Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 780 du fabricant Epson
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EPSON Stylus Photo 780 Printe r Basics Printed on recycled paper..
ii Copy ri ght N o tice All rights rese rve d. No par t of this publi cation may be re produc e d, store d in a ret riev al sys tem, o r tra nsmitte d in any form or by any means , e l ectro nic, mechani cal, phot ocopyin g, recordi ng, or otherw ise, withou t the pr ior w ritte n p er missi on of S EIK O EP SO N C OR PO RAT I ON .
iii Con te nt s Wel come! 1 Abou t Y our Sof twa re 1 Abou t Y our Doc ume ntati on 2 War nings, Cautio ns, No tes, a nd Tips 2 Viewing Y our Elec tronic Ref erence Gu i d e 3 Watching Printer Movies .
iv Mainta ining Your Printer 35 Cleaning the P rint Head 35 E xa mi n i n g th e Noz z l e Ch ec k P att er n 37 Replac ing an I nk Cartri dge 37 Ink Cartridge Precautions 38 Deter mining Whic h Cartr.
v Req uirement s and No tices 57 Windows S ystem Requiremen ts 57 Macintosh System R equirements 58 ENERGY STAR Compl iance 58 Impo rtant Safe ty Instru cti ons 59 Ink Cartridge Sa fety Ins tructions 60 FCC Co mpli ance S tate me nt 61 De cla r ati on of C on fo rm it y 61 Epson America , Inc.
1 Welcome! Yo ur EPSON Styl us ® Photo 780 p r inter i s the smart ch oice for y o ur home or home office. P rint beautiful, border less, 6-color photo-quality p rints with resolutions of up to 2880 by 720 dpi. Y our printer outputs per fect photos for framing, albums, scrapboo ks, school repor ts, and m ore.
2 About Your Do c umen t ation To set up your printe r and install its softwar e, see the Start Here poste r. This Pri nt er Basics book cont ains ins tructions on: ■ Viewin g your electron ic Refer.
3 Viewi ng Your Elec tronic Refe rence Guide Your printe r software CD-ROM incl udes an electronic Refe rence Gu ide for y our print er. The manual is in HTML f ormat, so you ne ed a br owser — such as Microso ft ® Inte rnet E xp lorer 3.0 or la ter or Ne tsca pe Na viga tor ® 3.
4 When you first open the Reference Guid e , you see th is screen : Clic k a to pic o n t he le ft to expand t he tabl e of con tents. After expanding the table of cont e nts, you can click on the topic you want to view. If t here ’ s a right arrow , click it to view s ubtopics , then click on a topic to g o to it.
5 Wa tching Pr inter Movies Need h elp loadi ng p lain or sp ecial p aper, re placin g in k cartr idges, o r cleani ng th e pri nt he ad? Y our prin ter softw are CD-R OM in clud es h elpful Fi x-it Fli x SM movi es that expl ain thes e comm on task s.
7 Printing from Start to Finish Here ’ s what to do to print a ba sic d ocumen t — such as a p hotograp h or newsle tte r — from loa ding th e p aper to sele ct i n g print sett ings to c ontro lling the pri nt jo b.
8 Follo w th ese guidelin es when lo a din g pa p e r: ■ L oad the pr inta ble s ide fac e up. It ’ s usuall y white r or brighte r than the oth er side. ■ Load le tterh ead or pr epr inted pap er into th e printer t op edge fi rst. ■ Don ’ t loa d pape r a bove the arro w on the left edg e gu ide.
9 If y ou clic k t he print icon on your applica tion ’ s too l b a r instead of sel ecting P rint from the F ile menu, you ma y not ge t the option t o change the prin ter software set tings before pri nting. Selectin g Prin ter Software S etti n gs Once you click Prop erti es , you see you r pr inter so ftwa re P rope rti es di alog box .
10 ■ Click OK t o return to you r ap plicat ion ’ s Pr int di al og box . For more i nforma t i on about prin ter setti ngs, cli ck the Help bu tton.
11 Af ter a mom ent, the Pr og ress M et er a pp ea rs a nd sh ows th e pr ogre ss o f you r pri nt j ob . You c an use the b utto ns to cance l, pause, or resta rt printi ng. Yo u can also see h ow muc h ink yo u have left . For more adv anced pri nter se ttin gs, se e pa ge 16.
