiz e Frames is included in the Bad Frames cou nter tha t display s in the Ove rview counter s of Exper t V iew .
10-1 1 6 Survey or User ’s Guide Overload Frame Rate Counter Overload Frame Rate counts frames over a one-se cond time peri od. A threshold for the number of frames per second can be set in Expert Alarms. Overload Frame Rate ca n help cat ch network overloads.
10-1 17 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Overload Util ization Per cent age Counter Overload Ut ilizati on Percent age count s bits ove r time and compares th is value t o the maxi mum util ization p ossible ( bandwidth) . A thre shold for this per centage value can be set in E xpert Alarms.
10-1 1 8 Survey or User ’s Guide Physical Er rors Counter The Physic al Errors counte r increment s when a chang e in the number of total MAC physica l errors per second exceeds a threshol d. Physical er rors inc lude CRC/ alignment errors , dropped eve nts, coll isions, j abbers, ov ersize pa ckets, und ersize packets , and fr agments.
10-1 19 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 Runt Frame Counter The Runt F rame counte r incremen ts when a fr ame is les s than 64 by tes in l ength. The Runt F rame counter i s used for Expert Ala rms. A count of all Runt Frames is included in the Bad Fr ames counte r that di splays i n the Overview c ounters of Expert V iew .
10-1 20 Survey or User ’s Guide Same MAC Addresses Counter Same MAC Addre sses is a counter o f all eve nts where t he same sour ce and destina tion net work addres ses are s een in the same packet . A count of a ll Same MAC Ad dress e vents dis plays in t he Overview c ounters of Expe rt V iew .
10-1 21 Expert F eatures MAC L ayer 10 T ot al MAC St ations Counter T otal MAC St ations is a counter of all the MAC stations over a per iod of ti me per segm ent. A c ount of all MA C statio ns disp lays in th e Overview counters of Expert V iew . A thresho ld for th is counter can be se t in Expert Alarms.
10-1 22 Survey or User ’s Guide Hints and Tips fo r Expert Feat ures • Double-c lick any sympto m in a table to view Dia gnostic i nformation. • When lookin g at Expert View in Monitor onl y mode, Fram e IDs are disp layed for inf ormation o nly and you c annot ex amine a frame r elated t o a symptom.
10-1 23 Expert F eatures Summary of Expert C ounters and Sympt oms 10 Summary of Expert Counters and Symptoms T able T able 10-2 on the following pag e provides a summary of expert feature s by symptom/count er/appl ication name. The meanin gs of the column headi ngs are listed b elow .
10-1 24 Survey or User ’s Guide T able 10-2. Summary of Expert F eatures Counter , Symptom, or Ap plicatio n Expert Sympt om Expert Analyses Counte r in Expert View Expert Alarm Applica tion Respons.
10-1 25 Expert F eatures Summary of Expert C ounters and Sympt oms 10 Counter , Symptom, or Applic ation Expert Symptom Exper t Analyses Counter in Expert Vie w Expert Alarm Appl icatio n Response Tim.
10-1 26 Survey or User ’s Guide Counter , Symptom, or Ap plicatio n Expert Sympt om Expert Analysis Counte r in Expert View Expert Alarm Applica tion Response Tim e A lar m Exper t Thres hold ICMP N.
10-1 27 Expert F eatures Summary of Expert C ounters and Sympt oms 10 Counter , Symptom, Analyses, or Applica tion Expert Symptom Exper t Analysis Counter in Expert Vie w Expert Alarm Appl icatio n Re.
10-1 28 Survey or User ’s Guide Counter , Symptom, or Ap plicatio n Expert Sympt om Expert Analysis Counte r in Expert View Expert Alarm Applica tion Response Tim e A lar m Exper t Thres hold No HTT.
10-1 29 Expert F eatures Summary of Expert C ounters and Sympt oms 10 Counter , Symptom, or Applic ation Expert Symptom Exper t Analysis Counter in Expert Vie w Expert Alarm Appl icatio n Response Tim.
10-1 30 Survey or User ’s Guide Counter , Symptom, or Ap plicatio n Expert Sympt om Expert Analysis Counte r in Expert View Expert Alarm Applica tion Response Tim e A lar m Exper t Thres hold TNS Sl.
11 - 1 Chapter 1 1 11 Multi-QoS Multi-QoS is a so ftware pl ug-in to Su rveyor th at analyz es multimedi a traf fic over Ethernet -based net works. Multi-QoS validates Qual ity of Service (QoS) parameters present ed by PSTN/IP Gate w ays, IP switches, and I PBXs.
