Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2E43-27 du fabricant Enterasys Networks
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F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Modules Management Module Guide (8H02_16, 2E42_27, 2E42_27R, 2E43-27, 2E43-27R) ®.
9032073 E2 i Notice Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice. The reader should in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to determine whether any such changes have been made .
F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module ii Management Module Guide Restricted Rights Notice (Applicable to licenses to the United States Government only.) 1. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in T echnical Data and Computer Software clause at DF ARS 252.
9032073 E2 iii Contents Preface What Is in This Guide .......................................................................................................... ix Conventions ...........................................................................
F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module iv Management Module Guide Chapter 2 Device Views (continued) Logical P orts Labels ............................................................................................. 2-16 Logical P orts Icon Subviews Menu .
9032073 E2 v F igures Chapter 1 Introduction Figure 1-1. Using Double-Click Zones to Access SPECTRUM Views ................................... 1-3 Figure 1-2. Using the Icon Subviews Menu to Access SPECTRUM V iews .......................... 1-4 Figure 1-3.
F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module vi Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 vii T ables Chapter 2 Device Views Table 2-1. Interface Icon Subviews Menu .............................................................................. 2-4 Table 2-2. Administrative Status for the Physical or MIB II Application ..........
F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module viii Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 ix Preface Use this guide as a reference for the SPECTRUM F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module management software . Before using this guide , you should be familiar with SPECTRUM’ s functions and na vigational techniques as described in the Administrator’s Reference and the Operator’s Reference .
Conventions Preface F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module x Management Module Guide Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: • Menu selections and buttons referenced in text appear in bold ; for example, Configuration or Detail .
9032073 E2 Preface xi Other Related Documentation Other Related Documentation Refer to the following documentation for more information on managing TCP/ IP-based networks: Martin, James , Kathleen Kavanagh Chapman, J oe Leben. Local Area Networks, Architectures and Implementations , 2nd ed.
Other Related Documentation Preface F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module xii Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction What Is in This Chapter This chapter introduces the SPECTRUM management module covering the F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Modules described below .
SPECTRUM Support Introduction F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 1-2 Management Module Guide The 2E43-27 and 2E43-27R provide the same feature set as the 2E42-27 and 2E42-27R but come equipped with two RJ21 connectors to support 24 ports of switched Ethernet rather than the 24 RJ45’ s.
9032073 E2 Introduction 1-3 SPECTRUM Support Accessing SPECTRUM V iews from the Device Icon Figure 1-1. Using Double-Click Zones to Access SPECTRUM Views Accesses the Device T opology view; refer to the Operator ’s Reference . Accesses the Device views; refer to Chapter 2, Device V iews .
SPECTRUM Support Accessing SPECTRUM V iews from the Device Icon Introduction F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 1-4 Management Module Guide Figure 1-2. Using the Icon Subviews Menu to Access SPECTRUM Views Go Back Go Up Icon Subvie ws View P ath New Vie w Bookmarks View History Current View Info .
9032073 E2 Introduction 1-5 SPECTRUM Support Accessing Device-Specific Subviews Accessing Device-Specific Subviews Icon Subviews menus provide access to views that display device-specific information. Figure 1-3 shows an example of an Icon Subviews menu for the Bridging icon located within the Chassis Device view .
SPECTRUM V iews Roadmap Introduction F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 1-6 Management Module Guide SPECTRUM V iews Roadmap Figure 1-4 shows a “roadmap” of the SPECTRUM views for this device. These views are accessible from double-click zones (Figure 1-1) and Icon Subviews menus (Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3).
9032073 E2 Introduction 1-7 SPECTRUM V iews Roadmap Figure 1-4. SPECTRUM V iews Roadmap P erformance V iew , refer to the Operator ’s Reference . DevT op View , refer to the Operator ’s Reference . Device V iews, refer to Chapter 2, Device V iews .
SPMA Support Introduction F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 1-8 Management Module Guide SPMA Support SPECTRUM also supports SPECTRUM P ortable Management Application (SPMA) functionality for these devices. Figure 1-5 shows an example of an SPMA Applications view .
9032073 E2 Introduction 1-9 SPMA Support This button accesses the Community Names T ool, whic h allows you to c hange device community names . Refer to Chapter 3, Using the SPMA Community Names T ool , of the T ools Guide .
SPMA Support Introduction F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 1-10 Management Module Guide This button provides an overview of bridging information for each port and allows you to access all other bridge-related options. Refer to the 2E42 User ’ s Guide .
9032073 E2 2-1 Chapter 2 Device V iews What Is in This Chapter This chapter describes the following Device views and subviews available for the F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Modules .
Interface Device V iew Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-2 Management Module Guide Figure 2-1. Interface Device V iew * File View Help? Primar y Landscape of 8H02_16 Filter Interface D.
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-3 Interface Device V iew Interface Icon Interface Icon These icons represent the interfaces or ports of the device. The icons identify the type of interface or port (e.
Interface Device V iew Interface Icon Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-4 Management Module Guide Interface Icon Subviews Menu T able 2-1 describes the Interface icon device-specific subviews menu selections . F or information on accessing device-specific subviews menus, see Chapter 1, Introduction .
