Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1X7 LTO du fabricant Exabyte
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ii P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C OPYRI GHT Copyright 2004 – 2006 by Exabyte Corporation. All rights reserved. This item and the information co ntained herein are the pro perty of Exabyte Corp oration.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER ii i P RODUCT W ARRANTY C AUTION The Magnum 1x7 LTO Autoloader by Exabyte ® Corporation is warranted to be free from defects in materials, p arts, and workmanship a nd will conform to the current product specification upon d elivery.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER v Cont ents About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 1 1 1 1 Product Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Autoloader Feature s . .
vi P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 5 5 5 5 Autoloader Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Insert ing and R emovin g Ca rtridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Loadin g and Unlo ading C artridg es in the Tap e Driv e .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER vii A A A A Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Storage Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Size and Weight .
viii P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 N OTES.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER ix Fi g u r e s 1 1 1 1 Produc t Over view Figure 1-1 Magnum 1x7 L T O Autoloader front p anel com ponents . . . . . . . 2 Figure 1-2 Magnum 1x7 L T O Autoloader back panel component s . . . . . . . 3 Figure 1-3 Magnum 1x7 L T O Autoloader internal components .
x P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 5 5 5 5 Autoloader Operation Figure 5-1 Location of status LE D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Figure 5-2 Location of cartridge acc ess port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Figure 5-3 Bar code labe l placement and write -prote ct switch l ocation .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER xi Ta b l e s 3 3 3 3 Config uring the Autol oader Table 3-1 Operator button descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Table 3-2 Autoloader m ain menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii P RODUCT M ANUAL 10125 81 N OTES.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER x iii A BOUT T HIS M ANU AL A BOUT T HIS M ANUAL This manual describ es how to install, configure, opera te, maintain, and troubleshoot the Magnum 1x7 L TO A utoloa der by Exabyte Corporation. It also provides autolo ader specifications.
xiv P RODUCT M ANUAL 10125 81 A BOUT T HIS M ANUAL Supplemental Information Read Appen dix A for physical, per form ance, po wer , environm ental, and safety agency specificatio ns. Read Ap pendi x B for information about the WOR M capability of the L TO -3 tape drive.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER xv A BOUT T HIS M ANU AL T apeAlert Speci fication , NCITS T10/02-142R0, V ersion 3.0, March 2002 IEC 60297 Rack Standards F or general infor mation, go to www .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 1 1 P RODUCT O VERVIEW Congratulations on selecting the Ma gnum 1x7 L TO A utoloader by Exabyte Corporation. Y o ur new autoloader is equipped with either an L TO Ultrium 2 (L TO -2) or Ultrium 3 (L TO -3) tape drive and features Exabyte’s patented , award-winn ing ExaBio tics™.
2 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 1—P RO DUCT O VER VIEW Bar co de scanne r . A bar code sc anner allow s the autoload er to maintain an inventor y of its cartridges. Operator pan el with LCD display . The operator panel allows you to monitor au toloader operations and select co nfiguratio n options.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 3 A UTOLOADER C OMPO NENT S Operator Panel (LCD and Keypad) The operator panel includes a five-button keypad and a tw o - line, 32-character liquid cr ystal d isplay (LCD ).
4 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 1—P RO DUCT O VER VIEW SCSI Connectors The autoloader has two w ide SC SI co nnectors for connecting the a utoloader and tape drive to a single S CS I bus.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 5 A UTOLOADER C OMPO NENT S Bar Code Scanner The bar code sca nner is locat ed inside the ca rtridge carouse l. The scanner enables the autoloader to read infor mation from bar code lab els on the cartrid ges into its cartr idge inventor y .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 7 2 I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOADER This chapter describes how to install the autoloader . Depending on your requirements, installation will involve m ost or.
8 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER C OMPLETING THE U NPACKING P ROCESS The robotic cartridge loader inside the autoloader is secured w ith a small metal shipping key to k eep the loader from moving during shipp ing. Before operating the au toloader , y ou must remov e this s hipping key .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 9 O BTAINING A CCESSORIES AND E QUIPMENT O BTAINING A CCESSORIES AND E QUIPM ENT Make sure that you have all the accesso ries and equipment for autoloade r installation and operatio n, as indicated in the following table.
