Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 8500 du fabricant Epson
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9-Pin D ot Matrix Printer All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in an y form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior w ritten permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
FCC Compliance Stateme nt For United States Us ers This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B d igital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules. These limits are designed t o provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Declara tion of Conformity Acco rding t o I SO/ IEC Guid e 22 and EN 45 014 Man ufact urer : SEIK O EPSO N COR PORA TION Address: 3-5, Ow a 3-cho me, Suwa-sh i, Nagano-ken 392-8502 Japan Repre senta tive: EPSON EURO PE B.
Safety I nformation Impo rtant Safet y Inst ructi ons Before using the printer, read all of these instructions to make sure you use the printer safely and effective ly. Follow all warnings and instructions marke d on the printer. T Do not place the prin ter on a n unstable surfac e or near a radiator or h eat sourc e.
T Unplug the printer and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the f ollowing conditions: If t he po wer cord or pl ug is dam age d; if liq uid has ente red the p rinter; if t he pr inter ha s be en drop ped or the cabi net damaged; if the pr inter does not oper ate normally or exhibits a distinct change in performance.
For United Kingdom Users Use of o ptions Epson (UK) Limited shall not be lia ble against any dam ages or problems arising from the use o f any optio ns or consumable products other than those designated as Original E PSON Products or EPSO N Approv ed Products by Epson (U K) Limite d.
Contents Introduction Feature s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-1 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2 How to U se T hi s Ma nua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2 Warnings, Ca utions, and Notes .
For Windows NT 4.0 Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 Inst alli ng t he p ri nter dr iver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 Acc essi ng the pr int er dri ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 3 Chan ging the pri nt er d ri ver s ett ings .
Chapter 4 Using the Pri nter Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Li ghts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Other c ontrol pan el feat ures .
Chapter 6 Using Printer Options Usin g the Pu ll T ract or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6- 2 Inst alli ng t he p ul l tr acto r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Usin g the pu ll tr act or wit h the fro nt t ract or . . . .
Chapter 8 Troubles hooting Usin g the E rro r Indic ato rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 Prin ting a S elf Tes t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 Usin g th e He x D ump Mod e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendi x C Contacting Cust omer Support For Unit ed State s and Can ada Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2 For Unit ed Kingdom an d the Republic of Ir eland User s . . . . . C-4 Enquiry Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printer Par ts Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ _______ paper sup port s* * sprockets** ** rear tractor unit parts prin t head rib bon c art rid ge top co ver paper b ail top cont rol pa.
Intr oduction The EPSON DFX-8500 printer is an advanced dot matrix printer designed for busine ss applications. The printer combines high performance and r eliability with a wide r ange of features, including high speed printing and automa tic paper handling.
Opt i on s The following options are available for your pr inter: T The Pull tractor (#8309) improves the handling of heavy multi-part forms and labels.
Chapter 6 explains how to use optional acc essories with your printer. Chapter 7 provides printer maintenance and transportation guidelines. Chapter 8 cont ains troublesho oting tips. If the printer does n ot operate properly or the printed results are not what you e xpect, see this chapter for a list of problems and solutions.
If You N eed Hel p If you need assistance in setting up or using your printer, see Appendix C for guid elines on how to get c ustomer support. L Peony Rev.
Chap ter 1 Setting Up the Printer Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ Unpacking the P rinter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Cho osi ng a Pla ce f or the Pr inte r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -4 Installi ng the Ribbon C artridge .
Unpacking the Printer Becau se th e prin ter we ighs ap proxi mately 29 kg (64 lbs), yo u shou ld n ot lift or carr y it alone . Two people sh ould c arry it by the bottom, as shown here: D-1-2 L Peony Rev.
In addi tion to this guide, you r prin ter bo x sho uld in clude tw o EPSO N pri nter dri ver d iskette s, two St atus Moni tor soft ware disk ettes, a No tice Sheet , and the fol lowing items: Note: Dependin g on your pr inter model , the power cord may be permane ntly attached to the printer.
You must remove al l protec tive mat erials pa cked aro und and insi de you r prin ter b efo re you set it up an d turn on th e powe r. Follo w the dire ctions on the Not ice Shee t to remo ve these mate rials. A sc rewdri ver has been in cluded for remov ing the trans porta tion scre w.
T Avoid el ectric al o utlets co ntro lled by w all swi tches or automa tic timers. An in terr uption of p ower can e rase info rmation in the memory o f you r prin ter or c omputer . T Avoid outlets on the same circ uit as larg e motor s or other ap plia nces that can caus e voltag e fluctu ations.
Install ing the Ribbon Cart ridge Befo re i nstal ling t he r ibbo n ca rtri dge, make sure tha t th e protecti ve packin g materials ha ve been removed and th at the power cord is no t plug ged in to an el ectr ical out let. Remov e the ribbon cartri dge fro m the bo x and p lastic bag.
2. Sl ide the pr int he ad to the op en sect ion of the pa per bail as shown be low. 3. Remo ve the sep arator from the m iddl e of the ribbon cartri dge and disca rd it.
4. Ho ld t he r ibbo n ca rtridg e wi th bo th h ands and lowe r it into t he p rinter as sh own below. Pull ing th e ca rtridg e towar d you, slide th e notc hes ne are st you ove r th e two corresp ondi ng pin s in the pr inter.
6. Insert the ribbon guid e ove r the metal pin s on each si de of the prin t head as shown bel ow. The smal ler en d of the guid e should be o n top, with its ang led edge fa cing back towa rd the pla ten. Tur n th e rib bon -tigh teni ng kn ob a gain to remo ve any s lack in th e rib bon.
8. Clo se the to p cover . Plugging in the Pr inter 1. Make sur e the printe r is turned off. (The “ ” s ymbo l on the power switch locat ed on th e lowe r righ t side of th e prin ter should be pressed dow n.) 2. Ch eck th e lab el on th e bac k of the pr inte r to make sure the volt age mat ches that of y our el ectr ical o utle t.
Connectin g the Printer to Your Computer Your pr inte r ha s two se para te i nterf ace connec tion s: a Centro nics ® c ompat ible parall el i nter face and an RS-23 2C- comp atible serial interfa ce. If y ou are not su re whi ch one i s require d by your c omputer , ch eck your comput er manu al.
Follo w the ste ps below to conn ect a pa rall el or seria l interfa ce cable to th e printe r. 1. Mak e sure both the pr inte r and com puter ar e turn ed off. 2. Open th e rear cover by grasp ing it on ea ch side and pulli ng down. 3. Plug th e cable conne ctor secure ly into th e printe r’s parall el or se rial int erfac e co nnecto r.
4. If you are co nnec ting the paralle l inte rface , squeez e the wire clip s togeth er until they lo ck in pl ace on eit her side of th e connec tor. If your cabl e has a gro und wi re, conn ect it to the printe r’s grou nd c onne ctor as s how n bel ow.
5. Open th e plastic clamp to the right or le ft of the interfa ce connec tors by pull ing out it s top tab. Inser t the cable in the plasti c clamp and clos e the clamp , as shown belo w. 6. C lose the rear cover. c Caut ion: Always cl ose the rear cove r befor e using the printe r.
7. Plug the othe r end of th e cable int o the compu ter. (If th ere is a ground wire at the comp uter e nd o f the cabl e, a ttac h it to the groun d conn ecto r at t he ba ck of t he c omputer.) Before using the pr inter’s ser ial inte rface, you ne ed to sel ect serial commu nica tion by chang ing th e pr inter’s DIP swit ch settin gs.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Chapter 1 98/0 1/07 Pas s 4 1-16 Setting Up the Printer.
Chap ter 2 Setting Up Your Software Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ _______ _______ For W ind ows 95 Us ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -2 Install ing th e printe r drive r using My Co mpu ter . . . . . . 2- 3 Install ing th e printe r drive r using plu g-and -play .
The EPSO N printe r software that com es with your pr inter includ es the pr inter dr iver softwa re, plus a sta tus moni tor utilit y and pa per memo ry utili ty for use wit h Wind ows 95. A printe r driv er is s oftwa re tha t allo ws your comput er to contro l th e pr inter.
