Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT du fabricant Emerson
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Embedded Computing f or Busines s-Critical Continuity TM RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and U se P/N: 6806800G29C Dece mber 2012.
© 2012 Emerson All rights reserved. T radem arks Emerson, Busines s-Critical Continuity, Eme rson Network Power and the Emerson Network Powe r logo are tradem arks and service marks of Eme rson Electric Co. © 2008 Eme rson Electr ic Co. All other product or service names are the prope r t y of thei r respective owners.
Contents RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 3 About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Safety Notes . . . . .
RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Insta llation and Use (68 06800G29C) Contents 4 Contents Contents Telecom Clocki ng Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Serial Interface Con nector . . . . . .
List of T abl es RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 5 T able 1-1 Stand ard Complian ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 T able 1-2 Mech anical D ata . .
RTM-ATCA-F120-OP T Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 6 List of Tables.
List of Figures RTM-ATCA-F120-O PT Installation and Use ( 6806800G29C) 7 Figure 1-1 Ove r vi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Figure 3-1 F ace Pl ate . . .
RTM-ATCA-F120-OP T Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 8 List of Figures.
RTM-ATCA-F1 20-OPT Instal lation and Use ( 6806800G29C) 9 About this Manual Overview of Contents This manu al is divided int o the foll owing ch apte rs and appendi ces.
RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Insta llation and Use (68 06800G29C) About this Manual 10 About this Manual Conv entions The follo wing table describes the con ven tions used throughout this manual.
About this Manual RTM-ATCA-F1 20-OPT Instal lation and Use ( 6806800G29C) 11 Summar y of Changes This manual has bee n revised and replac es all prior edit ions. . . . Omission o f inf ormation from exam ple/comm and that is not nec essar y at the time being .
RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Insta llation and Use (68 06800G29C) About this Manual 12 About this Manual.
RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 13 Sa fet y Notes This section provide s warning s that prec ede pot enti ally dangerou s procedures t hroughout this manu al. Instructions contained in the warning s must be follo wed during all pha ses of operation, serv ice , and repair o f this equipment.
RTM-ATCA-F120-OP T Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) Safety Notes 14 Opera tion of this equipme nt in a re siden tial ar ea is li ke ly to caus e harmful inte r fere nce in which case the u ser will be required to c orrec t the inte r fe renc e at his own expense .
Safety Notes RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 15 Dam age to RTM/Backplane or Syst em Components Be nt p in s o r lo o se co m p o ne nt s ca n c a use d am a ge t o t h e RT M , th e b a ck p la n e, o r o t he r s y s t em com p on en ts .
RTM-ATCA-F120-OP T Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) Safety Notes 16 SFP/SFP+ Module Dam age The opti cal por t plug prot ects the sensitiv e optical fibres ag ainst dir t and damage . Dir t and dam age can re nder the SFP/SFP+ module inoper able . Only remo ve the optical pl ug when y ou are ready to c onnect a cable to the SFP/SFP+ module .
RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 17 Sicherheitshinw eise Dieses K apite l enthält Hinwe ise, die pote ntiell ge fährliche n Prozedure n innerhalb dies es Handbuchs v orrangeste llt sind.
RTM-ATCA-F120-OP T Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) Sicherheitshinweise 18 EMV Da s Produkt wur de in eine m Emerson Standar dsystem getest et. Es er füllt die für digitale Gerät e der Kl asse A gültige n Gre nzwerte in ei nem solc hen Syste m gemäß de n FCC -Ri chtlinie n Abschnitt 15 bzw .
Sicherheitshinweise RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 19 Beschädi gung von Sch altkrei sen Elektr ostatisc he Entl adung und unsachge mäßer Ein- und Au sbau v on Blade s/RTMs kann Sch altkreise beschädige n oder ihre Lebe nsdauer ve rkür ze n.
RTM-ATCA-F120-OP T Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) Sicherheitshinweise 20 Ve r le t z u n g s g e f a h r Optis che SFP/SFP+-Module könne n a ls Laserprodu kte klassifizier t sein. We nn Sie so lche SFP/SFP+-Module installiere n und betreiben , so gelt en die e ntspreche nden Bestimmungen für Lase rprodukte für da s gesamte RTM.
Chapter 1 RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 21 Introduc tion 1.1 F eatures The RTM-A T C A-F120-OPT is a re ar transition module (R TM) as defined in the PICMG 3.0 revisi on 2.0 Adva ncedT CA Base Sp ecifica tion for Adv ancedT C A systems.
Introduction RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 22 Figure 1-1 Overview.