10 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER P REPAR ING FOR I NSTALLATION Before you begin installing the autoloader , do the following: Make sure that the SCSI host bus adapter card installed in the host computer, any necessary device drivers, and your backup so ftware are compatible with the autoloader.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 11 I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOADER IN A R ACK F or optimum per forma nce, us e an Ultra 160 SC SI h ost bus adap ter .
12 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER T o install the librar y in a rack, you must obtain these tools: A SSEMBLING THE R AILS 1. 1. 1. 1. Measure the d epth of you r rack—Using a tape mea sure, measure the inside distance from the front mounting holes of your rack to the back m ounting holes.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 13 A TTACH ING THE R AILS TO THE R ACK 4. 4. 4. 4. Assemble the right-sid e rail in th e same way . A TTACH ING THE R AILS TO THE R ACK 1. 1. 1. 1. Left side rail assembly —P osition the left-sid e rail assembly in the rack so that the front f lange is behi nd the front screw holes in the rack.
14 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER Insert an M5 sc rew ( A ) through a se cond screw hole ( B ) and engage the pem nut on the second screw hole in the rail flange ( C ). If necessar y , use a washer . Finger -tighten the screw .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 15 C ONNE CTING THE A UTOLOADER TO SC SI 3. 3. 3. 3. F rom the back of the rack, attach the autoloader to th e rails by insertin g an M3 screw into each of the small flanges (see Fi gu re 2 - 7 ). Tighten the screws using a #1 Phillips scr ewdriver .
16 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER Do not conne ct single-ended SCSI de vices. A lthough sing le-ended SC SI is compatible with the autoloader ’s L V D SCS I interface, Exab yte does not support conn ecting single-ended devices to th e SCS I bus a ttached to the autoloader .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 17 C ONNE CTING THE A UTOLOADER TO SC SI 3. 3. 3. 3. Connect a SC SI cable to th e host computer and to on e of the autoload er ’s SC SI connectors . Fig ur e 2 -8 shows the location of the autoloader ’s SC SI connectors.
18 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER Fig u re 2 -9 show s how to connect the au toloader as the last dev ice on a SCSI bus. 5. 5. 5. 5. P ower on all of the peripheral devices on the SC SI bus. 6. 6. 6. 6. P ower o n the autoloader as d escribed on pag e 19 .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 19 P OWERING O N THE A UT OLOADER When you per form autoloader configuration, you w ill configure the autoloader ’s Ethernet inter face (see pag e 35 ). P OWERING O N THE A UTOLOADER T o power on the autoload er: 1.
20 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 2—I NSTALLING THE A UTOLOA DER 6. 6. 6. 6. P ower on th e host com puter system. V ERIF YIN G THE H ARDWARE I NSTALLAT ION After t he autoloader power s on, the LCD displays the Home screen.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 21 3 C ONFIGURING THE A UTOLOADER After installing the autoloader hardwar e, you are ready to set configuration options.
22 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER Viewing the H ome Screen During nor mal op eration, the Hom e screen appears on the LCD (see the example below).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 23 A CCESSING C ONFIGURATION O PTION S When the edges of a button are lit, the button is a valid choice for the informa tion cur rently displayed on the LCD. W hen the edges are dark, the button is n ot a va lid choice and per for ms no a ction.
24 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER O VERVIEW OF A UTOLOADER M ENUS When the Home screen is displayed on the LCD, press , , , or to access the au toloader ’s main m enus. Press or to loop through the main menus, and press to enter one of the menus and s ee its sub-me nus.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 25 A CCESSING C ONFIGURATION O PTION S Figure 3-3 Autoloader menu or ganization Mag num 1 x7 Mai n Me nu Home Scre en Stat us a nd Messages Per f or m a .
26 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS This section pr ovides step-by-step instr uctions for setting autoloader configuration options. The instr u ctions assume that you are using the operator panel to set op tions.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 27 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS C HANGING THE LCD L ANGUA GE Y ou can choose from the following langu ages for the LCD display: English (default) Fr e n c h Germ an Spanish Italian Po r t u g u e s e T o ch ange the L CD language: 1.
28 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER 4. 4. 4. 4. Press or until the following screen appears: 5. 5. 5. 5. Press to disp lay the langua ge selection sc reen: 6. 6. 6. 6. Press or to scroll through the available languages until the one you want appears, then pres s to select the new language.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 29 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS 5. 5. 5. 5. Press to display the contrast selection screen: 6. 6. 6. 6. Press or to scroll thr ough the available v alues until the one you wa nt appears. The contrast cha nges as you press the button.
