Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TM-T88II Series du fabricant Epson
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TM-T88II Series User’s Manual 400852003 P age i Thursday, August 2 9, 2002 6:11 PM.
Printer Pa rts and Labels Caution Labels CAUTION: Th e rm a l he ad is h ot . ATTENTION: La t é te ther mique est chaude. VORSICHT: De r The rm alkop f ist heiß .
i Quick Reference This Qu i ck Reference w i ll direct you to key areas of this User’s M anu al. Fo r a c om ple te lis tin g o f to pics, s ee th e Co nte nt s. Printer Parts and Labels inside front cover Setting Up the Printer page 1-1 H ow to se t up t he p rin ter.
ii All rig h ts r eserved. N o part of thi s publication may be reproduced, sto red in a retriev al system, or transmitted in a ny form o r by any means , electronic, mecha nical, photocopying, r ecording, or oth erwise, w ithout the prior written permission of Seiko Epson Cor poration.
iii EMC and Sa fety Standa rds Applied Pro duc t Name: TM- T88I I M odel N ame : M 129B The follow i ng standard s are app lied only to the p r inters that are so labeled. (EM C is test ed u sing the E PSON PS-170 pow er supply) Eur ope: CE Mark ing Safety: EN60950 N orth Am erica: EM I : FC C/ICES - 003 C lass A Safety: UL 1950/CSA C22.
iv CE Marking The printer conform s to the followin g Directives and N orms D irective 89/336/EE C EN 55022 Class B EN 55024 IEC 6 1000-4-2 IEC 6 1000-4-3 IEC 6 1000-4-4 IEC 6 1000-4-5 IEC 6 1000-4-6 .
v GEREÄU SCHPEG EL Gem äß der Drit ten Verordnun g zum Ge r ä tesicherheit sgesetz (Maschinenl ä r minformat ions- Verordn ung-3. GSGV) is t der arbeitsplatz bezogene Ger ä usch-Emis sionswer t klein er als 70 dB (A) (basie rend auf ISO 7779). TM-T88II_eng_um.
vi Quic k Ref er enc e About This Manual Setti ng Up and U sing ❏ Chapter 1 contain s information o n unpacking the printer and set t ing i t up. ❏ Chapter 2 cont ains infor matio n on us ing t he prin ter. ❏ Chapter 3 contain s troubleshooting information .
Introdu cti on vii Introd uction Features TM-T88II Series printers are high- quality POS printers that can print on a paper roll. The print ers have th e following features: Printing ❏ High-speed printing: 28.4 li nes/second (4.23m m (1/6 ” ) feed) maximum.
vi ii Introduction Options and Access ories ❏ EPSON power supply unit, PS-170. ❏ Affixing tapes (model: DF-10). ❏ RS-48 5 inter face board can be instal led as a d ealer op tion .
ix Content s Chapter 1 Setting Up the Printer Unpackin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Connect ing the Cable s and Grounding the Prin ter . . . . . . . . . .
x Appendix A DIP Switch and Pap er Near End Settings Settin g the DIP Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 DIP swit c h func tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up t he Printer 1-1 Chapt er 1 Setting Up the Printer Unpacking The illustration below show s the items included for the stand ar d specification printer.
1-2 Setting U p the Printer Connecting the Cables and Grounding the Printer You can conne ct up to four cables to the printer. They all connect to the conn ect or pan el on the back o f t he printer, wh ich is show n belo w: Note : There is a c aution label above the draw er kick-out connector.
Setting Up t he Printer 1-3 2. If t he printer has a serial i nterface, tighten the screws on both sides of the cable co nnector. If the printer has a parallel interface, squeeze the w ire cli ps on th e pr inter toge ther u ntil th ey loc k in p lace on b oth sid es of th e co nn ecto r.
1-4 Setting U p the Printer CAUTION: D o n ot co nne ct a te leph one line to the d raw er kick -out connect or; other wis e the pr int er and th e tel ephone li ne may be da maged . Plug the draw er cable into the draw er kick-out connector on the ba ck o f th e prin ter n ext t o th e po wer sup ply c onn ecto r.
