Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit V7 du fabricant Epson
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Record of Revisions Refere nce numb ers are shown at the botto m lef t corne r on the back co ver of each man ual. Printing Date Reference No. Revised Content s Septembe r , 2 002 2010N E0 First ed it.
Preface Thank you for selecting the MONITOUCH V7 se ries. For correct set-up of MONITOUCH, you are requested to read through th is manual to understa nd more abou t the pro duct. For more in formation about t he V7 serie s, refer to the fol lowing r elated ma nuals.
Notes on Safe Use of MONIT OUCH In this m anu al, you will fin d va rious note s c ate gori ze d un der the foll owing le vels wi th the s ign al wo rds “DANGER,” and “CAUTION.” Note that th ere is a possibil ity that the item listed wi th may hav e seriou s rami ficat ion s.
[Not e s on S yst em Des ign ] • Never b undle co ntrol cabl es and inp ut/output c ables with high-vol tage an d large-cu rrent carryi ng cables such as power s upply ca bles. Keep thes e cables at least 200 mm away from the po wer supply or high -volta ge ca bles.
[Notes o n Mainte nance and Operatio n] • Hakko Ele ctronics Co., Ltd. is not respons ible for any damage s resulting from repair , overhaul or modifica tion o f MONIT OUCH that was performed by an una uthoriz ed perso n. • Do not us e thinne rs for clea ning b ecause t hey may discolo r the MONIT OUCH surface.
Content s Chapter 1 Hardwa re Sp ecifica tions 1. Features ................. ........... ........... ................. ........... ................. ........... ............ .......... ..... 1-1 2. Models a nd Perip heral Equi pment ................ .
12. Modu lar Ja ck (MJ1/ MJ2).............. ................ ............ ........... ................. ........... ........... .... 1-29 Modular Jack 1 (MJ1)/2 (MJ2) ............................................................. ..................... .
Chapter 3 Serial Co mmun icatio ns 1. 1 : 1 Connec tion ................ ................. ........... ........... ................. ........... ................. .......... 3 -1 1 : 1 Connection ............................ .. .... ..... .. .. .... .
Chapter 4 Network Co mmunicati o ns 1. Etherne t ........... ................ ............ ........... ................. ........... ................. ........... ........... ...... 4-1 Etherne t ..... .... ....... .... ...... .... ..... ...... .... .
Chapter 5 Conne ction to P LCs 1. MITSUBISHI PLC .................... ........... ................. ........... ................. ........... ................. .... 5-1 Avail able PL Cs....... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ...
8. Toyo puc PLC ........ ........... ............ ................ ............ ................. ........... ........... ............... 5 -55 Available PLCs.......... .... .... .. ..... .. .... .... .. .... ....... .... .... .. .... ... .... .... ..
16. SHINKO PLC........................... ........... ..... ...... ...... ........... ...... ..... ...... ........... ...... ..... ........ 5 -98 Avail able PL Cs....... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ...... .
25. TAIAN PLC ...................... ...... ...... ........... ..... ...... ...... ........... ...... ..... ........... ...... ...... ..... .. 5 -124 Available PLCs.......... .... .... .. ..... .. .... .... .. .... ....... .... .... .. .... ... .... .
1. Features 2. Mode ls and Peri pheral Equ ipmen t 3. Syste m Comp ositio n 4. Specific ations 5. Dimensio ns an d Panel Cut-o ut 6. Names and Func tions of Comp onents 7. Moun ting Proced ure 8. Power Sup ply Cable Connect ion 9. Coin-ty pe Lith iu m Batter y 10.
1 1. Features 1-1 Hardware S pecific ations 1. Features The V 7 seri es in her its and hei ght en s th e fe at ur es of t he V6 s eri es as desc ribe d bel ow . 1. 32k-c olor D ispl ay 32,768-c olor di splay m akes colorful e xpres sion pos sible . Bitmap f iles a re clearly display ed in brilliant colors .
1-2 2. Models and Peripheral Equipment 2. Models and Peripheral Equipment MONITOUCH Models The model name consis ts of the f ollowin g informat ion. V 7 Power supply specification D: 24 VD C specifica.
1 2. Models and Peripheral Equipment 1-3 Hardware S pecific ations The f ollowing m odels are avai lable. Peripheral Equipm ent The foll owing o ptions are availab le for u sing the V7 series m ore ef fectivel y .
1-4 2. Models and Peripheral Equipment EU-xx (option un it) (* This option un it can onl y be m ounted o n the V7i m odel.) xx: 00 → Video i nput + so und output unit Vid eo image s can be displ ayed on V 7i dire ctly . WA V files can be played a t an extern al spe aker .
1 2. Models and Peripheral Equipment 1-5 Hardware S pecific ations M-CARD SFTE (memory card editor) Applica tion sof tware f or editi ng dat a store d on a me mory card .
1-6 2. Models and Peripheral Equipment V6-ML T (multi-link 2 ma ster cab le) 3 m Used for M ulti-Li nk 2 conn ection b etween th e V7 mast er stati on and the V 7sl av e stat ion . V6-TMP (t emperature controlle r connection c able) 3 m Used for co nnect ion be tween the V7 series and a tem peratu re controlle r or a PL C via PLC2 W ay .
1 3. System Composition 1-7 Hardware S pecific ations 3. System Composition System Composition of V7 (S t and ard) The f ollowing i llustra tion show s poss ible sy stem configura tions u sing the V7 series (stan dard).
1-8 3. System Composition System Composition of V7i (High-performance) The follow ing ill ustration shows possi ble sys tem confi gurati ons usin g the V7i s eries (hi gh- perf orm anc e).
1 4. Specifications 1-9 Hardware S pecific ations 4. S pecifications General S pecificati ons Model V 708 V710 V712 Item DC power supply AC power supply DC power supply AC power supply DC power supply.
1-10 4. Specifications Display S pecific ations *1 When the normal temperature is 25 ° C, and the surface luminance of t he display is 50% of the init ia l se t ti n g .
1 4. Specifications 1-11 Hardware S pecific ations Function Switch Sp ecif ications Interface S pecifications *1 The CBM 292/293 printer cannot print screen hard c opies.
1-12 4. Specifications Drawing Environment Display Function Speci fi cations * Refer to the Reference Manual (Operation) for HK fonts. Item S pecif ications Drawing Method Exclusive drawing software Drawing T ool Nam e of exclusive drawing software: V -SFT (V er.
1 4. Specifications 1-13 Hardware S pecific ations Function Perfor mance Specif ica tions *1 The number of setting memory locations is limited to 1024 per screen. *2 Layer: 4 per screen (base + 3 overlap s) Item S pecif ications Screens Max. 1024 Screen Memo ry Flash memo ry: Appox.
1-14 5. Dimensions and Panel Cut-out 5. Dimensions and Panel Cut-out V708/V708i External V iew and Dimensions (Uni t: mm ) 24VDC - + F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 SYSTEM POWER LAN CN1 MJ1 MJ2 PRINTER CF CN5 MEMORY CN6 165 24.3 220 220.5 +0.5 -0 165.5 66.1 165 233 178 220 6.
1 5. Dimensions and Panel Cut-out 1-15 Hardware S pecific ations V710/V710i External V iew and Dimensions (Unit: mm) 100-240VAC L N F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 SYSTEM POWER LAN CN1 MJ1 MJ2 PRINTER CF CN5 MEMORY CN6 289 +0.5 -0 216.2 +0.5 -0 288.0 288.0 215.2 35.
1-16 5. Dimensions and Panel Cut-out V712/V712i External V iew and Dimensions (Uni t: mm ) SYSTEM F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 POWER CN5 MEMORY CN6 CF PRINTER MJ2 MJ1 CN1 LAN 100-240VAC L N 326.4 259.6 8 312 312 245.2 313 +0.5 -0 +0.5 -0 246.2 72 245.2 63.8 See operating or maintenance instruction for type of battery to be used.
1 6. Names and Functions of Components 1-17 Hardware S pecific ations 6. Names and Functions of Component s V708/V70 8i V710/V71 0i 24VDC - + F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 SYSTEM POWER LAN CN1 MJ1 MJ2 PRINTER CF CN5 MEMORY CN6 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 See operating or maintenance instruction for type of battery to be used.
1-18 6. Names and Functions of Components V712/V7 12i 1. Displa y This is t he displa y uni t. 2. Power Lamp (POWER) Illumina tes (green) when the power is suppli ed to th e V7 series . 3. Function sw it che s Used for RUN /ST OP selec tion, cont rast ad justment , brightnes s adjus tment and backligh t ON/OFF (a ccord ing to the settin g).
1 6. Names and Functions of Components 1-19 Hardware S pecific ations 10. Mo u nti ng ho les Used f or insertin g fixtures when sec uring t he V7 serie s to the m ounting p anel.
1-20 7. Mounting Pro cedure 7. Mounting Procedure Mounting Procedure 1. Cut out th e mounti ng p anel (ma x. thick: 5 mm) to match the dimen sions s hown be low . 2. Insert four fixture s attac hed to th e V7 se ries into t he mo unting hol es, and ti ghten them with the locking screws.
1 8. Power Supply Cable Connection 1-21 Hardware S pecific ations 8. Power Suppl y Cable Connection Power Suppl y Cable Connection • Connec t the pow er suppl y cable to the te rminal o n the ba ckside of the uni t.
1-22 8. Power Supply Cable Connection • Keep cables of 10 0 V AC and 24 VDC s uf f ic ien tly aw ay from high -vo lt a ge, large - cu rren t carryi ng cab les.
1 9. Coin-type Lithium Battery 1-23 Hardware S pecific ations 9. Coin-type Lithium Battery Battery Mounting Procedur e 1. A coin-ty pe lithiu m batte ry is att ach ed to the b attery holder without connecti on in the backsi de of t he unit be fore del ivery .
1-24 9. Coin-type Lithium B attery 6. Check t hat the batte ry is correctl y connec ted on the Main Men u screen. When the b attery i s not con nected, t he [SRAM/Cl oc k] sw i tch blink s and the message “Batte ry no t set” i s displ ayed at th e bottom le ft corne r .
1 9. Coin-type Lithium Battery 1-25 Hardware S pecific ations Battery Replaceme nt Procedure Repla cement b atteries ar e availab le from H akko Ele ctronics . 1. Replace the batt ery “V7-BT” with in three m inutes af ter the V7 unit i s turned o ff.
1-26 10. DIP Switc h Setting 10. DIP Switch Setting DIP Switch (DIPSW) Setti ng Set the terminatin g resist anc e for RS-42 2/485 con nection wi th the DI P switch . When setting th e DIP swit ch, turn th e power of f. - For V708/ V708i: - For V710 /V710i/V7 12/V712i: * Set DIPSW2 to 5 (not used) to the OFF position.
1 10. DIP Swit ch Setting 1-27 Hardware S pecific ations CF Auto Load (DIPSW1) A screen dat a file sa ved on a CF ca rd can be auto-lo aded as d escribed below . 1. T ransf er screen dat a from the computer to a CF c ard. (Refe r to the Reference Manua l for more i nformation.