Installing the pri nter driver using My Comput er 1. Mak e sur e Wind ows 95 is runn ing an d the pr inte r is off . 2. Insert Disk 1 of your printe r driver soft ware in a disk dr ive. Doubl e-c lick t he My Computer icon, and th en dou ble-cl ick the dr ive in whic h you in ser ted th e disk.
Installing t he printer driver usi ng plug-and-pl ay If your c omputer has an I EEE-12 84 c ompatibl e, b idire ctio nal parall el por t, you can instal l the pr inter dr iver using the Windows 95 plug-and-p lay feature. See your computer docum entati on for more infor matio n.
8. You ca n ty pe a uniq ue n ame fo r th e pr inte r in the pri nter name box in the Add Printe r Wiza rd dialo g box. We recommen d th at you k eep the model name as sh own. To use the pr inter as th e default print er for Wind ows 95 applic atio ns, se lect Yes .
Acc essi ng the print er driv er from Wi ndows appl icati ons To access the prin ter drive r from your Wi ndows app licati on, select Print Setup or Prin t fr om th e Fi le me nu.
Paper me nu T Pa p er si z e Select the size of the paper loaded in the printer. If you don’t see your paper size, use the scroll bar to scroll through the list. If your paper size is not included in the list, click Custom and enter the correct paper size in the dialog box that appears.
For Windows 3.1 Users If you a re us ing Wi ndow s 3.1, fol low the in structi ons belo w to install and access the prin ter driver. Installing t he printer driver 1. Make sure Windows 3. 1 is runn ing an d th e Progra m Mana ger wi ndow is ope n. 2. Inse rt Dis k 1 of you r prin ter dr ive r soft ware in a dis k drive .
5. Sele ct you r printe r and clic k OK . Th e insta llatio n prog ram begins co pying th e printer dr iver files. Aft er a few moments, th e insta llatio n progra m creat es the EPSO N progr am grou p in Win dows. 6. When the i nstal lati on is comp lete, clic k OK to exit .
Acc essi ng the print er driv er from Wi ndows appl icati ons To access the pr inter dr iver from your wind ows app licati on, select Print Setup or Pri nt fr om the File menu .
Changing the printer driver set tings Before printin g, check tha t the prin ter drive r setting s are approp riate f or the kind of do cument yo u want to prin t, and change the settin gs as need ed. When you a re fini shed making chan ges, clic k OK to apply the sett ings, or cl ick Cancel to cancel your chan ges.
To acc ess the followi ng sett ings from y our ap plicat ion, y ou may ne ed to click Printer , Setup , Op tions , or some combin ation of th ese button s. If you accessed the dr iver fro m the Cont rol Pa nel, click Options to acce ss thes e sett ings .
3. Doubl e-click the Se tup .ex e icon , th en se le ct you r pr inte r icon in the EP SON Pr inte r Driv er Se tup di alog box show n below. Click OK and follow the on-screen instructions. Before you start pr inting , you sho uld mak e sure that the pri nter dri ver settin gs match you r docum ent requi remen ts.
Acc essi ng the print er driv er from Wi ndows appl icati ons To access the prin ter drive r from your Wi ndows app licati on, select Print Setup or Prin t fr om the File menu . If y ou cho ose Print Setu p , you see you r appl icatio n’s Pr int Se tup di alog bo x.
Changing the printer driver set tings Before printin g, check tha t the prin ter drive r setting s on the Page Setup and Ad vance d men us ar e appr opriat e for the kind of d ocume nt y ou wan t to p rint , and chan ge sett ings as need ed.
T Docum ent Dou ble-cl ick Halftone Col or Adjus tment to Optio ns open this di alog box. Click Print Qualit y and select Lette r Qua lity or Draft Quality . Clic k Print Text a s Grap hics or Met afile Sp ooling and sele ct On or Off in each list bo x.
4. In the co mman d line box, type A:SET UP , and click OK . If you inser ted th e driver di sk in a dri ve othe r than “A ”, substitu te the a ppropr iate l etter. 5. Sele ct you r printe r icon in th e EPSON Pr inte r Driver Se tup dialog box a s show n be low.
Acc essi ng the print er driv er from Wi ndows appl icati ons To access the prin ter drive r from your Wi ndows app licati on, select Print Setup or Prin t fr om th e File menu . Th e Pr int or Pri nt Setup di alog box appears. Mak e sure that your prin ter is sele cted a nd the n cl ick Prin ter , Setup , Proper ties , or Options .
3. Cl ick the De ta ils button , th en c lick J ob D efaul t . You see the Docu ment Pr operti es dialog box, wh ich in clud es the Form an d Orient atio n setti ngs des crib ed belo w. If you w ant to access the for m sour ce sett ings, c lick t he Set Up button inst ead of th e De ta ils bu tton.
Doc ument Pr operties dialog box T Form Selec t the kind of form lo aded in the pr inter. If you don’t see your form , select it fro m the Form li st. T Orient atio n Sel ect Portra it or Lands cape . The diag ram on th e sc reen cha nges ac cordin g to the orie ntatio n you sel ect.
For DOS Program Users If y ou are us ing DOS pr ogra ms (n ot Win dows appl icat ions), follo w the in str ucti ons be low to inst all th e prin ter dr ive r. Installing the pri nter driver To inst all a pr inte r driv er in most DO S applic atio ns, you mu st select the p rinter you a re us ing du ring the i nstalla tion o r set up proced ure.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Chapter 2 98/0 1/07 Pas s 4 2-22 Setting Up Your Software.
Chap ter 3 Paper Handling Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ Usi ng the Two -Tr acto r Sy ste m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2 Pos iti onin g the pa per s upp ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2 Wha t pape r ty pes you can us e .
Using the Two-Tractor System Your pr inter’s pape r hand ling system consist s of a fron t push tract or and a rear pu sh trac tor. Both trac tors are ea sy to loa d and ope rate , and b oth ac commod ate a wide vari ety of pa per types, in clud ing label s and mult i-par t forms.
The foll owing il lustrat ion shows th ree ways to positi on your pri nter a nd p aper: with the fr ont tracto r lo aded , wi th the rear tracto r lo aded , and with bo th t ractor s loa ded. Note: Mak e sure th at your stack of pr inted pa ges does not inte rfere wit h the re ar trac tor ’s pape r supp ly.
Loading Pa per onto the Front Tra ctor Follow thes e steps to l oad pa per onto t he front trac tor: 1. Turn o ff t he p rint er, then ope n th e pr inte r’s front cov er by lifti ng up the mid dle of it s bottom ed ge until it locks in plac e, as show n bel ow.
3. Position t he left sprock et so t hat th e spr ocket pins are to the le ft of the ar row mark on the scal e. Lock it into plac e by push ing up the sprock et l ock le ver. 4. Now slide th e righ t sproc ket to approx imate ly match th e wid th of your pape r.
5. Slide the tw o pa per support s so t hat th ey a re sp aced e ven ly betwee n the tw o sprocke ts. 6. Open bo th sp rock et cov ers. paper sup port s D-1-1 4-A sprocket cover D-1-1 4-B L Peony Rev.
7. Be su re you r pape r ha s a cle an, strai ght edge, and then fi t the first five holes in the pa per over th e sprocke t pins as shown bel ow. The sid e of the pa per that you want to print on shou ld be fa cing you. Now cl ose t he spro cket c overs.
9. Pull th e printe r’s front cover ou t slightl y and lo wer it unt il it is closed. c Caution: T Do not push the front co ver direc tly down; always pull it out slightly before closing. T Before turning on the printer, be absolutely sure you have removed all protective materi als.
11. Check t he Tractor Select indica tor to see whic h trac tor is selected: T If the fron t trac tor ar row li ght is re d, press the LF/FF Load but ton to load the paper. T If the rea r trac tor arro w ligh t is re d, pre ss the Front/Rear button to switc h to the fron t tr acto r.
Loading Paper onto the Rear Tractor Follow the st eps be low to load pape r onto the r ear tr actor. (You do not need to remo ve th e pape r from the fr ont tr acto r firs t.) 1. Turn off th e printe r. 2. Open th e printe r’s top cover as shown below .