11 - 2 Survey or User ’s Guide Full deco de of multimedia pr otocols by Multi-QoS pro vides users with th e ability to look at any captur ed packet a nd underst and its c ontents. Mul ti-QoS validate s that the net work is performing as it has been confi gured and helps y ou trouble shoot problems.
11 - 3 Multi-QoS Multi-QoS U ser Inte rface Overvi ew 11 Multi-Qo S User Interf ace Overvie w The Surv eyor Multi-QoS i nterfac e can be use d with capt ure fil es, a capt ure buf fer , or in r eal-ti me monitori ng mode.
11 - 4 Survey or User ’s Guide Figure 1 1-1. Multi-QoS Interf ace Overvie w Capture View Multi-QoS Mon it or V iew Multi-Q oS All C alls Call Detail View Channel Details Call Fi elds.... Call F ields.... Call Fi elds.... Call F ields.... Call Fi elds.
11 - 5 Multi-QoS Multi-QoS U ser Inte rface Overvi ew 11 • Summa ry Range Graphs The Summary Range graphs provide a percentag e br eakdown of c alls by ke y QoS metrics. Breakdowns ar e provide d for Call Ji tter, RTCP J itter, Droppe d Packets, RTCP Dropped Pac kets, Call Setup Ti me, Network R- factor, a nd User R-factor .
11 - 6 Survey or User ’s Guide Also, the jitter calcula tion for Surv eyor only mea sures net work jit ter . The applica tion it self may impl ement a ji tter buf fer , which could make for fu rther dif ference s between t he rep orted R TCP jitter a nd the ji tter me asured by S urveyor.
11 - 7 Multi-QoS Configu ring Mult i-QoS 11 The config uration pe rformed f rom the Confi guratio n tab i s describ ed below: • Refresh Options (MQ oS Windo w Managem ent) By default , Multi-QoS t ables ar e refres hed when you r e-open any window con- taining a table.
11 - 8 Survey or User ’s Guide Settin g this value to a high number may help i n identi fying a wid er range o f calls, but may also decrease performanc e. The defa ult sett ings is r ecommended unless y ou are trying to identify non-s tandard or partia l calls a s poss ible.
11 - 9 Multi-QoS All Call s T able 11 All Cal ls T able The All Calls table pr ovides a summar y table of all calls discovered . An example of the All Cal ls tabl e is shown be low . The buttons to th e left of the tabl e allow you to filt er the ca ll data.
11 - 1 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Field Desc riptions f or All Cal ls T able The foll owing t able provides brief descri ptions of all fie lds in th e All Cal ls table . T able 1 1-1. All Cal ls T able Field Desc riptions T able Column D escription Protocol H.
11 - 11 Multi-QoS Call Ra nge Graphs and Summarie s 11 Call Ra nge Gra phs and Su mmari es Each tab i n the i nterfac e except t he utili zation an d configur ation ta bs brings up a range bre akdown of cal ls using the selected met ric.
11 - 1 2 Survey or User ’s Guide Ranges fo r the graph can be changed. An example co nfigurat ion scree n for set ting Call J itter ran ges is s hown b elow .
11 - 1 3 Multi-QoS Call Ra nge Graphs and Summarie s 11 Dropped Packet s, RTCP Dropped Packet s Figure 1 1-6 shows an example of the Drop ped Pack ets ta b in the M ulti-Q oS Properti es window . Click on a secti on of the bar or pie graph to s ee a tabl e of call s for the s elected dropped packets r ange.
11 - 1 4 Survey or User ’s Guide An example c onfigura tion scre en for se tting Drop ped Packe t ranges is shown belo w . Figure 1 1-7. Multi-QoS Configur ation, Packet s Dropped The defau lt ranges for Packe ts Dropped, and R TCP Packets Dropp ed are shown in the ta ble belo w .
11 - 1 5 Multi-QoS Call Ra nge Graphs and Summarie s 11 Field Descripti ons for Call Range Summaries The follo wing tab les provide b r i ef descri ptions o f all ta ble columns for call range sum maries. Only the metric o f intere st will be display ed in th e table.
11 - 1 6 Survey or User ’s Guide VQMon Metr ics There are a var iety of obje ctive fact ors that cont ribute to call qualit y . Some of these factor s, such as p acket loss or pa cket dela y variat ion (jit ter), ar e report ed in othe r Multi-QoS graph summaries.
11 - 1 7 Multi-QoS VQMon Met rics 11 If you woul d like mo re detailed infor mation abou t how R-fact ors are c alculat ed, please ca ll Finis ar custome r support. The R-fact ors used i n Multi-QoS exte nd the ITU standar d E Model for estimati ng transmi ssion qual ity .
11 - 1 8 Survey or User ’s Guide Figure 1 1-9. Multi-QoS Configurati on, R-factor Range s The defau lt ranges for Networ k R-factor and User R- factor a re shown in the table belo w .
