Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TM-FX2180 du fabricant Epson
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6(59,&(0$18$/ 9 Pin Impact Dot Pri nter EPSON FX- 2180 TM- FX2180 ®.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 1 FCC COMPLIA NCE ST A T EMENT FOR AMERI CAN USERS This equipm ent has bee n tested and found to com pl y wi t h t he lim it s f or a Cl ass B digi t al device, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 2 TRADEM ARKS EPSON ® and ESC/P ® are registere d trademar ks of Seiko Epson Corporati on. Genera l Noti ce: O t her product nam es use d herein are for i dentif i cat i on pur poses only and m ay be trademar k s of t heir r espective com pani es.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 3 PRECA UTIONS There ar e c aut i onary not es throughout t he t ex t t o hel p you av oi d per sonal i nj ur y or equi pm ent dam age. WA RNIN G Si gnal s a precaut i on which, i f ignor ed, coul d resul t i n seri ous or f atal personal i nj ur y .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 4 PREFA CE Thi s m anual descri bes the basi c f unct i ons, t heory of el ec t ri cal and m echani c al oper at i ons, and m ai nt enanc e and r epai r pr oc edur e s of t he EPSON FX-2180.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 5 T able of Contents 1. Product D escri ption ............................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Specifications..........................................
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 6 2. Operating Pr inciples ............................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Overview ...................................................................
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual 7 Dis assembl ing the R ight Fr ame Assembly............................ 4-19 Removi ng the Left Frame Assem b ly ..................................... 4.21 Rem oving the R ibbon D ri ve Assembly.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-1 1.1 Specifications This section provides detailed specifications for the EPSON ® FX-2180 impact dot matrix printer. The FX-2180 is based on the FX-2170 printer, and its main components are very similar to those of the FX-2170.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-2 1.1.3 Resolution Table 1-2. Resolution Printing Mode Horizontal Density (dpi) Vertical Density (dpi) Adjacent Dot Printed High speed draf.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-3 Continuous paper PW LM RM PL TM BM prin t ab le a re a Figure 1-3. Printable Area for Continuous Paper Table 1-4. Printable Area for Continuous Paper Continuous Paper PW (width) See Table 1-12 PL (length) See Table 1-12 LM (left margin) 0.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-4 Postcards print able area PW LM RM PL TM BM Figure 1-5. Printable Area for Postcards Table 1-6. Printable Area for Postcards Postcards PW (width) See Table 1-11 PL (length) See Table 1-11 LM (left margin) 0.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-5 1.1.5 Paper Feed Specifications Standard feeding Friction front, rear methods: Push tractor front, rear Pull tractor front, rear, bottom .
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-6 Single-sheet multi-part forms Table 1-9. Specifications for Single-sheet Multi-part Forms Front Entry Rear Entry Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Width (inches) (mm) 3.9 100 16.5 420 3.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-7 Postcards Table 1-11. Specifications for Postcards Front Entry Rear Entry Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Width (inches) (mm) 3.9 100 5.83 148 3.9 100 5.83 148 Length (inches) (mm) 5.83 148 5.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-8 Continuous paper with labels Table 1-13. Specifications for Continuous Paper with Labels Front Entry Bottom Entry Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Label size (inches) (mm) 15/16 × 2.5 23.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-9 1.1.9 Environmental Conditions Temperature Operating: 41 ° to 95 ° F (5 ° to 35 ° C) When using recycled paper, envelopes, labels, or.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-10 1.1.13 Safety Approvals 120 V model Safety standards: UL1950 CSA C22.2 No. 950 EMI: FCC part 15 subpart B class B CSA C108.8 class B 220 to 240 V model Safety standards: EN 60950 (TÜV, NEMKO) EMI: EN 55022 (CISPR pub.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-11 Table 1-15. Button Functions Button Function Operate Turns the printer on and off. The printer is off when the top of this button is even with the button protectors. Pause • Stops printing temporarily, and resumes printing when pressed again.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-12 Beeper The printer beeps during the error conditions described in Table 1-17. Table 1-17.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-13 1.2.3 Paper Thickness Lever Positions You need to set the paper thickness lever for the type of paper you are using, as shown in the table below.