4. Relea se the spr ocket lock levers on the rea r tracto r’s right and l eft sp rocket s by p ushing each l ever bac k. c Cauti on: Do not try to pull on or remove the elastic cord from the tractor. 5. Position t he left sprock et so t hat th e spr ocket pins are to the le ft of the ar row mark on the scal e.
6. Now slid e the ri ght spr ocket to appro xima tely ma tch the widt h of your paper . (Do not lock it in plac e yet.) 7. Slide th e two pape r suppo rts so they ar e space d evenl y betwee n the tw o sprocke ts. D-2-6 -A paper sup port s D-2-6 -B L Peony Rev.
8. Op en both sprock et c overs. 9. Make sure y our pa per has a c lean, str aight edge . Wi th the side of th e pape r you wa nt to prin t on facing down, insert your pa per th rough th e open ing at the rear of the pr inter. Note: You may find it easier to loa d the paper by standing to the side.
10. Fit the first five hole s in the paper ove r the spr ocket pins as shown bel ow. Now cl ose the sprocket cove rs. 11. Slide the ri ght spr ocke t to remo ve any s lack in the pape r. Make su re t he pap er i s stra ight and h as no wrink les. Pull the spr ocke t lock leve r forwa rd t o lo ck t he spro cket in place.
12. Close t he top cover and the re ar flap . Th e pape r is now loaded in the sta ndby po sitio n. 13. Turn on the printe r. The pri nt head move s to the left and the Power an d Paper O ut li ghts co me on.
14. Che ck t he Trac tor Selec t indi cato r to see which tr acto r is sele cted: T If the rear trac tor arro w ligh t is red, press the LF/FF Load but ton to load th e pape r. T If the front trac tor ar row ligh t is red, press the Fron t/R ear button t o swi tch to the r ear tracto r.
Adjusting the Paper Position You can adjust the top-of-form position as well as the printing positi on at any po int on the page by using the TOF and Micro Feed button s. Th e prin ter then r ememb ers the new top-of-form positio n. When you use the optional pull tractor, you can adjust th e paper po sition as descr ibed below .
You can set the top-of-form position from 2.6 mm (0.1 inch) to 33. 9 mm (1.33 inch ) below the top ed ge o f the paper . The factory settin g is 5.8 m m (0.
4. U se the Micro Feed button s to fee d the pa per to the desired top-o f-form position. The red line on the ribbon protec tor s hows yo u wher e the bot tom e dge of yo ur first line of text wi ll print . This positio n is based on the first pri ntable line o f text .
Adjusting the print ing positi on You may need to adjus t the prin ting positi on in th e middle of a page, or to adjust the top-of-form position when using labels. When y ou mo ve th e prin ting posi tion, you tempo rari ly c hange the top-of-form positi on by the same amount.
Tearin g Off the Printed Pa ges After yo u finis h print ing, you can use the te ar- off fea ture to advan ce c onti nuou s pap er o n th e pus h tr acto r to the tea r-off edge of th e printe r. You can then easily tea r off printe d sheets. When you r esu me prin ting , th e pr inte r au tomatic ally feed s paper back to the lo ading po sitio n.
Follow these steps to select tear-off m ode: 1. Make sur e the printe r is turned off. 2. Tur n DIP swit ch 3- 1 on . 3. Tur n the prin ter on. When tear- off mode is on and you print on contin uous pa per on the push t ractor , the printe r ad vances t he fina l pr inted page to the t ear-off p osition .
Using the Tear Off button Wheth er or not th e printe r is in tear-off mo de, you ca n use the Tear Off button to advanc e cont inuous pa per to the tea r-off positi on by follow ing th e ste ps below . 1. Make sure printing has finished. Then press the Tear Off button .
3. Press the Tear O ff button to en ter the te ar-off mod e. The Tear Off ligh t come s on an d the pr inte r fee ds the pa pe r’s perfora tion to th e printe r’s tear-off ed ge. 4. If the pape r is not alig ned wi th the tear-o ff edge, press the Micro Feed butt ons to fee d the pa per f orwa rd or backwa rd in 1/216- inch inc remen ts.
5. Tear off th e page usin g the te ar-of f edge on the pr inte r’s top co ver. 6. Press the Tear Off button to f eed th e pape r back to the top-of-form posit ion. You are now ready to print your next docu ment. c Caution: Alwa ys te ar off th e pr inted docum ent b efore y ou fe ed th e pa per back to the top-of-form position.
Switching Between Front and Rear Tractors You can easily switch betwee n pape r load ed on th e front tracto r and pa per load ed on th e rear tra ctor . The instr uction s belo w ex plain how to switc h fro m th e fr ont trac tor to the re ar tracto r, but you ca n follow th e same step s to switch from the rea r tracto r to the fron t tracto r.
2. If you ha ve a pr inte d docu men t or exce ss paper st ill in the printe r, use the te ar-of f fea ture descri bed in th e prev ious sect ion to tear off the docu ment or exce ss pap er. c Caution: Alwa ys te ar off th e pr inted docum ent a nd a ny exc ess paper befor e switchin g tractors .
Changi ng th e Pa per This secti on descri bes how to chang e paper on the front trac tor, but you ca n follow th e same steps whe n you chan ge the paper on the rear trac tor. Before yo u start, mak e sure the pr inter is turn ed on and th e fron t trac tor is se lec ted.
2. Press the Front/Rear button to switc h to the rea r tr acto r. T he front-l oaded paper au tomatic ally feeds back to the sta ndby posit ion . 3. Open th e pr inte r’s fro nt c over. (T o ch ange the rea r-loa ded pape r, ope n th e prin ter’s top co ver and the rear f lap.
4. Open t he s prock et c ove rs an d re move the paper from the tracto r. 5. Load th e ne w pap er as descri bed i n ste ps 2 th roug h 11 on page 3-4 (or for rear-lo aded paper, steps 4 th rough 14 begi nnin g on pag e 3-11) . sprocket cover D-2-2 3-C L Peony Rev.
Print ing o n Mul ti -P art F orms a nd La bel s Your prin ter can print on b oth sing le-s heet and c onti nuou s mult i-part for ms, as well as on label s.
Using multi -part forms You can use multi-part (carbonless) forms with up to six sheets, includ ing th e orig inal, on the rear tr actor. On the front tract or, you ca n use forms with u p to seven shee ts. You loa d co ntinuo us mul ti-pa rt fo rms the same w ay y ou loa d any othe r type of continu ous pap er.
Using labels When select ing la bel s for prin ting , alwa ys choo se th e type mounted on contin uous pa per wi th sprock et holes for use with a tr acto r. Load la bels in the front tractor only, followin g the in struc tion s for load ing co ntin uous pa per.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Chapter 3 98/0 1/07 Pas s 4 3-34 Paper Handling.
Chap ter 4 Using the Printer Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ Con tro l P anel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Li ght s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -2 Buttons . . . . . . .
Control Panel The cont rol pane l consi sts of indica tor li ghts and but tons, and gives you ac cess to several po werful fea tures. Lights Powe r On when th e power swi tch is on and power is s uppli ed t o th e prin ter. Pape r Out On when the pr inter is ou t of paper.
Font The font se lectio n sta tus i s disp layed by two font lig hts o n th e co ntro l pane l: o o Supe r Draft o n Draft n o Roman n n Sans serif n =On, o =Off Pitch The pitch sele ction statu s is .
Tractor Se lect Front On wh en the front tr acto r is sel ecte d. The light is gr een wh en paper is loade d (even if the pape r is in the standby positi on), and red w hen th e trac tor is out of pa per. Tractor Se lect Rear On whe n th e rear tra ctor is select ed.
Pitch Selects the char acters per in ch for prin ting . Press th e but ton un til the li ght ap pear s next to t he d esire d pi tch. (Yo ur so ftwar e settin g overrid es this setting .
This butto n can also be use d to run the printe r’s NLQ sel f test. Se e “Print ing a Se lf Test” in Ch apter 8. c Caution: Neve r pres s the Tear Off button when labels are load ed in the pr inter. Use the LF/FF Loa d button to feed the printe d labels to a point wh ere they can be torn off.