11 - 1 9 Multi-QoS Utiliza tion Gr aph 11 Utili zation Graph When select ed in Monito r mode, Multi -QoS displa ys the Utiliza tion tab. The utiliza tion gra phs provide s a view of tot al bandwid th utili zation and Mul ti-QoS bandwidth ut ilizat ion over t ime.
11 - 2 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Field De script ions for Call De tails T o view all details for any call , double-c lick on an y call summar y (row) in a call summ ary t able. The Call De t ail window appears s howing all call fields f or the select ed call.
11 - 2 1 Multi-QoS Field D escriptions for Call D etail s 11 The follo wing table s provide b rief des criptio ns of all fields in t he Call Detail win- dow for SCCP , H.323, or SIP cal ls. T able 1 1-7. SCCP Call Field Descrip tions T able Column Description FID Fram e ID of the first frame from whi ch the conv ersation was dete cted.
11 - 2 2 Survey or User ’s Guide T able 1 1-8. H.323 Call Field Descripti ons Field Name Description Frame ID Frame ID of the first frame from wh ich the conv ersation wa s detected.
11 - 2 3 Multi-QoS Field D escriptions for Call D etail s 11 T able 1 1-9. SIP Call Field De scriptions Field Name Description FID Frame ID of the first frame from whic h the convers ation was det ected. The the frame ID of th e first IN VITE mess age.
11 - 2 4 Survey or User ’s Guide T able 1 1-10. UNKNOWN Call Field Descriptions Channel T able Details Y ou can look a t c hannel informati on for any call. Sing le-cli ck on th e Vie w Chan nel Det ails link in the Single Call Detail Vie w box to disp lay channe l informat ion.
11 - 2 5 Multi-QoS Channe l T able D etail s 11 Figure 1 1-12. Channel T able Example T able 1 1-1 1 and T able 1 1-12 descr ibe the c olumns i n the tabl e for eac h protocol .
11 - 2 6 Survey or User ’s Guide T able 1 1-1 1. H.323, SIP , or UNKNOWN Chan nel T able Colum n Descriptions T able Column Description Chann el Channe l type, Aud io, Vid eo, or Da ta. Min Us er R Fact or The low est User R-fact or calcu lated d uring a sa mpling i nterva l for a call.
11 - 2 7 Multi-QoS Channe l T able D etail s 11 Max Jit ter (ms) Maxim um Jitter in milliseconds . The val ue is calcula ted by Surv eyor. Surveyo r uses the formula d escribed in RFC 1889 to calcu late jitter . Low Seq Nu m L owest Seque nce Number .
11 - 2 8 Survey or User ’s Guide T able 1 1-12. SCCP Channel T able Column Descrip tions T able Column Description Chann el Channel t ype, Audio , Vide o, or Dat a. Min User R Fa ctor The lowest U ser R-facto r calculated duri n g a sampli ng interva l for a cal l.
11 - 2 9 Multi-QoS Channe l T able D etail s 11 Filtering on Single Channels Y o u can fi lter on c hannels w ithin a single c all. For t he Chann el V iew ta ble, the filter menu avail able with th e right-mous e click depends o n the chann el you select .
11 - 3 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Customizing Multi-QoS T able Displays Y ou can custo mize the display of table informati on for Multi- QoS to include o r exclude Mult i-QoS fi elds fr om the All Calls , Summary Range, o r Cha nnel table display s. T o change th e view opti ons, the t able type you want to c hange must be in the foregr ound.
11 - 3 1 Multi-QoS Customiz ing Mult i-QoS T abl e Display s 11 Customizing Channel T ables The channel table is dif ferent for each c all type, H.323, SIP , or SCCP . The channel table fi elds for each call type can be customized. Select Mult i-QoS Views for the Monitor Views or Capture V i e ws menu.
11 - 3 2 Survey or User ’s Guide Exporting Multi-QoS Data Y ou can export Multi-QoS tables to CSV form at. Multi- QoS data in .c sv form at can be impo rted to many spread sheet and database ap plicati ons like Micro soft Excel or to you r own applic ation, allo wing you to di splay or report data.
11 - 3 3 Multi-QoS Exporting Multi-QoS Da ta 11 Exporting a Single Multi-QoS T able to CSV Format Perform th ese steps to export the cu rrent Mult i-QoS table t o CSV format. 1. Select t he view yo u want to ex port. If you al ready hav e the desi red vie w open, click t he window to make i t the cu rrentl y selec ted view .
11 - 3 4 Survey or User ’s Guide.