1-28 11. Serial Connector (CN1 ) 1 1. Serial Connector (CN1) Serial Connector for PLC Connection 1. T o co mmunica te with t he PLC (RS-2 32C, RS- 422/485 ), connec t the cabl e to the s erial connecto r (CN1) at the b ottom of th e V7 unit. - For V708/ V708i: - For V710 /V710i/V7 12/V712i: 2.
1 12. Modular Jack (MJ1/ MJ2) 1-29 Hardware S pecific ations 12. Modular Jack (MJ1/MJ2) Modular Jack 1 (MJ1)/2 (MJ2) 1. This is a modula r connec tor used fo r conn ection for screen da ta transfer , temperature controll er , barcode re ader , card rec order (CREC ) or serial extensi on I/O (V -I/O).
1-30 12. Modular Jack (MJ1/ MJ2) V -SFT Setting 1. The use of modu lar jacks 1 and 2 c an be set on the V -SFT editor . 2. Select [Mo dular] from the [Sy stem Setti ng] menu . The [Mod ular Jac k] dialog is displaye d. Sel ect the us e of modu lar jac ks 1 and 2 from the follo wing op tions.
1 12. Modular Jack (MJ1/ MJ2) 1-31 Hardware S pecific ations 3. Do not select [M ulti-link ] and [T emp. CTR L/PLC2W ay] for [ Modular Jac k 1/2] at t he same ti me. • Combinati on of M J1 and M J2 Func tions O: Usable a t the sa me time, : Usable from system program V e r .
1-32 12. Modular Jack (MJ1/ MJ2) T ransferring Screen Dat a • Use modul ar jac k 1 (MJ1) w hen transfe rring scre en dat a. • When [E ditor Port] i s selec ted for [M odula r Jack 1] o n the V -SFT editor , it is poss ible to transfer data in th e RUN mode because the RUN/ST OP mode (on the Main Menu screen) c an be a utomatic ally sel ected .
1 13. 10BAS E-T (LAN ) 1-33 Hardware S pecific ations 13. 10BASE-T (LAN) The con nector for 1 0BASE-T is pro vided as stand ard on V7i (high-pe rformance ). T o connec t Ethernet w ith V7 (st andard), use the c ommuni cation un it “CU-03.” If CU-03 is attac hed to V7i , it has pr iority over the b uilt-in 10 BASE-T ; 10BASE -T cannot b e used.
1-34 13. 10BAS E-T (LAN) Notes on Wiring Cable Connection Diagra m Notes on Cables Use the following recommen ded cabl e. Recommended cable (1 0BASE-T) T ype: T wi st- pair ca ble , cat e gor y 5 CAUTION When usi ng the LAN port, keep the L AN cabl e away from the po wer supp ly cable as mu ch as po ssib le.
1 14. CF Card (CF) 1-35 Hardware S pecific ations 14. CF Card (CF) Recommended CF Card CF car ds in com pliance with Comp actFlas h TM can be used . The foll owing c ard is recomm ended . Mounting an d Dismountin g the CF C ard 1. The CF card in terface is provi ded on the side of the uni t.
1-36 14. CF Card (CF) Notes on Handling the CF Card 1. Do not in sert or remove the C F ca rd during a ccess. Doing so m ay destro y dat a on the CF card.
1 15. Printer Con nection (PRINTER ) 1-37 Hardware S pecific ations 15. Printe r Connection (PRINTER) When the V7 series is co nnected to a pri nter , a screen hard copy , data sheet o r sam pling data can be printed.
1-38 15. Printer Connection (PRINTER) Connecting Cable • T o co nnect the V7 seri es to a pri nter , use Ha kko Elec tronics’ printer ca ble “V7-P T” 2.
1. Operatio n of V7 Mai n Menu Init ial S cr ee n 1. Main Menu Screen 2. I/O Test 3. Card Menu Scre en 4. Ethe rnet 5. SRAM/Clock 6. Ext ens ion Prog ram Inf o rma tio n 7. Exten ded Fun ction Setti ng 2. Function Switches Type s [SYSTEM] Switch 3. Errors Displ ayed on t he V7 Ser ies 1.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-1 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 1. Operation of V7 Main Menu Initial Screen When the power of MONIT OUCH is turn ed on for th e first time, the Main Men u screen shown below o n the lef t is displ ayed.
2-2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu • Auto-upload ing scre en dat a from th e CF ca rd to the V7 unit 1) T rans fer screen data f rom the comp uter to a C F card. 2) T urn t he V7 unit off . Set the DIPSW1 on the V7 uni t to the ON pos ition, an d inse rt the CF card.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-3 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 2002-4 -1 07:23:30 SYSTEM PROG. VER. 1.000 FONT VER.1.300 / 1.000 / 1.000 ENGLISH I/F DRV VER.
2-4 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2. I/O T est When the [I /O T est] switch on the Main Me nu sc reen is pre ssed, th e following “I/O T est” screen ap pears. This sc reen is u sed to check th at there is no pro blem w ith the V7 interfaces and t ouch switc h operati on.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-5 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 2-1. Self-loop T est This i s a sig nal t est for c ommunic ations through the CN1 , MJ1 or MJ2 c onnecto r .
2-6 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu CN1: RS-485 Signal T est T urn the [ C N1] and [ R S485 ] swi tch es on . • SD/RD T est Check t he sig nals [SD ] and [ RD]. 1. Inst all a j um per be tw een p ins 12 an d 24 and b etw ee n pin s 13 and 25 of C N 1 on th e backsi de o f the V 7 un it .
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-7 MONIT OUCH Operat ions MJ1/2: RS-232C Signal T est T urn th e [MJ1] (o r [MJ2]) an d [RS232C] swi tches on . • RS-232C Self-loop T est Check th e signals [SD] and [RD]. C onnect the data t ransfer cable (V6-C P) to CN1 for the test.
2-8 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-2. Print Check Check that the V7 s eries tra nsmit s the s ignals to the p rinter c orrectly . 1. Connect the V7 seri es to the printer . 2. Press the [Printer Ch eck] swit ch. Th e t es t is s uc ce ss ful w hen a tes t p age is printe d o ut without p roblem.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-9 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 2-4. T ouch Switch T est If a touch s witch do es not activat e at all or if an operation is performe d without p ressing an y touch s witch, che ck that th e touch s witches o n the V7 p anel are working proper ly .
2-10 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu T ouch Switch Adjustment If a po sition dif ferent from the pres sed position turns w hite o n the touch switch test screen , foll ow th e st eps descr ib ed be l ow to adju st t h e to uch s witc h pos ition . 1. Hold down the [SYSTEM] switch and press the [F2] switc h on the to uch switc h test screen.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-11 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 3. Card Menu Screen When the [Card Me nu] switch on the Main Me nu scree n is pr essed, th e followin g “Card Menu” sc ree n app ears . Thi s sc ree n is use d to tra nsf er scree n dat a be tw een the V7 s erie s and a CF c ard or a mem ory card.
2-12 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 3-1. C REC Menu Screen When the [CREC Me nu] swi tch on th e “Card Men u” screen is pres sed, the f ollowin g “CREC Menu” s creen ap pears. This screen is us ed to transfe r screen data betwee n the V7 se ries and a mem ory card .
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-13 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 3. Memory Card Informatio n Press th e [Mod ular J ack MJ1 (MJ2)] swi tch. The me mory card i nfo rmatio n con tai ned in the inse rted m emory ca rd is indi cated . Switche s in the “Dat a Selecti on” fie ld and “T ransf er” field be come active.
2-14 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 5. Starting Data Transfer Press the [S tart] swit ch. Dat a tr ansfer is s tart ed. Du ring dat a tran sfer , the [S tart] swi tch ch an ges into [B usy] a nd fl ash es. When data is tra nsf err e d, t he f ol low in g mes sage is displaye d.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-15 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 3-2. T ransferring Screen Dat a from a CF C ard CF Card Folder Configuration Folders in the CF card a re config ured as shown bel ow . DA T0000 (access folder) DSPDEF (scr een data auto upload folder) (Other folders are the same as access folders.
2-16 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu T ransferring Sc reen Dat a from a CF Card The proced ure of trans ferring data b etween t he V7 serie s and a C F card i s descri bed below . 1. Mounting the CF C ard Insert the CF card i nto the CF c ard conne ctor at the side of the V7 unit.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-17 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 2. Check the fol der na me, free sp ace, and CF card file inf orm ati on. If the co rrec t fold er is selec ted , mo ve to st ep 4 . • Folder Nam e Indicate s th e na me of th e c urre ntly s ele cte d fo lde r .
2-18 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 4. Press the [ Select Data] switch . The [ Data Selecti on] win dow is d isplaye d and the [Select Dat a] s witch chan ges to [S tart]. Select the desire d data , and p ress th e [Select D ata] swit ch. T o ca ncel t he [Dat a Sele ction] window , press the [R eturn] switch .
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-19 MONIT OUCH Operat ions When [Display --> Card] is Sele cted: 1. When [D isplay - -> Card] is select ed, the “Card T ransfer” sc reen is d isplaye d. 2. Check th e folder na me an d CF card fil e informa tion, a nd press the [S tart] switch .
2-20 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu When [Displ ay <-- > Ca rd] is Select e d: 1. When [Di splay <--> Card] is se lecte d, the “Ca rd T rans fer” screen is disp layed . Screen data us ed for comp arison is that in the DSP fo lder unde r the fol der havin g the sam e name as the acces s folder that is set by th e V -SFT editor .
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-21 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 3-3. Saving Backup Co pies of SRAM In this section, the proced ure for sav ing back up copi es of th e SRAM memory or V7EM-S (SRAM cas sette) for b attery repl acement i s expla ined. 1. Press the [SRAM ] switch o n the “Card M enu” screen.
2-22 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu • When [Dis play <-- Ca rd] is sel ected , the follo wing scree n is dis played. 1) T o change anoth er folde r , press the [ Select Folder] sw itch. (Th e fold er name must be “SRA M0000.BI N.”) 2) The “Sele ct Fol der” screen is disp layed as shown on p age 2- 17.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-23 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 3-4. Messages during Dat a T r ansfer If an error occurs during d ata tran sfer , the messa ge window shown on the ri ght is displa yed. The kin ds and the conte nts of the m essag es are sh own bel ow .
2-24 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 4. Ethernet The “Etherne t” screen is dis pl aye d by pressi ng the [IP Addres s (Engl is h)] sw it ch on the init ial scr een w hen tra nsf erri ng s creen da t.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-25 MONIT OUCH Operat ions Not Use Network T able In the fo llowing cases, select [Not Use Netwo rk T able]. • Screen da ta is transferred for the f irst time via Eth ernet. • The netw ork ta ble is no t set for s creen dat a of the V7 series .
2-26 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu Connection with CU-03 on V7 1. Select eit her [10BASE -T] or [AUI] for th e connec ting meth od. 2. Set the I P address. (If nec essary , set the d efault gateway and sub net mask .) 3. Press the [ Setting Finish ed] swi tch.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-27 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 5. SRAM/Clock • T o use the bui lt-in clock of the V7 s eries or to use t he SRAM mem ory or cas sette, it is necess ary to se lect [SRAM /Clock Se tting] from the [Syste m Setting] menu a nd make the SRAM/c lock set ting.