To reset the tear-off positi on, press the Tear Off button to ente r tear-off m ode and fee d the pape r to the tea r-o ff posi tion . Then use the Mic ro Feed buttons to move the pa per to the des ire d posit ion. See “Adjust ing th e tear -off po sition ” in Chapte r 3.
Other control panel features Self test By hold ing do wn the LF/FF Lo ad or Tear Off but ton whil e you tu rn on the printe r, you can st art th e pr inter’s self test. The self te st prints th e charac ters in the prin ter’s ROM (Read Onl y Memory).
Using DIP Switches Your pri nter has five sets of DIP switches wh ich cont rol prin ter functi ons such as p age le ngth a nd p rintin g speed . DIP sw itch settin gs are shown in the DIP switch tables start ing on pag e 4-11. Desc riptio ns of al l the DI P swit ch func tion s are pro vided beginn ing on pag e 4-16.
4. Open the DIP swit ch cove r. 5. Use a pointe d instrume nt, suc h as the ti p of a ballpoin t pen, to turn th e switc h either on or off. A DIP swi tch is on when it is up, an d off wh en it is do wn. Note: Alw ays mak e su re t hat the prin ter is t urn ed off befo re c han gin g any DIP switc hes.
DIP switch tables The fo llowin g ta bles list the se ttings for e ach DIP sw itch . For more info rma tion abou t ea ch feat ure, see the expl anati ons follow ing the ta bles.
DIP switch 3 Swit ch Descr iptio n ON OFF 3-1 Auto tear off Activ e In act ive 3-2 Zero sl ash Acti ve Inact ive 3-3 Auto line feed Acti ve I nact ive 3-4 Buzz er ( be ep ) In act ive Active 3-5 Auto .
Table A-1 Character tabl e (standard model) Character table SW 1-1 SW 1-2 SW 1-3 S W 1-4 SW 1-5 SW 1-6 PC 437 ( US, Sta nda rd Eu rope ) OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF O FF PC850 (Multilingual) OFF OFF OFF OFF O.
Character table SW 1-1 SW 1-2 SW 1-3 SW 1-4 SW 1-5 S W 1-6 PC855 (Cyrillic) OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON PC857 ( Turkish) OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF PC866 ( Russian) OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON PC869 (Gre ek) OFF OFF ON.
Table B Page length fo r front tract or Page length for fro nt tr act or S W 2-1 SW 2-2 SW 2-3 SW 2- 4 11 inches OFF OFF OFF OFF 4 inches OFF OFF ON ON 5.5 inches OFF ON OFF OFF 6 inches OFF O N OFF ON 7 i n c h e s O F F O NO NO F F 8 i n c h e s O F F O NO NO N 8.
Table D I/F (interface) mode I/F mode SW 4- 3 SW 4-4 Auto OFF OFF Parallel I/F OFF ON Serial I/F ON OFF Opti on al I /F ON ON Tabl e E Seri al p arity Serial parity SW 4-5 SW 4-6 None OFF OFF Odd OF F.
Skip over p erforatio n Whe n DIP switch 1-7 is on, the pr inter in serts a on e-inch marg in betw een the la st li ne pr inted on one pa ge a nd the first line printed on the next page. By adjust ing your top-of-form posi tion, yo u can ge t half the m argin at the bottom of one page and half at the to p of the next pa ge.
Auto li ne feed When DIP sw itch 3- 3 is on, th e prin ter ad ds a line feed (L F) comm and to ever y ca rriage ret urn (CR) code sent by the appl icatio n progra m softwar e. When the swi tch is off, line feeds o ccur onl y when the so ftware sends li ne feed commands to th e prin ter.
Auto cut mode This fun ctio n is ava ilabl e only wh en th e option al per forat ion cutter (C8150 7 @ ) is install ed in the pr inter. W hen DIP switch 3 -7 i s on , the perforation cutter cuts each page at the p e rf o ra t i on autom ati cally.
Auto I/F (interfa ce) wait time Whe n the pr inte r is in the aut o inte rfa ce mode and it rece ive s no da ta from th e curr ently s elec ted in terfa ce fo r the amo unt of time specifie d wi th thi s settin g, it dete rmines which i nterf ace is rec eiv ing da ta and switch es to that in terf ace .
Serial baud rate If your com put er is set up for serial co mmun icat ion you m ay need t o ch ange the se rial b it (also know n as bau d) ra te se ttin g. The seri al baud rate is the ra te at whic h the pr inter re ceives data from the co mpute r. DIP swit ches 4-7 and 4-8 cont rol th e serial bau d rate.
Using the Paper Memory Feature When y ou use mul ti-pa rt form s that over lap, o r form s with label s on them, you can use th e paper m emory feature for better pr int qua lity. It au tomat ically adjusts the ga p between the prin t head and the plate n based upon the type of pape r set in memo ry.
Saving paper memory settings This pr ocedur e requi res settin g seve ral DI P swit ches . See the sectio n on c hangin g DIP sw itch se ttings earl ier in this chapt er. 1. Make sure the prin ter is turn ed off. 2. Turn DIP swit ch 5-4 of f to save your sett ings for memory a or on for memory b.
4. Sele ct the paper type by turn ing DI P swit ches 5- 1, 5-2 , an d 5-3 on or off as shown belo w. Overlapping multi -part forms SW 5-1 Inactive OFF Active ON Mult i-p art form s with lab els SW 5-2 Inactive OFF Active ON Skip over binding SW 5-3 Inactive OFF Active ON 5.
6. Open the pr inte r cov er. w Warning: If you ha ve been us ing the pr inter, th e print head may be hot; let it cool for a few minutes before tou ching it. 7. Move th e poin ter (the poin t wher e the two li nes int ersect) to the labe l’s upper le ft corn er.
10. Press the TOF button . Th e pr inte r b eeps twic e. I f the sett ings ar e not co rrec t, the print er beep s five ti mes. If th is happ ens, repe at step 9. 11. Close th e printe r cover. The pr inter save s the continu ous forms wit h labels info rmati on in the memo ry area yo u sele cted.
Chap ter 5 Using EPSON Status Monitor 2 Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ Installi ng EPSON S tatus M onitor 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Accessing EPSON Sta tus Monitor 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Checki ng the Printer Status .
EPSON St atus Mo nitor 2 is a ut ilit y that come s with your printe r for use wi th Win dows 95 . It allo ws you to mo nitor yo ur printe r’s sta tus, aler ts you when pri nter e rror s occur , and prov ides trou bles hootin g instr ucti ons whe n ne eded.
4. T ype A:SETUP (if you inserted the disk in a drive ot her than “A”, sub stitu te t he a ppropr iate let ter) and clic k OK . 5. Follow the o n-screen i nstruct ions, t hen cl ick FINISH to comp lete t he i nstalla tion pro cedure .
Checking the Printer Status This secti on descri bes how to use th e Stat us Monito r menus to get general and detai led printe r statu s info rmati on. Fo r detai led prin te r statu s informa tion , see “Using th e Prin ter Stat us wind ow” on page 5-8 .
The Statu s column displa ys brief messages descri bing th e current status of th e prin ter. The Job Count column displa ys the numbe r of jobs waitin g to pri nt. Note: You can rearrange the order of the printers in the list by clicking the Printer Name, Status, or Job Count.
View menu This menu le ts you co ntrol th e appe arance and conte nt of the EPSO N Stat us Moni tor 2 wind ow a nd t he In stall ed Pri nters list . Click the View menu on the EP SON Stat us Monito r .
Click the Sett ings men u on the EPSON Sta tus M onit or 2 windo w to access the follo wing settings: T Monito ring Prefer ence s Opens th e Moni tori ng Pre feren ces dialog box, wh ere you ca n adjust the monitor ing in terv al and ch ange the backgr ound mo nitori ng se ttings for t he select ed pri nter .
Help m enu Choo se He lp Top ics from this m enu to get online he lp abou t the Epso n Status Mo nito r 2. Click About to view the St atus Monit or’s versi on numbe r and co pyri ght in form ation.