12-1 Chapter 12 12 Counters Surveyor provid es sophist icated c ounters t o enable y ou to prec isely monit or network a ctivit y . Surveyor feat ures thr ee typ es of coun ters at the MAC laye r: Packet Counters , Custom Counte rs, and Error Count ers.
12-2 Survey or User ’s Guide The foll owing pa cket count ers are s upported: • Total Frames • Broadcast Fr ames • Multicas t Frames • U nicast F rames • Error Frames • Total Bytes Received • A breakdown of the total number of e rror fra mes is prov ided by the error counter s.
12-3 Counters Error Counters 12 Fragment s The tot al number of p acket s receiv ed that were less tha n 64 octe ts and had either an FCS/CRC e rror or an Alignment Erro r . Jabbers The tot al number of p acket s that were received that were lo nger than 1518 octets and had either an FCS/CRC error or an Alignmen t Error .
12-4 Survey or User ’s Guide T able 12-3 contains an alphabet ical list , with desc ription s, of Survey or’ s T oken Ring err or counter s. T able 12-3 .
12-5 Counters Expert Cou nters 12 Expert Co unters Expert coun ters c ount the numbe r of Export events di scover ed by Surveyor ’ s expert logic. Some c ounters a re used in the Expert Alarm e ditor and some displa y in the Overview T able of Expert V iew .
12-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Coun ter T y pe Desc ripti on ICMP Desti nation Unreac hable The numbe r of ICM P destinati on unreac hable erro rs over a p eriod of time per s egment.
12-7 Counters Expert Cou nters 12 Counter T ype Description Overloa d Utiliz ation Perc ent- age Count s bit s over ti me and c ompa res this val ue to the maximum uti- lizatio n possib le (bandwi dth) . No HTT P POST Response The number of n o H TTP POST re sponses ov er a perio d of time per segmen t.
12-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Coun ter T y pe Desc ripti on TCP/IP Rep eat Ack The numbe r of TCP/IP Repeat A ck events o ver a peri od of time per segment. TCP/IP Retr ansmiss ions The numbe r of TCP/IP Retran smissions o ver a perio d of time per segment.
12-9 Counters Multi -QoS Co unter s 12 Multi-QoS Counter s Multi- QoS counters count the number of pa cket event s discove red by Su rveyor’ s Multi- QoS plug-in. The follo wing table contains an alphabe tical l ist, with des cription s, of the c ounters used in th e Multi-QoS p lug-in.
12-1 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Log Directory S tructure The foll owing i s the dir ectory stru cture for log f iles. The r oot dire ctory is the instal- lation directory f or Surveyo r. (root) loglocal module_1 (dire ctory for modul e 1) module_ 1.csv (log file fo r module 1) histor y (history direc tory for module 1) mmddhhm m.
13-1 Chapter 13 13 Utilities Surveyor inclu des the fo llowing ut ilitie s to enhan ce your ability to manage your Ethernet , T oken Ring, or F a st Ethernet network.
13-2 Survey or User ’s Guide Name T able Ut ility A name tabl e provides associa tions betw een easy-t o-remember symbolic na mes ( Mick ey ) and h ard-to-r emember net work addres ses ( 0x78 AB00004 235 ). Surveyor and Finisa r analyzer devi ces lear n names auto m a tically by viewing the network p ortion of DNS, SAP , and NetBIOS packets.
13-3 Utilities Name T able Utilit y 13 Figure 13-1. Examp le Name T able D ialog Box There are several o ptions you can set for the display a nd recordi ng of name t able entries .
13-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Name ta bles are limited t o 5,000 entrie s. The M aximu m Number of Entri es fiel d in the N a m e T able Settin gs dial og box must be at least 10 0 and no more than 5,00 0. For re mote re source s, Surve yor use s name s learne d from remote as well as lo cal resourc es when dis playin g capture or monitor views.
13-5 Utilities NIS-to-Name T able Conv ersion Uti lity 13 NIS- to-Name T able C onver sion U tility The NIS2NAM .SH utilit y convert s an NIS name t able on a UNI X system to t he name table format use d by Surveyor.
13-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Snif fer™ T ranslator Util ity T ranslators convert ca ptured da ta back and fort h between Sur veyor c apture f ile for- mat (.cap files) and Snif fer uncompr essed trace format (.enc or .t rc file s). Captur e files are stored i n ‘Snoop’ f ormat, compl iant with RFC 1761.
13-7 Utilities Convert Capture Files to Hi stogram Fi les 13 • Capture memory si ze • Error coun ters supp orted • MAC address • Module type • B uffer siz e • Vendor name • Error coun te.
13-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Extrac t Frames Fr om a File Usi ng a Filte r This ut ility allow s you to extract frames fr om exis ting cap ture fil es, using a filter to select the frame s you want. T o extract frames fr om capture files, d o the foll owing: 1.