2-28 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu Date and T ime Setting 1. M ov e the c urs or u s in g t he [ ← ] / [ → ] swit ch, and c hange the value by press ing the [+ ] / [ − ] swit ch. 2. When the desi red date and tim e are set , pres s the [S et] sw itc h to de term ine the s etti ng.
2 1. Operation of V 7 Main Menu 2-29 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 7. Extended Fu nction Setting When the [Editor: MJ1] sw itch on the Ma in Me nu screen is press ed, the following “Extended Funct ion Setting ” screen a ppears. Se t the b aud rate to be use d when transferri ng sc reen dat a betw e en the V7 seri es and a modem.
2-30 2. Function Switches 2. Function Switches Ty p e s • There ar e eight fun ction switch es provid ed. [SYSTEM], [F1], [F2], [F3], [F 4], [F5], [F6], [F7] [SYSTEM] Switch The [SYSTEM] s witch works in “altern ate” operat ions.
2 2. Function S witches 2-31 MONIT OUCH Operat ions User-defined Function Switches [F1] to [F7] • User-def ined func tion switc hes [F1] to [F7] d o not work i n the ST OP mode. • When the V7 s eries is in the RUN mode and the swi tch menu by the [SYST EM] switch is not d isplaye d, the fu nction s witches c an be defined by the user .
2-32 3. Errors Display ed on the V7 Series 3. Errors Displayed on the V7 Series There a re five ki nds o f error mess ages di splayed on the V series: 1.
2 3. Errors Displaye d on the V7 Series 2-33 MONIT OUCH Operat ions Solution 1. Confirm li nk unit s ettings. (After making se ttings, c ut power to th e PLC.) 2. Go to th e editor (V -SFT) and confirm the setti ngs in th e [Comm. Par ameter] di alog in the [Syst em Setting ] menu.
2-34 3. Errors Display ed on the V7 Series Error Mess ages for N etwork C ommunication • Ethernet • MELSECNET/10 • CC-L INK Error Message Contents Solution Ethernet Error: XXXX The Ethernet status is saved at system memory addres s $s518 and a code other than “0” ( normal) is received.
2 3. Errors Displaye d on the V7 Series 2-35 MONIT OUCH Operat ions • OPCN-1 • T- L I N K • PROFIBUS-DP Error Message Contents Solution I/F Board Err The I/F unit for OPCN-1 has an error . Cont act your local distributor . S tat. N o. out of range The port number set by a switch is not within the setting range (1 to 127).
2-36 3. Errors Display ed on the V7 Series 2. Check 3. W arning An error may be disp layed on the Ma in Me nu screen du ring dat a tran sfer . This is a warning message . For the w arning det ails a nd solutions , refer to the Referenc e Manual and corre ct scree n dat a.
2 3. Errors Displaye d on the V7 Series 2-37 MONIT OUCH Operat ions 4. SYSTEM ERROR When a s ystem e rror is dete cted, t he followin g error s creen is display ed.
2-38 3. Errors Display ed on the V7 Series Please use this page freely ..
1. 1 : 1 C onnecti on 2. 1 : n Co nnecti on (Multi -drop) 3. n : 1 C onnecti on (Mu lti-link 2 ) 4. n : 1 C onnecti on (Mu lti-link) 5. Universal Serial C ommunicati ons 6.
3 1. 1 : 1 Connection 3-1 Serial Comm unic ati ons 1. 1 : 1 Connection 1 : 1 Co nnection • One se t of the V7 s eries is conne cted to o ne PLC (1 : 1 connectio n). • The hos t l ink u nit of the PLC or the C PU po rt i s used and th e V7 s erie s (ma ste r s t at ion ) esta blish es comm unica tions ac cording to the pro tocol of the PLC.
3-2 1. 1 : 1 C onnection Wiring Prepare t he com munica tion cabl e with th e PLC on your sid e. Refer t o the foll owing informati on for the cabl e. For more informa tion on the co nnection to respective PLC s, refer to “Chapter 5 Connectio n to PLCs.
3 1. 1 : 1 Connection 3-3 Serial Comm unic ati ons RS-422/485 Connec tion • Connect t wist-p air c ables bet ween +SD/ − SD and +RD / − RD. • If the PLC h as the terminal for signal ground (SG ), be sure to connec t a wire. • Connec t the shi elded ca ble ei ther to t he V7 serie s or PLC side.
3-4 1. 1 : 1 C onnection PLC Selection Select the PLC th at is conne cted. • Setting Positio n [System Se tting] → [PLC T y pe] → [Select PLC T y pe] dialog Communication Parameter S etting The com mu nic ati on p a r am ete r s etti ng is e ss ent ial for s uc cess ful comm un ic ati ons b etw ee n the V seri es ↔ PLC.
3 1. 1 : 1 Connection 3-5 Serial Comm unic ati ons - Choos e the acti on to b e take n agai nst co mmunic ation errors . [Comm. Erro r Handlin g] Set erro r ha ndl ing r o uti ne i n th e cas e th at a com mu nic ati on err o r be twee n th e V7 series and the PL C occur s.
3-6 1. 1 : 1 C onnection System Memory [Read Area]/[W rite Area] of th e system m emory mu st be sec ured for c ommunicati ons between the V7 seri es and th e PLC.
3 1. 1 : 1 Connection 3-7 Serial Comm unic ati ons • SCRN_No. (n + 2) Screen number comman d Use exam ple: T o specify a screen number from the PL C: When “D0 ” is set f or [Read A rea], the screen n umber is written i n “D2” of t he PLC.
3-8 1. 1 : 1 C onnection [Write Area] (3 words )* This i s an ar ea where the scree n statu s is w ritten. Consecuti ve three w ords from the specifie d memory address are used a s “wr ite area.” * When yo u have co nverted GD-80 data to the V7 series d at a, the number of requ ired memory addresses vary .
3 2. 1 : n Connection (Multi-drop ) 3-9 Serial Comm unic ati ons 2. 1 : n Connection (Multi-drop) 1 : n Connection One V7 s eries is connect ed to mul tiple PL Cs. (Maxi mum con necta ble PLCs : 32) Wiring (RS-422/ 485) For conn ecting in formation , refer to the instru ction ma nual f or the PLC.
3-10 2. 1 : n C onnection (Multi-drop) V -SFT Setting The f oll owin g set ti ng s mus t be made on the V -SFT ed it or . Only t he p oin ts diffe r ent from those descr ibe d in “1 : 1 C onnect ion /V -SFT Setting” (page 3-3) are exp la ine d here.
3 3. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link 2 ) 3-11 Serial Comm unic ati ons 3. n : 1 Connection (Multi-link 2) Multi- link 2 • One PLC i s connec ted to a m aximum of four V7 seri es.
3-12 3. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link 2) • The V7 an d V6 s eries can be u sed toge ther . The V6 series can be the m aster s tation. (However , when V606/V60 6i is the master s tat ion, the s lave st ation must be V606/V606i. Also, depending on the hardware version of the V 6 series, multi- link 2 connecti on ma y not be s upported.
3 3. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link 2 ) 3-13 Serial Comm unic ati ons T erminating Resist ance Setting • The termi nating resist ance of the V7 s eries sh ould b e set on th e DIP sw itch. • When the PLC and t he mas ter st ation are con nected vi a RS-422/ 485, s et the terminat ing res istan ce at t he PLC an d the mas ter st ation (C N1).
3-14 3. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link 2) 2. When the PL C is co nnected t o V7 se ries mas ter sta tion via R S-422 /485: V -SFT Setting The f oll owin g set t ing s mus t be ma de on the V-SFT edi tor. Only the po int s different from th os e des cri bed in “1.
3 3. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link 2 ) 3-15 Serial Comm unic ati ons [Send De lay T ime] (0 to 2 55) (Unit : × 1 msec) Set a time delay in send ing the res ponse to the PLC afte r receipt of dat a from the PLC. Normally use the d efault setting (0 ).
3-16 4. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link) 4. n : 1 Connection (Multi-link) Multi- link • One PLC is conne cted t o multipl e V7 se ries. (Ma ximum c onnect able V series: 32) • The PLC mus t be of the type of s ignal lev el RS422/RS48 5 with port n umbers.
3 4. n : 1 Connection (Multi-link) 3-17 Serial Comm unic ati ons Wiri ng Connection with Link Unit Use th e RS-485 2-wire co nnection . (It is recomme nded that Hakko Electronic s’ op tional terminal converte r “TC485” be used.) • When TC 485 is us ed: Set “2-wi re c onn ec tio n” at the DI P swi tc h (SW1) on TC485.
3-18 4. n : 1 C onnection (Multi-link) When con n ec ting direc tl y to the CPU of the MITSUBIS HI QnA se rie s: Use the GD port of Hakko El ectron ics’ opt ional dual port i nterface V -MDD. V -SFT Setting The f oll owin g set ti ng s mus t be made on the V -SFT ed it or .
3 4. n : 1 Connection (Multi-link) 3-19 Serial Comm unic ati ons [T otal] (2 to 32) Set t he to tal nu mber o f th e V7 se ri es incl ude d in t h e con nec tio n.
3-20 5. Universal Serial Com munications 5. Universal Serial Communications Universal Serial Comm unicati ons • A gen er al pur pos e com put er or an ASC II un it of th e P LC (m ast er s tation ) co nt ro ls th e V7 series (slave s tati on) using dedicate d comma nds.
3 6. V-Link 3-21 Serial Comm unic ati ons 6. V -Link V- L i n k • “V -Link” is t he netwo rk where the co mputer read s from and wri tes to the interna l memory of the V7 seri es, memory card , PLC memo ry or temperatu re control /PLC2 memory using a dedicated protocol .
3-22 6. V-Link Wiring Cable Use Hak ko Electro nics’ ca ble “V6-TMP” (3 m) fo r conn ection with a compu ter . The shielded frame ground of V6 -TMP must be co nnected to the V7 series. * N otes on Use of V6-TMP There are six wires in the V6-TMP cable as shown on the right.
3 6. V-Link 3-23 Serial Comm unic ati ons RS- 485 (V7 seri e s: ma ximu m 31 se t s) Wiring e xample o f above (a ) and (b) CN1 CN1 CN1 MJ2/1 MJ2/1 MJ2/1 a b V6-TMP RS-232C RS-422 RS-485 PLC PLC PLC }.
3-24 6. V-Link V -SFT Setting The V-SFT set ti ngs re qui red f or V-Link ar e exp lai ned . V -Link Setting 1. Click [System Settin g] → [V -Link Setting]. 2. The [V -Link Sett ing] di alog is displaye d. 3. Check [ Use MJ port as V -Link] an d make th e setting for com munica tions bet ween the V7 seri es and the comp uter .
3 6. V-Link 3-25 Serial Comm unic ati ons Protocol Rea d (with sum ch eck a n d CR/LF ) S T X Command Response (Normal communication) Read Command * 11 1 1 11 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 8 44 12 21 1 1 2 S T X A C K S T X N A K L F E T X S U M C R V7 local No.
3-26 6. V-Link Wr ite (with sum check and CR/LF) 1 11 1 2 2 2 21 8 4 4 0064 H 30 H 31 H 02 H AB 1 2 02 H 03 H 30 H 30 H 36 H 34 H 42 H 41 H 32 H 31 H 34 H 31 H 34 H 32 H 33 H 31 H 33 H 32 H 01 H 02 H .