12 Printi ng on a Macintos h This section describe s t he basic steps for print ing on a Macintosh. (To pr int with Windows, see page 7.) Lo adi n g Pa per Ma ke su re yo ur pri nt er and comp uter are tu rned on . Place your pap er against t he rig h t edge of the sheet feeder and sl i d e t h e lef t ed ge guid e again st th e paper.
13 Openin g the P ri nter Software Af ter y ou op en yo ur a ppli cat ion pr ogr am and cre ate yo ur doc u me nt, you ’ re ready to sele ct your p age se tup and oth er pr inter so ftwa re setti ngs .
14 Selectin g Prin ter Software S etti n gs No w ope n th e Fi le men u a nd c lic k Print . You s ee the ma in pri nter set tings d ialog b ox fo r your appl ic ation (y our dial og box ma y look sli ghtly diffe rent ): The most imp ortant thing to rem emb er is to se t t he corre ct Media T ype for the p aper you ’ re us ing .
15 Contr ollin g Print ing Once you ’ ve cl i cked Pr int , yo ur d ocu ment begins prin ting. If you turned on ba ckground pr inting, you can select EPSON Monitor3 fr om the Ap plic at ion m enu a t t he ri ght s ide of t he m en u bar to che ck th e pr ogr es s of your print jo b.
16 Using Phot oEnhanc e, Custom , and Adv an ced Set ting s When yo u ’ re prin ting sp ecia l p roje cts, you can cust omiz e yo ur pr inte r s oft wa re setting s, as described in these section s:.
17 To us e PhotoEn hanc e, set th e Mod e opti on to Phot oEnh anc e i n you r pr inter s et ti ngs dial og box. If your p hoto was taken w ith a dig ital came ra, sele ct Digi tal Camera Corr ection to give y our prin ted image s the appe arance of ph otos ta ken with a f ilm camer a.
18 Usi ng Cus tom Project T ypes Your prin ter softw are i n clude s custom pr ojec t types wi th prese t print ing opt ions. Thi s lets you q uickl y sele ct th e best sett ings for your ty pe o f docu ment , or select a colo r-m atchi ng method for you r proj ect.
19 Usi ng Advanced Setti ngs For maxi mum cont rol o ver your p roject, y o u ca n custom ize your print setting s — such as Print Qual ity and Gamma — a nd u se special effects. To access t h ese settings in your pri nter sof tware , click Cu st om and th en cli ck th e A dvanced button (as shown o n the left).
20 BorderFree Printing With Bor derFree TM pri nting , you ca n p rint yo ur ph oto with no marg ins, e xtendi ng the image all the w ay to the ed ges of the page .
21 Printing a BorderFree Photo in Film Factory Fi rst loa d your p ape r, as des crib ed on pag e 7. Then fo llow t he ste ps belo w for yo ur opera ting system.
22 5. Click th e Print As sign ment bu tton. You see v arious pri nting options : 6. Click t h e Print S ize option for you r borderless paper s ize ( 4 × 6 , 5 × 7 , 8 × 10 , or F it to M edi a Si ze f o r Le t ter -s i zed paper) . 7. Select Tri m to Fit Pri nt Siz e from the H eight /Wi dth Ratio menu .
23 10. Click the Pa per tab. 11. Click the No Margins box. 12. Select the paper siz e. Ma ke sure to sele ct Ph oto Pap er 4 × 6 in No Perf orat ions fo r 4 × 6 inch bo rde r less paper. 13. Click Portrai t or Land sca pe. 14. Click OK . You retur n to the Print Assig nments scre en.
24 Pr intin g on a Maci ntosh Follow th ese step s to open an image in Fi l m Facto ry and p rint a BorderFr ee photo: 1. Star t Film Factory: open the Film Fact ory fold er a nd do uble- clic k the Fil m Factory icon . Yo u see the m ai n Film Fac tor y sc reen: 2.