Setting Up t he Printer 1-5 Das Kabel der Sc hublade an die Schnappst eckerbuchse hi nten am Drucker neben dem Net ß zansch lu ß anschlie ß en . Grounding the Printer Y ou nee d a g rou nd wir e to g rou nd yo ur p rin ter . M ake sure the wire is A WG 18 or equivalen t .
1-6 Setting U p the Printer WARNING: M ake su re yo u u se the EP SON P S-170 p owe r sup ply or eq uivalen t. Using an inc orrect po wer su pply m ay c ause fire or electr i cal shock.
Setting Up t he Printer 1-7 Installing or Replacing the Paper Roll Not e: Be sure to u se paper rolls that meet the specifications. Do not use paper ro lls that have the paper glued to the core, becau se the printer cannot detect the p aper end correctly.
1-8 Setting U p the Printer 4. Inser t the pap er roll as sh own. 5. Be sure to note the correct directi on that the paper com es off the roll. ER RO R PO W ER PAP ER OU T F E E D FEED TM-T88II_eng_um.
Setting Up t he Printer 1-9 6. Pull out a small amo unt of paper, as shown. Th en close the cover. 7. Tear off the paper as show n. ERROR POWER PAPER OUT F E E D FEED ERROR POWER PAPER OUT F E E D FEED TM-T88II_eng_um.
1-10 S ett ing U p the Printer Using the P ower Switch Cover WARNING: If an accident occurs when t he pow er swit ch cover is att ache d, unplug t he power supply cor d fro m the outl et i mmed i at el y . Con t i nu ed u s e may l e ad t o fi re or s h ock .
Setting U p the Printer 1-11 2. W hil e ho ldin g do wn th e FEED button, turn on the printer using the sw itch on the front of the printer to begin the self test. The self test pri nts the printer settings and th en prints the fol low ing , cuts the p ap er, a nd pa us es.
1-12 S ett ing U p the Printer Adjust ments an d Sett ings TM -T88II Ser ies printers are set up at the factory to be appropriate for almo st all users.
Using t he Printer 2-1 Chapt er 2 Using the Printer Operating t he Control Pa nel You c an control the basic pap er feeding operations of the printer with the bu tton on the control pan el. The indicator li ghts help yo u m onitor the printer ’ s status.
2-2 U sing the Printer Panel lights POW ER The POWER ligh t is on whe never the printer is on. ERROR Th is indica tes an error. Se e Cha pter 3 for in form ation o n wha t to do whe n t hi s l i g ht c o mes on. PAPER O UT This light ind icates the near end of th e paper roll.
Troubleshooting 3-1 Chapt er 3 Troub leshoot ing Tro ublesh oot ing This chap ter gives solutions to some p r inter problems you may have. General problems The lights on the con trol pan el do n ot come o n. Ma ke sure the pow er supply cables are correctly plugg ed i nto the printer, t h e powe r unit, and into the po wer outlet.
3-2 T roub lesho oting If there is n o paper jam and t he p rinter ha s been printing for quite a wh ile, t he print h ead may b e overheated. If the print head i s overheated, the p r inter will resume printing wh en the h ead has cooled (usually within tw o or t hree m i nutes).
Troubleshooting 3-3 Cleaning the print head CAUTION: Af ter p rinting , the p rint he ad c an b e ve ry ho t. Be c arefu l not to to uch i t. A lso le t it co ol bef ore yo u clea n it. D o n ot da ma ge the p r in t hea d by tou chin g it w ith yo ur finge rs or an y hard o bj ec t.
3-4 T roub lesho oting To clear a pa per j am, follow the steps be l ow: 1. Turn the printer off and press the cover open button to o pen the cover. 2.
Troubleshooting 3-5 4. Then turn the knob until you see in the opening, as shown in the illustrat ion below . T his returns the cutter blade to the norm al positi on. A l so notice th at there is a label near the cutter to assist you. 5. Close the cutter cover.
3-6 T roub lesho oting If the auto cutter does n ot return to its normal po si tion by itself, follow the steps below to correct the problem : 1. Pull t he cu tter cover toward you so that you can rotate t he cutter motor kn ob. 2. Following the instructions on th e label, rotate the knob u nt il the ap pears in the hole.