30 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER 4. 4. 4. 4. Press or until the following screen appears: 5. 5. 5. 5. Pr ess to display the autoloader (librar y) SC SI ID selection screen: 6. 6. 6. 6. Press or to scroll thr ough the available v alues until the one you wa nt appears.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 31 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS 5. 5. 5. 5. Press to disp lay the tape d rive SC SI I D selection screen : 6. 6. 6. 6. Press or to scroll thr ough the available v alues until the one you wa nt appears.
32 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER 2. 2. 2. 2. Press or until the Con figuration me nu appears: 3. 3. 3. 3. Pr ess to see the m enu selections. 4. 4. 4. 4. Press or until the following screen appears: 5. 5. 5. 5. Press to disp lay the emulation mode se lection screen: 6.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 33 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS Note: Y ou do not have to use the autoloader ’s Autoclean option to cl ean the tape drive. Y ou can choose from several other cleaning methods, including using your software’s cleaning function and using comm ands available through the operator panel.
34 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER 7. 7. 7. 7. Press to select th e new value. A confir ma tion messag e appears: 8. 8. 8. 8. Press to enact the change (or if you don’t want to m ake the change). 9. 9. 9. 9. Pr ess (as needed) to return to the Home screen.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 35 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS 9. 9. 9. 9. Pr ess (as needed) to return to the Home screen. S ETTING E THERNET C ONFIGURATION O PTIO NS Table 3-5 Et.
36 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER Setting the Ethernet Addresses T o set Ether net addresses: 1. 1. 1. 1. A t the Home screen, press , , , or to access the main menus. If necessar y , enter the operator panel p assword ( see page 4 2 ).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 37 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS 5. 5. 5. 5. Pr ess to display the DHCP selection s creen: 6. 6. 6. 6. Pr ess or to switch bet ween ON and OFF . Select OFF if you want to specify an IP address. Select ON (the defau lt) if you w ant the IP ad dress to be ser ver -assigned .
38 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER d. d. d. d. When you have entered the desired Subnet mask, press . The gateway address s election screen appears: e. e. e. e. Use or to mov e through the segments of the ad dress (as indicated by the underscore).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 39 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS Loop option. The Loop option determines what the autoloader does after it has finished processing the last cartridge in the sequence.
40 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER 8. 8. 8. 8. If you selected Sequential Mode, the Restart option selection screen appears: a. a. a. a. Press or to switch between NO and YES. b. b. b. b. Press to select the new value.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 41 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS Settin g Up an Oper ator Pan el Passw ord T o set up a password for the operator panel: 1. 1. 1. 1. A t the Home screen, press , , , or to access the main menus. 2. 2. 2.
42 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER 10. 10. 10. 10. Press until the Home screen appears. Press again or wait two minutes without pressing any buttons for the password to take effect.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 43 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS 2. 2. 2. 2. Enter the password you set previou sly and press . 3. 3. 3. 3. Press or until the Con figuration me nu appears: 4. 4. 4. 4. Pr ess to see the m enu selections.
44 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 3—C ONFIGURIN G THE A UTOLOADER Whichever method you us e to enable security (operator panel passw ord or application), you must a lso use it to disable s ecurity . That is, if you en able a password at the operator panel, you must disable it at the operator panel.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 45 C HECKING THE S ETUP C HECKING THE S ETUP After configuring the au toloader , check the setup by per for ming the ex ercises suggested below .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 47 4 U SING THE R EMOTE M ANAGEMENT U TIL ITY The autoloader ’s Remote Management utility allows you to set configuration options, view autoloader infor m ation, and monitor op eration across a n Ethernet netw ork.
48 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 4—U SING THE R EMOTE M ANA GEMENT U TILITY Note: Y ou can click on these links from any page for quick access to the following: Figure 4-1 Re mote Manage ment utility Status page Click this L ink... for quick acc ess to t his loc ation.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 49 V IEWING I NF ORMATION ON THE H OME (S TATUS ) P AGE V IEWIN G I NFORMATION ON THE H OME (S TATU S ) P AGE The Status page is the “home page” for the utility .
50 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 4—U SING THE R EMOTE M ANA GEMENT U TILITY L IBRA RY S TA TUS The Librar y Status section inc ludes the followin g infor mation: Field Indicates.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 51 V IEWING I NF ORMATION ON THE H OME (S TATUS ) P AGE T APE D RI VE S TATUS The T ape Drive Status section includes the following infor mation: I NVENTORY The Inventor y section provides infor mation from the autoload er ’s cartrid ge inventor y .