25 6. Click the Print Size option for your bord erless paper ( 4 × 6 , 5 × 7 , 8 × 10 , or Fi t to Medi a Size for Lett er- si zed paper ). 7. Select Tri m to Fit Pri nt Siz e from the H eight /Width Ratio pu ll-down menu . Simil ar to traditi onal photo finis hing, Film Fact ory may no t print y our ent ire image.
26 You se e addition al prin ting op tions: 12. Click the Pri nt icon. You se e yo ur p rint er set tings dia log b ox. 13. Select Premium Glossy Photo Pape r , Photo Paper , or Mat te Pa per - Heavyw.
27 Printi ng a Bord erFree Photo in Ph otoImpression Fi rst loa d your p ape r, as des crib ed on pag e 7. Then fo llow t he ste ps belo w for yo ur operati ng syst em. See PhotoIm pression h elp f or det ails on using t he sof tware. Print ing in W indo ws 1.
28 3. If you want to make any changes to a photo, click Edit to open the ed i t screen, then mak e your ed its. 4. Click Print , then click the Ima ge Pr inti ng ico n. You see t he print screen : 5. Click th e C enter Phot o checkbox. 6. Click the landscape butt on or portrait button to select your photo ’ s orien tatio n.
29 9. Click th e Paper tab. 10. Click the No Margins box. 11. Se lect the a ppropri ate Pap er Size. 12. Click OK to close the Prop ertie s dial og box. 13. I n the Phot oImpre ssion print scree n, cl ick the Auto Cro p butt on b elow P rin te r Setu p.
30 Pr intin g on a Maci ntosh 1. S tar t Ph oto Im pres sion : o pen the Pho toIm pre ssi on folder an d double -clic k the Pho toIm pre ssion icon. You see the main Photo Impre ssion screen : 2. Click th e Fr om Fil e button. Click Br owse and selec t th e pho to yo u wa nt to prin t.
31 5. Click th e C enter Phot o che ckb ox. 6. Click th e Pri nter Setup button on the r ight side of the sc reen to d isplay the pag e setu p dialo g bo x. 7. Do the following: ■ Click th e No Margins box ■ Selec t your pap er size ■ Click Portrai t or Landscape 8.
32 Printing on Envelo pes You c an load up to 10 env elopes at a tim e, fla p e dge f irst and pri ntab le side up . Place them against the r ight ed ge of t h e sheet feed er and slide t h e lef t edge guide aga inst the m. Set y our pr inter ’ s thickne ss lever t o t he + posi tion .
33 Using Special Papers How can you get the best-looking photos, most vivid colors, and sharpest text? Always use EPS ON ’ s in k je t pap ers . Inst ruc ti ons for pr inti ng on the m are gi ven be low . For instr uctions on using ot her EPSON papers, s ee the electr onic Refere nce Gu ide , as de s cribe d on page 3.
34 Selecting the Correct Media Type Your p rinte r automa tic ally adju sts itself f or the type o f paper yo u sele ct in you r pr inter soft ware . Th at ’ s why the Medi a Typ e sett ing is so impo rtant. It te lls y our pri nter wh at kind of pa per you ’ re us ing and adj usts the ink coverage a ccor dingly.
35 Maintaining Your Printer This sec tion descr ibes ma inte nance pro cedure s to keep your prin ter wor king at its best an d prep arat ion ste ps fo r movin g y our pri nter .
36 2. If yo u ha ve an app l icat ion ru nn ing , access the printer setting s dia log box as described on p age 8 (Windows) o r page 13 (M acintosh). Or, wit h Windows, click Start , p oint to Se ttings , an d select Prin ters . Right-cl ick the EPSON Stylus Photo 780 prin ter ic on.
37 Examining the Nozzle Check P a t t ern Examine the noz zle check pat tern you print. Each stagge red ho rizontal and st raig h t ver tical line shoul d be com plete, with no gaps in th e dot patt ern. If you r printo ut l ook s oka y, yo u ’ re d one.
38 Bef o r e you rep lace a cartri dge, b e sure to read thes e sect ions: ■ “ Ink Cart ridg e Pr ec au tions ” below ■ “ Deter m inin g Wh ich Ca rtrid ge to Replace ” below Ink Ca rtridg.