13-9 Utilities Expo rt Uti lities 13 T o export pac ket decode information, do the following: 1. Set the Summary Pane of the Capture V iew windo w to disp lay the pr otocol decode i nform ation y ou want t o ex port. For exam ple, pac kets nu m b ered -0 004 thro ugh 0013.
13-1 0 Survey or User ’s Guide networks . Surveyor exports dat a into a special .cs v file for mat that can be easil y read by the Opt imal Perfo rmance prod uct. Perform t he follo wing steps to export data to Opt imal Performan ce format: 1. S elect Ap plicatio n Layer Matr ix from th e Monito r V iew or Captur e V iew menus.
13-1 1 Utilities Expo rt Uti lities 13 5. S witch to the previo usly ope ned Chart s wi ndow . T o change wind ows, pull down the W indows menu an d click on Chart s . 6. C lick cell A1 of Data S heet in the Chart s window , the cell i n the t op-lef t corner of the wo rkshe et.
13-1 2 Survey or User ’s Guide.
A-1 Append ix A A Implement ation Profile Buf fers Three type s of buf fers are essent ial to t he exe cution of Surveyor’ s featur es: How Reso urces Use Buffers Surveyor s upports THGm, Porta ble Surveyo r 10/100 Et hernet Analyz er Card, and NDIS (10/100 Ethernet) LAN interf aces.
A-2 Survey or User ’s Guide T able A-2. Resou rce Use of Buffers Resource Buffer Us age THGm (T en/Hundred / Gigabit mo dule) THGm is a high sp eed netw ork analy zer card wi th a single on-b oard buf fer . THGm su pports full line-speed capture o r for RJ45 10/10 0 Mbps Ethernet or G igabit Eth ernet.
Implementation Profile Hardware Dep endencies A A-3 Hardware De pendencies The table s that foll ow in this sec tion list functions supported by Surveyor tha t have hardwa re depende ncies.
A-4 Survey or User ’s Guide T able A-5. Hardware Capture Functions Capture Functions NDIS Card THGm Portable Surv eyor 10/10 0 Ether net Analyzer Card Captu re B uffer Size 64KB-16MB * 128MB 64K B-1.
Implementation Profile About NDIS Mode A A-5 About NDIS Mod e Surveyor in NDIS mode uses an NDIS driver an d interfaces to a variet y of network adapter s.
A-6 Survey or User ’s Guide NDIS Configur ation Options Setting the Inter face The Inter face and In terface Mode options are g rayed o n the Modul e menu whe n an NDIS module is the curr ently sel ected modul e. The Ide ntify optio n on the Modul e menu is gra yed and does not funct ion when the current mo dule is an NDIS module.
B-1 Append ix B B Pre-Defined Filter T e mplates Filter T emplates All filt er templa tes suppl ied with Surveyor are descr ibed belo w . T emplates are defined by an of fset(s ) and a value(s) . These templ ates can be used in a capture or display f ilter to c apture or di splay common pr otocol packe ts.
B-2 Survey or User ’s Guide T able B-1. Surveyor Filter T emplates, Ethernet EV2 Filter T emplate Descriptio n Offset V alue No. of Filters Used AppleT alk Collect all Ap pleT alk packe t types emb ed- ded in Eth ernet V ersion II frames . 12 HEX 809B 1 ARP Collect a ll ARP pac ket types em bedded i n Ethernet V ersion II frames.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-3 T able B -2. Surveyor Filter T emplates, I P and IPX over Eth ernet EV2 Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Fil ters Use d EIGRP Coll ect all frames where EIGRP i s embed ded in Ethe rnet II frames .
B-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter T emplate Descriptio n Offset V alue No. of Filters Used RIP (IPX) Collect all fram es with a RIP port in IPX packet types em bedded i n Ethernet II f rames. 12 30 OR 42 HEX 8137 HEX 0453 HEX 0453 2 RSVP Collect all frames where RSVP is embedd ed in Ethernet II f rames.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-5 T able B-3. Surveyor Filter T emplates , TCP/IP over Etherne t EV2 Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Fil ters Use d DNS (TCP) Co llect all fram es with a DNS port when TCP is embedd ed in an Ether- net II frame.
B-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter T emplate Descriptio n Offset V alue No. of Filters Used Q.931 Collec t all frames w ith a Q.931 p ort when TC P is embedde d in Ethernet II frames. 12 23 34 OR 36 HEX 0800 HEX 06 DEC 6.184 (1720) DEC 6.184 (1720) 2 SCCP Collect all frames with an SCCP port when TCP is emb edded in an Ethernet II f rame.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-7 T able B-4. Surv eyor Filter T emplates, UDP/IP over Ethernet EV2 Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Fil ters Use d DHCP Collect all frames w i th a DHCP port when UDP is embedd ed in an Ether- net II frame.