Troubleshooting 3-7 Hexa decima l Dump This feature allows ex perienced users t o see ex actl y w hat data is co min g to t he p rinte r. Th is c an be u sefu l in fin din g so ftw are p rob lem s.
3-8 T roub lesho oting P age 8 Thursday, August 2 9, 2002 6:11 PM.
Reference Inform ation 4-1 Chapt er 4 Referenc e Informatio n Printing Sp ecifications Prin ting m ethod : Th erm al l ine p rinting Do t density : 180 d pi × 180 d pi [t he num ber of dots per 25 .4 m m (1 ” )] Prin ting d irection: Un idirectional with friction feed Prin ting w idth: 72 mm (2.
4-2 R ef erence Inform ation Not es: Printing speed may be slower, depending on t he data tran smission speed and the comb ination of control comm ands. There m ay be variations in printing after sw i tching the m ode of the printing speed. To p r event this for logo printing , it is recomm ended that you use a dow nloaded bit image.
Reference Inform ation 4-3 * CPL = Characters Per L ine * Sp ace betw een char acters is not in cluded * Chara c te rs can be scaled up to 64 times as large as t he standard sizes.
4-4 R ef erence Inform ation Electrical Char acteristics Not e: M aximum 1A for dra wer kick-out driving Specified th erm al paper roll: NTP080-80 NTP058-80 (for 58 mm pa per width) In Japan: Nakagawa, S eisakuj o In U.S.A. : Nakagawa Mfg. (USA) Inc. In Europe: N akaga wa Mfg.
Reference Inform ation 4-5 Reliability Environmental Conditions Lif e: Me chanism: 15,000,000 lines Th erm al head: 100 m ill ion pu lses, 100 km Auto cu tter : 1,500,000 cuts (End of Life is defined to have reach ed the end of its life w hen it reaches the beginnin g of the W earout Period.
4-6 R ef erence Inform ation P age 6 Thursday, August 2 9, 2002 6:11 PM.
DIP Switch and P aper Near E nd Settings A-1 Appendix A DIP Switc h and Paper Nea r End Set tings Althou gh the factory settings are best for almo s t all uses, if you have special requirements, you can cha nge the DIP sw i tch or paper near e nd setti ngs.
A-2 D I P S witch and Pap e r N e ar En d Settings Transmission Speed Transmission Speed (BPS)-bits per se cond 1-7 1-8 2400 ON ON 4800 OFF ON 9600 ON OFF 19200 OFF OFF Set 2 SW Function ON OFF 2-1 Ha.
DIP Switch and P aper Near E nd Settings A-3 Print Densit y Selection Notes: • With the optional RS-485 interface, DIP switches 2-7 and 2-8 are disabled.
A-4 D I P S witch and Pap e r N e ar En d Settings Parallel interface spec ifications Set 1 Set 2 Print Densit y Selection SW Function ON OFF 1-1 Auto lin e feed Always enabled Always disabled 1-2 Rec.
DIP Switch and P aper Near E nd Settings A-5 Notes: • Changes i n DIP switch set tings (exc luding sw itch 2-8 inte rface reset s ignal) are recognized only when printer power is turned on or when t he p r inter is reset usi ng the inte rface.
A-6 D I P S witch and Pap e r N e ar En d Settings Changing the DIP switch settings If you n eed to ch ange settings, foll ow the steps below to m ake y our chan ges: CAUTION: Turn o ff the printer before r em oving the D IP switch cover t o prevent an el ectr ic shor t, which can dam age the pr i nter .
DIP Switch and P aper Near E nd Settings A-7 Adjusting the Pape r Near End Detector The pa per near end detector detects when p aper is almost gone b y m easuring the diam et er of the p aper roll.
ii Printed in Chin a 1999.12 P age ii Thursday, August 29, 2002 6:11 PM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson TM-T88II Series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson TM-T88II Series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson TM-T88II Series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson TM-T88II Series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson TM-T88II Series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson TM-T88II Series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson TM-T88II Series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson TM-T88II Series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.