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-14 1.3.3 Using the Bidirectional Adjustment Mode If the vertical lines in the printout are not properly aligned, you can use the printer’s bidirectional adjustment mode to correct this problem.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 1 Product Description 1-15 1.3.5 Printing a Hex Dump You can print a hexadecimal dump to isolate communication problems between the printer and a software program. To enter hex dump mode, hold down both the LF/FF and Load/Eject buttons while you press the Operate button to turn on the printer.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 2 Operating Principles 2-1 2.1 Overview The printer’s main components include the printer mechanism, power supply circuit, control circuit, control panel, and housing. This chapter describes the operating principles of the main components.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 2 Operating Principles 2-2 2.1.2 Power Supply Circuit The printer can be powered by one of the following three power supply boards: C166 PSB (120 V), C166 PSE (220 – 240 V), or C244 PSH (120 V / 220 – 240 V). The boards function in the same way, except each board has a different primary circuit.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 2 Operating Principles 2-3 The figure below shows the power supply circuit block diagram. filter cir cuit full-wav e rectification circuit smoothing circuit switch.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 2 Operating Principles 2-4 The table below identifies and describes the main components of the control circuit on the C244 MAIN board.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-1 3.1 Overvi ew This chapter contai ns flowc harts and check point tabl es for troubl eshooti ng the pri nter. The flowc harts tell you w hich pr inter unit or part to r eplac e based on the pr inter ’s sym ptoms.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-2 3.2.2 Sensor s Table 3- 2. Sensor Tes t Po i nt s Sensor Connector Test Pin Num ber s Test M ethod (Se t the meter to D C volt age.) M eter Readi ng CN4 (HP se nsor) 1: HP 2: G ND 3: +5 V Place one l ead on pin 1 and the other lead on pin 2.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-3 3.2.3 Motor s Table 3- 3. Mo to r Test Poi nts PF Motor M ot or connector CN10 Com m on pin number Test pi n numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 Test method Turn of f the print er and di s connect the P F m otor fr om the control board.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-4 3.3 Unit Level Troubleshooting Y ou may be abl e to identify a defective pri nter unit si mpl y by observ ing the pri nter’ s s ym ptoms . The tabl e below li sts the sym ptoms for sever al pri nter pr oblems.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-5 1. A bnorm al Carriage Oper a tion ST ART When you t urn on the printer, does the CR motor rota te? I s CN11 connected properly? Connect CN11. Che ck th e CR m o to r coil resi stance. See Tabl e 3-3.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-6 2-2. A bnormal Pape r Fe eding ST ART END W he n pa pe r is lo ad ed , is it ejec ted auto m atical l y? I s t he pr oblem so l ved? I s CN7 co nn ec ted pr op erl y? Connect CN7.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-7 4. A bnormal Printi ng STA RT Is th e se lf te s t pri nt ed c orr ect ly ? Ch eck the da ta from the hos t PC us in g t he he x dump mo d e.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-8 Ta ble 3-6 . Re pa iring the Power Supply Board (Continued) Problem Cause Che ck point So l ut i on The +35 V and +5 V lines are not output when t he pr int e r is turned on. Switc hin g FET Q1 is dead.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-9 3.5 Repairing the M ain Board A ssembl y The tabl e below prov ides i nstructi ons on how to repai r the m ain board assem bly . I t li sts vari ous m ain boar d pr oblem s and pr ovi des li kely caus es, check points, and soluti ons.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-10 Ta ble 3-7 . Re pa iring the M ain Board A ss embly (Continued) Problem Cause Che ck point So l ut i on Carriage operation i s abnorm al . The CPU or I C9 i s defectiv e. • Chec k the input s i gnal wav eform s (CH 1) at pins 5, 6, 16, and 17 of I C9.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-11 Ta ble 3-7 . Re pa iring the M ain Board A ss embly (Continued) Problem Cause Che ck point So l ut i on A parti cular dot does not print. I C1 i s defectiv e, or one of the print head driv e tran sis tors (Q2 − Q19) is defectiv e.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-12 Ta ble 3-8 . Re pa iring the Printer Mecha nism (Conti nue d) Proble m Symptom Cau se Chec kpoint Solution Carriage operation i s abnorm al . The car riage m o ves sl ig ht l y and then st ops .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-13 Ta ble 3-8 . Re pa iring the Printer Mecha nism (Conti nue d) Proble m Symptom Cau se Chec kpoint Solution Pr in t in g is unev en (lighter or darker on the lef t si de of the page than on the right s i de).