B-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter T emplate Descriptio n Offset V alue No. of Filters Used NTP Collec t all fram es with an NTP port when UDP is embed ded in Ether net II frames . 12 23 34 HEX 0800 HEX 1 1 HEX 007B00 7B 2 RIP (UDP) Collect all fr ames with a RIP port when UDP is embedde d in Ethernet II frames.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-9 T able B-5. Surveyo r Filter T emplates, Ethernet LLC/Novell Filter T emplate Descripti on Offset V alue No. of Filters Used DSAP T emplate for setting the LLC destinat ion address point. 14 HEX XX 1 IEEE_80 2.
B-10 Survey or User ’s Guide T able B- 6. Surveyor Filter T emplates, Et hernet SNAP Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Filters Used SNAP Collect SNAP frames . 14 HEX AAAA03 1 SNAP_AppleT alk Filter template for col- lec ting Appl eT a lk packet types e mbedded in Ethernet SNAP f rames.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-1 1 T able B-7. Survey or Filter T emplates, Ethernet ISL Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Fil ters Used ISL_ARP Filter tem plate for col- lec ting ARP pac ket types e mbedded in ISL f rames.
B-12 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Filters Used ISL_LDAP Collect all fram es with LDAP ports when TCP is embe dded in ISL frames . 38 49 60 OR 62 HEX 08 00 DEC 06 DEC 1 .133 (389 ) DEC 1 .133 (389 ) 2 ISL_MAC_ DA_Broadc ast Collect al l broad cast frames i n ISL p acket s.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-13 Filter T emplate Des cription Offset V alue No. of Fil ters Used ISL_SMTP Collect al l frames with SMTP ports when TCP is embed ded in ISL f rames. 38 49 60 OR 62 HEX 0800 DEC 06 DEC 0.25 DEC 0.25 2 ISL_SSP Col lect all fram es with SSP ports whe n TCP is emb edded in I SL fram es.
B-14 Survey or User ’s Guide T able B-8. S tandard Fi lter T emplates, T oken Ring Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Filters Used MAC_Acti ve_Moni tor_Present C ollect al l Active Mon i- tor T oken Ring MAC frames. 1 17 HEX 05 HEX 05 1 MAC_Beac on Collect all Be acon T oke n Ring MAC frames.
Pre-Defined Filter Templates Filter T emplate s B B-15 Filter T emplate Descripti on Offset V alue No. of Filters Used MAC_Report_NAUM_Change Collect all Report NAUM Change T oken Ring MAC frames . 17 HEX 26 1 MAC_Rep ort_New_Ac tive_Mo nitor Collect all Report New Active Mon itor T oken Ring MAC fram es.
B-16 Survey or User ’s Guide Filter T emplate Description Offset V alue No. of Filters Used MAC_Ring _Purge Collect al l Ring Purge T oke n Ring MAC frames. 1 17 HEX 04 HEX 04 1 MAC_S tand by_Moni tor_Pres ent Collect all S tandby M on- itor Present T oken Ring MAC fram es.
C-1 Append ix C C Keyboard Shortcut s Funct ion Keys Function ke ys perfor m dif ferent op erations depending on the windo w from which they are u sed.
C-2 Survey or User ’s Guide St and ard and Navi gational Ke ys Function ke ys perfor m dif ferent op erations depending on the windo w from which they are u sed. T ables o f standar d and na vigationa l keyboar d shortcut s are pro vided below: T able C-2.
Keyboard S hortcuts S tandard and Navigationa l Keys C C-3 T able C-6. Shortcut Keys from the Capture Filter Window Key(s) Act ion Ct rl + N Brin g up new de fault captur e filte r Ctrl + P Print capt.
C-4 Survey or User ’s Guide.
D-1 Append ix D D Parser Names Rec ognized Par ser Names The Parser Names recogn ized by Surveyor ar e or ganized by protoc ol suite in the following tables.
D-2 Survey or User ’s Guide T able D -3. Parser Names, App le T alk Suite Parser Name Protocol Name AARP AppleT alk Addre ss Resoluti on Protocol ADSP AppleT alk Data S tream Protocol AEP AppleT alk.
Parser Na mes Recogni zed Parse r Name s D D-3 T able D-5. Parser Names, Cisco Suite Parser Name Protocol Name CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol DISL Dynamic Inter-Swi tch Protocol EIGRP Enhance d Interior.
D-4 Survey or User ’s Guide T abl e D-8. Pa rser N ames, I BM Suite Parser Name Protocol Name 3270 3270 T erminal NETBEUI NetBIOS Ext ended User Interface SNA Server Networ k Archit ecture XID XID T able D-9.