3 6. V-Link 3-27 Serial Comm unic ati ons Dat a It ems fo r Pr otocol s • T ransm ission contro l code: 1 byte • V7 port number: 2 bytes Port nu mbers are used so that the host com puter can identify each V7 series for access. The dat a range is from 0 1H to 1FH (1 to 31 ) and is c onverted i nto the ASCII code befo re use .
3-28 6. V-Link -T y p e -A d d r e s s S pecify the memo ry addr ess to be acce ssed. - Expa nsion code Set the s lot numb er of the SPU mem ory of the MITSUBISHI PLC or th e CPU number of the YOKOGA WA PLC. Exampl e: MITSUBISHI Slot No. 0: 00H MITSUBISHI Slot No.
3 6. V-Link 3-29 Serial Comm unic ati ons Sum Check C ode (SUM): 2 bytes Dat a is adde d up (SUM ), and the lower on e byte (8 b its ) of the su m is converted into t he 2-dig it ASCII c ode (hexad ecimal).
3-30 6. V-Link 1-byte Character Code List 2 SP ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) + , . / 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] ^ _ 6 ’ a b .
3 7. PLC2Way 3-31 Serial Comm unic ati ons 7. PLC2W a y PLC2W ay • The “PLC 2W ay” fu nction is a n origi nal network function where on e V7 se ries can be connec ted to two PLCs . Even if the ma nufacturers of these PLCs are no t the sam e, they ca n be conn ected to one V7 s eries.
3-32 7. PLC2Way • Data transfer be tween PLC s The PLC mem ory dat a can be transfe rred to a nother PLC in bloc ks usin g a macro command . Connection at the CN1 conn ector is describe d in “1. 1 : 1 Connecti on” to “4. n : 1 Connection (Multi-li nk).
3 7. PLC2Way 3-33 Serial Comm unic ati ons Wiri ng T wo kinds o f cabl es are av ailable f or PLC2W ay connec tion at the MJ po rt. Cabl e connec tions are expla ined. Connecting method 1 (using MJ-D25) • T o connect the PLC and the V7 se ries a t the MJ port, use the Hakk o Electron ics’ MJ to D-sub conv ers ion c a ble “ MJ-D 25” ( 0.
3-34 7. PLC2Way <RS-485 Con nection> • Connect ion exampl e with M ITSUBISHI A1SJ 71UC24-R4 (1 set) • Connect ion exampl e with M ITSUBISHI A1SJ 71UC24-R4 (3 set) T erminati ng Resi st ance Sett ing • The termin ating re sist ance of th e V7 se ries shou ld be set on the DIP switc h in the backsid e of the unit.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-35 Serial Comm unic ati ons V -SFT Setting – System Setting PLC mo del sele ction and pa rameter setting to be ma de on the V -SFT editor f or the PLC2W ay connec tion at the MJ po rt are expl ained. T em p. CTR L/P LC2 Way Settin g Select th e PLC mo del and m ake the p arameter sett ing as de scribed b elow .
3-36 7. PLC2Way 4. Select the PLC mod el to be connec ted at the MJ po rt. Click t he [Setti ng] bu tton. The [T ype Setti ng] dialo g is dis played. Select [PLC2 W ay]. The PLC manuf acturer names who suppo rt PLC2W ay communi cation ar e disp layed.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-37 Serial Comm unic ati ons [Return T ime] ( × 10 se c) When the PLC in th e PLC2W ay commun ication i s turn ed off, dat a read from the PLC is tem poraril y proh ibited. An inquiry fo r restor ation is s ent each time the specifi ed retu rn time ha s elap sed.
3-38 7. PLC2Way Setting the PLC Memory Connec ted at the MJ Port 1. Open the [Memo ry Input] d ialog for the p art where the PLC m emory c onnected at the MJ port s hould be alloca ted. 2. For the P LC memory co nnected a t the M J port, se lect [PLC2 M emory] fo r [T ype] and sp ec ify the m emor y addr es s.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-39 Serial Comm unic ati ons T emperature Control Network/PLC2W ay T able 1. S tarting Click [Syst em Setting ] → [T emp. CT RL/PLC2W ay Setting] → [T emp. CTRL/PLC2W ay Networ k T able]. ([T emp. C TRL/PLC2W ay Netw ork T able] beco mes act ive on ly when the setti ng in the [T emp.
3-40 7. PLC2Way Enter the de sired c omment and clic k [OK]. Th e enter ed comm ent is dis played at the top right corner . 4. Setting dat a in the ta ble Click on a line in the tabl e. The se lecte d line turn s blu e. Double-cli cking brings u p the defau lt sett ing for the PLC2 memo ry , data typ e, etc.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-41 Serial Comm unic ati ons When the dat a code in the t arget me mory a ddress is BCD: The co de ( num eric a l da ta fo rma t) fo r the P LC2 mem o ry is fix ed as ment ion ed above. (R efer to p age 3-3 7.) Normal ly the V7 series handle s nume rical d ata as “DEC with sign s.
3-42 7. PLC2Way Dat a Sampling in the PLC2 Memor y T o per form dat a sampl ing in the PLC2 me mory , the foll owing s ettings a re required. • T emper ature con trol net work/PLC2W ay tabl e edit i.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-43 Serial Comm unic ati ons • Calc ula ting t he b ufferi ng a r ea ca pacit y When [Inte rnal Buf fer] is selecte d for [S tore T arget] in the [Bu ff ering Area Se tting], the max imum avail able cap acity is 32K word s.
3-44 7. PLC2Way 3. T rend sa mpli ng or da ta sam pling setting T o sh ow dat a sto red in t he speci fied bu ff er number , trend sam pling or d ata samplin g must be set. C lic k the [T rend Sam pli ng] or [D at a Sa mp ling] i co n a nd m ake th e s ett ing.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-45 Serial Comm unic ati ons 2. Me mory c ard se ttin g The mem ory ca rd set ting sh ould b e mad e whe n the m emory c ard is used as the sourc e or t arget memory for a mac ro comm and. 1) Click [System Setting] → [M emory Card Setting ].
3-46 7. PLC2Way User Log Read for YOKOGA W A ’ s PLC The user l og set with YOKOG A W A ’s PLC “F A-M3/F A-M3R” conne cted at th e MJ port can be read us ing th e macro c ommand TEMP_CTL.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-47 Serial Comm unic ati ons Processing Cycle The pr ocessin g cycle on the V7 seri es with the PLC2 W ay functi on is ex plained. Fig. a.
3-48 7. PLC2Way Notes on Screen Dat a T ransfer T emperature Control/PLC2 Program When usin g t he tem pera ture co ntro l network /PL C2W ay communic ati ons, i t is ne ce ss ary to transfer the temp erature con trol/PLC2 prog ram to the V7 series .
3 7. PLC2Way 3-49 Serial Comm unic ati ons System Memory The st atus of the PLC conne cted at the MJ port for PLC2W ay commun ications is outpu t to the system memory ($s ) of the V7 series . The mem ory addre sses ($s73 0 to 763) of the PLC co nnected a t the MJ p ort are e xplaine d.
3-50 7. PLC2Way Det ails • $s730 -761 The follow ing st atus code for t he PLC c onnected at the M J port is stored. Errors other t han the ab ove are stored as shown be low . Solution 1. Check t he p arameter setting o f th e PLC c on nec ted at t he MJ port a nd the s et ting in the [T em p.
3 7. PLC2Way 3-51 Serial Comm unic ati ons • $s762 Periodic al reading that is s et in the [T emp. C TRL/PLC2W ay T able Setting] dia log can b e suspen ded. - [0] : Per i odi cal r e adi ng is perf orm ed. - [Other th an “0”]: Periodic al readin g is sus pended.
3-52 8. Temperature Control N etwork 8. T emperature Control Network T emperature Control Network • Using the t empera ture contro l network , the V7 s eries can be conne cted t o the temperature controll er . With RS-23 2C, one PLC can be connec ted; with R S-485, a maximum of 31 temperatu re cont rollers c an be con nected.
1. Ethernet 2. FL-net (OPCN -2 ) 3. MELSECN ET/10 4. CC-Li nk 5. OPCN- 1 6. T-LINK 7. PROFIBUS-DP Network Communications.
4 1. Ethernet 4-1 Network C ommuni catio ns 1. Ethernet Ethernet • T ran s fer ri ng data i n mem ory Data in memory can be tra nsferred to the V7 seri es on the Ethernet or to the PLCs linked to the V7 series as a host by using m acro com mands (EREAD/EW RITE).
4-2 1. Ethernet - Screen da t a can be tran sferred from the V -SFT editor on the s erver to the V7 s eries. • Communic ations be tween th e Ethernet-re ady PLC a nd the V7 s eries - The V7 s eries can commu nicate with the PLC o n the Et hernet. - The V7 s eries can commu nicate w ith multi ple PLCs on the Eth ernet.
4 1. Ethernet 4-3 Network C ommuni catio ns Notes on Ethernet Communi cations For V7 i: • T o use Ethernet communica tions on V7i, use th e 10BASE-T connector (LAN) provid ed on the un it. It i s not pos sible to use Ethern et or FL-n et (OPCN- 2) comm unicati ons by att aching t he comm unication I/F uni t CU-03 to V7i at t he same time.
4-4 1. Ethernet Nomenclature and Functions of Etherne t I/F Unit CU-03 1. LED Indicates the st atus o f the com municat ion. 2. Port number settin g switches Set the port numbe r of V7 spec ified on the net work t able usi ng the fol lowing rotary switch es.
4 1. Ethernet 4-5 Network C ommuni catio ns Wiri ng 10BASE-T Connection • Cable co nne cti on dia gram S traight cabl e (with H UB) Cross c able (withou t HUB) • Notes on cab les Use th e following recomm ended cab le.
4-6 1. Ethernet AUI Connection • 10BASE5 The followi ng devic es are req uired for 10 BASE5 connec tion: - Coaxial cable for 10 BASE5 -A U I c a b l e - N-typ e connec tor - N-typ e terminat or - T rans ceiv er - Power s upply fo r the transc eiver: 12 VDC • T ransce iver Use the transce iver equ ipped with the SQE TEST func tion.
4 1. Ethernet 4-7 Network C ommuni catio ns • T ransceive r Use the tra nsceive r equippe d with the SQE TEST function . (SQE TEST : Signal Quality Error T est) Recomme nded t ransceiv er * The I/F unit may be brok en if the A UI connector i s subject to strong force.
4-8 1. Ethernet T ransferring Screen Dat a This secti on de sc rib es the pr ocedu re for transfe rrin g scr een dat a from the V -SFT editor on the server to MONITOUCH via Ethernet. For the procedure using the V6-CP cable, refer to the Refe rence Manual (Operatio n).
4 1. Ethernet 4-9 Network C ommuni catio ns T ransferring Scre en Dat a from V -SFT Editor 1. Click th e [T rans fer] icon. The [T ransfer] dial og is di splayed. 2. Attach a che ck mark ( ) to [ T ransfer th rough Ethe rnet ]. 3. Press the [Det ail Setting] s witch.