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-5 Interface Device V iew Interface Icon Interface Type Label This label displays the interface type . T able 2-4 lists the possible interface types . T able 2-3. Administrative Status for the Bridging Application Color Status Description Green FWD Bridge port is forwarding .
Interface Device V iew Interface Icon Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-6 Management Module Guide MAC Address Label This label displays the MAC address of the device interface . Double-click this label to open the CSI Interface P ort Model Information V iew display described in the Operator ’s Reference .
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-7 Interface Device V iew Interface Options P anel Gauge Label This label displays the performance statistic determined by the Gauge Control P anel for this interface. (Refer to the Gauge Control P anel description later in this chapter for more information.
Interface Device V iew Gauge Control P anel Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-8 Management Module Guide Figure 2-3. Gauge Control P anel The Gauge Control P anel provides the following.
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-9 Interface Device V iew Gauge Control P anel Selected Attribute This area allows you to select the statistical attribute displayed on the Interface icon’ s Gauge label. The label changes color to reflect the attribute selected.
Interface Device V iew Gauge Control P anel Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-10 Management Module Guide Gauge Type This area allows you to select either a numeric or linear display on the Gauge label.
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-11 Chassis Device V iew Chassis Device View This view uses a Chassis Device icon to provide a logical representation of the device chassis and its interfaces or ports . The Chassis Device icon provides menu and double-click zone access to the views that monitor the interfaces.
Chassis Device V iew Chassis Device Icon Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-12 Management Module Guide Chassis Device Icon This icon is a logical representation of the physical device and its front panel interfaces or ports . This section describes the information a vailable from the Chassis Device icon.
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-13 Chassis Device V iew Chassis Device Icon Device Type Label This label identifies the type of device. (Refer to Figure 2-5.) Double-click this area to open the Device Configuration view described in Chapter 3, Configuration V iews .
Chassis Device V iew Chassis Device Icon Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-14 Management Module Guide Interface Labels These labels identify the number and activity status of each port. (Refer to Figure 2-5.) T able 2-9 and T able 2-10 list the possible states relative to the application selected.
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-15 Chassis Device V iew Chassis Device Icon Interface Icon Subviews Menu This menu’ s Configuration option opens the Configuration dialog box, which allows you to enable or disable the selected port. F or information on accessing device-specific subviews, see Chapter 1, Introduction .
Chassis Device V iew Chassis Device Icon Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-16 Management Module Guide Logical P orts Labels These labels provide access to the Logical P ort Icon Subviews menu. Double-click a label to open the P ort Configuration View .
9032073 E2 Device V iews 2-17 Physical Device V iew Physical Device View This view provides a static image of the device and its ports or interfaces and does not change to reflect configuration status . F igure 2-6 is an example of the Physical Device view for the 8H02-16 device.
Physical Device V iew Device V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2-18 Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 3-1 Chapter 3 Configuration V iews What Is in This Chapter This chapter describes the Configuration views available for the F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Modules . These views display network configuration and operating information for the device and its interfaces.
Device Configuration V iew Configuration V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 3-2 Management Module Guide Device Configuration View This view provides device -specific configuration information as well as access to other views that allow you to configure device components.
9032073 E2 Configuration V iews 3-3 Device Configuration V iew Interface Configuration T able Information Interface Configuration T able Information This table within the Device Configuration view provides the following configuration information about the device’ s interfaces or ports.
Device Configuration V iew Interface Configuration T able Information Configuration V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 3-4 Management Module Guide Phy Address Displays the physical (MAC) address of the interface or port. Max Frame Size Displays the maximum frame size for the interface or port.
9032073 E2 Configuration V iews 3-5 P ort Configuration - CSIIfP ort V iew P ort Configuration - CSIIfP ort V iew This view provides information on the configuration and operating status of the device interfaces or ports . T o access the P ort Configuration - CSIIfPort view for a particular interface or port, do the following: 1.
FddiMAC Device Configuration V iew Configuration V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 3-6 Management Module Guide FddiMAC Device Configuration View The FddiMAC Device Configuration view provides configuration and operating status information.
9032073 E2 Configuration V iews 3-7 FddiMAC Device Configuration V iew Station Configuration MAC Configuration The actual configuration of the station. T able 3-3 lists the possible configurations and their descriptions . Current MAC P ath The ring that this station resides on.
P ort Configuration V iew SMT Information Configuration V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 3-8 Management Module Guide SMT Information This section of the FddiMAC Device Configuration view provides the following configuration information on the FDDI SMT : SMT V ersion The version of Station Management (SMT) running.
9032073 E2 Configuration V iews 3-9 P ort Configuration V iew Link Error Rate Estimate The link error rate estimate is a cumulative long-term average of the bit error rate, which represents the quality of the physical link. The link error rate estimate is computed when the port is connected and every 10 seconds thereafter .
P ort Configuration V iew Configuration V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 3-10 Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 4-1 Chapter 4 Event and Alarm Messages What Is in This Chapter This chapter lists the types of events and alarms generated by the F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Modules and provides any probable cause messages corresponding to these alarms .