Parser Na mes Recogni zed Parse r Name s D D-5 BOOTP Bootstra p Protocol DHCP Dy namic Host Configuration Protocol DNS Domain Name Server FTP File T ransf er Protocol GOPHER Gopher HTTP Hyper T ext T .
D-6 Survey or User ’s Guide SGCP Simp l e Gateway Control Prot o col SMTP Simple Mail T ransfer Pro tocol SNMP Simple N etwork M anagemen t Protocol ( versions 1, 2, and 3) SNMP TRAP Simple Network .
Parser Na mes Recogni zed Parse r Name s D D-7 NBCAST Netw are Broadca st Mess age Protoco l NCP Netware Core Pro tocol NDS Netware Di rectory Ser vices NLSP Netware L ink S tate Pro tocol NMPI Name M.
D-8 Survey or User ’s Guide T able D-14. Pars er Names, H.323 Sui te Parser Name Protocol Name ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notatio n 1 H323GD H.3 23 - Gatek eeper Discovery H.225.0 H.225.0 - Call Si gnaling Protocols H245 H.245 - C ontrol Pr otocol Fo r Multime dia Commu nication H4501 H.
Parser Na mes Recogni zed Parse r Name s D D-9 T able D-16. Parser Names , Cisco IP T elephony Suite Parser Name Protocol Name SSP Skinny S tation Proto col SCCP Skinny Client Control Proto c ol RUDP Re liable UDP T able D-17.
D-10 Survey or User ’s Guide.
Glossary-1 Glossary .CAP extension File exte nsion for all capt ure fil es. .CFD extension File exte nsion for all capt ure fil ters. .DFD extension File exte nsion for all v iew fi lters. .NAM extension File exte nsion for all name t ables. .TSP extension File exte nsion for all t ransmi t specif ication s.
Glossary-2 Survey or User ’s Guide Alarm Browser A window used to l ist, select , and set a larms. Alarm Falling Threshold Falling t hreshold value to b e compare d to count er data. I f the coun ter value or its delt a value o ver time falls be low the th reshol d, an alar m even t is trigg ered.
Glossar y (contin ued) Glossary -3 Application Res ponse Time The time r equired t o establ ish a sess ion with a n applica tion protocol , measured in millis econds. Surv eyor tracks average time, the shorte st time, a nd the long est time requir ed for conn ections t o a protoc ol over t he monitore d network se gment.
Glossary-4 Survey or User ’s Guide Capture Mode The mode in whi ch Surveyor receives network da ta and sto res it in t he Capture Buff er . Capture V iew A window for vi ewing and de coding net work pac kets save d to a file o r in the c ap- ture bu ff er .
Glossar y (contin ued) Glossary -5 Detail V ie w The primar y monitori ng view for a single net work re source. Mult iple views of each resourc e can disp lay in the Detai l V iew . Device A single hardware de vice that pr ovides dat a to Surve yor. Display Fil ter Window A window for defining dis play filters .
Glossary-6 Survey or User ’s Guide Expert V iew Surveyor dat a view showing e xpert sympto m s and exp ert counters for a time period. Fragments A counter showing the tot al number of packe t s receive d that we re less than 64 octets and h ad eith er an FC S/CRC error or an Alignm ent Er ror .
Glossar y (contin ued) Glossary -7 Host A computer upon whic h a parti cular pro gram or res ource is l ocated. I n the cont ext of Survey or, the host is the computer upo n which the S urveyor pr ogram is ru nning. IF S tatement First s tateme nt for a l evel in a filt er .
Glossary-8 Survey or User ’s Guide Mode of Ope ration Defines t he current relati onship bet ween Survey or and a re source. Sur veyor c an transmit data fro m a resou rce (tra nsmit), r eceive dat .
Glossar y (contin ued) Glossary -9 NIS Nam e Inform ation Se rvice . Oversize A counter showing the total number of packets receive d that were longer than the 1518 octe ts and were otherw ise well for med (good FCS). Overview T able T able in Sur veyor’ s Expert sys tem that l ists all c ounters f or expert events di scov- ered ove r time.
Glossary-1 0 Survey or User ’s Guide Packet T ype The type of packet se nt in transmi ssion mo de. Packet type s are IP , IPX, ARP , and AARP , or any oth e r type speci fied by t he user . It can also be the packet length f ield for 802.2 a nd SNAP frames.
Glossar y (contin ued) Glossary -1 1 Root S tatement The fir st state ment in all capt ure filt ers. Sp ecifies gl obal va riables and global val- ues. SA Source address MAC level station address o f where a frame is coming f rom. SCCP Skinny Cli ent Contr ol Protoco l.