4-10 1. Ethernet 5. Check t he IP addres s, and c lick [PC ->]. 6. Data transfer is st arted. V -SFT Setting (PLC T ype/Communication Param eter) T o ena ble Etherne t commu nication s on the V7 serie s, the foll owing s etting is requir ed on the V -SFT editor .
4 1. Ethernet 4-11 Network C ommuni catio ns The con tent s of th e system s etting vary depe nding on the me thod s elected. Check the connec ting meth od and make the setti ng on t he V -SFT editor . (A) Connecting to the PLC through RS-232C or RS-4 85 interface 1.
4-12 1. Ethernet 2. Commun ic ati on p ara me ter set ting • Select [Sy stem Sett ing] → [Comm. Param eter]. Set the PLC to the V7 se ries whic h is c onn ected . When th e network ta ble is no t set: Netwo rk ta bl e No . 0 is d ispl aye d. It is no t poss ible t o select an opt ion for [Conne ct T o].
4 1. Ethernet 4-13 Network C ommuni catio ns • When com munica ting wit h mult iple PLC s (same mod el) on the Ethernet , sele ct [1 : n] for [Connec tion] on th e [Detai l] t ab window . Set the port numbe r (netw ork t able num ber) of th e PLC in the [ Memor y Input ] dialo g for each part.
4-14 1. Ethernet V -SFT Setting (Netw ork T abl e Editing) T o ena ble Eth erne t comm un ic ati ons on the V7 s eri es, the fol low i ng n etwo rk t able s etti ng is required on the V -SFT ed itor . Network T able • The V7 series, PLC s and PCs on the Ethern et must be regis tered on the net work tabl e.
4 1. Ethernet 4-15 Network C ommuni catio ns St arting and Closing • S tarting Select [Sy stem Setting] → [Network T able Setting] → [Eth ernet]. The ne twork table ed it window is dis pl ayed. • Closing Select [F ile] → [Exit ], or cl ick the [ Close] b utton.
4-16 1. Ethernet • [View] m enu The i tem s wit h a ch ec k mar k are s how n on th e ne twor k table edi ting w indo w . Editing the Network T able Double-c lick th e numb er . The [Set N etwork T able No. *] dial og is dis played. [Host Name] Set the nam e for the V7 series , etc.
4 1. Ethernet 4-17 Network C ommuni catio ns [Send T imeout] Set the tim e-out time for th e V7 series to send a comma nd on t he Ethernet. [Port No. ] (2049 to 6 5535) (De fault: 10000) Set the po rt numb er . The port nu mber m ay be fix ed depen ding on th e PLC mo del.
4-18 1. Ethernet Subnet Mask A subnet ma sk is used fo r dividing one netwo rk address into multiple networks (s ubnet). The subnet is ass igned by specifying a part of the host address in the IP address as a subnet address.
4 1. Ethernet 4-19 Network C ommuni catio ns V - SFT Setting (Macro) This se ction explain s the macr o command s (SEND/ EREAD/EWRITE) used for th e Ethernet.
4-20 1. Ethernet [EWRITE] Words from the F2 memory are written i nto the F0 memory i n the V7 se ries of the network table n umber specifie d for F1 . F3 desi gnates the numb er of word s to be written.
4 1. Ethernet 4-21 Network C ommuni catio ns [SEND] Word s from the F0 memory are trans ferred to the server of the ne twork tab le numbe r specifi ed for F2.
4-22 1. Ethernet System Memory The Etherne t st atus is o utput to th e system m emory ($s ) of the V7 s eries. Th is secti on explains the mem ory addres ses ($s 514 to 619 ) where th e Etherne t stat us is out put. Fo r other mem ory addresse s, refe r to the R eference M anual (Fu nction).
4 1. Ethernet 4-23 Network C ommuni catio ns $s549 Networ k table 29 status 550 Network table 30 status 551 Network table 31 status 552 Network table 32 status 553 Network table 33 status 554 Network .
4-24 1. Ethernet $s593 Net work table 73 status 594 Network table 74 status 595 Network table 75 status 596 Network table 76 status 597 Network table 77 status 598 Network table 78 status 599 Network .
4 1. Ethernet 4-25 Network C ommuni catio ns Add resse s • $s514, 5 15 These ad dresses are related to macro comm ands [SEND ], [EREAD ] and [EWRITE].
4-26 1. Ethernet Ethernet Access Functions (HKEtn10.DLL) T o ena ble Etherne t commu nication s between t he server and the V7 s eries, it is ne cessary to create a n appl ication b ased on HKEtn10.dl l (for UD P/IP) provid ed by us, usin g Vi sual C++, Visu al Ba sic, et c.
4 1. Ethernet 4-27 Network C ommuni catio ns • Notes on use of the samp le program s The dat a typ e to be se t when c reatin g a program varies d epending on whet her V isual C++ or V isual Basic is us ed. For th e dat a type a nd rang e, refer to th e foll owing ta bles.
4-28 1. Ethernet Function Spe cifications List • Rea d • Write • Othe rs PLC me m ory Word int HKEtn_ReadPlcMemory (W O RD *dp,unsigned short Wordcnt,int DeviceT y pe,DWORD addr, char *lpAddr ,i.
4 1. Ethernet 4-29 Network C ommuni catio ns Read Read Words from PLC Memory int HKEtn_ReadPlc Memory(WORD *d p,unsigned short Word cnt,int DeviceT ype,DWORD addr ,char *lpAddr , int DFlag=1) This fun ction is ret ained unti l PLC da ta is t ransferred f rom the V7 series .
4-30 1. Ethernet Read Double-words from PLC Memory int HKEtn_ReadPlcM emory2(DWORD *d p,unsigned short W o rdcnt,int DeviceT ype,DWOR D addr ,char *lpAddr , int DFlag=1) This func tion is ret ained until PLC d ata is transf erred from th e V7 series.
4 1. Ethernet 4-31 Network C ommuni catio ns Read Words from In te rn al Memo r y int HKEtn_ReadIn ternalMemory (WORD *d p,unsigned short Wordc nt,int DeviceT ype,DWORD addr ,char *lpAddr ,int DFlag=1) This fun ction is ret ained unti l data is tran sferred fro m the V7 s eries.
4-32 1. Ethernet Read Words from Memory Card Memory int HKEtn_ReadCardM emory(WORD *d p,uns igned short W ordcnt,int FileNo,int RecordNo,DWORD ad dr ,char *lpAddr ,int DFlag=1) This func tion is re tained until da ta i s transferr ed from the V7 seri es.
4 1. Ethernet 4-33 Network C ommuni catio ns Read Bits from PLC Memory int HKEtn_ReadPlcBitMemo ry( int *lpOnFla g,int Devic eT ype,DWORD addr ,int BitNo,char *lpAddr) This fun ction is ret ained unti l PLC da ta is t ransferred f rom the V7 series . • Parameters *IpOn Flag Returns the bit sta tus.
4-34 1. Ethernet Read Bits from Memory Card Me mory int HKEtn_ReadCardBitM emory(int *lpOnFl ag,int FileNo,in t RecordNo,DWORD addr ,int BitNo,char *lpAdd r) This func tion is re tained until da ta i s transferr ed from the V7 seri es. • Parameters *IpOnFlag Retu rns the bi t statu s.
4 1. Ethernet 4-35 Network C ommuni catio ns Wri te Wri te Wo r ds t o P L C M e m or y int HKEtn_W ritePlcMemo ry(WORD *sp, unsigned sh ort Wordcnt, int DeviceT ype,DWORD addr ,char *lpAddr , int DFlag=1) This fun ction i s ret aine d until write com pleti on is rece ived f rom the V 7 se ries.
4-36 1. Ethernet Write Double-wor ds to PLC Memory int HKEtn_W ritePlcMemory2 (DWORD *sp,unsigned short Word cnt,int DeviceT ype,DWOR D addr ,char *lpAddr , int DFlag=1) This func tion is ret ained until writ e comple tion is recei ved from th e V7 seri es.
4 1. Ethernet 4-37 Network C ommuni catio ns Write W ords to Internal M emory int HKEtn_W riteInternalM emory(WORD *sp,unsi gned sho rt Wordcnt, int DeviceT ype,DWORD addr ,chr *lpAddr ,int DFlag=1) This fun ction i s ret aine d until write com pleti on is rece ived f rom the V 7 se ries.
4-38 1. Ethernet Write Words to Memory Card Memory int HKEtn_W riteCardMemory(W ORD *sp,unsigned s hort Wordcn t,int File No,int RecordNo,DWORD ad dr ,char *lpAddr ,int DFlag=1) This func tion is ret ained until writ e comple tion is recei ved from th e V7 seri es.
4 1. Ethernet 4-39 Network C ommuni catio ns Write Bit s to PLC Memory int HKEtn_W ritePlcBitMemory(in t DeviceT ype,DWO RD addr ,int BitNo,int OnFlag,c har *lpAddr) This fun ction i s ret aine d until write com pleti on is rece ived f rom the V 7 se ries.
4-40 1. Ethernet Write Bit s to Internal Memory int HKEtn_W riteInternalBi tMemory(int Device T ype,DWORD addr ,int BitNo,int OnFlag,cha r *lpAddr) This func tion is ret ained until writ e comple tion is recei ved from th e V7 seri es. (It i s rese t on receipt of write co mpletion to the internal m emory .
4 1. Ethernet 4-41 Network C ommuni catio ns Others Functions Initialization Function int HKEtn_Init(un signed short Po rt=10000 ,int Retry=3,int Re cvTim e=2,int Recv Time2 =10) Creat es a s ocke t.
4-42 1. Ethernet Request Connection Information int HKEtn_GetInf(struct inf *lpinf,char *lpAddr) • Parameters *Ip inf All “0 ” *lpAddr IP address s hown as a string of charact ers se parated by dot s Example: “192 .168.XXX. XXX” • Return valu es Success TRUE Failure F ALSE Error deta ils Get using HKEtn_ GetLastError ().
4 1. Ethernet 4-43 Network C ommuni catio ns Get Er ror Co ntents int HKEtn_G etLast Error() • Error codes and sol utions Code Contents Solution − 1 U ndefined com mand (rece ive timeout) Ch eck the command. − 2 U ndefined IP address Ch eck the IP address.
4-44 1. Ethernet Server Commun ication Procedure Dat a Request from V7 to Serv er (1) Exe cute the re ceive wait thread using “int HKEtn_RecvFrom()” on the applicati on of t he server . (2) Send the command from the V7 series to the serv er using macro comman d SEND.
4 1. Ethernet 4-45 Network C ommuni catio ns Error Dis play Error mess ages di splayed on the V7 series and tho se stored in the system memo ry are explai ned. Communication Errors The Ethern et st atus is stored in syst em memo ry add ress $s5 18 of the V7 serie s during Ethernet c ommunicat ions.
4-46 1. Ethernet • System m emory: $s51 8 No. Contents Solution 0 Normal 200 Failed in send request Chec k cable connection and network table setting of the target station. 201 Send error Check that the setting on t he target station is consistent with the network table setting.
4 1. Ethernet 4-47 Network C ommuni catio ns Errors during Macro Command Execution The ex ecut io n r esu lt of m acro c omma nds S E ND/ E READ /EW RITE i s sto red i n syst em memory ad dress $s 515.