52 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 4—U SING THE R EMOTE M ANA GEMENT U TILITY POVA R Provides information about individual elements. P (present) – Indic ates whet her the ele ment is pres ent (1) or not (0). O (occupied) – I ndicates whether the element conta ins a cartridg e (1) or not (0).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 53 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS Click on Configure at the top of the page to view the Configura tion page.
54 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 4—U SING THE R EMOTE M ANA GEMENT U TILITY Figure 4-2 Re mote Ma nage ment utility Config uration pa ge.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 55 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS C HANGE L I BRARY C ON FI GUR ATI ON In the Change Librar y Configuration section, you can change the following setti.
56 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 4—U SING THE R EMOTE M ANA GEMENT U TILITY C HANGE E THER NET C ONFIGURATION In the Chan ge Ether net Con figuration section, you ca n specify the autoloader ’s IP address, subnet mask, a nd gateway add ress.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 57 S ETTING C ONFIGURATION O PTIONS SNMP Read Pas sw or d, SNMP W ri te Pas sw or d, SNMP Broadcast Pas sw or d, SNMP T rap Address, SNMP Tr a p P o r t If you need to identify the autoloader ’s SNMP settings to an application, you can view the settings and change them, if desired.
58 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 4—U SING THE R EMOTE M ANA GEMENT U TILITY C HANGE W EB A CC ESS P ASSWORD If desired, you can set up a password to preven t unautho rized users from using the Rem ote Managem ent utility to chan ge the autoloader ’s configuration settings from the Configurat ion page.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 59 R UNNING D IAGNOSTI CS The Statistics pa ge provides the following infor ma tion: R UNNI NG D IAGN OSTICS Click on Diagnostics at the top of the page to view the Diagnostics page. Fig u re 4 -4 show s an example of the Diag nostics page.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 61 5 A UTOLOADER O PERATION After you hav e configured your autoloader , you can add cartridges and put it into operation.
62 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION During nor mal op eration, yo u do not n eed to inter vene in autoloader activities. However , yo u may occasiona lly need to per form .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 63 I NSER TING AND R EMOVIN G C AR TRIDGES P REPARING C ART RIDGES Be sure to use the appropria te cartridges for the tape drive. Ta b l e 5 - 1 shows the cartridge and write/read compatibility for the L TO Ultrium tape drive in the autoloader .
64 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION I NSERTING C ARTRI DGES INTO THE A UTOLOADER T o ins ert cartridges: 1. 1. 1. 1. A t the Home screen, press , , , or to access the main menus. If necessar y , enter the operator panel p assword ( see page 4 2 ).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 65 I NSER TING AND R EMOVIN G C AR TRIDGES b. b. b. b. Slide the cartridge fully through the access port until it snaps into place in the cartridg e cell.
66 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION R EMOVING C ARTRI DGES FROM THE A UTOLOADER T o rem ove cartridges: 1. 1. 1. 1. A t the Home screen, press , , , or to access the main menus. If necessar y , enter the operator panel p assword ( see page 4 2 ).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 67 I NSER TING AND R EMOVIN G C AR TRIDGES After the door closes, and the autoloader checks the cell to verify that the cartridge has been removed. The autoloader also scans the affected cell to update its cartrid ge inventor y .
68 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION T o remove cartrid ges from the autoloader without power: 1. 1. 1. 1. Carefully insert a #0 Phillips screwdriver into the access hole on the front of the autoloader (see Fi gu r e 5 - 5 ).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 69 L OADI NG AND U NLOADING C AR TRIDGES IN THE T APE D RIV E 5. 5. 5. 5. Press to display the cell selection screen: 6. 6. 6. 6. Press or to scroll through the occupied cell locations until the one you want appears.
70 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION Note: Normally , the empty c ell clos est to the tap e drive i s the sa me cell in which the cartridge was originally stored. If de sired, you can unload a cartridge to different emp ty cell, if one is available.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 71 C LEANING THE T AP E D RIVE Y ou can clean the tape drive in sev eral way s: Clean the tape drive whenever the autoloa der displays the following message on the Home screen or wh enever your ap plication software notifies you .