You ca n als o acces s the Pri nter Statu s windo w by cl icking the Deta ils bu tton in a Stat us Aler t d ialo g box. (For inf orma tion on th e Stat us Ale rt d ialo g box, see “Set ti ng Mon itor ing Pre feren ces” on pag e 5-10. ) To op en the menu s in the Prin ter St atus wind ow, cl ick th e tabs along th e top.
Setting Monitoring Preferences In the Moni tori ng Pre feren ce d ialo g box, y ou can adju st the monito ring i nterval and t urn on back ground mo nito ring. The mon itorin g interva l is the pe riod of time betw een statu s inform ation up dates for th e selecte d printe r.
2. Selec t the prin te r you want to monit or from th e Inst alle d Prin ters li st, and the n clic k Monitoring Prefere nces on the Se ttin gs menu. You see this dia log box : 3. Use th e slide r to adjust th e monitor ing inte rval, if necessa ry. Note: Setting a s hort monitor ing i nter val ma y caus e so me ap plic ations to run more slo wly.
Using the background monitori ng icon A prin ter-sh aped ba ckgr ound mo nitori ng i con appear s on the taskbar wh enever th e Stat us Moni tor is acti ve. Double-c lickin g the backg round m onitor ing icon opens the EPSO N Status Moni tor 2 wi ndow .
Accessing the paper memory util ity To a ccess th is ut ility, fo llow the se ste ps: 1. If pape r is load ed in the pr inte r, first ej ect th e pape r. The n select th e memory numbe r 0 by pressing the Paper Sele ct button . Ma ke sure t he p rinter is r eady t o prin t.
2. Click the memory n umbe r to r egist er a n ew p aper o r an existi ng o ne, an d then cli ck Modi fy . You se e the Modi fy Paper Me mory di alog box : 3. Ent er (or chec k) the appr opri ate in format ion for each setti ng below: T Paper Name You can type a uni que n ame fo r th e paper.
T Load ing Stat us Selec t whethe r the pape r is load ed or not. T Print Intensi ty S elect th e print in tensi ty. Sele ct Dark if you w ant to pr int a t a dark er int ensit y. 4. When you are finished register ing or maki ng cha nges, click OK . The Pa per Me mor y List wi ndow app ears ag ain.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Chapter 5 98/01/ 07 pass 4 5-16 Using EPSON St atus Monitor 2.
Chap ter 6 Using Printer Options Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ Using the Pu ll Tract or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Instal ling the pull tracto r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Usi ng t he p ull tracto r wi th t he fr ont tracto r .
Using the Pull Tractor The opti onal pull tr actor (#8 309) pr ovide s optim um conti nuou s paper hand ling . The pull tra ctor i s e speci ally u sefu l with contin uous mul ti-pa rt forms an d labels . For best result s, use the pull trac to r with eithe r the pr inte r’s f ront or rear buil t-in tracto r, as descri bed i n this section .
2. Us e a cross-hea d screwd river to remove th e two scr ews securi ng t he pap er separa tor to the pri nter. Th en lift the paper separator off th e printer. 3. Usin g the two scr ews you just re moved from the print er’s origin al p aper se para tor, ins tall the pape r separ ator tha t comes with the pull trac tor.
4. Close the pap er s epa rato r co ver and ope n th e pr inte r’s top cover . 5. Holdi ng the pul l tracto r with its gears to the le ft, fit the tracto r’s front notches over th e mounting sha ft of the printe r.
6. Open the p aper ba il u sing th e ta b on it s rig ht side . Then tilt the pul l tracto r back unti l its rear la tches cli ck into pl ace over th e prin ter’ s rear mounti ng pins . 7. Gent ly clo se the pape r bail (do not apply ex cess pressur e), and th en clo se the pr inte r’s to p cove r.
2. Make sure paper is l oade d on the fron t tr acto r to the top-of-form p osition. If p aper is a lready loaded on the tracto r but it is in t he standby posi tion, press the Front/Rear or LF /FF L oad butt on (dep ending o n wh ich tractor is selected) to load the paper to the top-of-form posi tion.
6. Sl ide th e two pape r sup port s so the y are sp aced ev enly betwee n the two spr ockets. 7. Fit th e spr ocket hole s of t he pap er o ver t he spro cket pins .
8. Close the spr ocke t cover s. 9. Adjus t the tw o sproc ke ts unti l the pa per is strai ght an d smooth , and then loc k the sproc kets into place. c Caut ion: Be sure the spro ckets are not too far apar t. Your pape r could jam if th ey pull the paper to o tightly or tear the edge s of the p aper ho les.
Using the pull tract or with the rear tract or If you are usi ng labels or multi-p art for ms with more th an six sheets (in clud ing the or igin al), do not use the re ar tract or; use the front tr actor as de scribed in the pre vious secti on.
3. Tilt th e tracto r forwa rd so that it s pins rest on the m etal frame of th e printe r. 4. Load pa per onto the rear tr actor as de scribed beg inning on page 3-10 , steps 3 thro ugh 11 . 5. Open th e paper bai l by lifti ng the tab on its ri ght side.
Removing the pull tract or To remove t he p ull tracto r yo u’ll need a cro ss-head screwd river and t he pap er sepa rator that was or iginal ly i nstalle d on the prin ter. 1. Remo ve any pape r install ed on the tr actor and tu rn off the prin ter.
4. Use a cross-head scr ewdrive r to remove th e two scr ews securin g the pape r separat or to the pr inter. The n remove the pape r separ ator tha t came wi th the pul l trac tor. 5. Usi ng the t wo scre ws, rei nstall the origin al p aper se parato r and cl ose t he pap er separa tor cover.
The foll owing il lustrat ion shows a wa y to positi on your pa per with t he r ear trac tor load ed. Installing the perforat ion cutter The step s below show yo u how to inst all the pe rforati on cutte r.
2. Use a cross-head scr ewdrive r to remove th e two scr ews securin g the pape r separat or to the pr inter. The n lift off the pape r se para tor. S tore the pap er se para to r an d scr ews for later use .
5. Ho ld t he per for atio n cutt er by its hand le w ith the co nnec tor faci ng to the ri ght. The n lower th e perfora tion cutter in to the spa ce at th e bac k of the pr inte r, fitt ing th e pins on the sides o f the per forat ion cu tter int o the notc hes in the printe r.
Attaching the perforat ed paper output att achment and output tray The perfor ation cu tter comes wit h the pe rfo rate d paper ou tput attach ment and th e perfora ted pape r outp ut tray for stacking printed sheets. You can stack up to 200 sheets of pa per or 100 m ulti -part form s on the o utpu t tr ay.
2. Close th e pape r separ ator c over an d pos ition th e outp ut tray on the ou tput attac hment to acco mmod ate th e page length of pape r you use : You are no w read y to use the pe rforati on cutte r as describe d in the next sec tion.
Paper handling This secti on descri bes how to use th e perfora tion cut ter with contin uous paper. Befo re pri ntin g wi th the perf orat ion cu tter inst alle d, se t th e pa ge l engt h to matc h yo ur pap er u sing your software or th e prin ter’s DIP switch s (as descri bed i n Chapte r 4).
T Tur n on aut o cut mod e with DIP swi tch 3-7 ; the perf orat ion cutt er wil l cut of f each page au tom atic all y. See “U si ng DIP Swit ches” in Chap ter 4. T Select the pr inter’s te ar-off mode as fol lows: 1. Make sure printing has finished.
Removing the perforation cut ter To remo ve th e perfo rati on cutte r, foll ow t he step s below. A fter you re move t he p erfor ation cutt er, store i t in its origin al bo x and pack ing mat erials. 1. Cut off any pri nted document in the prin ter as descr ibed in the pr evi ous s ectio n.
3. Unp lug th e paper cu tter ’s connector from the pr inte r. 4. Op en the top c over. G rasp the hand le on the perfora tion cutter and l ift the per forat ion cu tter up an d out of th e prin ter.
5. Clos e the top co ver and open the pa per sep arator cover. 6. Reatta ch the paper separa tor usi ng t he two screws that y ou removed before. 5-30- B D-4-1 3-C L Peony Rev.