4-48 2. FL-net (OP CN-2) 2. FL-net (OPCN-2) FL-net (OPCN-2) • FL-net (OPCN -2) is an open F A network tha t F A Open Sys tems Prom otion Forum (JOP) of the Manu facturing Science a nd T echnol ogy Center , an aff iliate d organiz ation of the Min istry of Ec onomy , T rade and Indu stry , has sta ndardi zed.
4 3. MELSECNET/10 4-49 Network C ommuni catio ns 3. MELSECNET/10 MELS ECNE T/1 0 • MELSECNE T/10 is t he netwo rk syste m that is devel oped by MITSUB ISHI Elect ric Corpora tion. When the V7 series is equippe d with th e commu nication interface unit CU-05 is mounted , it ca n work a s a NET/1 0 stati on (a sub- control st ation).
4-50 3. MELSECNE T/10 • This network system support s cyc lic trans missio n and e nables d irect re ading from link devices (LB, L W , LX or L Y). Als o it is p ossible to directl y write data to link devices that are assig ned by th e cont rol st ation.
4 4. CC-Link 4-51 Network C ommuni catio ns 4. CC-Link CC-L ink • CC-Link is the n etw or k th at is de ve loped b y M ITSUBISH I Elec tric C orp orat ion .
4-52 5. OPCN-1 5. OPCN-1 OPCN-1 • T o us e OPCN-1 c ommuni cations o n the V7 series, the comm unica tion inter face un it “CU-00” mus t be mou nted. When the V7 series is equi pped with th e commu nication interface unit CU- 00, it bec omes an OPCN-1-rea dy devic e.
4 6. T-LINK 4-53 Network C ommuni catio ns 6. T -LINK T- L I N K • T o use T -LINK co mmunica tions on the V7 s eries, the commu nication interface unit “CU-01 ” must be mounted. When t he V7 s eries is equipp ed with the comm unicatio n inte rfac e uni t CU -01, it bec om es a T -LINK -re ady d evi ce.
4-54 7. PROFIBUS- DP 7. PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS • PROFIBUS is an op en field b us ind ependent on the bender tha t is us ed for var ious applicati ons in fa ctory automa tion and process a utoma tion. P ROFIBUS provides a communi cation pro tocol (co mmunic ation profi le) that su pport s syste m hierarc hy , i.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-1 Connection to PLCs 1. MITSUBISHI PLC A vailable PLCs A Series Link, QnA Series Link , QnH (Q) Series Link, A Link + Net10 *1 *1 For more information on A link + Net10, refer t o page 5-15.
5-2 1. MITSUBISHI P LC A Series CPU, QnA Series CPU, QnH Series CPU *1 For more information of V -MDD (dual port interface), refer to page 5-17. *2 For the ladder transfer function used when directly connecti ng the QnH series CPU, refer to page 5-18.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-3 Connection to PLCs FX S er ies *1 For more information of V-MDD (dual port interface), refer to page 5-17. Select PLC T ype CPU Unit/Port Connection P LC2Way FX ser i e s CPU .
5-4 1. MITSUBISHI P LC Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A Series Link *1 T rans. Mode 1: without CR/LF , Trans. Mode 4: wit h CR/LF If [T rans. Mode 4] is selected for [T rans.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-5 Connection to PLCs QnH (A) Series CP U, QnH(Q) Series CPU Communi catio n param eters for t he V7 serie s excep t the baud rate are automatic ally se t. * The maximu m baud rate available with the V 7 series is 115200 bp s. Select the appropriate baud rate de pending on the used PL C and en v i ronment .
5-6 1. MITSUBISHI P LC A Series Link, QnA Series Link: Switch Setting The f oll owin g is an ex am ple th at s hows t he s ett ing s for bot h rotar y DI P sw itch es an d DI P sw itc hes o n the PLC.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-7 Connection to PLCs A1SJ71 UC24-R4, A1S J 71C24-R 4 Example 4 Signal leve l: RS-422, baud r ate: 192 00 bp s, trans miss ion mod e 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B CD E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 .
5-8 1. MITSUBISHI P LC A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-9 Connection to PLCs FX Series, FX 1S Ser ies *1 For numerical data format where double-words can be used (Num. Data Display , Graph, Sampling), data is processed as double-words. For those where bits or words can be used, data is processed as words consisting of lower 16 bits.
5-10 1. MITSUBISHI P LC FX Series (A Protocol) *1 CN200 to CN255 equals 32CN (32-bit counter). *2 For numerical d ata format where double-word s can be used (Num. Data Disp lay , Graph, Sampling), data is processed as double-words. For those where bits or words can be used, data is processed as words consisting of lower 16 bits.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-11 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 9pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 RD SD RS CS DR SG CD 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-12 1. MITSUBISHI P LC Wiring Diagram 3 Wiring Diagram 4 RS-422 Wiring Diagram 5 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 9pin(Female: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 RD SD SG 2 3 5 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-13 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 6 Wiri ng Di agr am 7 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SG +SD -SD +RD -RD 1 7 12 13 24 25 RDA SG RDB 2 7 15 SDB 16 SDA 3 4 5 17 18 20 21 DSRA DTRA DSRB DTRB D-sub 25pin(Male: ) * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-14 1. MITSUBISHI P LC Wiring Diagram 8 Accordi ng to o ur noise t est s, the att ach ment of a ferrite core impro ves noise v olt age by 650 to 9 00 V and aids in preventin g commu nication errors.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-15 Connection to PLCs A Link + Net10 • When the V7 seri es is co nnected t o the s tandard type link uni t on the CPU that is connec ted to the da t a lin k syste m or n etwo rk sy ste m, the V 7 se rie s can ha ve ac ce ss to CPUs on NET II (/B) and NET/10.
5-16 1. MITSUBISHI P LC • T o hav e access to t he PLC in th e other netwo rk on NET/1 0, specify the network number in the OPEN macro for the s creen on the V -SFT editor . This macro co mmand s hould be [OUT_ENQ ] of syste m call [ SYS]. It is no t possib le to h ave acces s to the CPU on the diff ere nt netwo rk from the same screen.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-17 Connection to PLCs V -MDD (Dual Port Interface) V -MDD is the add-on conne cto r with two port s , specific all y des ig ned for the conne cto r on MITSUBISHI’ s A ser ies, QnA series or FX serie s CPU programme r . • The pow er to the V -MDD is supp lied fr om the CP U.
5-18 1. MITSUBISHI P LC Ladder T ransfer Function Up until now it was nec essary t o debu g the dat a by removing and moun ting two cabl es repeatedly as sho wn below when the V7 series is direc tly conne cted t o MITSUBISHI ’s QnHCP U equip ped with only one RS-232C port.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-19 Connection to PLCs Connection • Use Hak ko Electron ics’ Q CPU2 cabl e whe n conne cting the V7 seri es (CN1) to th e PLC (RS-232C port). • Use Hak ko Electr onics’ V6 -CP cabl e when con necting th e compu ter (PLC programm ing sof tware) a nd the V7 s eries (MJ 1/2).
5-20 1. MITSUBISHI P LC Settings and Communications 1. PLC type se tting Select [PLC T ype] from the [System Se tting] menu. Sel ect [MITSUBISHI: QnH (Q) series CPU] i n the [Sele ct PLC T ype] dialo g. 2. PLC progra mming s oftware p ort sett ing Select [Mo dular Jac k] from th e [System Setting ] menu.
5 1. MITSUBISHI P LC 5-21 Connection to PLCs 3. PLC program mi ng so f tw are comm un ic atio n sett ing For comm unicati on spe cifications betwee n the PL C programm ing sof tware an d the PLC, th e communica tion paramet er settings for the V7 serie s and the PLC can be u sed.
5-22 2. OMRON PLC 2. OMRON PLC A vailable PLCs Sel ect P LC Ty p e PLC Unit/Port Connec tion PLC2W ay SYSMAC C C20H,C28H,C40H CPU unit with built-in port (host link port) RS-232C [ Wiring Diagram 1] C.
5 2. OMRON P LC 5-23 Connection to PLCs *1 Replace the shell on t he D-sub 25-pin side before use. (Recommende d part: DDK’s 17J-25) *2 For SYSMA C CS1 DNA, refer to page 5-29.
5-24 2. OMRON PLC Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: * The max imum baud rate available with the V7 series is 1 15200 bps. Select the appr opriate baud rate depending on the used P LC and environment .
5 2. OMRON P LC 5-25 Connection to PLCs A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-26 2. OMRON PLC *1 When using EMn (extended data memor y), specify the bank number (CV: 0 to 7, CS 1: 0 to C ). The assigned memory is indicated when editing the scre en as shown on the right. Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow .
5 2. OMRON P LC 5-27 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 3 RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 4 Wiri ng Di agr am 5 FG RD RS CS SG 1 3 4 5 7 RS SD CS SG 2 4 5 7 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) SD 2 RD 3 PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) * Use shielded twist-pair cabl es.
5-28 2. OMRON PLC Wiring Diagram 6 Wiring Diagram 7 FG +SD -SD +RD -RD 1 12 13 24 25 SDB RDB RDA SDA 8 2 6 1 PLC D-sub 9pin(Male: ) V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) SG 7 SG 9 4 5 RS CS * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5 2. OMRON P LC 5-29 Connection to PLCs SYSMAC CS1 DNA When conn ecting th e V7 se ries to CS 1 on a net work (Cont roller L ink), the V 7 series c an also acce ss another C S1 on the n etwork. V -SFT Setting • Select [Syst em Setting ] → [Comm. Paramete r] → [Det ail] t ab, and select [ 1 : n] for [Conne ction].
5-30 3. SHA RP PLC 3. SHARP PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: Select PLC Ty p e CPU Unit/Po.
5 3. SHAR P PLC 5-31 Connection to PLCs JW Series : Link Un it Sw itch Sett ing Baud Rate: 192 00 bp s JW100/70H COM Port, JW20 COM Port: System Memory Setting The setti ngs for c ommuni cations with th e V7 seri es shou ld be made at the sy stem me mory as shown below .
5-32 3. SHA RP PLC A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 3. SHAR P PLC 5-33 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 FG RS CS SG 1 4 5 7 SXD RXD CTS 2 3 5 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RD 3 RTS 4 PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: ) SD 2 SG 7 12 14 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-34 3. SHA RP PLC RS-422 Wiring Diagram 3 Wiring Diagram 4 Wiring Diagram 5 FG − SD +RD − RD 1 13 24 25 +TXD − TXD − RXD 10 11 13 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) +SD 12 +RXD 12 PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: ) * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5 4. HITACHI PLC 5-35 Connection to PLCs 4. HIT ACHI PLC A vailable PLCs *1 When using the HIT ACHI’s EH-RS05 or CNCOM-05 cable, connect the cable shown in [Wiring Diagram 1] to the D-sub 15-pin side for communications with the V7 series. *2 S pecify the absolute memory address.
5-36 4. HITACHI PLC Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: COMM-2H If the tr ansmiss ion mode is an y type o ther tha n list ed the abo ve, se t the mode as show n below .
5 4. HITACHI PLC 5-37 Connection to PLCs HIDIC-H: Switch Setting Baud r ate: 19200 bp s MODE switch: T o connect to bot h RS -232C and RS-422 , set MO DE swit ch to 9.