72 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION 2. 2. 2. 2. Press or until the Command menu appears : 3. 3. 3. 3. Press to see the menu selections, then press or until the following screen appears : 4. 4. 4. 4. Press . A confirm ation message appear s: If the cleaning cell is empty , you are prompted to insert a cleaning cartridge.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 73 C LEANING THE T AP E D RIVE C LEANING THE T APE D RIVE BY I NSERTING A C LEANING C ARTRIDGE Use this method if you d on’t want to s tore a clean ing cartridge in the autoloader .
74 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION R ESETT ING THE A U TOLOADER If the autoload er or tap e drive has encountered an er ror and is not op erating as expected after you have tried the recommended cor rec tive actions, you ma y need to per form a reset.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 75 R UNNING S YSTEM D EMOS 3. 3. 3. 3. Press to see the menu selections, then press or until the following screen appears : 4. 4. 4. 4. Press . A confirm ation message appear s: 5. 5. 5. 5. Pr ess to begin th e reset (or to cancel th e reset).
76 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION 3. 3. 3. 3. Press to see the menu selections, then press or until the following screen appears : 4. 4. 4. 4. Press . The following screen appears: 5. 5. 5. 5. Press or to switch between OFF and ON.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 77 P ERF ORMING D IA GNOS TIC T ESTS P ERFORMING D IAGNOSTIC T ESTS T o ch eck basic au toloader fun ctions, you can r un a set of dia gnostic tests from the operator panel. These tests check the autoloader ’s internal memor y , voltages, and SC SI functions.
78 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 5—A UTOLOADER O PERAT ION S TORING C ARTRIDGES Whenever you remove cartrid ges from your autoloader , be sure to store them properly to ma ximize archival life and ensure data integrity . F ollow these guidelines for proper cartridge storage: Stor e cartridges in a suitable envir onme nt.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 79 6 V IEWING A UTOLOADER I NFORMATION The autoloader maintains an inter nal data base containing e xtensive informa tion about its configuration and operations . This infor mation is available through the operator pan el.
80 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 6—V IEWI NG A UTOLOADER I NFOR MAT ION 3. 3. 3. 3. Press to see the menu selections, then press or until the following screen appears : 4. 4. 4. 4. Press . The firmwa re screen appears: a. a. a. a. Press . Th e serial number screen app ears: b.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 81 V IEWING B ASIC A UTOLOADER I NFO RMATI ON e. e. e. e. Press . The total moves screen appears: This screen indicates the total num ber of moves that have taken place in the autoloader.
82 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 6—V IEWI NG A UTOLOADER I NFOR MAT ION Press to view the Gatew ay address. A scr een similar to th e following appears: h. h. h. h. Press . Th e Restore Default scr een appear s. i. i. i. i. Press . The operating mode screen appears.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 83 V IEW ING A UTOLOADER S ENSOR R EADINGS 2. 2. 2. 2. Press or until the Status menu appears: 3. 3. 3. 3. Press to see the menu selections, then press or until the following screen appears : 4. 4. 4. 4. Press .
84 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 6—V IEWI NG A UTOLOADER I NFOR MAT ION c. c. c. c. Press . The cell senso r screen appears: This screen ind icates the curr ent reading of the Cell sens or: On—the cartridge in front of the door is incorrectly positioned Off—the cartridge is cor rectly positioned d.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 85 V IEWING BA SI C T APE D RI VE I NFO RMATION f. f. f. f. Press . The power sup ply fan status screen appears: This screen indicates th e current statu.
86 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 6—V IEWI NG A UTOLOADER I NFOR MAT ION b. b. b. b. Press . Th e SCSI ID s creen appears: 5. 5. 5. 5. Pr ess (as needed) to return to the Home screen. V IEWIN G THE C ARTRIDGE I NV ENTO RY AND B AR C ODE I NFORMATION The autoloader maintains a cartridge inventor y to keep track of where cartridges are located.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 87 V IEWING TH E C AR TRIDGE I NVENT OR Y AN D B AR C ODE I NFORM ATION The charac ter at the right indicat es whether the t ape drive con tains a cartridge. In the example above, all of the cells ex cept cell 1 contain cartridges.
88 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 6—V IEWI NG A UTOLOADER I NFOR MAT ION 3. 3. 3. 3. Pr ess to see th e menu selections, th en press or until a screen similar to the follow ing app ears: 4. 4. 4. 4. Press . The autoloader scans each of the cartridge cells and updates the cartridge inventor y .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 89 V IEWING C ELL S TATIS TICS 6. 6. 6. 6. Press . The total puts screen appears: This screen ind icates the total number of times a c artridge has been placed (put) into this cell.