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Chapter 3 Trouble shooting 3-14 Ta ble 3-8 . Re pa iring the Printer Mecha nism (Conti nue d) Proble m Symptom Cau se Chec kpoint Solution Paper feeding i s abnorm al . When you t urn on the print er, i t ej ec ts the paper auto- m ati call y and a paper out error occurs .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-1 4.1 Overvi ew This sect ion pr ovi des w arni ngs and cauti ons about di sass embl ing and assem bli ng the pr inter , and inform ation about tool s and s crew s.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-2 4.1.3 Specifications for S cr ews Tabl e 4-3 l is ts the abbr eviati ons used in this chapter for sm all parts , such as sc rew s and washer s.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-3 4.1.4 Ser vice Check A fter Repair After you repai r the printer and bef ore you r eturn i t, use the chec kl ist i n Tabl e 4-5 to m ake sur e the printer i s operating pr operl y.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-4 4.2 Disassembl y and A ssem bl y Thi s sec ti on descr ibes proc edures for dis assem bling and ass embl ing the mai n com ponents of the printer .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-5 4.2.1 Pr eparing to D isassem ble the Pr inter Before you dis assem ble the pr inter , disconnect the pr inter’s power cord and inter face cable, and r emov e any paper loaded i n the pri nter.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-6 4.2.2 Rem oving the Panel Board Assembly 1. Remove the pr inter cov er and r ibbon c artr idge.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-7 4.2.3 Rem oving the Print Head 1. Remove the pr inter cov er and r ibbon c artr idge. (See sec tion 4.2.1.) 2. Re mo ve th e two CB S screws (3 × 10) sec uri ng the pri nt head to the CR asse mb ly.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-8 4.2.4 Rem oving the HP Sensor 1. Remove the pr inter cov er, r ibbon cartr idge, front edge gui de, and front cover . ( See secti on 4.2.1.) 2. Disc onnect the connec tor c able for the H P sensor .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-9 I M PO RT ANT Mount the PW sensor assembly onto the ribbon mask holder groov e , a l i gning the bottom line of the micro photo se nsor wi th the bottom line of th e gro ove.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-10 4.2.7 Rem oving the Upper Housing Assembly 1. Remove the pr inter cov er, r ear edge guide assem bly, paper ej ect assem bly , and rear tractor uni t. (See s ecti on 4.2.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-11 4.2.8 Rem oving the Platen Assembly 1. Remove the pr inter cov er, r ibbon cartr idge, and pl aten knob. (See secti on 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the pr int head, r ibbon mask , and upper hous ing ass embl y.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-12 4.2.9 Rem oving the Platen Gear 1. Remove the pr inter cov er, r ibbon cartr idge, and pl aten knob. (See secti on 4.2.1.) 2. Remove the pr int head, r ibbon mask , and upper hous ing ass embl y.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-13 C BB s c r e w (3 x 8 ) CB s c r e w (2 x 8 ) s ens or hol der c as e open s ens or as s em bl y upper hous i ng as s em bl y Figure 4-18 . Re moving the Case Ope n Se nsor A ssembl y 4.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-14 5. Di sconnec t the cabl es from the foll owi ng connec tors on the mai n board as sem bly .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-15 Remov in g the CR Motor A ssembly 1. Remove the pr inter cover, r ear edge gui de ass embl y, paper ejec t assem bly , and rear tractor uni t. (See s ecti on 4.2.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-16 Remov in g the P F Motor A ssembly 1. Remove the pr inter cover, front and r ear edge gui de assem blies, front cover , paper eject as sem bly , and front and rear trac tor uni ts.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-17 Remov in g the P G Sen sor A ssembly 1. Remove the pr inter cover, front and r ear edge gui de assem blies, front cover , paper eject as sem bly , and front and rear trac tor uni ts.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-18 Remov ing the Ri ght S u b Fram e Assembly 1. Remove the pr inter cover, front and r ear edge gui de assem blies, front cover , paper eject as sem bly , and front and rear trac tor uni ts.