Introduction RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 23 1.2 Standard C ompliances This RTM-A T C A-F120-OPT meets the f ollowing standar ds. For Dec lara tion of Conf ormit y ref er , RTM De clar ati on of Co nfor m it y .. T able 1-1 Stan dard Com plianc es Stan dard Desc ript ion UL 60950-1 EN 60950-1 IEC 60950-1 CA N/CSA C22.
Introduction RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 24 1.3 Mechanical Data The following table lists physical dimensio ns and we ight of the R TM. 1.4 Ordering Information Consult y our local Emerson sales r epre sen t ativ e for avail able R TM varia nts and the ir order numbers.
Chapter 2 RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 25 Hardware Prepar ation and Installation 2.1 Ov er view This chapt er describes all necessary steps y ou need to take in order t o install t he RTM-A T C A- F120-OPT.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 26 Any op tional items orde red 2. Check for damage and report any dam age or diffe rence s to the cu stomer se r vice . 2.3 Environmental and P ower R equirements The following en vironmental and power requireme nts are applicable to the board.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 27 2.3.2 Po wer Requirements The RTM h as a t ypical powe r dissipation of 22W , and a maximum power dissipa tion of 30W .
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 28 2.4 Installing and Re moving the RTM The RTM can be in stalled into a po we red or non-powered syst em. 2.4.1 Installing the RTM Y ou can instal l the RT M int o a syste m if the front bl ade is alrea dy installed or if it is not instal led.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 29 4. Ensure tha t the top and the bottom h andles of the RTM are in an out ward position by squeezing the leve r and the latch together . 5. Insert t he RTM int o t he shelf by pl acing the top and bottom edges in the card guides of t he s lot .
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 30 9. F ully inser t the RTM and lock it t o the shelf b y pressing the two componen ts of the lower and the uppe r handles togethe r and turning the handles toward the fac e plate .
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 31 A switched OFF blue LED indicat es that the p ayload o f the res pective blade or R TM ha s been powe red up and is acti ve . 13. Plug interface cable into fac e plate c onnec tors, if applicable.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 32 6. Squeeze the le ve r and the la tch t ogether and hook the lower and the upper h andl e into the she lf rail recess es.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 33 The blue LEDs on both the front blade and the R TM star t flashing. This indicates tha t the front blade is in forming the shelf m anager about its desire to power up the paylo ad of bo th the front blade and the R TM.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 34 1. Unla tch the lo wer handl e out ward b y sque ezing the leve r and t he latc h togethe r and turning the handle out ward only e nough to unlat ch the handle from the face plat e , that means un til you f eel a re sistance .
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 35 3. Unlatc h the upper handle and rotate both h andles fully out war d. 4. Re move inte r face cables from face pla te connectors, if appl icable. 5. Loos en the two RTM face pl ate screws.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 36 SFP/SFP+ modu les can be inst alled/removed both while the RTM is powered and non- powe red. The prese nce and also the t ype of SFP/SFP+ module s is autom atically detected.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 37 2.5.1 Installing an SFP/SFP+ Module Procedure In orde r to install an SFP/SFP+ module, pr oceed a s follows : 1. Slide the SFP/SFP+ module in to the slot un til it locks in to posi tion.
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 38 3. Connect the net work cable to the SFP/SFP+ module SFP/SFP+ Module Dam age The optical port plug protects the se nsitive op tical fibres against dirt and damage .
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 39 2.5.2 Remo ving an SFP/SFP+ Modul e Procedure In orde r to re move an SFP/SFP+ module , proceed a s follows. 1. Re move an y connected cable from the SFP module .
Hardware Preparation and Installation RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 40 3. Grasp the SFP/SFP+ module and carefully slide it out of the slot. 4. Cov er the optical por t with the optical por t plug. SFP/SFP+ Module Dam age The optical por t plug protects the sensitive op tical fibres against dirt and damage .
Chapter 3 RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 41 Controls , LEDs and Connec t o r s 3.1 Ov er view This chap ter describes : z Fa ce p l a t e L E D s z F ace pla te Inte r fac e con.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 42 3.2 LEDs and Inter fac e Connec tors The following figure shows th e face plate o f the RTM.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 43 3.2.1 LEDs The RTM provides four LEDs at its fac e plate . Th eir meaning is described in the f ollowing table . 3.2.2 Inter face Conne cto rs The RTM pro vides access t o the following int erfaces at its fac e plate .
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 44 z T wo RJ -45 te lecom clocking in ter fac es f or inte r -shelf c locking c o nfigur ations z Seri al inte r fac e for accessing the main blade’s CPU 3.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 45 Figure 3-2 Loc ation of Ethernet F abric Channe l Uplink Int er faces BIX XG1 BIX XG2 H / S C O M 1 BIX GE2 BIX .