Glossary-1 2 Survey or User ’s Guide THGm (T en/H undred /Gigab it modu le) A hardware de vice avai lable fr om Finisar that al lows the ca pture/tran smit of net - work data a t full l ine rate and suppor ts real- time monito ring func tions for 10/100/ 1000 Ethern ets.
Glossar y (contin ued) Glossar y-13 T raf fic Rate When tr ansmitting f rom Surveyor , a percent age of th e maximum capaci ty of the network t o carry pa ckets. Tr ansmit Mode One of the modes for u s in g Surveyor. In transmit mode, data streams l oaded are trans mitted on the n etwork w hen the re source is starte d.
Glossary-1 4 Survey or User ’s Guide V oice over IP (V oIP) Industry term for the car rying of voice traf fic over the Int ernet Pro tocol. Thi s term is someti mes used mor e broadly to ind icate V oIP/Mult i-Medi a communic ations vi a the H.323 or SCCP protocol s.
Index-1 Index Symbol s .CAP File Extension 3-18 .CFD File Extension 3-18 .DFD File Extension 3-18 .HST File Extension 3-18 .NAM File Extension 3-18 .TSP File Extension 3-18 Numerics 12-T ap setting th.
Index-2 Survey or User ’s Guide –B– Bad Frames 12-5 bitmaps, expor ting 13-9 Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BP DU) 10 -92 Broadcast/ Mu lticast Storms 10-103 , 12-5 Buffer size 4-8 Buffe r Usa ge A-.
Index-3 Index (contin ued) Token Ri ng, list of 12-4 Excessive BOOTP 10-106 Excessive Broadcasts 10 -107 Excessive Collision s 10-10 8 Excessive Mailslot Broadcasts 10-20 , 10- 21 Excessive Multicasts.
Index-4 Survey or User ’s Guide ICMP Fragmentation Needed 10 -71 DA and SA fields 8-10 DA field 8-3 Data field 8-3 Data views 6-1 , 6-18 Address Map V iew 6-34 Application Layer Host T able V i ew 6.
Index-5 Index (contin ued) CRC Fra me 10- 104 Duplicate Net work Addr ess 10-58 Excessive ARP 10-105 Excessive BOOTP 10-106 Excessive Mailslot Broadcasts 10-20 Frag ment Fr ame 10-1 10 FTP L ogin Att .
Index-6 Survey or User ’s Guide –F– Filter Actions 7-13 Capt ure 7-1 4 Counter 7-1 4 displa y 7-15 Filter Example, Advanced Filter 7-29 Filter Example, Capture Conversation 7-2 3 Filter Example,.
Index-7 Index (contin ued) –K– Keyboard s hortcuts C-2 –L– Launching 3-1 layers, expert system 10-6 learn addresses 13 -3 learn names 13- 2 remote resources 13-4 Line Error Cou nter 12-4 Link .
Index-8 Survey or User ’s Guide NCP Server Bu sy 12 -6 NCP T oo Many File Retransm issions 10-28 NCP T oo Many Requ est Loop s 10-30 NCP T oo Many Request s Denied 10 -29 NDIS 5-8 , A-2 NDIS, conf i.
Index-9 Index (contin ued) Set Default button 4-12 protocols in conversati ons 7-5 , 7-7 protocols supp orted 1-4 –Q– Quality of Service 11 - 1 –R– RAM 2-1 Range Editor , Dropped Packets 11- 1.
Index-10 Survey or User ’s Guide Delete 8-4 Edit Data 8-4 Modify 8-4 Stream co ntents 8-3 Stream m odes 8-7 Frame Rate 8-7 Packet Gap 8-7 T raffic R ate 8-7 Stream s ize 8-3 Streams modes 8-7 modi f.
Index-1 1 Index (contin ued) Capt ure V ie w tool bar 3-15 Address Map Vi ew b utton 3-17 Application Layer Host Table Vi ew butto n 3-16 Application Layer Matrix View button 3- 17 Copy butt on 3-15 F.
Index-12 Survey or User ’s Guide T o tal MAC stations 10-12 1 T otal R outer Broadcasts 12-8 T o tal Tx Collis ion Counter 12-3 T raffic dir ection indicator 7-5 , 7-7 Tr an s m is s i on status 8-4.
Inde x-13 Index (contin ued) resi zing doc king win dows 4-1 –X– X offs ets (wildcard) 8-1 0 –Z– Zero Broadcast Address 10-101.
Index-14 Survey or User ’s Guide.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Finisar Surveyor c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Finisar Surveyor - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Finisar Surveyor, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Finisar Surveyor va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Finisar Surveyor, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Finisar Surveyor.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Finisar Surveyor. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Finisar Surveyor ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.