90 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 6—V IEWI NG A UTOLOADER I NFOR MAT ION V IEWIN G THE E VENT L OG The event log lists any events that prevent an autoloader operation from completing (up to 10 events). If you contact Exabyt e T echn ical Support, you may be asked to check this history buffer to help troubleshoot a p roblem.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 91 7 M AINTENANCE This chapter describes b asic autoloader maintenanc e tasks that you can perfor m on-site without the aid of a ser vice technician.
92 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 7—M AINTENANC E P REPARING FOR R EPLACEMENT Note: If your autoloader is installe d in a rack, it is not ne cessary to rem ove the autoloader from the rack to replace the tape drive.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 93 R EPLACING THE T APE D RIV E R EMOVING THE T APE D RI VE T o remove the tape drive from the autoloader: 1. 1. 1. 1. Remove th e tape drive cove r plate —Locate the tape drive cover plate at th e back of the autoloader (see Figu r e 7- 1 ).
94 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 7—M AINTENANC E b. b. b. b. Route the remaining cables toward the side s of the opening, away from the sides of the tape drive. 3. 3. 3. 3. Remove th e tape dr ive —Pull the tabs on the tape driv e brackets and slide the tape driv e straight out of the autoloade r .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 95 R EPLACING THE T APE D RIV E Full heig ht tape drive : Note the orientation of the brackets, then using a #1 Phillips screw driver , remov e the two sc rews from eac h of the brackets attached to th e tape drive (see Fi gu re 7 - 5 ) .
96 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 7—M AINTENANC E b. b. b. b. Carefully pull the faceplate stra ight off the tape drive c hassis. Y ou ma y need to press the unload button to disengage it from the front of the tape drive (see Fi gu re 7 - 7 ). 2.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 97 R EPLACING THE T APE D RIV E Half height tape dri ve : Place the brackets you removed from the original half height tape drive on the new h alf height ta pe drive. Attach the “thick” bracket on the right side of the tape drive–as viewed from the back of the tape drive.
98 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 7—M AINTENANC E 3. 3. 3. 3. Install the tape drive —With the tape drive right side up, slid e it into the autoloader as far as it will go without force. Half height tap e drive —Insta ll in opening. Do NOT remove air block plate.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 99 C LEANING TH E A UTOLOADER 5. 5. 5. 5. Complete the installation —W ith the wide edge of the tape drive cover plate toward the bottom, slide the cover plate over the opening in the autoloader ’s back panel (see Fi g ur e 7 -1 ).
100 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 7—M AINTENANC E FTP—A UTO LOADER F IRMWA RE U PGRADE AND D IAGNOS TICS Occasionally , Exabyte m akes revisions to the au toloader ’s inter nal code (firm ware). The au toloader ’s Remote Managem ent utility con tains additiona l firmw are for the Ethernet module, which is also revised periodically .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 101 FTP— A UTOLOADER F IRMWARE U PGRA DE AND D IAGNOS TICS Note: The user name and passw ord are case - sensiti ve. If desired, y ou can change the user nam e and password from their defaults through the autoloader ’s Remote Mana gement utility (see Chapter 4 ).
102 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 7—M AINTENANC E C REATIN G A D IAGNOSTIC L ISTING VIA FTP T o create a diagnostic listing via FT P : 1. 1. 1. 1. Connect to the autoloader ’s FTP inter face by following the ins tructions o n page 100 . 2. 2. 2.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 103 8 T ROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides ba sic troubleshooting infor mation and provides sugg est ions for so lving probl ems that may occ ur whe n you are inst all ing an d operating the au toloader .
104 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 8—T R OUBLESHOOTING ✔ LVD SCSI devices. Because th e autoloader is an LVD (low-voltage differential) device, all other devices on the SCSI bus s hould also be L VD. These devices include th e controller cards , terminators, and any other devices on the bus.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 105 A UTOLOADER T ROUBL ESHO OTING ✔ Control mode. Make sure that the control mode is set correctly. Use Rando m mode ( the def aul t) with an app lic atio n that contr ols the autoloader . Only use Sequential mode if you plan to operate without autoloader software.