39 Removi ng and Installi ng Ink Cartridg es Be s ure yo u have a new in k cartr idge befo re you beg in. Onc e you st art t he ink cartr idge replaceme n t pr ocedure, you mus t complete all the step s in one ses sion. Fol low these st eps to repl ace i n k cartridge s: 1.
40 6. T ilt the ne w cart rid ge for ward sli ghtly as yo u pla ce it over t he ho lder. Locate the tabs at the back of t h e cartr idge. Rest the tabs on t op of the hooks on the ink cartr id ge cl am p . M ake sure the tabs are p os i t ion ed ab ove the h ooks.
41 Aligning t he Print Head If you r pr into uts c onta in misa li gne d ve r ti cal lin es, yo u m ay n eed to al ig n th e p ri n t head . Your pri nte r must be conn ect ed to a local po rt, not on a ne twork, to use the Print Head Al ignment utility.
42 Cleaning the Printer To ke ep your print er wo rkin g at its be st , yo u sho uld c lean it se vera l tim es a y ear. Follow these steps : 1. Turn of f the p rinter, unplug the power cord, and disconnect the printer cabl e. 2. Re move all th e paper fr om the sh eet fe eder.
43 4. Op en the pr inte r cove r. Secu re the ink car trid ge h olde r to the p rint er wi th ta pe as shown, the n close th e pri nter c ove r. 5. Pu sh in the outp ut tr ay extensio n a nd close the tray. 6. Repac k th e printer and its a ttachmen ts in the orig inal box u sing th e prote ctive mate rials that ca me with the m.
45 Problem Solving This section give s you the basics for diagno sing and so lvin g p rinte r problems. ■ Fi rst see “ Diag nosin g Pri nte r Pr oblems ” o n pa ge 46 to help deter mine what the cau se of the prob lem may be.
46 Di ag nosin g Pri nt er Prob lems You ca n diagno se s ome prob lems by che cking th e printer ’ s c ontr ol panel lig hts, as described below, or running a printer check, as described on p age 47. Chec king th e Control Panel Lig hts Foll ow the guid eline s below w hen y ou check the co ntrol pan el ligh ts.
47 Runn ing a Printer Check You c an run a print er chec k to deter mine whe ther a pro blem c omes fr om the print er itself or some oth er source. Fol low these st eps: 1. Ma ke sure bo th the pr inter and compu ter are tu rne d off. 2. Disconnect the interface cable f r om t h e printer.
48 Prob lems and Solution s Below a re som e tro ubl eshooti ng ti ps if you hav e any pr obl ems se ttin g up you r pri nter, insta lling softwa re, gett ing g ood p rint quali ty, f eedi ng pape r, or othe r p roblems. Setup and So ftware Installati on Problems The prin ter makes noise aft er ink cartridge installatio n.
49 Pr inti ng P roblem s On ly the P power light is on, but nothin g prints. ■ Make sure the int erface cable is connected securely an d that the cable meets the system requirem ents on page 57 and page 58. ■ Run a printer check as d escribed on page 47 .
50 Print Quali ty P roblems You see banding (light lin es). ■ The print hea d nozzles may need cleaning; see p age 35 for instructions. ■ Ma ke sure the Med ia Type se tting matc hes the pa per y ou loaded . See page 34 for guid elines . ■ Ma ke sure the pr intabl e side of th e pa pe r is fac e up.
51 Your print out is faint or has gaps. ■ The print hea d nozzles may need cleaning; see page 35 for instructions. ■ The ink cartridges may be o ld or low on ink. To replace an ink cartridge, see p age 37. ■ Ma ke su re th e Media Typ e se t ting matc hes the pa per y ou loaded .
52 Prob lems wi th Pape r Feeding Too many co pies are printing. Ma ke su re th at ne ith er t he C opie s setti ng in y our pr inter softwa re, nor the Copies setting in you r a pp l i cation is set fo r multipl e cop ies. Paper doesn ’ t eject fully or is wrinkled.
53 Misc el lane ous Print out P robl ems The margins a re in correct. ■ Make sure the pa per set tings in yo ur prin ter s of tware are c orr ect f o r your paper siz e. See the elect r on ic R eference Guide (as described on page 3) for instructio ns.