7. Close the p aper se parato r co ver. 8. To reatta ch the rear f lap, fi t the pe gs on the rear f lap into the notc hes at th e bac k of the pr inte r.
Using the Paper Cutter The op tion al p aper cut ter (C815 00 @ ) makes u sing cont inuo us paper ea sier by cutt ing off your print ed docume nts for you. When you use the pa per cutt er, be sur e to set the pa ge lengt h to ma tch yo ur p aper usin g eith er y our software or the pr inte r’s DIP swit chs (d escribed in Chapte r 4).
1. Turn off the pr inte r and op en the paper sepa rato r cov er. 2. Us e a cross-hea d screwd river to remove th e two scr ews securi ng t he pap er separa tor to the pri nter. Th en lift off t he paper separato r. Sto re the p aper sepa rator and screws fo r late r use.
4. Hol d the pape r cutt er by its hand le wit h the conn ecto r faci ng to the ri ght. The n lowe r it into th e spa ce at th e back of the prin ter, fi tting the pi ns on the si des of t he pap er cutter into th e notche s in the prin ter. 5. After th e pape r cutt er is in pl ace, tilt the pa per cu tter handle forwa rd.
6. Open the rear flap an d remove it by li fting up to pull th e pegs on the rear fla p out of th e notc hes at the bac k of the pr inte r. Then plug the pape r cu tter’ s con ne ctor se cure ly i nto the conn ecto r inside the prin te r.
Paper handling This secti on descri bes how to use the pa per cutt er wit h conti nuou s paper . When you use the pape r cutt er, you ne ed to set the page l engt h to m atch your pap er. Cutting of f a prin ted docu ment To cu t off a prin te d docu ment, foll ow the step s belo w: 1.
3. If you lo aded new paper onto the cu rren t trac tor sin ce the last time yo u cut off a documen t, you may need to ad just the cu ttin g posit ion. Open the pa per se parat or co ver an d use th e Micro Feed buttons to adjust th e cutt ing posit ion with th e cutt ing line .
5. Press the Paus e button to turn off t he P ause mode s o th e printe r is ready to print . Note: The next printing pos ition after th e paper is cut depends on the cutting position and th e top-of-form position, as described below.
Switching trac tors To sw itch trac tors w he n th e pa per cutter is i nst alled, fo llow the steps below: 1. Make sure the prin ter is turn ed on. If you ar e in the middle of printi ng a doc ument , wa it fo r th e pr inte r to fini sh pr inti ng before you swi tch trac tors.
Removing the paper cutter To remo ve the pape r cutt er, follo w the ste ps below. A fter yo u remo ve the pape r cutt er, store it in i ts or igin al bo x and pac king mate rials . 1. Cut off any pri nted document in the prin ter as descr ibed in the pr evi ous s ectio n.
4. To replac e the re ar flap , fit the pegs on the fla p into the notc hes at th e bac k of the pr inte r. The n clos e the flap. 5. Op en the top c over. G rasp the hand le on the paper cutt er and li ft the pa per cu tter up and ou t of th e prin ter.
6. Clos e the top co ver and open the pa per sep arator cover. 7. Reatta ch the paper separa tor usi ng t he two screws that y ou removed ea rlier. 8. Close the paper se para tor co ver .
Interf ace Ca rds You can use optional in terface cards to supplement yo ur prin ter’s b uilt- in se rial an d par alle l in terf ace s. The EPSO N inte rfac e c ards bel ow a re c ompat ibl e wi th y our pr inte r. (Not al l of these inter faces ar e ava ilabl e worldw ide.
Installing an i nterface card Follow the st eps be low to instal l an optio nal interface card. Note: If you install an optional interfac e card, mak e sure your pr inter’s DIP switches are set for automatic or optional interfa ce. See Chapter 4 for infor mation on setting DIP switche s.
5. Use a sc rewd riv er to remov e t he sc re ws se curin g th e inte rfac e sh ie ld pla te; re move the sh ield pla te. 6. Slid e the in terface car d into the gro oves in the inte rface slot . Push i t in firml y to make sure i t co nnec ts to t he p rinter ’s inte rnal sock et.
9. Plug th e othe r end of the ca ble into yo ur comp uter . 10. Close th e interfa ce cover. 11. Plu g the powe r co rd i nto your pri nter a nd a n el ectr ical out let.
Chap ter 7 Maintenance and Tran spor tation Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ Replacing t he Ribbon Cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Cleaning the P rinter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Tra nsp or ting th e P rint er .
Replacing the Ribbon Cartridg e When prin ting becomes to o faint, yo u need to replac e the ribbon. Use the #87 66 EPS ON repla cemen t cart ridge only. w Warning: If the printer has bee n used r ecently, the print head may be hot. Let it cool befo re a ttempting to r eplace the ribbon.
4. Pull up on the sid e of the ri bbon cartridge as shown b elow to rele ase it from the pr inte r’s mou ntin g pins. Remove the cartr idge by l iftin g it up and aw ay fr om yo u. c Caution: Make sure you don’t pull on the flat gold cable beneath th e ribbon cartridg e.
Cleaning the Printer To ke ep your pr inte r operat ing at its best , you sho uld cl ean it tho roughl y seve ral ti mes a ye ar. Foll ow the se ste ps: 1. Tur n off the prin ter and cl ose all of its cover s. Then remove any pa per as well as t he pap er gui de.
Tran sportin g the Prin ter If you need to tran sport your prin ter some distan ce, care fully repac k it u sing the or igin al box a nd p acking materi als a s des crib e d bel ow . w Warning: Eve n whe n you n eed to carry the pri nte r only a sh ort dista nce, do not carr y it by yourse lf.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Chapter 7 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 7-6 M aintenance and Transport ation.
Chap ter 8 Troubleshooting Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ _______ Usi ng the Err or Indi cato rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8- 3 Printi ng a S elf Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 Using the He x Dump Mode .
This chap ter descr ibes what you ca n do if you are having problem s printi ng. It is di vided into these sect ions: T Using th e Error Ind icat ors. This sec tion desc ribes how to use th e contro l pane l lights as er ror in dicato rs so you ca n diagno se an d fix pr inte r prob lems .
Using the Error Indicators You can id enti fy many co mmon print er prob lems wit h the lig hts o n the cont rol pa nel. If your pri nter st ops w orki ng and the lights ar e on o r f lashi ng, us e t he f ollow ing tab le o f pan el light patt erns to d iagn ose t he p roble m, th en f oll ow the reco mmended co rrecti ve meas ures.
State of panel light Beep patt ern Problem and solut ion n Pause ••• The p rin ter to p cove r is op en . Close th e cover and pr ess the Pa use but ton. The paper sel ected do es not match t he paper loaded in the printer. Load th e correct pa per or select t he appr opri ate pa per s etti ng.
Printing a Self Test Runnin g the printe r’s sel f test h elps you de termi ne wheth er the prob lem com es from the printe r or t he com puter : T If the self t est resu lts are sati sfactory , the.
3. To end the self test, press the Pause bu tton to sto p pr inting . Tea r off the pa ge if neces sary , and th en turn off th e printe r. c Caut ion: Do not turn off the printer while it is printing. Always pres s the Paus e button to stop printing and then turn off the printer.
By com par ing th e char acte rs prin ted in the rig ht col umn with the printou t of the he xadecima l codes, yo u can ch eck the co des be ing re ceiv ed by th e prin ter. If char acte rs are pri ntable, they ap pear in th e right co lumn as A SCII chara cters .
Power supply The lights come on briefly but then go off and stay off. Cause What to do The pri nter’ s volt age ra ting may not m atch the voltage o f your electrical outlet. Check the printer and the outlet volt age rati ngs. I f th e vol tag es do not match, unplug the pr inter immediately and contact your dealer.
Paper handling The printer does not feed continuous paper properly. Cause What to d o The wrong tractor may be selected. Check if the c orrect tractor arrow is lit on th e Tractor Sele ct indicator. If the wrong tractor is selected, be sure paper is loaded to the standby position on the tractor you want to use.