5-38 4. HITACHI PLC HIDIC-S10/2 α HIDIC-S10/ABS Memo ry TYPE R emar ks FW (work regist er) 0 X (input relay) 1 XW as word device Y (output relay) 2 YW as word dev ice R ( internal relay) 3 RW as word.
5 4. HITACHI PLC 5-39 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 RD CS 3 5 SD RS V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) SD 2 RD CS FG 1 SG 7 DR PHL SG PV12 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 14 PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: ) * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-40 4. HITACHI PLC Wiring Diagram 3 RS-422 Wiring Diagram 4 Wiring Diagram 5 When conn ecting to the S10x α series, add a resistor o f 50 Ω (1/ 2 W) as show n bel ow. D-sub 9pin(Female: ) V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 RD SD SG 7 ER SG DR RS CS 2 CD 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLC * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5 5. MATSUSHITA PLC 5-41 Connection to PLCs 5. MA TSUSHIT A PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommunicati on p arameter settin gs of the PLC and th e V7 se ries is a s follows : * If a tool port (the ladder port for RS-232C) is used, the range of PLC p arameter setting is limited as below.
5-42 5. MATSUSHITA PLC MEWNET : Link Unit Switch Setting A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 5. MATSUSHITA PLC 5-43 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 9pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 SD SG CD 2 7 8 ER 9 RS 4 CS 5 RD 3 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5-44 5. MATSUSHITA PLC RS-422 Wiring Diagram 4 FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 + V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) PLC * Use shielded twist- pair cables. D-sub 25-pi n (male).
5 6. YOKOGA WA PL C 5-45 Connection to PLCs 6. YOKOGA W A PLC A vailable PLCs *1 The CPUs that can be connected directly to the programming tool port on the CPU module are “F3SP21-0N,” “F 3SP 25-2N,” “F3S P35-5N,” “F 3SP 28-3N, ” “F3SP38-6N, ” “F3SP 53-4H” and “F3SP58-6H.
5-46 6. YOKOGAWA PLC Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: FA 5 0 0 F A-M3/F A- M3R *1 The maximum baud rate available with the V7 series is 1 15200 bps. Select the appropriate baud rate depending on the used PLC and environment.
5 6. YOKOGA WA PL C 5-47 Connection to PLCs A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-48 6. YOKOGAWA PLC Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow . RS-232C Wiring Diagram 1 Wiring Diagram 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 SD RD SG 7 RS CS DR SG ER 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5 6. YOKOGA WA PL C 5-49 Connection to PLCs RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 RDB RDA SG 7 SDB SDA SG PLC * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-50 7. YASK AWA PL C 7. Y ASKA W A PLC A vailable PLCs * Oth er PL Cs can also be connected with Memo bus. Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: Memobus Select [TYPE 1 ] or [TYPE 2] fo r [T rans.
5 7. YASKAW A PLC 5-51 Connection to PLCs CP92 00SH/M P900 A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-52 7. YASK AWA PL C Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow . RS-232C Wiring Diagram 1 Wiring Diagram 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 TXD RXD SG 7 RTS CTS DSR SGND DTR 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 PLC D-sub 9pin(Male: ) * Use shield ed twis t-pair cables.
5 7. YASKAW A PLC 5-53 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 3 Wiri ng Di agr am 4 RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 5 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 SD RD SG 7 RS CS DR 2 3 4 5 6 CP217IF(CN1) 217IF(CN1/2) D-sub 9pin(Male: ) SG CD 7 9 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-54 7. YASK AWA PL C Wiring Diagram 6 Wiring Diagram 7 Wiring Diagram 8 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 TXD+ RXD+ SG 7 RXDRT RXD SG 2 3 4 6 7 PLC D-sub 9pin(Male: ) TXRD TXD 8 9 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5 8. Toyopuc PLC 5-55 Connection to PLCs 8. T oyopuc PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommunicati on p arameter settin gs of the PLC and th e V7 se ries is a s follows : Set [T rans. Mode] in the [D et a il] t ab window of the [Com m .
5-56 8. Toyopuc P LC A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 8. Toyopuc PLC 5-57 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 1 FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 + 0V SG 7 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) PLC * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-58 9. FUJI P LC 9. FUJI PLC A vailable PLCs *1 T o use FL EX-PC of T oyota version, s elect [FLEX-P C (T)]. *2 T o use FLEX-PC CPU of T oyota version, select [FLEX-PC C PU (T)].
5 9. FUJI PLC 5-59 Connection to PLCs FLEX-P C CPU Port Connect t o the CPU port. Communicati on p arameters fo r the V7 series are automati cally set.
5-60 9. FUJI P LC A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 9. FUJI PLC 5-61 Connection to PLCs FLEX-P C Series, FL EX -PC CPU Port FLEX-P C COM (T) (NJ Comput er Link) T oy ot a V ersion S tandard Memory T oy ota V ersion T YP E Remarks D (data register) D .
5-62 9. FUJI P LC Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow . RS-232C Wiring Diagram 1 Wiring Diagram 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG RD RS CS SG 1 3 4 5 7 SD RD SD 2 RS CS DR PLC 2 3 4 5 6 SG CD 7 8 D-sub 25pin(Male: ) * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5 9. FUJI PLC 5-63 Connection to PLCs RS-485 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 4 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 SDA SDB SG 7 RDA RDB SG PLC * Use shielded twist-pair cables. D-sub 25-p in (male) V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 + PLC SG SG 7 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-64 10. KOY O PL C 10. KO YO PLC A vailable PLCs Select PLC T ype PLC Unit/Port Connection SU/SG SU-5/5E/6B/ 5M/6M U01-DM RS -232C [Wiring Diagram 1] RS-422 [W iring Diagram 3] SU-5 E/6E Universal po.
5 10. KOYO PLC 5-65 Connection to PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommunicati on p arameter settin gs of the PLC and th e V7 se ries is a s follows : SU/SG (K-Sequence) SU-5E/6B Univer sa.
5-66 10. KOY O PL C A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 10. KOYO PLC 5-67 Connection to PLCs Switch Setti ng U-0 1DM On-line /Off-l ine switc h: On-line UNIT ADR switch: “0” for × 10, “1 ” for × 1 SW4 DIP switc h: SW5 DIP switc h: No Setting Co.
5-68 10. KOY O PL C G-01DM On-line/O f f-line switch : On-line Short pl ug 1: open Short plug 2 : RS-232C . . . . ENABLE RS-422 . . . . . . DISENABLE SW1 DIP switch: SW2 DIP switch: No Setting Content s 1O N Unit No.
5 10. KOYO PLC 5-69 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 SD RD PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RS CS SG 2 3 4 5 7 SG 7 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-70 10. KOY O PL C RS-422 Wiring Diagram 3 Wiring Diagram 4 Wiring Diagram 5 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD − SD +RD − RD 1 12 13 24 25 +RTS − RTS PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) +CTS − CTS +OUT − OUT − IN +IN − IN +IN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 150 0V 7 SG 7 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5 10. KOYO PLC 5-71 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 6 Wiri ng Di agr am 7 Wiri ng Di agr am 8 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD − SD +RD − RD 1 12 13 24 25 0V TXD+ PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: ) TXD − RTS+ RTS − RXD+ CTS+ CTS − 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RXD − 6 SG 7 *1 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5-72 11. Allen-Bradley PL C 1 1. Allen-Bradley PLC A vailable PLCs *1 When using RS-232C ladder transfer cable made by Allen-Bradley , connect the cable shown in [Wiring Diagram 3] to the D-sub 9-pin side of the ladder tr ansfer cable for communications with the V7 series.
5 11. Allen-Bradley P LC 5-73 Connection to PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommunicati on p arameter settin gs of the PLC and th e V7 se ries is a s follows : PLC- 5 seri es SLC5 00 ser i es Micro Logix 1000 Item Setting on PLC V7 Comm.
5-74 11. Allen-Bradley PL C A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 11. Allen-Bradley P LC 5-75 Connection to PLCs SLC500 Serie s, Micro Logix 10 00 Memory TYPE Remark s N( i n t e g e r ) 0 B( b i t ) 1 T .ACC (timer/current value) 2 T .
5-76 11. Allen-Bradley PL C PLC-5 Series: Switch Setti ng 1785 -KE SW1 (Prot ocol) SW2 (Port ) Set the port numbe r of 1785-KE. (This p ort shoul d not be du plica ted in the network .) SW3 (Network link communication spe ed) Adj ust t o th e se ttin gs of the net w ork yo u ar e usi ng.
5 11. Allen-Bradley P LC 5-77 Connection to PLCs 1770-K F2 SW1 (Protocol) SW2, SW 3, SW 4 (Port) Set the po rt numb er of 1770 -KF2. (Thi s port sh ould n ot be dupl icated in the ne twork.) SW5 (Net work lin k comm unicatio n spee d) Adjust to the setti ngs of the network you a re using.
5-78 11. Allen-Bradley PL C SLC500 Series, Mic ro Logix 100: T ransmission Parameter Setting CPU Port Channel 0 Set up the p arameters for CPU port ch annel 0 using t he sof tware specific ally de signed fo r this pur pos e. 1747 -KE Set up the p arameters for 1747-KE usi ng the so ftware spec ifically de signe d for this purpose.
5 11. Allen-Bradley P LC 5-79 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 TXD RXD PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: ) RTS CTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 SG DSR SG 7 8 11 13 DCD DTR SG * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-80 11. Allen-Bradley PL C Wiring Diagram 3 Wiring Diagram 4 Wiring Diagram 5 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 DCD RXD TXD DTR 1 2 3 4 5 COM DSR 6 7 8 RTS CTS SG 7 PLC D-sub 9pin(Female: ) * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5 11. Allen-Bradley P LC 5-81 Connection to PLCs RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 6 Wiri ng Di agr am 7 D-sub 25pin(Female: ) PLC V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG +SD SD +RD RD 1 12 13 24 25 RTS CTS DSR DCD 4 5 6 8 14 TDA RDA 16 18 20 25 RDB DTR TDB * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-82 12. GE Fanuc PLC 12. GE Fanuc PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommuni cation p aram eter settin gs of the PLC a nd the V 7 series i s as follows: 90 Serie s 90 Se r ie.
5 12. GE Fanuc P LC 5-83 Connection to PLCs A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-84 12. GE Fanuc PLC Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow . RS-232C Wiring Diagram 1 RS-485 Wiring Diagram 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SD PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RD RS 2 3 4 5 CS SG 7 GND 2 1 3 4 5 7 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5 12. GE Fanuc P LC 5-85 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 3 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SG +SD SD +RD 1 7 12 13 24 RTS(A) PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: ) 0V CTS(B’) 6 7 8 9 RT RD 25 10 11 12 RD(A’) RD(B’) SD(A) SD(B) RTS(B) CTS(A’) 13 14 15 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-86 13. TOSH IBA PLC 13. T OSHIBA PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: • PLC T ransmis sion Para meter Setting When setti ng para meters on the PLC, use th e T series programm er and ent er the followi ng data for syste m inf ormation “7 .