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-19 C B S scr e w s ( 3 x 6 ) Figure 4-26 . Re moving the Right Fram e A ssembly I M PO RT ANT The tighte ning torque for the he xagona l nut i s 1.18 - 1.37 N m (12 - 14 Kg f-cm ) .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-20 2 c om pr es s i on s pr i ngs ( 200 g) and 2 pl ai n w as her s s pur gear ( 34. 5 m m ) s pur gear ( 21 m m ) s pur gear ( 34. 5 m m ) c om bi nat i on gear ( 8 m m , 31.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-21 tractor clu tch cam Figure 4-29 . E nga ging the T ra c tor Clutch Cam Adjust the bidi re cti ona l pri nt a li gnment. (S ee Ch apt er 5.) Remov ing the Left Fr ame A ssembly 1.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-22 Adju s t t he platen g ap/p arallelism and bidire c tional print a l i gnment, and re set th e TPE level.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-23 I M PO RT ANT The tighte ning torque for the tw o CBS scre ws (3 × × 8) is 0.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-24 I M PO RT ANT Wh en ins talling t he CR as s emb ly, ins e rt the timing belt sec urel y i n to the two hol di ng slots at the bottom of the CR a ssembly. Make su re you take u p all t he s lack in th e timing bel t be twe en the two slots, a s shown below.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-25 I M PO RT ANT If yo u rem ove th e rear C R g uid e s haf t alo ng with t he CR as s em bly, be s ure to reins tall the rear CR guide s haf t in th e prin ter m echanis m.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-26 Removi ng th e Fron t PE S ensor Assem bly 1. Remove the pr inter cover, front and r ear edge gui de assem blies, front cover , paper eject as sem bly , and front and rear trac tor uni ts.
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-27 5. Rem ove the thr ee CBS s cr ews ( 3 × 4) secur ing the upper shi eld pl ate to the pri nter m echanism and r emove the upper s hiel d plate. T hen rem ove the upper I /F gr ounding plate from the m ain boar d assembly .
EPSON F X-2180 Service Man ual Cha p te r 4 Di sa sse mbl y a nd Asse mbl y 4-28 Removi ng th e Power Su pply Boar d A ssembly 1. Remove the pr inter cover, front and r ear edge gui de assem blies, front cover , paper eject as sem bly , and front and rear trac tor uni ts.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-1 5.1 Adjustment Overview 5.1.1 Required Adjustments This chapter describes the adjustments you need to perform after you remove or replace certain printer parts. The table below indicates which adjustments are required for each repair procedure.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-2 5.2 Adjusting and Resetting the Printer 5.2.1 Platen Gap/Parallelism Adjustment If you have rotated or reassembled the rear carriage guide shaft .
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-3 3. Attach the print head to the carriage assembly again and tighten the two CBS screws (3 × 10). 4. Move the print head to the left end column position. 5. Set the paper release lever to the single-sheet position.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-4 10. If the platen gap is wider at the left end column than at the right end column, adjust the parallelism for the rear carriage guide shaft by moving the parallelism adjustment bushing backward.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-5 Performing the Bi-d Adjustment Using the Settings Diskette 1. Make sure the PC is turned off. Insert the Settings diskette into drive A of the PC and turn on the PC. 2. Exit Windows and go to the DOS prompt.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-6 You see the Bi-d Adjustment menu. < B i-d a djus tment > > M ode 0 = 0 M ode 1 = 0 M ode 2 = 0 Cancel Print Speed Value Write Default [ E SC ] [ SPA CE ] [ ] [ ] [ RET ] [ HOME ] Figure 5-8.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-7 4. Press the LF/FF or Load/Eject button until the Pitch lights indicate the number of the pattern with the best alignment, as shown in Figure 5-11.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-8 Progra m : J** *** * Se t ting : ***** 9 pins V R 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0 [ Main ME NU ] (1 ) Bi-d Ad just ( 6) Envelope >(2) FF paper (7) ---- N/A ---- (3 ) A3 Cut sh eet (8) -- SU B MENU (4) A4 1P Cut s heet (5) A4 6P Cut s heet Figure 5-14.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-9 After you select the factory setting, you see the Main menu. Progra m : J** *** * Se t ting : ***** 9 pins V R 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0 [ Main ME .