54 Unins talling and Rei nstall ing Printer So ftware Wi ndow s 1. Double-click My Com put er , then dou ble-cli ck the Co ntr ol Pa nel ic o n. 2. Double-click Add/R emove Prog ram s . C l ick EPSON Printer Software in the progr am list , click Ad d/Re mov e or C hange /R emov e , th en s elec t th e EPSON Stylus Photo 780 icon.
55 Where To Get Help If you need help with yo ur printer o r its so ftware, including EPSON Software Fil m Factor y, see th e conta ct infor mation b elow. For h elp wi th other ph oto softwar e included o n the printer software CD-ROM, see page 56 f or contact information.
56 You can purchase ink cartridg es, pape r, manual s, and accessories fr om EPSON at (800) 873-7766 o r visit the EPSON Store at www.epsonstore .com (U.
57 Requirements and N otices Thi s chapte r includ es syste m requir ements , safet y instr uction s, legal no tices , and othe r impo rtant inform ation.
58 M aci ntos h S yste m Requ ireme nts To u se your printer and its so ftwar e , you r sys t em sho uld have: ■ An App le ® iMa c ™ s eries, Power Macinto sh, ® G3 , or G4 with n ativ e USB po rt ■ Mac ® OS 8.5.1 or l a ter If your iMac is running OS 8.
59 Important Saf ety Instruc tio ns Before usin g your pr i nte r, read the foll owing safety inst ructions to make sure you use the printer safel y and effectivel y: ■ Be sure to fol low all warni ngs and instruc tions mar ked on th e pri nter. ■ Use o nly the type o f power source ind icated on the printer ’ s la bel.
60 ■ Unplug the printer an d refer servicing to qua lified service pe rsonnel under th e foll owing cond ition s : If th e power cord or pl ug is damaged; i f liquid has en tered the pri nter; if the pr inter has been dropp ed or th e case damage d; if the p rinter d oes not op erate nor mally or exhibits a dist i nc t cha nge in performa nce.
61 FCC Compliance Statement For U nited St ates Users This eq uipment ha s been tested and found to comply wi th the limits for a Cl ass B digita l device, pur suant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limits are design ed to p rovide re asonable p rotecti on aga inst harmf ul int erference i n a res idential install ation.
62 Epson America, Inc. Lim ited Warrant y What is Cove red : Ep son Ame rica, In c. ( “ Eps on ” ) warran ts to the firs t retai l purc haser tha t the EPSON printer cov ered by this limit ed w ar.
1 EPSO N Ink Jet Papers and Ink Cartridges Us e EPSON paper an d i nks to ge t the same pho to quality res ults th at have e arned EPSON’s printers a ll of their award s! E PSON pap ers are s pe cially coat ed to wor k with EPSON’s quick d ryin g ink s.
How To O rder E PSON Ink a nd Paper To order EPSON i nk cartri dges and pap er f rom EPSON, ca ll (8 00) 873 -7766 o r visit the EPSON Store at www .epsonsto (U .S. s a l es onl y). In Canada, please call (800) 8 73-7766 for de aler ref e rral.
63 Index Nu merics 360 d pi Ink J e t Pap er, 34 A Acce sso ries, 56 Ad vanc ed se ttin gs, 1 9 Aligning print head, 41 Automat ic mode, 9, 14 B Back ground pr intin g, 1 5 Bandin g, 32, 50 Blank p ag.
64 H Head Cleani ng utility, 35 to 36 He lp EPS ON, 55 to 56 ph ot o sof twa re, 5 6 printer movies, 5 High S pe e d s etting , 49 Hi gh- re sol ut io n i ma ges , 16, 5 1 I ICM (Im age Co lor M atch .
65 Printe r cabl e, 57, 58 ch eck, 47 cl ean ing, 42 cont rol panel, 35, 46 to 47 ma intain ing, 35 to 4 2 movies, 5 nois e, 48 to 49 parts, 45 proble ms, 45 to 53 statu s, 11, 15 transpo rting, 42 to.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson 780 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson 780 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson 780, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson 780 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson 780, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson 780.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson 780. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson 780 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.