The paper is not mounted on the sprockets correc tly. Check the pape r on the sprocke ts to be sure the pape r’s sprocke t holes fit corr ectly over the spr ocket pins . The hol es o n the s ides of the pa per may not be a ligned with each other. Reposition the pape r on the spro cket pins.
Skip over perforation does not work. Cause What to d o You have turned on DIP switch 1-7 when the printer was on. To make any new DIP switch settings effective , turn off the printer and then turn it back on. Your application software may cancel the skip over perforation set by DIP switch 1-7.
When you s witch betwee n front and rea r tractors, the paper jams or the printer does not feed the paper back to the standby position. Cause What to do The printer may have reverse fed too ma ny pa ges. Use the tear off featur e to tear off the printed document or any excess paper so that the printer ne eds to reve rse feed o nly one page .
Operation The Pause light is off but the printer does not print. Cause What to d o The i nterf ace cabl e is not plugged in securely. Confirm that both ends of the cable between the printer and the computer are fastene d secure ly. If the cable is connected co rrectly, run a self test as descri bed on pag e 8-5 .
The printer sounds like it is printing, but not hing prints. Cause What to do The ri bbo n cart ridge is no t installed properly. Instal l t he rib bo n cart ridge as describe d in Cha pter 1. The ri bbo n is w orn o ut. Re place the ol d ri bbon cartr idge wi th a new one as descri bed in Cha pter 7.
Printout Part of the printout is miss ing, or dots are m issing in random positions. Cause What to d o The ribbon cartrid ge is no t installed properly. Re-i nstall the ribbo n car tridge as desc ribe d in Cha pter 1. There is too much slack in the ribbon or the ribbon has come lo ose.
Inco rrect ch aract ers ar e pri nted. Cause What to do Your printer and the computer ma y not be communicating correctly. Make sure that you use the corr ect interf ace ca ble and that the communications pro tocol is correct. The wro ng charac ter tabl e is selected in your software.
All the text is printed on the same line. Cause What to d o No line feed command is sent at the end o f each line of text. Make sure that auto line feed is set to ON using DIP switch 3 -3 so that the printer automatically adds a line -feed code to e ach c arriage re turn.
Printing starts lower on the page than you expected, or the bottom of a page is printed at the top of the next page. Cause What to do The top and bottom margin settings in your application software may be in correc t. Adjust them in your application software.
Paper jam s, does not feed smoothly. Cause What to d o The perforation cutter is not correctly installed. Remove the perforation cutter and then reinstall it, making sure the mounting notches and pins fit togethe r properly. See “Installing the perforation cutter” in Chapter 6.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Chapter 8 98/0 1/07 DR , pa ss 4 8-20 Troubleshooting.
Appendix A Specifications Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ _______ Printe r Specifi cation s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Printi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Pap er . . . . . .
Printer Specifications Printing Printin g method: 9-pi n impac t dot matrix Printing spe ed: Characters per inc h Quality Characters/second/ line 10 cpi High-s pee d draf t 1120 10 cpi Norma l draft 8.
Printable column s: Characters per inc h Maximum printed charact ers per colum n 10 cpi 136 12 cpi 163 15 cpi 204 17 cpi 233 20 cpi 272 Buffer: 128 KB o r 0 KB (DIP sw itch sele cta ble) Character fon.
Paper Note: Use recycled paper, labels, envelopes, postc ards, overlapping forms, and continuous forms with l abels only under normal temperature and humidity conditi ons a s foll ows: Temperature 15�.
R If you use contin uous paper whose page l ength (A in the ill ustra tion) is unde r 10 1.6 mm (4 inc hes ), make sur e th at the len gth be twee n fold s (B) is over 10 1.
R The b indi ng a re a sh ould be fla t an d sh ould have no crea ses. R The sprocke t holes of all sheets in th e form should be al igned properly. R The bind ing positi on should be outside the pri ntable area.
Labels R Labe ls sho uld be sec ur ely at tac hed to the ba cki ng she et and the label su rfac e shoul d be flat . R Lab els sho uld no t peel o ff the ir bac kin g sheet u nder the cond ition s belo w. R When us ing la bels who se ba cki ng s heet i s en tirely cov ered, make sure the cuts around the edges of the labels are pe rforated .
Labels Size 63 .5 mm W × 23.8 m m H (2 .5 i nches W × 15/1 6 inch H ) 101 mm W × 23 .8 mm H (4 inches W × 15/1 6 inc h H) 101 mm W × 27 .0 mm H (4 inches W × 17/1 6 inc h H) Total thickness 0 .19 mm (0 .0075 inch) maximum The di ff eren ce in th ickn ess mu st be le ss than 0.
Area measurements Printa ble area Area measurements label printable area on a la bel B C G F G F E E D D A A A 1 3 mm (0 .51 inch) B 2.6 mm (0.1 inch) or more C 4.2 mm (0.165 inch) or more D 12.5 mm (0 .49 inch) or more E 65 mm (2.56 inches) or more F 2 mm (0.
Over lapp ing mult i-par t for ms Same as continuous paper (mul ti-part) except for the following: Area measurements Prin tabl e ar ea A B A D E C perforatio n the bo ttom edge of overlapping form the top of overlapping form the bo ttom ed ge of th e glue po int area backing sheet (side view) A1 3 ± 3 mm (0.
Area measurements Overlapping multi-part forms with labels Same as labe ls exc ept for th e followi ng: The label on y our form sh ould be placed within the sh aded a rea above, but no t on the v erti cal or hori zon tal pe rfora tio n. Area measurements label B A E F D C A1 3 ± 3 mm (0.
Prin tabl e ar ea Area measurements: Pre-pr inted pa per Pre-prin ted paper is paper with white space in the midd le and rule d li nes, lett ers, o r f igur es pr inte d in t he t op and bott om marg ins.
Before prin ting on p re-pr inte d sh eets , v erify that the area your docum ent will print on does not overlap the pre-printed area by printing separate samp le sh eets and comp ari ng t heir p rin ted ar ea s.
Electrical 120 V model: Rate d volt age AC 12 0 V Inp ut v oltag e ra nge AC 99 t o 132 V Rate d freq uen cy rang e 5 0 to 60 Hz Inp ut fre quen cy ra nge 49.
Safety approvals 120 V m odel: Safet y stan dards UL195 0 with D3 CSA C22.2 No. 95 0 with D3 EMI FCC p art 1 5 sub part B cla ss B CSA C108.8 class B 230 V m odel: Safet y standa rds EN 60950 (V DE, NEMKO) EMI EN 55022 (C ISPR pub. 22) clas s B AS/NZS 35 48 clas s B Acoustic noise: Appro x.
Parallel Interfa ce Specifications The prin ter co mes wit h a bi directi onal, 8-bit, para llel int erface a nd a Type-B opt ional int erface s lot. Forward channel Transmis sion mode: 8-bit pa ralle.
Serial Interface Specifications The D FX-85 00 bu ilt-i n se rial i nter face is an RS -232 C asy nch ronou s inter face wit h the fo llowi ng charact eristi cs.
Envir onmen tal : Tem per atu re Op era tio n: 5° to 35°C (41° to 95 °F) Storag e: − 30° to 60°C ( − 22° to 140°F ) Humidity (without condensation) Oper ation : 10% to 80% RH Sto rage : 5% to 85% RH Dimens ions an d weig ht Hei ght: 130 mm (5.
Appendix B Printer Command s and C har acter Tables Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ EPS ON ESC /P Cont rol Code s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Bar co de c omm and s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B -3 IBM 2381 Plu s E mul atio n Co ntro l Co des .
EPSO N ESC/P Control Codes Select ing EP SON ESC/P prin ter in yo ur so ftwa re a llows yo u to use the most adva nced f ont a nd g raphi cs ha ndling av ailabl e.
Barcode commands Your pr inter has powe rful b arc ode pr inti ng ca pab ilitie s and inclu des t he fol lowin g reside nt bar code fonts : EAN-1 3, EAN- 8, Inte rleav ed 2 of 5, UPC-A, UPC-E, Code 3 9, Code 12 8, and POSTNE T.
c : Co ntrol flag Bit 0 = Che ck di git 0: The printer does n ot add A check digit. 1: The pr inter ad ds A chec k digit. Bit 1 = Huma n read able ch aracter (HRC) 0: The printer adds the H RC.