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 46 10 GBit Fabric Interface Channel Uplinks The four cages f or the 10 GBit uplinks can be equipped with stand ard op tical SFP+ conn ectors and suppor t Ethernet c onnec tions in compliance with the IE EEE 802.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 47 1 GBit Fabric Interface Uplinks The t wo cages for 1 G Bit connections can be equipped with st andard SFP c onnec tors for cop per and op tical connections.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 48 Acc ess t o the t wo base c hanne l 10 Gigab it uplinks is pro vided via t wo SFP+ cages l abelled BIX - XG1 to FIX-XG2. Their location is shown in the following figure.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 49 10 GBit Ba se Interface Uplinks These cage s can be equipped with standar d optical SFP+ c onnec tors for 10 Gig abit connections and suppor t Ethernet connections in compli ance with the IEEEE 802.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 50 The SFP modules can be installed/re moved bo th while the RTM is powered and non-powered. The presen ce and also the t ype of SFP modules is automatically de tec ted.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 51 Telecom Clocking Connectors The RTM provides two telec om clock ex tension connectors, named CH2 and CH3, at its face plat e. Thei r location i s shown in the f ollowing figure .
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 52 These conne c tor s all ow t he RTM to dis tr ibute telecom clock ing sig nals g enerated by an appropria te AMC module installed on the A T CA -F120 to t wo external sh elve s.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 53 Figure 3-5 Loc ation of Serial In ter fac e Connectors BIX XG1 BIX XG2 H / S C O M 1 BIX GE2 BIX GE3 BIX GE4 C L.
Controls, LEDs and Connectors RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 54 The following table describes the used pinout o f the RJ-45 connec tor . T able 3-6 Serial Int er fac e - Pinout Pin Sign al 1n . c . 2n . c . 3n . c . 4G N D 5R T M _ R X 6R T M _ T X 7n .
Chapter 4 RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 55 F unctional Description 4.1 Ov er view This chapt er c ontains the following information : z Block diagra m z Mezz anin e management .
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 56 4.2 Block Diagram The following figure shows the main func tional blocks of the RTM. Figure 4-1 Block Diagram Te l e c o m C l o c k Te l e c o m C l o c k BCM8706 MMC BCM8706 4 x 1000B-BX (BIX) 2 x 1000B-BX (FIX2) 2 x 10GB-CX4 (BIX) 4 x 10GB-CX4 (FIX2) 2 x Ext.
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 57 4.3 Mezzanine Management Controller The RTM provi des the a Mezzanine M anageme nt Co ntroller (MMC) based on the A tmega128L con trolle r which is c ompliant to the IP MI v1.
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 58 Pr esen t S FP 0 7 Ot her F RU 0x 16 Pr esen t S FP 0 8 Ot her F RU 0x 17 Pr esen t S FP 0 9 Ot her F RU 0x 18 Pr esen t S FP 1 0 Ot her F RU 0x 19 Pr esen t S FP 1 1 Ot her F RU 0x 1A Pr esen t S FP 1 2 Ot her F RU 0x 1B RTM 1.
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 59 The following figure shows the location of the on -board te mperature se nsor s.
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 60 Figure 4-2 Loc ation of IPMI T emperature Se nsors.
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT In stallation and Use (68 06800G29C) 61 For fur ther details about these sensors as well a s fur ther IPMI -rela ted informat ion, refer to the R TM- A T C A-F120-OPT: Control vi a IPMI Programmer's R eferenc e .
Functional Description RTM-ATCA-F12 0-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C ) 62.
Appendix A RTM-ATCA-F120 -OPT Installation and Use (6806800G29C) 63 A R elated Document ation A .1 Emerson Net work P ow er - Embedded Computing Docu ments The Emerson Net work Pow er - Embedded Computing pu blications listed be low are ref erenced in this manual.
Related Documentation RTM-ATCA-F120 -OPT Installation and Use (6806800G29C ) 64.
RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT Installation and Use (6 806800G29C) 65 B Block diagram 56 C conventions 10 E Environmental requiremen ts 26 F Fabric channel connect ors 44 , 47 Face plate 42 I Installation procedur.
Index RTM-ATCA-F120 -OPT Installation and Use (6806800G29C ) 66.
HOW TO R EACH LITERA TURE AND TEC HNICAL SUPPORT: Te m p e , A r i z o n a , U S A 1 800 759 1107 1 602 438 5720 Munich, Germ any +49 89 9608 0 For lite rature , training, and technical assistance and support progra ms, visit www .emersonnetworkpowe rembedde dcomputi ng.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Emerson RTM-ATCA-F120-OPT ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.