Device Events and Alarms Event and Alarm Messages F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 4-2 Management Module Guide CsEvF ormat/Event00010308 {d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} - A(n) {t} device, named {m}, has detected a communication Link Down. (event [{e}]) CsPCause/Prob00010308 Communication link is down.
9032073 E2 Event and Alarm Messages 4-3 Device Events and Alarms CsEvF ormat/Event000d01a3 {d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} - P ort {I 3} on interface {I 1} of {m} ({t}), has unsegmented. (event [{e}]). CsPCause/Prob000d01a3 A device previously linked with this port has been removed, powered down, or the cable segment has a fault.
Device Events and Alarms Event and Alarm Messages F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 4-4 Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 5-1 Chapter 5 Application V iews What Is in This Chapter This chapter describes the device-specific applications listed below for the F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Modules .
Device Application V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-2 Management Module Guide The following major application is available if you purchase the associated Cabletron product. The application is described within the documentation supplied with the product.
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-3 Device Application V iew Figure 5-1. Device Application View (Icon Mode) *F ile View Help? Landscape of type 2E42_27R Model Name Contact Description Location Network .
Device Application V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-4 Management Module Guide Figure 5-2. Device Application View (List Mode) *F ile View Help? Model Name Contact Location .
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-5 Interface Remap Application Interface Remap Application The name of the model type used to model the application is CtIfRemapApp. The application provides the ability to map one or more interfaces to another interface.
Interface Remap Application Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-6 Management Module Guide This button opens the P ort Redirect view , where you can add or delete an entry from the table.
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-7 F ast Ethernet Application F ast Ethernet Application The name of the model type used to model the application is F astEnetApp .
F ast Ethernet Application F ast Ethernet Configuration V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-8 Management Module Guide Figure 5-4. F ast Ethernet Configuration View Operational Mode These selections indicate the current operational mode of this port.
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-9 F ast Ethernet Application F ast Ethernet Configuration V iew Advertised Ability These selections indicate the advertised ability of the local hardware . They become active on ports that have Auto-Negotiation enabled.
F ast Ethernet Application F ast Ethernet Configuration V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-10 Management Module Guide Received T echnology These selections indicate the advertised ability of the remote hardware or link partner .
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-11 FDDI FNB Application FDDI FNB Application This section describes the FDDI FNB application supported by this device. The name of the model type used to model the application is FddiMAC . This application is available when the appropriate High Speed Interface Module (HSIM) is installed.
FDDI FNB Application FDDI Station List V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-12 Management Module Guide This button has three possible states: Sort Up, Sort Down, and Unsort. Sort Up organizes the list within a selected column from the lowest alphanumeric value to the highest.
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-13 A TM Client Application A TM Client Application This section describes the ATM Client application supported by this device. This application is available when the appropriate High Speed Interface Module (HSIM) is installed.
A TM Client Application A TM Client Application VCL V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-14 Management Module Guide TTD (Transmit Traffic Description) Index The value of this object identifies the row of the ATM Traffic Descriptor T able that applies to the transmit direction of this VCL.
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-15 A TM Client Application A TM Client Application VCL V iew T o make a change to the rows in the table view , do the following: 1. In the Communication Information panel of the V irtual Link view , c hange the Community Name field to “private.
A TM Client Application A TM Client Application VCL V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-16 Management Module Guide VPI (Virtual P ath Identifier) This field displays the VPI value of the VCL. The maximum VPI value cannot exceed the value allowable by the Interface MaxVPI Bits .
9032073 E2 Application V iews 5-17 Download Application V iew Cross Connect Id This object is implemented only for a VCL that is cross-connected to other VCLs that belong to the same VCC.
Download Application V iew Application V iews F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 5-18 Management Module Guide.
9032073 E2 1 Index Numerics 2E42-27 1-1 2E42-27R 1-1 2E43-27 1-1 2E43-27R 1-1 8H02-16 1-1 A A_P ort 3-8 Accessing Device-Specific Subviews 1-5 SPECTRUM Views 1-2 , 1-6 Address Canonical 5-12 MAC 2-6 .
Index F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 2 Management Module Guide Organization ix DownLoad App 5-1 Download Application Accessing 3-2 Button 3-2 View 5-17 E Enable/Disable P ort 2-16 Environmental Dev.
9032073 E2 Index 3 K Keep Settings Button 2-10 L Label and Double-Click Zones 2-3 Link Error Monitor Count 3-9 Reject Count 3-9 Link Error Rate Alarm 3-9 Cutoff 3-9 Estimate 3-9 Logical P ort Labels 2.
Index F ast Ethernet SmartSwitch Module 4 Management Module Guide S Slave 3-8 SMT Information 3-8 V ersion 3-8 SNMP2_Agent 5-1 Spanning Tree Bridging 5-1 SPECTRUM P ortable Management App 1-8 SPMA Gen.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Enterasys Networks 2E43-27 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Enterasys Networks 2E43-27 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Enterasys Networks 2E43-27, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Enterasys Networks 2E43-27 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Enterasys Networks 2E43-27, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Enterasys Networks 2E43-27.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Enterasys Networks 2E43-27. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Enterasys Networks 2E43-27 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.