5 13. TOSH IBA PL C 5-87 Connection to PLCs A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-88 14. TOS H IBA MAC HINE PLC 14. T OSHIBA MACHINE PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 14. TOS H IBA MAC HINE PLC 5-89 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 TXD RXD PLC D-sub 9pin(Female: ) DTR GND 2 3 4 5 DSR CTS 6 7 8 RTS SG 7 * Use shie lded tw ist-pair cabl es.
5-90 15. SI EMEN S PLC 15. SIEMENS PLC A vailable PLCs * When using the 6ES 5 734-1BD20 cable made by SIEM ENS, connect the cable shown in [Wiring Diagram 3] to the D-sub 25-pin side of the 6ES5 734-1BD20 cable for communications with the V7 seri es.
5 15. SIEMENS PLC 5-91 Connection to PLCs S5, S5 V4 (S5- 1 15U, S5-1 35U, S5 -155 U, S7-3 00, S 7-400) S5 PG port Communi ca tion p aram ete rs are auto ma tic al ly set. S7-200P PI S7-3 00MPI (H MI ADP) , S7-30 0MPI (P C ADP) • Set [MPI SETT ING] in the [Comm.
5-92 15. SI EMEN S PLC TI500/50 5, TI500 /505 V4 A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l. Be s ure to set within t he range av ailable wi th the PLC to be use d. Use [TYPE] when assi gning the indirect m emory for m acro programs .
5 15. SIEMENS PLC 5-93 Connection to PLCs S5 PG port The assigned memor y is indicated when editing the screen as shown on the right. S7-200P PI S7-3 00/40 0MPI The assigned memo ry is indicated when editing the screen as shown on the right. Memory TYPE Remark s DB (data register) 0 Use memory address DB3 and later.
5-94 15. SI EMEN S PLC TI500/50 5 (TI50 0/505 V4 ) *1 In case of using DCP (drum count/setting value), set drum step No.1 to 16. The assigned memory is indicated when editing the screen as s hown on the right .
5 15. SIEMENS PLC 5-95 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS TXD PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RXD GND 2 3 7 SG 2 1 3 4 5 7 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-96 15. SI EMEN S PLC Wiring Diagram 4 Wiring Diagram 5 RS-422 Wiring Diagram 6 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS DCD PLC D-sub 9pin(Female: ) RXD TXD 1 2 3 SG 2 1 3 4 5 7 DTR 4 SG 5 DSR RTS CTS 6 7 8 * Use s hielded t wist-pair cables.
5 15. SIEMENS PLC 5-97 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 7 - T erminating Res istan ce Sett ing Set the DIP s witch 7 and 8 of th e V7 serie s to the O FF positi on. Connec t terminati ng resis tan ce to the s erial co nnecto r (CN1) of th e V7 se ries as sho wn below .
5-98 16. S HIN KO P LC 16. SHINKO PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 16. SHI NKO PLC 5-99 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SD PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RD RS 2 3 4 SG 2 1 3 4 5 7 CS 5 SG 7 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-100 17. SAMSUNG PLC 17. SAMSUNG PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 17. SAMSUNG PLC 5-101 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS TXD PLC D-sub 9pin(Male: ) RXD 2 3 SG 2 1 3 4 5 7 5 GND * Use s hielded t wist-pair cables.
5-102 18. KE YENC E PLC 18. KEYENCE PLC A vailable PLCs *1 T o connect K Z-24, 300 via RS -232C, select [KZ24/300CPU] for t he PLC type on the V -SFT editor . *2 T o connect KZ-10, 24 via RS-232C, select [KV10, 24CPU] for the PLC type on the V -SFT editor .
5 18. KEYE NCE P LC 5-103 Connection to PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommunicati on p arameter settin gs of the PLC and th e V7 se ries is a s follows : KZ Series Link Set the port wit.
5-104 18. KE YENC E PLC KZ/KV Series CPU / KV -700 CPU Communicati on p arameters for the V7 series are autom atically set. KZ24/300 CPU *1 Maximum baud rate available is 38400 bps. If a higher baud rate is selected, communications are performed at 9600 bps.
5 18. KEYE NCE P LC 5-105 Connection to PLCs KZ-A 500 CP U, M ITSUB ISHI A Seri es L ink KZ/KV Series CPU, KZ24 /300 CPU, KV10/24 CPU, KV -700 CPU Memory TYPE Remark s D (data register) 0 W (link regi.
5-106 18. KE YENC E PLC Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow . RS-232C Wiring Diagram 1 Wiring Diagram 2 Wiring Diagram 3 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SD PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RD 2 3 SG 2 1 3 4 5 7 4 RS CS SG 5 7 * Use shie lded twi st-p air cabl es.
5 18. KEYE NCE P LC 5-107 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 4 Wiri ng Di agr am 5 RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 6 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 RD SD RS CS DR SG 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 CD * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-108 19. LG PLC 19. LG PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: MASTER- K10/60 /200 MASTER- K500/1 000 *1 For signal level RS -422, baud rate is fixed to 9600 bps.
5 19. LG PLC 5-109 Connection to PLCs MASTE R-Kx xxS MASTER-Kxx xS CNET / GLOF A CNE T A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-110 19. LG PLC MASTER- K500/1 000 MASTER- KxxxS MASTER- KxxxS CN ET Memo ry TYPE R emar ks P (input/output relay) 0 Input: Read only M (relay) 1 L (link relay) 2 K (keep relay) 3 F (special relay) 4.
5 19. LG PLC 5-111 Connection to PLCs GLOF A CNET Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 Memory TYPE Remark .
5-112 19. LG PLC Wiring Diagram 4 RS-422 Wiring Diagram 5 Wiring Diagram 6 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) RXD 2 1 3 TXD RS 4 GND 2 3 5 CS 5 SG 7 RTS CTS 7 8 CD 1 DTR 4 DSR 6 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5 20. FANUC PLC 5-113 Connection to PLCs 20. F ANUC PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended c ommunicati on p arameter settin gs of the PLC and th e V7 se ries is a s follows : A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el.
5-114 20. FANUC PLC Wiring Wiring di agrams with th e PLC are shown bel ow . RS-232C Wiring Diagram 1 RS-422 Wiring Diagram 2 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SDB PLC JD42 RDB 17 9 SG 2 1 3 4 5 7 0V 18 *1 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5 20. FANUC PLC 5-115 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Di agr am 3 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SG +SD PLC JD40 RXD 7 1 12 SD 13 TXD 1 3 +RD RD 24 25 2 4 5 RTS 6 7 CTS 8 *CTS *RTS *TXD *RXD 12 0V *1 * Us e shie lded t wist-pair cables .
5-116 21. FATEK AUTOMATION PL C 21. F A TEK AUT O MA TION PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 21. FATEK AU TO MATIO N PLC 5-117 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 FG RD RS CS SG 1 3 4 5 7 RTS1 RXD1 CTS1 SG 1 3 4 6 V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) SD 2 TXD1 2 PLC D-sub 15pin(Male: 凸 ) * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-118 22. IDEC PLC 22. IDEC PLC A vailable PLCs * When using RS- 232C cable “FC2A -KC2” made by I DEC, connect t he cable shown in [Wiring Diagram 3] to the D-sub 9-pin side of the FC2A-KC2 cable for communications with the V7 series.
5 22. IDEC PLC 5-119 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 9pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 SD RD ER 2 CD 1 3 4 GND 5 DR 6 RS 7 CS 8 * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-120 23. MODICON PLC 23. MODICON PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 23. MODICON PLC 5-121 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 9pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 RX TX DTR 2 3 4 GND 5 DSR 6 RTS 7 CTS 8 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5-122 24. YA MA TAKE PL C 24. Y AMA T AKE PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 24. YAMA TA KE PLC 5-123 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 V7 (CN1) PLC D-sub 25pin(Male: ) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) FG SD RD RS CS SG 1 2 3 4 5 7 SD RD RS 2 3 4 CS 5 SG 7 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5-124 25. TAIAN P LC 25. T AIAN PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 25. TAIAN P LC 5-125 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 FG +SD SG SD +RD RD 1 12 7 13 24 25 T/R+ T/R SHLD V7 (CN1) D-sub 25pin(Male: ) PLC * Use shielded twist- pair cables.
5-126 26. SAIA PLC 26. SAIA PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: S-BUS Configuration S-BUS Mode Parity GU Port Nu mber 0 (PGU port), 1 (PCD7.F120, PCD 4.
5 26. SAIA PLC 5-127 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 Wiri ng Di agr am 2 RS-485 Wiri ng Di agr am 3 FG RD SD SG 1 3 2 7 RX TX GND V7 (CN1) PLC 3 2 5 PGU port * Use s hielded twist-pair cables.
5-128 27. MOELLE R PLC 27. MOELLER PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 27. MOELLER PLC 5-129 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-232C Wiri ng Di agr am 1 FG RD SD SG 1 3 2 7 TX RX SG V7 (CN1) PLC 3 2 5 * Use s hielded twist-pair cables.
5-130 28. Telemecanique P LC 28. T elemecanique PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: A vailable Memory The avai lable memory settin g range varies de pending on the P LC mode l.
5 28. Telemecanique PLC 5-131 Connection to PLCs Wiri ng Wir ing di agr ams wi th th e PLC are sh own b elo w . RS-485 Wiri ng Di agr am 1 V7 (CN1) FG +SD − SD +RD − RD 1 12 13 24 25 D+ D − PLC 1 2 * Use shielded twist-pair cables.
5-132 29. Automationdirect PLC 29. Automationdirect PLC A vailable PLCs Communication Setting The recom mended comm unicatio n p arameter s ettings o f the PLC and the V7 s eries is as follo ws: Selec.
5 29. Auto mationd i rect PL C 5-133 Connection to PLCs A vailable Memory The avail able mem ory setti ng range v aries dependin g on the PLC mod el. Be su re to se t within the range avai lable with the PLC to be used. Us e [TYPE] whe n assignin g the indi rect memory for macro programs.
5-134 29. Automationdirect PLC Wiring Diagram 2 Wiring Diagram 3 Wiring Diagram 4 V7 (CN1) FG SD RD SG PLC RxD 2 1 3 RS 4 CS 5 TxD 1 3 4 SG 7 654321 * Use shielded twist -pair cables. D-sub 25-pin (mal e) Modular con nector 6-pin V7 (CN1) FG SD RD RS CS 1 2 3 4 5 TXD RXD PLC RTS CTS 0V 2 3 4 5 7 SG 7 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5 29. Auto mationd i rect PL C 5-135 Connection to PLCs RS-422 Wiri ng Di agr am 5 Wiri ng Di agr am 6 V7 (CN1) FG +SD − SD +RD − RD 1 12 13 24 25 RXD+ RXD − PLC CTS1+ TXD1+ TXD1 − RTS1+ RTS1 − CTS1+ 9 10 11 14 16 18 19 23 SG 7 SG 7 * Use shielded twist -pair cables.
5-136 29. Automationdirect PLC Please use this page freely ..
20903000 2010NE0 Hakko Electronics Co., Ltd. 238, Kamikashiwano-machi, Matto-shi, Ishikawa, 924-0035 Japan TEL (076)274-2144 FAX(076)274-5208 TEL (03)3255-0166 FAX(03)3255-0298 209-2, Koh, Mameda-honm.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson V7 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson V7 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson V7, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson V7 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson V7, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson V7.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson V7. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson V7 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.