106 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 8—T R OUBLESHOOTING ✔ Hardware ope ration. You can verify th at the au toloader ha rdware is operating using the following methods: Use the autol oader ’s Dia gnost ics m enu (unde r Demo Mode) to move cartridges from ra ndom cells in and out of the tape drive.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 107 T APE D RIVE T RO UBLE SHO OTING If you are unab le to resolve the problem, use Lib T ool to obtain a d iagnostic log from the a utoloader immediately a fter the er ror is rep orted (see page 102 ).
108 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 8—T R OUBLESHOOTING If you install either an L TO -2 or L TO -3 tape drive in the autoloader , you must connect the cor rect terminator to avoid the above issues. The terminator must be a high-quality active L VD term inator that complies with the SC SI-3 sp ecification.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 109 B ACKUP S OF TWARE R EPO RTS AN E RROR The cartridge needs to be replaced. T r y using a different cartridge for the backup, making sure that the tape is not written in an uns upported for mat . Mark any cart rid ge t hat fai ls.
110 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 8—T R OUBLESHOOTING B EFOR E C ONTAC TING T ECHNICAL S UP PORT Before contacting Exabyte T ech nical Support, complete the following steps to gather all of the required information.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 111 B EFORE C ONTAC TING T ECH NICAL S UPPORT What are the SC SI IDs of all devices attac hed to the s ame bus (both internal and exter nal devic es).
112 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 8—T R OUBLESHOOTING Tape drive test results. Use L TOT ool and run a W rite/Read test of the tap e drive and then capture the diagnostic log fr om the tape dr ive and save it to a file. If the L TOT ool W rite/Read test reports an er ror , clean the tape drive and run the test again on a new ta pe.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 113 9 S HIPPING THE A UTOLOADER This chapter describes the process o f return ing the au toloader for ser vice.
114 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 9—S HIPPIN G THE A UT OLOADER R EMOV ING TH E A UTOLOADER FROM THE R ACK If the autoload er is installed in a rack, remov e it as described below . 1. 1. 1. 1. F rom the back of the rack , use a #1 Phillips screwdriv er to remove the tw o screws that secure the autoloader to the rails (see Fig u re 9 -1 ).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 115 R EPLAC ING THE S HIPPING K EY R EPLA CING THE S HIPPING K EY Before packing the autoloader , slide the small metal shipping key into the slot in the top of the autoloader . This locks the cartridge loader in place and prevents it from mov ing during shipp ing (see Fig u re 9 -3 ).
116 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 9—S HIPPIN G THE A UT OLOADER 2. 2. 2. 2. Put the foam cu shions on the sides of the autoload er , as shown in Fi g ur e 9- 5 and Fi gu re 9 - 6 .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 117 P ACKING THE A UT OLOADER 4. 4. 4. 4. Set the autoloader into the shipping box so that it straddles the accessor y bo x, as shown in Fig u re 9 - 8 . Place the foam spacers on each end of the autoloader , as shown.
118 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 C HAPTER 9—S HIPPIN G THE A UT OLOADER 5. 5. 5. 5. Place the foam pads over the foam cushions, as shown in Fig ur e 9 - 9 . 6. 6. 6. 6. If you are shipping the rail kit with the autoloader , set the rail kit box into the center of the shipping carton on top of the foa m pads, as shown in Fig u re 9 -7 .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 119 A S PECIFICATIONS This appendix provides the following infor mation about the autoloader: Storage capacity Size and weight P erfor ma nce.
120 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX A— S PE CIFICA TION S P ERFORMANCE S PE CIFICATIONS This section describes the perfo rm ance specifications for the autoloader . D ATA T RANSFER R ATE The data tra nsfer rate for the autoloader depends o n the mo del of tape d rive installed, as shown in Ta b l e A - 3 .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 121 P ERF ORMANC E S PE CIFIC ATIONS The autoloader ’s power - on sequ ence time is approximately: 60 seconds when the autoload er contains seven cartridges with bar code labels. 160 seconds when the autoloader contains seven cartr idges without bar code labels.
122 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX A— S PE CIFICA TION S P OWER S PE CIFICATIONS This sections describes the following power specifications for the autoloader: A C input voltages and po wer .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 123 E NVI RONME NTAL S PE CIFIC ATION S E NVIRONMENTAL S PECIF ICATIO NS This section d escribes the following environmen tal specifications for the auto.