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments 5-10 11. To exit the program, press Esc until you return to the DOS prompt. IM PORTANT 9 The adjusted TPE value is stored in the EEPROM only when you turn off the printer. Turn the printer off and then on again after you perform the TPE level reset adjustment.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 6 Maintenance 6-1 6.1 Preventive Maintenance To keep the printer operating properly, regularly clean the exterior case using denatured alcohol and also vacuum the inside of the printer to remove any dust and paper debris.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 6 Maintenance 6-2 Table 6-2. Lubrication Points Ref. No. Lubrication Points Quantity Lubricant 1 Cam surfaces of the 34.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 6 Maintenance 6-3 34.5 mm spu r ge ar 34.5 mm spu r ge ar 1 1 plat en gap a djus tme nt s lots plat en gap a djus tme nt lev er 2 4 4 3 Figure 6-1. Lubrication Points (1 of 2) 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 9 9 rear fram e RD ra tchet 8 Figure 6-2.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-1 A.1 Connector Summary The figure below shows how the primary components of the printer are connected. Table A-1 summarizes the functions and sizes of the connectors.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-2 Table A-3. Connector Pin Assignments − CN4 Pin I/O Signal Name Function 1 I HP CR home position signal 2 GND Signal ground 3 +5V +5 VDC Table A-4. Connector Pin Assignments − CN5 Pin I/O Signal Name Function 1 +5V +5 VDC 2 I PE Rear paper end signal 3 GND Signal ground Table A-5.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-3 Table A-8. Connector Pin Assignments − CN9 Pin I/O Signal Name Function 1 O HD3 Head data 3 2 NC Not connected 3 O HD15 Head data 15 4 +35V +35 VDC .
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-4 Table A-13. Connector Pin Assignments − CN14 Pin I/O Signal Name Function 1 O A CSF motor phase A signal 2 O B CSF motor phase B signal 3O − A CSF motor p.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-5 A.2 Circuit Board Component Layout Diagrams Figure A-2. C244 MAIN Board Component Layout Diagram (1 of 2) Figure A-3.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-6 Figure A-4. C166 PSB Board Component Layout Diagram Figure A-5. C166 PSE Board Component Layout Diagram.
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Appendix A-7 A.3 Circuit Board and Exploded Diagrams This section provides the following diagrams: C244 MAIN circuit board diagram C166 PSB circuit board diagram .
D86 1SS120 R82 2K 1 3 2 4 DB1 D3SBA60 TH1 10ohm/25C C11 820u/200V R18 150K/0.5W F C55 0.1u D52 ERB43-02 R91 1 14 13 8 7 15 T1 PT-75 R55 20K ZD54 HZS6A-2 C56 33u/16V R54 2K R58 200K R60 4.
D8 6 1 SS1 2 0 R8 2 2K 1 3 2 4 DB1 D2SBA6 0 TH 1 10ohm / 25C C1 1 180u/ 400V R3 3 R3 4 ZD 31 R2 8 150K / 0. 5W F C5 5 0. 1 u D5 2 E R B43- 02 R9 1 1 14 13 8 7 15 T1 PT- 7 6 R5 5 20K ZD 54 HZS6 A- 2 C5 6 33u/ 16V R5 4 2K R5 8 200K R6 0 4.
EXPLODED DIAGRAM FOR FX-2180(1) 128 128 122 113 127 137 117 200 109 104 450 400 401 400 122 112 112 110 100 107 621 133 128 116 111 127 122 300 127 127 127 127 127 127 632 106 121 121 380 121 129 102 .
617 524 631 609 636 611 611 511 580 636 591 603 571 636 601 637 595 602 593 590 108 586 608 501 643 598 594 526 535 535 528 639 607 599 606 531 620 533 527 530 525 585 584 578 532 634 638 572 597 637 .
551 549 547 543 550 542 546 551 548 545 544 544 633 633 551 625 547 543 550 542 546 551 624 545 633 633 557 564 559 639 638 639 638 612 561 562 558 629 642 629 642 629 642 629 642 629 642 628 560 627 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson TM-FX2180 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson TM-FX2180 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson TM-FX2180, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson TM-FX2180 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson TM-FX2180, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson TM-FX2180.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson TM-FX2180. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson TM-FX2180 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.