The vali d data of eac h barcod e type is des cri bed be low. If inv alid da ta is included in the barcode data str ing, the barcode is not printed. Barcode type Barcode data EAN13 EAN-8 UPC-A UPC-E I.
IBM 2381 Plus Emulati on Cont rol Codes This pr inter emulates t he IBM Pr oprinter with th e followi ng command s. For deta iled inf ormat ion, see IBM ’ s 2381 Pl us refer en ce m anual .
Char acter Tables Thes e cha rac ter ta bl es are select ed wit h th e DIP sw itch es or by usi ng a software comm and . Note: Characters for hex codes 00 through 7F for most tables are the same as those for PC437. Therefore, some tables may only list characters for h ex cod es 80 through FF.
PC437 (USA, standar d Europ e) PC850 (Multilingual) PC 860 (Portugue se) B-1 B-2, B- 3 L Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 B-8 P rinter Commands and Character Tables.
PC861 (Icelandic) PC863 (Canadian-French) PC865 (Nord ic) Ab icomp B-4, B- 5 B R Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 Printer Commands and C haracter Tables B- 9.
Roman 8 BRAS CII IS O La tin 1 B-8, B- 9 L Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 B-10 Printer Commands and Character Tables.
PC437 Greek PC852 (East Europe)* PC853 (Turkish)* PC855 (Cyrillic)* B-12, B-13 B R Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 Printer Commands and Character Tables B-11.
PC857 (Tur kish)* PC866 (Russian) * PC869 (Gr eek)* MAZOW IA (Poland)* B-14, B-15 B-16, B-17 L Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 B-12 Printer Commands and Character Tables.
Code MJK (C SFR)* ISO 8859-7 (Latin/Greek)* ISO La tin 1T ( Turkis h)* Bulgar ia (Bul gari an)* B-18, B-19 B-20 B R Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 Printer Commands and Character T.
Estonia (Eston ia)* PC774 ( LST 1283 : 1993) * ISO 8859-2* PC866 LAT. (Latvian)* L Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 B-14 Printer Commands and Character Tables.
PC866UKR * PC APTEC (Arabic)* PC708 (Arabic)* PC720 (Arabic)* B-21 B R Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 Printer Commands and Character Tables B-15.
PC AR864 ( Arabic)* I talic No char acter is availab le for he x code 15 in the italic cha racte r table. L Peony Rev.C A5 si ze App end ix B 98/0 1/07 Pas s 3 B-16 Printer Commands and Character Tabl.
Interna tio nal c haract er se ts You can select one of the following inter national chara cter sets with the DIP switches or by sendin g the ESC R comma nd. For exa mple, wh en you sele ct “It alic Franc e,” th e cha racte rs i n the “F rance ” row on the table below are us ed in th e ital ic c harac ter ta ble.
Symbo l set Chara cters defi ned in the fol lowin g sy mbol set c an be pr inted using the ESC (ch aracters) or ESC ^ (one character) s oftware command.
Appendix C Contac ting Custom er Suppo rt Proof Sign-off: Yano _______ Tavet ian _______ _______ For Un it ed S ta tes and Ca nad a U ser s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C- 2 For Unite d Kingdom and the Republic of I reland Users . . . . C-4 Enquiry Desk .
If your printe r is not oper ating prope rly and you c annot solve the prob lem usin g the tr oubl eshoo tin g info rmati on in this guide , cont act cust omer suppo rt ser vices f or assi stan ce. We will be able to h elp you much more quickly if you give us t he followin g informati on: Serial numb er of your prin ter.
Automated t elephon e servic es Servi ce Acces s EPSO N So und Adv ice For pr e-recor ded answers to comm only ask ed questions ab out EPSON products 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call (800 ) 4 42-21 10 . EPSON FaxAdvice Acce ss EP SON ’s tec hnical info rmatio n library by calling (800 ) 442 -21 10 .
For Unit ed K ingdom and th e Rep ubli c o f Irel and Users If y ou pu rcha sed your prin ter in t he UK or the Rep ublic of I relan d, Epso n (UK) Li mit ed pro vides a range of cust om er serv ices an d techn ical support.
Faxon EPSON Contact Faxon EP SON Fa xback Servi ce for: T Lite ratur e and spe cifi catio ns on th e late st EPS ON produc ts T Suppo rt in form ati on inclu ding tr oubl eshoo tin g tips, switch setti ngs and dr iver in form ati on To use Faxon EPS ON, cal l 01 442 2273 32 us ing a tou ch -ton e phon e.
For Australi an Users EPSON Aust rali a wi shes t o p rov ide yo u wi th a hig h le vel of Cu stom er Service . As well as th is User’s Guide , we pr ovid e the fo llow ing so urce s for obta ining .
EPSON Helpdesk EPSO N Help desk is p rov ided a s a fina l ba ckup to make sure our clie nts have acce ss to advi ce. Ope rators on th e Hel pde sk ca n aid you in diag nosin g hardwa re and softwar e proble ms. They can al so advis e you on the late st EPS ON products and wher e the neares t deal er or s ervice agent is located .
Internet home page EPS ON Hon g Kong ha s esta blis he d a local ho me pa ge in bot h Chi nese and E nglish on the In ternet t o provid e users with th e followi ng info rmati on: T Product informatio.
Glos sary Thes e de finit ion s app ly sp ecif ical ly t o pr inte rs. application A sof twa re pr ogr am th at h elps you carry out a pa rtic ular tas k such as word pro cessi ng or fi nancial plan ning . ASCII Americ an S tandard Code for In formati on Int ercha nge.
continuous form s with labels A kind of continuous paper that has one labe l on each page. This is diff erent f rom la bel pap er, whi ch cons ists ent irel y of lab els. Wh en prin ting on cont inuous fo rms with la bels, th e printer must ad just the heig ht of th e prin t he ads for th e e xtr a thic kne ss o f th e la bels .
hex dump A tro ubl esho otin g fea tur e that hel ps adva nced user s detec t th e caus e of communication problems between the prin ter and computer. When the prin ter is in hex du mp m ode, it pr ints each cod e that it receiv es in hexadecimal nota tion and ASCII code.
overlappin g multi-par t forms A kind of continuous paper that provides you with multi-part forms. The page len gth of the mu lti -part forms i s lon ger than that of t he bac kin g conti nuou s pa per . So whe n ex tend ed, one page ’s m ulti -par t form s ov erl ap the next page ’s multi -par t forms .
push tractor A devi ce th at fe eds c ontin uous p aper th roug h the pri nter . Both th e fron t and re ar buil t-i n tract ors are push tr act ors; th ey pus h the paper th roug h the printe r to the print head.
L Peony Rev.C A5 size Glossary 98/0 1/07 Pas s 2 GL-6 Glossary.
Index A Adjust ing th e paper position, 3-17–20 printing position, 3-20 tear -off p osi tion , 3-2 3–25 top-of-form position , 3-17–19 Aut o CR (carri age re turn) se tting, 4-18 Auto cut mode s.
F Feat ures, pr inte r, 1 Font button , 4-4 lights , 4-3 Front/ Rear butto n, 4-7 H Hex dum p, 4- 8, 8-6–7 I IBM chara cte r tabl e settin g, 4 -18 IBM emulation mode, 4-19, B-6 I/F mo de settin g, .
Pape r s ize sett ing, 2-7, 2-11 , 2-1 5 Paper sour ce se ttin g, 2- 7, 2 -11, 2-1 5 Paral lel inte rfac e specif icat ion, A -16 Pause button , 4-7 ligh t, 4- 3, 8 -3–4 Perforatio n cutter attac hi.
T Tear Off butt on, 4-5– 6 light, 4- 3 Tear-off mod e, 3 -21 –22 posi tion, adj ustin g, 3 -23–2 5 Tear ing of f prin ted pag es, 3-2 1–25 TOF button , 4-5 light, 4- 3 Top-of-form posi tion, a.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson 8500 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson 8500 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson 8500, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson 8500 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson 8500, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson 8500.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson 8500. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson 8500 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.