124 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX A— S PE CIFICA TION S A COUS TIC N OISE L IMITS The overall, averag ed A-weighted s ound pressu re level (in decibels) for the autoloader does not ex ceed the upper limits specified in Ta b l e A - 5 .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 125 S HIPPING S PE CIFIC ATIONS S HIPPING S PECIFICATI ONS The autoloader ’s shipping carton passes the tests describ ed in Intern ational Safe T ransit Asso ciation (IST A) Procedure 2A. Ta b l e A - 7 lists the weight and dimensions of the autoloader packed for shipping.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 129 B W RITE O NCE , R EAD M ANY (WORM) C APABIL ITY O VERVIEW Certain records retention and data security applica tions require a W rite Once, Read Many (WORM) method for storing d ata on tape.
130 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX B— W RI TE O NCE , R EAD M ANY (WORM) C AP ABILITY Ta b l e B - 1 lis ts WORM m edia specifica tions. D ATA S ECURITY ON WO RM M EDIA Certain built-in security.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 131 T APE A LER T F LAGS R EQU IREME NTS The WORM feature requires the following: L TO -3 generation o f tape drive—the W ORM fea ture is not avail.
132 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX B— W RI TE O NCE , R EAD M ANY (WORM) C AP ABILITY E RROR C ODES T ape driv e errors associated w ith the new W ORM c apability result in either a Medium Er ror (Sense K ey 3h) or a Data Protect error (Sense K ey 7h).
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 133 C E RROR M ESSAGES This append ix defines err or messag es that m ay appear on the au toloader ’s operator p anel and pr ovides cor rective actions. Ta b l e C - 1 lists autoloader er ror messages in alph abetical order .
134 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX C— E RROR M ESS AGES Table C-1 Autoloader error messag es Error Message De scri pti on Correct ive Action Bootblock An error occurred during a firmware upload to the autoloader . 1. V erify that you loaded the correct cod e.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 135 T APE A LER T F LAGS Drive CM D Error The tape driv e r eceiv ed a n inv alid command. 1. If possible, use the operator panel to unloaded any cartridge that is in the tape dr ive (see page 69 ). 2. P ower the autoloader off and b ack on to res et the t ape d rive.
136 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 A PPENDIX C— E RROR M ESS AGES In Enet Mode The autoloader is executing a command i ssued f rom the R emote Management utility (see Chapter 4 ) when a com mand is issu ed from the operator panel. W ait until th e autoload er has fi nished its current operation, then retry t he operation.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 137 T APE A LER T F LAGS Servo Timeou t The autoloader carous el has experience d a problem. 1. Reset the autoloader and retry the operation.See page 74 for reset instructions. 2. If the error pers ists, contact Exabyte T echnical Support (see page i ii ) or your service provider .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 139 I NDEX # 210 Emulation mod e 31 A accessories 9 to 10 acoustic noise lim its 124 advanced troubleshooting 112 age ncy co mpl ianc e 125 to 127 agency.
140 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 I NDEX cleaning cartridg e activating cleaning cartridge cell 32 enabling Autoclean option 32 to 35 inserting when c leaning is req uired 71 to 73 requirements 63 storing .
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 141 I NDEX Exabyte LibTool 102 , 112 Exabyte LTOTool 102 , 112 Exabyte, contacting iii EZ17 Autoloader emulation mode 31 F fan 4 features 1 to 2 firmware.
142 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 I NDEX Medium Error (SK 3h), WORM media 132 menu overview 24 to 25 N Native emulation mode 31 noise limits 124 O operating environm ent specifica tions 123 operation clean.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNUM 1 X 7 L TO A UT OLOA DER 143 I NDEX SCSI IDs changing 29 to 31 default for au toloader 30 default for tape drive 31 SCSI terminator installing 16 to 18 requirements 9 security ac.
144 P RODUCT M ANUAL 1012581 I NDEX W warranty product warranty caution iii weight autoloader 119 shipping 125 wide S CSI 4 , 9 , 15 worldwide cartrid ge identifier (WWCID) 129 Write Once, Read Many (.
O CTOBER 2006 M AGNU M 1 X 7 L TO A UTOLOADER 145 P RODUC T L IMITED W ARRA NTY Exabyte Corporation (“Exabyte”) warrants to the original End User (“Purchase r”) that th is com puter produ ct p.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Exabyte 1X7 LTO c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Exabyte 1X7 LTO - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Exabyte 1X7 LTO, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Exabyte 1X7 LTO va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Exabyte 1X7 LTO, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Exabyte 1X7 LTO.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Exabyte 1X7 LTO. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Exabyte 1X7 LTO ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.